Using a cat's claw. Cat's claw capsules - instructions for use Cat's claw plant properties

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Uncaria tomentosa(Willd.), or “cat's claw,” is a tree-like vine that grows in the jungle in Peru. It has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits tumor proliferation, and has an adaptogenic, antioxidant, hypotensive and analgesic effect.
In European medicine, it is used in the form of a lyophilized extract from vine bark, which contains all the biologically active components of the plant: tetra- and pentacyclic oxyindole alkaloids, phenols and polyphenols, quinic acid glycosides, triterpenes and steroids. Oxyindole alkaloids from Uncaria tomentosa(mitraphilin, pteropodin, rhynchofilin, uncarine, speciophilin, etc.) have a pronounced immunostimulating (stimulants of phagocytosis), anti-inflammatory, antiarrhythmic, antiplatelet, hypocholesterolemic, antiviral, antiasthmatic, antiulcer, and also anticarcinogenic effect. They are capable of inhibiting MAO and have a vasodilating and muscle relaxant effect.
The phenolic fraction is represented by catechins (identified as (-)epicatechins) and proanthocyanidins. Epicatechins exhibit pronounced antimutagenic, P-vitamin and antioxidant activity. Leukoanthocyanidins have the ability to increase the sensitivity of tumor cells to the action of ionizing radiation, which helps to increase the effectiveness of radiotherapy in the treatment of patients with cancer. In addition, proanthocyanidins suppress the activity of redox enzymatic processes in tumor cells and thereby have an antitumor effect. Epicatechins also exhibit antiviral (including against viruses that cause hepatitis and herpes), antihistamine, and anticoagulant activity.
Quinic acid glycosides have antiviral, and triterpene saponins have antibacterial, antiatherosclerotic and antitumor effects.
Stigmasterol and campesterol (steroids) have antibacterial and analgesic properties, and also stimulate hair growth.

Indications for use of the drug Liana cat's claw

As part of complex therapy for radiculitis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and other systemic connective tissue diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, metabolic disorders, cholecystitis, colitis, menstrual disorders, systemic candidiasis, fibroids, impotence, viral respiratory infections, immune disorders body status, herpes, cancer. The extract can be used as a prophylactic agent.

Use of the drug Liana cat's claw

Adults and children over 12 years of age are usually prescribed 90 mg of extract once a day, half an hour before meals. The recommended duration of treatment is 2-3 months with a break of 5-7 days after each month of therapy. If necessary, taking into account the severity of the disease, it is possible to increase the dose to 270 mg and 540 mg per day.
For prevention, children under 12 years of age are prescribed 90 mg/day every other day; for therapeutic purposes - 90 mg 1 time per day.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Liana cat's claw

Condition after organ transplantation, pregnancy period, age up to 1 year.

Side effects of the drug Liana cat's claw

Special instructions for the use of the drug Liana cat's claw

You should stop taking the extract at least 1 month before your planned pregnancy.

Interactions of the drug Liana cat's claw

Not marked.

Overdose of the drug Liana cat's claw, symptoms and treatment

The extract is non-toxic even with a significant overdose. With a single dose of 2.7 g of extract, no signs of poisoning were observed.

List of pharmacies where you can buy Liana cat's claw:

  • Saint Petersburg

Immunomodulatory properties.
2. Prevent or slow down the growth of cancer cells - oncoprotective properties.
3. Normalize the functionality of the cardiovascular system, prevent thrombosis and regulate blood pressure - a cardioprotective property.
4. Cat's claw removes waste and toxins from the intercellular space and from the intestines - detoxifying property.
5. Anti-inflammatory properties.
6. Promotes accelerated healing of ulcers - antiulcer properties.
7. Antiparasitic properties.

Functional Action of Cat's Claw

The most important functional effect of Cat's Claw preparations is the activation of phagocytes (immune cells), which neutralize the active effect of cancer cells, stop their division and “put control” of the immune system. Cat's claw normalizes the level of immunoglobulins in the body - antibodies that neutralize the activity of foreign agents. This means that Cat’s Claw preparations normalize the phagocytic link of our immunity - the basis of the immune system.

Among other things, these drugs activate the production of immune mediators, which provide “communication” or the transfer of information between immune cells. Thus, Cat's Claw ensures the coordinated work of the immune system to protect the body. And this is a complex job: the system “receives” a signal that a foreign element has invaded the body, it identifies it, “determines” methods for neutralizing this element, “transmits a command” to the appropriate immune cells and they do the work, after which the immune system “commands” others cells to remove foreign agents from the body.

Cat's claw contains proanthocyanidin, which neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals on the body, which slows down the processes of cellular aging.

Thanks to the alkaloid rincofilin (part of the vine bark), Cat's Claw preparations help improve the rheological properties of blood, which prevents thrombus formation. Improving the rheological properties of blood “relieves” the load from the heart muscle, which makes it easier to work.

Triterpenes, polyphenols and plant styrene, which are part of Cat's Claw, slow down or completely suppress the division of cancer cells, and also inhibit inflammatory processes.

Glycyretic acid and glycosidic glycyrrhizin in this vine stop the division of viruses in cells by destroying their genetic material.

Facts about using Cat Root

In the mid-80s of the last century in Peru, over the course of four years, studies were conducted on the effects of Cat's Claw on the human body in the complex treatment of various oncological diseases. The study included 700 patients. The successful results of this work were presented at the international congress in Lima in 1988.

Scientists at the University of Mlan have found that Cat's Claw inhibits the human immunodeficiency virus. These studies were conducted on seven volunteers. Five people who took drugs containing Cat's Claw experienced noticeable improvements. Moreover, in the initial stage of the disease, the manifestations of this pathology disappeared. These studies were conducted in 1992, and the condition of these patients is currently stable.

Cat root indications and contraindications

Preparations from this plant are used:
- in immunodeficiency states;
- for autoimmune diseases (including lupus erythematosus);
- for immune diseases;
- for gastrointestinal diseases of various etiologies (Crohn's disease, ulcers, gastritis, hemorrhoids, candidiasis, dysbacteriosis...);
- for infectious diseases (including acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections)
- for neurodermatitis;
- for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (including arterial hypertension);
- for the prevention and treatment of cancer;
- during chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
- for chronic fatigue syndrome;
- for depression;
- for herpes viral pathologies;

Contraindications for Cat Root:
- individual intolerance to drug components;
- periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Cat root instructions for use

Our preparations based on this plant have clear instructions for use, which we advise you to study before using the drug. But there are general recommendations.

While taking medications, drink water - at least 1.5-2.0 liters per day. Water carries microelements throughout the body (acts as a “transport”), which increases the effectiveness of Cat’s Claw preparations.

How to choose cat root preparations

We will give advice to help you make the right choice when purchasing the drug.

Firstly, pay attention to the percentage of Cat Root in tablets or capsules of the drug, since, as a rule, this plant is used with others and its content in the drug is scanty, and the price is high.

Second, evaluate the drug based on the duration of the course of therapy. It happens that a ten-day course costs the same as a monthly course.

Thirdly, keep in mind that coarsely ground cat root, which is usually present in tablets, is poorly absorbed by the body, for this reason we advise you to buy preparations with this plant in capsule form. In addition, the capsule protects the crushed bark from external exposure to air and the drug retains its properties for a long period.
We do not recommend buying cat root in liquid form, as it will be an alcohol solution or saturated with chemical preservatives.

Cat root price and how to buy

We offer you to buy preparations of this plant in our store in three ways:
- call our manager and order the drug;
- place an order “through the cart”;
- pick up.
Delivery to regions of Russia and abroad without delays in the shortest possible time, form of payment - at your choice.

Cat root reviews

Fedor Mironovich Ch., 74 years old, St. Petersburg
“I don’t know a better drug for maintaining health than the Cat Root of the NSP company. My granddaughter “introduced” me to this drug, she is my doctor. For four years she brings me jars every three months and I drink them. Since I was 70 years old My health is improving, the years are passing, and I feel better than 4 years ago..."

Egor Aleksandrovich N., 57 years old, Novosibirsk
“I took two courses of chemotherapy (lung cancer), during this period I used Cat’s Claw with the probiotic Unibacter. The doctors were surprised that after these courses my immunity remained in working order and my recovery was progressing at a good pace...”

Capsules Cat's claw- a herbal preparation that has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antioxidant effects.

Pharmacological properties

One of the natural immunostimulants is the Cat's Claw vine. Due to its properties, this plant is successfully used both to strengthen the immune system and to support other body systems.

In particular, the use of cat's claw is effective for inflammatory processes in the joints and organs of the reproductive system.

There is also a normalization of blood pressure and a decrease in the likelihood of plaque formation in blood vessels.

In the presence of stomach and duodenal ulcers, their scarring accelerates, and the liver’s work in processing and removing toxins from the body improves.

Thus, the use of the medicinal plant Cat's Claw can help increase the body's defenses for preventive purposes and for inflammatory processes, bacterial and viral infections, especially in winter.

Indications for use

Cat claw It is recommended to take it as a drug that increases and strengthens the immune system in case of frequent colds more than 4-6 times a year, herpes, frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases, increased fatigue, weakness, weakness.

Mode of application

If necessary, the course can be increased to 3 months.


Taking capsules is contraindicated Cat claw for persons who have undergone organ transplantation, individual sensitivity to components, women at least 2 months before planned pregnancy, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 12 years of age.

Storage conditions

A drug Cat claw should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children, at room temperature.

Release form

Cat's claw - capsules.

Packaging: 60, 180 capsules.


1 capsule Cat's claw contains 500 mg of dry extract of cat's claw bark (Uncaria tomentosa).

Main settings

ATX code: L03AX -

Cat's claw is a biologically active food supplement that has a pronounced immunostimulating and restorative effect in case of poor nutrition, increased mental and physical stress. Available in the form of capsules for oral use.

Description and pharmacological action of Cat's Claw

According to the instructions for the drug, the dietary supplement includes the root of Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw), which contains phytosterols, polyphenols, triterpenes and oxyindole alkaloids.

The active ingredient of the dietary supplement is a perennial plant from the Rubiaceae family. It is a tree-like liana that grows in the tropical forests of Central and South America, as well as in the foothills and banks of the Amazon in Peru. Such a vine can reach 50 m in length and 15-20 cm in thickness. The inner bark of the root is used as a medicinal raw material, the concentration of useful substances in which reaches its maximum.

As a result of numerous studies, a rich composition of healing substances contained in the fibers of this plant has been established.

The main biologically active components of Cat's Claw are alkaloids, which include quinic acid glycosides, organic acids, bioflavonoids, plant steroids, polyphenol and phenol, isorhynchophylline and rhynchophylline, isomitraphylline and mitraphylline, uncarine, pteropodine, isopteropodine and other substances. The mechanism of action of the drug is due to the group of isopteropodins it contains, the mechanism of action of which is to activate T-lymphocytes that destroy tumor cells in tissues.

When used, Cat's Claw stimulates the processes of phagocytosis in tissues, normalizes the balance of immunoglobulins in the blood, improves the rheological characteristics of the blood, and significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis in the vascular bed. The drug has cytostatic and anti-inflammatory properties, and its components eliminate viruses and disrupt the replication mechanism of their DNA structures.

Since ancient times, powder from the dried bark of the plant has been used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, eliminate symptoms of viral infections, colds, cancer, arthritis, impotence and sexual dysfunction in men.

When used, Cat's Claw acts at the cellular level, exerting a powerful immunostimulating effect on the body, as a result of which it restores its functional activity.

Indications for use of Cat's Claw

A dietary supplement is prescribed to stabilize the overall hormonal levels of the body, as well as for therapy:

  • Depression and mental disorders;
  • Thrombosis, circulatory and blood clotting disorders;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Muscle pain of various origins;
  • Gynecological diseases and premenstrual syndrome;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Arthritis.

In accordance with the instructions, Cat's Claw effectively eliminates the effects of intoxication with drugs, radiation and chemical therapy. The drug is recommended as an immunostimulating and general strengthening agent for people who have a disrupted diet and/or reduced physical activity.

Methods of use and dosage of Cat's Claw

Take this medication orally, 1 capsule with meals. Frequency of application – 2 times a day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending doctor.

Side effects

In reviews of Cat's Claw, there are no reports of cases of adverse reactions from the body while taking the drug.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to this drug are individual intolerance to the components included in its composition, childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

People who have donor organs should not take Cat's Claw in order to prevent the process of organ rejection.


In the reviews of Cat's Claw there is no data on an overdose of the drug.

Analogs of Cat's Claw

According to the mechanism of action and active substance, the analogue of Cat's Claw is Unya de Gato.

Additional Information

Cat's claw is not a drug, but you should consult your doctor before using it.

The instructions for Cat's Claw indicate that the capsules should be stored in a dark, dry, cool place out of reach of children.

Available from pharmacies over the counter.

The shelf life of the dietary supplement is 3 years.

Cat's claw is a tropical vine that belongs to the Rubiaceae family. This plant grows in Guinea, Peru and Southeast Asia. This is why cat's claw is used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat various diseases. Cat's claw is used in various pharmaceutical companies. The plant has different trade names.

Preparations based on cat's claw help prevent and eliminate all kinds of diseases, including such serious problems as a malignant tumor. Medicines based on tropical vines are world-class medicines, taking which people quickly improve their health.

The plant and medicinal product Cat's claw is used in various fields of traditional and folk medicine.

The bark of this plant is used to increase immunity, treat diseases of the digestive tract, increase potency, and treat arthritis. Scientists have also discovered that the active ingredients in cat's claw even help destroy cancer cells.

As part of a complex treatment, this plant helps to cope with the following diseases:

  • Acute respiratory infections - ARVI, influenza;
  • Viral infections – hepatitis, herpes, chlamydia, HIV;
  • All types of poisoning (domestic, medicinal, man-made, food poisoning), as well as use to improve the condition during chemotherapy or radiation exposure;
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.;
  • Benign and malignant tumors: fibroadenomas, fibroids, cysts, leukemia, cancer;
  • Hypertension;
  • Diabetes;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diseases of the joints and soft tissues – arthritis, rheumatism, bursitis, etc.;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women and men;
  • Varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • Skin diseases – eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis;
  • Poor circulation, etc.

Cat's claw is included in many medicines. Medicines with the same name “Cat's Claw” are also produced.

The plant works at the cellular level, improving the functioning of the whole organism.

The vine got its name because of its thorns, which resemble the shape of a cat's claws.

Dried herb (tea) with cat's claw: instructions

If you buy a medicine in the form of dried raw materials, then you need to make medicinal teas: take 250 ml of water for 1-2 teaspoons of raw materials. You can take cat's claw tea 3 times a day every day.

You can combine this herb with other medicinal plants: echinacea, astragalus, maitake, reishi mushrooms, etc.

Cat's claw in capsules: instructions for use

Capsules "Cat's Claw" are a dietary supplement that is used mainly to improve immunity and treat various inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, most people believe that cat's claw is used only to increase the body's defenses. Although the effect of this herb is much broader.

The active ingredient of the capsules is powder from the bark of the Peruvian vine Uncaria Tomentosa. Auxiliary components of the drug: vitamin C, D3, eggshell, L-Lysine.

The instructions for use indicate that you need to take 1 capsule before meals, 3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 2 capsules, and the daily dose is 6 capsules.

Cat's claw tablets: instructions

The active ingredient of the tablets is dry uncaria bark extract. And the auxiliary elements are sodium benzoate, corn starch, silicon dioxide, etc.

Tablets with cat's claw are prescribed as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic agent

Most often, the medicine is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, colitis, diseases of the genitourinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis, metabolic disorders, etc.


You need to take the pills three times a day, 1 tablet half an hour before meals. Duration of use – no more than 3 months. Then a break is taken, after which the course of treatment can be continued.

Cream-balm “Cat's claw”

The tropical liana of the Rubiaceae family is used not only for internal use. Medicinal balms are even made from the inner bark of the plant, prescribed to eliminate inflammatory processes, restore elasticity of joints, relieve stiffness of movement, and improve the condition of arthritis and arthrosis. Cream with cat's claw improves joint mobility, prevents destructive processes in joints and cartilage, and removes discomfort in the spine and muscles.

In this form of release the drug is used in the treatment of joints


Preparations based on cat's claw are produced by various companies, such as NSP, Santegra, Nature's Way, Altera Holding, Swanson and others.


It is prohibited to use cat's claw in any form if you have the following health problems and conditions:

  • Children under 12 years old;
  • During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can cause miscarriage or problems in the baby;
  • In case of individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • For people who have received donor organs, a cat's claw can trigger the process of rejection of foreign tissue/organ.

Side effects of cat's claw

Cat's claw has a contraceptive effect. If you are planning to have a child, then you should stop taking cat's claw internally at least 2 months before the planned pregnancy.

Reviews from doctors about cat's claw

Therapists, urologists, orthopedists, oncologists and other specialists speak positively about the drug "Cat's Claw". Due to the naturalness of the drug and its high efficiency, specialistssucceeds cure patients from various diseases: from osteochondrosis to the treatment of malignant tumors.

The drug is popular in many areas of medicine

Treatment of cancer with cat's claw

The effect of this plant has been subjected to numerous studies.

30 years ago (in 1988), Dr. Keplinger conducted a large-scale study, which involved over 700 patients with various types and degrees of cancer.

The study was carried out over a period of 4 years. And then the scientist made a sensational discovery: the Cat's Claw plant really had a positive effect on patients, improving their condition after surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Patients participating in the study noted an improvement in their health.

Cost of cat claw

The price of a drug depends on the type of manufacturer and the form of release of the drug. The cost of capsules/tablets varies from 300 to 2000 rubles.

The price of the drug depends on the form of release and weight of the drug


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