Approximate cost estimate for the construction of a residential building. An example of calculating an estimate for the construction of a house made of foam concrete blocks

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Every person knows that any business must begin with calculations. When you are getting ready to hang wallpaper in your house, calculate the costs you will need for wallpaper, glue, putty, and painter’s work. If you want to build a table with your own hands, calculate the cost of boards, screws, and PVA glue.

When building a house, you need to take into account all construction stages and their costs. Such indicators are concentrated in the working draft in the section of the estimate documentation.

How to make an estimate for building a house without loss and revision?

Designers, estimators, foremen, and other categories of engineers and builders know how to draw up an estimate for the construction of a house. Ordinary people who are not involved in construction work, but who have started building a home, have some idea about this. Their desire is clear: they do not want to overpay extra amounts. If a person is persistent and purposeful, it will not be difficult for him to perform the calculations himself. Sample estimates for building a house are widely available on the Internet.

Estimate documentation is prepared based on calculations, which presents points with indicators:

  • serial number;
  • numbers of estimates and calculations;
  • names of the construction stage;
  • estimated cost, which consists of the costs of construction and installation work, the use of materials, and other expenses;
  • total estimated cost.

Estimates signed by the compiler’s management and the customer are considered a monetary document, which is the basis for the actual performance of work, participation in a tender, etc.

When drawing up an estimate for building a house, all important and minor items are taken into account. Sometimes it seems to the customer that the inclusion of a particular expense item is not at all necessary. But during construction, unforeseen expenses “loom” that are not taken into account in the documentation. The customer understands this and includes 5-10% in the documentation for unforeseen overhead costs. These may be funds aimed at obtaining permits from fire authorities, gas workers, electricians, water suppliers and other permitting authorities, or other types of expenses.

An approximate example of an estimate for the construction of a house made of wood covered with metal tiles

We will try and introduce you to sample estimate for the construction of a house made of wood with an area of ​​150 sq.m.

Object name: wooden house
Technology: log construction
Total area: 150 sq.m
Total estimated cost: 1 million 630 thousand 244 rubles (1,630,244 rubles)
Base: design documentation, drawings

  • 1. Carrying out geological, hydrogeological, topographic survey work on the site for the construction of a house (sq.m) 200x100= 20,000 rubles
  • 2. Ground work to remove the humus layer of soil (cub.m) 10x450=4500 rub.
  • 3. Digging a trench for a foundation with a width of 600 mm (cub.m)
    50x575=28,750 rub.
  • 4. Manual trench leveling with soil compaction (m2)
    22x689=14,960 rub.
  • 5. Backfilling sand and crushed stone into the ditch (m3) 12x1200=14,400.
    This also includes the cost of material 12x600 = 7200
    Total for this position 14,400 +7200= 21600
  • 6. Installation and, after complete hardening, dismantling of formwork (m2)
    this also includes the cost of renting formwork 60x250=15000;
    total for this position 6000+15000= 21000

  • 7. Tying longitudinal steel reinforcement D12 and transverse reinforcement D8 (m3). The consumption of 60 kg of rolled metal per 1 m3 of concrete is provided.
    Work 20x1800=36000;
    requirement for fittings D12 and D8 20x60=1200 kg. If the price of reinforcement for 1 ton is 26,000 rubles, then the cost of the material is 1.2 x 2600 = 31,200.
    Total for the 7th position 36000+31200= 67200
  • 8. Pouring concrete mixture 20x2500=50000;
    cost of concrete 20x5000=100,000
    Total cost of 8th item. 50000+100000=150000
  • 9. Performing waterproofing of vertical foundation walls (using hot bitumen applied twice) (m2) 80x150=12000
    Cost of materials 80x45=3600
    Total for the 9th position 12000+3600=15600
  • 10. Sanding logs with a plane (linear meters) 572x66=37752
  • 11. Finish, 2-sided grinding of logs (m2) 572x400=228800
  • 12. Alignment of corners (pcs.) 8x1500=12000
  • 13. Rolling logs (pcs.) 2x1500=3000
  • 14. Carrying out work on disinfecting logs with special solutions (linear meters) 580x15=8700
    cost of septic tanks 580x20=11600
    Total 8700+11600=20300
  • 15. Installation of the log house on the foundation (m2) 150x550=82500;
    materials 150x1500=225000;
    total for the 15th item. 82500+225000=307500
  • 16. Double-sided curling of tow, (linear m) 572x50=28600;
    material 572x3=1716;
    total for 16th item. 28600+1716=30316
  • 17. Double-sided caulking of a log house, (linear m) 572x140=80080;
    material 572x3=1716;
    total for the 17th item. 80080+1716=81796
  • 18. Cutting of window and door openings, installation of windows and doors (pcs.)
  • 14x2000=28000;
    material 14x2500=35000;
    total for the 18th item. 28000+ 35000=63000
  • 19. Installation of beams, installation of floors, laying subfloor (m2)
    materials 5522.38x6.7=37000;
    total for 19th item. 10240+ 37000=47240
  • 20. Cladding of walls, ceiling, roof, finishing flooring (m2) 390x325=126750
    materials 7586.2x5.8=44000
    in total for 20 items. 126750+44000=170750
  • 21. Painting (m2) 144x50=7200;
    paint and other materials 144x70=10080;
    total 7200+10080=17280
  • 22. Roof assembly with installation of sheathing (m2) 135x750=101250;
    materials 5400x2.5=13500;
    total 101250+13500=114750
  • 23. Installation of metal tiles (m2) 135x300=40500;
    cost of metal tiles and fasteners 135x350=47250;
    total 40500+47250=87750
  • 24. Finishing the base with stone (m2) 22x2200=48400;
  • 25. Installation of metal entrance doors, 2 sets (m2) 2x3500=7000;
    material 2x4500=9000;
    total for the 25th item. 7000+9000=16000

Total according to estimate: RUB 1,630,244

  • — for materials: RUB 592,862
  • — for the execution of work: RUB 1,037,382

As you can see, making an approximate estimate for building a house is not very difficult if you know the consumption of materials, standard prices and current prices. The article also provides a sample of estimates for a residential building made of aerated blocks (see figure).


Every person can calculate construction costs. But specialists do this more skillfully and competently. Sometimes they overestimate the amounts for individual items. In order to regulate the indicators, the owners can perform the calculations themselves or turn to the help of other organizations.

The construction of a house or building begins with calculations and drawing up an estimate, taking into account the materials used, the work performed and the cost of renting special equipment. That is why in construction it is customary to use estimates that clearly reflect the financial costs of constructing a specific object. The estimate applies to all types of buildings. In this article we will tell you what a house estimate is and how it can be calculated, as well as how much it costs to calculate an estimate.

Composition of the construction estimate

An estimate for the construction of a house is the main document for specialists; without it, not a single developer will carry out the construction of a building. The main financial costs fall on the purchase of building materials and additional elements for them. When calculating estimates, you should take into account such parameters as:

  • volume of planned work;
  • technology used;
  • construction time;
  • number of specialists on the project;
  • volume and terms of financing of the facility.

These criteria will allow the customer to monitor the timing of the construction process and check certain types of work. The main task that the estimate for building a house solves is:

  • adherence to a clear work schedule;
  • amount of financing during the period of work.

To perform calculations, the customer can submit applications to several companies at once; to do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement for the preparation of the document. As a result, a house estimate compiled by different specialists will differ in the final cost, this is due to the fact that each company contributes its suppliers of materials and specialists performing the work. After reviewing several documents, you can compare and choose for yourself the most optimal option in terms of money and without compromising the future design.

Be sure to include minor or unexpected expenses at 15% of the total cost of the property. This may include transportation costs, payment for obtaining various certificates related to construction.

Acquisition of land and performing calculations

Construction costs, as a rule, begin with the inclusion of the cost of the land plot in the expenditure part of the document. Land is acquired in several ways that do not contradict the law:

  • purchase of a plot from the previous owner;
  • redemption from state property;
  • obtain a plot of land free of charge, subject to the availability of free land.

When purchasing a plot of land, be sure to draw up an agreement; this document will help you avoid fraudulent transactions and protect you legally. The contract must contain:

  • subject of the agreement: purpose of the site, its category and total area;
  • the price of the plot agreed upon by the sellers and the buyer.
  • When the transaction has already been completed, state registration of the transfer of ownership rights is carried out. For this, the following documents are submitted to the justice system:
  • application-registration;
  • receipt of payment for registration of the site;
  • purchase and sale agreement;
  • passport and additional identity documents;
  • cadastral plan.

The entire package of documents is accepted by the relevant authority and the decision is made within the period established by law, which is one month.

For information! When several construction processes are carried out by different contractors, it is necessary to prepare estimates for construction work for each type of work.

The price of such a document can vary from 9 to 40 dollars, because... The calculation depends on the number of positions in the document. The period for drawing up documentation is from 1 day, depending on the urgency.

How to make an estimate

Calculating future construction costs is a matter for specialists, but if you are confident in your abilities, you can draw up an estimate for construction yourself. The photo shows an example of an estimate for the construction of a frame house. Procedure for drawing up the document:

  • decide on the amount of materials;
  • find the necessary equipment;
  • negotiate with construction specialists.

When you already have an idea of ​​what the house will be built from, what it will look like, in which part of the site it will be located, what materials will be used, it will not be difficult to calculate the final amount. It is worth noting that there are now a large number of construction forums on the Internet where you can download a blank estimate document form or compose it yourself in an office program.

So, how to make an estimate for the construction of a wooden house? To prepare a cost estimate you must:

  • Decide on the sequence of actions, understand what work should be entrusted to construction organizations, and what you can do yourself.
  • The following is the calculation of the estimate, depending on the use of construction technologies. It consists of determining the volume of building materials and structures and their application.
  • When all this data is already available, you can find a company providing construction services, look at the prices, and find out the cost of materials and work.
  • Next, the component takes all the obtained values ​​and transfers them to its table, where the totals will be summed up for each type of work or product.
  • When all the data is filled in in the columns: name, cost of work, unit of measurement, you can perform a general summation of the project. For convenience, you can put the final figure on the right side of the table; for this you need to configure the formula. This calculation can be performed for a structure made of any material and design.

In a similar way, they calculate the amount of materials and the amount of work for all types of houses, regardless of what they are built from.

Cost calculation for foundation, roofing and finishing materials

The estimate for construction work must necessarily contain information about the foundation, roofing and finishing materials; these items are the most expensive. In order to understand how to calculate the volume of material for the foundation of a house, you should multiply the perimeter, height and thickness of the foundation. As a result, we will get the volume and find out the cost of 1 cubic meter. m of concrete and multiply it by the resulting value. It is very easy to calculate the roofing material; for this you need to take the total roof area and the cost per 1 sq.m. from the project for the house. material, and then multiply them together. Calculating the cost of finishing is the most troublesome task; for this you will need to multiply the wall area by the cost of 1 sq.m. each type of product.

We invite you to watch a video that shows how to calculate estimates

Drawing up an estimate for the construction of a house -. Decisions made by designers can seriously affect the cost of construction, increasing or decreasing the cost of work or materials

And if a decrease in cost does not bring problems to the developer, then its increase can seriously damage the company’s reputation, especially. If it occurs after approval of the final amount with the customer.

Estimate for building a house

Estimate for building a house reflects the costs that need to be carried out for all types of work, for example,. Of course, it’s simply impossible to calculate everything, so the estimate for building a house should also include unforeseen expenses. Contingency may be approximately 2%. However, a construction company cannot take money only for the cost of work. She needs to make a profit and give wages to the workers. Basically, 15% of the total amount is allocated for these needs.

In the estimate for building a house, you can also take into account all kinds of unforeseen expenses. As you know, they make up about 2%. And, of course, the profit of the company should be included in the estimate. Basically, about 15% of the total amount is allocated to it. This part of the amount is necessary, because no one will act to their detriment. As a rule, the client is allowed to edit the estimate; he has the right to agree on the type of plumbing used, the presence or absence of built-in furniture and other issues. If the customer wants to purchase something individually, then this must also be specified and recorded in special documentation.

The estimate is of great use - in the future it will be a great help in monitoring the stages of construction, as well as paying for the work done.

How to make an estimate for building a house

To draw up an estimate, you need to take the calculation of labor costs as a basis and write out all the work. Using the table editor M. Excel is extremely convenient to do this. The only difficulty is to find all the work in EREPs (unified regional unit prices). These documents are selected depending on the construction area. This is very important, since labor costs, as well as materials, vary in different cities.

To answer the question: how to make an estimate for building a house, it should be noted that in this case it is necessary to have collections of EPEPs also in electronic form (to facilitate searching). When drawing up an estimate, as well as when drawing up a cost estimate, opposite the planned work, enter their volume, converted into units of measurement indicated in units, for example, 100 m2 or 1000 m2... Next, direct costs are written out from the collection. The adjacent three columns include the costs of wages, operation of machinery and mechanisms, as well as costs of materials. These three columns add up to the direct costs.

After this, it is necessary to calculate how much the cost of the work will be, namely the direct costs of the specified amount of work (it is also calculated how much needs to be paid to the workers, spent on the purchase of materials and depreciation of machines and mechanisms (the latter also includes the operator’s salary)).

What should be in the construction estimate?

Below the entire table are calculated:

  • Total direct costs
  • Total cost of basic salary
  • Total cost of operating machines and mechanisms
  • Total cost of materials
  • Total cost of equipment
  • Total standard labor costs
  • Total overhead costs
  • Total planned savings (estimated profit)
  • Total with planned savings.

Despite the amount of work done, we have not yet received the construction cost, for this we need to calculate:


The last resulting value will be the construction cost.

In this lesson we come close to defining construction cost. All data were obtained using EPEP. Having this table and knowing how to navigate the specified collection of standards, you can find out the direct costs. They include wages, operation of mechanisms and machinery, as well as the cost of building materials. You will learn how to compose local estimate for the construction of a new facility.

In order not to burden you with calculations associated with converting the results obtained into rubles at the exchange rate, I will simply say that the table located under the main table does this work for you. There is no need to publish it in this article, since the points associated with it need to be explained. Below is a local estimate, which forms the largest and most important part of the economic section of the house project. In addition to this, you need to prepare:

  • , which is compiled according to

Local estimates

No. Justification according to EPEP Name of works Unit of work Scope of work Unit cost Cost of the scope of work
Total PP including Total PP including
Salary EMM We're standing. mat. Salary EMM We're standing. mat.
1 1-276 Preliminary (rough) leveling of areas using bulldozers with a power of 80 hp. 100m2 21,36 0,95 0,00 0,95 0,00 20,29 0,00 20,29 0,00
2 1-231 Cutting the vegetation layer with soil movement up to 10 m, with an 80 hp bulldozer. 1000m3 2,14 44,90 0,00 44,90 0,00 95,91 0,00 95,91 0,00
3 1-163 Excavation of soil using a tracked and wheeled excavator with loading onto dump trucks, with a bucket with a capacity of 1 m³ 1000m3 1,91 117,00 3,57 113,16 0,27 223,59 6,82 216,25 0,52
4 1-1131 Manual planning of areas 100m2 6,54 7,15 7,15 0,00 0,00 46,76 46,76 0,00 0,00
5 1-268 Backfilling with a bulldozer 1m2 57,46 20,80 0,00 20,80 0,00 1195,17 0,00 1195,17 0,00
6 1-1150 Compacting soil without watering with one pass of a pneumatic trailed roller weighing 25 tons. With a layer thickness of 30cm 100m3 0,57 4,76 0,00 4,76 0,00 2,74 0,00 2,74 0,00
7 8-10 Sand base installation 1m3 0,64 10,60 0,40 0,32 9,10 6,78 0,26 0,20 5,82
Foundations 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
8 6-22 Laying blocks and slabs of strip foundations with pit depths of up to 4 m and structure weights of up to 3.5 tons PC 87,00 4,89 1,20 3,69 0,00 425,43 104,40 321,03 0,00
9 8-3 Horizontal waterproofing CPR with liquid glass 100m² 1,14 96,40 19,60 1,50 75,30 109,90 22,34 1,71 85,84
10 8-27 Vertical waterproofing with bitumen 100m2 2,84 90,00 19,50 1,50 69,00 255,60 55,38 4,26 195,96
11 7-403 Laying foundation blocks over 1.5 tons PC 224,00 2,64 0,61 2,03 0,00 591,36 136,64 454,72 0,00
Walls and partitions 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
12 8-30 Laying walls from a cauldron 1m3 1131,88 40,70 2,21 0,81 37,68 46067,52 2501,45 916,82 42649,24
13 8-43 Reinforced partitions, 0.5 brick thick 100m2 7,61 582,00 74,00 7,70 500,30 4429,02 563,14 58,60 3807,28
Installation of reinforced concrete elements 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
14 7-463 Laying spanning floor slabs with a weight of up to 5 tons and a building height of up to 30 m PC 360,00 3,09 1,39 1,06 0,64 1112,40 500,40 381,60 230,40
15 E7-653 Installation of slabs of balconies and canopies in brick and block buildings with an area of ​​up to 5 m2 PC 16,00 6,99 2,81 4,08 1,57 111,84 44,96 65,28 25,12
16 7-295 Installation of staircases supported by walls and beams up to 5t and building height up to 30m PC 18,00 3,85 1,54 4,70 0,61 69,30 27,72 84,60 10,98
17 7-298 Installation of flights of stairs supported on a wall up to 5t and building height up to 30m PC 18,00 4,12 4,66 2,44 0,02 74,16 83,88 43,92 0,36
18 10-254 Fencing staircase landings with railings m 51,00 50,20 23,10 4,10 23,00 2560,20 1178,10 209,10 1173,00
Filling openings
19 10-72 Filling window openings with blocks in residential and public buildings. Installation of window blocks in stone walls with paired sashes, opening area, m2 m2 201,00 3,01 0,93 0,30 1,78 605,01 186,93 60,30 357,78
20 10-105 Installation of door blocks in stone buildings, opening area up to 3m2 m2 294,00 1,45 0,55 0,35 0,55 426,30 161,70 102,90 161,70
21 10-155 Installation and fastening of platbands 100m boxes 8,05 4,43 4,16 0,13 0,14 35,66 33,49 1,05 1,13
22 10-140 Caulking of door frames, opening area up to 3m2 1 m2 opening 294,00 1,34 0,20 0,00 1,14 393,96 58,80 0,00 335,16
Roofing device 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
23 E-10-248 roof assembly with installation of rafters, struts, purlins, sheathing, and covering with metal tiles 1 m2 756,00 0,61 0,31 0,04 0,26 461,16 234,36 30,24 196,56
24 E 10-249 Assembling cornices 1 m2 0,97 0,89 0,80 0,03 0,06 0,86 0,77 0,03 0,06
26 E 12-284 Insulation of coatings with mineral or glass slabs in one layer on bitumen mastic 100m2 7,56 55,10 28,40 4,00 22,70 416,56 214,70 30,24 171,61
27 E 10-71 Installation of dormer windows 1 PC 24,00 16,30 3,50 0,30 12,50 391,20 84,00 7,20 300,00
28 E 12-276 Roofing installation 100m2 7,56 39,80 18,10 15,30 13,50 300,89 136,84 115,67 102,06
28 E 9-101* Combined steel suspended ceilings with gypsum board cladding 100m2 2,71 483,00 296,00 66,00 121,00 1308,93 802,16 178,86 327,91
E 11-50 Heat and sound insulation of expanded clay floors m-400 m3 36 21,20 1,80 1,08 18,32 763,20 64,80 38,88 659,52
Linoleum 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
27 11-55 Screed from TsPR M-150 20mm thick 100m2 6,75 73,70 9,88 0,95 62,87 497,48 66,69 6,41 424,37
29 11-205 Installation of coverings using "bustilat" glue and polyvinyl chloride linoleum on a fabric base of grade "A" 100m2 6,75 522,00 43,60 0,75 477,65 3523,50 294,30 5,06 3224,14
ceramic 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
30 11-55 Installation of cement screed from M-150 mortar 20mm thick 100m2 2,35 73,70 9,88 0,95 62,87 173,20 23,22 2,23 147,74
28 11-47 Installation of coating waterproofing in 1 layer of bm, 2 mm thick 100m2 2,35 45,60 20,90 3,75 20,95 107,16 49,12 8,81 49,23
31 11-134 Installation of multi-color ceramic tile coverings 100m2 2,35 509,00 61,40 4,52 443,08 1196,15 144,29 10,62 1041,24
parquet 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
32 11-188 Installation of flooring from parquet boards with a face covering of oak, ash, elm or maple 1m2 10,17 21,20 0,43 0,03 20,74 215,60 4,37 0,31 210,93
Interior decoration 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
33 Simple plastering of walls (basement) with lime mortar on stone and concrete 100m2 7,48 94,00 32,00 5,60 56,40 703,12 239,36 41,89 421,87
34 15-246 Plastering of internal walls (improved) 100m2 68,43 119,00 40,00 6,20 72,80 8143,17 2737,20 424,27 4981,70
35 15-210 Plastering slopes up to 200mm wide 100m 11,11 37,00 17,60 1,10 18,30 411,07 195,54 12,22 203,31
36 15-502 Improved surface painting (ceiling, water-based compositions) 100m2 1,67 8,44 3,60 0,06 4,78 14,12 6,02 0,10 7,99
37 15-508 Lime paint on plaster 100m2 7,78 5,84 4,90 0,05 0,89 45,44 38,12 0,39 6,92
38 15-802 Pasting walls with wallpaper on improved primed plaster 100m2 44,15 13,70 37,60 15,30 22,30 604,86 1660,04 675,50 984,55
39 15-90 Wall cladding with ceramic tiles on brick and concrete, in residential buildings 100m2 10,00 497,00 119,00 2,00 376,00 4970,00 1190,00 20,00 3760,00
Oil painting 100m2 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
40 15-565 Improved oil painting for wood window fillings 100m2 5,05 107,00 77,40 0,07 29,53 540,35 390,87 0,35 149,13
41 15-564 Improved oil painting of door fillers 100m2 9,44 80,40 50,80 0,08 29,52 759,30 479,76 0,76 278,79
42 15-614 Oil painting of steel frames, gratings, sanitary fixtures, pipes... in 2 times 100m2 0,77 60,80 38,40 0,03 22,37 46,82 29,57 0,02 17,22
43 15-568-18 Improved painting of walls with oil compositions 100m2 2,18 79,60 30,60 0,90 48,10 173,21 66,59 1,96 104,67
44 15-707 Glazing of double windows opening in one direction (Stelor) 3mm 100m2 3,03 242,00 25,20 1,50 215,30 733,26 76,36 4,55 652,36
Exterior decoration 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
45 15-224-25 High-quality facade plaster with cement-lime mortar 100m2 13,71 210,00 86,00 6,33 117,37 2879,10 1179,06 86,78 1609,14
Blind area 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
46 11-6 Construction of underlying layers of crushed stone 100m2 1,17 13,60 1,82 1,06 10,72 15,84 2,12 1,23 12,49
47 11-83 Installation of cast asphalt concrete coatings 25mm thick 100m2 1,17 149,00 18,20 1,39 129,41 173,59 21,20 1,62 150,76
88427,99 16144,59 5942,64 69236,57

That's it for the main part local estimate finished, if you have questions, watch the corresponding video lessons. Download local estimate you can here.

The choice of foam blocks for building a house indicates reasonable savings for the developer. To assess the benefits of such a solution, you should first calculate the turnkey estimate. This will help plan future expenses and find out whether there is enough savings for construction in the family budget. In addition, a detailed listing of materials gives an objective picture of the upcoming construction and suggests ways to save money without damaging the house.

Estimates are drawn up based on the house design. As an example for independent calculation of materials, consider a small building made of foam blocks on a strip foundation, consisting of three rooms, a kitchen and a terrace.

Estimate for the foundation

Since foam concrete is a lightweight material, screw piles can be used when constructing a bathhouse, summer kitchen or small cottage. According to experts, for building a house of 1-2 floors, a strip foundation is more suitable. It can be monolithic or prefabricated, recessed or shallow. Such a foundation for a house looks quite labor-intensive and expensive, but it has a big advantage. A strip foundation makes it possible to lay a basement or cellar under a residential building made of foam block.

A monolithic base, which is difficult to manufacture and reliable in operation, is well suited for the sample. The estimate for construction work will contain all the costs of its installation.

1. For an area with non-heaving soil, we select a shallow foundation 0.6 m deep. The trench needs to be dug 20 cm deeper to make a sand cushion.

For blocks measuring 600×300×200 mm, we set the width of the base to 0.5 m. The foundation for the house will be poured from the outside into the formwork, so its final height is 0.6+0.4=1.0 m.

2. Determine the length of the tape:

  • (8×2)+(6×2) = 36 m, external walls;
  • 8+6=14 m, internal partitions;
  • 4+(1.3×2) = 6.6 m, terrace.

The total length is 48.6 running meters.

3. We calculate the volume of concrete required to pour a monolithic foundation: 48.6 (length of the tape) × 1.0 (height of the base) × 0.5 (width of the base) = 24.3 m 3.

4. In the construction estimate, we list the components necessary for mixing it yourself (if desired, you can order a ready-made, factory-made solution). Their quantity is determined based on the concrete grade M300. For 1 m 3 of mixture you will need:

  • 385 kg of cement M400;
  • 1080 kg gravel/crushed stone;
  • 705 kg of coarse sand;
  • 200-220 liters of water.

To find out how much of each material is required, we multiply the standard filling parameters by the filling volume:

  • 385×24.3= 9.367 t cement;
  • 1080×24.3= 26.244 tons of crushed stone;
  • 705×247.3= 17.132 t sand;
  • 540 l water (depending on the moisture content of the components).

5. We calculate the amount of sand for filling under the foundation of a house made of foam blocks:

48.6 (tape length) × 0.5 (width) × 0.2 (pillow thickness) = 4.86 m 3. We round the result to 5 and in total we get 17.132 + 5 = 22.132 tons of sand.

6. When building a monolithic foundation, reinforcement is always necessary. For our sample, we select a frame from two longitudinal rows, 2 rods each with a diameter of 12 mm. For transverse rows, reinforcement with a cross section of 10 mm will be required. With a jumper pitch of 0.5 m, the cross section of the frame is 30 × 0.65 m, the length of the rods is 0.35 m (horizontal) and 0.7 m (vertical). In total, for one structure (ring) you will need 0.35 × 2 + 0.7 × 2 = 2.1 m. In addition, for the joints on the jumpers you need to provide tires 3 × 4 = 12 pcs. 1 m each. Total 12 meters or 2 rods 6 m each.

7. We determine the total amount of reinforcement for the estimate for the construction of a house made of foam concrete: 48.6 × 4 + 12 = 206.4 m or 35 rods of 6 m each with a diameter of 12 mm.

8. Calculate the number of rings for jumpers: 48.6/0.5+1=98 sets or 35 rods of 6 m each.

9. To knit the reinforcement, use soft steel wire at the rate of 0.5 m for each connection. For jumpers you will need 98 × 4 = 392 pcs, for tires 12 × 4 = 48 pcs, a total of 440 ties × 0.5 m = 220 meters.

Estimate for foam concrete blocks for building a box

In the 6x8 house project, we plan to lay load-bearing walls in half a block. For internal partitions, a quarter of a stone is enough.

  • 0.06 m – area of ​​the spoon or side of the foam block (200×300=60000 mm);
  • 0.18 m – area of ​​the bed or base of the block (300×600=180000 mm).

1. In a house made of foam blocks, choose a wall height of 2.8 m. It will require 14 elements in half a block. Taking into account the seam joints (14 pieces, 0.5 cm each), we get 2.87 m. In fact, the height of the walls inside the room will be 2.6-2.7 m (reduced due to the ceiling and screed).

(8+7.3+8+6+4+1.3)×2.8 m=96.88 m2 – area of ​​load-bearing walls.

For construction you will need: 96.88/0.06 (S spoon) = 1615 pieces of half-stone foam blocks.

2. Determine the area of ​​the internal partitions: (8+3+3)×2.8m=39.2 m2. For their construction, foam blocks of a quarter of an element are required: 39.2/0.18 (S bed) = 218 pieces.

3. In total, in the construction estimate we indicate the following number of foam concrete blocks: 1615+218=1833 pieces.

4. Find out the volume of dry glue for seams in load-bearing foam block walls. We have 14 horizontal (2.8/0.2=14) and 58 vertical (34.6/0.6=57.6 m) connections with a thickness of 0.005 m.

  • The total length of horizontal seams: 34.6 × 14 = 484.4 m, the amount of glue for it: 484.4 × 0.3 × 0.005 = 0.7266 m 3.
  • The length of the vertical seams is 58 × 2.87 = 166.64 m, respectively, the glue required is 166.64 × 0.3 × 0.005 = 0.24969 m 3.

The total consumption is 0.7266 + 0.2499 = 0.9765 m 3 or 1000 kg.

5. We calculate the glue for the construction of internal partitions with a total length of 14 m. We have 10 horizontal (2.8/0.3=9.3) and 24 vertical (14/0.6=23.4) seams.

Total length of connections: (14×10)+(24×2.8)=207.2 m.

Volume of adhesive for interior walls: 207.2×0.2×0.005=0.2072 m 3 or 270 kg.

6. Total consumption of dry adhesive solution for a house made of foam blocks: 1000+270=1270 kg or 51 bags of 25 kg each.

When drawing up estimates for the roof, it is better to involve specialists. This is a complex structure, the construction of which is difficult to cope with on your own. The opinion of professionals will also be needed when calculating the costs of plumbing, insulation and cladding of the house.

Table of main construction costs

By combining all the cost items together, we get an estimate for building a turnkey house from foam blocks.

If you carry out the construction work yourself, then greater accuracy in the calculations is not necessary. It is enough to take into account the main cost items and find out the prices in force in the region.

Construction materials Quantity Price RUR/unit Total price, rubles

Box at home

Wall foam block 40.82 m3 3000 122460
U-shaped blocks 20 pcs 300 6000
Adhesive for laying foam blocks 650 kg or 26 bags 220 5720
Reinforcing rod d10 512 m 15 7680
Mineral insulation 50 mm thick 5.5 cubes 2450 13475
Facing brick 122.5 sq.m. 1000 122500
Cement mortar 2 cubic meters 2300 4600
Net 120 sq.m. 80 9600


Concrete 30 cubic meters 3800 114000
Reinforcing rod d12 200 m 20 4000
- d10 270 m 16 4320
Steel wire 220 m 0,50 110
Ruberoid 4 rolls 300 1200
Sand 2.8 cubic meters 500 1400
Crushed stone 2.8 cubic meters 1700 4760
Beam 150×150 0,65
— 120×150 0,15
— 100×150 1,5
— 50×150 0,6 5000 14500
Board 30×100 5 m 3 5500 27500
Mineral wool 100 mm 8 m 3 2300 18400
Vapor barrier 1 roll 1500 1500
Metal tiles 68 m2 350 23800
Total 507 525

How to save money on building a house made of foam concrete?

First of all, the correct choice of dimensions of foam concrete blocks will help reduce the budget. In cold regions, the main task of construction is to maintain heat in the house. Foam blocks 600×300×200 mm are best suited for these purposes. They are convenient to lay in any way, varying the thickness of the box at home to the desired size. The number of blocks will always be the minimum possible and without unnecessary costs.

To reduce the construction estimate for the cost of foam blocks and other materials, it is better to contact the manufacturer directly. Prices for wholesale quantities can be reduced by 5-15%. You should not save money by buying cheap foam concrete of dubious quality for construction. The additional cost of correcting uneven walls in the house will cover the difference and may even exceed the estimate.

The price of ready-made factory-produced concrete looks more expensive than homemade mortar for building a house. But saving on manual kneading can result in large losses of working time and unnecessary labor costs.

When calculating the approximate cost of building a house made of foam concrete, you always need to add more bulk materials. When unloading, sand, crushed stone or gravel usually crumbles and remains on the ground. Additional procurement and transportation increase the cost of the entire construction.

When choosing a mixture for laying blocks, it is advisable to give preference to special-purpose adhesives. Their price is certainly higher than cement mortar. But the consumption is an order of magnitude less. In addition, foam concrete masonry with glue retains heat much better.

When building a house from foam blocks with brick cladding, you can make calculations easier by using an on-line electronic calculator. When ordering an estimate for a turnkey house made of foam blocks, it is advisable to contact several contractors at once. Prices for services are different for everyone, so it is not difficult to choose an option that is acceptable in terms of cost and delivery time. If necessary, you can always make amendments to the home estimate.

Brick construction in Russia confidently holds its position. After all, this wall material is one of the best in terms of wear resistance, inertness to water and cold, aggressive environments and combustion. At the same time, the level of thermal conductivity of a brick block is quite satisfactory for a modern developer. Therefore, in this material we will understand how to correctly prepare an estimate for the construction of a brick house.

It is worth remembering that estimate documentation allows not only to determine the approximate amount of construction costs, but also to exercise control over the infusion of funds into the work. After all, it is not always advisable to stop at a certain stage of construction due to lack of money.

Main sections of the estimate

Any estimate documentation should be as detailed as possible in order to eliminate possible incidents and downtime during the construction of a house. So, the content of the estimate for a brick house should include the following sections:

  • Costs of soil preparation work. If the site is not ready for construction, it will have to be cleared and the top fertile layer of soil removed in order to preserve the land for planting garden crops or ornamental plants. This expense item includes the rental of special equipment, if necessary.
  • Costs for laying the foundation for a house. It is known that for a brick building you need to make a monolithic strip or slab foundation. And the higher the house is, the deeper and wider the base should be. So, for a two-story brick house, it is better to make a slab foundation or a foundation more than a meter deep.
  • Financing of wall forcing. This includes the cost of wall material in the required volume and adds to the amount the cost of the solution and the possible work of specialists.
  • Installation of a ceiling made of concrete slabs. As a rule, for these purposes, special equipment is rented that will lift slab floors. This expense item should not be forgotten in addition to the cost of the reinforced concrete products themselves.
  • Roofing installation costs, including the price of roofing material, timber for rafters, boards for sheathing and insulation with waterproofing. Also, do not forget about fittings and fasteners.
  • Costs for window and door units for the home, as well as their installation.
  • Financing the installation of all communications, such as water supply, sewerage, electricity.
  • Interior decoration. This expense item will help you figure out the total amount needed to install the building. And although this amount is approximate, it will still be close to the expected result.

Advice: do not forget to include in the estimate transportation costs for the delivery of building materials, as well as expenses for the work of invited craftsmen.

Calculations for foundation construction

Since everything is clear with the items in the estimate regarding cleaning and preparation of the site, but the calculations for the foundation and wall material are more confusing, we will consider these aspects of the estimate documentation. We will make calculations using the example of a one-story brick house with sides 10x10 m. Having understood the principles of performing mathematical operations, you will be able to independently prepare estimates in the future for any other type of construction.

So, the estimate for foundation installation should include the following items:

  • Digging a trench for a tape or slab. The last option is especially relevant, since even if digging a trench on your own is still at least somehow possible, then digging a foundation pit for a monolith will take a long time. So it’s better to use an excavator, which will have to be paid on a rental/hour basis.
  • Then it is necessary to include the formwork installation in the expense item. Moreover, both the work itself and the cost of the material that will be needed to fill the tape. Edged boards are used as material. To calculate its quantity, it is necessary to find out the length of the entire basis. And these are 4 walls of 10 meters each, plus all the internal partitions. Let's imagine that the total length of the foundation inside the house will be 18 meters. In total we have (4x10)+18= 58 meters of formwork. Now you need to multiply by the height of the base to get the number of boards per m2. Let's take a foundation 1 m deep as the initial one and add to it a base height of 50 cm. In total, we have 1.5 meters of formwork height. 58x1.5=87 m2. And now we multiply the value by 2, since the formwork consists of two walls. In total we get 174 m2 of boards. But lumber is calculated in m3 or pieces. Therefore, multiply the resulting number by the thickness of the board, calculated in meters. And if the standard board thickness is 25-30 cm, then you need to multiply by 0.25-0.3 m. So, 174x0.25 = 43.5 m3 of boards are needed for formwork. All that remains is to multiply the result by the price of one m3 of board. And don’t forget to include all fasteners in the estimate.
  • Now you need to calculate the amount of concrete or consumables for mixing it.

Important: taking into account the fact that it is better to fill the tape at a time in one go, it is better to buy a ready-made concrete mixture, since it will not be possible to prepare such an amount of mixture with your own hands. And pouring a strip-type foundation in stages is prohibited by SNiP. Otherwise the foundation will be shaky. Therefore, we will consider the estimate using the example of calculations of the amount of concrete.

  • Everything is simple here, just multiply the total length of the foundation, its height and width. We already have a total length of 58 m. The height of the base together with the base is 1.5 m. And its width for laying two bricks will be 60 cm (provided that the laying of two bricks is 51 cm thick). So, we multiply 58x1.5x0.60 = 52.2 m3. This is exactly the volume of ready-made concrete solution needed to fill the entire tape. Now we multiply the volume by the price of one m3 of ready-made concrete.

  • Costs for fittings.

Important: SNiP regulates that when the foundation width is more than 40 cm, it is necessary to use reinforcement of six longitudinal rods. That is, three on top and three on bottom with a step of 20 cm. Otherwise, the solidity and reliability of the basis will be questionable.

  • To simplify the task, you can use the online calculator on the construction portal. But if you gravitate towards mathematics, then we will do the math on our own. It is known that the tape is reinforced in two belts (lower and upper). In this case, the location of the vertical rods should be in increments of 50 cm. Knowing the total length of the foundation, we multiply the number by two (lower and upper chords). 58x2=116 m. And now we multiply this number by six (the number of longitudinal strips of reinforcement in two belts. 116x6=696 m of longitudinal reinforcement with a cross-section of 12 mm. Now let’s calculate the footage of the rods for vertical knitting of the belts. Taking into account the fact that they need to be placed on at a distance of 50 cm from each other, we divide the total length of the base by 0.5 and get 58:0.5 = 29 m. This is the footage of a vertical rod for one longitudinal knitting, and we have three of them. So, we multiply the number by three. 29x3 = 77 m. And it remains to multiply the resulting value by the height of the rod (1.4 m - the height of the foundation - 5 cm at the top and 5 cm at the bottom for the recess of the reinforcement). In total, we have 77x1.4 = 107.8 m of the rod with a cross section of 6-8 mm .

Important: it is advisable to add a factor of 0.2 to the resulting volumes for the rod stock. And now we multiply the resulting volumes by the cost per m2. In the estimate, do not forget to include the costs of delivery and the work of a professional who will knit the reinforcement.

Wall material costs

We decided that our exterior walls would be laid in two bricks. Using the example of forcing outer walls, we will look at how to calculate the volume of material. And we already know that the thickness of a wall of two bricks will be equal to 51 cm. The length of our walls is 10m and 10m. The height will be conditionally 2.5 m. In this case, we have 7 window openings with parameters of 1.2x1.5 m and one door 1x2 m.

Important: calculations can be performed using the method of taking into account the thickness of the seams and without taking this parameter into account. In the first case, the volume of brick may exceed the actual one by 25-30%, but it can be used for possible damage and the laying of internal partitions. In the second case, the calculations will be more accurate, but you will have to add another 10-15% to a possible fight.

The first calculation method looks like this:

  • We determine the total length of the external walls - 10x4 = 40 m;
  • We calculate the area of ​​the walls by multiplying the length by the height - 40x2.5 = 100 m2;
  • We calculate the total area of ​​all window and door openings - (1x2)+(1.2x1.5)x7=14.6 m2;
  • Now we subtract the area of ​​the openings from the total area of ​​the walls - 100-14.6 = 85.4 m2 of clean brickwork on the outer wall.
  • Now we display the number of bricks per square meter of masonry. To do this, we determine the area of ​​its end: 0.12*0.065=0.0078. It remains to divide the resulting value by one: 1/0.0078=128. We multiply the result by two (laying 2 bricks). As a result, we have 128*2=256 bricks per 1 sq.m.
  • It remains to multiply the volume of brick in m2 by the number of m2 of masonry - 85.4x256 = 21,862.4 pcs.
  • We multiply the total by the price of the brick and add delivery costs to the estimate.

The second calculation method looks like this:

  • Here, to complete the calculation, you will need to increase the estimated dimensions of the brick by 5 mm (standard masonry joint thickness). The calculations will look like this: (0.12+0.005)*(0.065+0.005)=0.00875. That is, the number of bricks per m2 will be: 1/0.00875*2=229 pcs. It remains to multiply the area of ​​the masonry by the number of blocks per m2 - 229 * 100.6 = 23037.4 pcs. And it is necessary to add to the quantity a stock in the range of 1500-2000 pcs. We have approximately 25 thousand blocks. We also multiply the total by the price.
  • It is worth noting that in order to calculate the costs for the walls, the solution must also be taken into account. According to building codes, about 200 liters or 0.222 m3 are required per m2 of masonry for two bricks.

Important: a hollow brick will take up more cement, since its voids will be filled with mortar. And this means excessive consumption of the mixture.

Roof estimate

It's easy to calculate costs here. Knowing the roofing parameters from the design documentation, we derive the volume of roofing material and multiply it by the price per unit of volume. In the same way we calculate the volume of waterproofing and insulation. The estimate includes lumber for installing rafters and sheathing, as well as all fasteners. The rental of special equipment for laying the ceiling and the costs of the work of the craftsmen should also be included in the documentation.

In total, we have a rough idea of ​​how to draw up a plan for construction costs and expenses.


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