Examples of transfers. The meaning of the word transfer

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fr. transfert) - 1) transfer of foreign currency or gold from one country to another; 2) transfer of the right to own registered securities (shares, bills, bonds, checks) from one person to another; 3) exchange of population between states on the basis of an international agreement, automatic change of citizenship; 4) in the Russian Federation, in relation to the budgetary sector, the concept of “T.” used since 1994 as a transfer of funds to the budgets of lower territorial levels from the fund for financial support of regions. Since 1994, it has acquired an increasingly broader meaning. Now T. means almost any payments redistributed at the federal level.

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1) transfer of cash and other valuables; applied, in particular, in international payment relations when transferring the payment amount from one country to another, which is usually associated with a change in the currency of the debtor’s country to the currency of the creditor’s country; 2) transfer of the right to own registered securities from one person to another; 3) in budgetary relations it is used as financial assistance to needy regions to ensure mandatory payments to the population (pensions, scholarships, benefits, compensation, other social payments established by legal acts). It is sent to lower-level budgets from regional support funds formed as part of the higher-level budget. Thus, the formation of a federal fund for financial support of constituent entities of the Russian Federation has been consolidated, since 1994, annually by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding year. In a broad sense, any payments redistributed at the federal level. L. I. Bulgakova

Unlike the current account, the capital account includes only capital transfers.

Capital transfers(capital transfers) - transfers involving the transfer of ownership of fixed capital, associated with the acquisition or use of fixed capital, or providing for the cancellation of debt by the creditor.

Capital transfers are divided into public sector transfers and transfers from other sectors. The largest item in public sector transfers is creditor debt cancellation. If two countries - a creditor and a debtor - reach an agreement to cancel the debt in full or to write off part of it and this is enshrined in the corresponding agreement, then the amount of the canceled debt is shown in the balance of payments as a capital transfer from the creditor to the debtor. Among other government capital transfers, investment transfers can be distinguished - funds transferred from one state to another in order to pay for the purchase of fixed capital. For example, the transfer by Russia of buildings, structures, airfields and other military infrastructure to former Warsaw Pact countries after the withdrawal of Russian troops from their territories is a capital transfer. However, the transfer of weapons and military equipment is considered a current government transfer in the balance of payments.

Capital transfers from other sectors include transfers related to migration, creditor debt cancellation, and other transfers. Migration-related capital transfers are a simple valuation of the assets migrants move from country to country. Creditor cancellation is the writing off of all or part of the debt by a bank, corporation, or other non-governmental entity. Other transfers include private donations for investment purposes, such as transfers between countries of an inheritance bequeathed to finance the construction of a university library or lecture hall.

The acquisition/sale of non-produced non-financial assets includes the acquisition and sale of tangible assets that are not the result of production (land and its subsoil), as well as intangible assets (patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.). It should be noted that payment for use intangible assets are shown in the current account under the item "royalties and licensing fees", while payment for acquisition or sale shown in this article.

2. Direct investment

The first part of this textbook examined foreign direct investment as a form of international economic relations within the framework of the international movement of factors of production. Direct investment is also a group of items in the financial account of the balance of payments.

Direct investments(direct investment) - a group of items in the financial account of the balance of payments, reflecting the sustainable influence of an institutional unit - a resident of one economy (direct investor) on an institutional unit - a resident of another economy (direct investment enterprise).

The influence of a direct investor is considered sustainable if it owns 10% or more of the share capital of the direct investment enterprise, i.e. more than 10% of ordinary shares or shareholder votes (in the case of a corporate entity), or the equivalent of such participation (in the case of an unincorporated entity). It should be noted that ownership of 10% of the votes is not a strict criterion for classifying investments as direct. An investment can only be considered a direct investment on the basis that the direct investor plays a significant role in the management of the enterprise, even if he does not own any shares in it. Conversely, if an investor owns more than 10% of the shares but does not play a significant role in the management of the enterprise, his investment is not considered direct. Transactions recorded under direct investment include not only the initial direct investment transaction, but also all subsequent transactions between the direct investor and the direct investment enterprise. Along with income on invested capital, a direct investor, unlike a portfolio investor, also receives additional economic benefits, such as management of the enterprise, payment for administrative functions, etc. Individual investors can act as direct investors - individuals, groups of individual investors, corporate and unincorporated private and public enterprises, government, public organizations, etc.

Direct investment enterprises include:

Subsidiaries are enterprises in which a non-resident investor owns more than 50% of the shares or votes;

Associated companies (associates) are enterprises in which the non-resident investor's share is less than 50% of the shares or votes;

Branches are unincorporated enterprises wholly or jointly owned by investors and owned directly or indirectly by the direct investor.

Direct investment, both abroad and in the domestic economy, is shown in the balance of payments as flows for the year at market prices, broken down into equity investment, reinvested earnings and other capital. Direct equity investment means the acquisition of new shares of branches, subsidiaries and associates, excluding non-voting preferred shares, which do not carry the right to share in additional profits. Reinvestment of earnings means investing back into a foreign-invested enterprise a portion of the profits received by it and not distributed in the form of dividends. Direct investment in the form of other capital refers primarily to intercompany lending by a parent company to its subsidiaries and associates.

Some types of private equity investments present special cases. For example, offshore companies specializing in assembly, trading or finance, as well as enterprises created with the participation of direct investments in free economic zones, are considered residents of the countries in which they are located. Direct investments are investments made by private individuals to purchase real estate abroad (villas, cottages, apartments, land). The activities of construction companies in other countries can be classified either as direct investment or as export of services (example 4.5).

Portfolio investment(portfolio investment) - a group of balance of payments items showing the relationship between residents and non-residents in connection with trading in financial instruments that do not give the right to control the investment object.

From a balance of payments perspective, portfolio investments are of two main types:

Securities providing participation in capital (equitysecurities) - shares, shares, ADRs (American Depositary Receipts - receipts for foreign shares deposited in US banks), confirming participation in the capital of enterprises;

Debtsecurities are bonds, money market instruments and financial derivatives that confirm the right of a creditor to collect a debt from a debtor.

Bonds, unsecured notes, and other debt obligations generally give their holders an unconditional right to receive some cash income, the amount of which is either fixed in the contract or varies according to its terms. Unlike equity securities, interest payments on debt obligations do not depend on the debtor's current income level. The concept of bonds also includes non-voting preferred shares, convertible bonds that provide for the possibility of their conversion into shares, negotiable Certificates of Deposit with a payment term of more than a year; dual currency bonds; bonds with zero coupon and deep discount, initially placed at a price below maturity and not providing for regular interest payments; floating rate bonds; indexed securities, the interest payments on which are tied to any price index, exchange rate or the price of a specific commodity; as well as securities secured by one or another type of collateral (gold, currency, real estate, etc.).

Money market instruments usually also give their owners the right to receive a fixed amount of money at a specified time. The main characteristic of money market instruments is that they are generally bought and sold in organized markets at a price below their redemption price. The difference between them depends on the market interest rate and the repayment period. In addition, the government may regulate the volume and composition of such securities for the purposes of managing liquidity, maintaining exchange rates, or financing budget deficits. Money market instruments include treasury bills, securities of private enterprises and banks, bankers' acceptances, negotiable certificates of deposit, and short-term bank-backed debt obligations (noteissuance facilities, NIFs). The latter include short-term obligations issued by the borrower on its own behalf on the basis of an agreement with the bank on its obligation to place the entire issue of such securities or buy the unplaced portion. Thus, this mechanism is a form of revolving credit, and the securities are called euronotes or promissory notes.

Financial derivatives are securities whose terms of circulation and prices are tied to primary securities or macroeconomic indicators (Treasury bills, foreign currency, interest rates, price indices) or to certain exchange commodities (gold, sugar, coffee, etc.). However, financial derivatives can be traded on the market and have an independent market value that does not depend on the value of the primary assets. Therefore, despite the fact that derivatives are in one way or another tied to primary financial instruments, within the financial account of the balance of payments, transactions with derivatives are separated into a separate group and their accounting is carried out separately from the accounting of the underlying primary securities. The most common derivatives that are recorded in the balance of payments include:

Option(option) - a contract that gives the buyer of the option the right to buy (call option) or sell (put option) a certain number of financial instruments or goods at a predetermined price within a certain period. The most common options include currency, interest rate, commodity, stock options, stock index options, etc. The buyer of the option pays the seller a premium, and the seller undertakes to buy/sell the agreed number of financial instruments or commodities with which the option is associated, or the buyer's demand to provide him with appropriate monetary compensation. The premium consists of the price of the acquired financial asset and service fees.

Warrant(warrant) - a form of option that gives its holder the right to buy from the seller of the warrant a certain number of shares and bonds on specially agreed terms during a certain period of time. A warrant may be sold separately from the security in connection with which it is issued and may have a separate market value. One type of warrant is a currency warrant, the value of which is determined as the amount of one currency that will be needed to buy a fixed amount of another currency by the time the warrant expires.

Swap(swap) - an agreement under which participants exchange payments for the same amount of debt on pre-agreed conditions. Interest rate swaps provide

exchange of interest payments in various forms, for example, a fixed rate for a floating interest rate, a fixed rate in one currency for a floating rate in another, etc. Currency swaps involve the exchange of amounts of money denominated in different currencies (for example, deposits between central banks) with the subsequent exchange of payments and interest payments.

Futures(futures) - an agreement providing for the exchange of a real asset owned by one of the parties for a financial asset owned by the other party, or the exchange of two financial assets within a period established in the agreement and at a pre-agreed rate. Futures can be interest rate, currency and commodity, there are futures for stocks and stock indices.

Forward(forward) - an agreement concluded for the purpose of insurance against losses in the event of changes in interest rates, within the framework of which the parties agree on the interest rate on a certain conditional amount of debt that must be paid within a specified time frame. If the actual interest rate prevailing in the market exceeds that established in the contract, the seller of the contract pays compensation to the Buyer and vice versa.

In the balance of payments, interest payments on all derivatives are recorded in the current account, and principal payments are recorded in the financial account. Registration of transactions with securities occurs at market prices. But any changes in market value that occurred during the period while these instruments belonged to the owners - as a result of changes in exchange rates, relative prices, etc. - are not taken into account. The difference between the market value of assets at the beginning and at the end of the period may reflect transactions made during the reporting period or changes in asset prices during that time.

Transfer(transfer) - unilateral transfer, free of charge and irrevocably, of goods, services, material assets (property rights) in order to provide financial assistance and provide compensation.

Transfer is a transaction in which one party provides a good, service or money to another party without receiving any equivalent from the latter.

A significant part of the transfer is of a social nature: various payments, benefits, assistance to citizens provided in kind.

In the budgetary sphere, a transfer refers to any form of transfer of funds from one level of the budget system to the budget of another level, deductions from taxes in the order of budget regulation. With the help of transfers, regional and local budgets and social protection authorities receive funds to finance mandatory payments to the population: pensions, scholarships, benefits, compensation, and other social payments established by state legislation and regulations of local governments.

There are current and capital transfers.

Current transfers are carried out regularly and are associated with a decrease or increase in the current income of citizens and business entities. These include:

  • payments from the budget (pensions, benefits, scholarships);
  • voluntary contributions;
  • humanitarian aid, etc.

Capital transfers are one-time large-scale gratuitous transfers of funds associated with the acquisition or disposal of assets; receiving from the budget; sale at prices below market prices or their gratuitous transfer, etc.

Current and capital transfers can be made not only in cash, but also in kind (transfer of ownership of capital, provision of free or low-cost services in the field of culture, healthcare, education, etc.).

In the functional classification of expenses, transfers to non-profit (non-profit) organizations of the social sphere are divided into the corresponding sections, and transfers to the population are reflected mainly in the sections “Education”, “Healthcare and physical education”, “Social policy”.

Capital transfers are divided into: transfers within the country (contributions to enterprises and organizations, funds transferred for or capital repairs, covering enterprises for losses of previous years, compensation for losses of fixed assets from natural disasters, compensation from the budget for payments of the principal amounts of loans provided by banks to enterprises and population, etc.), and transfers abroad (gratuitous assistance, etc.).

In banking, a transfer is the transfer of funds from one account to another.

Transfer - transfer, movement of funds and other economic objects (change of their owner or simply change of location, for example, transfer of money by mail):

  1. transfer of funds from one financial institution to another. Banking operations related to counter transfers of national or national and convertible currencies of two or more countries;
  2. transfer of foreign currency from one country to another;
  3. transferring a transaction from one account to another;
  4. transfer of the right to own registered securities from one person to another, carried out, as a rule, using an endorsement ().

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word transfer

transfer in the crossword dictionary


Economic dictionary of terms

(English transfer, French transfert - transfer, from Latin transferre - transfer, translate) transfer

    transfer of foreign currency from one country to another, banking transactions for counter transfers of currencies of two or more countries;

    transfer by one person to another person of the right to own securities;

    transferring payment for a transaction from one account to another;

    relocation of citizens from one country to another; transportation of tourists from the airport to the hotel, between cities.

Dictionary of financial terms


Transfer of the right to own registered securities from one person to another, carried out, as a rule, using an endorsement (endorsement).

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


lat. transfer, transfer of money, across accounts, from bank to bank, for payment. - fertile transfer.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Transfer of ownership of registered securities from one person to another.

    1. Exchange of population between states based on an international agreement.

      Automatic change of citizenship.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


TRANSFER (French transfert, from Latin transfero - transfer, move)

    transfer of foreign currency or gold from one country to another.

    Transfer of ownership of registered securities.

Large legal dictionary


(French transfer!) -

    transfer of foreign currency or gold from one country to another;

    transfer of ownership of registered securities (stocks, bills, bonds, checks) from one person to another;

    exchange of population between states on the basis of an international agreement, automatic change of citizenship;

    in the Russian Federation, in relation to the budgetary sector, the concept "T." used since 1994 as a transfer of funds to the budgets of lower territorial levels from the fund for financial support of regions. Since 1994, it has acquired an increasingly broader meaning. Now T. means almost any payments redistributed at the federal level.


(French transfert, from Latin transfero ≈ transfer, move),

    transfer of foreign currency or gold from one country to another.

    Transfer of the right to own registered securities from one person to another, carried out, as a rule, with the help of an endorsement (endorsement).



Transfer(, from - I'm transferring, moving):

  • The transition of the population of a territory from one citizenship to another in connection with the transfer of the territory in which they live from one state to another. For example, the mutual exchange of Greek subjects of Turkey for Muslim subjects of Greece according to one of the final documents signed during the Lausanne Conference of 1922-1923.
  • Transfer of foreign currency or gold from one country to another.
  • Translation of a norm from one law to another in the process of systematization and codification of legislation.
  • Transfer by one person to another person of the right to own registered securities. Changes in ownership of securities are formalized by changing entries in the register
  • A transaction in which an institutional unit provides a good, service, or asset.
  • Social payments. Financial assistance from a higher level budget to a lower level (interbudgetary transfer). For example, financial assistance from the federal budget to the regional budget, or from the regional budget to the local one.
  • The process of internal pricing in an organization. For example, in banks, income from loans is redistributed in such a way as to ensure profit for both the division that issued the loan and the divisions that attracted deposits funding this loan.

Examples of the use of the word transfer in literature.

No, stop transfer still preserved, hastily introduced, and has not yet been erased or hidden.

And that's exactly it transfer, and not a payment transferred to some account that is not visible.

In addition to the above, it is imperative to study taxation issues in relation to the Soviet Union and transfer arrived there.

Let him know that once he has completed the necessary transfers, he must go to Lipton to take on additional cargo there.

Over 15 years, the amount of direct cash transfers and benefits to the poor more than doubled, from 22.3 to 50.9 billion.

Due to the fact that both the funds allocated today for solving social problems and those that can be directed with the application of certain additional efforts only preserve the problem, but do not solve it, in the foreseeable future the state will have to make a difficult choice between the loss of the competitiveness of the national economy and maintaining the current standard of living of recipients transfers and benefits.

Just to slow down the speed of credit transactions and transfers funds at the end of the working day, it takes about an hour.

It makes sense to emphasize that we are talking specifically about transfers, and not just about sales, since recently the commercial approach that dominated leading exporters in the early years after the end of the Cold War has been replaced by a more comprehensive approach, also containing strategic military-political elements and including gratuitous or leased supplies.

Besides, transfer of all known demands on the Bank of England, as the only center from which emergency funds can be obtained, concentrates the constraint in one point, whereas otherwise it would be distributed over different points - and through this causes panic.

INCOME - an employee’s cash income, consisting of wages and additional payments, including dividends, interest, rent, bonuses, transfers.

Transfer - what is it? An economic system is a complex and multicomponent phenomenon.

It lives by its own laws, which the state tries to control using various mechanisms.

They can manifest themselves as direct interference or be indirect; the choice of remedy depends on each specific situation.

The regulation process is not always successful, but some means are quite effective. This also applies to transfers.

What is a transfer

Wikipedia gives a fairly broad concept of transfer, in terms of economic, banking, tourism, sports, psychological and other spheres.

Translated, this word means moving an object.

Moreover, this may concern both material assets and the right to them, social benefits, legislative norms, relocation of people and much more.

They can also be applied to one person, legal organization or state. Moreover, the latter is regulated by international law.

Transfers in the economy

In economics, a transfer is defined as a transaction in which one entity provides another with goods, services, or other assets free of charge.

In simple terms, valuables are transferred into the possession of another person without any consideration, similar to a gift.

Economic transfers include current and capital. The first ones contain:

  • material values;
  • current income taxes;
  • social payments;
  • fines;
  • social tax deductions;
  • making voluntary contributions and gifts, etc.

Capital transfers are made in large quantities and are usually made once.

Government transfers

State transfers are the gratuitous transfer of budget funds owned by one of the public administration structures, in the form of a subsidy, gift or subvention.

As a rule, such funding has a specific direction, which is why they are called targeted.

For these types of transfers, a specific program is developed, in accordance with which they should be spent. These are, for example, revenues for the implementation of the small town development program.

Transfers are provided if their object:

  • complies with the budget and tax base;
  • has no debt obligations in relation to the federal treasury;
  • does not issue government loans to legal entities.


The term transfer has firmly entered the vocabulary of modern people; it is actively used in various areas of business relations:

  • economics;
  • law;
  • psychology;
  • sewing and many others.

It is most often used as an economic category, especially associated with various types of gratuitous budget revenues. Be it the payment of social benefits to certain categories of citizens or replenishing the treasury of a region experiencing a shortage of its own tax revenues.

The purpose of such transfers is to equalize income in various subjects, thereby providing citizens with similar opportunities and living conditions.

Watch the video that explains the essence of government transfers:


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