The operating principle of a thermostat from an infrared heater. Thermostat for an infrared heater: installation and use Why do you need a thermostat in an oil heater

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The thermostat is an extremely popular device that we come across quite often. Not a single water heater or heating boiler can do without it. It is involved in heating floors, operating household appliances, engines and various kinds heaters.

The task of the thermostat is to control and automatically maintain user-set temperatures (that is, thermostatting).

The operating principle of the thermostat is cyclical, turning on and off under the influence of a temperature sensor or biomechanical plate.

Connection infrared heater through the thermostat is carried out in order to control its operation: the thermostat uses closing and opening electrical network– operates on the principle of a switch that responds to a sensor.

Working different types thermostats on the same principle. They differ only in the element base (“filling”) and, accordingly, in the “issue price”. The more complex the device, the more you will have to pay for it. In this matter, you should soberly assess your needs. Will the thermostat be used at 100% or can you purchase more cheap model– the question is far from idle.

Mechanical thermostats for infrared heaters are used much less frequently. This mechanism can also be found in kitchen stove or oven. It is not connected to power. Temperature regulation occurs due to heating and cooling of the working membrane.

All thermostats are also divided into models for: open or DIN rail mounting.
According to the working fluid they are: liquid, solid and air.
Another division into groups concerns the operating temperature. According to this sign there are the following types thermostats:

  • for high temperatures - from 300 to 1200 degrees;
  • average temperatures - from 60 to 500 degrees;
  • low temperatures - below 60 degrees.

Rules for connecting a thermostat to an infrared heater

Installing ceiling-mounted infrared heaters is a great way to increase comfort in your home and reduce your heating boiler's gas consumption. But simultaneously with the installation of such equipment, the question of saving energy and ensuring safety arises. The heater must be equipped with a thermostat!

On a note. For private houses and city apartments, the heater power should not exceed 3 kW. An external thermostat is also purchased for the same power.
Basic installation rules:
  • height no more than one and a half meters;
  • installation location – wall;
  • Insulation is placed under the thermostat for the IR heater to prevent the device sensor from responding to low temperature walls;
  • Only one thermostat is used per room;
  • all the details are covered safe use(not to be covered or covered with anything like curtains).

Features of different installation schemes

The IR heater is connected as standard, like all electrical devices. This can be a connection through a socket or a separate line drawn from a separate one on the electrical panel. That is, there are two wires: neutral and phase.

The thermostat is mounted in the network between the machine and the heating device.
Simple circuit for one or two heaters:

The thermostat has four terminals: two input (phase and neutral) and two output (also “+” and “-”).

If there is only one heater:

  • two wires are laid, which are connected to the corresponding terminals of the thermostat;
  • two wires are attached to the output terminals of the latter, taking into account the polarity - they are connected to the IR heater. This is a serial connection.

If there are two heaters:

  1. You need to remove four wires from the thermostat (two phases and two neutrals) and route the wiring to the heaters. This is the so-called parallel connection.
  2. You need to remove two wires from the thermostat, connect them to one heater, and then to the second. This will be a series connection of two heaters.

In some cases, you will need to connect the phase directly (from the machine to the heater), and the neutral through a thermostat. The disadvantage of this method is that the thermostat does not work correctly.
Complicated connection diagram for several heaters:

  • The thermostat is connected to the machine on the electrical panel;
  • the output terminals are connected to the magnetic starter;
  • the output contacts of the starter are connected to the heater.

This type of connection is suitable for industrial heaters or multiple IR heaters. assumes operation in automatic mode.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that any powerful electrical appliances, especially heating or heating ones, require increased attention to safety measures. First of all, this concerns grounding. The heater must be equipped with conductors of sufficient thickness that have low resistance. In fact, the protection must remove excess current of any unimaginable magnitude. Human life depends on it!

The thermostat connection is not the best simple task. Even if you easily understand all the intricacies of the process, you may not have enough skills in handling tools. Having installed everything according to the diagrams yourself, you need to ask a specialist to check your work again.

We connect the IR heater via the thermostat via video

The climatic features of the country at a time when the thermometer drops below 0˚C make us think about insulating the house. Often alone heating system cannot warm the air in your home to optimal temperatures, and installation autonomous heating Not everyone can afford it. In this case, the use of household floor and wall heaters becomes relevant.

However, despite the variety of models presented, their owners strive to modify the devices and improve the heating process: set up precise temperature control functions, which significantly reduces heating costs.

That is why the question often arises of how to replace the built-in thermostat or temperature controller:

  • floor, oil radiator,
  • heat gun,
  • electric convector,
  • electric radiator,
  • electric heating element, electric heating element stoves,
  • infrared (IR) panels, wall-mounted, floor-mounted,
  • and other heaters that plug into an outlet.

That is, what kind of analogue should I choose for the built-in thermostat of a household heater?

To find optimal solution To address this issue, we will consider the main types of household heaters and the temperature regulators used in them.

Types of the most common heaters (household)

In Russia, the range of heaters offered to consumers is wide:

  • oil heaters suitable for heating rooms with small area. Although this type of heater is economical, the question often arises of how to replace the built-in oil radiator thermostat in order to more accurately maintain temperature readings and thereby reduce electricity costs;
  • IR heating panels(their floor-mounted, wall-mounted types, powered from an outlet) provide very fast air heating in homes, cottages, offices and shops. They are distinguished by their compactness, silent operation and safe operation. Temperature controllers for IR panels differ in type, and different models can be equipped with both a functional thermostat and its mechanical analogue, or only a heating on/off button;
  • floor and wall radiators It is recommended to install in rooms with cold walls or in rooms with large glazing. This type of heaters is used successfully both in residential buildings, and in swimming pools, car interiors, winter gardens. The thermostat in such devices is either absent or has minimal functionality and is not capable of providing uniform heating;
  • heat guns have gained popularity among consumers due to the possibility of quickly heating the room, but the energy consumption when using them is much higher;
  • electric heaters were invented at the end of the 19th century, since then they have undergone significant changes and have become the most powerful and safe, but the principle of their operation has remained unchanged. The presence of built-in thermostats is also not always a guarantee of uniform heating and economical consumption electricity to maintain the required temperature.

The disadvantage of many household heaters with a manual mode switch

With many positive aspects when using household heaters, the operating mode of which the user can control independently, a significant drawback is revealed.

This disadvantage lies in the need to constantly select the desired operating mode of the device manually. This option is impractical both because of the need for independent control and because it does not allow economical consumption of electricity in the absence of owners in the house a long period: the weather in our country is very changeable, so in the absence of owners, a heater installed temperature regime may turn out to be insufficient or, conversely, excessive. Sudden temperature changes can negatively affect indoor plants, household appliances and the general condition of the room.

Terneo RZ thermostat as a replacement for the built-in heater thermostat

The thermostat built into the heater performs the function of automatic holding and temperature regulation. However, as a rule, these devices do not have a temperature scale, so it is impossible to fine-tune the mode, and the principle of their operation is to increase or decrease the heat supply.

Terneo RZ thermostat - modern model, which is compatible with warm floors, convectors and other heaters operating from an outlet. The device helps you set temperature values ​​from 0 to 30˚C without any additional effort.

Operating principle of Terneo RZ

Using a thermostat begins by plugging it into the network and connecting the heating device directly to the socket of the thermostat itself. After this, on the thermostat control panel you need to select exact value temperature.

Such a miniature device is capable of controlling the heater, and when the room temperature reaches the user-set temperature, the heating will be turned off. Additionally, when using Terneo RZ, it can be switched to cooling mode. Terneo RZ thermostat is a way out for those who do not want to install electrical wiring and are looking for something to replace the built-in thermostat with infrared panel(wall/floor), oil radiator, heat gun, other household heaters operating from an outlet.

Advantages of Terneo RZ

The advantages of this thermostat lie mainly in its technical characteristics ahs and features of operation:

  1. compact dimensions;
  2. adjustable hysteresis, that is, the temperature difference on the basis of which the device turns on/off;
  3. the ability to connect any device compatible with the thermostat;
  4. Terneo RZ has a function to control the operation of multiple devices;
  5. wide temperature range: 0-30˚С;
  6. when using Terneo RZ there is 40% electricity savings;
  7. Terneo RZ does not require manipulation of indoor wiring;
  8. safety of operation (protection from children, protection from overheating);
  9. Possibility of use with devices that support cooling mode (air conditioner, fan, etc.);
  10. affordable price. When purchasing a thermostat, the costs are recouped within a few months, which undoubtedly makes it a profitable option for those people who are considering options for replacing the built-in thermostat of a household heater.

An electric convector is one of the most popular heaters used for heating household, industrial and office premises. Despite the fairly wide popularity of the heater of this type, few people have an idea of ​​how it works and what the purpose of certain convector controls is.

Let's look at the operating principle of a convection heater. The operating principle of an electric convector is based on natural circulation(convection) air. The convector, as a rule, has a rectangular shape, with an electric heating element located inside it.

There are holes on the surface of the convector designed for air circulation. The convector is designed in such a way that the air coming from the bottom and side openings is heated after passing through the heating element and then exits through the holes located on the front panel of the convector.

For example, it heats a room due to thermal radiation that comes from heated radiators. The convector has a different principle - the room is heated by a directed flow of heated air. Thanks to this, the convector heats the room much faster and, what is equally important, evenly over the entire area.

The heating element of a modern convector is low-temperature; it is made of a special alloy, due to which it heats up much faster than conventional tubular-type heating elements. As a rule, 30-60 seconds after being connected to the network, the convector already begins to release heat into the room.

The efficiency of this type of heater reaches 90% due to the fact that almost all the energy is used to heat the room, unlike other types of heaters, for example, oil heaters, which do not begin to release heat into the room immediately, but only after its heat-conducting medium has warmed up - oil, and then its metal body (radiator).

There is an opinion that heaters, including electric convectors, burn oxygen. But is this really so? As mentioned above, low-temperature heating elements are installed in an electric convector; their maximum heating temperature, as a rule, does not exceed 600-60 o C.

At this temperature, oxygen is not burned, which is a significant advantage of the convector compared to other types of electric heaters, the heating elements of which heat up to several hundred degrees. In addition, the low operating temperature of the convector allows it to be installed almost anywhere, including near fire-hazardous surfaces, for example, on a wooden wall.

How can a convector effectively heat a room if the operating temperature of its heating elements is significantly lower than in other types of heaters?

The convector heating element is significantly larger in size compared to heating elements that have a higher operating temperature. Thanks to this, the convector generates a sufficient amount of heat and, despite the low operating temperature of its heating elements, is able to heat a large area. Depending on the power, one convector can heat a room up to 30 square meters. m.

Most convectors are equipped with a thermostat, which is designed to regulate the temperature heating element and, accordingly, the temperature of the air that leaves the convector. On cheaper models, mechanical thermostats are installed, with the help of which the temperature is adjusted roughly.

Expensive models are equipped with controls that allow you to regulate the temperature with high precision - up to a tenth of a degree. For household use Precise temperature control is not so important. If the room is cold and you need to warm it up faster, set the thermostat to the maximum temperature. When the optimal and comfortable temperature is reached, the thermostat can be set to a lower temperature value.

Accurate temperature control is important when it is necessary to maintain temperature in rooms where strict temperature conditions must be observed. Thanks to the electronic thermostat, it is possible to implement automatic adjustment room temperature.

In addition to the thermostat, the electric convector is equipped with a switch to supply voltage to the heating element. Convectors with a power of 1500-2500 W may have 2-3 heating elements and, accordingly, a switch for several positions. For example, when installed in the first position, one heating element is turned on, in the second position - two heating elements, and in the third position the convector operates at full power- that is, all three heating elements are turned on.

On some types electric convectors Independent switches are installed for each of the heating elements. This option for turning on the heating elements is the most acceptable, since if one heating element burns out, you can turn on another that is in good condition, while if the heating element burns out in a convector with a step switch, there is a high probability that in none of the switch positions the convector will not work.

The presence of a thermostat and heating element switches allows you to regulate the air heating temperature in fairly wide ranges.

Electric convectors can be mounted directly on the wall or installed on the floor. If this type of heater is installed on the floor, there is a risk of it tipping over, which may cause a fire. Therefore, almost all convectors are equipped with a special protective device that automatically turns off the power to the heating elements in the event of accidental or spontaneous overturning of the convector.

The principle of this protective device next. When the convector is in a vertical position, the contacts are closed and the heating elements of the convector receive power. In case of overturning of the convector, that is, when it deviates from the vertical position by a given angle, the contacts of the protective device open and the heating elements of the convector are de-energized.

It should be noted that the convector operates in normal mode only if there is unimpeded air circulation. Therefore, in order to avoid failure of the convector, covering it is prohibited.

Easy-to-use thermostats for infrared heaters can increase the efficiency of heating devices, reducing energy consumption. Today, there are various modifications of control modules for infrared heating equipment on sale, which differ in the principle of operation, functionality, and the presence or absence of additional sensors and temperature meters.

Description of infrared heaters

Feature thermal equipment This type is the property of infrared heaters to heat not air, but various items and indoor wall surfaces. This allows you to ensure the highest possible comfort of living in a private home, while optimizing energy consumption and reducing communal payments.

Today, there are several varieties of infrared heaters that can operate in a completely autonomous mode, controlled by special thermostats and built-in automation. The homeowner has the opportunity to customize the operation of the heating equipment at will, setting the required temperature in the room. Built-in automation will analyze data from external units, making appropriate adjustments to the operation of heat generators.

For infrared heaters, thermostats are made in a separate block and can have various additional sensors and thermometers.

The presence of remote modules allows you to obtain the most accurate information about the temperature in the room and subsequently the thermostat will make appropriate adjustments, reducing or increasing the heating intensity.

Ballu BMT-1 connection for heating and cooling + simplified thermostat diagram

Icoline infrared heaters, thermostat, installation

Purpose of thermostats

To maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, you will need to turn the infrared heater on and off. This is not always convenient and significantly complicates living in a private house.

When manually turning on the device, it is necessary to ensure that there is no overheating, which can lead to equipment failure and a fire in the room. To simplify the operation of infrared heaters, special thermostats are used, which allow you to fully automate the operation of heat generators.

The scope of application of such devices is extremely wide.. They allow you to maintain indoors comfortable temperature, monitor the correct operation of the heating element. If initially such automatic control units were used in industry, today you can find various Appliances, which differ in functionality and have an affordable price.

Types of devices and principles of their operation

Thermostats for infrared heaters are usually distinguished by the features of their design and principle of operation. Today the most popular are two types of thermostats:

  • Electronic.
  • Mechanical.

The simplest mechanical thermostats differ reliable design. The operating principle of such devices is based on the property of a material to shrink or expand when heated and cooled.

Inside the thermostat is bimetallic element, responding to changes in temperature indicators. When the set parameter increases, the circuit opens and the power supply to the heater stops. As soon as the temperature on the sensor drops below the set value, the power supply to the heater is restored and heating is turned on, which allows you to maintain the optimal temperature in the room.

Electronic models, depending on their design, can be divided into simple and complex. Inexpensive digital thermostats can control room temperature by turning infrared heaters on and off. Complex electronic devices are characterized by versatility of use and have numerous settings:

  • Capable of controlling the operation of several heaters at once.
  • Antifreeze function implemented.
  • Managed remotely and remotely.
  • They work according to a given schedule.

Advanced electronic thermostats for IR heaters can provide completely autonomous heating of the room, while they can be integrated into the system " Smart House", when automation will fully monitor all vital processes in a private house or apartment.

Connecting a thermostat with your own hands.

The range of choices available today in specialized stores is so wide that it is difficult for an uninitiated homeowner to choose a high-quality and inexpensive thermostat.

As a result, people purchase simple thermostats that are not capable of fully automating room heating, or they overpay for unnecessary functionality.

The simplest mechanical thermostats will be an excellent choice for a dacha or a private country house where people do not live regularly in winter; therefore, the full functionality of such control units will not be in demand. Connecting the thermostat to an infrared heater is not difficult, and the entire setup only takes a couple of minutes.

High-quality and inexpensive mechanical thermostats have a printed temperature range scale; some models have built-in LEDs that make it easy to determine whether the device is on or off. The advantage of the simplest mechanical devices is the ease of use, easy installation and affordable price. Disadvantages are limited functionality and high error.

Electronic thermostats differ in the highest possible accuracy of the device. Some models allow you to adjust the heating temperature in steps of 0.1 degrees Celsius. Thermostats have a wide range of functionality, are compact in size, and are reliable and durable equipment. Their main disadvantage is high price, as well as energy dependence, which complicates their use on farms and in holiday villages.

When choosing electronic models, you need to pay attention to whether a remote temperature sensor is included in the delivery package. The presence of such external thermometers can significantly improve the accuracy of the device, expanding its functionality.

U best models There may be several temperature sensors at once, which are made on a long wire or exchange data with the main unit using wireless communication.

The presence of an electronic programmer allows you to configure the operation of the equipment according to preset parameters. For example, a homeowner can turn off the device when no one is home, and half an hour before returning from work, the control unit will turn on the heater, which will solve heating problems while simultaneously reducing utility costs. Thanks to the presence of such programmers, the functionality of both thermostats and infrared thermal devices is significantly expanded.

Description of the best models

Today, mechanical and electronic thermostats for IR heaters from various manufacturers are available for sale. Products from domestic brands, which combine reliability, durability and are affordable, are popular. Also in demand on the market are fully automated control units for infrared heaters from Japanese, American and Western European manufacturers. Worth highlighting following models:

  • Ballu BMT-1. An inexpensive mechanical thermostat for a heater, which was designed specifically to work with infrared heaters from the manufacturer Ballu. The advantages of this modification of the thermostat include the ability to use it with single-phase heaters with a power of 2 kW, and the presence of a wide temperature control range. The body of the device is made of heavy-duty plastic. Today, the cost of a Ballu BMT-1 mechanical thermostat is 600-700 rubles.
  • Neoclima RQ-1. Mechanical surface-mounted thermostat for infrared heater, which can be used with heaters and air curtains. This model is designed to monitor temperature indicators in air conditioning and autonomous heating systems. Thanks to the design of the housing with electrical and moisture protection, the device can be placed on outdoors. The cost of the Neoclima RQ-1 regulator today is about 700 rubles.
  • Easter RTC 70.26. This is a popular model of electromechanical thermostat, which is used in underfloor heating systems and with infrared heaters. The device is equipped with a remote sensor that measures temperature and transmits a signal to the main control unit. The electromechanical thermostat is easy to use. The advantage of this model is its versatility of use, as well as the ability to connect heating devices with a power of 3500 W. The cost of Easter RTC 70.26 today is 700 rubles.
  • Eberle RTT - E 6121. Surface mounted electromechanical thermostat with manual control. The temperature adjustment range is +5−30 degrees. The device allows you to simultaneously control the operation of several heaters with a total power of no more than 3.5 kW. This clip-on thermostat can be used in rooms with a humidity level of no higher than 95%. Thanks to the use of a bimetallic plate as a sensitive element, maximum accuracy of the device, reliability and functionality of the regulator are ensured. The cost of Eberle RTT - E 6121 today is 1200 rubles.
  • BiLux T08. Programmable thermostat from domestic manufacturer BiLux company. The device has touchscreen and convenient screen backlighting. The device has a high level of moisture resistance and is made of a durable plastic case. The thermostat has manual and programmable control modes; the delivery set includes a temperature sensor with a 3-meter long wire. The device has an emergency shutdown option, remembers the last installed programs, and has advanced functionality. The cost of BiLux T08 today is 3 thousand rubles.
  • Terneo PRO. Top model programmable electronic thermostat, which has a clear touch display. All data about the settings and operation of the infrared heater can be stored in the cloud, which makes it possible to view the necessary parameters from a tablet or smartphone. The manufacturer has developed a special application for remote control operation of the thermostat. The device has advanced programming functions, and 16 preset heating modes are already stored in the memory. The delivery set includes a temperature sensor with high-quality network cable. The cost of this model today is 3,500 rubles.

Use of mechanical and electronic regulators to control operation infrared heaters significantly expands the functionality of thermal equipment. With the help of such devices, you can control the operation of IR heaters in a completely autonomous mode, ensuring the maintenance optimal temperature in the house. In specialized stores you can pick up various models regulators that will differ in operating principle, purpose, functionality and cost.


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