Nature in poems by V.Ya. Bryusova: analysis of the poem "First Snow"

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The time of year is winter. There is snow all around, frozen trees, birds chilled by the wind. Most people warm up with hot chocolate and wait under a blanket for the arrival of spring. And poets see real magic in winter and devote poignant lines to it.

website I have collected five mesmerizing poems for you, after which you will want to run outside, expose your face to the frosty wind, taste the snow and plunge into the beauty of this time of year.


January burst into trains,
Door stanchions staples.
High midnight star
She fell through the clouds into the snowdrifts.
And the wind, humming in the spruce trees,
Bringing clouds over the cities
And, passing through the attics,
Drying rows of crackling sheets.
He cut down the birds' flight,
I fought under bridges for a long time
And he left.
There was dark ice
Swept in places to a shine.
And only in the thick mornings
The snow was falling, tired of spinning.
And vertical smoke
Stands above the roofs of the capital.
And the day comes from all sides,
And from outpost to outpost
The grass shines through the sun
Frost-covered windows.

Sergey Mikhalkov

First snow

Silver, lights and sparkles, -
A whole world made of silver!
Birch trees burn in pearls,
Black and naked yesterday.

Crews, pedestrians,
There is white smoke on the azure.
The life of people and the life of nature
Full of new and holy things.

Making dreams come true
Life is a game of dreams,
This world of enchantment
This world is made of silver!

Valery Bryusov


Again he falls, wonderfully silent,
Easily oscillates and falls...
How sweet is his happy flight to the heart!
Non-existent, he is born again...
Still the same, came again, from nowhere,
It contains cold temptations, it contains oblivion...
I always wait for him, just as I wait for a miracle from God,
And I know a strange unity with him.

Let him leave again - but the loss is not terrible.
I am happy about his mysterious departure.
I will forever wait for his silent return,
You, oh gentle one, you, the only one.

He falls quietly, and slow and powerful...
I am immensely happy with his victory...
Of all the wonders of the earth, you, O beautiful snow,
I love you... I don’t know why I love you.

Zinaida Gippius

Frost on the glass

On the windows, completely covered with frost,
February prescribed frost
Plexus of milky white herbs
And silvery sleepy roses.

Tropical summer landscape
Draws a cold on the window.
Why does she need roses? Apparently this
Winter yearns for spring.

Silver, lights and sparkles, -
A whole world made of silver!
Birch trees burn in pearls,
Black and naked yesterday.

This is the realm of someone's dreams,
These are ghosts and dreams!
All items of old prose
Illuminated with magic.

Crews, pedestrians,
There is white smoke on the azure.
The life of people and the life of nature
Full of new and holy things.

Making dreams come true
Life is a game of dreams,
This world of enchantment
This world is made of silver!

Analysis of the poem “First Snow” by Bryusov

Very often nature is one of the main muses. Many poets are inspired by her beauty, and with rapture and love they begin to describe the feelings that she was able to awaken in their hearts. Particularly awe-inspiring is the description of what happened for the first time this year, for example, the first thunderstorm at the beginning of summer, the first spring flower to bloom, or a tree that was painted golden in autumn. A special feeling of slightly childish joy appears when you see the first snow, which smoothly falls to the ground, covers all its flaws, and wraps the trees in silvery clothes.

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov was so smitten by the charm of the Russian winter that he decided to glorify it in his poem “The First Snow,” which was written in 1895. If we consider the structure of this poem, it has some similarity with the works of famous Russian poets of the 18th - 19th centuries, who were passionate about landscape lyricism.

Snow-covered Moscow became the subject of admiration for Valery Yakovlevich. Bryusov was deeply struck by her superiority and greatness, which opened before his eyes, and noted this with the line: “The whole world is made of silver!” In his poem, the poet wanted to convey that winter can transform not only nature, but also human life. When you read this ode to winter, it begins to seem that Bryusov deified it and did not see any negative sides in it.

Often, poets convey natural phenomena with a touch of naturalistic specificity or add a few poetic associations. The poem “First Snow” shows us that the lyrical hero perceives everything around him as a fairy tale, in which there is a place for dreams.

The first snow is the first signal that the New Year and Christmas holidays are about to knock on our door. Snow is a symbol of purity, joy, happiness that knows no boundaries. He gives every person the hope that life will very soon sparkle with all sorts of overflows, and all cherished desires will come true.

Bryusov became a wizard, where instead of a magic wand there was a feather, with which he was able to masterfully convey in his work all the magic of the winter season. The poet showed us that winter is not cruel or merciless, but charming in its diversity: either a blizzard sweeps, giving harmony to the evening, or the sun makes the snow-white bedspreads play as if the earth were strewn with diamonds.

“First Snow” Valery Bryusov

Silver, lights and sparkles - A whole world made of silver! Birch trees are burning in pearls, black and bare yesterday. This is the realm of someone's dreams, These are ghosts and dreams! All objects of old prose are illuminated with magic. Crews, pedestrians, white smoke on the azure. The life of people and the life of nature are full of new and holy things. Dreams come true, Life is a game of dreams, This world of enchantment, This world of silver!

Analysis of Bryusov’s poem “First Snow”

Valery Bryusov was fond of symbolism from his youth, so it is not surprising that his first literary experiments were connected precisely with this direction. Later, the confidence that works with a double meaning are of undoubted value only strengthened, and the poet began to master a new direction of creativity with even greater enthusiasm. Nevertheless, from time to time Bryusov still turned to the good old classics, thereby proving that simple and understandable poems can express feelings and convey moods no less accurately than veiled and “encrypted” images between the lines. An example of a classic work by this poet is the poem “First Snow,” created in 1895.

In its structure, it is very similar to the works of the great Russian poets of the 18th and 19th centuries, who were fond of landscape lyrics. The only difference is that the subject of Bryusov’s admiration was not forests and fields, but snow-covered Moscow. Struck by its greatness and beauty, the author notes with surprise: “The whole world is made of silver!” This first impression turns out to be so vivid and captivating that the poet begins to notice even those little things that he had never paid attention to before. So, the usual birch trees seem to him dressed in pearls, and these wonderful decorations shimmer in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. The whole world was transformed in just one night, and Bryusov never ceases to be amazed by this. “All subjects of old prose are illuminated with magic,” the author emphasizes.

He sees that life in the capital is going on as usual. Carriages are still rushing through the streets and passers-by are rushing about their business, who do not care that the world has changed. However, the poet is convinced that such metamorphoses have miraculous powers. “The life of people and the life of nature are full of new and holy things,” the poet is convinced. He does not try to get an answer to the question, by whose will the gloomy and dirty city suddenly became like an illustration for an amazing fairy tale. “The embodiment of dreams, living with a dream is a game,” - this is how Bryusov characterizes the amazing landscape that he sees in front of him. And this is quite enough to feel happy, find inspiration and joy in life. The only thing that upsets the poet is that among a huge number of people he is the only one who sincerely admires what he sees and enjoys the winter walk, which gives him so many new thoughts and sensations.

(Illustration: Sona Adalyan)

Analysis of the poem "First Snow"

One of the famous Russian poets who masterfully describes nature is Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov. What inspired the poet to create this masterpiece is the Russian winter. Or rather, the transition itself from gray autumn days to the snow-white fairy tale of winter.

Poem by V.Ya. Bryusov is dedicated to winter in all its glory. Reading these lines, it seems that even they shimmer with snow-white sparkles. There are practically no verbs in this work; one gets the impression that you are simply looking at a snow-white canvas, from which a breath of coolness emanates. You see all the shades of the first snow, its outlines and charms - “lights and sparkles, a world of silver, azure white smoke.” Thanks to these lines, the reader can feel how brightly the sun shines, and its rays are reflected from the snow-white blanket of winter. And it doesn’t matter at all that there are no such lines in this work - we feel it.

The author wanted to convey his pleasure caused by the onset of a beautiful and enchanting time of year. It seems that he deifies this period and does not see any negative aspects. The lines: “All objects of old prose are illuminated with magic”, “The life of people and the life of nature are Full of new and holy things” - these are words of admiration and enjoyment of what is happening. The hero of the work was looking forward to the onset of a winter fairy tale. And he still can’t believe that this happened - “This is the realm of someone’s dreams, These are ghosts and dreams!” But still, the author understands that the pearl world around is a reality. Now everything has changed, taken on a new meaning, the hero understands that his little dream has come true.

The poem “First Snow” resembles a song that flows smoothly, as if flowing. The poet gave the reader the opportunity to sing every word, feel every detail. We see this transformed city, we feel the frosty air and the rays of the warming sun. For V.Ya. Bryusov’s theme of the snow fairy tale is especially close, because for the symbolist poet the description of a better life is the basis of creativity. And snow is a symbol of something new, pure and innocent.

Despite the fact that this work is written in trochaic tetrameter, it does not give the impression of a cumbersome, emotionally heavy and rough poem. By choosing the tetrameter trochee, Valery Yakovlevich gave the reader a holiday, notes of solemnity.

In order to describe his feelings, the author uses epithets, metaphors, antonyms and exclamations. All this conveys to the reader the emotional coloring of the poem. We can say that this poem is of one shade, monotonous. Silver, pearls, azure, white smoke - all shades of white. But the reader does not think so when he delves into these lines. Life in the poem “First Snow” is colorful, bright, clean and truly magical.

Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov was able to give each of us a winter fairy tale. He gave us faith in a bright future, magic and miracles.


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