Hello everyone, my name is Yulia, I’m 16 years old, I want to tell you my story. It's easy to be good when everyone is bad

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Hello everyone, my name is Masha, I’m 16 years old, I’m in 10th grade. I have a good figure, gray eyes, long brown hair. I moved to a new city because my mother was being transferred to another hospital in St. Petersburg. I used to live in Saratov. My mother is sick, she has been in the hospital for almost two years now, and my father is a police colonel.

I woke up at 6:30, got up and went to the shower, having completed all the water procedures, I went downstairs. Silence means dad left for work. There was a note on the table.

“I was called to work, I’ll be late for money on the bedside tables. Dad.”

I ate and went to get dressed, I put on yellow pants, a white T-shirt with Mickey Mouse and white Vans, packed my bag, took my mint vest and went to school. From my house to school it was about a 15-20 minute walk, headphones in my ears and stomped into kingdom of knowledge. Arriving at school, I immediately went to the director, he was a man of about 50-55 years old, he gave me textbooks and the schedule rang, thanking Mikhail Vasilyevich, I went to the physics class there was a lesson. Having entered there, all eyes turned to me.

The class is quiet, I would like to introduce you to a new student - the teacher said and pointed at me.

Please introduce yourself.

I'm Masha Vinogradova, I'm 16 years old and moved here not long ago.

Okay, I’m Olga Vladimirovna, sit on the third desk, second row - Olga Vladimirovna pointed to the desk at which a girl with brown hair was sitting. I went and sat next to her.

Hello, my name is Lera. - She smiled

And I’m Masha, it’s very nice - I smiled back.

Lera and I talked the entire lesson. She told me about school and teachers, the bell rang, having collected our bags, Lera and I went to the history classroom, to be honest, it was one of my favorite subjects, I don’t know why. The second lesson went well, after that we my new friend went to the dining room, I took tea, salad and a bun, and Lera got juice and a cake, we sat down at an empty table and started talking, the bell rang and we went to the office, while we were walking, I saw a guy kissing in the corner with some pink blonde, she threw her legs over him, and the guy touched her breasts. Abomination.

Fuuuuuck, I said, wincing.

This is the elite of the school Artyom, he is the coolest and sexiest guy in our school, he slept with all the girls

With you too?

Yes, it was the case, I liked him, so he took advantage of it,” Lera said sadly.

Well, I definitely won’t sleep with him.

The remaining three lessons were boring, the bell rang from the last lesson and we went home. As I was leaving school, my phone rang and “Dad” was displayed on the screen.

- Hello dear, are you going to see your mother?

Yes, I'll go to the store and buy her some fruit.

-Okay, come on, I’ll come late today so don’t be boring.

Okay bye. - I passed out

“Are you going home?” my friend asked me.

No, I'm going to see my mother at the hospital.

“Your mother is in the hospital, I sympathize,” she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. “What’s wrong with her?”

She is sick with something, she had three operations and was transferred to this hospital.

Ahhh I see, well then, bye we hugged and went in different directions.


Hello everyone, this is my first book, so don’t judge too harshly. By the way, the photo is Masha, please write comments and put stars, I will try to write more often. I love everyone who reads my book.

- Why?
- Nobody writes to the Colonel...

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 16 years old, I want to tell you my story. In our 11th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. he constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore. He annoys me. And all the other girls like him. Well, actually, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition. Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class:

Read completely...

Until I found out what they were saying about me... I would never have thought that I live such an interesting life!

It doesn't matter how cool you are or how old you are, when a two year old gives you a toy phone, you just have to answer the phone.

It doesn’t matter what they say about your friends, if you like them and you feel good with them, then they are exactly the people who should be around. regardless of age and social status

oh, that awkward moment when you're asked to recite a paragraph,


sometimes it feels like

that I always come second to everyone

It's easy to be good when everything is bad.

Now most of all I want warm summer evenings.

Yesterday I was driving a Ferrari, and suddenly an ALARM CLOCK.©

It was a graduation party, chandeliers were burning all around. Couples were spinning around and I stood and looked at the dancers and thought that it was still sad to leave school. And suddenly I saw that a girl was standing near the column; she stood with her back to me and her shoulders were trembling. It seemed to me that she was crying and I was not mistaken. When I approached her and touched her shoulder, she instantly turned around and I saw clear blue eyes full of tears. I recognized a girl from the neighboring yard, also a graduate of this year, I also learned that many people were courting her, and she was friends with another guy, also from our school, his name was Oleg. I stood there and didn’t know what to do? Of course, I felt sorry for her and I wanted to know the reason for her tears, but it was awkward to ask her about it. I was not smart... I looked at her, she stood with her back to me, she was wearing a white dress and white shoes. She was obviously tired and she turned and looked at me. I saw such pain in her eyes that I came closer... She stood like a statue and only...

My name is Oleg, and I’m talking about my journey to America and life there.
A couple of tips for using my blog:

I recommend reading from the very first posts, in chronological order: starting with where I’m from, how and why I decided to move to the USA, how I brought it to life.
Here's a convenient one for you archive of all posts, where everything is convenient, simple, and in the right order. Regardless of where you came from, dear reader, the best way to follow my blog is to subscribe to updates. Not on Youtube, not on forums, but here. In the right column, below - do you see a small mold?

remember me

It was the graduation party. The lights were bright, the couples were spinning, it was fun and noisy. I looked at the dancing couples and thought that it was still difficult to leave school. And suddenly I saw a girl. She stood with her back to me and her shoulders were shaking. It seemed to me that she was crying and I was not mistaken. When I walked up and poked her by the shoulder, she looked back and I saw her eyes full of tears. There was pain in them. I knew what her name was, I knew that many boys were flocking to her, but she was only friends with one. I poked her again. behind her shoulders and said: “Why are you crying, silly? After all, today is our holiday. Did someone offend you?” She answered no. And suddenly she fell on my shoulder and began to sob. So you can cry when a person has great grief, I thought me. She continued to cry. Well, calm down, are you in some kind of grief? Yes, she said. Maybe you can tell me and I can help you with something? No one can help me, But I’ll tell you everything...

It was prom night, the lights were bright, music was playing, couples were spinning. I stood and thought that it was still sad to leave our school. Suddenly I saw that a girl was standing at the column. She stood with her back to me and her shoulders seemed to tremble. It seemed to me that she was crying and I was not mistaken. When I approached and touched her shoulder, she instantly turned around and I saw huge black eyes, crystal clear and full of tears. I didn’t know that many boys were running after her, but she was friends with only one, also from our school, his name was Oleg. I stood there and didn’t know what to do, I felt sorry for her and I wanted to know the reason for her tears, but it was awkward to ask her about it. She stood with her back to me, thin as a stalk in a white dress and white shoes. She was apparently tired of my presence, she turned around and looked at me. And what pain I saw on her face, I couldn’t stand it and took her by the shoulder. She stood like crystal and only her eyes sparkled. “Well, why are you crying, stupid? After all, we have...

Hello everyone, I’m already writing my seventh blog post, but I still haven’t really introduced myself, I’m correcting myself, my name is Oleg! You will say that in the first entry I already introduced myself this way, and you will be right! From the very first entry, if you read it, you know that the author of this wonderful blog is called Oleg! And also that I started this blog to share with you, my dear readers, my knowledge, thoughts, and skills. I want to add to this phrase - I am going to be useful by offering you information! Information on how to create and maintain your own blog, promote it, and start making money with your blog! I will show everything clearly, using the example of this blog that you are reading now! In addition, on my blog, read interesting posts on other topics, read posts about me, participate in competitions held on the blog, subscribe to my blog and stay updated on all updates and innovations! Competitions held on the blog will begin...

Hello, glad to meet you, dear reader of the foreman’s blog, my name is

Oleg Stanislavovich Klyshko

I often go on business trips, have visited many cities in Russia, and am registered in the city.

Belgorod region

By education, he is a civil engineer with a specialty in Industrial and Civil Construction. Entered in 1994. Graduated in 2002 from MGOU (Moscow State Open University) Gubkin branch, now it is named after V.S. Chernomyrdin. He studied by correspondence, combining work as a construction worker and studying.

Before that, I studied at TOGPI (Tashkent Regional State University) as a teacher of computer science and labor, dropped out of the 3rd year, and did not go to pick cotton.

Even earlier, he graduated from GSPTU No. 29 named after A. Gagarin as a mechanic and mechanical assembly worker. These educational institutions are located in Angren, Republic of Uzbekistan. I was born in this city and lived until I was 21.

Until the age of 19, he was engaged in boxing, in 1991...

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 16 years old, I want to tell you my story.
In our 11th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. he constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore.
He annoys me. And all the other girls like him.
Well, in general, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition.
Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class: me, him and my friend Dasha. Dasha, a very peculiar girl, she is a whore, wears a short skirt and a blouse with a large neckline (she is a size three). So when everyone had a window in their schedule, someone would film her for class. One time she even had sex with 8 high school men. In general, she lost her virginity at the age of 10.
And just then there is a window, they take her off again and she leaves with a high school student. We are left alone.
I feel insecure, I'm a decent girl, I don't like my friend's lifestyle, I'm from a good family,...

The name is of Scandinavian origin (among the Varangians - Helgi) and means: sacred. Boys with this name easily succumb to the influence of others, so in childhood and adolescence, parents need to be especially attentive to the circle of their acquaintances. Unfortunately, Oleg quickly learns bad habits.
During his school years, he will attract the attention of teachers with his abilities in the exact sciences, and a mathematician will probably notice that Oleg has an analytical mind. Oleg’s tendency to subject everything to analysis manifests itself in everyday life. Adult Olegs are principled and defend their opinions, even if they are wrong. Persistent in achieving their goals. Their inherent focus gives especially positive results if they devote themselves to science. -

Attached to their parents, especially their mother. The relationship with the mother-in-law is cool: polite, but without a feeling of sympathy and love. Oleg strives to make his wife somewhat similar to his...

Hello everyone, my name is Masha, I’m 16 years old, I’m in 10th grade. I have a good figure, gray eyes, long brown hair. I moved to a new city because my mother was being transferred to another hospital in St. Petersburg. I used to live in Saratov. My mother is sick, she has been in the hospital for almost two years now, and my father is a police colonel.

I woke up at 6:30, got up and went to the shower, having completed all the water procedures, I went downstairs. Silence means dad left for work. There was a note on the table.

“I was called to work, I’ll be late for money on the bedside tables. Dad.”

I ate and went to get dressed, I put on yellow pants, a white T-shirt with Mickey Mouse and white Vans, packed my bag, took my mint vest and went to school. From my house to school it was about a 15-20 minute walk, headphones in my ears and stomped into kingdom of knowledge. Arriving at school, I immediately went to the director, he was a man of about 50-55 years old, he gave me textbooks and the schedule rang, thanking Mikhail Vasilyevich, I went to the physics class there was a lesson. Having entered there, all eyes turned to me.

The class is quiet, I would like to introduce you to a new student - the teacher said and pointed at me.

Please introduce yourself.

I'm Masha Vinogradova, I'm 16 years old and moved here not long ago.

Okay, I’m Olga Vladimirovna, sit on the third desk, second row - Olga Vladimirovna pointed to the desk at which a girl with brown hair was sitting. I went and sat next to her.

Hello, my name is Lera. - She smiled

And I’m Masha, it’s very nice - I smiled back.

Lera and I talked the entire lesson. She told me about school and teachers, the bell rang, having collected our bags, Lera and I went to the history classroom, to be honest, it was one of my favorite subjects, I don’t know why. The second lesson went well, after that we my new friend went to the dining room, I took tea, salad and a bun, and Lera got juice and a cake, we sat down at an empty table and started talking, the bell rang and we went to the office, while we were walking, I saw a guy kissing in the corner with some pink blonde, she threw her legs over him, and the guy touched her breasts. Abomination.

Fuuuuuck, I said, wincing.

This is the elite of the school Artyom, he is the coolest and sexiest guy in our school, he slept with all the girls

With you too?

Yes, it was the case, I liked him, so he took advantage of it,” Lera said sadly.

Well, I definitely won’t sleep with him.

The remaining three lessons were boring, the bell rang from the last lesson and we went home. As I was leaving school, my phone rang and “Dad” was displayed on the screen.

- Hello dear, are you going to see your mother?

Yes, I'll go to the store and buy her some fruit.

-Okay, come on, I’ll come late today so don’t be boring.

Okay bye. - I passed out

“Are you going home?” my friend asked me.

No, I'm going to see my mother at the hospital.

“Your mother is in the hospital, I sympathize,” she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. “What’s wrong with her?”

She is sick with something, she had three operations and was transferred to this hospital.

Ahhh I see, well then, bye we hugged and went in different directions.


Hello everyone, this is my first book, so don’t judge too harshly. By the way, the photo is Masha, please write comments and put stars, I will try to write more often. I love everyone who reads my book.

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 16 years old, I want to tell you my story. In our 9th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. He constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore. He annoys me. And all the other girls like him. Well, actually, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition. Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class: me, him and my friend Dasha. Dasha, a very peculiar girl, she is a whore, wears a short skirt and a blouse with a large neckline (she is a size three). So when everyone had a window in their schedule, someone would film her for class. One time she even had sex with 8 high school students. In general, she lost her virginity at the age of 10. And then just at the window, she is filmed again and she leaves with the high school student. We are left alone. I feel insecure, I'm a decent girl, I don't like my friend's lifestyle, I'm from a good family, I'm a good student. Then he comes up, grabs me by the hair, and I fall to the floor. “What are you doing?” I asked in fear. he looked at me with a lustful look, unzipped my fly, grabbed me by the hair, pushed my head (by the hair) towards his penis and said rudely: “Suck it, whore.” I started shaking my head, he poked me in his panties, like a kitten. I understood that he would not leave me, so I picked up his underpants with my teeth and pulled them down. I was horrified, he was 23 cm, no less! I even at that moment felt sorry for Dasha, almost every day she has the same members (or even more) in all places. and not just one, but 5-6 pieces at a time. I hesitantly took his penis with my lips, I grabbed it, bit it, smacked it with my lips. I thought that he would cum and throw me out like a total whore, so I tried to make him cum as quickly as possible. I didn’t have to wait long, he soon came in my mouth. There was so much of his cum. I thought he would calm down, but he bent down, leaned his whole body on me, I found myself pressed to the floor. he pulled off my school skirt and panties and inserted them into me without preparation. It hurt, I let out the screams of a real virgin. then he pressed on some point or erogenous zone and I suddenly felt so pleased. the screams gave way to groans. He came inside me twice, but I wanted more! “Fuck me again!” I said. He didn’t keep me waiting long and then came inside me three more times. then he suddenly heard stomping and talking, put on his pants, I pulled on my panties with difficulty, and my skirt. the bell rang. everyone sat down. I sat and felt sperm flowing out of me, it was so nice. Dasha came in a little late and with a happy face and sat down at my desk. She understood everything from my eyes, I told her everything. SHE congratulated me on losing my virginity, and told me that she had just slept with Nikita, the boy she liked. they started dating, I was happy for them) then she offered me a 2 on 2 group sex. I agreed, I really liked the first sex and I wanted more. Well, would you really refuse a gangbang?

    In our 9th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. he constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore. He annoys me. And all the other girls like him. Well, actually, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition. Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class: me, him and my friend Dasha. Dasha, a very peculiar girl, she is a whore, wears a short skirt and a blouse with a large neckline (she is a size three).
    So when everyone had a window in their schedule, someone...

    Show in full...

    He annoys me. And all the other girls like him.
    Well, in general, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition.
    Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class: me, him and my friend Dasha. Dasha, a very peculiar girl, she is a whore, wears a short skirt and a blouse with a large neckline (she is a size three). So when everyone had a window in their schedule, someone would film her for class. One time she even had sex with 8 high school men. In general, she lost her virginity at the age of 10.
    And just then there is a window, they take her off again and she leaves with a high school student. We are left alone.
    I feel insecure, I'm a decent girl, I don't like my friend's lifestyle, I'm from a good family, I'm a good student.
    Then he comes up, grabs me by the hair, and I fall to the floor. “What are you doing?” I asked in fear. he looked at me with a lustful look. I realized that it was stupid to resist and decided to obey. Then this all happened...
    It was a graduation party, chandeliers were burning all around. Couples were spinning around and I stood and looked at the dancers and thought that it was still sad to leave school. And suddenly I saw that a girl was standing near the column; she stood with her back to me and her shoulders were trembling. It seemed to me that she was crying and I was not mistaken. When I approached her and touched her shoulder, she instantly turned around and I saw clear blue eyes full of tears. I recognized a girl from the neighboring yard, also a graduate of this year, I also learned that many people were courting her, and she was friends with another guy, also from our school, his name was Oleg. I stood there and didn’t know what to do? Of course, I felt sorry for her and I wanted to know the reason for her tears, but it was awkward to ask her about it. I was not smart... I looked at her, she stood with her back to me, she was wearing a white dress and white shoes. She was obviously tired and she turned and looked at me. I saw such pain in her eyes that I came closer... She stood like a statue and only...

    Hello. If you have problems communicating with classmates, then you have opened the right article. Peers can be angry, cruel and envious. Today I will tell you what to do, what you definitely shouldn’t do and who is better to turn to for help with the problem “I’m being bullied at school.”

    Angry classmates
    I’ll tell you honestly, I had problems at one school, which I later left. I wasn’t popular, I wasn’t invited to birthday parties, I wasn’t invited to parties. I was on my own, a loner. But I solved this problem and I never had similar stories again.
    Why do children bully each other at school? Of course, most often the objects of ridicule are those who look different from everyone else. Because of being overweight, because of glasses, because of colored locks of hair, and so on. They joke about clothes, briefcases, whatever. It also happens that bigger guys beat weaker guys because of their appearance.
    Children are particularly cruel towards their peers. I don't know why you are having problems. Write about them in the comments and together we will figure out what to do in your case.

    Don't think about revenge
    The first thing I want to warn you against is revenge. Even if you think you can't stand it anymore, you shouldn't resort to retaliating. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t fight back, but you definitely shouldn’t take revenge and make some small jokes.
    It is important to understand what you can do and what you cannot do. Agree, taking revenge and dousing your offenders with kefir is not the best idea. You might get a hard time for this from your teachers, then from your parents. But the guys will still continue to mock.
    You need to fight back competently and beautifully.
    If you are a kid and you get beaten, then sign up for karate courses. You’ll learn and be able to hit your offenders so hard that they won’t even come close to you again. At the same time, you will make friends with the guys from the section and enlist their support. As a rule, athletes stand up for each other and will help fight back the villains. They can also teach you how to do it.
    If you are a girl and you are bullied because of your glasses, then ask your parents to buy you lenses. You may look beautiful, but your offenders will not grow wiser. And it would be good for you to go to a hobby group, there you will meet like-minded friends who can support you.
    If you don’t have the courage, you don’t know where to start, how to start changing correctly, then the article “How to develop a core in yourself” is especially for you! Read it and you can change, become more confident and courageous.

    Where to find support
    It is very important to have loved ones and family who will support you and give you strength.

    You can find help from your favorite teacher. It’s not necessary to tell all the details if you’re afraid that the guys will consider you a vibrator. Just speak out, say what’s bothering you, ask what to do. Adults really can help you.
    Also, don't forget that you have a mom and dad. Parental support is very important and we need it throughout our lives. Yes, they may not understand many things, but they will always try to help you. Do not forget about it. Parents, based on their childhood experience, can help you find several options on how to stop peer attacks.
    Whether you tell adults about your problem or not is up to you. If you decide not to initiate anyone, a diary may come in handy. At one time he helped me a lot, and now he is always with me. I just wrote down all my thoughts there, everything that happened to me.
    Do you have friends in class? If not, but you really want to make a girlfriend, then it will be useful for you to read the article “How to find friends.” There I describe in detail how and where you can meet a person who will understand you and you will find common topics of interest to both of you.
    If you have a friend, but you are not sure about him, then the article “How to test a friend for friendship” is especially for you.

    Get busy with your life
    And in the end, I would like to give you the most important advice - take care of yourself. Do what interests you, develop, learn new things, be open. Don't pay attention to the hurtful and caustic words of other guys. They say this out of envy, because of their problems.
    At school, my friend had a terrible bully boy. He constantly offended and mocked everyone. Nobody could handle him. A friend said: I’m a girl, what can I do against him? In the end, it turned out that his parents drank a lot and beat him at home. That's why he acted like that at school.
    Understand that you are not always the reason for the banter. Often the offender himself is going through difficult times and does not know how to take out his inner anger in another way.
    One teenager asked me: I’m a boy, I should be able to stand up for myself, but I absolutely don’t know what to do. If you are a boy, then be more confident in yourself, learn to fight back in a fight and don’t let them make you a punching bag.
    If you are planning to talk to your mom or dad about your difficult situation, you can give them the article “What to do if your child is bullied at school” to read. Don't be afraid, I'm not giving any terrible advice there, you can see for yourself.
    Read very interesting books by Vladislav Krapivin, they will help you decide how to act in difficult situations in which you do not know how to behave.
    Tell me why the guys pester you? What is the joke about and how do you try to combat it? Does anyone at home know about the situation at school? How do teachers react to stories like this?
    Everything will be alright!

It was a graduation party, chandeliers were burning all around. Couples were spinning around and I stood and looked at the dancers and thought that it was still sad to leave school. And suddenly I saw that a girl was standing near the column; she stood with her back to me and her shoulders were trembling. It seemed to me that she was crying and I was not mistaken. When I approached her and touched her shoulder, she instantly turned around and I saw clear blue eyes full of tears. I recognized a girl from the neighboring yard, also a graduate of this year, I also learned that many people were courting her, and she was friends with another guy, also from our school, his name was Oleg. I stood there and didn’t know what to do? Of course, I felt sorry for her and I wanted to know the reason for her tears, but it was awkward to ask her about it. I was not smart... I looked at her, she stood with her back to me, she was wearing a white dress and white shoes. She was obviously tired and she turned and looked at me. I saw such pain in her eyes that I came closer... She stood like a statue and only...

My name is Oleg, and I’m talking about my journey to America and life there.
A couple of tips for using my blog:

I recommend reading from the very first posts, in chronological order: starting with where I’m from, how and why I decided to move to the USA, how I brought it to life.
Here's a convenient one for you archive of all posts, where everything is convenient, simple, and in the right order. Regardless of where you came from, dear reader, the best way to follow my blog is to subscribe to updates. Not on Youtube, not on forums, but here. In the right column, below - do you see a small mold?

remember me

It was the graduation party. The lights were bright, the couples were spinning, it was fun and noisy. I looked at the dancing couples and thought that it was still difficult to leave school. And suddenly I saw a girl. She stood with her back to me and her shoulders were shaking. It seemed to me that she was crying and I was not mistaken. When I walked up and poked her by the shoulder, she looked back and I saw her eyes full of tears. There was pain in them. I knew what her name was, I knew that many boys were flocking to her, but she was only friends with one. I poked her again. behind her shoulders and said: “Why are you crying, silly? After all, today is our holiday. Did someone offend you?” She answered no. And suddenly she fell on my shoulder and began to sob. So you can cry when a person has great grief, I thought me. She continued to cry. Well, calm down, are you in some kind of grief? Yes, she said. Maybe you can tell me and I can help you with something? No one can help me, But I’ll tell you everything...

It was prom night, the lights were bright, music was playing, couples were spinning. I stood and thought that it was still sad to leave our school. Suddenly I saw that a girl was standing at the column. She stood with her back to me and her shoulders seemed to tremble. It seemed to me that she was crying and I was not mistaken. When I approached and touched her shoulder, she instantly turned around and I saw huge black eyes, crystal clear and full of tears. I didn’t know that many boys were running after her, but she was friends with only one, also from our school, his name was Oleg. I stood there and didn’t know what to do, I felt sorry for her and I wanted to know the reason for her tears, but it was awkward to ask her about it. She stood with her back to me, thin as a stalk in a white dress and white shoes. She was apparently tired of my presence, she turned around and looked at me. And what pain I saw on her face, I couldn’t stand it and took her by the shoulder. She stood like crystal and only her eyes sparkled. “Well, why are you crying, stupid? After all, we have...

Hello everyone, I’m already writing my seventh blog post, but I still haven’t really introduced myself, I’m correcting myself, my name is Oleg! You will say that in the first entry I already introduced myself this way, and you will be right! From the very first entry, if you read it, you know that the author of this wonderful blog is called Oleg! And also that I started this blog to share with you, my dear readers, my knowledge, thoughts, and skills. I want to add to this phrase - I am going to be useful by offering you information! Information on how to create and maintain your own blog, promote it, and start making money with your blog! I will show everything clearly, using the example of this blog that you are reading now! In addition, on my blog, read interesting posts on other topics, read posts about me, participate in competitions held on the blog, subscribe to my blog and stay updated on all updates and innovations! Competitions held on the blog will begin...

Hello, glad to meet you, dear reader of the foreman’s blog, my name is

Oleg Stanislavovich Klyshko

I often go on business trips, have visited many cities in Russia, and am registered in the city.

Belgorod region

By education, he is a civil engineer with a specialty in Industrial and Civil Construction. Entered in 1994. Graduated in 2002 from MGOU (Moscow State Open University) Gubkin branch, now it is named after V.S. Chernomyrdin. He studied by correspondence, combining work as a construction worker and studying.

Before that, I studied at TOGPI (Tashkent Regional State University) as a teacher of computer science and labor, dropped out of the 3rd year, and did not go to pick cotton.

Even earlier, he graduated from GSPTU No. 29 named after A. Gagarin as a mechanic and mechanical assembly worker. These educational institutions are located in Angren, Republic of Uzbekistan. I was born in this city and lived until I was 21.

Until the age of 19, he was engaged in boxing, in 1991...

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 16 years old, I want to tell you my story.
In our 11th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. he constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore.
He annoys me. And all the other girls like him.
Well, in general, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition.
Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class: me, him and my friend Dasha. Dasha, a very peculiar girl, she is a whore, wears a short skirt and a blouse with a large neckline (she is a size three). So when everyone had a window in their schedule, someone would film her for class. One time she even had sex with 8 high school men. In general, she lost her virginity at the age of 10.
And just then there is a window, they take her off again and she leaves with a high school student. We are left alone.
I feel insecure, I'm a decent girl, I don't like my friend's lifestyle, I'm from a good family,...

The name is of Scandinavian origin (among the Varangians - Helgi) and means: sacred. Boys with this name easily succumb to the influence of others, so in childhood and adolescence, parents need to be especially attentive to the circle of their acquaintances. Unfortunately, Oleg quickly learns bad habits.
During his school years, he will attract the attention of teachers with his abilities in the exact sciences, and a mathematician will probably notice that Oleg has an analytical mind. Oleg’s tendency to subject everything to analysis manifests itself in everyday life. Adult Olegs are principled and defend their opinions, even if they are wrong. Persistent in achieving their goals. Their inherent focus gives especially positive results if they devote themselves to science. -

Attached to their parents, especially their mother. The relationship with the mother-in-law is cool: polite, but without a feeling of sympathy and love. Oleg strives to make his wife somewhat similar to his...

Hello everyone, my name is Masha, I’m 16 years old, I’m in 10th grade. I have a good figure, gray eyes, long brown hair. I moved to a new city because my mother was being transferred to another hospital in St. Petersburg. I used to live in Saratov. My mother is sick, she has been in the hospital for almost two years now, and my father is a police colonel.

I woke up at 6:30, got up and went to the shower, having completed all the water procedures, I went downstairs. Silence means dad left for work. There was a note on the table.

“I was called to work, I’ll be late for money on the bedside tables. Dad.”

I ate and went to get dressed, I put on yellow pants, a white T-shirt with Mickey Mouse and white Vans, packed my bag, took my mint vest and went to school. From my house to school it was about a 15-20 minute walk, headphones in my ears and stomped into kingdom of knowledge. Arriving at school, I immediately went to the director, he was a man of about 50-55 years old, he gave me textbooks and the schedule rang, thanking Mikhail Vasilyevich, I went to the physics class there was a lesson. Having entered there, all eyes turned to me.

The class is quiet, I would like to introduce you to a new student - the teacher said and pointed at me.

Please introduce yourself.

I'm Masha Vinogradova, I'm 16 years old and moved here not long ago.

Okay, I’m Olga Vladimirovna, sit on the third desk, second row - Olga Vladimirovna pointed to the desk at which a girl with brown hair was sitting. I went and sat next to her.

Hello, my name is Lera. - She smiled

And I’m Masha, it’s very nice - I smiled back.

Lera and I talked the entire lesson. She told me about school and teachers, the bell rang, having collected our bags, Lera and I went to the history classroom, to be honest, it was one of my favorite subjects, I don’t know why. The second lesson went well, after that we my new friend went to the dining room, I took tea, salad and a bun, and Lera got juice and a cake, we sat down at an empty table and started talking, the bell rang and we went to the office, while we were walking, I saw a guy kissing in the corner with some pink blonde, she threw her legs over him, and the guy touched her breasts. Abomination.

Fuuuuuck, I said, wincing.

This is the elite of the school Artyom, he is the coolest and sexiest guy in our school, he slept with all the girls

With you too?

Yes, it was the case, I liked him, so he took advantage of it,” Lera said sadly.

Well, I definitely won’t sleep with him.

The remaining three lessons were boring, the bell rang from the last lesson and we went home. As I was leaving school, my phone rang and “Dad” was displayed on the screen.

- Hello dear, are you going to see your mother?

Yes, I'll go to the store and buy her some fruit.

-Okay, come on, I’ll come late today so don’t be boring.

Okay bye. - I passed out

“Are you going home?” my friend asked me.

No, I'm going to see my mother at the hospital.

“Your mother is in the hospital, I sympathize,” she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. “What’s wrong with her?”

She is sick with something, she had three operations and was transferred to this hospital.

Ahhh I see, well then, bye we hugged and went in different directions.


Hello everyone, this is my first book, so don’t judge too harshly. By the way, the photo is Masha, please write comments and put stars, I will try to write more often. I love everyone who reads my book.

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 16 years old, I want to tell you my story. In our 9th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. He constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore. He annoys me. And all the other girls like him. Well, actually, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition. Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class: me, him and my friend Dasha. Dasha, a very peculiar girl, she is a whore, wears a short skirt and a blouse with a large neckline (she is a size three). So when everyone had a window in their schedule, someone would film her for class. One time she even had sex with 8 high school students. In general, she lost her virginity at the age of 10. And then just at the window, she is filmed again and she leaves with the high school student. We are left alone. I feel insecure, I'm a decent girl, I don't like my friend's lifestyle, I'm from a good family, I'm a good student. Then he comes up, grabs me by the hair, and I fall to the floor. “What are you doing?” I asked in fear. he looked at me with a lustful look, unzipped my fly, grabbed me by the hair, pushed my head (by the hair) towards his penis and said rudely: “Suck it, whore.” I started shaking my head, he poked me in his panties, like a kitten. I understood that he would not leave me, so I picked up his underpants with my teeth and pulled them down. I was horrified, he was 23 cm, no less! I even at that moment felt sorry for Dasha, almost every day she has the same members (or even more) in all places. and not just one, but 5-6 pieces at a time. I hesitantly took his penis with my lips, I grabbed it, bit it, smacked it with my lips. I thought that he would cum and throw me out like a total whore, so I tried to make him cum as quickly as possible. I didn’t have to wait long, he soon came in my mouth. There was so much of his cum. I thought he would calm down, but he bent down, leaned his whole body on me, I found myself pressed to the floor. he pulled off my school skirt and panties and inserted them into me without preparation. It hurt, I let out the screams of a real virgin. then he pressed on some point or erogenous zone and I suddenly felt so pleased. the screams gave way to groans. He came inside me twice, but I wanted more! “Fuck me again!” I said. He didn’t keep me waiting long and then came inside me three more times. then he suddenly heard stomping and talking, put on his pants, I pulled on my panties with difficulty, and my skirt. the bell rang. everyone sat down. I sat and felt sperm flowing out of me, it was so nice. Dasha came in a little late and with a happy face and sat down at my desk. She understood everything from my eyes, I told her everything. SHE congratulated me on losing my virginity, and told me that she had just slept with Nikita, the boy she liked. they started dating, I was happy for them) then she offered me a 2 on 2 group sex. I agreed, I really liked the first sex and I wanted more. Well, would you really refuse a gangbang?

- Why?
- Nobody writes to the Colonel...

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 16 years old, I want to tell you my story. In our 11th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. he constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore. He annoys me. And all the other girls like him. Well, actually, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition. Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class:

Read completely...

Until I found out what they were saying about me... I would never have thought that I live such an interesting life!

It doesn't matter how cool you are or how old you are, when a two year old gives you a toy phone, you just have to answer the phone.

It doesn’t matter what they say about your friends, if you like them and you feel good with them, then they are exactly the people who should be around. regardless of age and social status

oh, that awkward moment when you're asked to recite a paragraph,


sometimes it feels like

that I always come second to everyone

It's easy to be good when everything is bad.

Now most of all I want warm summer evenings.

Yesterday I was driving a Ferrari, and suddenly an ALARM CLOCK.©

At the age of 13, while hanging out with a friend, I met a guy and thought “wow, he’s cute” and nothing more. In the evening, the same day, on social media. network, I receive a friend request, well, not knowing yet that this is the guy, I rejected it and my friend wrote to me that this guy really liked me and asked to add him, well, I added... After two days of communication, he asked me to meet, Well, what do I... 13 years old first guy and so cute, well, I agreed. Time passed... Everything was fine, but my mother was very passionately interested in everything and I’m not talking about: “How was your walk? “, and about: “How was your walk?” Where did you go? What were they talking about? What did you tell him? What was he wearing? When will you go next? Did you kiss?” and so on... This irritated me terribly. And in the end, my mother began to simply go to my page without my knowledge and read our correspondence. This crossed all boundaries and I was very angry with her and lashed out at my boyfriend. At first he was patient. I had my first kiss with him, but one day I had a very strong fight with my mother and shouted at the guy very much. He said that it was already unbearable and left me. We dated for a year (that is, I was already 14). I was hysterical for the first 3 months, then I calmed down and found out that he was dating my classmate right after me, then another, then a third, fourth... And I tried to forget. It seems to have worked out. And in the summer, when I was already 15, through my best friend I got in touch with a bad crowd (they drink, smoke, bandits, in short). One is 16 and the rest (three) are 18. And the devil pulled me to go with them... But at first everything was decent, normal, calm. I was offered a drink (it was beer) and I didn’t like it. They said that at first it’s always like this, but the second time it will be fine. Well, I, naive, believe everything. I took two small sips and realized that no, it doesn’t work, I won’t, and they deliberately made me drunk. Then my head started to spin and I completely lost control. She said that I felt bad, they gave me a cigarette with the words: “it helps,” and it became even worse. I say that I feel very bad and they sent me to bed. It was terribly painful, terribly unpleasant... I didn’t think that my first time would be like this... But I don’t know whether you understand it or not, it’s a state when you understand the situation, but you can’t do anything... That’s how it happened. And I lost my virginity to a 16-year-old, and he, according to others, has already fucked many people. Because of this, I stopped communicating with them, I definitely decided that I wouldn’t drink or smoke, and I wouldn’t get involved with guys. But I was offered to meet 6 other guys and I refused all of them. A year has passed and I turned 16. And my boyfriend was graduating from school (11th grade), and we didn’t even talk to him, but then he came up and asked to take a selfie with him. I started to cry, I realized that I love him and don’t want to be with someone else, I wrote that I still want to be with him (2 years have passed), but he said that he found a girl, he respects her and they have mutually, and she is younger than me (14) and she is still a slut, and he obviously sent me... I can’t live without him. But can I return it? What to do? Help…

Hello everyone, my name is Masha, I’m 16 years old, I’m in 10th grade. I have a good figure, gray eyes, long brown hair. I moved to a new city because my mother was being transferred to another hospital in St. Petersburg. I used to live in Saratov. My mother is sick, she has been in the hospital for almost two years now, and my father is a police colonel.

I woke up at 6:30, got up and went to the shower, having completed all the water procedures, I went downstairs. Silence means dad left for work. There was a note on the table.

“I was called to work, I’ll be late for money on the bedside tables. Dad.”

I ate and went to get dressed, I put on yellow pants, a white T-shirt with Mickey Mouse and white Vans, packed my bag, took my mint vest and went to school. From my house to school it was about a 15-20 minute walk, headphones in my ears and stomped into kingdom of knowledge. Arriving at school, I immediately went to the director, he was a man of about 50-55 years old, he gave me textbooks and the schedule rang, thanking Mikhail Vasilyevich, I went to the physics class there was a lesson. Having entered there, all eyes turned to me.

The class is quiet, I would like to introduce you to a new student - the teacher said and pointed at me.

Please introduce yourself.

I'm Masha Vinogradova, I'm 16 years old and moved here not long ago.

Okay, I’m Olga Vladimirovna, sit on the third desk, second row - Olga Vladimirovna pointed to the desk at which a girl with brown hair was sitting. I went and sat next to her.

Hello, my name is Lera. - She smiled

And I’m Masha, it’s very nice - I smiled back.

Lera and I talked the entire lesson. She told me about school and teachers, the bell rang, having collected our bags, Lera and I went to the history classroom, to be honest, it was one of my favorite subjects, I don’t know why. The second lesson went well, after that we my new friend went to the dining room, I took tea, salad and a bun, and Lera got juice and a cake, we sat down at an empty table and started talking, the bell rang and we went to the office, while we were walking, I saw a guy kissing in the corner with some pink blonde, she threw her legs over him, and the guy touched her breasts. Abomination.

Fuuuuuck, I said, wincing.

This is the elite of the school Artyom, he is the coolest and sexiest guy in our school, he slept with all the girls

With you too?

Yes, it was the case, I liked him, so he took advantage of it,” Lera said sadly.

Well, I definitely won’t sleep with him.

The remaining three lessons were boring, the bell rang from the last lesson and we went home. As I was leaving school, my phone rang and “Dad” was displayed on the screen.

- Hello dear, are you going to see your mother?

Yes, I'll go to the store and buy her some fruit.

-Okay, come on, I’ll come late today so don’t be boring.

Okay bye. - I passed out

“Are you going home?” my friend asked me.

No, I'm going to see my mother at the hospital.

“Your mother is in the hospital, I sympathize,” she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. “What’s wrong with her?”

She is sick with something, she had three operations and was transferred to this hospital.

Ahhh I see, well then, bye we hugged and went in different directions.


Hello everyone, this is my first book, so don’t judge too harshly. By the way, the photo is Masha, please write comments and put stars, I will try to write more often. I love everyone who reads my book.

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 16 years old, I want to tell you my story. In our 9th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. He constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore. He annoys me. And all the other girls like him. Well, actually, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition. Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class: me, him and my friend Dasha. Dasha, a very peculiar girl, she is a whore, wears a short skirt and a blouse with a large neckline (she is a size three). So when everyone had a window in their schedule, someone would film her for class. One time she even had sex with 8 high school students. In general, she lost her virginity at the age of 10. And then just at the window, she is filmed again and she leaves with the high school student. We are left alone. I feel insecure, I'm a decent girl, I don't like my friend's lifestyle, I'm from a good family, I'm a good student. Then he comes up, grabs me by the hair, and I fall to the floor. “What are you doing?” I asked in fear. he looked at me with a lustful look, unzipped my fly, grabbed me by the hair, pushed my head (by the hair) towards his penis and said rudely: “Suck it, whore.” I started shaking my head, he poked me in his panties, like a kitten. I understood that he would not leave me, so I picked up his underpants with my teeth and pulled them down. I was horrified, he was 23 cm, no less! I even at that moment felt sorry for Dasha, almost every day she has the same members (or even more) in all places. and not just one, but 5-6 pieces at a time. I hesitantly took his penis with my lips, I grabbed it, bit it, smacked it with my lips. I thought that he would cum and throw me out like a total whore, so I tried to make him cum as quickly as possible. I didn’t have to wait long, he soon came in my mouth. There was so much of his cum. I thought he would calm down, but he bent down, leaned his whole body on me, I found myself pressed to the floor. he pulled off my school skirt and panties and inserted them into me without preparation. It hurt, I let out the screams of a real virgin. then he pressed on some point or erogenous zone and I suddenly felt so pleased. the screams gave way to groans. He came inside me twice, but I wanted more! “Fuck me again!” I said. He didn’t keep me waiting long and then came inside me three more times. then he suddenly heard stomping and talking, put on his pants, I pulled on my panties with difficulty, and my skirt. the bell rang. everyone sat down. I sat and felt sperm flowing out of me, it was so nice. Dasha came in a little late and with a happy face and sat down at my desk. She understood everything from my eyes, I told her everything. SHE congratulated me on losing my virginity, and told me that she had just slept with Nikita, the boy she liked. they started dating, I was happy for them) then she offered me a 2 on 2 group sex. I agreed, I really liked the first sex and I wanted more. Well, would you really refuse a gangbang?

Hello, my name is Yulia, I am 16 years old, I want to tell you my story. In our 9th grade there is a big guy named Sasha. He constantly mocks me, says that I am a whore. He annoys me. And all the other girls like him. Well, actually, one day we had a window in the schedule. There were few people at school; the whole school had gone to an international exhibition. Well, in general, the three of us are sitting in class: me, him and my friend Dasha. Dasha, a very peculiar girl, she is a whore, wears a short skirt and a blouse with a large neckline (she is a size three). So when everyone had a window in their schedule, someone would film her for class. One time she even had sex with 8 high school students. In general, she lost her virginity at the age of 10. And then just at the window, she is filmed again and she leaves with the high school student. We are left alone. I feel insecure, I'm a decent girl, I don't like my friend's lifestyle, I'm from a good family, I'm a good student. Then he comes up, grabs me by the hair, and I fall to the floor. “What are you doing?” I asked in fear. he looked at me with a lustful look, unzipped my fly, grabbed me by the hair, pushed my head (by the hair) towards his penis and said rudely: “Suck it, whore.” I started shaking my head, he poked me in his panties, like a kitten. I understood that he would not leave me, so I picked up his underpants with my teeth and pulled them down. I was horrified, he was 23 cm, no less! I even at that moment felt sorry for Dasha, almost every day she has the same members (or even more) in all places. and not just one, but 5-6 pieces at a time. I hesitantly took his penis with my lips, I grabbed it, bit it, smacked it with my lips. I thought that he would cum and throw me out like a total whore, so I tried to make him cum as quickly as possible. I didn’t have to wait long, he soon came in my mouth. There was so much of his cum. I thought he would calm down, but he bent down, leaned his whole body on me, I found myself pressed to the floor. he pulled off my school skirt and panties and inserted them into me without preparation. It hurt, I let out the screams of a real virgin. then he pressed on some point or erogenous zone and I suddenly felt so pleased. the screams gave way to groans. He came inside me twice, but I wanted more! “Fuck me again!” I said. He didn’t keep me waiting long and then came inside me three more times. then he suddenly heard stomping and talking, put on his pants, I pulled on my panties with difficulty, and my skirt. the bell rang. everyone sat down. I sat and felt sperm flowing out of me, it was so nice. Dasha came in a little late and with a happy face and sat down at my desk. She understood everything from my eyes, I told her everything. SHE congratulated me on losing my virginity, and told me that she had just slept with Nikita, the boy she liked. they started dating, I was happy for them) then she offered me a 2 on 2 group sex. I agreed, I really liked the first sex and I wanted more. Well, would you really refuse a gangbang?


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