Signs of female infidelity. How does a wife who cheats on her husband behave - Main signs

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The world is gradually going crazy: the number of female infidelities has long been equal to that of men. Monogamous men, on the other hand, experience neurosis on the basis of misunderstandings, secrets in a woman's life and inexplicable facts. The first thought that visits the male consciousness is: “Does your wife have a lover? How to find out? With what help to determine? Whether there is a ready-made version instructions?”, and there is an obsession with the idea of ​​recognizing signs of cheating wife.

Looping generates persistent aggression, which is difficult to cope with on your own. Unless, until the fact is confirmed or refuted with an accuracy of 100%: “Does it change?”. Although, if you look at what is happening from the outside, then such paranoia spoils the relationship. Regardless of whether the truth is revealed or not, the marriage still collapses. This is due to an intuitive desire to be convinced of the truth again (see). We'll talk about this at the end of the material, but for now I'll tell you, how to understand, that the wife is cheating on her husband.

Signs of a Cheating Wife: Questionable Behavior

How to determine (reveal) cheating wife? Signs of desire to serve and love are cancelled. The behavior of the wife at the same time becomes doubtful and unnatural in the presence of her husband:

  • Periodically returns late from work;
  • Urgent and sudden business trips (see);
  • Increased inspired emotionality without explaining the reasons for its occurrence;
  • On returning home, he has an excited look (tousled or styled hairstyle different from the morning). The probability of a match depends on the place of work of the spouse;
  • Always keeps with you mobile phone, hides text messages or calls. During a telephone conversation, he is nervous, does not give access to social networks. networks;
  • Attempts to create a conflict (finds fault with words, things and actions, periodically threatening divorce (see));
  • Touchy at a situation that she herself came up with (if this had not happened before);
  • A month or two refuses to be close (see);
  • Ask friends, girlfriends, perhaps someone saw her surrounded by another man;
  • Doesn't say where he's going. Refuses to join trips, trips, walks;
  • If a woman often raised her voice with or without reason, and now she has become loving, caring, kind. This is also a signal, but that she has freed herself from a fan (they broke up or realized that you are better).

Wife's behavior after infidelity differs from the everyday one, so the supports need to be done to search for contradictions.

Signs of infidelity wife physiological and external

How to recognize female infidelity, and not every man manages to feel it. But closeness sends signals to the subconscious when changes are physically felt. Most often, it is possible to detect signs of a wife's infidelity after a sexual pause of 7-21 days.

Among the factors that can be detected without sexual intercourse, psychologists distinguish the following:

  • Bluish or red spots around the buttocks;
  • Microcracks and scratches on the face;
  • Blood stains or skin particles under the fingernails;
  • Swelling on the neck around the ears.

As for the intimate area, then important aspect for analysis is the difference between the genitals of a husband and a possible lover.

If the length and width do not differ, then you will have to understand this during entry. An important factor is the humidity of the female genital organ. If this is not due to age and sexual illness, then dryness will speak of a perfect act today.

External factors:

  • Examine the appearance while the spouse is sleeping, while doing a massage or in the shower. Take a look at the state of the wardrobe: the presence of new clothes, visual analysis of stains, identifying missing clothes that are fit to wear. If you find something missing, ask about it. You will see the answer in your eyes (you will learn to identify lies below);
  • Examine the clothes of the spouse after work or guests. If you notice someone else's hair or torn stockings, think about where she was. Suspicion will intensify the smell of wine if she has not previously notified you of the desire to drink, for example, with friends;
  • The woman did not pay attention to her appearance for a year or two, but abruptly changed her mind. If she began to make up a lot, model her eyebrows, shave her legs and intimate area, think;
  • Smell, whether someone else's masculine aromas blow from her. If it smells like citrus, beware, as it is used in men's perfume;
  • Look at the face and skin condition (chin, cheeks, neck, lips). Not all men shave on time, some of them begin to "prick" in the evening. Therefore, light scratches remain on the delicate skin during a kiss.

At the time these were found the first signs of a cheating wife in behavior, you should not arrange interrogations, as they can create disputes without evidence.

Attributes suggestive of having a lover

Before that, how to recognize cheating wife through psychoanalysis, it is worth paying attention to everyday little things. They indirectly or directly issue an early collapse of the marriage. The following circumstances and things will suggest the deformation of relations:

  • The wife returned home with a bouquet of flowers, but the gleam of happiness in her eyes resembles sexual satisfaction;
  • By chance, new underwear was discovered in the woman's closet, which her husband does not know about. If it has a tag, it means it's new. Check after a while whether it was exactly bought for the evening with you;
  • The moments when he does not spend the night at home became more frequent, while a means of contraception was found. If close relatives appear in the arguments, but the arguments are blurred, this is a clear sign. It is better to clarify the details;
  • If you have always been at home (in your usual state), but ran away after a strange call, this may also indicate a problem;
  • The appearance of new things or jewelry that was not donated by you. If the arguments are suspicious or too banal, think about it.

So How does a woman behave after infidelity?(or fictional betrayal) is suspicious, in order to recognize it, you need to resort to analysis. The methods described below will help you with this. But in addition, it is better to read:

Signs of a Cheating Wife: Propensity Analysis

In order to successfully understand and interpret the signs of a wife's infidelity, it is worth disassembling her psychotype in order to search for inclinations. Psychoanalysis will allow you to recognize in a woman a tendency to pay attention to other men and be attracted to them. If you know about the tendency to random or regular relationships on the side, you can interpret signs of a woman cheating. Otherwise, any little thing will be regarded biased. Many men impose guesswork on reality, which is already a pathology, so let's start. Because we don't want to look stupid.

parent example

Psychologists note that copying the behavior of parents in a child occurs from 0 to 6 years. Therefore, it is forbidden to resort to drill, aggression and suppression. The psyche of the child is just beginning to develop. If its breakdown occurs at the germ, a set of consequences will follow. Polygamy is included. Take as a basis the story of the parents. Were they divorced, did they cause suffering mutually ...:

  • Were the parents married? If not, then marriage can be understood by a woman as a prison. As a result, the sharp negativity that follows her tenderness may indicate a desire to become free;
  • If divorced, what was the result of a divorce. If this is the father’s departure, then the remaining resentment towards him gives the installation: “This will not happen in my family, so I will honor the laws of marriage and family.” The mistake of the mother, with a high degree of probability, could be passed on to your wife. Moreover, she can repeat her fate. Also, the influence of the mother can create a different attitude: “I will take revenge on men,” so other aspects need to be considered;
  • How often did new suitors appear with the mother. If so, then such behavior is fixed in her subconscious, so there is a high risk of changing partners;
  • Is it customary in their family to help each other, regardless of gender. The "Family - Seven I" setting will work in your favor if a left turn is condemned;
  • Do the grandmothers of the wife, mother, sister and other female relatives underestimate the image of a man? For many women, it is customary to treat men like a purse or a servant. Opposition to this "law" ends up looking for new men if the wife does not condemn it;
  • Is the mother lonely after the death of her father or a divorce from him. The reason for loneliness is poor social development. Analyze the interaction with your wife for her gentleness, compliance and compromise. In addition, I recommend:


If the wife is close to the father:

  • Does he drink alcohol excessively? The reason for this may be disappointment in women. Meanwhile, if your wife is imbued with his pain and supports him, she is unlikely to cause you such suffering;
  • Doesn't he boast about the number of partners in his youth. The daughter's lack of reaction to the father's similar behavior may suggest indifference to the number of partners. This means that there is a risk of betrayal, however it is low;
  • Does it resemble your personality? Are there similarities in appearance, mind and habits? If yes, then she will not dare to upset you.

To the analysis known facts from childhood it is worth approaching with a cool head. This will prevent past events from tilting in favor of suspicion.

Analysis of morality with a bias towards physiology

Assessing woman's behavior after infidelity, you need to look at the difference "before and after." In addition, reliance is placed on age and past. Over the years (from 35 years old), the physiological functions of a woman weaken. They affect appearance and sexual function, which is the basis for the absence or rarity of meetings with other men. Knowing the wife's past (from 14 to 25 years old) is necessary to assess her actions, desires and regrets. Before the midlife crisis (35-40 years), the views on women's lives do not change, so mistakes are excluded. With this knowledge, it is possible to determine How does a cheating wife behave?.

It is customary to consider a person under 20 years of age as a poorly mastered personality. During these years, the person is ready to solve problems, but does not know how to do this. Conclusion: if her family was deformed, then she received skills in society. And it cannot be considered ideal, therefore mistakes in relations with men are not excluded.

If you haven't asked about your spouse's background before, ask about these facts:

  • Did she ever change ex-boyfriends? If yes, under what conditions? Was the cheating intentional or spontaneous, conscious or impulsive, random or typical of her behavior? Does he regret this fact?
  • Did the guys cheat on her? What was her reaction to the news? How long did you suffer? Has the resentment persisted?
  • Did her friends cheat on their boyfriends? Who does she think is right in those dramas?
  • Have you had intimacy in the past without love or commitment? How does one feel about such entertainment? If information undermines your nervous system, read :)

Be careful with questions if you are afraid of hearing answers that you are not ready for. After all, the opinion of the spouse can change so much that you immediately want to get a divorce. Moreover, do not compare with your past. This is a dangerous practice, so choose only one range of questions. The answers should form an opinion about her moral health. But rely on the information that will help determine the signs of a wife's infidelity with accuracy.

Why did your wife have to cheat on you? Interaction analysis

Cheating is the result of bad relationships. Therefore, before analyzing behavior of a wife who cheats on her husband, attention should be paid to male attitude To her. Trust, empathy and openness of partners without mutual fear of reactions is an intimate unity. If the spouses have reached it, then excuses, for example: “We have become boring”, “It has become boring” ... do not work.

In the practice of therapists, it was found that 78% of cheating happens through the fault of both partners, so the fault of the man cannot be denied (see). Understanding the uselessness, impracticality in everyday life and living with a loved (or unloved) person comes to every spouse. It depends on the number and severity of conflicts. The more severely the blow is dealt by each side, the deeper the resentment. As a result, against such an emotional background, the desire to live in harmony disappears. In the end, both are closed and domestic chaos ensues. Due to daily stress, the bodies of both throw out a huge amount of the hormone cortisol. As a result of such a shake-up, apart from a TV and a telephone, nothing is needed, emotions are not felt at all. Women seize stress with chocolate, men drink alcohol and try to find signs of their wife's infidelity, being jealous of every pillar. But betrayal is more often the one whose self-esteem is underestimated at home with great zeal.

Fear of appearing weak main reason intransigence and unwillingness to end the conflict. With bed discontent, pride prevents you from asking for something that will bring more pleasure. Most people think that marriage is about achieving a goal. Therefore, after the victory, many stop playing the game "I to you - You to me." No one protects from new hobbies and fleeting "love" and neighborly relations begin. It follows that before asking how does a wife behave if she cheated on her husband, look at yourself from the side:

  • Have you become the hero of a leftist novel?
  • If so, don't you think the wife could understand that? She could take revenge by betrayal (see)
  • Do you follow the rules of the family institution?
  • Don't you treat a woman like a servant?

Remember! A woman's act is the result of a man's attitude.

How can you know if a wife is cheating on her husband with accuracy? Psychotherapy. Reaction analysis

Signs of a wife's infidelity are easy to detect in the eyes and facial expressions when asking a question, knowing the female type of temperament. A fake reaction will tell about the presence of hidden facts in her mind. But a man will feel the difference in the case when the issue of his wife's misconduct has already been discussed and resolved. By the way, it's not just about cheating. It cannot be ruled out that some women, for example, a kiss with another man, are not considered a step towards intimacy.

We divide women into three categories:

  1. Prone to polygamy, looks at it as the norm of human behavior;
  2. Managed to change, but admitted the mistake. In order to prevent a repetition, through the pangs of conscience, she herself suppresses the innate desire. Of course, this commands respect, so if this is your case, read: ;
  3. She does not understand the motive of traitors, condemns them, is not able to imagine herself in this role.

Each category falls under a specific temperament or a mixture of them and indicates a stable form of behavior. Based on it, it is possible to determine lies using profiling and comparing facts with what was said. Profiling is an analysis of facial reactions to a set of questions related to a situation incomprehensible to a man.

How to understand (determine) whether a wife is cheating? Start from afar, but build the conversation in such a way as to relax and arrange the mind of your wife towards you. Spend 30-50 minutes remembering moments from the candy-bouquet period. Add phrases to the dialogue that elevate her persona. At the same time, start talking about your experiences about the period where the signs female infidelity . To make the attack invisible, do not blame, talk only about yourself, then avoid conflict. We will return to this, then you have to determine her temperament, and later learn to recognize lies by facial expressions and gestures.


  • (explosive) - trying to hide the oversight, he will restrain his ardor in the initial pairs. After that, she will create an image of the victim, and when she is convinced that they began to believe her, she will go into a verbal attack. If there was no betrayal, there will be no moral pressure;
  • (whining, docile) - “good” tears will say about wine. However, if the fact wants to hide, he will leave the conversation and be offended. If she is pure in front of her husband, she will sympathize with him, try to calm him down, honestly tell in detail about the events of a dubious day;
  • (open, carefree) - will not make excuses and conceal the fact of treason. However, with the growth of the nervous situation, he will hasten to escape. If she is not guilty, then she will not convince her. He believes that a couple of words are enough, and distrust is a husband’s problem.
  • (calm, stable) - traitors rarely come across among them, because they prefer to give themselves more mental labor than physical. Understanding the consequences, they rarely make mistakes, but there are exceptions.

In the human psyche, nature has a tendency to each temperament, so it is difficult to determine it. The psychotype adapts to the external environment, therefore it is changeable. Based on this, you need to analyze behavioral reactions over the past 3 months. After comparing with those that will appear during the dialogue.

Profiling: Behavior

The result of detection of lie signals will be affected by a complex of chaotic emotions. Together with them, gestures, facial expressions, breathing, body movements, and even are subject to evaluation. Moreover, you will also need to analyze the order of words, pauses between them and random phrases that indirectly resemble signs of a wife's infidelity. Most profilers film interrogations on video for a more thorough analysis, so you can set up a video camera in advance. Try to cover the entire wife in the frame, as the face is not always enough.

It makes no sense to disassemble the choleric and the melancholic, since their behavior is understandable. They are distinguished from the rest by an increased degree of emotional fluctuation (explosion of emotions). It is more difficult to work with phlegmatic (calm) and sanguine (active). They are difficult to succumb to outbreaks and are in a constant mental state, so the lie is barely noticeable.

Detect lies during interrogation

As mentioned earlier, you need to look for the difference between the ordinary and the strange. Among acting forms of behavior, psychodiagnostics, profilers and physiologists note:

  • Careless statements, evasive answer. A traitor can ask the question: “What am I, sh **** or what?”, Thus, an idea is formed in the male mind: “Since she is not sh ****, it means she didn’t cheat!”, And make excuses for her behavior it is no longer necessary for the wife;
  • Dispute not on the topic, avoiding the conversation. Famous female phrases: “Did you take my phone? Who gave you the right?”, “You have nothing to do?”, “I’m busy, I have to work! Do not distract over trifles! ”, Or even at the slightest pressure, a woman runs away from home with a far-fetched idea to wait for her husband to calm down;
  • Reservation. Every man has heard: “Okay! If you think that I cheated on you, consider it! What is more suggestive of the betrayal that took place is the confusion of facts;
  • Frequency pauses at unexpected questions, for which it was not possible to prepare answers in advance. If she lies and cheated, then she is not able to predict her husband's questions. A pause is needed for a new scrolling of thoughts so that the legend has coherence;
  • Speech errors, extra syllables, word repetitions(hmm, um, uh-huh, well, uh, I, I, I mean I…);
  • Excessive gesticulation. For example, a shrug of the shoulders is replaced by raising the eyebrows with lowering of the eyelids and giving the mouth a horseshoe shape when the person does not know something. But if gestures include facial expressions, and in addition, palms, head and body movements are used, this indicates a fear of being caught. Hence the conclusion: lies are more actively demonstrated in the body;
  • Gain protective functions nervous system. Change in breathing rate, blinking, swallowing, increased sweating intensity. These features turn on the pale pink complexion and dilate the pupils.

Profiling: Mimicry

So how to find out if your wife is cheating according to facial expressions, it will be possible, analyzing specific states, we will single out six:

  1. Sadness. Appears in the case of the influence of hidden guilt for a couple of seconds. However, her subsequent concealment indicates a lie or a fear of looking weak;
  2. Sadness, frustration, guilt. The facial expressions are similar to the first, it is easier for you to determine by the presence of wrinkles on the forehead. A liar will not forge it;
  3. Fear, anxiety, apprehension. It is distinguished by shifted, raised eyebrows, tense lower and raised upper eyelids. A deliberately inexperienced liar is not capable of evoking facial expressions, although he can control his eyelids. However, trying to hide the emotion will not affect the position of the eyebrows;
  4. Anger. Forged;
  5. Astonishment. Forged;
  6. Scared smile. A mixture of fear or apprehension will happily speak of itself with raised eyebrows.

Mimic signs your wife is cheating- these are the movements of the muscles of the face that did not fit with the emotion during the interrogation by the husband. If fear and sadness are not reinforced by wrinkles in the forehead, as shown in the image, a blush and an increase in tone, then this is a lie. If the first reaction is surprise, and the next is anger, sadness or sadness, and there is no excessive sweating, swallowing and pauses in the story, then there was no betrayal. Everything is simple!

First, try to justify the signs of your wife's infidelity yourself in order to weed out preconceived notions. Do not try on a picture of thoughts on reality, because you will make yourself look like a fool. Next, create a range of questions to understand where the premonition comes from. After the dialogue and the identified inconsistencies in the reactions, compare the facts with what the wife said. Important, how to find out and determine that a wife is cheating on her husband, and to understand whether her guilt gnaws. After all, it depends on what decision the husband will make after dialogue and analysis (see).

Test for identifying female infidelity

In conclusion, I want to say that excessive paranoia is the result of a man's low self-esteem. Therefore, a man's constant search for a lover with his wife often ends with his appearance or divorce. Understand yourself and think about where the thoughts about betraying your wife came from. Next, I propose to take a test, and it will help determine the likelihood of infidelity.

1. Accuses you constantly of spoiling something (her figure, her life, she wanted to become a ballerina ...)


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To the attention of happy holders of a marriage certificate! British scientists have identified a fundamental pattern: women are programmed for adultery. Oleksandr MESHKOV, the oldest editorial lady-lover, talks about this phenomenon.

Cuckolds! You are legion!

The married men tensed up, frowned: “You're lying! Mine doesn't change! I know for sure!" Break off, guys, this conclusion is made on the basis of anthropological studies in 62 countries of the world. The British predict the first trip to the left four years after the wedding. But even if you still have a couple of years left, do not flatter yourself. These Brits are insufferable optimists! Everything will happen sooner! Get ready, friends, for this every day! And it does not matter that you are sexually demanded by your wife, that you give her flora, gifts from boutiques and kiss before leaving for work. “A woman, even in happiness, has a penchant for flirting,” said the writer Max Frisch, deeply respected by me. And he won't lie.

Female infidelity, as well as the fragility of marriages, is programmed at the DNA level. Although in Lately the social situation also contributes to this: poverty, drunkenness, stratification of society, bribery, the criminalization of society, prostitution and moral degradation (I feel it in my own example). There were fewer divorces in the past. Now it is an epidemic more abruptly than consumption and smallpox. Marriages break up more often, oddly enough, based on love. A pragmatic approach to marriage is almost guaranteed against falling apart. In such reasonable families, any scandal will be hushed up, so as not to lose their stake.

History will judge

Women from corporate ethics will not agree with me and will run into men: “They spoiled us themselves!” But let's turn to history. The tendency to polygamy has been inherent in a woman since prehistoric times. The woman was covered by all the males of the pack. Later, at the dawn of human civilization, there was a spiritual custom: the husband, according to the law of hospitality, was obliged to give up his wife for the night to a weary traveler. After all, a husband covers his wife, read, every day, gets tired, and just right for a fresh traveler, he slightly abstained on the way. Elena the Beautiful, because of which the armed Trojan conflict broke out, was just the sweet fruit of such an accidental connection. King Tyndareus (her father) hospitably allowed a handsome young stranger to spend the night with his wife, and she immediately suffered. Elena was born as beautiful as a foreigner, only with breasts. The rest of the children of Tyndareus were, if not freaks, then quite ordinary creatures of God. Elena at the age of 12 light hand Theseus parted with such a dubious virtue as virginity, and gave birth to Iphigenia from him. And then this flirtatious woman successfully jumped out to marry Menelaus and left for Sparta.

If a woman asks...

Somehow, a girl with whom I had strong love at that moment called and asked to visit. She was lonely: she quarreled with her parents, a friend got married, a filling popped out, she lost her gold chain and she got a runny nose. But that evening I was up to my neck and politely declined.

I was invited to dinner by a young man, she said then. - May I go?

I have never seen anything reprehensible in eating together. I myself ate more than once in the cafeteria with the girls and even a couple of times with the guys. In the army, we generally ate at the same time with the whole company. I didn't think there was anything wrong with dinner. The next day we met as if nothing had happened. I didn't even ask about last night's dinner. Forgot. A month later, I found out that that dinner at the restaurant smoothly turned into breakfast in bed.

But why? I asked confused.

I was lonely and hurt,” she replied.

And the essence of this betrayal is simple: never refuse a girl intimacy, because there will immediately be another. The holy womb is never empty. At lazy shepherds wolves are always full. Everything in this life can be postponed, my friends, except for sex and love! Even the spring harvest, run spaceship, logging, meeting with friends if they are at the expense of sex!

When? Why? With whom?

The main reason for female infidelity, of course, is unsatisfied sexuality: libido is over the top, but there is no real man around. And if there is, then he drinks, such a beast. But often a woman's betrayal occurs because of her late entry into the fabulous and alluring world of sex. Appetite comes with eating. I want to eat my fill.

Can our girls cheat on us because of revenge. You to me - I to you! They will certainly instruct the horns of a workaholic who devotes himself only to work.

A good reason to change is the desire to get a dose of adrenaline. Oh, mothers, what will happen? New partner, secret date, new hands, hot kisses. Oh! What if mine finds out? The wife of a friend of mine, who was a born yogi, liked to tempt his friends into sin in the kitchen while he was meditating. Besides me, the yogi had many more friends. Some came to visit twice a day. Yogi! Be careful with meditations! Beware of friends!

According to statistics, most changes occur in the workforce. That's where office romances kick in. So why not let them go to work? But an electrician or a plumber can come home, as well as a massage therapist, a fitness instructor, a home doctor, a friend of the house, after all.

A strong-willed female dictator is more likely to have someone on the side than a submissive, dumb slave. Down with the dictatorship! Wives to the nail!

How more woman we love, the more chances we have to become the owner of branched horns. Young girls with still unspent sexual energy are also more likely to point the horns at you than an old woman exhausted by everyday life. But the most dangerous age is 35 years. The husband is already disgusted, but she is also to him, but I want a lot of affection and a little orgasm. At 35, an eye and an eye for his wife. In addition, educated wives cheat more often than illiterate fools. Down with education!

Having an uninhibited single girlfriend can also push your wife to cheat. What are they talking about? About football? About the theatre? Dudki! Married girlfriends tend to share the joy of shameful pleasures. What causes unhealthy envy in your half.

And in general there are women who do not change? Theoretically - yes. But only because there is no possibility, object, favorable combination of circumstances. Everyone would like to change, but it's scary.

I can see everything from above, you know it!

Whether your wife is cheating on you or not, guys, you can’t tell by touch. And don't try. I tried - empty! Visually, everything seems to be in place. Here you need to become a little psychologist, psychoanalyst and sex therapist. Attention!

BUT). Your wife from a fat-bellied hostess suddenly became a beautiful model, without her usual shopping bag, new hairstyle, chest puffy, feverish look, manicure, pedicure, new underpants, fancy bra, butt is shaking. Everything! Feel your head!

B). Denies you intimacy: “My head hurts, I’m tired, leave me alone, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I can’t. You smell bad!" Looking for a man!

IN). Stays at work. Lots of work. Aha! We know this job! They were delayed!

G). On weekends, he goes: to his girlfriend, to courses, to fitness, to the library, to the planetarium, to shopping. Yes we know! We go fishing!

D). Expensive tsatski appeared, brings flowers from work, new, expensive perfumes. This is with her salary! Check closet, balcony and under bed immediately!

P.S. (My friend! Read at night, cut it out and hang it on the wall in a frame!)

Studies conducted in some developed countries have shown that 11% of children were not born from legal fathers. The chances of a woman flying from a random partner are much higher than from a permanent one.

50% of all female infidelities occur during the period of ovulation and the days immediately after menstruation, when she cannot bear it.

Attention! Every 15th child is not only "alien", he is also conceived in a situation where the woman's uterus contains the sperm of two men. One of them is a legal husband. And the lover has more chances to win! Here's a joke!

A frantic, curly-haired, muscular laughter-lover releases up to 600 million spermatozoa into a new partner, and a hateful bald husband only 150-300 million. Inside the womb, these spermatozoa begin to beat like Tatars and Russians on the Kulikovo field. The bulk of spermatozoa are fighters. They are 85%. They release poison into the vigorous reproductive spermatozoa. They are only 1 percent. The lover always has more “killers” than the husband.


In Judea, wicked traitors were stoned. In some Asian countries, the death penalty for treason has not yet been cancelled. In Africa - Oh! Horror! - cut off the clitoris with a blunt knife. Girls! Beware Africans!

And to you guys, I advise you, having learned about treason, to forgive these weak creatures. You yourself are sometimes here and there, something, something like ... Okay, I'm joking, of course. To their stables and pour lashes! We should not walk with horns.

So, signs of treason!

If the girl’s betrayal was one-time, drunk, for example, then you will never know this, unless she accidentally spills the beans. There are practically no special signs of treason by which one can calculate one-time treason. For example, a wife is cheating on her husband, how to calculate it in advance? Read the signs of infidelity below. Carefully study these signs of cheating girls. Perhaps some of the signs of infidelity listed below will seem familiar to you.

1. The first sign of betrayal that catches your eye is a sudden restriction of access to your personal space to you. Those. earlier you could easily climb on her computer or mobile phone, but now, when the girl’s betrayal is close, she will not let you go there under any pretext. And he will still squeal if he notices that he climbed himself.

2. You suddenly notice that a girl who is ready to change begins to take care of herself much more carefully, tries to give herself a few points. Well, remember how it was when you met? Why are you not a sign of treason? She's perfectly made up, you're clean-shaven... Trying to impress each other. And now she is trying. Just not for you. In general, I noticed that she wears stockings instead of pantyhose, paints like a parade, and when she goes somewhere without you - you can drain the water, horned one - the girl cheated on you. If you didn’t notice, this was the second sign of betrayal, which rings an alarm bell in your ear ...

3. You noticed that your wife or girlfriend suddenly had new girlfriend, or a group of friends to which she does not invite you, or she suddenly starts all her own free time spend with your old girlfriends. She walks with them, goes to some events, returns late. And all this without you! Do you get the point? After such walks, the girl is usually in good mood, which, however, instantly deteriorates in your presence. This is another sign that indirectly indicates that a girl has cheated on you.

4. The next sign of betrayal: after she asks you to go somewhere for a walk with an overnight stay, she is unusually affectionate with you, incessantly talks about how cool you are and how she loves you, although she was silent about this before. Or it may happen that a girl or wife will in every possible way avoid contact with you on a bodily level, even to the point of not wanting to kiss.

5. Probably the most nasty and unpleasant sign of infidelity is cooling in sex. He directly says that the wife cheated on her husband. You became uninteresting to her in bed. She now tries to go to bed before you and immediately fall asleep, or, conversely, later, when you fall asleep, in order to avoid sex with you. Maybe in the process of foreplay, in response to some caress on your part, irritably push your hand or you away, although she used to be pleased ... A very unpleasant sign of betrayal.

6. If you notice that your wife or girlfriend begins to react sharply to your shortcomings that she did not notice before, tries to make fun of you and generally ceases to respect you as a man - know that she has lost interest and respect for you because she found it's all in something else. It's not even a sign of infidelity, it's your wife has already cheated on you!

7. Seven - lucky number? No matter how! I'm already describing the seventh sign of infidelity! - She misses your calls, although you did not notice this before. Or she pretends to “forget” her phone at home, or suddenly her battery began to live no more than a day, and therefore the phone began to turn off often. And she is cheating on you somewhere at this time.

8. She often starts talking about some new classmate, colleague from work, business negotiation partner, about whom you didn’t know anything at all before. And each time she emphasizes that their relationship is purely friendly, but at the same time she constantly talks about his cool character traits that she likes and that you don’t have - this is a sign of betrayal, perhaps still far away.

9. Overtime suddenly covered her head. Either he stays at the consultation all the time, or he sits up in the library, comes home late - this is a sign of betrayal, maybe there has already been sex, and maybe now it happens every such “lateness”. A very respectful sign of treason, isn't it?

10. The tenth sign of a wife's infidelity. As a consequence of the previous paragraph, it prohibits meeting her from such events, work, study. Naturally! It will already be carried out or brought up for you. A wife cheats on her husband most often in this way, "lingering" after work.

11. She becomes indifferent to your lateness, your late arrivals from work. She doesn't care if your girlfriend or wife's head is stuffed with another guy. By the way, feeling that you are not getting enough sex from her? may offer you to go have some fun on your own. Maybe you will shoot someone, and her conscience will not gnaw so much, or, even more true, having fucked on the side, you will not begin to demand sex from her. The break is close. The girl has changed, this is a fact, not a sign of treason.

12. If before your disputes were like tank battles, now she doesn’t give a fuck ... She agrees with everything, just not to talk or communicate with you. This is the twelfth sign of treason.

13. The thirteenth sign of treason. You notice that she is constantly looking at you, perhaps now she is overestimating you and comparing you in all positions with another. And he thinks, maybe play off you in the game "Rival"? I will write about it soon...

14. The warmth and smile from her face disappear. Postures are usually closed, he tries not to look into the eyes, and in case of accidental eye contact, he immediately looks away. Communicates without interest, as with an outsider, which you probably already are. It was the penultimate sign of treason.

15. The thoughtfulness on her face is explained by heavy thoughts about how and when to break off relations with you, whether the other will accept her, how to leave, leaving the possibility of returning ... The last sign of betrayal, suggestive of disturbing thoughts, has been voiced.

There are many reasons why men and women cheat. This includes a thirst for adventure or variety, boredom, problems, interpersonal conflicts, revenge, jealousy, and much more. Who is most prone to infidelity - a man or a woman? Psychologists say that both sexes cheat equally, but cheating is different and it differs for men and women. There are various key signs of a wife cheating on her husband. Basically, this is an unwillingness to have sex, coldness in communication, unwillingness to help each other and much more.

Signs of a wife cheating on her husband - "symptoms" of cheating

Every man strives to find out when his wife is cheating, in order to subsequently be able to take a hit and come out not as a weakling, but as a winner. Therefore, the guys are so jealous of their halves - they react violently to a change in the image of a girl, do not like it when she communicates with men or check her correspondence. To understand that your wife is cheating on you, become observant and notice if all these symptoms are present in your relationship.

Weird Behavior. Sometimes you can recognize a wife's infidelity by strange behavior. She was calm, but suddenly, for no reason, she became very active, began to be interested in what she had not been interested in before - for example, in football, and began to show other character traits that were not previously characteristic of her.

Little attention. If a wife is cheating on her husband, she behaves like a schoolgirl on the director's carpet - she lowers her eyes, is shy, tries to translate topics and at the same time communicates little. In general, communication that has gone to “no” may well suggest female infidelity. This man becomes a lady is simply not interesting.

Comparisons. You may have noticed that the wife began to constantly compare you with someone - then it is quite possible to assume that she is cheating on her husband and is trying to understand who is better.

Indifference. When a woman loves a man and remains faithful to him, she is acutely experiencing quarrels and disputes. If you notice that the wife does not try to discuss the conflict, avoids clarifying the relationship and easily relates to omissions, you can assume that she is cheating (permanently or not, you can find out by other signs).

Loyalty. To understand that they began to cheat on you, it is enough to pay attention to such a fact as the response to your oversights. You are late, she does not respond, you stay with friends - she is silent and happily goes about her business. Women's infidelity can be described as a complex thing, so if the wife suddenly became sharply loyal to you, she is hardly faithful.

Doesn't let himself meet. Sometimes you can recognize a wife's infidelity by whether she is glad to see you out of the house or not. If she often turns off the phone, does not pick up the phone and forbids you to meet her - the fact of female infidelity is obvious.

Full of work. One of the most obvious signs of female infidelity is delays at work and unwillingness to somehow resolve the situation. You ask to spend the evening together - she has overtime work, you want to meet her - they will give her a ride.

The appearance of a friend. Or at least a good friend, with whom she often sees, says that this is not friendship at all, but a real infidelity on her part.

She can't be free. You call her, come to her work, and she can sneak out somewhere or just make excuses that she forgot her phone. Sometimes it’s enough to dig into the phone to understand whether the wife is cheating on her husband or not. When exposing female infidelity, all means are good.

Loss of respect. The main ones are the loss of respect for your man. If she began to call you names or, even worse, swear - this indicates that she simply lost interest in you and has long been interested in others.

Doesn't want sex. This is the most main feature female infidelity - she has completely lost interest in sex and does not see in you that attractive male that she once wanted so much. Constant shirking, complaints about bad feeling, eternal reasons why you can’t or don’t want to - all this can talk about female infidelity.

Overnight stays. If the wife used to spend nights with you, and later began to stay overnight “allegedly” with her friends, this indicates her infidelity. How to find out if your wife is constantly cheating or not - chat with several of her friends and this will help bring the unfaithful to clean water.

New company. Sometimes new friends or companies to which you are not invited can talk about female infidelity. Think about how often you are not invited with them and come up with the most ridiculous excuses for this? Perhaps a woman has long been interested in someone else on the side, and you do not even suspect.

Appearance is top class. Has she changed her image drastically, changed her make-up and carefully selects her wardrobe before going out? Where is she dressed up like that? Such reliable signs of female infidelity show you that you need to become more attentive to your half.

Passwords. The key signs of a wife cheating on her husband are passwords wherever possible. Especially if you've had open access to her personal space. When there is nothing to hide, nothing is hidden. Keep this in mind and don't let yourself get horny.

Tied to phone. The main signs of a wife's infidelity are sometimes veiled under harmless communication. Does she not part with her gadgets and is constantly texting someone? Perhaps this correspondence is not as harmless as it may seem and speaks of its infidelity. Ask leading questions and be prepared to keep your ears open.

Doesn't talk on the phone in front of you. When the wife starts, she distances herself from him as much as possible. You can see it in her telephone conversations. Does he go to another room or to the balcony? Perhaps she is saying something that is clearly not meant for your ears.

Doesn't laugh at your jokes. Reliable signs of female infidelity are different. One of them is that your girlfriend no longer laughs when you want to show your sense of humor in all its glory. The reason is that she is already funny with someone else.

Break in words. Just a little, she threatens you that she will leave. At the same time, either she herself does not give you love, or she begins to demand too much of it. All these incomprehensible moments in behavior do not say anything good and can make it clear that you are being cheated on.

One of the main signs is that you don't know anything more about her and she has become a mystery. If a woman is silent about her adventures, then you may not like them.

There is an opinion that if the spouse has changed, then the woman will know about it last, and if the spouse has changed, then the man will never know at all. And all because the stronger sex is less observant and does not notice the nuances that the weak sees very well. According to statistics, only about 2% of unfaithful ladies admit to their missus in treason. So, there is practically no chance for husbands to be aware of the “leftist campaigns” of the spouse. There is only one way out - to increase attentiveness and closely observe the behavior of the partner.

And to find out if a wife is cheating is very simple - by changes in her behavior. Starting a connection on the side, the spouse sharply loses interest in her own family, starting with household chores and ending with a bed with a missus. The lady's thoughts are busy new love. Cooking, washing and ironing only distract from pleasant thoughts. Therefore, taking on some business around the house, she often gets irritated or avoids work altogether. Often, household members also fall into the circle of her antipathies. Instead of communicating with them, she prefers to retire with the phone.

Although there are also such persons who subconsciously try to make amends and hide their adultery. They tend to be unnaturally affable and friendly. This sign is the second common extreme in the behavior of those who have known the taste of infidelity.

So, if you notice obvious changes in how your spouse behaves, then you should check and find out "where the legs grow from." But remember that sometimes a woman behaves this way because she just decided to add to your life together some color and romance.

The first sign of infidelity, even if indirect, is too frequent notifications on the phone (SMS). If you notice, now people communicate little via SMS. They transmit only information that is difficult to remember (address, email, etc.) or they are written when the opponent cannot speak due to circumstances (meeting, interview). The third option is that information is transmitted via SMS that cannot be spoken aloud in front of strangers (for example, communication with a lover). In all other cases, people just call each other.

Additional evidence of her betrayal will be the lack of incoming and outgoing SMS. That is, messages are simply erased after each operation. If the chosen one refers to the full memory and the so-called “cleaning” of the phone, see if such a “cleaning” happens every hour?

The same applies to short calls - they are erased immediately after the end of the conversation.

And then, if you do not understand how to recognize the betrayal of your wife, watch the location of her phone. Probably, before the chosen one left the phone anywhere, but now he is her constant companion (even takes a shower). When you ask "why?" - they will answer you that they are waiting for an important call at work. And when a call comes in in your presence, then the answers to the handset will be either strange or short: “Uh-huh”, “Yes”, “No”.

Even more strange are the delays of the spouse after work. Especially if for many years in a row her comings home were stable at the same time. And then suddenly every day there is some kind of traffic jam, quarterly reports, transport delays. If everything is mixed with a regular smell of alcohol and a disheveled look, then this is already a clear answer to the question: how to find out if a spouse is cheating. Consider that you already know.

But that's not all. Do you know how wives behave immediately after a date with another? They have two options in stock:

  • Angelic eyes, guilty excuses and detailed description events that prevented her from returning home on time (even though her husband did not even ask).
  • Silence and closure. The reaction to finding out where and why is very emotional and negative.

The same can be said about leaving without explanation in an unknown direction. Excessive secrecy on the part of a woman is a serious reason to think. Usually, the weaker sex willingly talks about their immediate plans for an hour. Especially when heading to a beauty salon or a store for a new dress. So, when you begin to notice that your partner is “brushing off” with common phrases: “I’ll just go”, “I’ll go shopping”, etc., don’t relax - ask for details. Suspicions disappear only if you have a birthday or other holiday soon, and your spouse decided to surprise you.

Feelings, appearance, mood - what will give out the wrong

How to define change? Good way find out the truth - observe how your partner behaves when it comes to showing feelings towards you. For example, she hasn’t spoken affectionate words for a long time, she didn’t look at you with a loving look, her touches have lost their sensuality and tenderness. Try to take the initiative and ask her if she loves you. The lady who is cheating may turn away, avoid answering, change the subject, or blurt out dryly: “Yes.” Perhaps in your case everything will be a little different, but you will definitely feel that the companion has become aloof.

Or the second option - after another "delay at work" the spouse is very affectionate and kind. It is especially suspicious if she stops arguing and does not show discontent even if you are guilty of something.

But there is also a third option - frequent mood swings. Yes, the weak half of humanity has never been stable emotional state during the day, but we are now talking about those cases when the drops become too obvious and appear out of the blue.

You may also find that close and once native person turned out to be a stranger, not the same as you knew him before. Getting herself a lover, the lady becomes mysterious, mysterious, her eyes wander and absent, and her facial expression becomes dreamy. If this has been going on for more than a week, it's worth talking about.

Now about the image. You probably know that when it comes to appearance, a lady is driven by love or lack thereof. In the first case, she changes her hair, goes on a diet, goes to the gym and regularly updates her wardrobe. The second one does nothing. This feature does not always indicate adultery (maybe this is done for her beloved husband), but if she comes in combination with frequent SMS and vague excuses after the delay, then ... you know.

A little funny, but in fact a very obvious sign of adultery is a serviceable pedicure and clean-shaven legs (especially in winter time). No, of course, there is a category of fashionistas who do not allow themselves to appear before their husband in an inappropriate form even after 10 years of marriage, but there are very few of them. Usually, children and household chores take all the time and effort. But the strange thing is that earlier the wife complained about the lack of time, but now she suddenly began to manage everything - even shaving her legs every day!

And one more thing: a lady who has an affair "on the side" can dramatically change interests. If earlier football was something incomprehensible to her, now she suddenly became a specialist in this field. Or, for example, she suddenly became interested in the topic of breeding crocodiles at home. Maybe because breeding crocodiles is her lover's hobby?

10 more signs of a cheating wife

Unpredictable changes in appearance and mood are not the only indicators that you are unfaithful. There are at least ten more sources from which you can get information about adultery. So:

  1. Criticizes and compares with other husbands, tries to set as an example other members of the stronger sex. Although previously this "fad" was completely absent.
  2. Unwillingness to be near her husband, to plan a joint weekend. Interest in the working affairs of the faithful has evaporated, and the partner herself reluctantly talks about herself.
  3. I stopped not only arguing, but also asking for something, became indifferent. Indifference even applies to such things as standing up for your point of view and a leaky faucet in the kitchen.
  4. When a lady cheats, she often visits relatives and friends. Naturally - ostensibly to visit and, of course, only to those whom she trusts and knows that she will be covered. Your offer to meet her in the evening from the guests is regularly rejected.
  5. Misses calls. Often, the phone of the missus is buggy, discharged, or generally left at home.
  6. How to convict a wife of treason will tell her ... a close friend. Indirectly. For example, lately, a girlfriend constantly needs help: either to feed the cat, or to help hang wallpaper, or just haven’t seen each other for a long time. And the wife, of course, does not refuse. Here, declassifying infidelity is quite simple - next time follow your companion. Perhaps then more evidence will not be required.
  7. All sorts of courses, trainings and business trips have become the norm. And picking up the phone is usually not possible.
  8. Avoids looking. If suddenly meets eyes, does not know how to behave, therefore he immediately turns away or goes out.
  9. Any physical contact is torture. When a companion expresses dissatisfaction with the coldness of the missus, she invites him to have a mistress.
  10. Complaints about the lack of communication, accusations of indifference. But when you try to build a relationship, you stumble upon an impenetrable wall. Or you are cruelly ridiculed.

Sex and physiology of a traitor

What are the signs of a cheating wife? One of key indicators adultery is sex. This is where change happens anyway. You can understand that you are wrong, based on the following observations.

The partner tries to avoid sexual contact by any means. You find that your companion is in a hurry to go to bed early in order to fall asleep faster, without waiting for you. Or vice versa - finds very important chores around the house and finishes them already when you sleep. Such antics can go on for a very long time. But when you finally succeed in getting intimate in bed, you may be in for some surprises.

  1. The man is faced with coldness and indifference. No passion, no affection, no hugs with kisses. It seems that the missus simply endures and waits for the act to end. There can be no talk of pleasure.
  2. Suddenly she wanted variety. The partner behaves uninhibitedly or demandingly, she has new intimate tricks. The psychology of such behavior lies in the woman's attempt to raise her self-esteem, to make sure that she is still desirable.

And how to detect that a lady is cheating by observing her physiology? Very simple. After all, the body sometimes tells more than the look. So:

  1. Another smell. This includes not only the smell of men toilet water but also body odor after a shower. By the way, some representatives of the stronger sex determine by smell whether their beloved had sex with another.
  2. Irritation on the face. The skin of your beloved will also help to make sure of infidelity. Usually, after passionate dates, redness from male stubble remains on the skin in the area of ​​​​the cheeks and chin. Take a closer look.
  3. Bruises that can't remember where they came from. Bruises remain anywhere, but the main thing is that the beloved is not able to clearly explain their origin.

A hint can be not only the body and the strange behavior of the wife after the betrayal, but also her ... underwear. And the point is not at all in any traces of love pleasures left on the linen, but in how often she buys it lately. If the purchase occurs at least once a week, and the underwear is distinguished by its piquancy, then most likely the partner wants to surprise her lover, but not you.

And finally, I would like to say the following: even if all of the listed main signs that the wife is cheating on her husband and the secondary signs in your family are “obvious”, do not rush to panic, fall into a stupor or attack your beloved with accusations.

First of all, you need to look deep into yourself. If this happened, then the companion had reason to do so? The problem is probably with both of you. No wonder there is an opinion that the husband himself pushes his wife into the arms of a lover. Because at one time she was rejected, and her requests went unheeded. And if a beautiful person does not have enough attention in the family, then she will definitely get her “on the side”.

Also, many couples face adultery during a difficult period of their married life (for example, a crisis). Think if this is your case?

And finally, if the observations have confirmed your guesses, do not be tormented, do not lock yourself up, it is better to share your doubts with your soulmate and try to bring her to a frank conversation. Your marriage can still be saved.


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