Traffic jam meters and vending machines are common property. Correct replacement of circuit breakers in the panel

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Each protective device has a certain operating life, and a circuit breaker is no exception. If this device fails, it must be replaced immediately. How to make a replacement correctly, as well as what causes the malfunction, is important to know not only for an electrician, but also for every homeowner so that he can fix the problem in an emergency. In this article we will look in detail at how to replace a machine in a panel and who should pay for this work in different cases.

Reasons for replacing machines

There are two main reasons:

  1. Frequent operation of thermal protection.
  2. Constantly working to the limit.

It happens that even after the first operation of the thermal protection system, the machine stops working. However, it is impossible to notice this damage externally. It is important to know that electromagnetic and thermal releases are not the same thing. Most often, breakdowns occur due to burning, and subsequently complete combustion of the contact clamps, as well as the housings of the modular devices themselves. This happens mainly through unreliable and poor-quality contact. If the wiring is made with aluminum wire, then at the connection points the wire will be weakened over time. Aluminum is a softer metal and contact connections with aluminum wire weaken over time, aluminum “floats”. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to tighten the contact clamps of the machines every 2-3 years.

Another reason is a manufacturing defect, but this happens extremely rarely. To avoid defects, you should not save money and choose machines from well-known brands. We talked about it in a separate publication. You should be careful, because during installation this defect does not make itself felt in any way, but under load it will definitely manifest itself. Regardless of the reason why the device stopped working, the machine should be replaced immediately, otherwise malfunctions may lead to.

Also, the need to replace protective devices arises if there are old plugs and not new circuit breakers. We also talked about that in detail!

Replacement technology

Removing the old circuit breaker

Repair or restoration of such devices is not carried out. The reason for this is a rather complex scheme, and at the same time the purchase of new machines will be inexpensive. Basically, if this device breaks down, it is simply replaced with a new one with similar characteristics, that is, with the same rating, class, and breaking capacity.

Before dismantling the machine, it is necessary to completely de-energize the line that supplies the device being replaced from the network. Sometimes replacement is carried out under voltage, but in such cases the replacement should only be carried out by a specialist. If work is carried out without turning off the electricity, then you should be very careful and careful, especially if the case is in very poor condition, as in the photo below.

Typically the clamping plates are welded to each other, making it impossible to remove the clamping screw. To carry out dismantling in such a difficult situation, you must have certain skills and experience. To simplify the task, you should initially leave a supply of wires in the switchboard.

If the wire connected to the machine is melted, the machine is burnt, then when installing a new machine, the burnt, melted section of the wire must be completely removed and only a clean, newly stripped wire must be connected to the new machine - this is the only way to be sure of reliability. That is, in any case there must be a reserve. If there was no reserve and you had to connect a burnt wire, especially an aluminum one as in the photo, then there is a high probability that the contact of the machine will burn out again, since the core, which was subjected to overheating, no longer has the same load capacity and may be more fragile than a whole wire .

Most of the circuit breakers in an electrical panel are responsible only for a single line that powers, for example, sockets or lighting in a residential building. Therefore, it is very simple to de-energize such a machine - you need to turn off the introductory package, which is usually located on the staircase in the entrance.

However, it may be necessary to replace the circuit breaker, which is located in front of the meter, also called the input circuit breaker. The input device, if it is in a Khrushchev or multi-storey panel building, is also located on the stairs in the electrical panel. In private homes, such a device can be 380V; it is also called a three-pole circuit breaker. Replacement of such a circuit breaker is carried out by a specialist, because The input machines in the panel are sealed, and breaking the seal will result in a considerable fine.

After turning off the power, you need to check with the indicator and make sure that the power is completely turned off. Next, select the required screwdriver and unscrew the clamping screw. After disconnecting, the wires should be moved apart.

In new panels, circuit breakers are mounted on. If you do dismantling in such a shield, it is much easier. There is a hole at the bottom of the device into which a screwdriver is inserted and pulled down. After removing the bottom latch, tighten the bottom of the machine.

However, many homes still have old-style circuit breakers that are not mounted on a rail, but are secured with a long screw. It is very difficult to remove a device in which these screws are rusted or stuck.

Installation of a new protection device

The first thing you need to do to replace the circuit breaker in the panel is to insert a new circuit breaker in place of the old one. The process is as follows: place the latch of the upper part of the device on the rail and push the lower part until it stops and clicks. The next stage is working with wires. If necessary, they need to be cleaned, then inserted into the clamping holes and tighten the screw. You should always pay attention to the condition of the connected wires, and if there are traces of melting, burning of the wire, or severe deformation of the wire, then this section must be removed and the wire must be re-cleaned for connection.

The performance of circuit breakers is checked with special equipment by loading them - checking the time-current characteristics. Without special equipment, it is simply impossible to determine that a thermal or electromagnetic release does not work or does not work in accordance with the declared characteristics. And it turns out that a malfunction of the machine can only be detected when it does not work when necessary - that is, it will be possible to find out about its malfunction only by the consequences of an overload or short circuit (the machine itself, the wiring or the socket will be damaged). That is, you can buy a new machine with a defect, install it, it can stand for 10 years, and a person will not suspect that it is faulty until there is an emergency in the electrical wiring - an overload or a short circuit.

You should also be aware that an automatic machine from any manufacturer may have a manufacturing defect. At enterprises, when they order several dozen machines for a new distribution panel, they always check (load) them before installation, since very often there are defective products, even from the best brands.

In everyday life, checks are not carried out, so there should always be a redundant protective device installed at the input, which will de-energize the damaged section of the electrical wiring in the event of a failure of one of the circuit breakers. And for reliability, it is better to have an additional input circuit breaker in the home panel, since the machine that stands with the meter in the entrance or on a support is located further and, accordingly, it is less sensitive to an increase in current. Also, if the machine at the input in front of the meter is installed outdoors, then its time-current characteristic changes with temperature changes. For example, the lower the ambient temperature, the greater the current and response time of the thermal release, that is, if one of the circuit breakers in the home panel fails, the wiring will be damaged before this circuit breaker operates.

Important! When replacing a machine with a more powerful one, you need to be sure that this change will not negatively affect the wiring diagram. However, if such a replacement is necessary, you should consult a specialist.

The video clearly shows how to replace old circuit breakers in an electrical panel with new ones:

At whose expense is the work performed?

If the device malfunctions, the owners may have questions: who should change the machines in the panel, whether the replacement is paid or free of charge. So, if we are talking about the input device, which is located in front of the meter, then it is a common property of the house, therefore the company must purchase and replace it for the money that the owners pay every month.

However, it is also important to know at whose expense the remaining protective equipment is replaced. Everything that is located behind the meter is the property of the owner of this property, so you must buy and replace it yourself. Of course, you can replace the circuit breaker yourself, but it is better if a specialist does it.

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to replace the machine in the dashboard with your own hands. We hope our step-by-step instructions were useful to you and helped you understand the essence of the replacement!

Advice from lawyers:

1. The neighbors called an electrician to replace the machine; a short circuit occurred during its operation. Household appliances burned out. What to do and how to make a claim.

1.1. Call the emergency crew, they will draw up a report, then conduct an examination of the equipment and file a claim in court.

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1.2. It is necessary to establish the cause of the short circuit by drawing up a report with the participation of a representative of the management company and assess the damage caused with the involvement of an appraiser (if there are receipts for the equipment, then at the cost indicated in the receipts), then write a claim in any form, indicating what you want, to what extent and for what reason.

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2. At whose expense should the machine be replaced in the electrical panel on the landing.

2.1. It depends on which machine burned out - introductory or protective.
The INTRODUCTION machine belongs to common property; it must be purchased and replaced by the management company at the expense of the money that you pay monthly under the article “maintenance and repair of the home”
This is established by the “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building”
(approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 N 491):
A PROTECTIVE machine is already the property of the owner. Accordingly, it will have to be purchased and replaced at the expense of the owner.

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3. Can I request a free replacement of electric plugs with automatic ones?

3.1. Free - no

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4. State apartment hiring The cable that goes from the machine to the meter, plus half of the twisted wires, burned out in the panel. Do I understand correctly that the panels on the staircase are common property, and the cables are replaced at the expense of the management company? The management company and the electrician unanimously say that at our expense. Where to go in this situation? Thanks in advance for your answer.

4.1. I think they are wrong. I also live in St. Petersburg. Our battery recently leaked, so they replaced it for free, since it is a common property. Try to contact the 004 service first; if this does not help, then contact the housing and communal services hotline in your area (look at the phone numbers on the Housing Committee website). If this doesn’t help, then contact the prosecutor’s office.

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5. My name is Nikolai, I am 65 years old. My wife was deceived by a company that installed and replaced traffic jams on automatic machines. They installed a bar for automatic machines, a bus, 2 automatic machines of 16 amps each, and one automatic differential machine, for everything they charged 25,600 rubles.
Can I ask them to return the money by asking them to exchange the product for something they know is not there? Won't they say that according to the certificate of completed installation work signed by my wife, they are already damaged? Or what should I do, I ask for help, the entire pension from my wife’s card was robbed by scum.

5.1. File a claim under the Consumer Rights Protection Law, then file a lawsuit in court.

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6. We turned off the thread in the crankcase pan of the automatic transmission; there is a danger that the bolt will not tighten properly during the next oil change. How to proceed?

6.1. File a claim based on Article 29 of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights. And demand that the violations be corrected. If refused, file a lawsuit.

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7. The light was turned off for non-payment. We paid the debt and at the same time paid for the replacement of the electric meter. An electrician came, connected everything, and installed it. After 4 minutes, a fire occurred in the instrument panel and all the machines burned out. Where and how to write a complaint?

7.1. Christina! First, you need to file a claim with your Criminal Code, and then go to court with a claim to recover the amount of damage. It may be necessary to conduct an examination of the product (the cause of the breakdown). According to Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation 1. Harm caused to the person or property of a citizen, as well as harm caused to the property of a legal entity, is subject to compensation in full by the person who caused the harm. By law, the obligation to compensate for harm may be imposed on a person who is not the cause of harm. The management company is responsible for the maintenance of common property. According to Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation 1. The owners of premises in an apartment building own, by right of common shared ownership, the common property in the apartment building, namely: 3) roofs enclosing the load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures of the building, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located in a given house outside or inside the premises and serving more than one room; Good luck. IN.

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8. Who should pay for the repair of electrical equipment, for replacing the machine in the entrance? Thanks in advance.

8.1. Vladimir!

: In accordance with paragraphs 7 - 8 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), the composition of the common property of an apartment building includes an intra-house power supply system, consisting of inlet cabinets, input -switchgears, protection equipment,... The classification of work that is necessary to eliminate problems in the power supply as routine or major repairs depends on the content of the relevant work. Current repairs are carried out at the expense of fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, paid monthly by tenants and owners of premises in an apartment building to the organization managing the building.

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9. When replacing electricity meters. Energy supervision specialist. A third-party connection to the machines in my apartment was discovered (a common house was connected to the entire entrance). Who should I file a claim with? It turns out I paid for the intercom for the entire entrance for several years!

9.1. Submit your complaint to your management organization. She was the recipient of funds to pay for general house needs.

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10. When replacing the electric meter. It was discovered by a specialist. Third-party connection to the machines in my apartment * there was a common intercom for the entire entrance) who should I file a claim with?

10.1. In your case, the claim should be submitted to the management company, because... The owners of the premises pay for the locking device there.
The management company receives funds for the maintenance and repair of common areas. The content includes payment for electricity for lighting public areas, incl. payment for electricity for the operation of the intercom (if it is not allocated in a separate column).
Don’t forget to attach the certificate that established the connection to your intercom meter.
You can also calculate the losses caused to you (you can contact appraisers).

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11. In 2018, the validity of the driver’s license expires (10 years). Replacement required. Last year I became a 2nd group disabled person. By decision of the medical commission, he was allowed to drive a car. B with restriction (gearbox - automatic). Do I have any benefits, discounts (financially) as a disabled person to pay for medical care? certificates and fees for water replacement. certificates.?

11.1. Evgeniy, unfortunately, there are no benefits for group 2 in paying the state duty to the traffic police for replacing a driver’s license, as well as for passing a medical examination.

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12. I have a tractor driver’s license issued in 1999, categories A and B. If restored and replaced at this time, what categories will I have in the new license? Will they automatically open category A 1 for me (for an ATV)? Thank you.

12.1. When replacing the old-style tractor driver-driver licenses of categories A and B, they fall under categories B and C of the new type of certificate. It won't work automatically, because you will need to study category T. Please.

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13. I come from the Georgian SSR; I was born on April 26, 1970. 88-90 served as a conscript,
92 g registered in Blagoveshchensk, Amur region. There was no insert in the passport since the citizen became a machine gun. Russia explained it to me this way. Then in 2001 he moved to Vladikavka and registered with his cousin. Two years ago I gave in my passport for a replacement when I turned 45 years old. but they refused to issue me a passport, arguing that I was not legally obtaining citizenship. What do you advise me to do? I can’t go to Blagoveshchensk.

13.1. To answer your question, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the refusal of the Federal Migration Service if it is given in writing for further action. You can write to me on WhatsApp.

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Consultation on your issue

Calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. On the landing, in the electrical panel, the machines need to be replaced (they spark). The question is, the apartment is not privatized, who should pay for the replacement of the machines?

14.1. In YOUR case, the municipality - the owner of the apartment - should pay for the replacement of machines in the control panel.
Good luck to you! Always happy to help

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15. We live in an apartment building.
Municipal apartment. The machine is in the distribution board, which is located on the site between the apartments. The electricians said that we had to buy a machine and pay for its replacement. Is it legal to demand payment for this work?

15.1. This applies to current repairs, so you must pay since you live in this residential premises and are registered accordingly. The municipality must, in accordance with Article 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, pay only for unoccupied apartments.

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15.2. No, this equipment is outside the apartment. You pay for hire and maintenance, so maintenance is the owner's responsibility, contact your landlord.

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16. Who should replace the machines in the panel of two floors if there is no management company and homeowners association. We can buy an automatic machine, but there is no one to replace it.

16.1. Michael,
What form of management do you have? Direct? Or is the Criminal Code simply inactive?
With a direct decision of the owners, you form a fund of funds for maintenance and current repairs, attract an outside electrician and let him do it.
If formally a certain operating organization exists, get work from it or eliminate it by changing the performer or the method of managing the MKD.

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17. The apartment belongs to me under a social contract. rental, the circuit breakers in it burned out, which are responsible for the energy supply of the entire apartment, the organization of which we pay for the maintenance of the housing said that replacing these switches costs 2000 rubles. plus our material... QUESTION: SHOULD I PAY FOR THESE SERVICES SEPARATELY OR SHOULD THEY BE INCLUDED IN THE PAYMENT FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE HOUSING? WHAT CAN I GUIDE WITH? THANK YOU.

17.1. Good day, such a replacement is carried out at the expense of the tenant of this housing, so you will have to pay for these services because they are included in the list of paid services provided to the population.

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17.2. You will have to pay the cost of these switches because their replacement is not included in the list of services and works specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2013 N 290 (as amended on 02/27/2017) “On the minimum list of services and works necessary to ensure proper maintenance common property in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and implementation" (together with...

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17.3. Write a complaint about the actions of the management company; replacement of switches located outside the apartment must be carried out at the expense of the management company.

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18. We bought an automatic washing machine from the company Candy touch panel, 5 months passed, the sensor failed, it was sent for repair! Can I get my money back or request a replacement product?

18.1. First time only free repair. If the flaw is significant or breaks again. Then you can return the money or demand a replacement. Article 18 of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights.

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18.2. Unfortunately, a washing machine is a technically complex product, so it is possible to demand a replacement or refund only if the product has significant flaws.
Good luck and all the best

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19. A Lada Kalina automatic car broke down under warranty (the engine control controller burned out). They promise a replacement within 45 days, you need to wait for a replacement to be sent from the factory. This is a long time for me; I need a running car. What do you recommend?

19.1. Unfortunately, you can only ask for a replacement car, if you have one, of course.
The fact is that repairs up to 45 days (inclusive) are all within acceptable limits. But then the penalty starts to run.
All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

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20. I changed my Sberbank card to a new one, the old one was broken. And after the card was replaced, the money was transferred to the account of the old card. Will they switch to a new one automatically?

20.1. Your special card account remains the same. Money will continue to flow into it. It will simply be linked to a new plastic card.

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21. When checking the home electric meter, the inspector found that the “automatic machines” were unusable and must be replaced. Question: should the service department replace them, for a fee or free of charge?

21.1. Replacement of electricity meters is carried out at the expense of the apartment owner, and in a municipal apartment - at the expense of the management company. Replacing electricity meters yourself is an administrative offense.

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21.2. Write a written request to the housing inspectorate of your city and they will explain to you the procedure for paying for the work, taking into account your individual connection scheme.

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21.3. If you are the owner of a residential premises, then any replacement of meters is made at your expense. Good luck Thank you for visiting our site.

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22. Who is responsible for replacing a burnt-out RCD (residual current device) in the electrical panel located on the landing of the apartment building. The management company replaced the burnt out RCD with a two-pole circuit breaker. The RCD was installed during the construction of the house.

22.1. This property is on the balance sheet of the management company, so all expenses are borne by them. Thank you for your visit to our website.

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23. Is it possible to repair or replace an automatic transmission? The gearbox is under warranty if it is known (expertise has proven) that when purchasing 1. the automatic transmission had a manufacturing defect and 2. there was not enough 2 liters of oil in the automatic transmission. those. The car was sold with defects. The car was purchased from an official with a 3-year warranty, the breakdown occurred 29,000 km in the second year of operation.

23.1. In accordance with the law on the protection of consumer rights, if defects are discovered in the product or a breakdown occurs during the warranty period, you have the right to warranty repairs.

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23.2. You have the right to have the vehicle sold to you repaired during the warranty period if your breakdown is covered by the warranty. Contact the service center. Your issue can only be successfully resolved with legal assistance. Always happy to help you!

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24. Is it possible to repair or replace an automatic transmission?
The gearbox is under warranty if it is known (expertise has proven) that when purchasing 1. the automatic transmission had a manufacturing defect and 2. there was not enough 2 liters of oil in the automatic transmission. those. The car was sold with defects. The car was purchased from an official with a 3-year warranty, the breakdown occurred 29,000 km in the second year of operation. They do not make repairs under warranty due to missed maintenance 1.

24.1. In this case, it is illegal, submit a written complaint, or immediately go to court
Thank you for reaching out!

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25. I have a tractor license of the BCDEF category, can I open any other subcategories when replacing with an automatic?

Attention! My post is primarily informational in nature and not a call to action. Perhaps it will be of interest to electricians who have not yet performed such work. I do NOT advise ordinary “mortals” to climb into the shield.LIFE THREATENING!

Replacing electrical risers and reconstructing electrical networks in old housing stock is not happening as quickly as we would like, so replacing old machines with new ones remains a very popular service.

If you decide to replace the electrical wiring, run a new line for the washing machine from the switchboard, or simply start an electrical inspection in your apartment, then in any case you will have to go into the floor switchboard and change the old machines.

The process itself is not so complicated, but very dangerous! Any mistake when performing work on the floor panel may result in: a fire on the floor panel, injury or death for the person performing the work, an accident in the electrical network with a blackout for neighbors or the entire entrance. No irony, this is really dangerous!

As a rule, it is not always possible to de-energize the floor panel, and work is carried out under voltage. Therefore, it is better to entrust such work to an adequate electrician who has access and the ability to completely de-energize the floor panel.

During any electrical installation work in a floor panel, and especially under voltage, the electrician’s protective equipment should be as high as possible!

So, we climb into the old floor panel to replace the machine guns...

Replacing old machines

As an example, I chose one of the complex replacement options - when the machines of two apartments are tied together with one fastener. In such cases, the ideal solution would be to replace not only your own, but also neighboring machines. But it may happen that your neighbors may be: either a neighbor with paranoia that they will steal her electricity, or a neighbor who is convinced that the quality of automatic machines was better in the USSR, or antisocial elements who will not have money for this “expensive operation." Therefore, we will have to somehow get out of this situation.

The complexity of the work in this case lies in attaching the machines to the metal panel.

If you remove the top and bottom bars, the machines will remain hanging on the wires connected to it. If they are left in limbo, then when turning the machines on or off, there is a huge probability of shorting everything to hell.

It is also impossible to leave the mount as is, it will interfere with the installation of new modular devices.

What should I do? I proceed as follows: I cut the connecting strip in half and fasten only the adjacent machines with it (only for fastening old machines).

You can take a closer look at the photo and see that the fastening bar is very close to the machine's clamping screw. Therefore, I insulate the installed half of the strip using two-color insulating tape (yellow-green). This is done so that the electrician or “non-electrician”, when checking the voltage at the terminals of the machine, does not short-circuit the metal part of the screwdriver to the housing. This is a fairly common problem, since many people do not know or forget that the metal mount is connected to the shield body.

After we have screwed the lower fastening bar, you can turn off the bag of the required apartment. In old shields it is located immediately under the required machine guns.

The task of the package operator in the floor panel is to turn off the voltage to the electric meter and the apartment's circuit breakers. The connection diagram itself is as follows: switch → meter → machines.

Usually the switch is turned off by turning to the right, but this is not a fact. Such switches can turn left and right, and turn off only after a few turns. It happens in different ways, so after turning, be sure to check the voltage on the circuit breakers you are switching off.

Attention! Before disconnecting the old packager, take a closer look at its contacts and body. If Contacts are blackened or burnt(usually this exposes the wire at the junction) or there are cracks on the body, then like this packager DO NOT TOUCH! IS IT DANGEROUS! When such a package is disconnected, a short circuit may occur inside between the contacts. Due to the fact that the protection of the floor riser is turned off with a serious delay (and even if it is present, it may even be absent altogether, this happened in my practice), this can lead to a very serious accident, in fact, a powerful explosion can result, dangerous for your health. Therefore, if before disconnecting the packetizer you notice its defects, then you CANNOT disconnect or even touch such a packetizer! In such cases, it is necessary to de-energize the floor switchboard and replace the old packet switch with a new switch.

When the voltage from the machines is turned off, you can carefully remove the upper mounting bar and dismantle the necessary machines for replacement.

In this case, I only changed the machines, i.e. the wiring from the packet to the machines did not change. Therefore, it is important here to preserve as much as possible the length of the wires coming from the meter (especially the “phase” wires). I do not bite off the stripped core of the phase wire, but temporarily insulate it with a PVC tube.

In this case, the wire is not energized, but my habit kicks in, since quite often I carry out the floor panel bulkhead under voltage.

We will also connect the “zero” conductor to a circuit breaker (in our case it is two-pole). Therefore, we safely unscrew it from the zero block. By the way, this is another one of the weak points in such shields. If you look at the ends of the insulation of the connected wires, you can see a characteristic blackening that occurs from the strong heating of the conductors due to poor contact (plainly poorly pressed wires). Because of this, it is not uncommon for such a zero terminal block to burn out completely.

During installation work in the switchboard, I try to minimize the disconnection of everything that I don’t need. I don't turn off my neighbors' lights unless absolutely necessary. If such a need arises, then be sure to warn them before disconnecting.

Don't forget that the neighboring circuit breakers in the switchboard are energized!

Working under voltage can only be compared to the work of a sapper. Any mistake can be fatal. Therefore, while working in the floor panel, there must be maximum concentration of attention and in no case be distracted by conversations, music or the telephone.

  1. Old wires coming from the apartment are insulated.
  2. An upper bar is installed that holds adjacent machines. Don't forget to insulate the plank with PVC tape.
  3. We prepare the neutral conductor coming from the meter for connection to a two-pole circuit breaker.

To install new machines we need to secure the Din rail. To do this, you need to drill several dimmable holes in the mounting panel. 4mm for metal screws. In my case, one was enough, since I attached a special plastic rail for Eaton machines. For drilling I use a screwdriver, a specially sharpened 4mm drill bit and galvanized metal screws 4.2x13mm, with a press washer.

When drilling, be careful! There may be live wires behind the panel mounting panel!

We attach the DIN rail. In this example it is plastic, but in most cases I use metal slats. They are sold by 1 meter, sometimes less.

Using a hacksaw or a special tool, you can cut the required length for installation. Try to cut the rail longer so that there is room at the edges of the installed machines for attaching the limiters.

There is no need for special plastic slats (as in our case), since on such slats the European “module” sits very firmly.

We install and connect machines. To connect machines to each other, I try to use busbars, but in this case I used stranded PuGV wire with a core cross-section of 6mm2.

I prefer to install Eaton PFL6 automatic machines in floor panels. This is due to the fact that Eaton's clamping contacts are made of neutral metal, and not copper like ABB and HAGER.

Old wire strands may be broken or heavily oxidized, resulting in poor or no contact. Therefore, before connecting aluminum wires, be sure to bite off the old ends of the wires and strip them again.

The introductory power supply of new machines can be marked with the “correct” color marking, using heat shrink or regular PVC electrical tape. For reliable contact, the wires with the aluminum core are pressed twice.

In this work, mistakes are not as scary as their consequences. Therefore, before applying voltage to the machines, it would be a good idea to ring the circuit for a short circuit. Only after we are convinced that there are no errors in the connection do we turn on the packetizer (very carefully) and the installed machines. We check the presence of voltage at the output.

This completes the installation of new automatic transmissions and differentials. switch can be considered complete. I skip the actual procedure of connecting the cable to the apartment, since in this article I wanted to show the process of installing the machines.

In conclusion, I will add that this is quite enough to “survive” until the planned work on the reconstruction of the electrical panel. However, in some cases, in order for everything to function normally, it is necessary to completely rebuild the panel from the wire outlet to the apartment to replacing the electric meter and package. Such work requires more time and material costs. I will talk about a complete revision of such shields in another publication. And that's all!

The complete process of replacing machines in the panel from A to Z. Here you can find out machine replacement cost, why they are installed or changed at all, what types of machines there are, who should change the machines in your panel, is it possible to change the machines yourself, and how to properly audit an existing panel yourself. We will also tell you why they are dangerous old machines, and what you can save on when replacing them.

Machine replacement cost

    Installing the machine on a DIN rail

    Dismantling the machine

    DIN rail mounting

    Installing a simple bus zero

    RCD installation

    Installation of a 4-pole RCD

    Installation of the comb

    Replacing traffic jams with automatic machines

*Installation of machines does not include dialing of lines; prices include installation of the machine on a ready-made DIN rail, with connection of already marked cables to the machines. Also, the cost of replacing machines is influenced by such factors as: the ordering of the wires, the number of “hands” who made changes to the panel, operation under voltage (impossibility of turning off the input), the type of panel (iron, plastic, ebonite, homemade), the location of the panel with machines (hard-to-reach place , height, etc.)

Why and when do they change the machines in the dashboard?

If you do not have automatic machines, but old Soviet traffic jams, then you can find out the entire process of replacing traffic jams with automatic machines and find out the replacement price.

First of all need to replace machines, caused by modern equipment and network loads. For example, traffic jams or old black Soviet switches do not correspond to today's shutdown indicators, and do not always withstand loads and voltage surges. That is, they are outdated both physically and morally. And even the fact that they can still be found on sale should not confuse you in any way. If you see anything from the below - change it urgently! Because in the case of electricity, the stingy can lose everything. Moreover, the price of the issue is not the replacement of all wiring in the apartment.

Soviet "electrician's tears" machine guns

Do not think that the main reason for the need to replace machines is their constant operation. Actually this is not true. And if the machines work, it is usually for some good reason, and not because they are “broken.”

Circuit breakers, first and foremost protect the entire electrical circuit from overheating and fire, and also protect your electrical equipment from damage. And to begin with, it would be a good idea to understand the reason for the operation of the machine, and then make a decision about their possible replacement.

There are many reasons for the operation, and the most common of them are: short circuits and overheating of conductors in machines (poor contact). Also, frequent malfunctions in the operation of machines are current leaks (RCD or DIF machines are triggered), and a malfunction of the equipment itself also often affects their operation. There are arbitrary cases of machine shutdown, but they happen extremely rarely, and it is in such cases that they urgently need to be changed, because machines cannot be repaired.

On sale there are a great variety of different USN-type machines, contactors, various relays and protection sensors, time, temperature. In everyday life (except for the simplified tax system in private homes), such instances are quite rare, so we will not consider them in this article.

Types of machines and relays

  • Shield Bulkhead

Shield audit

When replacing machines in a panel, it is worth starting first of all with its visual audit. First, without touching anything with your hands, you need to look through all the installed machines and connections to them. In most cases, this is enough to identify a fault in the electrical panel. Also, a visual inspection will help indicate errors made when installing the shield.

Checked correspondence of the machine's rating to the cable cross-section connected to it. All burns or melting of wires and clamps are determined. The reliability of all connections is checked manually (all terminals of automatic machines and zero busbars are tightened).

And a hack

Basic installation mistakes

The most common mistakes made by inexperienced electricians:

Basic mistakes in installing machines

It is important to remember that all work involving the replacement of automatic machines must be carried out with the mains voltage turned off! Or by a specially trained person with permission to work under voltage.

How to change machines yourself

If you are a beginner, you definitely need to arm yourself with a phase detection indicator. You will also need screwdrivers with insulated handles, pliers, a knife or other stripping tool. You may need a screwdriver and electrical tape. Be sure to buy yourself a headlamp. With a flashlight, the quality of work performed is always better! If an electrician doesn't have a headlamp, he's not an electrician.

Electrician's tool

The materials you will need are the machines themselves, and, if necessary, a DIN rail and screws for it. Zero buses for zeros and ground, wires, terminal blocks and comb.

Materials for replacing machines

Dismantling of machines

To begin any work on the machines, you must turn off the voltage supply to them. By turning off the power supply, you can safely dismantle them, while remembering (you can fix or mark) all incoming and outgoing connections. If necessary, the lines are redistributed, depending on the load or their logical correspondence (as is convenient for you).

To remove the machine, you need to pry it with a flat screwdriver from below or above, behind a special eye. This applies only to new machines; old Soviet machines can be unscrewed with a simple slotted screwdriver.

Line distribution

How to install machines correctly

In order for the machine to sit firmly in its seat, it is necessary to securely fasten the DIN rail. If the DIN rail is installed correctly, the machine being installed simply snaps onto it.

Installation and dismantling of the machine

How to insert wires into the machine correctly? You must always remember that no more than two wires can be inserted into one terminal (single-pole circuit breaker), and in no case copper or aluminum. You also need to remember that soft stranded wires (for example NYM or PVA) must be crimped with a sleeve.

Jumpers between machines must be made with a cable of the same cross-section, with a cross-section of at least 4 sq. mm (or with a cross-section corresponding to the expected load on this group of machines).

Any device has a certain service life. The machine in the electrical panel from Mosenergosbyt is no exception. If this device fails, it requires immediate replacement and identification of the cause of the failure. Self-replacement is undesirable, since uninformed people often make mistakes that can cost lives, since we are talking about working with a live device. Let's take a closer look at the principle of replacing machines from Mosenergosbyt.

A circuit breaker is a fuse that protects the home's electrical network from overload and short circuit. The safety of electrical appliances as a result of a short circuit depends on the correct choice of the device and its correct installation.

Modern human life cannot be imagined without an abundance of household appliances in the apartment. Due to the increased load, the wiring may not be able to withstand the amount of energy consumed.

To prevent fire, electrical panels are installed that perform a protective function. The main condition is the serviceability of the device. Poor contact on a new device is a sign that requires immediate attention.

Reasons for replacing machines

Significant reasons why the machine must be replaced:

  1. Constant activation of thermal protection.
  2. The device operates at its peak capabilities.

When the thermal protection is triggered for the first time, the device often breaks down. It is impossible to notice the problem immediately. The reason is the burning of the contact terminals, and then their combustion due to the poor quality and unreliability of the contact.

Electrical wiring made from aluminum wires gradually weakens, since aluminum is a soft metal. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to tighten the contact clamps up to three times a year.

A manufacturing defect can also cause the machine to be replaced, so it is recommended to purchase a device from a well-known company. Installation of new equipment is also required if there are old plugs.

Regardless of what caused the fire, you need to promptly replace the circuit breaker in the electrical panel, otherwise a failure will lead to a fire in the electrical wiring.

Where to order the service

If it is necessary to carry out electrical work at the entrance, you can order the service from the specialists of the Mosenergosbyt company. To do this, you need to contact the office, make an application in the user’s personal account or call the hotline +7 499 550 33 77. An employee will answer any questions you may have about replacing the machine in the electrical panel, give you an estimate of the cost, and make a request.

You can also order the service on the organization’s website. Click the “Services” tab.

Click “Electrical work”.

Click “Installation of residual current device”.

Click “Installation and replacement of circuit breakers and RCDs.”

Leave an online request for the service by first filling out the form with your personal data.

Wait for the technician to arrive.

Replacement technology

The automatic electrical panel cannot be repaired or restored due to the complexity of the microcircuit. Moreover, purchasing new equipment will cost much less. If a hardware switch malfunctions, it is usually replaced with a new one with the same parameters.

Removing the old circuit breaker

First you need to de-energize the line supplying the device. It happens that the machine is changed under voltage, but in this case the work should only be carried out by a specialist. When the line is not de-energized, it is important to carry out the installation carefully and carefully, observing safety precautions.

If the clamping plates are welded together, this greatly complicates the dismantling process. Some electrical knowledge and work experience will be useful. To simplify the task, first leave a few additional wiring in the panel.

If there is a damaged wire in the machine, it must be completely removed during dismantling.

Almost all automatic switches in the panel are responsible for a certain line that powers sockets and lights in the house. It is not difficult to de-energize this equipment; just turn off the introductory packet. It is located on the staircase.

But, when it is necessary to replace a three-pole input circuit breaker with 380 Volts, dismantling must be carried out by a specialist in order to avoid an accident. In addition, the introductory machines in the electrical panel have a seal, the unauthorized failure of which is punishable by a large fine.

After the network is de-energized, it is important to verify this using a special device. Having selected the appropriate screwdriver, unscrew the clamping screw and disconnect the wires on different sides. The machine is held on a DIN rail and can be removed by pulling out a screwdriver.

Installation of a new protection device

Insert the circuit breaker until it clicks into the rack. If necessary, we strip the wires, insert them into the clamping holes, and tighten the screw. It is important that the wires are not melted or burnt, otherwise the deformed area must be removed.

The functionality is checked using a special device. It is worth taking into account that among the circuit breakers you may find a defective device.

There must be a redundant protection device at the input, capable of de-energizing a section of the wiring if one of the machines fails. Additionally, you can install an input machine on the home panel, since the access device is located further and is not so sensitive to an increase in current.

It is important to note that if the equipment is replaced with a more powerful one, you need to make sure in advance that this will not negatively affect the wiring.

At whose expense is the work performed?

The failure of an electrical switchboard is accompanied by a logical question: who is replacing the device. The input machine located in front of the meter is common property. Accordingly, the installation of a new device is carried out by the company using funds allocated monthly by residents.

Replacement of the remaining equipment located behind the meter is carried out at the expense of the owner. Replacement occurs independently or by a called technician.

What determines the cost of replacing machines at Mosenergosbyt?

There is an additional fee for removing the machine. Let's figure out how much it costs to replace machines in the electrical panel of Mosenergosbyt. Approximate prices for replacing machines at Mosenergosbyt in rubles:

  • installation of a single-pole circuit breaker on a DIN rail - 240;
  • bipolar - 275;
  • three-pole - 285;
  • installation of a single-pole RCD - 420;
  • four-pole - 495.

Often, replacing a machine in a panel is accompanied by the installation of a new meter, for which a separate fee is provided. Single-phase equipment costs about 900 rubles, three-phase - 1800. The indicated prices for replacing circuit breakers in an electrical panel from Mosenergosbyt do not take into account the cost of additional materials.

It is not difficult to change the circuit breaker in the electrical panel yourself. But for safety and to guarantee correct operation, it is recommended to call a specialist. Highly qualified Mosenergo electricians will promptly arrive at a time convenient for the client and perform the work in accordance with safety regulations. The services provided are guaranteed for three years.

If you have changed an electrical switchboard at Mosenergo, please share with us in the comments below.


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