The process of making a homemade garage press. Types of presses for waste paper, features of their application Pressing waste paper

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From time to time, in almost every garage there is a need to carry out various works that require the use of pressing methods. To implement this kind of task, a special device has been created - a hydraulic press. If you really want to, you can assemble a simple garage press with your own hands without any problems.

The unit in question allows you to process a variety of products and materials using pressure. A special fluid is responsible for the operation of the mechanism. In the system under consideration, it is under increased pressure.

The design consists of two main cylinders, also called chambers. In a smaller container, the pressure of the liquid increases and it is transferred to a working container of an increased size.

The cylinders are connected to each other using a special channel or pipeline. In a large compartment, the liquid (usually a special oil) exerts a force on a special piston. From there, the force is transferred to the installed executive tool and then to the workpiece.

As a rule, the working cylinder is installed in a vertical position. In some situations, it is installed in a horizontal position.

The press can develop forces up to several thousand tons. The specific value is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the workpieces being processed and the tasks being performed.

Presses are widely used in pipe processing, pressing of various products, production of various kinds of pressed blanks from rubber, wood chips, plastic, etc.

Options for using a homemade press

In the garage, such a press will be an excellent assistant when repairing your car yourself and performing other tasks. For example, by building a homemade press, you can press out the bearing yourself, and then press a new product in its place. That is, you don’t have to go to a car service and spend money.

The press will allow you to straighten, reliably glue various parts under pressure, squeeze out liquid, bend a metal product, compress old bottles, cardboard, cans and other similar materials.

Ready-made, factory-produced pressing equipment costs quite a lot of money. If you assemble it yourself, you will have to spend money exclusively on the necessary components. An additional advantage of assembling the press yourself is that you will personally control the process at every stage and will be able to get a unit that will be best suited to your needs.

Design features of a homemade press

For a private garage, a press with a capacity of up to 10-15 tons is enough. For the rest, focus on your own needs.

Pressure in a large container is usually created using a built-in or separate pump. The easiest option to implement is a press assembled on the basis of a bottle jack with a hand pump provided.

Think about what kind of work you will do using a homemade press, and determine the required force of the unit. Only after this, go to the store to buy a jack and select it in accordance with the previously determined force value.

Before assembling the press, you need to select a suitable drawing of the mechanism, but it is better to make it yourself. From ready-made solutions, a drawing of any press designed and assembled based on available rolled metal and simple hydraulic equipment will suit you.

The disadvantage of ready-made drawings is that they will not always meet your specific needs. As a result, you can spend a lot of time adjusting the design to the parameters of the purchased jack.

There are 2 main options for assembling a garage press, namely:

  • the jack is placed on the base of the frame and applies upward pressure;
  • The jack is fixed closer to the top of the bed, and pressure is applied downwards.

Before you begin assembling the press, be sure to check the correct working position for your jack. If the manufacturer said that the jack rod should extend upward, then this is exactly how it should be - the tool cannot be turned over.

Most often, structures are assembled that involve installing a jack on the base of the frame. The second option is more highly specialized and is used mainly in professional locksmith workshops.

Preparing the press project

One of the most important elements of the design under consideration is the bed. It represents a frame. A jack is placed inside such a frame. The frame must have sufficient strength to withstand the force created by the jack with some margin. A reserve is needed for the reason that during operation the press will exert pressure immediately down and up, and without a reserve the structure may simply burst.

The base of the bed is best made in the form of a platform. Select the width of the platform opening in accordance with the size of the materials that you plan to further process on your press. Under any circumstances, the opening must be larger than the total dimensions of all elements of the equipment being placed.

To determine the appropriate height, you need to add the following parameters together:

  • jack dimensions;
  • the magnitude of the working stroke of the main tool rod;
  • thickness of the mobile table;
  • height of the workpieces being pressed.

In this case, the jack is installed on the base of the frame, and the function of support for the workpieces will be taken over by the upper part of the frame. The transmission of force from the jacking rod to the workpiece is carried out via a mobile work table. This table itself is installed on a frame. A jack is placed between the frame and the table.

The table is installed in such a way that it can move freely along the frame in the upward and downward directions, supported by side guides.

Springs of sufficient rigidity are placed on the sides of the hydraulic jack. One eye of each spring is attached to the base of the support frame, the second - to the mobile table. The installed springs will compress the hydraulic jack to the starting position with the rod hidden. Select the dimensions of the springs and their stiffness in accordance with the characteristics of the jack.

The stroke of the jacking rod, and with it the height of the parts being pressed, can be adjusted in several ways:

  • installing a screw drive at the top of the frame. This element must be equipped with a steering wheel. During operation of the press, it will be possible to screw in a screw, which will reduce the size of the clearance for workpieces inside the frame;
  • creating a removable, movable mobile table. If necessary, it can be attached to the frame using rods or bolts. First, you need to make holes in the frame, the pitch of which in height should be slightly less than the stroke of the jacking rod;
  • using replaceable pads. For the manufacture of these elements, a hollow or solid steel profile is well suited;
  • using the methods described above in combination.

All significant dimensions must be included in the drawing. In this case, the dimensions must take into account the dimensions of the jack, the products being processed, as well as the rolled metal that will be used to assemble the hydraulic press.

What to assemble the press from?

You do not need any special tools to assemble the press. The only difficulties for a beginner may arise when using a welding machine. Beginners are recommended to train on inverter-type units - they are the easiest to learn. If desired, welding work can be entrusted to a qualified craftsman.

Tools for assembling a homemade press

  1. Welding apparatus and electrodes.
  2. Grinder with a metal disc. If you don’t have a grinder, you can use a hacksaw, but it will take longer and more difficult to cut.
  3. Electric drill.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Level.
  6. Yardstick.

The main power unit of the installation in question is a hydraulic jack. The need to use tension springs was previously mentioned. You can take door springs, springs from the front seats of the car and any others that meet the specified requirements.

If you fix the jack in the lower position, you can use a special bridge fungus to install the pulling device - it is simply put on the rod, after which the springs are attached to the base of the frame and directly to the fungus. The bridge mushroom should have shifted splines.

Select the dimensions and required volume of rolled metal in accordance with your drawing of the hydraulic press.

Rolled metal for assembling a homemade press

Press Assembly Guide

During the process of assembling a garage press, refer to your drawings at each stage. In general, the sequence of work is quite simple. You just need to follow the suggested recommendations step by step.

First step

Cut the metal into parts of appropriate sizes, guided by the drawing. If the drawing calls for holes in any structural elements, drill them using an electric drill.

Second step

Weld the base from sections of square or rectangular pipe. Weld the joining seams at the bottom and top. Attach a steel plate on top. Use welding for fastening. Using welding, make a structure in the shape of the letter “P”. The angles of this design must be strictly 90 degrees. Weld the structure to the base and you will have a finished frame.

Third stage

Make a mobile work desk. Use a pipe or channel for this. The length of the pipe must be cut so that it is slightly less than the gap between the frame posts. Weld to the main pipe a small piece of pipe that you previously prepared for the rod of your jack.

The guides of the mobile table are made from pieces of steel strip. The width of the guides should be equal to the width of the frame. Place the pipe into the space between the frame posts, place the steel strips on the sides and securely tighten the structure with bolts and nuts. Make a replacement adjusting stop using the same pattern. The only difference is that you need to make holes opposite the racks to secure them at the required height.

Fourth stage

Fix the tension springs according to your drawings. Pull out the mobile work table and install the jack.

Now your personal press is ready. In the future, the jack can be quickly removed from the structure and used to perform other tasks.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself press for the garage

A hydraulic press belongs to a class of hydraulic machines designed to provide significant pressure on the required surface. Its main advantage is the ability to create a force that is many times greater than the initial impact. In technical literature, such machines are named after their inventor. Back in 1795, the English inventor Joseph Bram received a patent for this device. In this article you will learn how to make a hydraulic press with your own hands.

The term “press” is quite arbitrary. In modern industry, these machines solve a large number of important technical problems. Due to the powerful applied force, the parts are pressed and stamped. At service stations, bearings are pressed out. Processing industries squeeze liquids from various crops. The application of this hydraulic principle is not limited to pressing tasks. In addition to industrial presses, there are many similar machines that solve simpler, but no less important tasks, for example, a press for a car service center. Hydraulic jacks and lifts allow you to lift multi-ton loads, hydraulic clamps allow you to secure parts for subsequent processing. Small presses are used in automobile workshops and private garages.

The popularity of such mechanisms is due to the fact that with the help of a relatively simple device it is possible to obtain enormous compression energy.

Operating principle

The operating principle of any hydraulic mechanism (including a press) is based on one of the basic laws of hydrodynamics - Pascal's Law. In accordance with this law, the pressure of a liquid or gas is distributed evenly to all points on the inner surface of the vessel in which it is located.

If a surface that can move is used as one wall of a vessel, the liquid will exert pressure on it, and it will begin to move. In presses, this surface is made in the form of a piston. The magnitude of the force acting on the piston, other things being equal, will be determined by the surface area of ​​the piston. The larger the surface area of ​​the piston, the greater the magnitude of the force acting on it. This effect allows you to get a serious gain in the resulting force. This physical law makes it possible to implement the hydraulic circuit of the press.

Structurally, the design of hydraulic presses is very similar. They are made in the form of two communicating vessels. Therefore, all physical laws that operate in communicating vessels are applicable to them. If the liquid level in one of the vessels changes towards a decrease, then in the second vessel the liquid level will increase. This will lead to increased pressure on all walls of the vessel. In a hydraulic press, this is the pressure on the piston.

To increase the volume of working fluid in the hydraulic cylinder, a special reservoir is provided in the press design. Since the fluid in a hydraulic press is under high pressure, a special safety system is provided. It includes two valves: a discharge valve and a shut-off valve.

Classification of hydraulic presses

All hydraulic presses are structurally composed of parts with the same purpose. The fundamental difference is the method of increasing the pressure of the working fluid (usually the so-called industrial oil). In modern presses, this process occurs in two ways: manually (for small presses this is done using manual structures), using an automatic drive (for stationary high-power presses).

In the literature on metalworking, presses are classified according to the following distinctive features:

  • technical purpose: for compression (direct) pressing or injection (transfer) pressing;
  • bed designs. They come in two types: column or frame;
  • level of automation (manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic);
  • direction of the applied force: horizontally, strictly vertically or at a predetermined angle;
  • location of the working cylinder in the press design: located in the lower part of the press or the upper part;
  • number of permissible pressing positions: in one position or multi-position presses.

In addition to the layout, classification is carried out according to the following technical parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • weight when fully assembled;
  • piston stroke;
  • power (amount of force generated)
  • the presence in the design of the press of sensors and measuring instruments, for example, a pressure gauge;
  • characteristics of the bed used (shape, location, material).

Hydraulic press for service stations

At car service stations, individual repair work can only be carried out using a hydraulic press. The tasks of an automobile press include:

  • installation and dismantling of bearings, liners, washers, and other parts that need to be pressed in;
  • work related to stamping and calibration;
  • bodywork and repair work where changing the configuration of a metal part is required. The production of leveling, straightening or bending, that is, giving the required shape.

In most cases, a press for a service station is manually controlled or automatically driven. Such units have the following layout:

  • the movement of the working piston occurs from top to bottom;
  • creation of the required pressure in the working cylinder is carried out manually or using a connected compressor. The second method significantly increases the speed of operation of the entire unit;
  • functionally these are multi-position presses. It is possible to additionally install various attachments. This significantly expands the number of operations performed.

The main technical characteristics include the permissible maximum force (it usually varies from five to twenty tons) and the piston stroke. The first parameter allows you to determine the capabilities of the press to work with what thickness of parts you can work with. The second parameter determines the dimensions of the processed parts.

Sometimes so-called tabletop models of hydraulic presses are used at service stations, repair shops, and private garages. Such presses are subject to the same requirements as stationary ones, taking into account their placement and structural layout.

When operating a hydraulic press in a workshop, you should take into account the restrictions imposed on the dimensions of the parts being processed and the actual dimensions of the room itself where the press is installed. Therefore, to optimize the working space at a service station or in a garage, hydraulic presses with small geometric dimensions and weight are used.

DIY hydraulic press for home

For many who like to repair their car on their own, engage in self-employment in car repair, or simply do something useful for their home, cottage, or garden plot, there is a need to have a small hydraulic press among their tools.

A homemade garage press will help the car enthusiast replace bearings and silent blocks. Bend metal parts, glue, make briquettes, squeeze out oil and various liquids. For this purpose, the following can be used: a hydraulic manual press, a manual metal press, a press from a hydraulic jack. A garage press is quite easy to make with your own hands. Such a press can be hydraulic or mechanical. According to the form of execution, a homemade one can be a tabletop, floor-standing, mini press, or screw. If you plan to carry out only simple work, it is advisable to make a simple manual press. To do this, you can use a simplified hydraulic circuit and a not very massive machine design.

Even a simple manual hydraulic press made in an industrial environment is quite expensive. Therefore, many home craftsmen try to make a press for the garage with their own hands. Usually they try to make a press with a jack with their own hands. Costs are determined by the price of the required materials.

It is necessary to choose rolled metal as the material for the frame of such a press:

  • steel sheet. The base of the press is made from it, so the thickness is at least 8 mm;
  • steel strip. It is necessary for the manufacture of guides. In addition, such a strip can be useful for creating stiffening ribs, if they are required. Its thickness is selected at 10 mm;
  • rectangular or square channels;
  • metal corner. It is advisable to use a corner with a shelf size of at least 50 mm;
  • a small piece of metal pipe. It is necessary for the manufacture of special sockets that will secure the jack.

Therefore, in order to start making a hydraulic press at home, you need to have skills in working with metal processing, master the simplest welding techniques, and have experience in assembling metal structures. If you assemble everything correctly, the press will be a good assistant in your work in the garage or in the country.

A waste paper compactor can help you convert mountains of papers, boxes and other paper waste into compact bags that save space.

This is especially necessary for large stores, cafes, and enterprises that have a lot of paper waste. In order not to expand the utility rooms, it is easier to make compressed waste paper.

Types of presses

Presses for waste paper come in a wide variety of sizes, performance, and operating principles. There are mini-installations, medium-sized equipment and large industrial models, mobile or stationary.

Based on the design and method of pressing, the following types of presses are distinguished:

  • mechanical;
  • hydraulic;
  • hydromechanical;
  • baling

Mechanical press for waste paper

This installation operates using a screw drive, which can be electromechanical or manual. The press force is in the range of 4–32 tons.

The manual screw press operates using the energy of a large flywheel, which is accelerated by hand. The maximum pressing force in such presses is determined by the diameter of the flywheel and its height. The thread on the screw is self-locking and multi-pass.

The screw press is made vertically with a cast iron frame and a nut made of antifriction bronze.

In a mechanically driven screw press, the nut rotates using an electric motor and a gear or V-belt drive.

The disadvantage of such designs is the need to install torque overload protection. At the end of pressing the fuse should trip.

The advantages are small size and weight. Some models can be installed outdoors.

Hydraulic paper press

The installation has become more widespread, despite the fact that it is larger than the mechanical one. The equipment includes a pumping unit, an ejection mechanism and a control system. The working part is sliders and hydraulic cylinders. The working fluid is distilled from the lower cavity of the cylinder to the upper.

Pressing is carried out with a force of 2.5–3 atmospheres according to the pressure gauge.

Hydraulic presses are:

  • with manual control;
  • semi-automatic;
  • automatic.

The devices consist of a hydraulic cylinder and a lever mechanism. They are distinguished by the fact that at the end of the movement of the plate, the speed decreases, and the press force increases many times, as well as by economical energy consumption.

The automatic press has a horizontal layout. The unit pushes the finished package out of the working area and creates a knot for dressing.

Volumes of processed raw materials

The simplest presses, which compact only light materials such as paper and cardboard, create a pressure force of 4 to 10 tons.

Presses with an average pressure of 10 to 15 tons can process thermoplastic products.

Presses with high pressure forces of up to 30 tons even compact sheet metal products. Their cost is high, so an economic justification is necessary when purchasing such a unit.

Equipment dimensions

The size of the presses directly depends on the volume of waste paper or other waste that needs to be processed. By size, the equipment is divided into the following formats:

  • mini;
  • standard;
  • professional.

Mini. Such presses do not require attachment to a surface; they are easy to move and easy to operate. The volume of waste paper in such a unit is reduced by only 3 times, its productivity is low. It is quite suitable for home use by individuals, small offices, and trade market pavilions.

Standard. Intended for:

  • warehouses;
  • points accepting waste paper;
  • shops;
  • companies working with large volumes of papers.

These units require strong attachment to a horizontal surface. The pressure they create makes it possible to reduce the volume of waste paper by five times.

Professional. Designed for printing enterprises, complexes of large warehouses with a huge flow of paper and cardboard waste. After pressing, this waste is reduced in volume by 10 times or more. The applied force is 30 tons. Installation of such an industrial press and its maintenance are carried out only by qualified personnel. Installation requires a room with certain dimensions, spacious and high.

Classification of equipment according to the method of loading raw materials

Methods for loading waste vary between different types of presses and can be:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • corner.

Mini and Standard equipment mainly includes vertical presses.

Professional presses include horizontal hydraulic presses for waste. They can compress not only paper waste, but also compress recyclables: solid household waste, plastic bottles, etc.

Waste paper press control

The waste pressing process is controlled using a special lever. The lever drives the pressing slides. They can be stopped at any time by blocking. The pressure is controlled by readings from pressure gauges.

Management is carried out by one person and does not require special knowledge and skills.

Unit parts require constant lubrication, especially during frequent operation.

How to choose a press

When choosing a waste paper press, you need to keep in mind that its price directly depends on its productivity, pressure and other technical characteristics.

You need to focus, first of all, on the volume of required processing. Based on this, the required productivity and capacity of the working chamber are selected.

The power consumption and dimensions of the installation are of no small importance.

For small needs, compact models are preferred. They can be installed in a small room and even in a waste paper removal machine.

Some installations can compress textile and plastic products into bales: disposable tableware, bottles. Such equipment will help to recycle and remove waste much faster and easier.

The most popular equipment models

A wide range of hydraulic presses for waste paper are produced at the Arzamas plant "Gidropress".

The offered models are equipped with systems for automatic unloading of finished compressed bales. Individual elements of these systems are developed in Italy, and precision automation elements are produced in France.

This equipment works reliably in any conditions, even in the absence of heating in the room in which it is installed and at sub-zero temperatures.

Vertical presses produce bales with the following mass:

  • up to 200 kg on small presses;
  • up to 350 kg on medium presses;
  • up to 600 kg on large presses.

This suggests that any consumer can make a choice for themselves.

Horizontal hydraulic presses have significantly higher productivity. In addition to paper waste, they are used for compacting municipal solid waste, plastic, and aluminum cans. They are characterized by fast and efficient loading from above, there is no need to level the layer. The bale is formed after 5–6 loads and has a high density.

Horizontal hydraulic presses of the Mega series with a conveyor installation have the following characteristics:

  • weight of the compressed bale - 200–650 kg;
  • package size - from 1000x800 to 2100x800 mm;
  • the working stroke of the traverse is from 1600 to 3300 mm.

Popular models are the following:

Top loading. Dimensions: 200x64x42 cm. The size of the finished briquettes is 50x40x35 cm, processes up to 500 kg of raw materials per day, applied force is 2 tons.

Barinel 1500LP6 with vertical loading. Dimensions: 160x56x67 cm. The size of the finished briquettes is 50x50x50 cm, the applied force is 6 tons, produces up to 5 briquettes per hour weighing up to 30 kg each.

DIY waste paper press

You can make the simplest equipment for making briquettes from paper waste yourself, using device drawings that are easy to find on the Internet. For design, it is necessary to specify the dimensions of the installation, the desired stroke of the traverse and the permissible pressure force.

Based on the size of the chamber for pressing waste paper and the desired press force, a conventional hydraulic jack is selected, which will serve as a pressure device. The traverse will move in a direction depending on the location of the jack. More convenient is the upper layout of the jack, in which the traverse moves downwards.

Manufacturing of bed and jack

To construct the frame, thick sheet material is used from high-quality construction steel 12 GS, manufactured in accordance with GOST 19282. Frame elements made from such steel are better welded. The bed is a rectangular closed frame.

The capabilities of the jack are determined by the dimensions of the frame and traverse. The traverse must have free idling. This is necessary so that waste can be loaded. After creating a package of waste paper, the traverse should return to its original position. To do this, the design includes two springs, which are arranged symmetrically.

Control system installation

At the last stage, the electrical drive control system is installed. Most often it consists of two buttons, as the simplest option.

In terms of the level of force developed (up to 120 kN), homemade waste paper presses are not inferior to purchased ready-made models of such equipment.

Advantages of a waste paper press

Beginning entrepreneurs and businessmen need to think in a timely manner about what they will do with paper waste, which literally “eats up” the useful space of offices and warehouses.

A waste paper press will help solve the waste problem, because its main function is to compress waste paper into dense bales, which are more convenient to store and transport.

Choosing a suitable installation is not difficult; the choice is very large. And if over time the unit turns out to be unnecessary for some reason, it can be rented out or sold at a profit.

When working in an auto repair shop, it is often necessary to do pressing work. This will require special equipment - a hydraulic press. You can purchase it or make it yourself.

The relevance of manufacturing a hydraulic press

Most often, this equipment is needed for installation and repair work. Some suspension or chassis components must be properly removed for restoration work.

The main difficulty is the cost of the hydraulic press. Despite the fact that it uses the principle of an ordinary jack, the price of the equipment can reach several hundred thousand rubles. Often it is this fact that determines the desire to make a hand press yourself.

The main advantages of operating a homemade structure made from a hand jack with your own hands are as follows:

  • the ability to adapt equipment for a specific type of work. This applies to both technical indicators and performance;
  • low cost. The possibility of using scrap materials will significantly affect the final price. The main thing is to choose the right hydraulic jack, since it is the main component of the machine;
  • maintainability. This is reflected in the cost of operation. It is important to initially make a high-quality press and choose the right model of hydraulic jack.

In addition to the traditional removal of bearings from a car hub, the equipment can perform a number of useful actions. First of all, this concerns the process of controlled deformation of steel structures.

One of the advantages of a self-made model is its small size. The machine can be placed in any part of the car service center. The main thing is to ensure ease of installation of parts that need to be processed.

Hydraulic press design

When choosing an equipment diagram, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical papers of the factory models. This will help you create the optimal drawing of a hydraulic machine. You can get the necessary information on the manufacturers' websites.

One of the main conditions is the stability of the structure and the ability to withstand heavy loads. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the press frame. The main components will be located on it.

The simplest model for a car repair shop consists of the following elements:

  • supporting frame. Made from channels and angles. The recommended steel thickness is from 2 to 5 mm.
  • hydraulic jack. For standard work, a model with a lifting capacity of 12 tons is suitable. It is best to use conventional bottle models;
  • support table The part to be processed will be located on it. It should consist of two channels with a distance between them. The jack rod will be lowered into it;
  • nozzle. It is installed on the working piston. Designed for pressing out parts with different diameters.

This is a general diagram of equipment made by hand. It is recommended to first calculate the required load forces on paper, and perhaps select a pump to increase the operating speed.

It is important that the press support legs increase stability. Additionally, you can install adjusting bolts, which are used to calibrate the position of the equipment and the jack.

Making a hydraulic press with your own hands

First, you should select tools and consumables for making a hydraulic press with your own hands. For this you will need a welding machine. Argon welding is not recommended.

A diagram is drawn up in advance, indicating all the dimensions of the press and its components. This can be done on paper or electronically. For production, you can use any available materials. But in order for a self-made press to last for a long time, it is recommended to use the following components:

  • channel 8. The frame is made from it;
  • corner 50*50. Used as stiffeners. It is also used to make a movable platform for the mechanical part so that it can change its position relative to the horizontal axis;
  • bolts for fixation. In the upper part of the press, it is best to use two methods of fastening components - mechanical and by welding;
  • jack. It is recommended to install the simplest bottle-type model. It is important that its load capacity corresponds to the design parameters;
  • springs. They are necessary to return the platform to its original state.

Making a press with your own hands starts with the frame. First, holes are drilled using a drill to install the mounting bolts. Then, according to the plan, the structure is welded and fixed.

The next stage of work is the installation of the jack. It is best to prepare a separate platform on which the hydraulic equipment will be mounted. The rod can be located either at the top or at the bottom. For convenience, you can make a movable platform mounted on the upper horizontal channel. It is important to install the jack correctly so that it does not jam when the air is released.

The springs must be stiff enough to lift the weight of the hydraulic platform to its original level. There is no need to make them yourself - just buy furniture ones.

There are plenty of situations in everyday life when it is necessary to squeeze objects with great force.

Here are a few of them:

  • Extracting juice from grapes, fruits and vegetables.
  • Pressing in or removing silent blocks, bearings, bushings.
  • Molding of products using a matrix.
  • Bending strong metal workpieces.
  • Straightening curved objects.
  • The list goes on and on.

For these actions you need a press. The most popular design is hydraulic. The liquid is not compressed, so it is enough to equip a device for compression - pressing with hydraulics, and you can develop virtually unlimited force.

These devices are quite compact. For example, the illustration shows a machine less than a meter high, and it develops a force of up to 10 tons. And it is controlled manually.

Such a press can be bought at a tool store, however, the cost is quite high. If you look closely at the design, you will notice that the power element is very similar to a regular car bottle jack. Therefore, you can make it yourself.

Drawing and concept of a jack press

Power elements are made of steel with a thickness of at least 15 mm, or a steel profile. As vertical posts, you can use a stud, corner, profile pipe, or the same channel.

A threaded rod is preferable because it can be used to quickly adjust the size of the work area.

We will take this diagram as the basis for understanding the design.

To the base (7) , 20 mm thick, two studs are screwed in (4) with thread at the bottom (5) and at the top, to adjust the height of the upper platform.

Hairpins (4) are made from a steel circle with a diameter of 30 mm. The upper thread is cut based on the lifting height of the jack rod with a small margin.

Bottle Type Hydraulic Jack (6) installed on the base.

It is advisable to fix it there. The mount can be made removable so that you can use the jack for its intended purpose.

The lower platform moves vertically along the studs (3) .

If the metal thickness is insufficient, the holes can be reinforced with bushings to prevent distortion.

Upper force platform (1) secured to studs with powerful nuts (2) , with the help of which the height of the working area is adjusted.

The result is a power structure of this type:

This is by no means an axiom; the design can be any, especially the size ratio. You will develop drawings based on the availability of material and the type of hydraulic jack used.

The operating principle is as follows: matrices (bushings, punches) or other devices are fixed on the platforms, between which the workpiece will change shape. The jack is lifted in the traditional way - between the platforms there is a force equal to the lifting capacity of the jack.

However, the most popular use of the design is to remove bearings and silent blocks when servicing a car.

The design can be improved by adding adjustable puller rods. To do this, a U-shaped structure made of a steel angle and thick threaded rods is put on the upper platform.

From below, elongated nuts with welded L-shaped hooks are screwed onto the studs.

As a thrust rod when extruding a shaft from a bearing or a silent block from an eye, you can use a shank from a propeller shaft or an axle shaft of a suitable diameter. Such a “device” is easy to find at a car disassembly.

The structure is assembled in 5 minutes, and the press turns into a powerful puller. You can remember how much it costs to replace silent blocks and calculate the savings.

Bearing races of different diameters are well suited as bushings and couplings for pressing.

Culinary uses of a jack press

And for dessert - a somewhat exotic, but very popular use of a hydraulic press. By making a simple device from a tray, an old aluminum pan and a wooden chock, you can easily squeeze juice from grapes or apples.

And if you work a little with wood, you can build a real oil mill from a homemade hydraulic press.


An ordinary car jack, plus a little ingenuity and seemingly unnecessary junk - and you will get a set of tools that previously only industrial production and services could boast of.

In conclusion, a video that describes in detail how to make a press from a jack using the example of your own design.


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