Selling your soul to the devil is the right way. How do you sell your soul to the devil? Can you sell your soul to the devil for a wish

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You have probably thought more than once: how does it happen that fate gives one everything, and the other nothing, no matter how hard you try. Why such injustice? In this world, where Evil reigns and rules, only He, the Master of this world, decides who and what to reward for his deeds, only He knows the true Essence of things and the hidden meaning of what is happening! So turn to Him in your heart and in your thoughts, conclude an agreement with the Devil - and you will be rewarded!

There are no desires that a person who has made a pact with the Devil cannot achieve! Open your eyes wider and look without prejudice at the history of famous personalities. You will immediately come across a pattern - behind any genius is the Devil, who gave them something that they would not have had any strength and skills for, even if they had spent their entire lives achieving such a position in society and power.

Think - what do you want?

Do you want to RETURN LUCK, LOVE, or call yourself luck, love? All this is under the power of Satan.

MONEY? Satan can give you any money

LOVE? - This desire will be very easily fulfilled by Lucifer

FORCE? - The demon Adramelech will give you unprecedented power

KNOWLEDGE? - All the wise men of the past have sold their souls

HAPPINESS? - Demon Begerit will give you this

MAGIC? - Demon Haborim will give you the power of a mage

POWER? Nothing is easier than giving you power

How did they manage to achieve the patronage of the Devil? Yes, because they sold their souls to the Devil, and He agreed to accept them as his servants. The Forces of Darkness rule in this world, and where They rule, you can achieve success only by becoming a part of the world of Darkness!

How to Make a Deal and Sell Your Soul to the Devil

So, you want to achieve unprecedented power, wealth, influence, happiness and success in a short time? If so, then you need to sell your soul to the Devil, turning to a strong magician who, with his Black Magic Spell, pronounced properly and at the right time, will open the door to the underworld so that you can make a deal with the Devil to convey to Him your desires to become His servant!

Strength, power, wealth, even dominion over the World - all this is able to give you Satan! You can sell your soul to the Devil and get whatever you want if He agrees to accept you as His servant!

Remember, the Devil himself decides who is suitable for his service! Only He knows when and how He will look at you and come to you to take your soul and make him his servant, and the magician serves only as an intermediary who has the right to turn to the Master of the World of Darkness with your request!



If you decide to sell your soul and are initiated into some religion, then before selling your soul, you need to renounce it and the god who was previously supposed to patronize you. This is a prerequisite, regardless of the method of sale. However, if you chose the path of selling your soul, it is obvious that God did not really want to help you.

If you don’t believe God for a long time and mentally sent him to hell a million times, and even if you have been wearing an inverted cross and the like for a long time, but have ever, even in childhood, been baptized or initiated into another religion, but if you decide to sell soul You still need to renounce! The renunciation takes place between midnight and 3 am. You need to retire to a place where no one will disturb you. If you are sure that you will not be disturbed, you can close yourself in a separate room, provided that there is someone else in the apartment. But it is desirable that you are at home alone.

You need 3 candles and one cinder (or another candle used as a cinder). Well, if the candles are black. But if there is no possibility, there can be any. So. Retired, light the 1st candle from the cinder. Extinguish the cinder, on this day you no longer need it. Place the candle in the candlestick or hold it in your left hand. Take off your cross, month or other religious symbol, if you wore it on your body, put it under your left heel or next to your left side. You should never wear it again in your life. And if, despite all the efforts, the forces of Darkness still do not want to accept the terms of the contract, the desires will not come true (if we take from the general quality of souls, then the probability of this is 50%. 50% - that everything will be successful, and you will get what you wanted), and you want to return to the light, you will have to be baptized again. But believe traitors, no one loves, and you will not be with God or with the Devil. So be careful with your fantasies.

Sit comfortably before the ritual that will help you sell your soul, but in no case do not cross your legs, arms and fingers. Further, if you are a Christian, read the Appeal out loud 1 time, then 3 times in a row Shan Echto (Our Father on the contrary):


“I (name) announce renunciation. I renounce Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit emanating from them, from every holy Christian place, from my place in the midst of paradise, from every Christian thought and deed, from almsgiving and forgiveness of the Lord God. And may I never set foot on the road to salvation by Christ, given by God, and my soul for the Lord will disappear forever, and he will no longer hear my voice. May it be so forever and ever. For this is my will."

(Our Father on the contrary)


"Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi on, einshuksi ov san idevv en i; mishan mokinzhlod meyalvatso ym and ezhokya, ashan iglod shan belkh. Ilmez an isseben an okya, yaovt yalov tedub ad, eovt eivtsrats tedirp ad eovt yatityavs ad. Hesebeg an ise hedgehog, shan something. Enyn and Avals.

Julimop, idolsog (3 times)

Idar ogeovt enemi; ashan ischomen ilecsi and itesop, yityavs, ashan yainokazzeb itsopp, okydalv, ashan ikherg itsicho, idopsog, san yulimop, eciort yaatyavserp.

Nima. Vokev ikev ov and onsirp and enyn and ugud umotyavs and unys and utsto avals.

San Yulimop Intremzeb Itavs, Ikperk Itavs, Ezhob Itavs (3 times)

Ashan ishud ezhalb, isaps and inrevks yaikyasvto itsicho and yn in yasilesv and idirp, yuletadop inzizh and higalb stillchivorkos yanlopsi yasv and yys edzev hedgehogs, initsi yeshud, yuletishetu insebn yurats.

Fuck Avals, Shan Ezhib, Fuck Avals. Nima. San yulimop, hityavs hesevi heretan yaeovt yaytsicherp idar vtilom izhob enis, etsirkh esusii idopsog. Umonsherg enm idub vitsolim, ezhob.

After that, leave the candle to burn out, go to bed and preferably not talk to anyone until morning.

The next night, do the same, using the same cinder as the first time, but a new candle. And once again repeat the procedure for selling the soul on the 3rd night. That is only 3 nights in a row.


1. Save the splashes from all three candles. They will be needed in the ritual of selling the soul. The stump-cinder can be thrown away.

2. During the Renunciation, an inexplicable feeling of fear, internal resistance may arise, you can hear tapping and creaking in the walls, floor, breaths and so on. It is necessary not to pay attention to this, firmly and confidently continue to read.

3. The candle may go out on its own. If this happened while you are reading, you need to light it again from the cinder (that is, first light the cinder, then a candle from it). If the candle goes out immediately after you have read everything you need, you do not need to light it. Just go to bed as planned.

The ritual of making a deal with the Devil to sell his soul

Before concluding an agreement with the Devil, you must make a list of your Requirements, which will be transferred to Him by the Black Magician hired by you to perform the ritual. You must also pay a ransom sacrifice, which will be brought by the Black Magician to the altar of the Demons of Darkness, so that they agree to come and take a list of your Requirements. Further, the Black Magician chooses the place and time of the ritual and performs the ritual, during which He or His servant comes to him. The Magician sends a list of your Requirements, and then everything depends on His decision. Remember that not every person who decides to sell his soul is honored to serve Him, who has EVERYTHING, and who is served by ALL the powers that be! He may ignore your request, or he may even get angry and destroy you if your list of Requirements seems to Him too bold and inappropriate, and the ransom sacrifice you made is insignificant and unworthy of His greatness! But if you make a moderate list of Requirements and pay a generous ransom sacrifice, your chances of success will be great, because then the Magician's Spell will be heard by the Master! The door to the Underworld will be opened and you will start a conversation with the King of Darkness, which may end with a deal with the Devil to sell your soul. Any magical manipulations require a large expenditure of energy, which is taken from the ransom sacrifice you made on the altar of Satan. The door to the Underworld must be opened using only your energy, only in this case He will pass to you, and not to the person whose energy was used. So decide what you want out of life and write your list of Requirements! There is no need to envy the smart, successful and rich, you need to become one. An agreement with the devil is not a simple magical ritual, it is a contract of sale, in which you get everything you want - money, love, sex, power, the ability to magic, unlimited access to knowledge. That is, by selling your soul to the Devil, you will have the whole world at your disposal in exchange for an almost weightless substance in your body - the soul. The choice is yours!

I ask you to understand that having completed the rite, you will not return back. So weigh everything. And stories about how you can terminate the contract - THIS IS ALL LIES!

If you decide “firmly”, then write a contract, I will try to help you.

Sample deal with the devil

The contract is written only on “virgin” paper with your own hand.

Can be used with a new notebook middle or paper for office equipment.

(text is optional but must be followed)

Contract for the sale of my soul.

Lucifer, our agreement begins from this day....and ends on the same day the 20...year. You must not secretly change this deadline, or infringe on my rights, or postpone the hour of reckoning.

I enter into an agreement under the following conditions:




Each condition must be described in detail. For example, if it is money, then indicate the (real) amount, how much time it takes to execute, if it is magic, then what kind, and so on for each item. Another important thing is that for the DEVIL to help you must, firstly, believe and want it, and secondly, take some steps yourself. For example: if this is money, then you need to clearly understand where it will come from, or at least buy a lottery ticket, etc. d.

If the DEVIL fulfills your desires, then you cannot distribute them to people, all this is given only to YOU!.

P. S. I thought for a long time before I decided to write in the social. Networks. My family of magicians has already 5 generations (that's what I know). I carried this “gift” in the family, it is passed on to younger children, since I was the youngest, everything was “passed on to me.” When my mother left, she told me that we never took remuneration for our help, people themselves gave what they could or considered necessary.


Until this day, I helped to conclude an agreement with the DEVIL only to people whom I know about (and believe me, people are happy now), but now that the Great Slavic peoples are on the verge of destruction, I decided to help you. This requires a lot of energy costs from me, but I will try to HELP EVERYONE.

I own many secrets of BLACK MAGIC

I will remove damage from you, evil eye, family curse! Very often, many problems in our personal life or in business appear due to damage, the evil eye, and a family curse brought upon us.

I will make a strong conspiracy for money, good luck in work, trade, sale.

To send a black magician's generic curse on your enemy, I will destroy his aura, turn his life into Hell, and the Black Twilight of Non-existence will fall on his soul.

Inflict damage that will quickly turn your enemies and offenders into miserable outcasts, deprived of their mind, strength, health and good luck, who have lost friends, position in society and money.

I can jinx your

enemy, make it so that he loses happiness, health and fortune in his daily life!

I will punish your offenders with magic, make them repent of their deeds and humbly pray for forgiveness and the preservation of their miserable lives!

I do strong love spells of all kinds: a strong love spell on the chakras, according to Voodoo, a black wedding love spell, a love spell on blood, a cemetery love spell, a sexual love spell.

I will turn away, I will make a conspiracy to quarrel, dry out, otstuda, lapel from a rival, rival, husband, wife to separate a love couple.

My name isAltair.

I offer you an EASIER way to SELL your SOUL. Here and now, I will tell you my author's technique.

The EASY METHOD is that you don't fast or do the ritual. With my EASY METHOD. You will just need to look at my photo for 10-20 minutes immediately before the transaction itself.

The fact is that in the magical world, similarly to the modern one, there are laws. The manipulation of these laws is called MAGIC, WITCH. Those. by manipulating this or that law, we can do certain actions and get some sort of consequences. But even this is subject to its own law. Law over law... sounds complicated... but it's very easy.

Why all this talk? My method is that you are not manipulating the law of a lower order, performing a complex ritual, impossible for a simple person ... but I am manipulating a law of a higher order. I do all the work for you, I make a sacrifice, I open a bridge, I pull you into the subtle world, I give energy for your awareness. You all understand what is happening. I lead you to the place of the transaction, I protect you from hungry ghosts, I lead you back to the body, I close the bridge.

I will give you my photo, 10-20 minutes per op. the time you look at it. At the same time, you are trying to understand my whole essence, to understand my insides. This will pull you into the Underworld.

ATTENTION! My photo is loaded with an energy-information program. Any exposure through a photo, or image of a photo, = liver cancer.

The price of this 100% EASY method is two sacrificial goats. There is also a REMOTE METHOD. The EASY WAY is more expensive, but that's why it's the easy way. Why do you need this trifle? When you have MILLIONS in front of you! Happiness, joy, harmony, and success! The reason for these joys is the 100% METHOD YOU PURCHASED.

Interested please email
[email protected]

How does this happen?

Ceremonies are held both in person and remotely.

A unique document will be made for you, confirming the obligations of the Devil to you (you can see examples of such an agreement below). The document can be received by you in digital format, remotely. Please note that this document is produced by the Order of Satan only ONCE for each transaction, and it contains the astral signatures of the thirteen demons of Hell, and the seal of the DEVIL himself.

Regarding the requirements for the ceremony. Obviously, the Order does not take money for its implementation. All expenses for the ritual will be made at our expense. The Order will receive its reward from the DEVIL, for your soul.
However, keep in mind that you will definitely need to provide a sacrificial animal, because this is the only way to build an energy bridge between the Hellworld and you.
During the sacrifice, we will receive ENERGY, a building material to connect YOU and the Lower World, to make a deal. A sacrifice in the name of the Dark Forces allows you to convey YOUR energy to the demon. If the victim is purchased by someone else, with their own money, the demon will actually visit this person (the energy bridge will be built before him). Even if the Order performs the ceremony without your sacrifice, the demon will eventually come to me, for MY soul, and not to you. This is the law, the law of magic, the law of the exchange of energy.

All you need is a minimum - a formality, to provide a sacrificial animal.
Also, the victim has another important role. It is clear that when minors apply, for them money for cattle is an unbearable amount, and for adequate older people, buying an animal for the ceremony is mere pennies.

Sometimes we have to put such articles so that you understand the danger of this World. I want you not to relax and remember the dangers that lie in wait for every person, especially Christians.

Today, there are a lot of people among us, among whom there are big businessmen, bankers, deputies, politicians and many other successful people who, for the sake of their success and financial well-being, have SOLD their souls to the devil. Of course, this is not talked about, and to this day very little is known about the sale of souls to the devil.

But I will give as an example a few stories that reveal this secret and accurately confirm that even today, people, due to their foolishness and greed, and most importantly because of their lack of faith in God, SELL their souls to the devil and how it ends ...

HISTORY 1. How a man sold his soul to the devil.

This is also a completely real life story that the Lord allowed me to know. About three years ago, I accidentally started dating a man on the Internet and we started a correspondence. Apparently, everything was very painful for him, besides, he really got, as it seemed to him, into a hopeless situation, therefore, of course, not immediately, but he told me everything. He told about how, more than 10 years ago, he SOLD his soul to the devil.

Yes, he said so bluntly and honestly: “I sold my soul, I SOLD it for money and a good life, but how cruelly I was mistaken!”

That's how it was. Victor, that was the name of this man, before selling his soul, he was an unsuccessful businessman, his business was falling apart, so he got into big debts that had to be repaid, his wife was tired of such a life and she left him, friends also turned away, at one time Victor I even drank heavily, but then slowly came to my senses and began to think what to do, how and on what to live on? And then he remembered some tale that, like, if you sell your soul to the devil, you can get good money, and Victor decided to try. Losing him, as he himself thought it was all the same - nothing, and he took a chance.

How he did this, Victor did not say, but said that a thin man in black had come at the appointed place and time. Victor wrote him the usual receipt that he was SELLING his soul - for help in business and several million dollars, and he took this receipt. Everything was somehow ordinary, nothing of the kind happened at this meeting, but then miracles began ...

The business began to develop rapidly, incomes flowed like a river, Victor after a short time completely forgot about the time when he had no money. I bought one good car, six months later I bought a Mercedes, then more. I bought an expensive luxury apartment with a penthouse, then built a large country house, constantly began to go on vacation abroad, bought a villa in Spain. Now he already owned a large construction company, expensive restaurants, women, life, as they say, was in full swing!

So several years passed. And then, he suddenly got bored with everything at once, money, cars, women - they ceased to please, besides, somehow stopping in front of a traffic light, he suddenly saw - a man in black, Victor immediately recognized him, although he had not seen him for a long time and there were a lot of people around, and he nodded affably to him and pointed to his watch. And Victor realized that it was his time - to PAY the bills for his chic life.

And then, it was then that he became afraid for the first time, it finally dawned on him and he truly understood what it means - "SELL - your soul", it meant - Death. And he did not want to die on the wave of his successful life ...

Then oddities began, he suddenly began to catch himself thinking about suicide, while driving in a car, a crazy thought suddenly came that he had to accelerate in a car and crash - either into a pole or into the wall of a house. These thoughts were so strong and intrusive that he did not know how to get rid of them. So, at this difficult and terrible moment, we met him on the Internet.

When Victor told me about the sale of his soul and that it was time to pay the bills, I suggested that he go to church and confess his grave sin. For a long time I tried to convince him, but I could not, Victor stubbornly did not want to believe that the Lord could help him and save him from inevitable death, in his opinion. Then he sadly told me that he had come to him - a man in black and told him to get ready - his time was over. We did not communicate with him anymore - Victor did not get in touch. I think that he is no longer alive, usually all those who sold their souls to the devil died after a certain time. All people who have sold their souls end their lives so terribly... You have to pay for everything in life.


This story happened to my friend Evgeny, about 14 years ago, he was then still strong and strong, about two meters tall, a healthy, young man of 36 years old. Capable, golden hands, but there was one problem - he drank, divorced his wife and lived in a hostel in a room left to him by inheritance from his grandmother. It so happened that he himself told me about this incident, which happened to him literally the night before. Evgeny was sober, he had to go to work in the morning, and he didn't have any money, it would take a long time to get paid.

Here's what he said. Eugene was very fond of reading books and usually spent his evenings reading books, so it was that night, it was already about one in the morning, when suddenly, there was a knock on his door. I must say that shortly before this incident, I went to visit him and presented him with a New Testament in a yellow cover. Zhenya became interested and began to read the New Testament, just at that time, when he knocked on the door. He got up, went to the door and asked: "Who?" He was politely answered from behind the door: “Evgeny Nikolaevich, does he live here? May I come in?"

Eugene opened the door and sees a tall thin black-haired man. The most amazing thing is the way he was dressed. He was dressed - in a black tailcoat, in black trousers, he was thrown over - a black cloak, he was dressed - in black patent leather shoes, on his head he had a high - black top hat, and in his hands was a long cane.

And this whole man was, as if from the last century, - an imperious, cold look, a voice of steel. Evgeny invited him to come in, he wondered what kind of late uninvited guest, and even in such old-fashioned clothes, suddenly descended on him at such a late time. The man went to the corner of the room and sat down in an armchair, and raising his head looked Yevgeny straight in the eyes. From him carried a wave of some incomprehensible heavy fear.

He smiled, crossing his legs, taking a cane in his hands, dressed in white gloves, which was very incomprehensible and surprising - it was still quite warm outside, the month of September was in full swing. The man said, “I have an offer for you. I am ready right now to deliver to your room two cases of vodka, a good snack and give you as much money as you wish. Zhenya was taken aback and asked: “Are you serious?” -- "Yes". The man in black replied: “This is more than serious! You can't even imagine my possibilities. Do you want to bring new expensive furniture into your room right now, a good TV, in general, everything you want. Eugene answered: - “Why would it suddenly be given me such an honor? I don’t even have money for a bottle, what do I owe then, all that you offer me to pay for?

And then the night guest, smiling, said the following: Evgeny Nikolaevich, you have a very expensive product for which I am ready to pay any price without haggling. Do you want to have a chic comfortable apartment in the center, with expensive furnishings, a good car and a lot of money? And I will give it all to you - for a mere trifle for you.

Evgeny asked: - “What can I have that is so valuable - for you and at the same time - a trifle for me? I don't understand you." The man in black continued: "Yes, this is really for you - a mere trifle, of no value to you - SELL me your soul!"

Only now it dawned on Zhenya who came to visit him. Zhenya was frightened and then he, unexpectedly for himself, sharply stretched out his hands and grabbed the New Testament from the sofa on which he was sitting and pressed it tightly to his chest. - "Go away!" Yevgeny said sharply and rudely.

And then a man in black took off his gloves from his hand and Eugene saw how, from under the gloves, not ordinary human hands appeared, but bony paws, with long, curved claws and green scaly skin. Eugene was scared!

The man in black got up and went to the door, he stopped at the door and, shaking his long claw, said: “You are still good - think about my proposal. You still have a little time left to live, but at least you will live for your own pleasure! Well, why do you need your soul, what good is it for you? It’s better to sell it while I’m still buying it from you, otherwise it’s free of charge - I can pick it up. ”

Turned around and left. Eugene rushed to the door and locked himself with a key, and then he felt that he was covered with a cold sweat. These are the stories that are happening today.


Here is an incident that happened recently in Brazil. “It was like a nightmare,” says Andrea Murtado, a 48-year-old businessman from Rio de Janeiro. “I still had a headache: the day before I had a proper “received” with some stranger in a local bar, and late at night I was awakened by the phone call of the telefax standing on the table next to the bed.”

A minute later he issued a document. It turned out to be a duplicate… of a contract with the devil, drawn up in quite modern language and signed by me. It said that for wealth and success in business, I give my immortal soul to the lord of death. At first I thought that someone was playing a joke on me.

When Andrea finished reading, fiery rays "shot" from a piece of paper. In an instant, the bedroom caught fire, and then the flames engulfed the entire house. The owner still managed to call the fire department before he left the villa. The contract remained in his hand.

Firefighters were powerless before the fire, and soon only firebrands remained from the house.

“The villa is a trifle,” Murtado says today. - She was insured for a large amount, and I also made money on it. But how to break the contract with the devil? That’s the problem… Alcohol pushed me into the abyss.”

The businessman says that he is not happy about the wealth that has fallen on him. He is tormented by nightmares, haunted by thoughts about the upcoming eternal stay in the underworld, and now he is looking for a way to terminate the contract with the devil. After some thought, he came to the conclusion that the messenger of the Underworld, of course, was the same stranger with whom they had drinks at the bar.

“His eyes burned like firebrands, he literally hypnotized me,” Andrea recalls. - This guy gave me glass after glass until I lost all reason. I remember that I confessed to him about my dreams of becoming the richest man in the country. He replied that he could do it easily, but in a somewhat unusual way. And then he slipped a piece of paper on which the devilish contract was written. I, like the last idiot, allowed myself to prick my finger with a needle and signed with blood.

Andrea Murtado is now swimming in money: every deal today brings him huge profits, he constantly wins all lotteries, and casino owners are ready to pay him only so that he does not play with them.

But the businessman is ready to give all his wealth to save his soul and get rid of the contract.

To the above, it remains to be added that the devil has now mastered the Internet and offers his services himself. Not so long ago there appeared an amazing site. Its owner (or owners), without hesitation, offers everyone to buy their immortal souls.

We read in the Bible that many righteous people were rich: Abraham, Jacob, Job, David, Joseph of Arimathea.

The Bible also says that wealth does not come only from God. The devil has also managed to take into his own property a lot of what belongs to God, and on certain conditions he is ready to lease these riches to a person. Remember the temptation of Jesus? Satan offered Christ all the riches, all the glory of the world. In return, Jesus had only one requirement: to worship the devil.

We live temporarily on this earth. Your Soul is priceless from the very beginning and you have no idea about its price.
Therefore, in no case do not make deals with him.

Live this life with dignity and you will receive your reward.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I, John, saw the holy city of Jerusalem, new, coming down from the God of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard I am a loud voice from heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them; they will be His people, and God Himself will be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death; there will be no more mourning, no outcry, no sickness, for the former has passed away.

For paradise has been opened to you, the tree of life has been planted, the future time has been prepared, abundance has been prepared, a city has been built, rest has been prepared, perfect goodness and perfect wisdom.

He who endures to the end will be saved.
(Matthew 24:13)

How the stars sell their souls to the devil

It is more profitable to trade than to fight, even if this war is with the enemy of the human race. He is only interested in you soul but you can ask for anything in return. At first glance, the deal is profitable - all the joys of life are changing into something ephemeral, which needs to be given away very soon. After all, people sell their organs, and contract soldiers sacrifice their lives for money.

IN deal with the devil there are no pitfalls - the one who concludes it understands perfectly well that sooner or later his soul will be taken to hell. So why is temporary bliss so readily exchanged for eternal torment?

Origins of the legend

Where did the pact with the devil come from? Who invented it? After all, the Bible says nothing about it. There is a snake that deceived Eve with apples, there is a Devil who tempts Jesus with the opportunity to become the king of the whole Earth in exchange for worshiping himself.

But nowhere is it written that the devil walks the world with a package of documents for signature, keeps accounts of the services rendered and takes inventory of the acquired souls.

A deal with the devil is an invention of medieval folklore, unofficially supported by the church. The very first mention of such relationships is considered to be the life of St. Theophilus of Antioch.

Once he was offered the post of bishop, but the holy father refused this for reasons of humility.

St. Theophilus and the Devil

Another priest, elected to this position, saw in Theophilus a dangerous competitor and began to oppress him in every possible way. Rejecting his former humility, the famous theologian turned to the magician, asking him to arrange a meeting with Satan.

The devil allegedly offered Theophilus a deal: he renounces Jesus and the Mother of God, and the unclean person ensures that he receives the post of bishop. It was necessary to sign the contract with one's own blood. The deal was executed, but soon Theophilus began to be tormented by remorse.

He prayed and fasted for 40 days, after which the Mother of God appeared to him, promising to intercede for him before God. After another 30 days of fasting, Theophilus again saw the Mother of God, this time releasing all his sins.

But the devil did not want to back down and threw a copy of the contract to Theophilus as a reminder of the obligations he had assumed. He, without thinking twice, took him to the former bishop, whose place he took, and repented of everything. And the bishop acted radically - he took and burned the contract, thereby annulling it.

Hell from the Book of Hours of Catherine of Cleves

Theophilus' story became the foundation for legends about summoning the devil in general and selling his soul to him in particular. It follows from it that in the 6th century AD, communication with the devil through witchcraft was not considered a special sin. Theophilus felt sorry for his soul, and he terminated the contract with the help of simple repentance (history is silent about whether he remained a bishop).

Subsequently, theologians, as they say, "turned the screws", recognizing witchcraft and the challenge of the devil as a terrible sin. In other words, any negotiations with the enemy began to be considered treason.

How is a contract made?

Osculum infame, an act of devotion to the devil - kissing his ass

Since any witchcraft was considered diabolical, and a respectable person could not conjure, the magician undoubtedly received his gift from the devil. At first, it was assumed that the ability to conjure was provided "for free" - if only the magician did more harm to Christianity.

However, the idea of ​​obtaining superpowers with impunity was too tempting, therefore, with the development of Christian folklore, thoughts began to sound more and more often that this deal was not selfish.

Moreover, the circle of potential "clients" of the devil was at first too wide. In the early Middle Ages, literally anyone could make a deal with him, and this did not entail any deterioration in his social status. Therefore, by the 14th century, an equal sign was put between the sale of the soul to the devil and witchcraft (witchcraft).

Previously, it was believed that the sorcerer is a highly educated man who uses ancient rituals. The treatise Formicarius (1435-1437), written by the Dominican monk Johann Nieder, was the first church document to state that for witchcraft it was enough just to sell out to Satan, and it was mostly women who did it.

Witch and devil, medieval miniature

Now it seems strange, but in those distant times people were very fond of mystical formalities. The deal with the devil was much more complicated than, for example, with the children's tooth fairy (which needed only a milk tooth under the pillow, exchanged for a coin).

According to the same treatise Formicarius, on their own people turned to the devil extremely rarely. Usually they were seduced to this by other people's examples - successful fallen citizens who aroused envy and easily gave useful advice on black magic.

Johann Nieder mentions the case of the sorcerer Scavia, who allegedly knew how to turn into a mouse. He brought several more people to the devil, among whom was the peasant Stedelen, who confessed under torture that he had slaughtered a rooster at a crossroads on Shabbat night and placed lizards under the threshold of the church.

Indeed, in the 15th century it was customary to think that you couldn’t sell your soul to the devil “on the spur of the moment”, and you need to carefully prepare for this procedure. It was necessary to show up to church early on Sunday morning and renounce God there. It was necessary to regularly pray to the devil, follow a certain lifestyle (diet, sacrifice, curses) and drink the blood of babies.

At the same time, it was necessary to clearly express the will to make a deal with the devil and voice its conditions: wealth, youth, magic in exchange for dragging the soul to hell after a certain number of years (depending on the nature of the benefits requested). At the same time, nature itself will resist such a deal - the soul of a person will be seized by the fire of passions, and he will be written in the red book of Death.

The belief that witches who turn to the devil drink the blood of babies is caused by a high birth mortality. The profession of a midwife was very dangerous, because with frequent failures she was accused of selling her soul to the devil

Urban Grandier's pact with the devil

There was another, more formalized way, supposedly replacing exclusive deals with Satan himself with mass deals with ordinary demons.

It was necessary to get a piece of virgin parchment from the first calf born by a cow, and write with your blood: "I promise the Great Demon to repay in seven years for everything he does for me."

The signature was also applied in blood, which had to be taken from the left hand. However, many demonologists believe that the contract should be written with a special ink made from iron sulfate, alum, ink nuts and gum arabic.

After that, it was necessary to draw a magic circle, stand in its center and utter a rather long incantation, the meaning of which was a pompous appeal to Lucifer, Beelzebub and Astaroth, as well as mentioning key words from the Great Key of Solomon. When the demon appeared, the contract was to be carefully thrown into its paws, in no case leaving the circle.

The inquisitors also foresaw the possibility of concluding an oral contract with the devil. It was believed that even the verbal sale of the soul left a trace on a person - a devilish mark. As is known from the history of the persecution of witches, such were considered unusually large moles, strange scratches, extra nipples, or places on the body where blood does not flow after a needle prick, or places where a person did not feel pain.

The seal of the devil could be affixed in a secret place: under the eyelids, among the hair, or in the natural recesses of the body. It is logical that the witches were investigated especially carefully, also paying attention to their children, because one of the ways to seal the contract with the devil, as The Hammer of the Witches (1486) indicates, was sexual intercourse with him.

Sabbat of witches with the participation of the devil (art. Bartholomeus Spranger, 16th century)

Later, demonologists began to teach that the contract can be drawn up in any way, and the opposite side in it can be a whole group of demons. The latter must leave seals and signatures on paper, drawn up in the manner of anagrams, in order to hide their true names.

For example, in the case of the Rev. (1590-1634), burned on charges of Ursuline nuns that he had sent demons at them, the text of the contract was written backwards in Latin with missing vowels, and the scroll was signed, in addition to Lucifer, by three more demons.

Trading souls with the devil was further complicated by the fact that medieval occultists distinguished between months, days, and even hours during which certain demons were most powerful. It was at this time that it was necessary to conclude an agreement with them. Demons were also divided according to "professional" characteristics. A person who wanted youth and a person who wanted money should have turned to different devils.

In the East, genies built palaces, and in Europe, the devil built bridges, receiving in return the soul of the first person to pass through it (usually people let an animal in). One of these legends goes about the "Devil's Bridge" in the Alps, through which Suvorov crossed in 1799.

Faust and Mephistopheles

At the end of the 15th - the first half of the 16th century, a certain Johann Georg Faust, a doctor and a warlock, lived in Germany. There is no exact information about his biography. From fragmentary mentions of contemporaries, it can be assumed that he had a university education, was a teacher, performed at fairs with tricks, made horoscopes and traveled around Europe, showing off his magical knowledge.

It just so happened that the deeds of this unremarkable person from the point of view of history fell at the time of the “heyday” of legends about contracts with the devil. Popular rumor made Faust a scientist who penetrated the secrets of being with the help of Satan. In the first book about him (“The Story of Doctor Faust, the famous wizard and warlock”, 1587), the plot ended with the impudent Faust being torn apart by demons and dragged to hell.

Faust and Mephistopheles (art. Joseph Fay, 1848)

The Renaissance, with its unbridled thirst for knowledge, only spurred the popularity of the image of a scientist who sold himself to the devil. In various books and plays, he was given the features of a rebel who rebelled against God, he was a humanist, comedian and villain, but Faust in the interpretation of Goethe became a textbook - a tragic figure full of cynicism and unbelief.

The contract with Mephistopheles was considered fulfilled when Faust reached the highest pleasure in life (“stop a moment, you are beautiful”). The scientist fulfilled this condition, but the angels stole his soul from the devil and took it to paradise. From the story of Faust, one way or another, all other works about selling the soul to the devil grew.

Is it possible to outsmart?

Saint Wolfgang and the Devil

According to the legends, the devil can be fooled. Saint Wolfgang (924-994) promised him for the construction of the church the soul of the first creature that crossed its threshold. Here the legend splits in two - in one version of it, the devil instantly erected a church around Wolfgang, leaving him no other way out but through the threshold and into hell.

On the second occasion, Wolfgang prayed for a miracle, and the wolf was the first to cross the temple. The devil's church in the city of St. Wolfgang still stands today - one of the few in the world where there are two altars at once. In a diabolically evil twist of fate, the Dachau concentration camp was located not far from it, where the Nazis kept at least 3,000 priests.

A treaty sealed in blood was considered inviolable. In theory, this was supposed to turn people away from his conclusion, because a person has already committed a great sin and you can’t turn back what has been done - otherwise everyone will strive to receive the services of Satan, use them and terminate the deal.

However, some theologians taught that if you burn the contract, all magical accessories and all things received from the devil, sincerely repent in the church and repair the harm caused to people, then perhaps the soul can be saved.

You can also outwit the devil in a Faustian way, by stopping the moment. The hero of Robert Bloch's story "Train to Hell" (1958) sold his soul for the opportunity to stop time at the moment that he considers the best. Naturally, all his life it seemed to him that the best was yet to come, and he safely grew old, but escaped the Underworld, deciding to stop time right on board the train that was taking him to hell.

The USA has its own Faust. The hero of the American Revolution, General Jonathan Moulton, sold his soul to the devil for filling his boots with gold every month. The cunning warrior cut off the soles of his boots and placed them over the hole in the basement. The devil realized that he had been deceived, and in a rage burned Moulton's house.

There were rumors that Niccollo Paganini sold his soul to the devil in exchange for mastery of the violin. Rumors are rumors, but the Bishop of Nice refused the musician a funeral mass

How to summon Satan? Man has always been attracted by the unknown, and the bewitching darkness - most of all. There are few rituals for calling Satan, but with the help of well-known rituals, the Lord of Darkness is called.

In the article:

The call of Satan at home

An example is known from "Faust" Goethe. It is enough to write a contract with blood, read the necessary spell - the envoy of the Lord of Darkness will appear, who will take the soul in exchange for worldly goods. In fact, the call does not work like that.

If the spellcaster is going to summon Satan to make a pact and sell his soul, a commodity is valued, which may not cost anything.

  1. Low. They are located at the bottom of the hierarchy, they cost practically nothing. The group includes the souls of murderers, rapists, people who have committed all mortal sins. It makes no sense for Satan to redeem them for a high price, because in a few decades the souls will go to Hell - Paradise does not shine for such people.
  2. Medium. Souls whose owners did not commit murder, violence and mockery. You can count on getting a decent income, the usual worldly goods - something that will make a person's life quite comfortable.
  3. higher. The most delicious souls for the Devil. The group includes virgins, children, priests, righteous Christians. In exchange, you can get anything.

In order for the soul to be accepted, and the ritual to pass correctly and safely, they follow the rules:

  1. With uncertainty or poor health, they refuse to venture.
  2. The text of the spell is learned by heart so as to tell without a single mistake and hesitation (especially in Latin).
  3. When summoning the Devil, a protective circle is used. If something goes wrong, the circle will protect against the attack of dark forces.
  4. Make sure to make a sacrifice.
  5. The contract is written in advance (preferably in blood).
  6. If it is not possible to draw up an agreement, they list on paper the benefits that they want to receive in return for the soul, putting a signature in blood under the list.
  7. It is impossible to sell cheap, especially at the moment when it is negotiated after how many years the soul will go to the Devil.
  8. Be sure to conduct a ceremony that will send Satan back (people often call on the Devil, but they forget to send it back).
  9. The pentagram is drawn correctly.

Calling the Devil in Latin - an ancient ritual

Much is written in Latin. It is symbolic to call Satan to use a spell written in a dead language.

To date, spells have been translated and adapted from Latin into Russian and other languages. The call of the Devil in Latin is not just a tribute to tradition. The spell greatly increases the chance that the Prince of Darkness will actually hear.

The ritual is performed either independently or with the help of other sorcerers. The total number of people is 5, one for each ray of the pentacle. When the pentagram is inscribed on the floor, the star is circled to form a circle. On the line where each ray points, a circle is drawn (five in total), in the center of which the participants of the ceremony become. Each holds a candle in their hands. First, the master sorcerer says:

Etis atis animatis…etis atis amatis…

They take a sacrificial animal: a bird (chicken, duck), if it is possible to get a lamb or other representative of cattle, it will be better. They cut at the place of the pentagram.

It is better if a symbolic seal is drawn in front of the altar - you can make a sacrifice on the altar. After they say:

Satan, oro te, appare te rosto! Veni, Satano! Ter oro te! Veni, Satano! Oro te pro arte! Veni, Satano! A te spero! Veni, Satano! Opera praestro, ater oro! Veni, Satano! Satan, oro te, appare te rosto! Veni, Satano! Amen.

The words of the spell are repeated three times, after which Satan appears. The presence of the Devil is felt immediately: the Ruler of Darkness will not show his true appearance, but the participants in the ritual will feel a strong attack of dizziness, nausea, the heart will begin to beat and shrink rapidly.

When Satan comes, they throw in turn into the pentagram of the contract with a list of what they want to receive in exchange for the soul. Be sure to indicate the period after which the soul will go to Satan. Whether the Devil is ready to accept the terms of the deal is immediately felt.

If the Devil does not agree, the rage, the discontent of Satan will overwhelm the wave, the spellcasters will experience a strong attack of fear and panic. Whether Satan accepted the terms of the deal or not, you should send him back to the Underworld by reading the text in unison:

Exorcizo te, immundissime spiritus, omnis incursio adversarii, omne phantasma, omnis legio, in nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi eradicare, et effugare ab hoc plasmate Dei. Ipse tibi imperat, qui te de supernis caelorum in inferiora terrae demergi praecepit. Ipse tibi imperat, qui mari, ventis, et tempestatibus impersvit. Audi ergo, et time, satana, inimice fidei, hostis generis humani, mortis adductor, vitae raptor, justitiae declinator, malorum radix, fomes vitiorum, seductor hominum, proditor gentium, incitator invidiae, origo avaritiae, causa discordiae, excitator dolorum: quid stas et resistis, cum scias. Christum Dominum vias tuas perdere? Illum metue, qui in Isaac immolatus est, in joseph venumdatus, in signo occisa, in homine crucifixus, deinde inferni triumphator fuit. Sequentes cruces fiant in fronte obsessi. Recede ergo in nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti: da locum Spiritui Sancto, per hoc signum sanctae Cruci Jesu Christi Domini nostri: Qui cum Patre et eodem Spiritu Sancto vivit et regnat Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. Et cum spiritu tuo. Amen.

The caster will feel when the Devil leaves: fear will disappear, breathing will become easier, well-being will improve. During the ritual, one must not go beyond the protective circle, even if terrible things are seen. After waiting for the completion of the rite, they erase the boundaries of the invisible shield.

Summon the Lord of Darkness - a simple rite

There is a simple rite of invocation of Satan. The ritual is not particularly effective, unlike the first (in Latin). However, the rite is often used by black sorcerers to get what they want. Held independently, at the cemetery.

There should be no witnesses to the transaction. If the caster is afraid, you should practice. If the sorcerer is ready to summon the Devil, standing in a protective circle, they make a sacrifice that will appease Satan, after which they say 13 times:

I call upon Thee, O Great Master of Darkness, Master of the Night, Master of Evil. I conjure you in the name of Almighty God, come to me and fulfill my request!

As soon as a person feels cold, the Devil turned out to be merciful and deigned to come to the call. When Satan comes, the magician cuts his finger (there should be enough blood) and pronounces the text, in parallel writing the contract on paper with blood:

I promise the Devil to give my soul in 20 years for what he will do for me during (such and such a period ...) (request ...). I swear by the Great God, I will fulfill my oath to give my soul to the Devil for the fact that he will fulfill everything that I asked him in the contract.

At the end of the ritual, the agreement is signed and burned. They perform the procedure so that the ashes are outside the protective circle, but it is forbidden to leave the circle until the end of the ceremony. When the treaty is burned, they say:

In the name of the One God Jesus Christ and Saint Helena with her mirrors, the first mirror was split in two, in the second it was united in reflection. Satan, go, your kingdom is waiting for you, the black angels miss you, your wives suffer for you, the subjects of your kingdom meet you. And I, the servant of God, want to stay here. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Calling Satan for a deal

The rite has a long history: the use of the ritual guarantees the appearance of the Devil. For the ceremony, they remain alone. It is undesirable to perform the ritual on the territory of the house: if something does not go according to plan, the Devil will remain at the place of the ceremony or come there later.

Choose either an abandoned church or an old crypt. will add strength to the ceremony.


  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pen (they write a contract);
  • a container into which one's own blood is poured.

a container into which you need to pour your own blood a blank sheet of paper feather

Being in a drawn circle, they write in blood on a piece of paper:

I promise the Great Devil to reimburse him in 7 years for everything he gives me, in confirmation of which I put my signature.

They sign the document and start invoking Satan. Initially, they make a sacrifice, over the gift they say:

Emperor LUCIFER, master of all rebellious spirits, I ask you to treat my appeal favorably, which I address to the Great Devil, wishing to conclude an agreement with him. I ask you, Belsebut, to patronize me in my undertaking. O assist me and make it so that this night the great Devil appears before me in human form and without any stench, and that he yields to me, by means of the contract that I am going to present to him, all the riches that I need. Great Demon, I ask you to leave your place of residence, in whatever part of the world it may be, in order to appear to speak with me, otherwise I will force you by the power of the great living God, his beloved Son and Holy Spirit; obey immediately, or you will be forever tormented by the mighty words of the great Key of Solomon, which he used to force rebellious spirits to accept his contract; so come as soon as possible, or I will ceaselessly torture you with these mighty words of the Key: AGLON, TETRAGRAMMATON, VAYCHEON, STIMULAMATHON, EROHARES, RETRASAMATHON, CLYORAN, ICION, ESITION, EXISTIEN, ERYONA, ONERA, ERASYN, MOYN, MEFFIAS, SOTER , EMMANUEL, SABAOTH, ADONAI. I'm calling you. Amen.

The appearance of the Devil is felt immediately. In the place where Satan will be, they throw a contract. When the reaction is received (the decision will be clear), they say one of the spells that can bring Lucifer back.

Pentagram to summon the Devil

Pay attention to what attributes are needed during the ceremony. A pentagram is drawn with charcoal, and candles are needed not from wax, but from melted lard, painted black.


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