Sell ​​sales secrets for all occasions. Sell! Sales secrets for all occasions Yitzhak Pintosevich

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Thanks to mom, dad, wife and children. Thank you to all my teachers and students Thank you to G-d for giving me my destiny. I really like him

"Who's rich?" - “He who is happy with his lot.”

© Pintosevich I., text, 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015


“A true Chinese must make three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.”

Statistics: There are 1.5 billion Chinese

You will always have the goods.

Choosing your path to wealth

The founder of the Chinese Alibaba Group, the world's largest online retailer, explains that in the future each of us will have to choose: to be a manufacturer or a seller. Some will manufacture goods, others will sell them, providing manufacturers with a fast Internet connection to their sales channels.

As I already wrote in the preface to the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret,” there are four paths to wealth:

1. The path of the Master (to produce a product or service);

2. The Trader’s Path (organize a sales system);

3. The path of the Entrepreneur (create profit-making schemes using Masters and Traders);

4. The Path of the Helper (to help Masters, Traders and Entrepreneurs create, save and spend money).

A true Chinese must make three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.

This training book is about how to organize sales system. It is a system, not a one-time sale. The Trader's Path.

Since I am selling you this system (training book, online training, live seminars and master classes), I must first earn your trust and interest. Details about how and why to gain interest and trust are in the third part of the book.

Just with interest. Do this exercise.

Exercise No. 1
Five goals you dream of

Write down your goals and determine how much money you need to achieve them.

Goal 1: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 2: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 3: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 4: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 5: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

To achieve most of them you don't have enough money. If there were 10 times more of them than you received last year, you would have achieved several goals.

Money in the morning, chairs in the evening. Can we have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can... But the money is up front.

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, “Twelve Chairs”

This training book will teach you the most important skill for making money.

Money comes to people through sales. Selling is exchanging something for money.

We sorted it out with interest. A topic needed for everyone, especially during times of economic turmoil. Today, new skills are needed to gain money and wealth. That’s why the subtitle for the training book is “Sales for Everyone.”

Why can you trust me as an expert in this field? More on this in the next chapter.

Who am I?

My name is Yitzhak Pintosevich. I am an expert in systematic personal and business development. For 15 years now I have been developing according to my plan. Or rather, according to our plan. In all matters I have a partner. This is G-d, the Creator of the world. I immediately remembered the joke about partnership.


One very poor man was sitting on a bench. A well-dressed rich man approached him, who turned out to be his distant relative. He was religious and decided to fulfill the commandment of selfless help. He didn’t want to give money just like that and decided to use a trick and offer him a “job” so that the poor man would be pleased to receive the money he “earned.”

He saw that the poor man could not do anything. Therefore, I offered him a very simple job. Once a day, go to the bank, take money from one window and transfer it to the next one. Each time during this operation you can keep 50% of the money for yourself. Every day the poor man went into the bank and transferred money from window to window. He kept half for himself. A few months later he bought an apartment and got married. One day, about a year later, he was sitting at dinner with his beautiful wife and was sad. His wife asked him: “Why are you sad?” He replied: “There’s one thing I can’t understand…. Why did I leave him 50%?”

I remembered this anecdote when I called myself a “partner.” Of course, I'm just working for G-d, like the rest of the world. In recent years, He has responded to my requests for a good life by sending me wonderful teachers. Books and trainings, films and articles. All this taught me. Not only holy books, but also people helped me build my thinking and life. Therefore, now, after 15 years of study, I can say: I am an expert in the systematic development of personality and business. I have written or co-authored more than 15 books on development in various fields. You can find out what books these are and what they are about on the website, on the website, as well as at the Eksmo publishing house (No. 1 in Russia).

There you can also get excellent educational articles, films, books, and trainings. Many of them are given as gifts, some are for money. Some cost a lot of money. After all, knowledge is investment. The most profitable investment. After all, you are investing money in your brains. As long as you are alive, they are with you. No one can take away your knowledge. They are yours.

Since it is customary to write about yourself at the beginning of a book, I will write a few numbers that relate to this book.

In total, I have sold more than $3 million worth of various products in my life.

Its own products (books and trainings) - more than $1 million.

I trained corporate sales directors at MTS.

I trained 1800 sales leaders in Avon (Ukraine).

I don't make money. Become the best in your field - then both power and fortune will come to you.

Rupert Murdoch, businessman, media mogul

If you take the total revenue of the people and companies I worked with in 2013, it was over $100 billion. I was not mistaken. These are Procter&Gamble, Deloitte, MTS, Avon. Together they sell more than $100 billion a year. Even if we take their Eastern European offices, with which I work, it’s more than $5 billion.

I understand the essence of sales, their deep meaning, the system - and I can teach this.

In 2013, Isaac Pintosevich Systems was recognized as the best training company in Ukraine.

The total circulation of my books is approaching 500,000.

More than 50,000 people completed the trainings.

I have trained over 1000 business trainers and coaches.

Thank God, I have achieved the status of an expert in several areas, and I no longer need to prove it.

How to become an expert No. 1 and a guru in your niche, I wrote in the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret." This is a book for those who want to create products or services.


The flood has begun. People float away, and the religious man sits and prays. The water reached the roof of the house, and he climbed onto the roof and prayed. His name comes from passing boats. But he answers: “God will save!” They call him from the helicopter. But he answers: “God will save!” And he continues to pray.

He ended up drowning.

Because of his strong faith, he was immediately taken to heaven. But he began to be indignant. Where's the justice? I prayed and asked to be saved. Why weren't they saved? They answer him: “We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How would you like to be saved?

Another reason for writing this book was my “dislike” for Karl Marx. I was born on the same day as him (May 5), so from childhood I was interested in him as a person. I think that he brought a lot of evil to the world. Therefore, I want to correct its harmful influence. First of all, I am a believing Jew. I believe that G-d created the world and on Mount Sinai told the people of Israel and the whole world what He wants and how to live. There, G‑d secured the right of people to private property and gave the commandments “Thou shalt not steal” and “Thou shalt not covet the property of others.” And Karl Marx denied both G-d and His commandments.

“We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How would you like to be saved?

He wanted to take away private property from people. I want with my book teach Earn Money. Earn money honestly and fairly. And definitely with God's help. Because, as I already said, only G‑d gives all material wealth. We can simply act correctly and ask G-d to give us wealth and prosperity. And then use them for good deeds - to improve society and the world as a whole.

So, I have already written enough for you to understand what this book is about and who its author is.

The training book is for those who want to honestly “make money” by selling their own or someone else’s product.

This training book is your “boat and helicopter” - and with God’s help, you and I will sell a lot. A good and necessary product for wonderful people.

Money is minted freedom.

Karl Marx



Reviews about me

Since we have already begun to study sales using my system, I will say right away that the seller should not praise himself and his product. Others must do this for him. Therefore, I present a couple of reviews out of hundreds.

“Thanks to unique “tricks” and techniques, our presentations are 100% successful and cause a WOW effect. We continue to order Isaac’s trainings, which have proven their effectiveness and brought tangible profits through the tenders we have won.”

Andrey Bulakh, Managing Partner, Deloitte (Ukraine)

“Dear Isaac!

I attended your training for almost 10 months. Books, videos, reviews from friends.

One of my German friends, who has been working in Russia and Ukraine for many years, said that Isaac says things that have long been known. But the main thing is how.

I want to thank you for a job well done. As for your speeches, your intellectual baggage, years of searching for meaning, form and content are not discussed. There is a huge amount of work behind everything. First of all, it is the work of the soul.

Everything you do is permeated with:

confidence in what you are doing;

great respect for those for whom you do this;

and just the buzz and drive that listeners immediately feel.

I consider your training, as my colleague Yulia said, mega-effective.

I am radically modernizing the sales system in two projects. During the training, I signed a distribution contract, taking into account almost all my wishes, with a German company, which I had been “pushing” for since last summer.

Introduced the practice of embedding skills.

The employees, in a “voluntary-compulsory” (in the good sense of the word) order, purchased Isaac’s first three books. We begin to implement sales tricks - and literally every day we feel that we are beginning to speak a language that is understandable and pleasant to each other. For three weeks there was not a single “debriefing,” which everyone immediately noted.

Special respect to the team and, first of all, to Anna!

The fact that your company has created the position of “Director of Happiness” and Anna is this same director is natural.

To you and your team - success, health, courage in the movement towards millions of copies and new creative mega-effective trainings.”

Oleg Arenkov 2 days ago 13:14

“Thank you Isaac and the team for mega-efficient training. I just can’t wrap my head around how you manage to do this. I received 100 times more than I paid for. Considering that all the information has not yet been completely processed, the efficiency indicators will increase significantly! I will learn from you and will definitely achieve my goal)))

Specific results for the month: 1) concluded a contract - sale of franchising in Barnaul, money received; 2) we are creating our own brand of cosmetics for nails, Standart Nail - we are now conducting tests, we will launch production in August (this is an unexpected turn of events for our company - this is a victory!); 3) created a sales department for franchising; 4) we are reviewing the sales system in the company - 30 days was not enough for me to finish. The amount of information in the training is enormous – there is still work to be done. Special thanks to coach Edward - he is a master from God! Thank you! I'm happy! I want to realize my full potential in life! With teachers like Isaac and his team, I will succeed! Thank you! I’m really looking forward to the “Write” training!”

Julia Soroka
3 days ago 18:11

Exercise No. 2
Zig Ziglar's Sales Mastery Test

Maybe you think that you are already a sales master or that you won’t be able to become one at all? Take the test before and after reading the book and you will see a visible difference in your understanding and skill.

Part 1. Personal profile

Please complete the following sentences, reflecting everything that you have achieved so far in the field of sales.

1. I chose the profession of a sales specialist because __________________

2. I chose my current company because __________________

3. My favorite thing about sales is __________________

4. My least favorite part about sales is __________________

5. My family believes that sales is __________________

6. My effectiveness in closing deals is percent (number of sales divided by number of presentations) __________________

7. The number of attempts I have to make to be able to give a presentation is __________________

8. The number of presentations I have to give to make one sale is __________________

9. To achieve my financial goals, I must (should) on a daily basis: meet potential clients and make attempts; this means giving presentations. __________________

10. The number of presentations listed in paragraph 8 results in an average of $30 sales per 30 days. __________________

11. When working in sales, I use the following high-tech equipment: __________________

12. The best method for finding potential clients, in my experience, is to __________________

13. I overcome my reluctance to meet potential clients and the fear of their refusal to accept my offers in the following way: __________________

14. In my sales world, travel means __________________

15. My sales support staff is __________________

16. Working in sales, in one year I earn __________________

17. Working in sales, in five years I earn __________________

18. My planned career advancement in sales in one year: __________________

19. My planned career advancement in sales in five years: __________________

20. My ultimate goal for a career in sales is __________________

Part 2: Assessing Sales Skills

Rate yourself in the following strategic areas on a scale of 1 to 5. Then add up all the ratings and see what level of sales success you have achieved:

1 – no skills;

2 – elementary level skills;

3 – disparate skills that require improvement;

4 – solid skills;

5 – excellent skills.

1. ENTHUSIASM. The passion for sales is in my blood. I am proud to be a sales professional and enjoy telling others what I do and what I sell.

2. SELF-CONFIDENCE. In addition to believing in what I sell, I have deep faith in myself and my ability to sell.

3. CHARACTER. I carry out my plans, even when the optimism with which these plans were made wears off. I do what I promise and persevere.

4. INTEGRITY. I only sell my products and services when I truly believe they will benefit my potential customers. I sell for the benefit of others and for my own well-being. Money is not the main goal for me, it is a quantitative indicator of my success in the world of sales.

5. SINCERE. I say what I think tactfully and think about what I say. I am honest with myself and my potential clients. I only say what I am sure of. I promise less than I can and deliver more than I promise.

6. MOTIVATION. I know why I do what I do. I carefully consider the motives, reasons and purposes of all actions taken.

7. POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS. I look for the positive in all people and in all situations. I expect to be treated fairly and with respect. I strive to treat other people the same way.

8. INITIATIVE. I make things happen, rather than waiting for them to happen on their own. I accept personal responsibility for my moods and actions. I am active, not passive.

9. PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTITUDE (MOOD). I am optimistic, cheerful and cheerful. I understand the importance of positive thinking and the even greater importance of positive beliefs. I rarely criticize or complain.

10. SMILE. I understand that without a smile a person cannot be considered fully dressed. I smile, I smile with all my heart, showing people that I am glad to meet and greet them. I smile even to those who do not have a smile.

11. APPEARANCE. I dress according to the situation, taking into account how my potential or existing clients are dressed. I plan my wardrobe in advance and am always neat and clean.

12. SELF-ANALYSIS. I carefully keep professional records and always know what, to whom and why I am selling. I know how my business went last year, how it is going this year, and what my plans are for next year.

13. ORGANIZATION. I know how I use my time, I know what tasks and activities are most important in terms of achieving my goals. I know and understand the critical tasks that need to be accomplished to achieve day-to-day success and take the necessary actions.

14. SUPPORT SYSTEM. Whenever possible, I use the services of my family and my employees, while acting tactfully and diplomatically. I understand that my family and employees are my “internal” clients – just as important as my “external” ones.

15. TRAVEL. I am aware of the danger and excitement of travel, I am ready for both.

16. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. I understand that almost anyone can simply serve a customer and that to succeed in the world of sales, you need to move from customer service to customer satisfaction. I have a special plan of action to achieve this goal.

17. TELEPHONE SALES. I'm excited to take advantage of all the benefits the phone provides in the world of sales. I have no fear of the telephone and am eager to use it to save time and money while being quick and polite.

18. OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. I understand that obstacles are inevitable and appear regularly, so I have pre-thought-out methods for overcoming them.

19. RESPONSE TO FAILURES. I know the difference between personal rejection and business rejection. I don't take potential customers' objections personally and often turn reasons for not buying into reasons for making purchases.

20. "PAINTING". I understand that in my profession I am a wordsmith and painter, and to succeed in sales I must carefully select words that paint convincing emotional pictures for potential clients.

21. COMPLETION OF TRANSACTIONS. I know how and when to close deals, what sales closing techniques are most effective for my product or services. I always make an offer to place an order.

22. GOALS. I understand that a goal is a dream, and I am ready to act in its name. I break my goals down into small chunks and work towards achieving them every day.

23. LISTENING ABILITY. I agree with the saying that “talking is sharing, listening is caring,” and I base my actions in accordance with it. I listen not only with my ears, but also with my eyes and heart.

24. EDUCATION. I constantly read and listen to insightful and inspiring information that helps me act even more professionally. I understand that education is an ongoing process that will be enjoyed throughout my career.

25. COMMON SENSE. I understand that not everyone follows common sense. I try to pass all information through the filter of common sense. I plan to win, prepare to win—and have every reason to expect success in the world of sales!

1 2 3 4 5
Test results to assess the qualities necessary for success in sales

O–50. You are in the right place at the right time. The good news for you is that your best years in sales are ahead of you. The second good news is that you have all the information you need to succeed in your hands.

51–75. You have a solid foundation on which to build a career in sales, and with the right information, you can rise to the very top. Read and think about this information when you're not selling.

76–99. You are already knocking on the door behind which success awaits you! A few more finishing touches - and we can talk about a successful professional career. This book will help you find those very touches with which you will continue the glorious path to final victory.

100–125. It's time for you to write a book yourself! The main thing is not to become too self-confident and arrogant and remember to brush up on the fundamental principles. Part of your success is due to the fact that you understand the importance of constantly improving your level of education. Congratulations!

Today, the world is built on the purchase and sale of various goods and services: a worker sells his work to his boss, who pays for it, and someone sells his ideas to third parties, and so on. Some know how to make decent money from this, while others are content with only the pennies that they managed to earn. Those who want to get into the “first category of people” need to read the book “Sell! Sales secrets for all occasions,” written by Itzhak Pintosevich. This training work will help make your sales more profitable and get rid of the wrong stereotypes about the market that have formed in your head. A renowned expert will provide you with a series of algorithms that will ultimately lead anyone to success.

Sell! Sales secrets for all occasions Yitzhak Pintosevich. Read, download e-book fb2, txt, epub

Many will say that these are just marketing matters, but Yitzhak Pintosevich is known as an author who helps not only grow his business, but also develop as a person. The work contains easy-to-learn mechanisms that can help even an inexperienced person increase their sales, because their effectiveness has been proven over the years. Step-by-step techniques and models have long been tested on thousands of students who attended Pintosevich’s various trainings, which means the result is practically guaranteed, however, as always, everything is in your hands.

The book will help you cultivate positive thinking and teach you basic marketing tricks, such as how to please a potential buyer and make a good impression on him or how to make your speech more persuasive. Questions are also being raised about the importance of presentations in attracting even more clients.
The main advantage of Itzhak Pintosevich's style is the structured presentation of material, which reduces the load on the reader's brain. All chapters are in the correct order, from simple to complex. Many tips really work in practice. The work has already received a sufficient number of positive reviews.

In any of the large number of online stores you can download the book “Sell! Sales secrets for all occasions" and enjoy reading. This will be a truly wise acquisition for all aspiring entrepreneurs, because any successful businessman should know the basic concepts of marketing, and, in addition, the personal growth discussed on the pages will not hurt anyone. The book has 18 illustrations necessary for clarity. The full volume is 150 pages.

Thanks to mom, dad, wife and children. Thank you to all my teachers and students Thank you to G-d for giving me my destiny. I really like him

"Who's rich?" - “He who is happy with his lot.”

© Pintosevich I., text, 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015


“A true Chinese must make three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.”

Statistics: There are 1.5 billion Chinese

You will always have the goods.

Choosing your path to wealth

The founder of the Chinese Alibaba Group, the world's largest online retailer, explains that in the future each of us will have to choose: to be a manufacturer or a seller. Some will manufacture goods, others will sell them, providing manufacturers with a fast Internet connection to their sales channels.

As I already wrote in the preface to the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret,” there are four paths to wealth:

1. The path of the Master (to produce a product or service);

2. The Trader’s Path (organize a sales system);

3. The path of the Entrepreneur (create profit-making schemes using Masters and Traders);

4. The Path of the Helper (to help Masters, Traders and Entrepreneurs create, save and spend money).

A true Chinese must make three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.

This training book is about how to organize sales system. It is a system, not a one-time sale. The Trader's Path.

Since I am selling you this system (training book, online training, live seminars and master classes), I must first earn your trust and interest. Details about how and why to gain interest and trust are in the third part of the book.

Just with interest. Do this exercise.

Exercise No. 1
Five goals you dream of

Write down your goals and determine how much money you need to achieve them.

Goal 1: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 2: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 3: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 4: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 5: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

To achieve most of them you don't have enough money. If there were 10 times more of them than you received last year, you would have achieved several goals.

Money in the morning, chairs in the evening. Can we have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can... But the money is up front.

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, “Twelve Chairs”

This training book will teach you the most important skill for making money.

Money comes to people through sales. Selling is exchanging something for money.

We sorted it out with interest. A topic needed for everyone, especially during times of economic turmoil. Today, new skills are needed to gain money and wealth. That’s why the subtitle for the training book is “Sales for Everyone.”

Why can you trust me as an expert in this field? More on this in the next chapter.

Who am I?

My name is Yitzhak Pintosevich. I am an expert in systematic personal and business development. For 15 years now I have been developing according to my plan. Or rather, according to our plan. In all matters I have a partner. This is G-d, the Creator of the world. I immediately remembered the joke about partnership.


One very poor man was sitting on a bench. A well-dressed rich man approached him, who turned out to be his distant relative. He was religious and decided to fulfill the commandment of selfless help. He didn’t want to give money just like that and decided to use a trick and offer him a “job” so that the poor man would be pleased to receive the money he “earned.”

He saw that the poor man could not do anything. Therefore, I offered him a very simple job. Once a day, go to the bank, take money from one window and transfer it to the next one. Each time during this operation you can keep 50% of the money for yourself. Every day the poor man went into the bank and transferred money from window to window. He kept half for himself. A few months later he bought an apartment and got married. One day, about a year later, he was sitting at dinner with his beautiful wife and was sad. His wife asked him: “Why are you sad?” He replied: “There’s one thing I can’t understand…. Why did I leave him 50%?”

I remembered this anecdote when I called myself a “partner.” Of course, I'm just working for G-d, like the rest of the world. In recent years, He has responded to my requests for a good life by sending me wonderful teachers. Books and trainings, films and articles. All this taught me. Not only holy books, but also people helped me build my thinking and life. Therefore, now, after 15 years of study, I can say: I am an expert in the systematic development of personality and business. I have written or co-authored more than 15 books on development in various fields. You can find out what books these are and what they are about on the website, on the website, as well as at the Eksmo publishing house (No. 1 in Russia).

There you can also get excellent educational articles, films, books, and trainings. Many of them are given as gifts, some are for money. Some cost a lot of money. After all, knowledge is investment. The most profitable investment. After all, you are investing money in your brains. As long as you are alive, they are with you. No one can take away your knowledge. They are yours.

Since it is customary to write about yourself at the beginning of a book, I will write a few numbers that relate to this book.

In total, I have sold more than $3 million worth of various products in my life.

Its own products (books and trainings) - more than $1 million.

I trained corporate sales directors at MTS.

I trained 1800 sales leaders in Avon (Ukraine).

I don't make money. Become the best in your field - then both power and fortune will come to you.

Rupert Murdoch, businessman, media mogul

If you take the total revenue of the people and companies I worked with in 2013, it was over $100 billion. I was not mistaken. These are Procter&Gamble, Deloitte, MTS, Avon. Together they sell more than $100 billion a year. Even if we take their Eastern European offices, with which I work, it’s more than $5 billion.

I understand the essence of sales, their deep meaning, the system - and I can teach this.

In 2013, Isaac Pintosevich Systems was recognized as the best training company in Ukraine.

The total circulation of my books is approaching 500,000.

More than 50,000 people completed the trainings.

I have trained over 1000 business trainers and coaches.

Thank God, I have achieved the status of an expert in several areas, and I no longer need to prove it.

How to become an expert No. 1 and a guru in your niche, I wrote in the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret." This is a book for those who want to create products or services.


The flood has begun. People float away, and the religious man sits and prays. The water reached the roof of the house, and he climbed onto the roof and prayed. His name comes from passing boats. But he answers: “God will save!” They call him from the helicopter. But he answers: “God will save!” And he continues to pray.

He ended up drowning.

Because of his strong faith, he was immediately taken to heaven. But he began to be indignant. Where's the justice? I prayed and asked to be saved. Why weren't they saved? They answer him: “We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How would you like to be saved?

Another reason for writing this book was my “dislike” for Karl Marx. I was born on the same day as him (May 5), so from childhood I was interested in him as a person. I think that he brought a lot of evil to the world. Therefore, I want to correct its harmful influence. First of all, I am a believing Jew. I believe that G-d created the world and on Mount Sinai told the people of Israel and the whole world what He wants and how to live. There, G‑d secured the right of people to private property and gave the commandments “Thou shalt not steal” and “Thou shalt not covet the property of others.” And Karl Marx denied both G-d and His commandments.

“We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How would you like to be saved?

He wanted to take away private property from people. I want with my book teach Earn Money. Earn money honestly and fairly. And definitely with God's help. Because, as I already said, only G‑d gives all material wealth. We can simply act correctly and ask G-d to give us wealth and prosperity. And then use them for good deeds - to improve society and the world as a whole.

So, I have already written enough for you to understand what this book is about and who its author is.

The training book is for those who want to honestly “make money” by selling their own or someone else’s product.

This training book is your “boat and helicopter” - and with God’s help, you and I will sell a lot. A good and necessary product for wonderful people.

Money is minted freedom.

Karl Marx



Reviews about me

Since we have already begun to study sales using my system, I will say right away that the seller should not praise himself and his product. Others must do this for him. Therefore, I present a couple of reviews out of hundreds.

“Thanks to unique “tricks” and techniques, our presentations are 100% successful and cause a WOW effect. We continue to order Isaac’s trainings, which have proven their effectiveness and brought tangible profits through the tenders we have won.”

Andrey Bulakh, Managing Partner, Deloitte (Ukraine)

“Dear Isaac!

I attended your training for almost 10 months. Books, videos, reviews from friends.

One of my German friends, who has been working in Russia and Ukraine for many years, said that Isaac says things that have long been known. But the main thing is how.

I want to thank you for a job well done. As for your speeches, your intellectual baggage, years of searching for meaning, form and content are not discussed. There is a huge amount of work behind everything. First of all, it is the work of the soul.

Everything you do is permeated with:

confidence in what you are doing;

great respect for those for whom you do this;

and just the buzz and drive that listeners immediately feel.

I consider your training, as my colleague Yulia said, mega-effective.

I am radically modernizing the sales system in two projects. During the training, I signed a distribution contract, taking into account almost all my wishes, with a German company, which I had been “pushing” for since last summer.

Introduced the practice of embedding skills.

The employees, in a “voluntary-compulsory” (in the good sense of the word) order, purchased Isaac’s first three books. We begin to implement sales tricks - and literally every day we feel that we are beginning to speak a language that is understandable and pleasant to each other. For three weeks there was not a single “debriefing,” which everyone immediately noted.

Special respect to the team and, first of all, to Anna!

The fact that your company has created the position of “Director of Happiness” and Anna is this same director is natural.

To you and your team - success, health, courage in the movement towards millions of copies and new creative mega-effective trainings.”

Oleg Arenkov 2 days ago 13:14

“Thank you Isaac and the team for mega-efficient training. I just can’t wrap my head around how you manage to do this. I received 100 times more than I paid for. Considering that all the information has not yet been completely processed, the efficiency indicators will increase significantly! I will learn from you and will definitely achieve my goal)))

Specific results for the month: 1) concluded a contract - sale of franchising in Barnaul, money received; 2) we are creating our own brand of cosmetics for nails, Standart Nail - we are now conducting tests, we will launch production in August (this is an unexpected turn of events for our company - this is a victory!); 3) created a sales department for franchising; 4) we are reviewing the sales system in the company - 30 days was not enough for me to finish. The amount of information in the training is enormous – there is still work to be done. Special thanks to coach Edward - he is a master from God! Thank you! I'm happy! I want to realize my full potential in life! With teachers like Isaac and his team, I will succeed! Thank you! I’m really looking forward to the “Write” training!”

Julia Soroka
3 days ago 18:11

Exercise No. 2
Zig Ziglar's Sales Mastery Test

Maybe you think that you are already a sales master or that you won’t be able to become one at all? Take the test before and after reading the book and you will see a visible difference in your understanding and skill.

Part 1. Personal profile

Please complete the following sentences, reflecting everything that you have achieved so far in the field of sales.

1. I chose the profession of a sales specialist because __________________

2. I chose my current company because __________________

3. My favorite thing about sales is __________________

4. My least favorite part about sales is __________________

5. My family believes that sales is __________________

6. My effectiveness in closing deals is percent (number of sales divided by number of presentations) __________________

7. The number of attempts I have to make to be able to give a presentation is __________________

8. The number of presentations I have to give to make one sale is __________________

9. To achieve my financial goals, I must (should) on a daily basis: meet potential clients and make attempts; this means giving presentations. __________________

10. The number of presentations listed in paragraph 8 results in an average of $30 sales per 30 days. __________________

11. When working in sales, I use the following high-tech equipment: __________________

12. The best method for finding potential clients, in my experience, is to __________________

13. I overcome my reluctance to meet potential clients and the fear of their refusal to accept my offers in the following way: __________________

14. In my sales world, travel means __________________

15. My sales support staff is __________________

16. Working in sales, in one year I earn __________________

17. Working in sales, in five years I earn __________________

18. My planned career advancement in sales in one year: __________________

19. My planned career advancement in sales in five years: __________________

20. My ultimate goal for a career in sales is __________________

Part 2: Assessing Sales Skills

Rate yourself in the following strategic areas on a scale of 1 to 5. Then add up all the ratings and see what level of sales success you have achieved:

1 – no skills;

2 – elementary level skills;

3 – disparate skills that require improvement;

4 – solid skills;

5 – excellent skills.

1. ENTHUSIASM. The passion for sales is in my blood. I am proud to be a sales professional and enjoy telling others what I do and what I sell.

2. SELF-CONFIDENCE. In addition to believing in what I sell, I have deep faith in myself and my ability to sell.

3. CHARACTER. I carry out my plans, even when the optimism with which these plans were made wears off. I do what I promise and persevere.

4. INTEGRITY. I only sell my products and services when I truly believe they will benefit my potential customers. I sell for the benefit of others and for my own well-being. Money is not the main goal for me, it is a quantitative indicator of my success in the world of sales.

5. SINCERE. I say what I think tactfully and think about what I say. I am honest with myself and my potential clients. I only say what I am sure of. I promise less than I can and deliver more than I promise.

6. MOTIVATION. I know why I do what I do. I carefully consider the motives, reasons and purposes of all actions taken.

7. POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS. I look for the positive in all people and in all situations. I expect to be treated fairly and with respect. I strive to treat other people the same way.

8. INITIATIVE. I make things happen, rather than waiting for them to happen on their own. I accept personal responsibility for my moods and actions. I am active, not passive.

9. PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTITUDE (MOOD). I am optimistic, cheerful and cheerful. I understand the importance of positive thinking and the even greater importance of positive beliefs. I rarely criticize or complain.

10. SMILE. I understand that without a smile a person cannot be considered fully dressed. I smile, I smile with all my heart, showing people that I am glad to meet and greet them. I smile even to those who do not have a smile.

11. APPEARANCE. I dress according to the situation, taking into account how my potential or existing clients are dressed. I plan my wardrobe in advance and am always neat and clean.

12. SELF-ANALYSIS. I carefully keep professional records and always know what, to whom and why I am selling. I know how my business went last year, how it is going this year, and what my plans are for next year.

13. ORGANIZATION. I know how I use my time, I know what tasks and activities are most important in terms of achieving my goals. I know and understand the critical tasks that need to be accomplished to achieve day-to-day success and take the necessary actions.

14. SUPPORT SYSTEM. Whenever possible, I use the services of my family and my employees, while acting tactfully and diplomatically. I understand that my family and employees are my “internal” clients – just as important as my “external” ones.

15. TRAVEL. I am aware of the danger and excitement of travel, I am ready for both.

16. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. I understand that almost anyone can simply serve a customer and that to succeed in the world of sales, you need to move from customer service to customer satisfaction. I have a special plan of action to achieve this goal.

17. TELEPHONE SALES. I'm excited to take advantage of all the benefits the phone provides in the world of sales. I have no fear of the telephone and am eager to use it to save time and money while being quick and polite.

18. OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. I understand that obstacles are inevitable and appear regularly, so I have pre-thought-out methods for overcoming them.

19. RESPONSE TO FAILURES. I know the difference between personal rejection and business rejection. I don't take potential customers' objections personally and often turn reasons for not buying into reasons for making purchases.

20. "PAINTING". I understand that in my profession I am a wordsmith and painter, and to succeed in sales I must carefully select words that paint convincing emotional pictures for potential clients.

21. COMPLETION OF TRANSACTIONS. I know how and when to close deals, what sales closing techniques are most effective for my product or services. I always make an offer to place an order.

22. GOALS. I understand that a goal is a dream, and I am ready to act in its name. I break my goals down into small chunks and work towards achieving them every day.

23. LISTENING ABILITY. I agree with the saying that “talking is sharing, listening is caring,” and I base my actions in accordance with it. I listen not only with my ears, but also with my eyes and heart.

24. EDUCATION. I constantly read and listen to insightful and inspiring information that helps me act even more professionally. I understand that education is an ongoing process that will be enjoyed throughout my career.

25. COMMON SENSE. I understand that not everyone follows common sense. I try to pass all information through the filter of common sense. I plan to win, prepare to win—and have every reason to expect success in the world of sales!

1 2 3 4 5
Test results to assess the qualities necessary for success in sales

O–50. You are in the right place at the right time. The good news for you is that your best years in sales are ahead of you. The second good news is that you have all the information you need to succeed in your hands.

51–75. You have a solid foundation on which to build a career in sales, and with the right information, you can rise to the very top. Read and think about this information when you're not selling.

76–99. You are already knocking on the door behind which success awaits you! A few more finishing touches - and we can talk about a successful professional career. This book will help you find those very touches with which you will continue the glorious path to final victory.

100–125. It's time for you to write a book yourself! The main thing is not to become too self-confident and arrogant and remember to brush up on the fundamental principles. Part of your success is due to the fact that you understand the importance of constantly improving your level of education. Congratulations!

Current page: 1 (book has 11 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

Yitzhak Pintosevich

Sell! Sales secrets for all occasions

Thanks to mom, dad, wife and children. Thank you to all my teachers and students Thank you to G-d for giving me my destiny. I really like him

"Who's rich?" - “He who is happy with his lot.”


© Pintosevich I., text, 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters company (, 2014


“A true Chinese must make three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.”

Statistics: There are 1.5 billion Chinese

You will always have the goods.

Choosing your path to wealth

The founder of the Chinese Alibaba Group, the world's largest online retailer, explains that in the future each of us will have to choose: to be a manufacturer or a seller. Some will manufacture goods, others will sell them, providing manufacturers with a fast Internet connection to their sales channels.

As I already wrote in the preface to the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret,” there are four paths to wealth:

1. The path of the Master (to produce a product or service);

2. The Trader’s Path (organize a sales system);

3. The path of the Entrepreneur (create profit-making schemes using Masters and Traders);

4. The Path of the Helper (to help Masters, Traders and Entrepreneurs create, save and spend money).

A true Chinese must make three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.

This training book is about how to organize sales system. It is a system, not a one-time sale. The Trader's Path.

Since I am selling you this system (training book, online training, live seminars and master classes), I must first earn your trust and interest. Details about how and why to gain interest and trust are in the third part of the book.

Just with interest. Do this exercise.

Exercise No. 1

Five goals you dream of

Write down your goals and determine how much money you need to achieve them.

Goal 1: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 2: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 3: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 4: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 5: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

To achieve most of them you don't have enough money. If there were 10 times more of them than you received last year, you would have achieved several goals.


Money in the morning, chairs in the evening. Can we have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can... But the money is up front.

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, “Twelve Chairs”

This training book will teach you the most important skill for making money.

Money comes to people through sales. Selling is exchanging something for money.

We sorted it out with interest. A topic needed for everyone, especially during times of economic turmoil. Today, new skills are needed to gain money and wealth. That’s why the subtitle for the training book is “Sales for Everyone.”

Why can you trust me as an expert in this field? More on this in the next chapter.

My name is Yitzhak Pintosevich. I am an expert in systematic personal and business development. For 15 years now I have been developing according to my plan. Or rather, according to our plan. In all matters I have a partner. This is G-d, the Creator of the world. I immediately remembered the joke about partnership.


One very poor man was sitting on a bench. A well-dressed rich man approached him, who turned out to be his distant relative. He was religious and decided to fulfill the commandment of selfless help. He didn’t want to give money just like that and decided to use a trick and offer him a “job” so that the poor man would be pleased to receive the money he “earned.”

He saw that the poor man could not do anything. Therefore, I offered him a very simple job. Once a day, go to the bank, take money from one window and transfer it to the next one. Each time during this operation you can keep 50% of the money for yourself. Every day the poor man went into the bank and transferred money from window to window. He kept half for himself. A few months later he bought an apartment and got married. One day, about a year later, he was sitting at dinner with his beautiful wife and was sad. His wife asked him: “Why are you sad?” He replied: “There’s one thing I can’t understand…. Why did I leave him 50%?”

I remembered this anecdote when I called myself a “partner.” Of course, I'm just working for G-d, like the rest of the world. In recent years, He has responded to my requests for a good life by sending me wonderful teachers. Books and trainings, films and articles. All this taught me. Not only holy books, but also people helped me build my thinking and life. Therefore, now, after 15 years of study, I can say: I am an expert in the systematic development of personality and business. I have written or co-authored more than 15 books on development in various fields. You can find out what books these are and what they are about on the website, on the website, as well as at the Eksmo publishing house (No. 1 in Russia).

There you can also get excellent educational articles, films, books, and trainings. Many of them are given as gifts, some are for money. Some cost a lot of money. After all, knowledge is investment. The most profitable investment. After all, you are investing money in your brains. As long as you are alive, they are with you. No one can take away your knowledge. They are yours.

Since it is customary to write about yourself at the beginning of a book, I will write a few numbers that relate to this book.

In total, I have sold more than $3 million worth of various products in my life.

Its own products (books and trainings) - more than $1 million.

I trained corporate sales directors at MTS.

I trained 1800 sales leaders in Avon (Ukraine).


I don't make money. Become the best in your field - then both power and fortune will come to you.

Rupert Murdoch, businessman, media mogul

If you take the total revenue of the people and companies I worked with in 2013, it was over $100 billion. I was not mistaken. These are Procter&Gamble, Deloitte, MTS, Avon. Together they sell more than $100 billion a year. Even if we take their Eastern European offices, with which I work, it’s more than $5 billion.

I understand the essence of sales, their deep meaning, the system - and I can teach this.

In 2013, Isaac Pintosevich Systems was recognized as the best training company in Ukraine.

The total circulation of my books is approaching 500,000.

More than 50,000 people completed the trainings.

I have trained over 1000 business trainers and coaches.

Thank God, I have achieved the status of an expert in several areas, and I no longer need to prove it.

How to become an expert No. 1 and a guru in your niche, I wrote in the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret." This is a book for those who want to create products or services.


The flood has begun. People float away, and the religious man sits and prays. The water reached the roof of the house, and he climbed onto the roof and prayed. His name comes from passing boats. But he answers: “God will save!” They call him from the helicopter. But he answers: “God will save!” And he continues to pray.

He ended up drowning.

Because of his strong faith, he was immediately taken to heaven. But he began to be indignant. Where's the justice? I prayed and asked to be saved. Why weren't they saved? They answer him: “We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How would you like to be saved?

Another reason for writing this book was my “dislike” for Karl Marx. I was born on the same day as him (May 5), so from childhood I was interested in him as a person. I think that he brought a lot of evil to the world. Therefore, I want to correct its harmful influence. First of all, I am a believing Jew. I believe that G-d created the world and on Mount Sinai told the people of Israel and the whole world what He wants and how to live. There, G‑d secured the right of people to private property and gave the commandments “Thou shalt not steal” and “Thou shalt not covet the property of others.” And Karl Marx denied both G-d and His commandments.

“We sent you boats and helicopters. You didn't want to sit on them! How would you like to be saved?

He wanted to take away private property from people. I want with my book teach Earn Money. Earn money honestly and fairly. And definitely with God's help. Because, as I already said, only G‑d gives all material wealth. We can simply act correctly and ask G-d to give us wealth and prosperity. And then use them for good deeds - to improve society and the world as a whole.

So, I have already written enough for you to understand what this book is about and who its author is.

The training book is for those who want to honestly “make money” by selling their own or someone else’s product.

This training book is your “boat and helicopter” - and with God’s help, you and I will sell a lot. A good and necessary product for wonderful people.


Money is minted freedom.

Karl Marx



Reviews about me

Since we have already begun to study sales using my system, I will say right away that the seller should not praise himself and his product. Others must do this for him. Therefore, I present a couple of reviews out of hundreds.


“Thanks to unique “tricks” and techniques, our presentations are 100% successful and cause a WOW effect. We continue to order Isaac’s trainings, which have proven their effectiveness and brought tangible profits through the tenders we have won.”

Andrey Bulakh, Managing Partner, Deloitte (Ukraine)

“Dear Isaac!

I attended your training for almost 10 months. Books, videos, reviews from friends.

One of my German friends, who has been working in Russia and Ukraine for many years, said that Isaac says things that have long been known. But the main thing is how.

I want to thank you for a job well done. As for your speeches, your intellectual baggage, years of searching for meaning, form and content are not discussed. There is a huge amount of work behind everything. First of all, it is the work of the soul.

Everything you do is permeated with:

confidence in what you are doing;

great respect for those for whom you do this;

and just the buzz and drive that listeners immediately feel.

I consider your training, as my colleague Yulia said, mega-effective.

I am radically modernizing the sales system in two projects. During the training, I signed a distribution contract, taking into account almost all my wishes, with a German company, which I had been “pushing” for since last summer.

Introduced the practice of embedding skills.

The employees, in a “voluntary-compulsory” (in the good sense of the word) order, purchased Isaac’s first three books. We begin to implement sales tricks - and literally every day we feel that we are beginning to speak a language that is understandable and pleasant to each other. For three weeks there was not a single “debriefing,” which everyone immediately noted.

Special respect to the team and, first of all, to Anna!

The fact that your company has created the position of “Director of Happiness” and Anna is this same director is natural.

To you and your team - success, health, courage in the movement towards millions of copies and new creative mega-effective trainings.”

Oleg Arenkov 2 days ago 13:14

“Thank you Isaac and the team for mega-efficient training. I just can’t wrap my head around how you manage to do this. I received 100 times more than I paid for. Considering that all the information has not yet been completely processed, the efficiency indicators will increase significantly! I will learn from you and will definitely achieve my goal)))

Specific results for the month: 1) concluded a contract - sale of franchising in Barnaul, money received; 2) we are creating our own brand of cosmetics for nails, Standart Nail - we are now conducting tests, we will launch production in August (this is an unexpected turn of events for our company - this is a victory!); 3) created a sales department for franchising; 4) we are reviewing the sales system in the company - 30 days was not enough for me to finish. The amount of information in the training is enormous – there is still work to be done. Special thanks to coach Edward - he is a master from God! Thank you! I'm happy! I want to realize my full potential in life! With teachers like Isaac and his team, I will succeed! Thank you! I’m really looking forward to the “Write” training!”

Julia Soroka3 days ago 18:11

Exercise No. 2

Zig Ziglar's Sales Mastery Test

Maybe you think that you are already a sales master or that you won’t be able to become one at all? Take the test before and after reading the book and you will see a visible difference in your understanding and skill.

Part 1. Personal profile

Please complete the following sentences, reflecting everything that you have achieved so far in the field of sales.

1. I chose the profession of a sales specialist because __________________

2. I chose my current company because __________________

3. My favorite thing about sales is __________________

4. My least favorite part about sales is __________________

5. My family believes that sales is __________________

6. My effectiveness in closing deals is percent (number of sales divided by number of presentations) __________________

7. The number of attempts I have to make to be able to give a presentation is __________________

8. The number of presentations I have to give to make one sale is __________________

9. To achieve my financial goals, I must (should) on a daily basis: meet potential clients and make attempts; this means giving presentations. __________________

10. The number of presentations listed in paragraph 8 results in an average of $30 sales per 30 days. __________________

11. When working in sales, I use the following high-tech equipment: __________________

12. The best method for finding potential clients, in my experience, is to __________________

13. I overcome my reluctance to meet potential clients and the fear of their refusal to accept my offers in the following way: __________________

14. In my sales world, travel means __________________

15. My sales support staff is __________________

16. Working in sales, in one year I earn __________________

17. Working in sales, in five years I earn __________________

18. My planned career advancement in sales in one year: __________________

19. My planned career advancement in sales in five years: __________________

20. My ultimate goal for a career in sales is __________________

Part 2: Assessing Sales Skills

Rate yourself in the following strategic areas on a scale of 1 to 5. Then add up all the ratings and see what level of sales success you have achieved:

1 – no skills;

2 – elementary level skills;

3 – disparate skills that require improvement;

4 – solid skills;

5 – excellent skills.

1. ENTHUSIASM. The passion for sales is in my blood. I am proud to be a sales professional and enjoy telling others what I do and what I sell.


2. SELF-CONFIDENCE. In addition to believing in what I sell, I have deep faith in myself and my ability to sell.


3. CHARACTER. I carry out my plans, even when the optimism with which these plans were made wears off. I do what I promise and persevere.


4. INTEGRITY. I only sell my products and services when I truly believe they will benefit my potential customers. I sell for the benefit of others and for my own well-being. Money is not the main goal for me, it is a quantitative indicator of my success in the world of sales.


5. SINCERE. I say what I think tactfully and think about what I say. I am honest with myself and my potential clients. I only say what I am sure of. I promise less than I can and deliver more than I promise.


6. MOTIVATION. I know why I do what I do. I carefully consider the motives, reasons and purposes of all actions taken.


7. POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS. I look for the positive in all people and in all situations. I expect to be treated fairly and with respect. I strive to treat other people the same way.


8. INITIATIVE. I make things happen, rather than waiting for them to happen on their own. I accept personal responsibility for my moods and actions. I am active, not passive.


9. PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTITUDE (MOOD). I am optimistic, cheerful and cheerful. I understand the importance of positive thinking and the even greater importance of positive beliefs. I rarely criticize or complain.


10. SMILE. I understand that without a smile a person cannot be considered fully dressed. I smile, I smile with all my heart, showing people that I am glad to meet and greet them. I smile even to those who do not have a smile.


11. APPEARANCE. I dress according to the situation, taking into account how my potential or existing clients are dressed. I plan my wardrobe in advance and am always neat and clean.


12. SELF-ANALYSIS. I carefully keep professional records and always know what, to whom and why I am selling. I know how my business went last year, how it is going this year, and what my plans are for next year.


13. ORGANIZATION. I know how I use my time, I know what tasks and activities are most important in terms of achieving my goals. I know and understand the critical tasks that need to be accomplished to achieve day-to-day success and take the necessary actions.


14. SUPPORT SYSTEM. Whenever possible, I use the services of my family and my employees, while acting tactfully and diplomatically. I understand that my family and employees are my “internal” clients – just as important as my “external” ones.


15. TRAVEL. I am aware of the danger and excitement of travel, I am ready for both.


16. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. I understand that almost anyone can simply serve a customer and that to succeed in the world of sales, you need to move from customer service to customer satisfaction. I have a special plan of action to achieve this goal.


17. TELEPHONE SALES. I'm excited to take advantage of all the benefits the phone provides in the world of sales. I have no fear of the telephone and am eager to use it to save time and money while being quick and polite.


18. OVERCOMING OBSTACLES. I understand that obstacles are inevitable and appear regularly, so I have pre-thought-out methods for overcoming them.


19. RESPONSE TO FAILURES. I know the difference between personal rejection and business rejection. I don't take potential customers' objections personally and often turn reasons for not buying into reasons for making purchases.


20. "PAINTING". I understand that in my profession I am a wordsmith and painter, and to succeed in sales I must carefully select words that paint convincing emotional pictures for potential clients.


21. COMPLETION OF TRANSACTIONS. I know how and when to close deals, what sales closing techniques are most effective for my product or services. I always make an offer to place an order.


22. GOALS. I understand that a goal is a dream, and I am ready to act in its name. I break my goals down into small chunks and work towards achieving them every day.


23. LISTENING ABILITY. I agree with the saying that “talking is sharing, listening is caring,” and I base my actions in accordance with it. I listen not only with my ears, but also with my eyes and heart.


24. EDUCATION. I constantly read and listen to insightful and inspiring information that helps me act even more professionally. I understand that education is an ongoing process that will be enjoyed throughout my career.


25. COMMON SENSE. I understand that not everyone follows common sense. I try to pass all information through the filter of common sense. I plan to win, prepare to win—and have every reason to expect success in the world of sales!

1 2 3 4 5
Test results to assess the qualities necessary for success in sales

O–50. You are in the right place at the right time. The good news for you is that your best years in sales are ahead of you. The second good news is that you have all the information you need to succeed in your hands.

51–75. You have a solid foundation on which to build a career in sales, and with the right information, you can rise to the very top. Read and think about this information when you're not selling.

76–99. You are already knocking on the door behind which success awaits you! A few more finishing touches - and we can talk about a successful professional career. This book will help you find those very touches with which you will continue the glorious path to final victory.

100–125. It's time for you to write a book yourself! The main thing is not to become too self-confident and arrogant and remember to brush up on the fundamental principles. Part of your success is due to the fact that you understand the importance of constantly improving your level of education. Congratulations!

Thanks to mom, dad, wife and children. Thank you to all my teachers and students Thank you to G-d for giving me my destiny. I really like him

"Who's rich?" - “He who is happy with his lot.”

© Pintosevich I., text, 2014

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters company (, 2014


“A true Chinese must make three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.”

Statistics: There are 1.5 billion Chinese

You will always have the goods.

Choosing your path to wealth

The founder of the Chinese Alibaba Group, the world's largest online retailer, explains that in the future each of us will have to choose: to be a manufacturer or a seller. Some will manufacture goods, others will sell them, providing manufacturers with a fast Internet connection to their sales channels.

As I already wrote in the preface to the training book “Get Rich! 4 basics and the main secret,” there are four paths to wealth:

1. The path of the Master (to produce a product or service);

2. The Trader’s Path (organize a sales system);

3. The path of the Entrepreneur (create profit-making schemes using Masters and Traders);

4. The Path of the Helper (to help Masters, Traders and Entrepreneurs create, save and spend money).

A true Chinese must make three things in his life: sneakers, jeans and a tape recorder.

This training book is about how to organize sales system. It is a system, not a one-time sale. The Trader's Path.

Since I am selling you this system (training book, online training, live seminars and master classes), I must first earn your trust and interest. Details about how and why to gain interest and trust are in the third part of the book.

Just with interest. Do this exercise.

Exercise No. 1

Five goals you dream of

Write down your goals and determine how much money you need to achieve them.

Goal 1: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 2: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 3: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 4: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

Goal 5: __________________

Amount to be carried out: __________________

To achieve most of them you don't have enough money. If there were 10 times more of them than you received last year, you would have achieved several goals.

Money in the morning, chairs in the evening. Can we have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can... But the money is up front.

Ilya Ilf, Evgeny Petrov, “Twelve Chairs”

This training book will teach you the most important skill for making money.

Money comes to people through sales. Selling is exchanging something for money.

We sorted it out with interest. A topic needed for everyone, especially during times of economic turmoil. Today, new skills are needed to gain money and wealth. That’s why the subtitle for the training book is “Sales for Everyone.”

Why can you trust me as an expert in this field? More on this in the next chapter.

My name is Yitzhak Pintosevich. I am an expert in systematic personal and business development. For 15 years now I have been developing according to my plan. Or rather, according to our plan. In all matters I have a partner. This is G-d, the Creator of the world. I immediately remembered the joke about partnership.


One very poor man was sitting on a bench. A well-dressed rich man approached him, who turned out to be his distant relative. He was religious and decided to fulfill the commandment of selfless help. He didn’t want to give money just like that and decided to use a trick and offer him a “job” so that the poor man would be pleased to receive the money he “earned.”

He saw that the poor man could not do anything. Therefore, I offered him a very simple job. Once a day, go to the bank, take money from one window and transfer it to the next one. Each time during this operation you can keep 50% of the money for yourself. Every day the poor man went into the bank and transferred money from window to window. He kept half for himself. A few months later he bought an apartment and got married. One day, about a year later, he was sitting at dinner with his beautiful wife and was sad. His wife asked him: “Why are you sad?” He replied: “There’s one thing I can’t understand…. Why did I leave him 50%?”

I remembered this anecdote when I called myself a “partner.” Of course, I'm just working for G-d, like the rest of the world. In recent years, He has responded to my requests for a good life by sending me wonderful teachers. Books and trainings, films and articles. All this taught me. Not only holy books, but also people helped me build my thinking and life. Therefore, now, after 15 years of study, I can say: I am an expert in the systematic development of personality and business. I have written or co-authored more than 15 books on development in various fields. You can find out what books these are and what they are about on the website, on the website, as well as at the Eksmo publishing house (No. 1 in Russia).

There you can also get excellent educational articles, films, books, and trainings. Many of them are given as gifts, some are for money. Some cost a lot of money. After all, knowledge is investment. The most profitable investment. After all, you are investing money in your brains. As long as you are alive, they are with you. No one can take away your knowledge. They are yours.

Since it is customary to write about yourself at the beginning of a book, I will write a few numbers that relate to this book.

In total, I have sold more than $3 million worth of various products in my life.

Its own products (books and trainings) - more than $1 million.

I trained corporate sales directors at MTS.

I trained 1800 sales leaders in Avon (Ukraine).

I don't make money. Become the best in your field - then both power and fortune will come to you.

Rupert Murdoch, businessman, media mogul

If you take the total revenue of the people and companies I worked with in 2013, it was over $100 billion. I was not mistaken. These are Procter&Gamble, Deloitte, MTS, Avon. Together they sell more than $100 billion a year. Even if we take their Eastern European offices, with which I work, it’s more than $5 billion.

I understand the essence of sales, their deep meaning, the system - and I can teach this.

In 2013, Isaac Pintosevich Systems was recognized as the best training company in Ukraine.

The total circulation of my books is approaching 500,000.


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