Sell ​​your T-shirts with unique designs. Your own business: a store selling T-shirts

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Everyone wants to stand out from the crowd. The easiest way to do this is with bright clothes. Colorful T-shirts and sweatshirts are guaranteed to attract the attention of a crowd. And this can push a novice businessman to open his own profitable business. The business plan for printing on T-shirts with calculations, which is presented below, does not require special knowledge or huge expenses and will pay for itself fairly quickly.

Organizational structure

A fun and simple idea that requires a very serious approach. To create a competent T-shirt printing business plan, you need to decide on the organizational structure and other administrative issues.

  • Area: 30 sq. meters (production workshop and warehouse).
  • Premises: rent.
  • Number of jobs: 2.
  • Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Form of ownership: individual entrepreneur.

There is no need to register a limited liability company for this business. In this case, an individual entrepreneur is better suited. It's simpler, cheaper and more rational. In addition, the main audience for product consumption is private individuals who do not care about the form of ownership of the seller. Until you reach wholesale suppliers and multimillion-dollar revenue, it is enough to work as an individual entrepreneur with several hired workers. The activity is not subject to mandatory licensing.

Accounting will be carried out by the individual entrepreneur himself through an online service.

Before opening a T-shirt printing production, you must go through the following organizational stages:

Organizational stage Amount, rubles
Registration of individual entrepreneur (state duty) 800
Order and print production 1 000
Current account registration services 2 000
Buying a cash register 30 000
Registration with the tax office
Conclusion of a lease agreement for a year 120 000
Conclusion of engineers on internal infrastructure 2 250
Ventilation maintenance contract for one year 10 000
Security contract for a year 30 000
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor
Obtaining permission from the SES
Obtaining a fire inspection permit
Notification from Rospotrebnadzor about the launch of the project

*The rental price is indicated for the first 6 months, then the rental payment is calculated monthly.

To register a business, you will need 196,050. In addition to organizational costs, you will most likely have to update the appearance of the rented premises and make cosmetic repairs. It will cost about 30,000 rubles. In total, you will have to spend 226,050 rubles on all initial costs.

Online store

This point requires special attention. The business plan assumes that the bulk of product sales will occur through an online store. Therefore, we will consider the costs of creating and maintaining the service separately.

Technical equipment

Product type Quantity, pcs. Price for 1 piece, rubles Amount, rubles
Computer 2 40 000 80 000
Inkjet printer for printing 1 500 000 500 000
Table 2 10 000 20 000
Heat press 1 20 000 20 000
Chairs 6 4 000 24 000
Shelving 2 8 000 16 000
Closet 1 10 000 10 000
Fridge 1 15 000 15 000
Kettle 1 2 000 2 000
Showcase for displaying samples 1 10 000 20 000
Scanner 1 20 000 20 000
Graphics software 1 12 000 12 000
TOTAL 20 739 000

There is always an opportunity to save up to 20-30% if you buy equipment on the secondary market.


This business requires certain monthly material costs. Sometimes clients can bring their own T-shirt or jacket for printing, but you should not follow their lead, since the quality of the print will depend on the material. It is better to print on proven fabrics and not risk your own reputation. The purchase will look like this:

Type of consumables Qty Price 1 piece (rub.) Total amount (in rub.)
T-shirts 400 100 40 000
Sweatshirts 100 300 30 000
Printing inks 15 kg 8 500 127 500
Paper 3 packs 150 450
Printer head cleaning liquid 2 800 1 600
Stationery 500
TOTAL 200 050

In the future, the structure of purchased consumables may change depending on market demand.


For the normal functioning of production and the store, two people will be enough. However, this is possible if the business owner himself does the accounting and provides the employees with consumables. In order not to hire a full-time cleaner, you can enter into an agreement with a cleaning company. This costs about 10 thousand rubles per month. In addition, for better implementation, you can hire a designer on a remote basis. It can draw unique logos and images. Depending on the amount of work, his salary can reach up to 20,000 rubles.

Job title Qty Payment Salary Interest Total for all employees Payroll with deductions
General Technician 1 Salary + interest 25 000 20 000 45 000 58 590
Administrator 1 Salary + interest 20 000 15 000 35 000 45 570
Total 2 45 000 35 000 80 000 104 160

The monthly wage fund will be 134,160 rubles.


In order for sales to go uphill, you need to decide on the target audience. Sweatshirts and T-shirts with prints are popular among people from 16 to 30 years old. The average number of T-shirts in the closet of a girl in this age category is 12, and that of a young man is 15. By attracting one client, you can order up to 5 T-shirts or warm sweaters. In this case, you can refuse face-to-face promotion through the distribution of flyers and leaflets. You can advertise through electronic communication channels and radio. Let's calculate how much basic advertising activities will cost.

In addition to the proposed measures, you can make promotions in the first week after opening. Example – 30% discount on the second product. Further, fixed advertising costs will decrease.

Amount of initial investment

Work schedule for launching T-shirt printing production

Let us note that T-shirts with prints will be in particular demand in the spring and autumn, so it is better to start work on opening production in January and open the store at the end of April, at the peak of the season. In 4 months it is quite possible to reach the designed capacity.

Financial indicators

  • Payment of rent, utilities and communication services – 25,000 rubles.
  • Salary (including deductions) – 134,160 rubles.
  • Consumables and supplies – 200,050 rubles.
  • Marketing – 60,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – about 7,500 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Total monthly expenses will be 436,710 rubles.

The largest share in the structure of expenses is occupied by inventories (46%), wages fund (31%) and advertising (14%).

Income will come from the sale of T-shirts and sweatshirts, regardless of size. The average market cost of a T-shirt with a printed design is 1,000 rubles, the cost of a sweatshirt is 1,800 rubles. It takes from 10 to 25 minutes to make 1 T-shirt. You can produce 20 T-shirts and 4 sweatshirts per day. Per month – 420 T-shirts and 84 sweatshirts. Taking into account the three percent defect rate, which cannot be avoided during production, we get 407 T-shirts and 81 sweatshirts. Monthly revenue will be 552,800 rubles, and profit will be 116,090 rubles. When reaching design capacity, the profitability is 21%. However, to reach full capacity it is necessary to have established, uninterrupted production. In addition, the assortment will vary from month to month. In the summer, customers will order more T-shirts and T-shirts, and in the cold season, warm sweaters will dominate. However, with an average structure, it will be possible to recoup the initial investment in 14 months.


  • Start of work to launch the project: January 2018.
  • Start of production: April 2018.
  • Reaching operational break-even: June 2018.
  • Reaching projected income: August 2018.
  • Production payback period: October 2019.


Production of printing images on fabric is an excellent business idea for young and ambitious people. Despite the sufficient supply on the market, it is still possible to occupy a free niche. In addition, there is a huge field for development here. You can purchase several different-format machines and increase production volume. In the future, it makes sense to buy equipment for printing on mugs and magnets, as well as open your own sales point in a large shopping center.

Hello, dear readers. This article will be devoted to one of the proven and profitable ideas for small businesses, namely, applying images to T-shirts (printing). Of course, I’m not going to claim originality; after all, this direction has been developing in our market for more than five years. I will only say that there are prospects for development, including in terms of profit growth.

T-shirt printing - how it became popular

Perhaps those who are older will remember how, back in the early 90s, the youth of that time used “foreign” fashionable designs, which were applied to a T-shirt using an iron. Some even got involved in commercial activities for the first time by selling them in schools. The quality of the “print” at that time left much to be desired, and the very first wash destroyed all the results of the work. Of course, even this fact could not stop people wanting to show their individuality, and the demand for the products only grew.

Now, technological progress has radically changed the situation, and images of dubious quality have been replaced by high-quality thermal film with various effects, special inks, the iron has been replaced by a high-pressure press, and many other “bells and whistles” have been introduced, which will be mentioned throughout the article. Advertising also had a positive effect on the increase in the number of clients. T-shirt printing began to be ordered not only by individuals, but also by corporate clients, and the matter was no longer limited to T-shirts alone: ​​the image can now be applied to hats, dishes, ceramic, glass and metal surfaces, which has made printing an integral part of the gift industry.

T-shirt printing as a business

Let's assume that I managed to convince you, and you no longer doubt the relevance of the proposed idea. Now is the time to look at the process of making and selling T-shirt printing.

First of all, you will need to get a computer and install a functional graphics editor on it. I would advise you to first pay attention to CorelDraw and Adobe Photoshop. Then (here it all depends on the image transfer technology that you intend to use) you need to purchase suitable equipment: a printer for direct printing on fabric - the best option would be an inkjet with the ability to refill cartridges, a cutting plotter and a heat press. A small printing station can easily be operated by one person with imaging skills. Professional skills, except perhaps the learned simple safety rules, will not be needed. To make sure of this, let’s look at the two most common methods of applying drawings.

Thermal decal

The film of the desired color is cut using a plotter, the remainder is removed by hand. Then the multi-colored images are assembled as an appliqué. The prepared design is glued to the product under pressure from a heat press. That’s it, the T-shirt with the “print” is ready. The main advantage of this method is the ability to use materials of absolutely any color. The disadvantages are the labor-intensive process of assembling and cleaning images. It is recommended to use thermal decal when printing simple pictures.


First, the design is printed with sublimation ink on special paper, after which it is pressed to the product under high temperatures. As a result, the paint transfers into the fabric. You can no longer feel such a picture with your hand, since the fibers are directly colored. The resulting design is much less susceptible to wear and tear; the T-shirt can be easily spun in the washing machine, without fear that cracks will appear in the image or it will suddenly fade. On the other hand, sublimation technology imposes restrictions on the material used - the product must be made of polyester.

The whole process in both cases will take no more than half an hour, even if you spend a long time selecting a picture and fiddling with the settings of the graphic editor. And for “experienced” workers, printing will take much less time. Once everything is ready, you can immediately transfer the finished product to the client and receive your money. It is not surprising that this and a number of other features have made T-shirt printing a popular business.

T-shirt printing – why is it profitable?

Firstly, to organize a workplace, you will need only 20-30 square meters (and that’s with a margin). That is, there will still be a lot of free space to place mannequins on which finished samples will be hung, and other additional “devices”.

Secondly, printing images on T-shirts, from a technological point of view, is very simple. Even an inexperienced worker will be able to master all the subtleties of this art in just a couple of days.

The third thing to mention is high margins. If you add up the cost of the drawing itself (average prices will be given below) - about 2 dollars, the wholesale price of one T-shirt - 2-3 dollars, then it turns out that production costs are two, or even more, times less than the profit from the sale. Clients are willing to pay from 10 to 15 dollars for a good “print”. As you can see, even the lowest markup allows you to ensure 100-150% profit.

And the fourth point, last on the list, but not least important, is business diversification. All the main components that you use when applying designs to T-shirts: a computer, a plotter, your own knowledge in the field of graphic design, all this opens up a bunch of additional possibilities for you. You can print cups, banners and billboards. In general, there are plenty of options.

Cons of business

There is a fly in the ointment in every barrel of honey - there is no escape from it. This type of income, like all others, has its drawbacks. I will list three of them, so to speak, in contrast to the above advantages.

The most obvious thing that can scare away novice entrepreneurs is the need for significant initial investments. Just one heat press coupled with a printer will cost you $1000, but don’t forget about consumables, rent for the premises (you can, of course, install the equipment at home, and instead of a point of sale, create and promote your own online store, but then difficulties will arise with its promotion, and the income will be several times less) and other mandatory components of the T-shirt business.

The second point is quite serious competition. Now everyone who is not too lazy is using this simple and profitable idea. All you have to do is go to any photocopier/printing machine and with a 95% probability you will see an advertisement for this service there. In general, if you are not able to organize a competent advertising campaign to attract customers, then the idea will not work.

The third disadvantage is that high profitability is negated by small sales. Some people are simply not interested in the images on T-shirts, others decided to order from competitors, and so on. If you serve two or three people a week, you will make a ridiculous profit.


T-shirt printing is a great start for entrepreneurs with a small budget. To organize such a business, you will need an average of 2-4 thousand dollars (how much or little this is, everyone decides for themselves). In any case, thanks to the high profitability, the initial investment will pay off very quickly - in just a couple of months. Of course, for this you will need to try: to choose a good location for the point of sale, to include additional services in the price list.


I offer an option for making money on T-shirts, which will be even cheaper than described in the article: create an online store website with all the necessary gadgets - accepting online payments and so on, fill it with content (in our case, these will be samples of printing on mugs, T-shirts, posters, etc. further), promote the site and start accepting orders from users. Then you go to the nearest copy center that has a printing service and print out your orders. You send finished products to clients. Then, if things go well, buy additional equipment and print yourself.
Of course, prices need to be raised by 20 percent so as not to remain at a loss.

The payback period for this business is a little confusing: About 3,000 bucks must be invested (and this is not counting the rental of staff and hiring an employee), while the net profit from a T-shirt will not exceed 4-5 dollars (let’s be realistic, for 15 bucks no one will buy a T-shirt will buy, no matter how unique it is! And they are unlikely to order more than 10 T-shirts per day, even in the most “passable place" (again, let’s face the truth). Thinking about the calculations, it turns out that the profit is quite small, and doesn't come right away!

Another disadvantage of this business is the seasonality, a couple of months in winter and summer holidays...

Seasonality does not have as much of an impact here as, for example, in the ice cream trade. In addition, there is a link to dates and occasions (birthdays, etc.) that occur throughout the year, gifts are often bought “for future use”, sometimes vice versa, the deadline for ordering a print is “burning” - there are many nuances that need to be calculated very difficult!

The disadvantages of this technology are the unjustified high cost of equipment, a high percentage of defects, the inability to work with all sizes of T-shirts, the high cost of printing, Printing technologies - heat transfer and sublimation will be better and higher quality than the method of direct printing on fabric

I think that this idea has long since become a thing of the past; it will only be suitable for fans, if sold at concerts, but of course they will be suitable for football fans. Any other sporting competition, but en masse it is no longer very popular.

And I want to support this idea, but with some reservations. We need to focus on rhinestones! Aunties love it when everything sparkles and shines. They are ready to pay money for it.
The main thing is to promote these T-shirts as exclusive. Make articles with photos of show business stars wearing T-shirts with rhinestones and sparkles. By the way, you can print not only on T-shirts, but also on pajamas, baseball caps, handbags, bandanas, etc.
The main thing is that it is bright and original.

Well, what glitters is sold ready-made from China and especially from Turkey. We must try to make it shine very beautifully and original. And it’s very noticeable, but tasteful, that is, it needs to compete with the Chinese and Turks in originality.

Tatyana, the fun is in the uniqueness and exclusivity. Imagine if you created a service “a photo of your dog in rhinestones.” This is chic! Few glamorous aunts can resist such temptation.
True, the clientele will be specific; we know who loves everything shiny and flashy. But these are details, the main thing is that the product is sold.

Yes, this niche has been occupied for a long time, I think everywhere. There are several people doing this in my city. Some people opened a print shop for mugs and T-shirts. others print and sell their products on the market under the guise of the most unusual and cool T-shirts

In my city there are also several salons with such services. The first is a store of T-shirts with cool inscriptions and, accordingly, they make T-shirts to order and also in the Fujifilm salon they make such inscriptions, as well as on cups and other surfaces.

Well, you know, again, such a business shouldn’t exist in itself; here we should be talking not only about printing on T-shirts, but about printing in general, maybe on mugs and other accessories. But printing on T-shirts is simply too narrow; I print on T-shirts for myself at home using thermal transfer paper.

Starover, after all, T-shirts are the most popular product, and the technique of applying the design differs from applying, say, to mugs. I think that this circumstance forces entrepreneurs to deliberately “narrow down” their business: it’s better to do what happens quickly and is always in demand!

There may be a lot of competition, but I personally haven’t seen many T-shirts with really cool and original inscriptions, so everything is in your hands, if you have good taste and imagination knows no bounds, then you can print something on them that people will like, then I think they will tear you away, people like to stand out and be original, they are willing to pay a lot for it.

Well, of course this is good, but someone has to do it too :) Do you mean that you would buy ready-made ones? Or would you order it with your own invented inscriptions? If the latter, then this more or less makes sense, but if the former, then it would simply be mediation.

Yes, this is undoubtedly a good business idea, but is it worth it? How many buyers do you think can be found in this area? In my opinion, very little. Even if they are found, they will not place orders for large quantities and, of course, this business does not justify itself.

T-shirts have long become an indispensable attribute of almost any guy’s wardrobe. They are worn every day, and this product cannot be called very seasonal, since it also sells well in the winter season. In this article we will look at how to organize a business selling T-shirts and develop it in your city. And also, we will conclude whether it is profitable to do this or not.

Business format

If we talk about the format of building a business, then in the age of modern technology it has changed significantly. And this is not a general phrase, since T-shirts are an ideal product to sell online. At the moment, offline stores that rent retail space are creating online stores and groups on social networks. With the help of contextual advertising and search engine optimization, as well as through the use of SMM techniques, T-shirt trading reaches a new level of sales and allows the owners of such stores to earn substantial sums. A large number of orders come from other cities and popular courier services are used for their delivery, the delivery price of which is very low.

The second point in this business is that in addition to buying ready-made factory goods, you can sell T-shirts with prints that are applied using special equipment. We will talk about this direction below. This expands the store’s assortment and is the main solution for working online. The person chooses the print and color of the T-shirt, after which you apply the image and send it to the client through the delivery service.

Search for premises

For a business selling T-shirts, you will need to find premises in a shopping center or at a clothing market. If the main emphasis is on online sales, then you can generally work in a small office somewhere on the outskirts, but for a store, it is better to find a prime area of ​​15 sq.m. or more.

For commercial equipment you will need:

  • special racks for hanging an assortment of T-shirts and T-shirts.
  • hangers;
  • cash machine;
  • furniture for staff.

From the extra:

  • bags for packaging goods;
  • gift wrap.

This equipment is suitable if you are only selling factory-made goods, but if you want to start a business selling printed T-shirts, you will need to purchase equipment for applying images to textiles.

There are several technologies for applying patterns to textiles:

  • digital direct printing;
  • silk-screen printing, silk screen;
  • computer embroidery;
  • thermal application, thermal transfer;
  • sublimation printing.

To start, you will need:

  • DTG printer – cost about $11,500. We are considering good models for doing business.
  • ink – average cost $230 per 1000 ml.
  • pre-treatment liquid - $55 per 1000 ml.
  • polymer coating - about $50 per 1000 ml.

Consumables for printing on T-shirts:

  • print heads;
  • ink supply system;
  • protective paper;
  • cleansing swabs;
  • pipettes and so on.

As you can see, if you decide to open a business selling T-shirts with a design, then the amount of investment will not be small. The sums were considered for equipment from PolyPrint, a Greek manufacturer of printing equipment for business.

Assortment and suppliers

In order to fill store windows, you will need to purchase the required volume of goods, which in turn has a certain classification. So, according to their purpose, they are divided into men's, women's and children's.

The uniforms are: T-shirts, T-shirts, polos, sweatshirts.

You should have an assortment of T-shirts of various colors.

Also, products are often classified according to the print that is applied to the textile: images of brands, games, TV series, holidays, etc. The catalog is usually huge, but in fact there are several dozen popular options.

From the additional assortment in winter, you can sell sweatshirts, caps, etc.


To promote a T-shirt store, you can use various methods, such as distributing leaflets, a bright sign, and banners with discounts.

An online store in which your range of products will be presented can be an excellent channel for attracting customers. This site can be promoted using search engine optimization or connected with contextual advertising.

T-shirts are usually not expensive and are sold well through communities, such as Vkontakte.

How much starting capital is needed?

We will highlight the main sources of costs when opening a T-shirt store. Based on them, you can recalculate expenses for your business.

  • Room rental – $200 – $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $4000 – $6000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$800 – $1000
  • Advertising – $450 (+ online advertising)
  • Purchase of equipment for printing on T-shirts – from $13,000

How much can you earn?

Earnings will depend on many factors, including the range and, first of all, the quality of T-shirts and their price. There is still seasonality in this business, and during the spring-summer period, you will receive maximum profit.

The average markup on T-shirts is 60% – 90%.

Conclusions. A business selling T-shirts, including those with prints, is a good start, but still, if we talk about applying the design, you will not only need to invest a lot of money, but also learn how to do all the work and also maintain all this equipment.

What can you say about this business? We are waiting for your answers in the comments.

Everyone has T-shirts in their wardrobe; they have long become an integral part of everyday life. The demand for goods cannot be called seasonal, since people are constantly interested in them. Organizing a business selling T-shirts is a profitable business that often does not require large expenses.

Format selection

First of all, you need to decide on the format of the store. For example, this could be a store selling women's T-shirts of various types: sports, everyday, polo.

T-shirt example #1

And in terms of development, we can include the issue of printing on T-shirts. It all depends on the starting capital and the end consumer. To do this, it is worth analyzing the market in advance.

When it comes to purchasing goods, there are several options. Some entrepreneurs take the simplest route - they buy goods in China and sell them in Russia at a premium.

But there are also Russian brands from which you can purchase goods at reasonable prices, and we are sure that the quality in this case will be better.

For example, women's T-shirts can be purchased wholesale here: These are trusted partners who always have a wide range and large size range of products.

Market analysis

If you approach the matter correctly and develop your strategy, then you can ignore your competitors. Consumers are attracted to unique and high-quality products. And if you succeed, a small interested audience will appear in the first months.

First, check out the range of competitors, pay attention to prices and other features. Try to understand what is missing or what is superfluous and come up with a unique product.

Also, marketing research will not be superfluous to make it easier to determine the price segment of the audience and needs. This is all an important part of opening a t-shirt store.

Product range

Most stores sell generic T-shirts, so if you decide to go this route, be prepared for a lot of competition.

The best option is to sell branded products or independently produce goods with interesting prints or other designs.

T-shirt example No. 2

The popularity of a store directly depends on the unusual and unique assortment.

To set up your own production of original T-shirts, you will need skills in the field of graphic design.

You can also hire an employee to handle this, but this will incur additional costs.

It is better to create a catalog of images and provide it to the consumer.

This way, a person can choose the color of the T-shirt, the picture and its size. It is important to find a wholesale supplier of plain t-shirts.

Don’t forget that opening a store that specializes in selling T-shirts alone will require creating a wide range of models and sizes. A poor assortment will not interest buyers. Most often, retail outlets sell other clothing in addition to T-shirts.

Retail or Internet?

There is a significant difference between regular retail and selling through an online store.

If necessary, both options can be combined.

T-shirt example No. 3

For a regular store, you will need to find a favorable location and hire qualified employees.

The indoor environment and traffic flow also play a big role.

Among the disadvantages of such trading are the costs of rent, maintenance and repairs, as well as employee wages.

If you sell T-shirts in an online store, there are many more advantages.

You won’t need to spend money on rent, you can also not hire anyone and carry out the implementation yourself. Another plus is the wide geography.

Orders can be easily sent by mail to any corner of the world.


Profit directly depends on what store format is chosen. Many people buy T-shirts in bulk and sell them at a 100% markup. When selling goods with your own print, the markup increases significantly.

A T-shirt without any designs costs on average 100-200 rubles. After applying the print, the price can increase 5 times or more. But such a store will initially require a certain budget for equipment and printing supplies.

Therefore, if you have a small start-up capital, you can first sell finished products and, if you wish, over time, apply the design to T-shirts yourself.


For any aspiring entrepreneur, such a business is a great start. You can immediately do without the huge costs of equipment, rent and personnel and open a store with minimal investment.

Over time, it is easy to organize the sale of T-shirts with prints and earn much more income. Just keep in mind that the costs of doing business will also increase, since the equipment will require maintenance costs. It all depends on your desire, approach and capabilities.

A T-shirt with an interesting inscription is an original gift that suits everyone. Such a souvenir will always be popular, and a T-shirt business can be very profitable; moreover, its development will not require too large an initial investment.

How much does a T-shirt business cost?

The only major investment required will be the purchase of equipment for printing designs on T-shirts. An entrepreneur will need:

  • computer or laptop - you can choose the most common one, which costs no more than 12-15 thousand rubles
  • photo printer - it must be equipped with a CISS - a continuous ink supply system, and such a unit costs from 7.5 thousand rubles (ink for such a printer will cost 3 thousand rubles - for a six-color set)
  • thermal press - a T-shirt business should be started with a unit with a good heating area, and this will cost 30-40 thousand rubles (there are also cheaper models on sale, but they do not provide very good print quality)

In addition, you will need to spend money on the T-shirts themselves. The price of one is 250 rubles, and you will need a lot of different T-shirts, so it is better to immediately count on purchasing a batch of at least 1 thousand pieces. In such a situation, you can count on a discount from the supplier, and the price of one T-shirt can drop to 200 rubles.

And, of course, about 20-30 thousand rubles will need to be allocated for renting premises for a store - you can make money on T-shirts by renting a very tiny area, on which it is enough to place samples of finished products and a small counter. To save money on rent, you can install a heat press at home, and only collect printing orders in the store itself.

As for profit, the T-shirt business pays off quite quickly. The price of finished products depends on how many copies the client ordered, and one T-shirt can be sold for 500-600 rubles, but discounts can be offered to wholesale buyers. So, for example, buying 20 T-shirts at once may involve a price of 450 rubles per piece, buying 50 – 400 rubles, etc. The main goal is to win customers, and then the orders will be constant and the income will be excellent.

In general, it is enough for a businessman to reach a sales level of 5-7 T-shirts daily. Then, even at their minimum cost (for example, 400 rubles), you can count on a monthly profit of 60-85 thousand rubles. Such income will allow you to recoup the initial investment in the first few months of operation, after which you can count on net profit. And even if you work seasonally - for example, only in the summer - you can earn substantial capital on T-shirts, which will allow you to develop this business and create entire chains of stores that are in constant demand.


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