Forecast for the development of relationships based on the position of transit Venus in the zodiac signs. Transit aspects of Venus to the planets of the natal chart Transit Venus in the 6th house

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Let's consider what the transits of Venus through the houses of the horoscope mean in astrological science:

What do Venus transits bring to different houses of the horoscope?

Transit of Venus through the 1st House of the horoscope

In (+) the period of harmonious personality development, manifestation of creative abilities and artistic talents. A person has peace and tranquility in his soul, a feeling of comfort, he becomes more charming and more attractive, a desire appears to make others happy, to give them pleasure.

Transit of Venus through the 2nd House of the horoscope

In the (+) period of material comfort: he makes good purchases and acquisitions, receives gifts, accumulates property, loves to eat tasty food and enjoys food, so during this period you need to allow yourself to eat what you want, and not go on a diet (except for medicinal purposes). Sexual desire increases.

In (-) material discomfort: loaded with material problems, everyday life gets stuck, becomes a slave to things and habits, due to greed cannot part with unnecessary things. There is a desire to purchase as much as possible, but there are no opportunities. Or there is both the desire and the means to acquire beautiful things, but greed gets in the way. Craving for sweet foods and indulgence in bad habits. Difficulty with diet.

Transit of Venus through the 3rd House of the horoscope

In (+) harmonious learning, especially aesthetics and beauty: the person is tactful, diplomatic in contacts, a lot of new information and new acquaintances. His activities are productive and generate material income, especially in the field of information and art. Short trips are successful, especially for the purpose of recreation.

In (-) there is no harmony in close contacts and connections, in learning, in the perception of information, especially what is read. A person can be insincere and hypocritical in order to avoid trouble. Can talk a lot about nothing. Unsuccessful trips bring disappointment.

Transit of Venus through the 4th House of the horoscope

B (+) makes a person more attentive and sensitive to family members, which improves family relationships and especially with parents, and provides help from them. A person feels comfortable at home, there are conditions for creative solitude, for deep memories. With strong Venus, karmic memory. The desire to somehow decorate your home, acquire beautiful household items, works of art.

In (-) the house is uncomfortable, relationships with parents and loved ones are difficult, household things irritate. He has nowhere to retire, cannot concentrate and go deeper into himself, there are no conditions for the development of creative abilities and there is no help from relatives. The result is depression, creative and emotional.

Transit of Venus through the 5th House of the horoscope

In the (+) period of harmonious and generous love, pleasant pastime, good relationships with children, there may be social activities related to children. A more subtle perception of art, the ability to enjoy works of art, luck in trade related to art. The woman becomes more attractive, and this period is favorable for pregnancy.

In (-) relationships with lovers and children deteriorate, difficult problems associated with them arise, and dependence on these problems arises. Not having a love relationship will not bring you joy, but cheating is possible, so don’t complicate your relationship with your children. Sexual excesses are dangerous and will lead to self-destruction.

Transit of Venus through the 6th House of the horoscope

In (+) harmonious relationships at work, working conditions improve.

A heightened sense of duty, the ability to endure a lot. During this period, a person will not be broken by any difficulties and trials, no trifles of everyday life. Health improves, a person acquires a state of harmonious balance, looks better and pays more attention to his appearance and clothing.

B (-) does not enjoy work, laziness and apathy towards work, there is no sense of duty and responsibility, for which his colleagues do not like him. Feels oppressed, dependent, and finds it difficult to reveal his feelings. He does not know how to endure difficulties, suspects that he has non-existent illnesses, and is prone to overeating. All this disrupts homeostasis and leads to disease.

Transit of Venus through the 7th House of the horoscope

In (+) harmonious relationships in marriage, business partnerships, social life. Popularity, love of others. The person is fair, sociable, attractive, and makes useful connections. Things related to art are especially successful.

In (-) difficulties in social and family relationships, not popular in society, dependent position in marriage, no mutual understanding. Follows his feelings to the detriment of justice.

Transit of Venus through the 8th House of the horoscope

B (+) brings inheritance or gifts, survival in extreme situations, catastrophic circumstances are leveled out, purification occurs after love suffering. A high-level person can be given an unearthly flow of higher energy, love and harmony from another world.

In (-) painful love feelings, disappointments, interference of someone else's will in feelings and connections with loved ones. The danger of magic in love relationships. Abuse of sex is dangerous/A person during this period attracts the attention of criminal elements and must beware of contacts with them. Danger of rape. For men, danger from women (including magical influence).

Transit of Venus through the 9th House of the horoscope

In (+) interest in philosophy, religion, culture of other countries, issues of education, and on this basis harmonious business, love, and romantic connections are established. Successful long-distance trips, strengthening connections with foreigners and people from afar. Popularity away from home. For men, help from a woman from afar.

In (-) lack of harmony in ideology and worldview, mutual dislike for a teacher or mentor. The sense of romanticism and perspective in love is lost. Long trips are unsuccessful, there is danger on the road, contacts with foreigners do not bring good luck and are destroyed.

Transit of Venus through the 10th House of the horoscope

B (+) harmonious relationships with superiors, patronage, patronage, connections useful for a career. Attracts the attention of high-ranking officials and easily advances in the career (towards achieving the set goal). Office romances are possible. In a man's career, a woman higher in position plays an important role.

In (-) the profession is not satisfying, there are poor relations with superiors, obstacles to career advancement, there is no protection or patronage, there is no harmonious program for professional achievements (or the purpose of life is generally violated). A man has obstacles in his career from women.

Transit of Venus through the 11th House of the horoscope

In (+) life prospects improve, a person is drawn to new things. The need to communicate with friends, they give him confidence. Friendship can lead to a romantic relationship or a business partnership. Likes to work and relax in a group (group hikes, entertainment, arguments), receives help and support from friends. Unexpected love is possible.

In (-) harmony in friendship is disturbed, obstacles from friends or false friends. Adventurism in feelings, the search for new things in love and sexual relationships do not bring joy (they cause dissatisfaction and deprive a person of strength). The dangers of prostitution and group sex.

Transit of Venus through the 12th House of the horoscope

Gives a feeling of inner harmony and peace, a person is drawn to solitude, to relaxation and contemplation, to an intuitive perception of nature and merging with it, drawn to wander through mysterious abandoned places. The perception of beauty, kindness and sympathy for people, and the desire to help those suffering intensify. There is an accumulation of spiritual forces. Secret love, secret romantic relationships, secret gifts are possible.

B (-) disappointments in love, lack of mutual understanding, secret obstacles. False hobbies and unsuccessful, inharmonious romantic relationships. All this depresses a person, encourages him to solitude, immersion in himself, to remember the past. There is a tendency towards fantasies and illusions in the field of love and feelings. Subject to bad habits and susceptible to bad influences.

Phase I of the retrograde process, so that the individual continues to mentally move from one rainbow to another, never staying long enough in one place to allow Venus absorb the full vibration of its surroundings. He does not readily accept advice from others. This individual is the most experienced among representatives of other zodiac positions, but at the same time...

Ideals in friendship and love. In the worst case: lust for power, fanaticism, a tendency to violence, premature death at the hands of a woman or because of a woman, suicide, poisoning, sexual gluttony. Venus V Sagittarius. Neutral sign. Venus V Sagittarius indicates a noble, sincere, fair character. Such people are well-mannered, generous, friendly and courteous. However, impulsiveness can also appear. They live in comfort, are financially secure...

Research work and cases related to the deceased and their property, funerals, graves. Material benefits come from inheritance, gifts, works on history, archeology, mythology, philosophy and philology. Venus V Sagittarius Venus V Sagittarius disposes to the world of art and the arts, especially to music, applied arts, science, technology and mechanics, travel and travel, philosophical and religious problems, issues of education and upbringing, sports...

The talisman can be two bright fiery salamanders, spirits and guardians of fire, intertwined with their tails. Venus in Lev.Royal Venus. The talisman can be two identical royal crowns in the form of a pendant. The queen has a woman - the man is only the king. Venus V Sagittarius:Beauty and harmony are achieved through the constant expansion of the boundaries of the habitat. Suitable for a talisman...

Earth, and therefore its influence on our planet is very noticeable. Unlike Mercury, find Venus It's very easy in the sky. This is the same “Morning” and “Evening” star, which is visible even when... manifests itself in the form of animal power (instincts). Transit Venus By Venus is positive and denotes pristine emotional calm and excellent opportunities for conception and procreation. Venus according to the Sun A time of emotional instability, when instincts can come out...

At birth - a spiritual rebirth with a craving for the occult and secret sciences, for philosophical and religious problems, for astrology. Venus in the 2nd house Venus in the 2nd house brings success in the world of art and the arts, especially as an actress, singer, ballerina, dancer... The Moon - success as a jeweler, cosmetologist, perfumer, hairdresser, fashion and flower dealer. Venus in the 11th house Venus in the 11th house - a profession often depends on the patronage and recommendations of friends, guardians, philanthropists, ...

Beauty. She has two appearances: “Foam-Born” - the purity of heavenly love; Pandeya - sensual attractions. Venus- feminine magnetic principle. Symbolizes love, beauty, harmony, marriage, material comfort. She rules flowers... and other beautiful creations of nature, wonderful landscapes, fabrics, perfumes, cosmetics, fashionable clothes and shoes. Venus is the only planet in the solar system that is comparable to the Earth (their masses and diameters are similar), so it is often called...

Emotional perception of the world - in contrast to Mercury, which governs sensory perception. Diocese Venus- feelings, not reason. Venus is associated with sexual attraction, therefore, depending on its position in the horoscope, it may... But, despite the fact that sex is one of the main manifestations of human life, it does not exhaust the influence Venus. In the horoscope, it represents the focal point for understanding and developing the emotional side of life. Emotional imbalance...

Transit of Venus through Sagittarius

This is a time of sublime, largely fictitious love, ideal love. People do not want to perceive what is in reality. Any gesture, word, look can be given great importance, the imagination itself completes the pictures in which cute cupids with arrows flutter, gallant gentlemen declare their love in a pastoral style, and ladies are sweet and innocent like angels. A person wants love, simple, sincere, selfless, faith in which these days increases many times over. He believes that she can be found, you just have to look, and he sets off on his journey. And what’s surprising is that you can actually meet her far from your homeland. The romance can be stormy, and plans for the future the most optimistic, unless, of course, all this disappears like smoke when Venus enters an earthly sign and demands specificity.

During Venus's passage through the sign of Sagittarius, female students tend to fall in love with their teachers, graduate students with scientific supervisors, and young people in general with famous public people. Even female parishioners can have tender feelings for their pastor. You can meet your love or start a business relationship at a conference, during a convention, or a symposium, especially if it is international. Respect for a person who has reached social heights can develop into falling in love. Possible small income from traveling, organizing conferences, etc. thanks to scientific work and so on. Traveling at this time can bring a lot of pleasure and be accompanied by romantic adventures. Good for marriage, honeymoon.

Negative aspects, instead of ideal love, bring disappointment, since most often the person who met at this time is unlikely to be what he seems. With this position of Venus, people love to deceive themselves. There are two possible options here. Or a person stubbornly does not want to see what life mercilessly shows him, and then he persists in his illusions. Or some events occur that show the true face of a loved one, for example, a parallel long-standing love affair is accidentally discovered.

At this time, a person can indulge in things that are usually prohibited, for example, visiting hot spots, squandering money on momentary pleasures, men can pose as merchants, philanthropists, etc. or, conversely, behave like gigolos. This is especially true during travel or long-distance business trips. You should not enter into large financial transactions these days, especially with foreign partners.

From 1 to 25 December 2017 the planet Venus, responsible for love and relationships, will pass through the sign of Sagittarius.

What to expect in your personal life from transit Venus in Sagittarius?

Firstly, the planet Jupiter, which rules Sagittarius, is characterized by optimism and faith in the future.

Therefore, right now, when Venus has entered the sign of Sagittarius, go to the mirror. Carefully, very carefully look at the one who is looking at you and promise her that, despite the pain of a previous relationship, an unloved husband, loneliness, illness, fate, karma, she will still be happy! Why not?!

Secondly, Jupiter is responsible for travel and trips abroad.

You are still alone and you have the opportunity to travel away from your native places - go! If it is coming in your chart, and transit Venus is in the sign of Sagittarius - there are 99 chances against 1 that you will materialize a foreign prince. Or not a prince. Let's put it this way: that... Unless, of course, you reprogrammed your .

No chance to go? Then register on a dating site for foreigners.

Do you firmly believe that there are only perverts on the sites? Then attend some seminar or conference. Jupiter is also responsible for these things. And it’s good for you - you’ll learn something useful; and for your personal life - a chance to find a soul mate.

Are you already in a relationship and experiencing marital discord? Take your spouse and go with him. Far from the homeland, it will be much easier to make peace. Transit Venus in Sagittarius will help you.

So, let's summarize.

Regardless of whether you are single or already in a relationship, whether you now have the opportunity to please yourself with a foreign tour or not, remember one main recommendation during the transit of Venus through the sign of Sagittarius - OPEN UP TO THE WORLD. New acquaintances and friends, vivid impressions and emotions.

Just do it all lightly, without serious plans for the future. Because the next sign where transit Venus will move is serious and practical Capricorn. He will definitely test all your new acquaintances for strength. And the fewer plans, the less disappointment when they don’t come true.

Aspects of Venus in Sagittarius in 2017

December 10, 2017 Transiting Venus will make an exact square to Neptune in Pisces. This is an aspect of disappointments and sad thoughts about love. And also deception. By the way, if you suspected your husband of infidelity, then on the 10th of December you will already know for sure whether he cheated or not.

December 21, 2017 Transiting Venus will form a trine to Uranus in Aries. An unexpected event may occur. For example, a quick romantic acquaintance.

December 25, 2017 Transiting Venus will form a conjunction with Saturn in Sagittarius. A great day to meet with serious intentions to continue the relationship. If you are already in a relationship, then maybe it's time to change something in it?

New bright impressions to you!

In 2015, Venus moves through the sign of Sagittarius for only two days at the very end of the year - December 30 and 31. In a year she does not have time to go through all the signs, like the Sun, because during certain periods forced to stop and move retrograde. At the beginning of 2016, she will be in the sign of Sagittarius for most of January.

Venus in Sagittarius in 2016: from January 1 to January 23, from October 18 to November 12

Venus in Sagittarius in2018: No

Sagittarius is not exactly a cozy sign for Venus. During this period we are all a little prone to idealization of money and we dream too much about how to get them and how to spend them. Reality will not always correspond to reality, so during this period the likelihood of spending more than we receive increases. Especially at this time, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces should be careful with money.

During this period, you will want to spend money more than to earn hard, so we always advise in case of Venus in Sagittarius have savings, on which you could easily live during this period and if you spend too much, you would not be at a loss.

Some will be tempted to spend money on all sorts of pleasures which were previously prohibited.

How to attract money to your home?

To attract money now, you shouldn't be afraid try something new. Sagittarius is not afraid of experiments and loves adventures, so now you can take risks. If you're not entirely happy with your salary, why not go to your boss and ask for a raise? Or if there is no promotion in sight, why not go looking for new sources of income or new earnings?

During this period it is possible money coming from abroad, or from foreigners. If you would like to find a job in a foreign company, or go abroad to earn money, this is a great time.

Also, to attract money during this period, it’s a good idea to increase level of your education: go to advanced training courses or try to learn something new, which will allow you to earn money later.

You can increase your income if you communicate with ideological like-minded people, with those whose goals and ideas are similar to yours. Perhaps you will learn something from them that may be useful to you, or they will help you with your goals.

Also during this period it is important to set realistic goals and go towards them, because Sagittarius always has goals, this sign cannot live without goals. If you don't have financial goals yet, you should find them and at least try to think through ways to achieve them.

Now you need to think about the future, expand your spheres of influence and start some kind of long term job. This will help attract money and find new sources of income. The luckiest signs in terms of finances during this period will be fire signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. They can also hope for good developments Scorpios and Aquarius.

How to attract money into your life?

How to spend money wisely with Venus in Sagittarius?

During the days of Venus in Sagittarius there is temptation spend money on travel and various things that may be useful to us on the road and trips. Also during this period you will want to spend money on any imported goods of any value.

However, now I don’t really feel like going shopping. You are more likely to go in search of some specific things than to walk around the shops without a goal, just to spend money. However, during this period there is a high risk of losing money or unnecessary spending on momentary pleasures. This is a good time to buy goods in bulk.

What else can you buy with Venus in Sagittarius:

- Books, magazines and other printed literature

- Everything that can be useful for education: textbooks, curriculum, lectures

- Souvenirs, especially those reminiscent of other countries

- Travel bags, backpacks and suitcases, camping items, etc.

- Sportswear and shoes

- Vehicles

Money horoscope: Venus transit through Sagittarius for zodiac signs

ARIES. To attract money, try to improve your skills. Now it will be easy for you to learn something new. Also try to look for business connections abroad, or send your resume to foreign companies. It is possible that funds will come from abroad or from foreigners. During this period, it is a good idea to spend money on trips and trips that promise to be successful. An optimistic attitude and good mood will help you achieve a lot. These are good days for your sign.

CALF. During this period, you will be led in matters that involve general finances or other people's money. Those who work in banks, with financial papers or in accounting will be especially lucky. Now set priority goals; don’t take on several things at the same time. Coordinate all your financial transactions with your partners or superiors. Financial crises cannot be ruled out during this period either. But don’t be too afraid: your partners will help you deal with them easily.

TWINS. This is a bad time for your finances, so you should be careful with your spending. Quarrels and omissions with partners over finances are possible. If you have your own business, your partners may let you down and you will lose part of the profit, so at this time it is better to rely only on yourself and not rely on other people. There may also be misunderstandings with personal partners.

CANCER. During this period, a favorable environment develops in the workplace. If you work for hire in a team, you can count on the support and assistance of employees. At this time, a small increase or unexpected profit is possible, which will make you very happy. During this period, you can buy pets, or something that you may need at work.

A LION. During this period, you will want to rest and relax more than work, so it is better to immediately plan a vacation for this period in advance. If you do decide to work, you will do a lot easily and naturally. It will especially guide those who are engaged in creative professions. There is a risk of spending a lot on entertainment and pleasure. But there is also a chance to win in gambling. All these expenses will not be in vain, and you will not regret them. This is a pleasant, memorable period of the year.

VIRGO. Unfavorable period: there may be quarrels and misunderstandings with close relatives over money. Now you may be tempted to spend a lot on some things for your home, but it is better not to make large purchases for your home right now. For example, you should not buy furniture or other expensive things. During this period, we advise you to hold your money until a more successful period, when it can be spent with greater success.

SCALES. If you are associated with the printed word: write texts for Internet resources or are employees of any printed publications - this is a good time for you. You can earn some good money, or during this period you will receive successful offers that you cannot refuse. To attract money, it is now important to surround yourself with communication with people, you should not sit at home, and if you are planning trips, do not refuse. There may be new acquaintances that will be useful for advancement.

SCORPION. During this period, you will constantly think about money and your financial situation. Whether you are lucky during this period or not will depend only on you and your efforts. However, there is a greater chance that your financial situation may improve slightly. This time can be used to look for a new job or new sources of income. There may be offers for additional earnings, or you may make profitable acquaintances. You can do any business related to money, for example, you can give or borrow money, apply for loans.

SAGITTARIUS. During this period, your charm and other personal qualities will help in solving financial issues. If you are looking for a job, the likelihood of finding one during this transit increases significantly. Creative people will be especially lucky now: inspiration and recognition await you. A good time for self-promotion and demonstrating your abilities.

CAPRICORN. During this period, you will be able to achieve success if you act not directly and obviously, but from behind the scenes. Secret and hidden activities will also be successful; it is possible that an unofficial part-time job will turn up or you will be offered an unofficial job. You will hide your income even from your loved ones. To attract money, you should now hide your financial plans, otherwise they may fail.

AQUARIUS. You prefer to make the most of your finances to get the most out of them. During this period, you can invest money and make it work. You can put your savings in a bank at interest or lend them to someone for development. Profit will not take long to arrive. Perhaps your friends will now need your financial help.

FISH. During this period, it is very likely that you will want to achieve what you want at any cost, even not always by decent methods. You may be tempted to get involved in intrigues that could adversely affect your reputation at work. It is better not to use personal connections for personal gain. You shouldn't expect a raise or a big bonus during this period. Be content with what you have and look forward to a more favorable period for your financial affairs.

If Venus is in Sagittarius in your horoscope

You are quite lucky when it comes to finances. You often use the guardianship and support of authorities, and in relationships you want to receive freedom and diversity.

You are hardly familiar with greed and can squander the money you have without any remorse. Money is a means of achievement for you desired goal.


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