Program 1 from version 7. Exchange of data between configurations

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The 1C:Enterprise environment was developed as a universal solution for automating business processes. Today it is a powerful tool that takes into account the latest requirements for accounting systems, allows you to solve a huge range of applied problems and uses the latest technological capabilities.

Before the 1C 7.7 platform appeared, 1C was an industry-specific program for accounting, including payroll, already then called “1C: Accounting”.

Starting from the “seven”, the 1C software package is divided into a technological platform and configurations - application solutions. Additional areas of application of the program appeared, and in 1999 the technological platform “1C:Enterprise 7.7” was released - a software configuration shell with a built-in programming language based on DBF files.

A separate platform made it possible to create various configurations - programs of the 1C family for automating accounting, warehouse, production, wholesale and retail trade, payroll, etc.

Fig.1 Launch window 1C:Enterprise 7.7

To operate the program, additional components are connected to the platform that implement various accounting mechanisms:

  • Accounting;
  • Operational accounting;
  • Calculation;
  • Web extension 2.0;
  • Management of distributed information bases.

Fig.2 Components 1C:Enterprise

Component is a set of specific functions that determine its functionality. For example, in the Accounting component it is possible to support a chart of accounts and analytical accounting on each account, the ability to determine the opening balance, turnover for periods, ending balance, etc. It allows you to implement any accounting scheme and automate most of its sections. An example of a program designed for accounting in self-supporting organizations that are on a budget is the configuration “1C: Accounting for budgetary institutions 7.7” (currently not supported).

Operational accounting used to account for material and cash assets. It is used in programs for accounting for inventory items at enterprises with a large volume of transactions - inventory accounting, mutual settlements, accounting for funds in current accounts and in the cash register. An example of use is the “1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7” configuration.

Calculation includes mechanisms for periodic settlements, allowing settlements to be carried out at a certain frequency - from one day to a year. An example of its use would be payroll calculation in the “1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7” configuration.

URIB used to exchange information between two identical databases. Its main purpose is to organize a unified automated accounting system at enterprises that have geographically remote facilities (remote branches, warehouses, stores) and do not have a local network. The exchange takes place through communication channels such as a modem or email. The program automatically tracks and synchronizes all changes in the databases.

Fig. 3 Scheme of URIB

The DistrDB.dll library in the Bin folder of the 1C:Enterprise program is responsible for the operation of this component. Configuring the RIB in 1C 7.7 is done in the menu configurator in “Administration - Distributed Information Security - Management”.

Fig.4 Configurator window. Distributed information security setup menu

Fig.5 “Manage distributed data” settings window

Component "Web extension 2.0"

The purpose of the component is to create a simple mechanism for remote user access to software systems implemented on the basis of the "seven", and to ensure communication between it and the Web server. With its help, off-line information systems are connected to the Internet.

The component can be used to create three main categories of Web applications:

Internet– allows access to Web resources for the widest number of visitors, suitable for small and medium-sized stores, for creating an online store.

Extranet– implements information interaction with a certain circle of partners and customers (working with dealers) online.

Intranet– a system that provides remote access to information resources via a browser. An example is 1C solutions - “Reseller Portal”, “Remote Warehouse”.

All components can work both independently and in conjunction with others. The capabilities of each of them are used when operating the configuration; for example, they can support loading directories from other programs, transmitting reports, etc. The set of functions performed by the system is determined by its configuration.

Modes "1C:Enterprise 7.7"

The program can operate in several modes.

Fig.7 1C: Enterprise program launch window. Program operating modes

“1C:Enterprise” – user mode or program operation mode – data entry, working with directories and documents, receiving reports.

Fig.8 Program window (using the example of the “Trade and Warehouse” program)

After the system starts, a program window opens on the screen, at the top of which there is a title bar containing the name of the program and its edition, below is a line containing the main menu of the program, and below it is a toolbar containing a set of buttons for quickly calling commands. Below is the work area of ​​the main program window and the function bar.

Configurator– administration and configuration change mode. It is used to administer and develop information bases, make changes to the standard configuration in accordance with accounting requirements and reflect the specifics of accounting. In this mode, the program is updated, the information base is backed up, restored, tested for the presence and correction of errors and failures, work with user accounts, etc.

Fig.9 Program window in “Configurator” mode

Debugger– an auxiliary mode, which serves to find and correct errors in modules, debug and measure configuration performance, facilitating the design of system software modules. The debugger allows you to quickly find errors in your program code.

Monitor– a tool designed to view the list of active users and the event log, as well as to analyze the user history.

Fig. 10 Program menu in “Monitor” mode

Installation options 1C:Enterprise 7.7

Local version– the platform supports only one user. The license key is installed on the local computer.

Note that the basic version of the configuration on the “seven” is intended for local use - on one computer, and it cannot be used to organize the work of several users at once over the network. The only way out is to upgrade to the PRO version.

By purchasing the PROF version, the client buys one license, and if in the future there is a need to add a second user via the local network, then for this version it is enough to buy an additional 1C client license.

In addition to those discussed, there is also a corporate version (KORP), which has the widest functionality. It is precisely intended for large enterprises with a large number of remote branches.

Network version– an unlimited number of users can work in the database simultaneously. The license key is installed on any computer on the network and contains information about the number of users who can work simultaneously.

SQL Server– network version with support for storing data on a SQL server.

All launch modes are implemented by one executable file 1cv7.exe - for the network (multi-user) version, or 1cv7l.exe - for the single-user version of 1C:Enterprise or 1cv7s.exe - for the 1C:Enterprise version for SQL.

1C products version 7.7 are no longer available for sale!
You can buy 1c 7.7 only with a written application!
We recommend purchasing a new one
version 1C Enterprise 8

Catalog of programs of the 1C:Enterprise system

Prices for 1C: Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management

  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Complex delivery
  • 1C: Accounting 7.7 - no longer available for sale or technical support!
  • 1C:Entrepreneur 7.7—discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • Solutions for the public sector
  • 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • 1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7 PROF - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • 1C: Financial planning 7.7 - no longer available for sale or technical support!
  • Set for a small company 7.7 - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • Other 1C solutions

  • 1C:Taxpayer 7.7 - no longer available for sale or technical support!
  • 1C: Payment documents 7.7 - no longer available for sale or technical support!
  • 1C: Aspect 7.7. Compact trading system - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • 1C: Aspect-Jeweler 7.7 - no longer available for sale or technical support!
  • 1C:Money 7.7 - discontinued from sale and technical support!
  • WEB extension
  • 1C:Construction Contractor
  • 1C: Construction customer
  • Quality control
  • 1C-Intalev: Business Architect

Advice for users of 1C programs
Transition to "1C:Enterprise 8"

The procedure for replacing protection keys for software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 line from April 24, 2008.

Why the 1C:Enterprise software system

The 1C:Enterprise software system is designed to solve a wide range of accounting and management automation problems facing dynamically developing modern enterprises.

"1C:Enterprise" is a system of application solutions built according to common principles and on a single technological platform. The manager can choose a solution that meets the current needs of the enterprise and will further develop as the enterprise grows or the tasks of CCT automation expand.

Accounting and management tasks can differ significantly depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, industry, specifics of products or services provided, the size and structure of the enterprise, and the required level of automation. It is difficult to imagine one program designed for mass use and yet satisfying the needs of most businesses. At the same time, the manager, on the one hand, needs a solution that corresponds to the specifics of his enterprise, but, on the other hand, he understands the advantages of using a mass-proven product. The combination of these needs is what 1C:Enterprise provides as a software system.


  • New software products and accounting solutions for individual entrepreneurs and organizations using a simplified taxation system
  • Development of accounting capabilities for self-supporting and budgetary organizations
  • Development of tax accounting for income tax in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia
  • Advanced payroll and HR accounting capabilities
  • New solutions for financial planning and financial analysis
  • Significant development of accounting and planning functions for production activities
  • New opportunities for management accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations; expanding the range of automated tasks for trade and warehouse accounting


    Typical configurations

    1C:Enterprise software products are supplied with standard configurations. Standard configurations implement the most common accounting schemes and can be used in most organizations.

    Changing Configurations

    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system can be adapted to any accounting features at a particular enterprise. The system includes a Configurator, which provides:

    • setting up the system for various types of accounting;
    • implementation of any accounting methodology;
    • organization of any directories and documents of any structure;
    • customizing the appearance of information entry forms;
    • customizing the behavior and algorithms of the system in various situations using a built-in object-oriented language;
    • wide design possibilities for creating printed forms of documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, drawings;
    • the ability to visually present information in the form of diagrams;
    • quick configuration changes using “constructors”.

    Configuration development

    In some cases, the accounting system adopted by the organization is unique. Then the standard configuration included in the 1C:Enterprise software products can be taken as a model for creating a unique configuration that is completely focused on the characteristics of your organization.

    The configurator, which is part of the 1C:Enterprise system software, allows you not only to change elements of the standard configuration, but also to create your own configuration from scratch. Such development can be carried out by our employees and is called comprehensive automation of enterprises.

    Creating original configurations allows you to solve a wide variety of tasks for automating economic activities using 1C:Enterprise.


    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system contain a variety of tools for communication with other programs and hardware.

    File sharing

    • Tools for importing and exporting information through text files, DBF and XML format files make it easy to organize data exchange with any systems.
    • Saving printed forms in Microsoft Excel and HTML formats. Ability to export data to Small Business Contact Manager in Microsoft Office 2000.

    OLE Automation, DDE

    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise program system support modern integration tools: OLE, OLE Automation and DDE. Using these tools allows you to:

    • control the operation of other programs using the built-in language, for example, generate reports and graphs in Microsoft Excel
    • access 1C:Enterprise data from other programs;
    • insert objects created by other programs into documents and reports, for example, place pictures and graphs in reports.

    External component technology

    The technology for creating external components (additional 1C Enterprise software modules) was developed by 1C to solve special problems that require closer and more efficient integration of the 1C:Enterprise system with other programs and equipment. This technology includes all the necessary information and a set of examples on creating external components and their interaction with 1C:Enterprise. External components can be developed by users of 1C:Enterprise programs and by independent companies in the languages ​​MS Visual C++, MS Visual Basic, Borland Delphi.

    Working with commercial equipment

    For users of the 1C:Enterprise program system, 1C offers a set of solutions for connecting various equipment used in trade and warehousing: cash registers, POS terminals, barcode scanners and printers, customer displays, electronic scales, data collection terminals. These solutions are based on the technology of external components and information export-import modes.


    Software products of the 1C:Enterprise system are able to “grow” along with the organization in which they work. The range of software products of the 1C:Enterprise system includes single-user and network versions; versions operating in a client-server architecture, as well as an additional component for organizing the exchange of information between geographically remote branches of an organization.

    All versions are fully functionally compatible, which makes it easy to move from using the program at one workplace to multi-user and distributed use of the system.

    Single-user version

    For each software product of the 1C:Enterprise system there is a delivery option in the form of a single-user version. This version is designed to work on one computer, but has full capabilities for automating accounting and adapting to the characteristics of a particular organization.

    Version for SQL 1C Enterprise

    "1C:Enterprise" version for SQL is an extension of the "1C:Enterprise" system that allows you to organize work with the database in the "client-server" mode. The use of client-server technology significantly increases the reliability, performance and stability of the system, especially when a significant number of users work with large information databases. The system uses Microsoft SQL Server as a database server.

    Network version 1C Enterprise

    Network versions allow several users to simultaneously work with one information base. All changes made by one user immediately become available to other users of the system. The system supports blocking user-edited objects from being changed by other users. For each user working with the network version, a set of rights to access information processed by the system can be assigned, and an individual interface can be configured for quick access to frequently used functions and modes.

    Web extension 1C Enterprise 7.7

    The new component “1C:Enterprise 7.7” allows you to:

    • combine the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise system in the implementation
    • business logic of application solutions and Internet technology tools for organizing remote access to data and designing interfaces;
    • create a wide range of applications that provide access to 1C:Enterprise functionality via a Web interface both for users of the intracorporate network (intranet solutions) and for an arbitrary circle of clients and partners (Internet solutions).

    Distributed Processing

    To organize a unified automated accounting system at enterprises that have geographically remote divisions (central office, store, warehouse, etc.), there is an additional component “Distributed Information Base Management”. The capabilities provided by this component make it possible to organize the work of a distributed information system with an unlimited number of autonomously operating information bases.

    Information and technological support for 1C:Enterprise

    Users who have subscribed to information technology support (ITS) regularly and promptly receive a set of methodological materials, consultations, answers to questions, updates to programs and configurations, new forms of documents for programs of the 1C:Enterprise family, legal support on accounting and taxation " 1C: Garant" and much more. This information and CCT materials are published monthly by 1C on the ITS CD. ITS subscribers, as part of online user support, have the opportunity to receive tax and accounting reporting forms and program updates from the 1C web server.

    Other 1C solutions

    Attention! The 1C company is making a number of changes in the release of programs. See notes.

    • 1C:Taxpayer 7.7
    • 1C: Payment documents 7.7
    • 1C: Aspect 7.7. Compact trading system
    • 1C:Aspect-Jeweler 7.7
    • 1C:Money 7.7
    • 1C:Enterprise spreadsheet document converter for Microsoft Excel
    • Managing distributed infobases
    • WEB extension
    • 1C:Construction Contractor
    • 1C: Construction customer
    • Quality control
    • 1C-Intalev: Business Architect



    "1C: Accounting" is a universal mass-use program for automating accounting. It can be used at enterprises of different areas of activity and forms of ownership. "1C: Accounting" provides the accountant with flexible accounting options:

    • the arbitrary structure of the account code makes it possible to use long account codes (subaccounts) and maintain multi-level charts of accounts with a large level of nesting;
    • the ability to work with multiple charts of accounts allows you to maintain accounting in several accounting systems (for example, Russian and GAAP);
    • "1C: Accounting" contains built-in mechanisms for maintaining quantitative and currency accounting;
    • on any account you can maintain multidimensional (up to 5 different sections) and multi-level (up to 10 nesting levels) analytical accounting;
    • "1C: Accounting" supports consolidated accounting, so it can be used in centralized accounting departments.

    The program allows you to automate the maintenance of all sections of accounting:

    • bank and cash transactions
    • fixed assets and intangible assets
    • materials
    • goods and services, performance of work
    • production accounting
    • accounting of currency transactions
    • mutual settlements with organizations
    • calculations with accountable persons
    • payroll,
    • calculation of personal income tax and unified social tax
    • budget calculations and others.

    The standard configuration of “1C:Accounting” corresponds to the accepted accounting methodology in self-supporting organizations and allows for tax accounting in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Both manual entry of transactions and work “from a document” with automatic generation of transactions for various sections of accounting are provided. The delivery set includes more than 30 reporting forms to tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds and statistical authorities.

    The program comes with a standard configuration intended for accounting in self-supporting organizations. For accounting in institutions and organizations that are on a budget, the separately supplied configuration “Accounting for budgetary organizations” is intended. The 1C:Military Unit product is intended for keeping records in military units and organizations of the Ministry of Defense that are on a budget. "1C: Accounting" can also be used with other (specially created) configurations that take into account various accounting features. The delivery set includes a number of tools that make it easier to independently master the program - a configuration guide, an “Introduction to Configuration” manual, a “Tax Accounting Guide” and much more.

    “1C: Accounting” is “1C: Enterprise” with the “Accounting” component and a standard configuration. The Accounting component can be used to implement any accounting scheme.


    The 1C: Trade and Warehouse program is designed to record all types of trade transactions. The program is capable of performing all accounting functions - from maintaining directories and entering primary documents to obtaining various statements and analytical reports.

    The program allows you to:

    • Automate accounting in wholesale and retail trade
    • Keep records of warehouse operations
    • Generate all necessary primary documents, including invoices, sales and purchase books, keep records of imported goods in the context of customs declaration
    • Maintain interconnected records of customer requests and orders to suppliers with the possibility of reservation at the time of planned shipment, taking into account expected receipts
    • Monitor the status of mutual settlements with counterparties
    • Conduct mutual settlements with foreign suppliers, take into account customs duties and fees
    • Keep records of cash, trade credits and goods for sale
    • Receive a variety of reporting and analytical information on the movement of goods and money.

    Thanks to its flexibility and customizability, the program can adapt to the characteristics of trade and warehouse accounting of a particular organization.

    “1C: Trade and Warehouse” is the “Operational Accounting” component of the “1C: Enterprise” system with a standard configuration for automating warehouse accounting and trade. The “Operational Accounting” component is designed to account for the availability and movement of material and cash assets. Areas of application of the components: trade automation, warehouse accounting, inventory accounting, accounting in the service sector, etc.


    The 1C: Salary and Personnel program is designed to automate payroll calculations and maintain personnel records at enterprises of various types of financing and forms of ownership.

    The program allows you to:

    • automate payroll calculations for any types of accruals and deductions;
    • keep tax records of the income of employees and other individuals under personal income tax and unified social tax;
    • organize personnel records of employees;
    • register official movements;
    • generate reports for submission to various regulatory authorities.
    • The standard configuration supplied with the program can be used both for simple payroll calculations in a small enterprise and for automation of enterprises with a complex personnel payment system.

    “1C: Salary and Personnel” is “1C: Enterprise” with the “Calculation” component and the standard configuration “Salary + Personnel”, which implements payroll and personnel accounting. The Calculation component can also be used to automate rent accounting, stock accounting, dividend calculations and other complex periodic calculations.


    The delivery includes three 1C:Enterprise components, combined into one program and working with a single configuration. While maintaining all the capabilities of the system programs, this configuration provides integrated accounting: a unified system of regulatory and reference information, automatic reflection of trade and warehouse operations and payroll calculations in accounting, financial accounting for several legal entities, consolidated management accounting.

    The software product also includes separate configurations that implement automation of accounting and tax accounting (configuration "Accounting"), operational accounting in trade (configuration "Trade+Warehouse"), accounting in production (configuration "Production+Services+Accounting"), calculation wages and personnel records (configuration "Salary + Personnel"), as well as drawing up financial plans (budgets) of the enterprise (configuration "Financial planning").

    The kit includes an information technology support (ITS) disk of the current release. Within 12 months from the date of purchase of the kit, users are provided with warranty service through the ITS line: monthly receipt of an ITS disk, consultation line services by telephone and e-mail; receiving reporting forms, new releases of programs and configurations, Internet support.


    The “Accounting”, “Operational Accounting” and “Calculation” components of the 1C:Enterprise software system can be used either independently or in conjunction with other components. When used together, 1C:Enterprise components not only work with common data in one information base, but also completely combine their functionality. The user works, in fact, with a single system that comprehensively reflects the economic activities of the enterprise using the capabilities of the installed components.


    Designed for automation of enterprises whose main activity is the production of products, performance of work or provision of services, as well as trade in purchased goods as a related activity. Allows you to maintain operational management accounting for all operations related to production activities, and also provides a detailed reflection of the entire process of production or provision of services in accounting and tax accounting.

    Main features of 1C Enterprise 7.7:

    • production planning: accounting for orders from customers, generating orders for production and suppliers, monitoring the fulfillment of established volumes and deadlines; identifying needs for products, materials and goods;
    • flexible mechanism for describing cost standards and breakdown of products;

It occurs in two stages - updating the platform and configuration. In addition, configurations often add additional actions to update regulated reporting. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions.

To update Platform 1C 7, just run the installation file and install the program with the new version in the same directory where the old one is located. The installer itself will replace old files with new ones.

You can install it in different directories. In this case, there will be two copies of the Platform on the computer with different versions:

Please note that when installing an update, you can change the initial settings, such as the name of the organization that owns the program or the set of components to be installed:

Updating the 1C 7 configuration

Configuration is an application solution of 1C 7.7, for example, 1C Accounting 7.7, Salary and HR, etc.

To update the 1C configuration, you first need to prepare the update distribution kit. The fact is that in most cases the update is delivered in a universal form: for the basic version and for the professional version. More precisely, the distribution kit is supplied specifically for the basic version, and if you have a professional version, you need to prepare it.

Create a separate folder, for example, “Preparing for update” and copy all the files from the update distribution there:

Now let's launch the 1C program and create another information base. Let’s also call it “Preparing for update” and indicate the path to our new folder:

Let's launch the program in Configurator mode. Before any actions with the configuration, you need to open it (menu “Configuration” – “Open configuration” or the corresponding icon).

If you have a professional version, this warning will open:

Click “Ok”. This will open the configuration tree. Click “Save”:

Now let’s open the Configurator of the database that we will update:

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For example, I chose Configuration 1C “Accounting and reporting for an entrepreneur, ed. 1.2":

As can be seen from the figure, the current release of the program is 7.70.260. Now we will update it to release 7.70.265. Let me remind you that we have already prepared it and it is in the “Preparing for update” folder.

Be sure to first make a backup copy of the information database. To do this, go to the “Administration” – “Data Saving” menu:

Select the save path and file name here. Click “Save”.

After saving, we will start updating. In our case, the update must be done in merge mode. Go to the “Configuration” menu – “Combining configurations...”. Select the file “” from the “Preparing for update” directory:

The program will compare the current configuration and the updated one. The result will be displayed in a separate window. In this window you can see what changes have been made in the new release, and if you wish, discard some.

Set the “Configuration priority” section to “Loaded configuration”, and in the “Merge method” section to “Replace objects”:

Click “Ok”.

After merging, save the resulting configuration. The database will be restructured in accordance with the update. Click “Accept”:

This completes the update from the Configurator.

Now let’s launch the program in Enterprise mode and confirm the legality of the received update. After this, if necessary, the system will make updates at the credential level, and at this point the update can be considered complete:

Update of regulated reporting in 1C 7.7

Unlike 1C version 8, in version 7.7 regulated reporting is supplied separately.

To download it, you need to go to the “Reports” menu – “ ” (the path may differ in different configurations):

As you can see, I currently do not have a single package of regulated reports downloaded. We'll fix that now.

Initially, the reporting is in packaged form. The file should look something like this:, where 16 is the year, q2 is the second quarter, 001 is the delivery version, PBOUL is the name of the configuration.

You need to unpack this archive into a folder convenient for you.

Features and disadvantages of software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system

Software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system were developed by 1C in the period from 1999 to 2003. They met the requirements of their time and gained wide popularity in Russia and other CIS countries. However, since 2004, the development of application solutions from 1C has been carried out on the new promising next-generation platform 1C:Enterprise 8. Currently, about 90% of new buyers of 1C:Enterprise programs choose solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. The updating and development of the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 7.7" itself has not been carried out by 1C since 2003.

Software products on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform are intended for use with operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows 95,
  • Microsoft Windows 98,
  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0,
  • Microsoft Windows 2000,
  • Microsoft Windows XP,
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003.

and database management systems:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 6.5,
  • Microsoft SQL Server 7.0,
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

Many of the systems listed above are currently discontinued by their manufacturers and are not included with new computers or are not supported.

What are the disadvantages of solutions based on 1C version 7.7

Since the cessation of development of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 programs, their lag behind time requirements has been increasing.

There is no electronic document flow and reporting via the Internet. Even the simplest basic solutions on the modern 1C:Enterprise 8 platform allow you to connect services for submitting accounting and tax reporting via the Internet directly from the 1C program. This service is called 1C-Reporting. At the time when 1C version 7.7 programs were being developed, the technology platform did not have the necessary tools for working with cryptographic protection and electronic signatures. For this reason, it will not be possible to implement reliable work with electronic signatures for electronic document management and the ability to submit reports via the Internet in 1C solutions version 7.7.

For the same reason, in 1C solutions version 7.7 there is no way to implement the requirements of 54-FZ for the new procedure for using cash register systems associated with the transition to online cash registers with data transmission to the Federal Tax Service via the Internet. Moreover, these solutions have been successfully implemented in current configurations on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, both for accounting, trade and management accounting.

In principle, all solutions and services related to the Internet cannot be implemented in version 7.7, or their independent implementation and maintenance up to date is quite labor-intensive. For example, the 1C-Counteragent service for filling out the details of your clients by TIN by requesting via the Internet to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and FIAS or the 1SPARK service Risks for assessing the reliability of clients are not implemented in 1C programs version 7.7.

Not applicable for budget accounting. New requirements for accounting systems of state and municipal institutions, introduced from 01/01/2011 by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n “On approval of the Unified Chart of Accounts for State Authorities (state bodies), local governments, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions and Instructions for its application" require more analytical capabilities than provided by the architecture of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform and are fully implemented only in budget accounting solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform .

Restriction on the sale of software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system

An analysis of the situation with application solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system showed that their presence in the price list of the 1C company and further free sale may give the consumer the wrong impression that these software products continue to meet modern requirements and are recommended by the company " 1C".

The 1C company takes into account that a number of users may feel the need to further purchase 1C:Enterprise 7.7. For example, the user has his own development on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform or there is a need to increase the number of enterprises of the same group, which were previously automated in a standard way on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 version. For such cases, the sale of software products "1C:Enterprise 7.7" from July 1, 2011 is carried out on special orders for the purchase of 1C 7.7, including information about the client, the motivation for the need to purchase software products of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system, as well as confirmation that the buyer has been notified that the software product of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system does not fully comply with modern requirements.

The 1C company strongly recommends that users consider the possibility of transferring systems running on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform to the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. This will help improve the efficiency of organizations through the use of new capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and application solutions created on its basis.

Part of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 software products completely withdrawn from sale from July 1, 2011. This.

The 1C company has developed many products that have in their names such additions as “Basic”, “Standard”, “PROF” and others, the differences of which will be discussed in this article. This material does not pretend to comprehensively cover all the functional features and technological capabilities of one or another configuration of 1C programs, but the author gives an initial idea of ​​their most significant differences. Summarizing data is presented in a summary table, the presence of sections of which, as well as their content and description, readers can supplement and deepen on their own.


" / download "

Description of typical configuration capabilities

Below is a short list of the main functionality and distinctive features of the most popular configurations of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 family of programs produced by 1C. The above-mentioned summary table gives a clear idea of ​​these features of the programs.

“1C:Accounting 7.7”

1. The configuration implements accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets in accordance with the law. The operations of receipt of fixed assets and intangible assets, commissioning, depreciation, preparation for transfer and transfer of fixed assets and intangible assets are automated.

2. Automated accounting of materials, special equipment and clothing.

3. Automatic maintenance of the 20th, 25th and 26th accounts has been implemented: accumulation of costs during the month, automatic closing of accounts at the end of the month, including closing of the 20th account taking into account work in progress. When carrying out operations to produce finished products, the components necessary for the production of these products are automatically written off. Components are written off at the average book price.

4. Trading operations are automated: receipt of own goods and goods accepted for sale, sale of goods and finished products, return of goods from customers and return of goods to the supplier. Maintaining several types of prices for each product item is supported.

5. It is possible to calculate the Unified Social Tax and contributions to the Pension Fund on a regressive scale (see “BiK” No. 3, 2004).

6. There are very limited possibilities for conducting payroll calculations: the program automatically calculates the monthly salary without taking into account the actual time worked. If necessary, this amount can be corrected manually. The amounts of sick leave, vacation pay and other payments are entered into the program manually by the user.

7. In “1C: Accounting 7.7” there is no report for the Pension Fund of Russia in the SZV-K form.

8. VAT accounting is automated: accounting for incoming VAT at various rates, accounting for VAT on sales, creating a purchase book and a sales book.

9. Automatic summing up of financial results has been implemented (closing accounts 90, 91, 99) and charging income tax taking into account the provisions of PBU 18/02.

10. It is possible to take into account types of activities that, in accordance with local legislation, are transferred to the payment of UTII.

11. Tax accounting implemented in the program covers all of the above areas of accounting and is maintained simultaneously with it in separate auxiliary accounts. It is possible to compare the completeness of tax accounting, so that it is easier to detect errors during work.

12. Quarterly, the 1C company issues a set of accounting and tax reporting, taking into account the latest changes. Users have the opportunity to receive this reporting for free.

“1C: Accounting 7.7 (basic version)” (line 1 of the table). The kit that the user receives when purchasing this version includes the “Accounting” component (basic version) and a standard configuration for accounting. In addition, the kit includes books on installing and running the program, a user manual and a description of the accounting procedure. This description helps novice users independently master the accounting procedure in the configuration and carry out initial settings in accordance with the accounting policy of the enterprise. The low price of the program is due to the fact that it cannot make changes to the configuration. However, due to the ability to enter operations into the configuration manually, this limitation is not something fundamental. Due to its low price, the program “1C: Accounting 7.7 (basic version)” is quite suitable for small companies or those enterprises that are just starting their activities. It can easily be used by an accountant who works from home.

“1C: Accounting 7.7 (standard version)” (line 2 of the table). The delivery set includes the “Accounting” component (standard version). This software product differs from the basic version in that the standard version already has the ability to make changes and modifications to the configuration. However, unlike the PROF version, these capabilities are somewhat limited (see the chapter “General information about the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 system”). When purchasing the program, the user receives not only a description of the procedure for maintaining accounting and tax records, but also a description of the built-in programming language. It should be borne in mind that programming is a very difficult and responsible matter, so it is better if the necessary changes to the standard configuration are made by an experienced specialist. It is necessary to take into account that when you receive and install the next standard branded version of the program, the individual configuration changes you have made will have to be restored again.

“1C: Accounting 7.7 (PROF version)” (line 3 of the table). The delivery set includes the “Accounting” component (PROF version). This software product provides maximum opportunities to customize the configuration to meet specific user requirements or local conditions. Thanks to this modification, the user can solve all his specific problems and significantly facilitate his work on keeping records in the program. Such a need may arise in multi-industry enterprises where there are rare types of activities or there are serious differences from the generally accepted standard accounting methodology or business and the structure of which requires frequent changes. To maintain accounting using the simplified tax system, the delivery package includes the configuration “1C: Accounting simplified tax system” with the corresponding description (see line 5 of the table).

“1C: Accounting 7.7 (network version)” (line 4 of the table) is intended for those companies where accounting is carried out by several employees. The version has no restrictions on the number of concurrent users. Limitations may arise from computer and network equipment. To ensure good speed of the program with a large number of users, powerful equipment and experienced staff are required. For example, if the number of users simultaneously working with the database reaches ten people or more, then it is advisable to use a dual-processor server with a RAM capacity of 512 MB or more. If the number of users does not exceed two, then the allocation of a server is not necessary, and Windows 98 can work as the operating system. For accounting using the simplified tax system, the delivery package includes the configuration “1C: Accounting simplified tax system” with the corresponding description (see line 5 of the table ).

"1c accounting. Simplified taxation system (basic version)” (line 5 of the table). The delivery set includes the “Accounting” component (basic version). The configuration is intended for accounting at enterprises that have switched to a simplified taxation system. The program takes into account the provisions of Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, “income” or “income reduced by the amount of expenses” can be taken as an object of taxation. Also in the configuration, records can be kept for those types of activities that are transferred to the payment of UTII. It is possible to create a Book of Income and Expenses.

This configuration is included free of charge in the “1C: Accounting version PROF” and “1C: Accounting network version” programs.

“1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7”

We list the main functionality that does not depend on the program version.

1. The configuration is intended for calculating wages and payroll taxes. In addition, the program stores personnel data of the company’s employees, information about hours worked, etc.

2. There are a large number of printed forms of primary documents on wages: orders for admission, leave, dismissal, personnel transfer, several printed forms of payroll and payment slips, pay slips, income certificate 2-NDFL, etc.

3. You can add an arbitrary number of new types of charges and deductions to the program, however, the large number of types of calculations already available in the configuration completely satisfies most users.

4. On one computer you can install an unlimited number of information databases for accounting for several companies.

5. You can carry out calculations taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise: the presence of activities falling under UTII, the use of the simplified tax system, the presence of regional coefficients, etc.

6. The program allows you to automatically calculate vacation pay, sick leave, various benefits and allowances, alimony, fines and other deductions.

7. Information about the results of payroll calculations can be loaded into the accounting program in the form of postings.

8. Tax accounting, which is implemented in the program, covers only the area related to wages and the calculation of relevant taxes. Tax accounting data can also be loaded into an accounting program.

9. It is possible to maintain a staffing table.

10. You can calculate wages calculated in foreign currency.

11. A full set of quarterly (annual) reporting on wages, personal income tax and payroll taxes is generated in accordance with the law, as well as personalized accounting for the Pension Fund and certificates of employee income for the tax authorities.

12. The program comes complete with a configuration configured for payroll calculations in budgetary organizations.

“1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 (basic version)” (line 6 of the table). The delivery set includes the “Calculation” component (basic version) and the standard “Salary + Personnel” configuration. The configuration is closed from making any changes to it. Can be used in a small enterprise where there are no complex forms of payment that require configuration through the configurator.

“1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 (PROF version)” (line 7 of the table). The delivery set includes the “Calculation” component (PROF version). The configuration is open for making any additional settings.

“1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 (network version for 3 users)” (line 8 of the table). Network version with a limit on the number of concurrent users - no more than three. Such a program is a compromise between an expensive network version for an unlimited number of users and a local one, which cannot work on the network. The program is the optimal solution for small and medium-sized enterprises where there is a HR specialist and two or three payroll clerks. Please note that the limit is imposed on the number of concurrent users, but their total number (when working alternately) may be higher. Thus, a personnel service employee can work in the program for a month, entering personnel information. Then three accountants will take care of calculating wages and taxes, after which the chief accountant of the enterprise can enter the program for generating reports.

“1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 (network version)” (line 9 of the table). The program has no restrictions either for making settings in the configurator or for the number of simultaneous users. The requirements for network equipment have already been covered in the description of the software product “1C: Accounting (network version)”.

“1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7”

We list the main functional and service capabilities that do not depend on the program version.

1. The configuration supports multi-company accounting in one information base. This means that the user can receive summary reports, the indicators of which combine several enterprises.

2. Trade accounting areas found in most trade enterprises have been automated.

3. Accounting for the cost of goods sold can be carried out using the LIFO, FIFO or average cost methods. In retail trade, it is possible to use account 42 to account for retail trade margins.

4. The program provides an extensive list of reports that allow the user to control not only the trading operations themselves, but also their effectiveness.

5. To automate retail trade, work with cash register equipment and barcode scanners, scales, etc. is provided.

6. It is possible to transfer information to the accounting program “1C: Accounting 7.7”, to the program “1C: Accounting USN 7.7” or to the financial analysis program “1C: Financial Planning 7.7”.

7. Accounting features have been implemented at enterprises where UTII and the simplified tax system are used.

8. The configuration has a more advanced security system and restriction of user access to information.

“1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 version PROF” (line 10 of the table). The delivery set includes the “Operational Accounting” component (PROF version). This version of the program is local, intended for use by one user. The program is open for any settings. Designed for accounting in a small trading enterprise, where employees often have to combine functions: both keeping records and communicating with clients.

“1C: Trade + Warehouse 7.7 network version for 3 users” (line 11 of the table). The delivery set includes the “Operational Accounting” component (network version for 3 users). The program may be of interest to small retail businesses. The information access control system allows each user to define those configuration elements (documents, directories, reports, etc.) with which he can work. All other sections of the configuration will be inaccessible to it. For example, it is advisable for a cashier to establish access to cash documents and reports, for a sales manager - to sales documents, and for a supply specialist - to documents on the posting of inventory items.

“1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 network version” (line 12 of the table). The delivery set includes the “Operational Accounting” component (network version). Designed for use in larger enterprises. There are no restrictions on the number of concurrent users.

“1C:Production + Services + Accounting 7.7”

This configuration is shown in row 13 of the table. Already from the name it is clear what areas of automation the program is designed for. Accounting and operations at small and medium-sized manufacturing and trading enterprises are its area of ​​application. “1C:P+U+B” provides ease of work not only for accountants, but also for purchasing managers, sales managers, etc. The possibilities in the field of accounting here are much wider than in the standard “1C: Accounting” configuration. For example, it is possible to carry out documents on the production of products from own and customer-supplied raw materials, record semi-finished products and store several specifications for each product produced. In addition, it is possible to distribute accrued depreciation of fixed assets in proportion to manufactured products. This will be useful in those enterprises where different products are produced using the same equipment. When calculating wages, piecework orders can be taken into account. However, for complete automation of payroll calculation and conducting complex calculations at a manufacturing enterprise, the “1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7” configuration is most suitable, from where information about the calculated salary and accrued taxes is transferred to the “1C: P+U+B” program. Such an “alliance” of the two programs is optimal both from the point of view of completeness and accuracy of accounting and payroll calculations, and from the point of view of ensuring the confidentiality of information.

For its operation, the configuration requires the presence of two “1C:Enterprise” components - “Operational Accounting” and “Accounting”. The configuration options will depend on the versions of these components: if both components are local, then the configuration will be local, if they are network components, then the configuration will be able to work in network mode. The price of the configuration excluding the cost of components is $60. You can find out the cost of the components you need from the table.

“1C: Complex configuration 7.7”

The capabilities of this program (line 14 of the table) combine the functionality and capabilities of three configurations: “1C: Accounting”, “1C: Salary and Personnel”, and “1C: Trade and Warehouse”. And all these features are collected into a single configuration that can satisfy, perhaps, any need in the field of accounting automation. The program may seem difficult to master for some. But here the ITS (information technology support) CD, regularly produced by 1C, can come to the rescue. It, among other things, contains developer recommendations for working with programs, including complex configurations. When choosing a complex configuration, it should be taken into account that the program places increased demands on the power and speed of computer and network equipment. For example, even for two users to work, it is advisable to allocate a separate server, and the operating system on this computer must be at least Windows 2000. Otherwise, the program will work very slowly or will not work at all.

The complex configuration is sold as part of a so-called package delivery. This is a software product that contains all three components, standard configurations “1C: Accounting”, “1C: Salary and Personnel”, “1C: Trade and Warehouse”, “1C: Accounting USN”, “1C: Financial Planning”. The cost of a comprehensive package for working on one computer is $480, and for working on a network without limiting the number of simultaneous users - $1,500. When purchasing a complex package, the user receives a free 12-month subscription to the ITS disk.

Brief information about configurations not included in the comparison table

“1C: Accounting for budgetary organizations.” The configuration is intended for accounting at budgetary enterprises. It implements all the features of accounting for budgetary enterprises: budget chart of accounts, accounting for financing, target revenues, control of estimated indicators in the context of sections and subsections of the departmental structure, reports on forms accepted at budgetary enterprises, etc. Configuration price (without the cost of components “ Accounting”) - $32. For the configuration to work, the “Accounting” component of the standard version and older is required.

“1C:Taxpayer 7.7”. The software product is designed for generating quarterly and annual reporting for enterprises. In addition, the program generates reporting on the income of individuals (according to forms 1-NDFL and 2-NDFL) and reporting for personalized accounting in the Pension Fund (SZV-K, ADV-1, SZV-4–1, SZV-4–2) . The program does not have the ability to keep records. The user enters all data for generating reports manually. The price of the software product is $50 for the local version and $480 for the network version.

“1C:Entrepreneur 7.7”. The software product is a ready-made solution for accounting for the commercial activities of an entrepreneur without forming a legal entity. Accounting is supported under the general (personal income tax) and simplified tax system (STS). It is possible to account for types of activities transferred to the payment of UTII. The program generates all the necessary reports for submission to tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds, etc. The price of the software product is $90.

“1C:Money 7.7”. The software product is designed to account for the family budget (income, expenses, planning, analysis of the structure of income and expenses), as well as for filling out income statements for individuals. The price of the software product is $18.

Exchange of data between configurations

This topic is beyond the scope of this article, and a separate material can be devoted to it, since there are a great many options for interaction between 1C configurations. It seems that the developers tried to provide for all possible interactions between programs. And this is good news: data transfer eliminates the routine work of re-entering the same information into another accounting program.

Here, for example, is a classic situation that occurs in many companies. Managers keep records of trading operations in the “1C: Trade + Warehouse” program for a month. At the end of the month, the accountant automatically transfers all these operations in the form of postings to the “1C: Accounting 7.7” program. Data on the calculation of wages and taxes from the “1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7” program also goes there. Thus, the accountant can only conduct a thorough check of the accounting data and enter operations to close the month and generate the financial result.

In addition to accounting information about the movement of inventory items, you can transfer individual directories from program to program. For example, the “Nomenclature” directory at some trading enterprises can reach enormous sizes. But automatic data exchange will allow the transfer of such a volume of information quickly and without errors.

Pleasure from the purchase

Due to the presence of competition between 1C partner companies, the latter try to attract potential buyers with various pleasant and useful surprises. For example, free delivery and installation of the program at the buyer’s office. Some go even further and, in addition to delivery and installation, offer a free lesson to familiarize themselves with the program. Other partner companies organize a free telephone consultation line for their customers and provide a significant discount on training on their courses.

So, when choosing a computer program, take into account the conditions for its acquisition. We wish you a pleasant shopping!


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