Program for design projects based on the square footage of an apartment. Apartment planning program

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You can spend all your free time doing independent design without restrictions until you get a decent result.

To create a building and interior design yourself, it is enough to get acquainted with the general principles of the program.

This is not difficult, since the menu and basic actions are obtained on an intuitive level.

It is enough to try simple actions once, and then you can improve your skills and expand the range of options from simple to complex.

Free project creation

Home design online

Construction begins with a project.

Take advantage of free DIY design tools.

In this section you will learn the basics of working in the planner, video instructions, and useful tips.

Examples of finished works.

Apartment design online

Start by creating a layout of your future apartment. Create a layout to your liking.

Add the required number of rooms. Position doors and windows to suit your needs.

Possibility to design according to your dimensions or existing apartment plan.

Roof design online

Not one, believe me, not one house will be a house without a roof. It’s up to you to decide what the roof of your home will look like.

Designing a roof in a visual editor will allow you to parse everything down to the smallest detail. Calculate the rafter system, select the material.

Modeling in a 3D editor will be clear even to a beginner.

Bathhouse design online

Have you decided to build a sauna, but don’t know where to start?

Start with design! The bathhouse on the site can be either Russian or Finnish. The sauna is not only a newfangled hobby, but also a completely practical structure.

Ideas for the design of your future bath. Saunas in classic style.

Online garage design

Design your own garage under the same roof as the house or separately from it. A garage is a permanent residence for your car, as well as a place to store various things.

Creating a garage project online will allow you to take into account all the little details. Set the required dimensions, position the entrance gate, place the necessary niches, cabinets and shelves in the room.

Staircase design online

Develop your staircase project online. Let this staircase be vintage, ordinary, classic, the main thing is that it fulfills its purpose, is beautiful, practical and clearly fits into the overall picture.

Design programs

Design programs combine convenient tools for independent design, visualization of the process, and creation of three-dimensional 3D models.

Get to know the best products of domestic and foreign developers.

Video tutorials and design instructions!

Free design

Standard procedure using the example of an online designer Planner 5DPlanner 5D

Design programs are designed with the international consumer in mind, so manufacturers initially prepare designs in several languages.

Most pointers are presented in the form of pictures and icons or are accompanied by tooltips.

To do this, pay attention to the checkbox located in the upper right corner of the screen. When you click on it, a list of possible language options appears.

The next step in online design is to indicate your determination and click on the checkbox with the words “Create a project” and select the appropriate item from the options offered. The creators offer three options:

  • Start from scratch
  • Continue a started project
  • Choose a ready-made template as a basis and make your own adjustments to it

Before starting work, the user is shown the capabilities of the program, which can be viewed once, and then refuse to be shown by clicking the “Do not show another time” button.

You can go directly to modeling by simply clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.

To draw a project, use a menu of four points:

  • Rooms
  • Constructor
  • Interior
  • Exterior

On your first visit, a room plan is presented on the screen, which you can use for further construction, or you can delete it and start your own design from scratch. To do this, click on the image, wait for 3 pop-up images to appear and select the trash can icon.

Be careful with this icon in the future, as it removes the image immediately without specifying whether you really want to delete everything, as is common in many office programs. If you press it carelessly, you will have to start all over again. If you like what you've already done, you can save the image by clicking the corresponding button in the vertical right menu.

To draw a design for a room with a non-standard shape and size, use the mouse, with which you can quickly change the outline of the room and give it the most non-standard look.

Such an individual project will allow you to plan in detail a loggia, balcony, storage room or other room with non-standard outlines.

The 3D Online home, design and interior designer from our catalog of online services will be useful to those who are planning to build a cozy home in the near future, but do not yet know what it will look like, how many rooms it will have, how to arrange furniture in the house, what type of house it will have from the windows of the future house. And in order to help decide on all these issues, an online design and interior program called Planner 5D has been created.

Repairs always involve quite difficult work. An important aspect here is the design of a new room design, because the old interior has ceased to bring joy, and sometimes is simply no longer suitable for a large and friendly family. Developing a new design project seems like an easy task, but already at the initial stages you have to turn to specialists for help. Providing professional services leads to material losses, which is often not possible. What to do? There is only one answer - to use the program yourself to create a design project and plan repairs, of which there are many today.

Advantages of programs for creating design projects

Programs for apartment design and renovation planning can save you from problems such as choosing a shade for wall decoration, independently calculating building materials and other hassles. Thanks to them, you can now recreate your ideas in action, namely, in your apartment. In addition, with the help of a number of functions, you can experiment not only with a radical rearrangement of furniture, but you can also “try out” remodeling the entire room - move a door, create a studio apartment, place additional partitions and other manipulations.

The listed aspects are not the only ones in using the program. Here are a number of useful features:

  1. With the help of design, you will be able to place the necessary communications - electricity, water and sewer pipes, if you plan to move them or their original location during the construction of a private building.
  2. As a rule, all programs allow you to view the design in three dimensions. With its help, you can identify shortcomings at the design stage - this will save you from further problems.
  3. You will be able to “arrange” furniture in several rooms at the same time, which will allow for a certain correspondence. For example, if you are creating a design project for a studio apartment.

In the programs you do not have to carry out calculations or draw on your own. She does everything herself.

Moreover, there are some softwares that offer an already established interior style. You only need to recreate your room, including the length and height of the walls, door or window opening.

Choosing a design and planning program

Today we can distinguish a number of simplified software with an additional package of functions. Simplified options are suitable for design, but additional functions will be needed for designing a new building, carrying out redevelopment and other serious actions that require careful calculation in order to avoid troubles and for the safety of the whole family.

The main criteria for choosing a program include:

  1. Choose the software package that can be installed on your computer based on its system requirements. If there is at least one mismatch, the program will not install or launch.
  2. Choose the interface availability according to your computer knowledge. A lot of programs are written in English, which is not possible for some to work. Of course, you can study any interface if you wish, but it will take too much time, which is very unprofitable. Choose Russian-language versions.
  3. Don't try to use professional programs. They are more designed for designers and managers of construction and repair organizations. Here the calculation of estimates and other similar actions are carried out. It will be difficult for a beginner to understand such software.

When choosing a design and renovation planning program, first of all, pay attention to ease of use. For example, many interfaces written in English are easier to work with than simplified Russian-language versions. In the English program, any symbols and functions that can be used are indicated by a simple icon. This way, you will understand the program faster.

Popular programs for creating a project

On the Internet you can find a huge number of programs that are easy and simple to download, install and get to work. But how do you choose the right software for design planning and renovation among the abundance on offer? Read numerous reviews from users of this or that program. You will be able to analyze the capabilities and ease of use of each program, which will subsequently help you make a choice and get started.

Another important aspect is the popularity of the software, which can be seen in the search engine of any browser. The list of the most used programs presented below can also help you make the right choice.

Program for the design of houses and apartments “Interior Design 3D”

If you are looking for a universal tool for preparing for repairs and remodeling, then pay attention to “Interior Design 3D”. This is a Russian-language program for home design, in which it is very easy to radically transform any room. Here you can add partitions and extensions, additional doors and windows, choose new wallpaper and trim for the ceiling and floor. The software collections contain over 120 texture options, and the program also allows you to upload your own options for finishing materials.

When starting work, you can easily recreate exact copies of the rooms you need and then use the finished plan as a complete guide during the actual renovation. The house design program provides the opportunity to work with both one-story buildings and real multi-story buildings. Simply upload the plan of your home into the software, select a standard apartment layout from the software catalog, or draw any number of rooms of the required size yourself in the built-in editor.


  • Quick creation of living quarters
  • Built-in catalogs of finishing materials and furniture
  • Flexible configuration of all added elements
  • View the finished project in several modes

Disadvantages of the software:

  • You cannot add your own furniture items
  • Limited functionality in trial version

It should be noted that the first disadvantage is very conditional, since the “3D Interior Design” collection contains more than 50 pieces of furniture intended for use during the creation of the project. You can customize each added element and experiment not only with its location, but also with its size and appearance.

The finished plan can be saved on your computer as a project or image, and can also be printed instantly. And, of course, the created layout can be assessed in 3D or “virtual visit” mode. You can download “Interior Design 3D” on the official website of the program .

The Sweet Home 3D program is a somewhat simplified version of the interface that anyone can handle if they have any computer skills. The presented software can create any interior design options that the user desires. Immediately upon launch, four windows open - two departments with the ability to view the created project from both sides (top and side), a catalog with functions, and management of the elements used.

The user can independently choose the colors of the walls, texture, transparency and other combinations, as much as his imagination allows.

Among the advantages of the presented interface, we can highlight such aspects as free access and low system requirements, thanks to which the program can be installed on any computer. In addition, downloading the software itself will not take much time, because the size of the program is about 35 MB. The Russian version helps users quickly master all the offered features.

The disadvantages of the program are the following:

  • small selection in the catalog - lack of textures can play a negative role in the creation of the project;
  • if you try to include additional elements from other sources, they may be in English, which will lead to inconvenience because you will have to guess the purpose of the items from the picture;
  • Using this program, you can only plan the design, and there is no need to talk about calculating materials.

Of course, the program is popular due to the ability to download from the official website. Ease of operation plays an important role. If you are not embarrassed by the lack of calculation of the necessary building materials, you can safely use it.

Google ScketchUp is the easiest interface for beginners to create designs and view them from different angles in 3D. There are two options here - simplified and with additional features. Google offers a simplified version for download for free, and advanced features for a nominal fee. Despite the simplicity of the version, it is endowed with a fairly wide selection of various elements and attributes. To work with the program, you can watch many video lessons presented in the Google browser. In the downloaded version you will also find step-by-step instructions for working in the interface.

The disadvantages of the program include:

  • there is poor visualization of the finished project;
  • An abundance of attributes and additional elements must be downloaded separately, some of them are protected by copyright and downloading is difficult.

As numerous users note, this software allows even beginners to create sketches of the planned design in a few minutes.

The Color Style Studio program helps you decide on colors for the walls and surfaces of your future room design. All work comes down to “arranging” the furniture and installing a certain palette of colors. With the help of a special package, the user will see several suitable options for the interior, which will display a possible combination of shades.

But it is necessary to clarify - the work of the presented software mainly comes down to working with colors and “playing” with a combination of shades (more than 57 thousand shades are used). The package of attributes used for work is somewhat meager. If your task in creating a project comes down to selecting the color scheme you like, you can completely cope with the task in a few minutes using Color Style Studio.

The program has practically no disadvantages, with the exception of the requested payment to use the interface. The cost of download permission is about $70 on the official website. If you lack funds or do not want to pay for services, use the demo version.

Home Plan Pro software allows you to recreate a future private building or remodel an existing apartment. The program is easy to use, although it does not have a Russian version. It can always be downloaded from the official website. The only drawback in the interface for many is its temporary use. The downloaded version is used for 30 days. After the time has expired, the user has the opportunity to re-download the software for only $39.

Users of the Home Plan Pro program note the simplicity of the interface, which anyone can handle, despite the language barrier. In its structure, the program is similar to a regular graphics editor, thanks to which you yourself can draw future walls, mark door and window openings. The downside is the lack of furniture elements and the opportunity to create your own design project. True, the program was initially designed for the work of professionals.

This software is a simplified version and is used for home use. With VisiCon you can create an interesting design for your own apartment in just a few minutes. The proposed interface has divisions for beginners and advanced users. Moreover, such distinctions are presented as an opportunity to create the design of apartments and organizations, respectively.

There is a wide selection of colors used in the future for work, as well as an expanded catalog of available furniture and accessories. The user does not need to turn to additional packages in order to expand the range of presented attributes, although a similar option is also possible. There is a possibility of two-dimensional and three-dimensional representation of the project you created. The interface is downloaded for free from the official website.

IKEA Home Planner

The official website of a famous store that offers customers stylish furniture and other interior details has its own software for creating a design project. Users can visualize their apartment before going to the store, using all the store’s products. At the end of the work, you can print the completed project and a list of all the attributes that were used to create the new interior. In the store, you just need to submit the list to the manager, who within a few minutes will provide a receipt for payment and collect all your purchases in convenient packages.

The only limitation in working with the IKEA Home Planner program is the ability to use only store products, so it should be used if they prefer and are focused on creating a new interior using them.

Whatever program you choose, use it in full accordance with your preferences and imagination.

Are you starting a renovation and want to create the interior of your own home yourself? There are a lot of simple and professional programs and applications on the Internet for creating apartment layouts and designing rooms, some of which are recognized as the best, while others are convenient or inexpensive. Assistance in drawing up a visual model is provided both freely and for a fee. And today we will introduce you to the most famous and convenient of them.

Online software

Even 20-30 years ago, designers used ordinary drawing tools and scissors. But computer technology allows you to create the desired home design in just a few clicks right on the screen or even on the road with a smartphone or tablet.

Most sites have primitive tools and a similar set of qualities. You can select elements that are in the library, apply different textures, change the scale of furniture and furnishings. All this becomes available provided you have access to the network. This is the main disadvantage of cloud servers. In general, they have the following disadvantages:

  • Less detail than stationary licensed software. The site cannot support extremely large flows of information without starting to freeze, so it often does not provide a sufficient number of textures and objects. We have to be content with the standard package. Whereas in more serious programs for modeling apartments, when creating a project, you can introduce your own personal elements, developed individually, according to preferences.
  • Inconvenient file sharing, layout storage, formatting. Classic online software offers a narrow version of document extensions. This is inconvenient when there is a discussion between several people who have different technical means.
    The ZWSOFT company offers to install a utility with which you can create drawings, transfer them between departments and companies, integrate them into the cloud, supplement them, insert comments, download and print. And all this in the most common formats: DWG, DWF, PDF with support for graphic raster backgrounds. In this case, access to the Internet is only needed to upload the layout; then all work takes place offline.
  • Lack of strong copyright protection. Applications on the network can be downright dangerous if a hacker becomes interested in your project. If you work in a large company, you use a large number of graphic models of apartments. All of them are unique and are the property of the developer. Desktop software is much safer.

Let's look at some popular software. Many companies provide a double offer - a licensed multifunctional version for the PC and a minimum set of elements in the application on the Internet.

For beginners, amateurs and students


During operation, you get a realistic image of the situation. You can assemble a panel (something like a “vision board”), and then take parts of the decor in future works.

To start designing, register via email or log in via FB. The interface is presented entirely in English. But even if you don't know it well, the intuitive desktop won't give you any pain. In addition, there are video tutorials on the Internet on how to use the software.

The resource positions itself as a program intended for novice planners who want to create a renovation project for an apartment, house, or office. Here you can not only simulate space, but also communicate via chat with colleagues. Essentially, this is a small social network - you can expose your creations for criticism and evaluate their work.

"House 3D"

The site is designed for beginner users. The level of possibilities is small: you can combine decorative options on the work panel and track whether they match the floors and ceiling.

Having prepared the interior, you can take a virtual tour of the room and fix what needs improvement.

The downside is that you can only see the three-dimensional model of the room from above.


The "little brother" of Autodesk, which created applications such as 3ds Max and Maya. But if the professional versions require additional knowledge, then this software is perfect for beginners, especially since it has been translated into Russian.

To get started with this simple program for drawing an apartment layout, you can create an interior yourself, download a ready-made layout, or select it from the gallery.


The accessible interface contains many icons and little text, but this plays into the hands of the user, because the service is entirely in English.

Among the advantages is that you can automatically display the dimensions of walls and partitions. Having switched to the three-dimensional image mode, a little man will appear on the screen that you can control. This way you can see the object from any point.

Among the disadvantages is that visualization is at a low level.

Sweet Home 3D

This designer program for drawing an apartment plan is completely designed for an untrained user.

The application uses only ready-made furniture elements, which deprives the process of creating a full-fledged design of a certain flexibility and flight of imagination. But you can get a finished layout almost instantly by dragging ready-made fittings and other decorative elements onto the diagram. Each detail (carpet, table, bed, etc.) can be adjusted, including size. It is possible to select the depth of the object, its texture and color.

After finishing your work, you can take a “virtual photo”. So, from any point of the project you receive a photo in good quality and save it to your computer.

If you're looking for a utility that comes with 3D modeling functionality installed, look no further than ZWCAD Classic. The network and regular versions are suitable for both beginners and confident users and professionals. A large number of workplaces in large companies are equipped with this software. They value it for its simplicity and versatility.

IKEA Home Planner

The service allows you to ideally select fittings and other finishes in accordance with the size of the room. This is a simple resource that looks more like a directory. All IKEA products are available. You can calculate the approximate cost of the furnishings. By saving the finished development on the company’s website, you can later order the necessary goods.

Apartment planning programs for advanced users

"Astron Design"

Before starting work, the utility allows you to navigate directly to the initial page - home at the creation level. Here you can specify window and door openings, reduce or increase the size of the room. Afterwards, the user proceeds to filling the empty room with fittings.

You can choose from the built-in library of decorative elements. The furniture is then transferred to the “working surface”. It is possible to specify which room you are furnishing. The resource will select specific furniture for the kitchen or bathroom.

Lots of small details - the designer can add curtains, flower pots or vases. The customer usually likes the project better in this form. The developers gave the user the opportunity to select the level of lighting in the room to see where the shadow will be.

Planner 5D

Russian product. It features a pleasant visual background and an easy-to-understand control system. To search for new features and to expand your portfolio, you can look at the “Ideas” tab. There are a large number of design options that you can apply in your own developments with your own additions.

The service developers are constantly working to improve the program. In the near future - the introduction of standard layouts on the site. For now, you can create all the interiors exclusively yourself and then download the finished work to your computer.

You can get full access to the catalog of foreign goods by purchasing the extended version. You will also get the opportunity to save images in HD quality.


The program for creating an apartment plan along with instructions can be downloaded from the official website. You can create a three-dimensional image of a design already created on a plane. You can also download standard templates from the Internet. In terms of detail rendering and color range, the software is much inferior to alternative services. Among other disadvantages:

  • "Raw" system for viewing and rotating three-dimensional objects.
  • Limited functionality. For example, you can place a vase on the bottom shelf, but not on the top shelf.
  • Inconvenient interface.
  • Disproportion of some decorative elements.

– the best offer for creating designs in 3D

This is professional software that has a large number of advantages:

  • Convenient and intuitive interface: windows and project tabs make it possible to maintain several layouts in parallel, use layer overlay; The menu, toolbar and palette are represented by icon icons.
  • Structured modeling is a complex process in which an object is created not according to a template, but according to dimensions specified by oneself. All bends are taken into account and drawn.
  • Switching between modes - frame, hidden lines, structure, relief.
  • Visualization at a high level.
  • Automatic analysis using NURBZ technology allows you to reduce wasted time.
  • Three-dimensional objects.

– joint work on the project

For large companies involved in the construction and finishing of apartment buildings, it is important that file sharing between related departments is carried out on the same platform while maintaining a single drawing format. Installing a Zvkad license for local use costs much less than supplying a company with other similar software.

The functionality of the basic version is significantly extensive, but it can also be supplemented with special add-ons that will help you work in a specific area:

    – a module for automating work with electrical circuits and drawings of internal communications.

    – allows you to design external systems: water supply, sewerage, gas equipment, etc.

    – built-in software for working with documentation, legal acts, regulations, reports, summaries.

    – helps to work out in detail the basic structures: walls, ceilings, window and door openings, stairs, balconies.

    – an add-on for working with reinforcement products, drawings of the KZHI and KZH brands.

With ZWCAD, all branches of one company will be synchronized and concentrated in one layout, but on different layers. This makes it possible to verify information and supplement comments.

Any confident PC user can design their own home or become a professional designer. You can bring fresh ideas into your interior, check whether green wallpaper or oak interior doors suit you, using both paid and free applications. And the best programs for planning and creating a layout of an apartment and rooms were presented in today’s article.

Every person has the inherent desire to live in a cozy and comfortable home. With the help of the special Dom 3d program, anyone can easily create the interior of their dreams. On our website you are given the opportunity to download House 3d, as well as familiarize yourself with all the features, advantages and advantages of this program.

Brief information about the program House 3d

The developer of this program is a company of the same name, which managed to create a multifunctional and easy-to-use product that is accessible to various categories of users. Thanks to its intuitive interface, ease of use, as well as a wide range of functions and capabilities, this program will be appreciated by novice amateur designers who are taking their very first steps in the field of residential interior design.

The program is able to work perfectly on any computer devices with the operating system Windows XP, Vista, as well as Windows 7 or 8 installed. This application is not very demanding on system resources, so it functions without problems even on old computers with little power. There are currently no versions of this program available for other popular operating systems.

The main functions of the program are three-dimensional visualization of the interiors of houses and apartments, design of all kinds of furniture, three-dimensional design of various interior details. Developers are constantly working to expand the functionality of their program, taking into account the wishes and suggestions of active users.

Main features and capabilities of the House 3d program

A significant advantage of the program is that it is distributed free of charge, making it available to absolutely everyone. If you are interested in downloading the House 3d program in Russian, then you can do this at any time directly on our website.

The interface of this application is very simple and intuitive, so even untrained users can quickly master it.

This program excels at tasks such as:

  • comprehensive modeling of residential buildings;
  • design of individual pieces of furniture and other parts;
  • creating residential interior design;
  • high-quality three-dimensional design of various parts.

An important feature of the program is the presence of a built-in architectural module designed specifically for the construction of the walls of a future house, its roof, realistic door and window structures, staircases of various types, openings, as well as many other elements that play a very important role in arranging a complete space.

Using special convenient functions, any user can easily design a variety of cabinet furniture, as well as lay out wall and floor tiles in various rooms of a virtual home. This program also allows you to use a variety of color schemes in your created projects, experiment with textures and textures in order to ultimately find the most suitable option.

According to the developers, compared to some other free programs and applications designed for modeling houses and interior design - in particular, Sweet Home 3D and Google SketchUp - the House 3D program offers users a much larger number of useful functions and opportunities for creativity. To expand the functionality of this simple and accessible software, a very extensive catalog is provided, which contains many products - a variety of cabinet and upholstered furniture, as well as additional accessories. They can be added to the created interior.

Advantages of the version House 3D 3.1

The developers strongly recommend using only the latest version of this software. This is due to the fact that previous editions do not support the new file format. Today this is version 3.1 - compared to its predecessors, it has become even more advanced and functional.

You can download the latest version of the House 3D program at any time directly from our website. It will please you with its new useful features, including:

  • convenient facade manager;
  • hatch of the third type with editing function;
  • the possibility of using fences, railings and other elements;
  • spiral staircases.

In addition, there are some general improvements - for example, the ability to edit door and window structures and resize them on the screen, new additional materials for decorating floors and ceilings, additional lighting sources, as well as some other elements.

Why do you need the House 3D program?

Creating cozy and comfortable home interiors is a very interesting and exciting activity, and with the help of the right software it will also become very easy.

If you want to try your hand at design and develop your own interior design for your home or apartment, all you need is this editor.

Anyone can successfully use this software, since the work does not require any specific knowledge, skills or specific experience in this field. Even the developers themselves position House 3D as software for beginners and hobbyists, but not for professional interior designers. Rating 3.97 75

It doesn’t matter for a novice designer or an amateur who has planned renovations in his own apartment, online room planning programs will be a real boon for everyone. Today, scientific progress has gone so far that some technologies that previously seemed completely unrealistic are not only brought to life, but also shine with variety. Even the most inexperienced user today can create an interior design for their future kitchen, bedroom or any other room.

Programs of this kind are called scheduler programs. They allow you to visually reproduce how a particular room will finally look. Finishing options can be easily changed, choosing the option you like best. With such programs you can plan not only one room, but also an entire apartment or private mansion. Planners are especially useful for those who do not want to use the services of a professional designer.

Today, online room planning can be done by many programs. However, the question arises, which one is the best to choose? Everything is individual and depends, first of all, on your personal preferences. To make your choice easier, we have selected some popular programs that work online, free or paid, and are suitable for almost any room.

Sweet Home 3D

A lightweight program for the interior planning of apartments and houses. It is suitable even for novice PC users. A fairly simple and quite accessible interface will help you create a virtual interior of a room in a minimum amount of time. All you need to do is drag and drop interior elements into the virtual room using the mouse. Here you are unlikely to be able to visualize all your bold and unconventional desires, since all objects are standard and fixed, but you will be able to come up with a quick and simple plan in just a few minutes.

Ikea home planner

The fairly well-known and popular furniture manufacturer Ikea has created a free online resource specifically for its fans and clients that allows them to create their own interiors. To work in the program you do not need any special skills, everything is simple and convenient. The main emphasis is on the selection of furniture and accessories. All furniture collections from the Ikea brand are available to you, and here you will be asked to calculate the approximate cost of the design you created. And having saved the project, you can order the entire set from the company store closest to you. Like the previous program, Ikea home planner will not let your imagination run wild, because, despite the huge assortment, you won’t be able to get absolute freedom.

Google Sketchup

This program is a godsend for beginners and those who want to start learning in the field of 3D graphics. There are two versions of the program - free and paid. The free version is of high quality and contains all the necessary tools to create a complete interior. Mastering Sketchup will not take much time and effort; in a short time you will be able to visualize all the necessary shapes and objects for future repairs.

Planner 5D

A good program, suitable even for professionals, has a wide selection of materials, textures, furniture. If necessary, you can purchase even more elements for a small fee. Planner 5D allows you to decorate the interior of not only one room, but an entire apartment or house at once. Here you can also create an unlimited number of projects, save them in the gallery and print them. Despite the fact that the program has many and varied functions, you do not need any skills to work with it.


A convenient and simple designer in which you can create full-fledged interiors only with the help of a mouse. A very functionally filled toolbar will allow you to align, move, rotate in different directions and position objects in every possible way. Each element has a number of characteristics that can be changed if necessary. The program has a unique function - sevenfold projection, as well as all kinds of graphic effects, for example, shading, outline selection, transparency, etc. PRO100 will be appreciated not only by amateurs and novice designers, but also by professionals.


This online service is just a godsend for those who have decided create an apartment interior online, because it allows you to decorate almost any room. You don't need any additional knowledge or skills, everything is quite simple. The toolbar has a huge selection of elements: different shapes of rooms or even apartments, all kinds of finishing materials, a good selection of furniture and other accessories. At any moment you can evaluate the created interior in 3D mode and even “walk” through it. The advantage is the ability to upload your own designs and textures of materials. However, to handle all this variety, you need a fairly powerful computer.


A simple program suitable for amateurs and those who just need to quickly sketch out a plan. The choice of materials, furniture and other interior elements is quite meager. There is no 3D mode, which means you can only evaluate the final version in a plane. The program has a convenient estimate function; as a result, you can find out the approximate cost of future repairs. “Plan” will also offer a list of stores where you can purchase everything you need, but of course, these are partner stores of the program.

There are more than a dozen worthy online services. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and create masterpieces! Do you know any other good design programs? Share links with us by leaving them in the comments.


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