Program for designing the furnishings in an apartment. Programs for design and repair

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The 21st century, with its developed technologies, greatly simplifies life, both in everyday affairs and in professional activities. Architects have long stopped using paper, pencil or ruler to create plans. Moreover, this process itself has become much simpler, more productive and more interesting, reminiscent of a game rather than painstaking work. Now everyone can design their dream home using free interior design and apartment planning programs. Don't know where to start? We'll tell you!

1. Astron Design

You can start with the Astron program, which allows you to arrange objects in a room with the desired parameters. This is not a multidisciplinary design tool, but the installed functionality is quite enough to think through projects.

You can choose your own finishing option for key partitions by first specifying their dimensions. Having imagined a little or calculated everything down to the smallest detail, you can place furniture, decor, and also decide on the location of doors and windows in the created space. A relatively large catalog is quite enough for this.

2. SketchUp

There are two versions of the program: paid, with extended functionality for professionals, and free. But this does not mean that the second option provides limited opportunities for creating renders.

With its help, you will be able to design high-quality three-dimensional design models, “playing” with the layout, colors, and furniture. The only negative is the small variety of objects, but they are easy to find on the Internet.

After downloading SketchUp, you can immediately start working, since the interface is very simple and intuitive. An important tool is the ability to sign the dimensions of individual elements.

The finished render is posted on the Internet, or vice versa - they look for inspiration there, studying other people's works.

Interestingly, this program is suitable not only for designing houses and apartments - it can be used to create three-dimensional models of a site, road, car or other objects.

3. Sweet Home 3D

This program may not satisfy serious designers, but average users may find it quite useful and, most importantly, simple. Sweet Home 3D will not help you create complex projects, but small experiments with this application are easy to carry out. For example, if you want to see what the closet next to the sofa will look like, and whether it is worth placing the TV against this wall. In just five minutes you can easily sketch out a floor plan.

Unfortunately, the established catalog of objects is not large enough, offering no variation in shapes, sizes or fittings. This could be a significant drawback if the missing items could not be downloaded from the official website, but this issue is easily resolved. Sweet Home 3D is a foreign program, but for users who do not understand English well, there is good news: there is a Russian version.

4. IKEA Home Planner

If you are thinking about buying Ikea furniture, then this free program will definitely come in handy. It is very simple and clear, it allows you to think through the interior of rooms using furniture from a Dutch manufacturer. You can select the necessary item from the catalog by selecting the size, style, fittings or color scheme.

The Ikea catalog is quite extensive - from large sets to various small items, which allows you to create a complete interior by calculating its cost. IKEA Home Planner provides the ability to save your work and complete the purchase of all selected items. A high-quality picture in 3D format will help you evaluate the selected design in detail.

Ikea also has a separate kitchen design program called IKEA Kitchen Planner. The principle of operation is the same, but the choice of furniture specifically for these spaces is much wider, so we recommend downloading this application separately.


An excellent program for interior design and apartment planning from the creators of 3ds Max and AutoCAD.

Having launched Homestyler, you need to choose one of three proposed functions: interior from scratch, use of a ready-made scheme or a ready-made project from an extensive gallery. At the same time, you will have at your disposal many options for finishing, color schemes and real pieces of furniture that are included in the catalogs of famous brands.

6. Planoplan

Another tool for creating interiors with real furniture from stores, instead of fictitious models. There are three ways to work with the program: an online service, a free demo version or a paid version for professionals. At the same time, Planoplan continues to be constantly developed and updated. Another advantage is the presence of a Russian interface.

When working on the interior of an apartment, you can come up with a layout yourself or choose standard options. There is a function of a virtual tour of the finished project with the ability to view it on a smartphone.

Planoplan is suitable not only for thinking through the general layout, but also more detailed aspects. For example, to track how the shadow will move throughout the day, you can adjust the sunlight depending on the time of day. Many of the materials you use for your interiors have specifications. To understand all the functions, the site has video instructions that will clearly demonstrate the program management system.

7. PRO100

Unlike other online services and programs with a simple interface, you will have to spend a little time learning PRO100. This is a more professional application that allows you to transform every detail of the selected element: from texture to transparency. The demo version has limited functionality, but it is enough for planning or sketching.

An interesting feature that is rarely found in free programs for interior design and apartment planning: the ability to independently draw any object, adjusting its shape, size or texture, especially if you have goods from the store in mind. Before starting work, you need to specify the parameters of the premises, after which you can design the house of your dreams.

8. Interior design 3D

This program offers a comprehensive catalog of furniture, finishes and colors. Of course, the trial version limits the real properties, but they are quite enough to create a high-quality render.

Create your own layout by specifying exact parameters or choosing standard ones that are constantly added to the program database.

A simple interface in Russian, which is important. You can “walk through” the finished apartment project using the virtual tour function. The 3D planner offers you to save the finished plan, edit it or print it.

In general, the product is not much different from similar ones, but it is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of time mastering a new planner.

Official site:

To create something truly original and relevant is an extremely difficult task. So, when planning the renovation of any room, be it a living room or a bathroom, you will have to go through thousands of options for finishing and furniture arrangement, and “try on” dozens of styles and trends. And in order for the final result to exactly meet expectations, you need to think about all the details and nuances of the room in advance. And if previously a full picture of the renovation results was only in your head, now, with the help of modern construction programs, it is quite possible to build a visual model of the apartment design.

Using design software

Without a doubt, each of us has thought about changing our own home. So a well-planned interior can make even a small space cozy and functional. And if previously all your ideas were stored exclusively in your head, and you could demonstrate them only with paper and scissors, now this process has become much easier. Nowadays, there are a number of specialized programs for planning renovations, allowing you to clearly and accurately illustrate any idea within a given room.

The use of such programs allows you to calculate the required amount of finishing materials, choose the appropriate floor color, wall texture, plan the optimal arrangement of furniture and select lighting.

This software allows you not only to make the necessary calculations, but also presents the interior you have imagined in the form of a three-dimensional image. And you personally don’t have to draw anything - the program will do everything itself.

  • "ArchiCAD" - used for modeling architectural projects. With its help, you can not only recreate the interior of a room, but also independently plan the entire housing project, including the location of walls, pipelines and other communications and structures. This software environment allows you to use elements of any complexity in a project, be it stairs, paintings or frescoes. Moreover, the finished project is presented in the form of a high-quality photorealistic image.
  • "AutoCAD" is a powerful system suitable for designing and modeling the environment of both an entire house and a separate room. In addition to creating a future environment, the program allows you to generate all the necessary drawings, which is its main function. In addition, this environment allows you to create drawings of any necessary items in the interior.

  • "FloorPlan 3D" is a full-fledged program designed for planning and designing renovations of houses, apartments or offices. This is quite easy to use software that has all the functionality of professional applications. This way, the interior you have imagined can be viewed in 3D format from any angle. Plus, you can choose any material and texture to finish any surface. The software allows you to create a photorealistic image and alerts the user if significant errors are made.

Review of popular modeling programs

Below are the most commonly used versions of renovation design software. They differ in both functionality and methods of use.

  • Sweet Home 3D - this option is one of the simplest tools for planning the interior decoration of a home. Its interface allows it to work with both experienced and untrained users. In addition, this program has a Russian version. The downside of this software is the ability to use only those accessories that were installed by default. However, the simplicity and ease of use more than compensate for this small drawback.
  • Ikea HOme planner - this software is available online directly on the Ikea website. The entire furniture catalog of the application has been developed based on the Ikea assortment. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to recreate a photorealistic image, but it is more than possible to illustrate the general picture of the idea. Here you can experiment with furnishing options, decorative elements and finishing textures. This software is available to any user and does not require special knowledge or training.

  • Google Sketchup is a powerful design program with a multi-user interface. This software has 3 versions: professional (paid), limited (free, provided for personal use) and educational (for students). This software is ideal for creating both the interior and exterior of any structure. It is suitable for designing any structures, from residential buildings to multi-storey industrial structures of any complexity. This software also features an extensive catalog of ready-made templates. It allows you to create both a visual 3D projection and detailed design documentation. Plus, there are a lot of training materials and detailed instructions on how to use this program online.

Online versions

The programs presented below are available to any user for free, online.

  • Sweet Box 3D - the program has both local and online versions. This software can be easily used even by an untrained user. It allows you to create a detailed plan of both a separate room and the entire house, place furniture in it from the existing file cabinet and modify it at your own request. Demonstration of the final result is possible in both 2D and 3D format.
  • Stolplit – this option also has both online and offline versions. The software capabilities of the application allow you to create a plan of any room with specified dimensions, indicating window and door openings. If necessary, it is possible to recreate the volumetric projection of the planned premises. If your apartment has a standard standard layout, then you can download it from a standard template and deal exclusively with interior design. The program allows you to try on different options for materials and textures in a room. True, their choice is limited. However, to get a general idea of ​​the overall concept of the interior, this is quite sufficient.

When choosing such software, you need to be guided by a number of factors. So, first of all, when choosing a specific program, you need to proceed from the complexity of the final project and the technical capabilities of the software. If you need to not only visually imagine the idea of ​​decorating a room, but also draw up a detailed plan of it, observing all dimensions, then simplified versions are unlikely to suit you. For these purposes, it is better to choose options with advanced functionality.

The next equally important criterion is compliance with system requirements. So, if the technical parameters of your PC do not meet the minimum requirements of the application, then it simply will not start for you.

Another equally important indicator is the accessibility of the interface. Of course, if you want, you can figure it out in any program. But working with well-designed and well-built software will take you one day, while using a lower-quality product may take weeks.

When choosing a program, you should not immediately look for professional versions. Most of them are designed for experienced users with appropriate education. They are often used to create project documentation, and it will be difficult for an inexperienced beginner to understand them.

Regarding the language used, most modern applications have Russian versions.

As a last resort, you will have to use an online translator. However, this is not such a significant minus. The lion's share of all programs is built in such a way that any user can intuitively understand how to use any tool.

Lesson on creating a room interior in 3DMax: video


The use of interior planning programs can significantly simplify the process of designing future renovations and avoid many errors and inaccuracies during the work process. This option will be extremely useful for people who want to independently think through the future interior of their home. Such software allows you to create a two-dimensional floor plan while maintaining the original dimensions and, if necessary, reflect it in 3D format. Plus, you have the opportunity to experiment with different finishing options and arrangement of furniture and appliances.
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The development of technology greatly simplifies human life both in everyday affairs and in professional activities. These days, architects have stopped using paper, pencils and a ruler to create a plan. This process has become much easier, more fun and more productive. All this thanks to special programs with which you can create interior design and house layout.

Possibilities of interior design programs

Thanks to multifunctional interior design programs, the user can create a visualization of the house.

The programs have the following capabilities:

  1. Creating a plan that is much faster and more convenient than by hand.
  2. Selection of materials, their texture and color.
  3. Arrangement of furniture, appliances, lamps, etc. At the same time, you can change their shape and size.
  4. Rendering - the user sees a visualization of what is drawn in 3D volume.
  5. Calculation of approximate costs (estimate).

10 Free Interior Design Software

Now, to create the ideal home, it is not at all necessary to contact a design studio or draw everything by hand yourself. There is a list of the best programs with which you can create an interior design.


These are programs for those people who just need to see how best to arrange furniture or perform some other simple functions. They have basic capabilities, but nothing more. You can work with them in 2D mode.

Reference. Once upon a time, people specially drew a floor plan and moved cut-out cardboard models of furniture along it to arrange them correctly.


Free online service. His catalog contains real furniture. The room drawing is created as a background onto which images are dragged. The layout can be either standard or your own.

In this case, you can change the texture and color of objects, their scale. There are several spatial parameters. There is a PRO account that has a lot of features.


  • real objects of good quality.


  • works only online.

This video explains the basic functions of the online 3D room planner Planoplan:

Sweet Home 3D

Great for casual users. The program has a simple interface and is Russified. There are all the necessary interior items. They can be easily dragged with the mouse onto the floor plan.


  • easy and voluminous design creation.


  • when planning, you can use only those items that are in the program;
  • There are practically no variations in sizes, shapes and accessories (you must additionally download the missing catalogs from the official website).


The program is intended for designing furniture, as well as its further arrangement in a specific interior. Helps make a list of necessary accessories and materials. The user can detail the product and then export it to cutting programs. With its help, you can get projections with dimensions and print them in any convenient angle. Capable of working with complex parts.


  • easy interface that even an inexperienced user can understand;
  • good 3D visualization;
  • a large number of additional tools, thanks to which you can quickly create an interior according to the required parameters, and then arrange furniture in it;
  • you can use ready-made modules and create your own;
  • good picture quality, which is as close as possible to a photograph. Thanks to this, you can adjust the intensity of lighting, the transparency of materials and much more;
  • the ability to calculate the required amount for future work.


  • there is no set of “bindings”. In other words, markers with which you can mark the center of an object, the intersection of a line, etc.;
  • the user cannot apply edges;
  • there is no possibility of creating an additive map - drawings that have a diagram of fasteners or drilling holes in each part;
  • Only a demo version of the program is available for free, which does not have as rich functionality as the paid version;

Reference. The program is intended for furniture design, but is more suitable for working with a client.

How to create an interior design in the PRO100 program, learn from this video:

Planner 5D

At the very beginning of the work, the program offers several blanks - a country house, a hotel, an office visit. When creating a design, the user can use both the 2D format and switch to volumetric display mode.

There are many different additions and decorations to the interior of the room - curtains, sofa, chairs and much more.

In addition to creating the interior, the user can adjust the landscape design. For example, having placed all the necessary furniture in a country house, he can start installing a swimming pool, as well as flower beds near the premises. The program has fairly simple controls.


  • many useful tools;
  • the user can work in any mode: either 2D or 3D;
  • familiar and easy controls;
  • built-in types of premises;
  • the ability to create the necessary shape of the room.


  • there is paid additional content;
  • takes up a lot of memory;
  • may work poorly and slow down on weak technology;
  • there is advertising;
  • There may be glitches when switching between 2D and 3D modes.


This online application is not only suitable for amateurs, but is also interesting for professionals. It differs from others in that it contains a large number of projects that were created by other users. A person can be inspired by their works and create his own masterpiece.


  • a ready-made apartment plan is provided, and you can also upload your own photo to work with;
  • furniture arrangement is carried out in a three-dimensional image, and not on a plane.


  • To save your results, you must complete a free registration.


These programs are designed for architects who need to create high-quality interior design. They are for professionals in their field for whom the functionality of programs for ordinary users is not enough.


  • curves;
  • straight;
  • arcs;
  • shading.


  • universality for all industries.


  • Errors occur quite often when working with large models;
  • engineering calculations cannot be made;
  • A lot of time is spent on drawing up drawings.


This is a graphic application that is used when designing architectural and construction structures, furniture, landscape elements and much more.

The application has ready-made elements for design:

  • stairs;
  • window;
  • walls;
  • doors.

There are additional plugins.


  • natural connection of all parts of the project. The user can work not only with individual elements, but also with the building as a whole.


  • high cost of the licensed version of the program. But there is a less multifunctional version of the utility that will cost the user less.


Only a professional designer can work with this program. The image is very realistic and of good quality. Thanks to this, the customer can see the exact future appearance of his home. A designer has a large number of tools with which he can create a high-quality product.


  • a huge selection of tools that are necessary when modeling various architectural projects;
  • it is possible to analyze and adjust the illumination of a three-dimensional project;
  • The utility has a built-in photorealistic visualizer, thanks to which you can obtain high plausibility of the calculated image.


  • It will take a lot of time to create a sketch, but the end result is definitely worth it.


This program is popular among novice designers. There is both a paid version, which has more diverse functionality, and a free one.

Even in the free version, the user has all the necessary tools to create high-quality interior design in three dimensions. He can change the layout, arrange furniture, change sizes and colors.


  • the user can add markings and dimensions to ready-made objects;
  • using this program you can design not only a room, but also furniture, a car, landscape design and absolutely everything that is in space in three dimensions;
  • the finished project can be sent to the network.


  • the free version does not have such a large selection of objects, but they can be downloaded from the Internet;
  • simple shapes and lines are available to the user, but flat shapes can very easily be transformed into three-dimensional ones.

FloorPlan 3D

One of the best professional programs for interior design. With its help, you can create absolutely any room interior, while the user can virtually move through different rooms and offices. The project can be rotated to get a better look. The designer can easily select finishing materials for walls, ceilings, floors, and select windows and doors.

Reference. The latest version has some interesting additional features. The user can work with gates, polylines, fences, paths, balconies, attics and much more.

Important! The trial period is free; for further use you will need to purchase a license key.


  • very realistic sketch type;
  • the program is easy to use;
  • large and varied functionality;
  • if the designer does not have time to develop a plan, the libraries have ready-made layouts, as well as typical interiors. Therefore, the user can take them as a basis and then bring them to perfection, spending less time.


  • The program is large in size, so it takes up a lot of space on the PC;
  • the computer must have good RAM to work with the utility;
  • it's great for professionals, but they won't be able to discover anything new.

Nowadays, to create an interior design, you no longer need to prepare drawings on Whatman paper; you just need to learn how to use special programs. Utilities are divided into ordinary and professional, for standard actions and expensive projects. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, many are free, and some are available online.

Useful video

These and other programs are described in this video:

Undoubtedly, every person at least sometimes thinks about changing the design of their home, thanks to which any small apartment or huge cottage can be turned into the home of their dreams. If, until recently, a designer used an ordinary sheet of paper and scissors to help him, now everything is much simpler - special programs for designing an apartment will help accurately and clearly convey the architect’s plan, embodying all the small details and nuances in the finished picture.

Designing an apartment in a special program

Using such programs, you can select suitable ceilings, select and arrange furniture and other household items in the required order, create the necessary lighting, and then view the resulting option in a three-dimensional image. At the same time, you don’t need any drawing skills at all - the program will do everything on its own.

Many professionals recommend using programs such as 3D Studio MAX, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD. If you need free programs for designing an apartment, then FloorPlan 3D, Dom-3D and Sweet Home 3D are excellent options.

Sweet Home 3D program interface

Designed for three-dimensional modeling and animation, thanks to which you can create a computer interior design, simulate doors, walls, furniture, sinks, room lighting, etc. Using plugins that provide additional features, you can significantly expand the functionality of this program, creating magnificent textures for clothing, wool, and much more.

Apartment interior design in 3d Studio Max program

The ArchiCAD program is used for drawing and modeling. With its help, an opportunity arises in which all the details are taken into account - from the decoration to the foundation and walls.

Having learned to work with ArchiCAD, you can design interior elements of any complexity - doors, walls or windows. You can even decorate the ceiling with painting or sculpture - the huge functionality of the program will allow you to turn all your dreams into a high-quality, photorealistic image. This is one that is also suitable for drawing up the layout of an apartment.

Apartment design project in Archicad program

AutoCAD is a powerful computer design system that allows you to simulate the environment of a future interior on a computer and create the necessary designs. By the way, drawings are precisely the main purpose of this program.


The PRO100 program is a godsend for a person who wants to develop not only a new interior for his apartment, but also furnish it with designer furniture. The professional design and visualization platform has an extensive range of functions.

A huge advantage of PRO100 is the ability to work with different language packs. The Russian interface greatly simplifies the work for an inexperienced user and makes the process of adaptation to it much easier. In general, it is not difficult to understand the basic principles of the functioning and operation of the software. Any experienced PC user can handle this.

The main workspace is a platform for creating a project. The top horizontal menu quickly transforms into mobile toolbars. They can be placed in any convenient place. The most popular functions are placed in a visual horizontal menu with quick access.

In PRO100 you can design an entire interior, of absolutely any complexity, as well as individual pieces of furniture.

Each user can create the apartment of their dreams either from scratch or use a ready-made solution as a basis. The library of templates will please even the most demanding user. The ability to modify already created elements turns them into universal ones that can fit into any interior.

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Programs for design and calculation of ventilation systems

Creating an apartment interior in the pro100 program

The program automatically does most of the work for the user. It is enough to create a 3D model of the room, after which you will receive not only a visualized version, available for viewing from all sides and angles, but also detailed two-dimensional plans, indicating all dimensions and markings.

Astron Design

An ideal software product with Russian language support for easy work on visualization of room design. One of the best solutions for furnishing and choosing the final finishing of an apartment.

The working area of ​​the program is the room that the user will design. A pop-up window with parameters will allow you to quickly adjust the size of the room, determine the orientation of the room in space, and specify door and window openings. And after that, start solving specific problems.

To ensure that the project is as close to realistic as possible, the texture and colors of the floor, walls and ceiling are set using simple tools. This can be done by selecting ready-made solutions from built-in libraries. And furniture is brought into the finished room using the mouse and placed. Among the settings, you can specify which room you are furnishing, and depending on this, the program will select the necessary sets of furniture, finishing options, and decorative interior elements.

Astron Design allows you to create not only a rough sketch by arranging the main pieces of furniture, but also play with the nuances. Here you can also choose curtains, paintings, vases and indoor flowers. Lighting can also be planned in this interior designer. It is possible not only to hang a suitable chandelier or lamps, but also to see how the light and shadow from the lighting fixtures will fall.

FloorPlan 3D renovation design software

"FloorPlan 3D" is a complete version of a computer program designed for planning and designing the renovation of an office, apartment or house. This program has many of the features and functions of professional applications.

Apartment project in FloorPlan 3D program

Technical progress does not stand still and interior design keeps pace with it. Planning programs have long come into use that allow you to develop the design of individual rooms or an apartment as a whole using a computer. 3D interior design is actively used among professionals. It replaced outdated drawings, paper diagrams, models and layouts. Programs work on the principle of a designer. Dimensions and layout are entered. Then a stylistic concept, zoning, and furniture arrangement are developed. By placing decorative parts, the finished composition is polished. The program for creating 3D design carries out the necessary calculations itself. The result will be an interior as close to the real thing as possible. Let's talk about the features of programs for creating 3D interior design, their advantages, disadvantages and nuances of use.

What is 3D interior design?

You don't have to be a computer genius to learn how to use a visualization program. You can master the basics on your own in a few lessons or with the help of simple instructions that come with each planner. Three-dimensional models help to evaluate the merits of a future design project and eliminate its shortcomings at the project development stage. In addition, this option allows you to demonstrate to the customer what his home will look like in reality. Three-dimensional modeling has become an indispensable tool in the design profession. However, the programs are openly available to ordinary people. If you are planning to furnish a residential building with your own hands from start to finish, then the designer will become an indispensable assistant in this difficult task. Primitive, simple programs are designed to draw up black and white 3D plans, which take into account the number of floors of the house and the location of the rooms. Visualizers help to evaluate the convenience of placement of premises and mentally imagine how comfortable it will be to be in them. These programs marked the beginning of 3D modeling and were used by pioneering designers. In complex versions, “stuffed” with many additions, in addition to the location of the walls, you can plan the entire interior, down to the smallest decorative details. Working at the computer will take more than one hour, as the work is painstaking, but the result is worth it.

You can try your hand online. Many schedulers offer the use of a test demo version. Most of them are free. However, developers also need money for their “bread and butter”, so there are also paid programs that provide a high level of detail and are equipped with advanced functionality.

Advantages of 3D design

Apartment owners are lucky if they have a rich imagination. Looking at the paper plan, it is difficult to imagine a special relief instead of a wavy line on the wall. And it’s even more problematic to imagine how advantageously its texture will emphasize the simplicity of the decor. The process of objectively assessing the redevelopment of rooms in an apartment becomes almost unrealistic. The two most difficult rooms in the house are the kitchen and the bathroom. They are equipped with a set of communication lines, which are marked schematically on a regular plan. Subsequently, this sketch can bring a lot of problems, since many nuances will simply not be taken into account. Interior design in 3D prevents these difficulties. The program allows you to create an individual plan embodying the most daring design solutions, taking into account style features and competent layout of zones. In addition, most designers, when entering dimensions, carry out calculations independently. As a result, the user will receive a full report on the amount of finishing materials required to decorate the room.

Planners have found their application in the design of home interiors and in the design of complex production facilities. In these cases, approximate sketches are not used at all, since errors can develop into a disaster.

Disadvantages of 3D design

There are practically no disadvantages to 3D modeling. This situation arose due to the highly outdated methods of working with layouts that were used previously. Perhaps the only controversial disadvantage is the time cost. To learn how to create a comfortable, thoughtful interior design, you will have to spend more than one hour on master classes and training lessons.

Review of programs for interior designer

There are a lot of programs for creating three-dimensional models of room interiors. From the variety, you need to choose exactly your option, which will be convenient to work with. The functionality and set of tools in each program is also different. Some are designed for professionals, while others are made in primitive versions for beginners. Let's try to understand a dozen popular schedulers and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

Working with the program begins with registration on the service or with authorization through a Facebook page. You can start a design project from a blank sheet of paper, that is, start planning, or use one of the standard apartment plans that are presented in the catalog. The program gallery provides access to ready-made works of other users. They can be taken as a basis for your own project or used as a source of creative ideas. The planner's detail is slightly above average. The catalogs present various types of furniture, options for windows, doors, stairs. The color palette and range of textures are quite rich. The program stores information in the cloud, so you can only work with it online. The planner is free, Russified and designed for designers of the “amateur” or “beginner” levels.

The program is designed for beginner designers. The detailing is primitive, but installing objects is simple: just drag them from the catalog to the desired location. The planner allows you to create a comprehensive interior picture: from furniture to decorative items. Unfortunately, the range of items is limited. Additionally, new catalogs are available for download on the manufacturer’s website. The program is free.

The program was launched by a famous Swedish furniture manufacturer. Ikea has always been distinguished by its original approach, so it was able to distinguish itself here too. Even a beginner can handle the program. Any room (living room, bedroom, kitchen) can be designed, furniture and decorative elements can be placed in it. However, the choice is offered exclusively from the IKEA assortment. That is, the program combined the capabilities of 3D modeling with an advertising campaign. Essentially, Ikea home planner is a visualized catalog of Swedish products. The program is free, but one of its advantages is an additional function - calculating the total cost of furniture.

The 3D visualizer is released in two versions:

  • Google Sketchup Pro. Has wider functionality. The version is designed for professional designers. You will have to pay to use the program.
  • Google Sketchup. Simple, free version for beginners. More like a demo.

Before you buy Google Sketchup Pro, it is better to try the primitive version of the planner to evaluate its advantages and identify its shortcomings. However, even a program for beginners allows you to create a full-fledged interior: layout, color scheme, decoration, furniture and decor. In addition to the already placed elements, dimensions and markings are added. The simple version does not have in its arsenal such catalogs as the professional one. In addition to the interior of the premises, the design of the garage, landscape design of the site and even the street are available.

The program works only online. To start registration, go through a quick registration. Unfortunately, the visualizer is not Russified, so it’s difficult to understand without school knowledge of English. The detailing of the picture is a little lacking, but the service involves planning not only furniture or finishing materials, but also communication systems, stairs, and partitions. The function of walking around the house and viewing pictures from inside the premises is available.

The planner is designed for beginners. The program has a simple interface and a standard set of tools. The function of downloading the apartment plan is available. The visualizer is not Russified, but even a person with a regular pocket dictionary who does not know the language can master the English symbols. Roomle operates exclusively online and is free to use. The function of walking around the house is available, zooming in on areas of interest in the room.

You can only work with the service online, that is, the scheduler stores data in the cloud and is not designed for downloading and installation on a computer. The layout of the room is presented as a schematic background. The main emphasis in the program is on furniture and finishing materials. For any surface, you can independently select the shade, texture, patterns or designs, glossy shine or matte finish. The planner is distinguished by high image quality, since it uses real furniture, developed by designers, not programmers. The demo version is free, to work with a PRO account you need to buy a license.

A Russian planner that allows you to independently develop an interior and design furniture elements. The function of applying dimensions to the model is available. The additional catalog presents successful examples of design for kitchens, living rooms, hallways, bathrooms and bedrooms. The interiors are already finished and designed by professionals. They are used as templates or sources of inspiration. The planner is used by both experienced designers and beginners. Free trial demo version only.

The Astron planner can hardly be called a full-fledged visualizer, since the images in it are two-dimensional. To a large extent, it is a primitive program for arranging furniture and choosing a color scheme for a room. In the planner, the dimensions of the rooms are added, the texture and pattern of finishing materials are selected. Until recently, the palette of colors was scarce. The updated catalogs have more color variations. The program is free and suitable for beginner designers as a training example.

The program is equipped with wide functionality. It involves creating a layout, choosing finishing materials, furniture, and interior decorations. In the visualizer you can design a small one-room apartment, a country mansion, a studio with conditional or actual zoning. The catalog presents more than 60 furniture options and over 100 types of finishing materials. You can use elements for classic, modern, Scandinavian, Italian styles. The “walk around the house” function is available, that is, the user evaluates with his own eyes not only the plan from the outside, but also the features of the decoration from inside the room. Working with the program is quite simple. Only a demo version is publicly available. It is free and allows you to evaluate the capabilities of the program. To continue working with the planner, you will have to pay for a subscription.

The program is distinguished by highly detailed and realistic images. Before use, register on the official website in order to synchronize projects with the server. That is, the user can work in the program on a mobile device or computer, and then edit projects online on the planner website. The visualizer allows you to design interior, exterior and landscape design. The catalogs contain furniture, finishing materials, decorative elements, different types of windows, staircases, doors. Pools, garden paths, fences, and lanterns are used to decorate the site. You can store projects in the cloud. The function of entering room dimensions is available. The catalogs are also replete with colors, types of textures, designs and surface patterns. The program is partially free. Some items in the catalogs are “locked” and become available only after you sign up for a paid subscription. If the designer needs to carry out routine repairs, then a one-week purchase of the right to use the full version will be enough.

The planner is designed for professionals. FloorPlan 3D allows you to do interior design, exterior and landscape design. The catalogs are rich in finishing materials, furniture, types of windows, doors and stairs. Color and texture are “tried on” for each object. In the latest version of the visualizer, the developers have added additional elements: attics, fences, paths, street lamps, balconies and decorative fences. There is also a new feature - creating polylines. The interior is developed in stages and at any time you can “walk” around the room in order to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the design. Only the trial version of the program is free. After “testing the pen” you will have to buy a license for further work.


The review presents popular programs. If the user is just mastering the basics of design and modeling, then he should start with simple planners to get his bearings. You may not like the activity at all, so free demo versions are optimal for familiarizing yourself with the functionality of the visualizer and sensibly assessing your own capabilities.

A well-designed interior design becomes a true work of art. Not only knowledge of “dry” design laws is put into it, but also a piece of the soul. If you approach the matter with imagination, the decoration of the apartment will be both beautiful and homely.


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