Interim voting results love of the year.

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Yesterday in city apartments there was next stage Love of the Year competition, where an apartment is awarded as a prize. It also became known that the Nikita-Darina couple yesterday went to look at the prize apartment, which is located in a residential complex called May. Now everyone is wondering if the couple really thinks they will win this competition. Although anything can happen, because they practically caught up in percentage terms and overtook the Kucherov-Efremenko pair. They are ahead of them by 0.9 percent according to the Dom 2 website.
Yesterday, couples underwent various tests, this involved applying makeup to their girlfriends, which had to be done while wearing a reversal mask. By the way, Kucherov was the best; he really coped with this task with an A. But for the rest it turned out poorly. And the girls had to dress their boyfriends in the same masks. By the way, Olga Orlova and Vlad Kadoni also played along in these competitions, they participated and portrayed a couple in them. Here are the results for this hour in pairs:
Kuznetsov and Markina 35.2%
Kucher and Evremenkova 34.3%
Kupin and Dontsova 19.6%
Salenko and Frost 4.3%
Shepel and Kurochka 0.9%
Joseph and Sasha 0.9%
Walter and Olesya 0.7%

As we see, the couple Salenko and Frost are behind all the leaders of the competition, and Lesha and Maya also reduced their momentum in the competition.

Results of the 2018 Russian presidential elections – voting results
Presidential elections - most important events for any country, because they are the ones who determine what its near future will be like. The recent vote in Russia is no exception. The results of the 2018 Russian presidential elections indicate a landslide victory for the current president of the country, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

The voting results did not surprise either experts, outside observers, or the participants in the presidential race themselves. What happened was exactly what political scientists expected and what most polls predicted.

To be convinced of this, just look at the results of pre-election studies by VTsIOM, where Putin was called the clear favorite. Similar information is provided by monitoring trust ratings, which have been at record high levels for several years.

Preliminary results of the 2018 Russian presidential elections

Despite the fact that the exact results will be made public a little later, approximate data on the votes collected can be seen now. According to currently available information, the vote count showed the following results of the 2018 presidential election in the Russian Federation:

Putin received the approval of more than 70% of voters;
Grudinin came second, scoring just over 8%;
Zhirinovsky, who received almost the same number of votes, was slightly behind the communist representative;
opposition representative Ksenia Sobchak remained fourth, receiving the support of about 4% of voters;

the remaining candidates received the approval of less than 1% of citizens participating in the elections.

The final figures may still change slightly. But, given the difference between the performance of the current head of state and his main competitors, we can now confidently say that he will continue to hold his position for the next 6 years.

Information on public turnout

Political scientists and experts were also pleased with the turnout of voters who decided to vote for their candidate. According to available information, about 65% of the country's population with voting rights (that is, adults and capable citizens) attended the vote.

Despite the fact that such results were predicted by experts and expected by representatives of the Central Election Commission, the final result can safely be called a victory for democracy and a success of the election campaign.

In addition to the high turnout rate, experts highlight another extremely interesting nuance. Last weekend, voters were particularly active in exercising their right to vote outside their place of residence. They declared such a desire in advance and received documents allowing them to do so. As a result, this opportunity was used 3 times more people than it was in previous years.

Key trends ahead of the vote

It is also noteworthy that the current results are close to those observed during the pre-election debates. Recent months have seen a slight decline in the popularity of the main candidates for victory and an increase in the chances of their competitors. Thus, polls showed a slight drop in Vladimir Putin’s rating. Compared to the beginning of the year, they fell by 3-4%. It should be noted that they reached their highest level over the past year in August and January. At that time, the trust and approval rate was 77%.

But, given the huge gap between the current head and his rivals, such changes are not of fundamental importance and do not affect the final result and the general degree of public confidence in the head of state.

Russian presidential election voting results 2018

To summarize, the first step is to once again highlight the turnout indicator positively. He was at the highest level for recent years level and clearly reflected the population’s interest in political life countries. Almost 2/3 of citizens with the right to vote took advantage of the opportunity to express their will.

Assessing the preliminary results of the 2018 Russian presidential elections, it is necessary to especially emphasize the confident victory of the current leader of the country, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The number of votes he received clearly indicates the population’s faith in the head of state and support for his chosen course. In addition, such results give him the opportunity to continue his endeavors and support the previously chosen course of development of Russia.

Fans of the popular television project on Russian television “Dom-2”, who closely follow the events on it, are trying to understand who won the “Love of the Year 2017” competition, which has come to its logical conclusion.

The “Love of the Year” competition ended at “Dom-2”, won by Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina. For most television viewers, this news did not come as a surprise, since such a result of the competition was obvious.

However, according to the version of the television project website, Sergei Kucherov and Yulia Efremenkova won. Long time the organizers were guided by the results of the audience voting posted on the Internet resource.

It is expected that the Kucherov-Efremenkova couple will receive either a monetary reward or a vacation trip. But the consolation prize promised to the participants was not appreciated by the fans.

In their opinion, when announcing the winner, it is necessary to refer to the site where viewers vote.

“Why was it necessary to organize this competition if the winner was initially determined? They would have given the apartment to Kuznetsov and Markina right away,” Dom-2 fans expressed their indignation.

Since such a competition is held annually by the organizers of the reality show, serious struggle and rivalry unfolds on the site every year. The top three leaders of the “Love of the Year” competition were Nikita Kuznetsov with Darina Markova, Sergey Kucherov with Yulia Efremenkova and Zakhar Salenko with Leroy Frost.

The contestants went through incredible tests, sometimes very tough and cruel, overcoming their fear and sense of disgust. Some were injured, risking dropping out of the competition, but they were still able to survive and win their, albeit small, victory.

The ceremonial awarding of the couples will take place on the air of the program on September 15, 2017, on the same evening the guys will show their concert, creating a colorful and bright atmosphere of the festive evening.

Initially, 12 couples were announced to participate in the competition. For two months, the couples demonstrated their talents to television viewers, built relationships, and competed for the title “Love of the Year.” Every week the voting results were summed up. The main prize of the competition is an apartment in Moscow.

Information about who won the House-2 “Love of the Year” competition was leaked to the Internet. According to the Dom 2 online portal, the couple Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina won the competition. Their tandem received 53.3% of the votes, which ensured their victory.

Nikita Kuznetsov’s post with words of gratitude, which appeared online on September 9, was very soon deleted. Most likely, this is due to the fact that there has not yet been an official announcement of the winners of the competition. The announcement of the results on the air of Dom-2 will take place on September 15, 2017.

Yesterday was the final final stage of the competition, it was the tenth. The couples performed musical and choreographic numbers. Everyone performed well, the audience liked everything. Then Salenko, Kuznetsov and Kucherov took a lie detector test, during which they were asked “uncomfortable” questions about cheating on their girlfriends. Voting closed at midnight and now next Friday, September 15, the winner of the competition will be officially announced and the prize will be awarded.
IN in this case they will receive Moscow registration and become the owners of an apartment in the capital. At one time, Kuznetsov even wanted to withdraw from the competition; he injured the ligaments in his hand with glass during the competition. But everything worked out well, he received stitches and continued to participate.
But the couple Frost and Salenko broke up immediately after the polygraph, on Lera’s initiative. These are the results of the competition after the final fight:
Kuznetsov and Markina - 54.8%
Kucherov and Efremenkova - 39.51%
Salenko and Frost - 5.91%.

Love of the year on House 2 - voting on 09/02/2017

The Love of the Year competition on Dom 2 will soon come to an end, and this week the couple Nikita and Darina are again in the lead at the ninth stage.
Yesterday Maya and Lesha Kupin were eliminated from the competition because they received the least number of votes in a week. And now there are only three couples left in the competition.
In second place is Kucher and his Yulia, they collected 32.5% after yesterday's episode, where the participants had to teach lessons to schoolchildren. For this, the guys gave them marks. Yesterday's competition was called the Day of Knowledge.
Lera and Zakhar have scored only 2.5% to date.
And the leaders, Nikita and Darina, took the lead and had 58.3% of the audience votes.

Love of the Year for House 2 midterm voting on 08/26/17

And again the couple Kucherov and Efremenkova took the lead; they scored 40.2 percent after yesterday's test. The essence of the test was that the couple was placed in a closed rectangle, blindfolded and with their hands facing each other. On command, they had to begin to untie the ropes on their hands and free themselves from these bonds in a certain amount of time. And at this time they were poured with water, balls and feathers were sprinkled on them, as well as other objects. With their eyes closed and wearing bandages, everyone felt like they were being showered with live cockroaches and worms. Everyone screamed out loud, not only girls, but also guys. Only Sergei showed restraint and behaved reasonably and quietly.
In second place are Nikita and Darina, they now have 34.1% of the votes, followed by the couple Salenko and Frost with a score of 11.7%, in last place is the fourth couple of Maya and Kupina, 11.2% voted for them. If they don’t get more votes in a week, they will most likely drop out of the race. Nikita Kuznetsov seriously injured his hand and now his participation in strength competitions is in question.
Kurochka and Shepel left the competition yesterday because they had the fewest votes from viewers.

Voting results for Love of the Year in House 2 on 08/12/2017

The Love of the Year competition continues and has already passed the fifth stage of the competition. Were very interesting competitions for couples, the girls were subjected to checks in stressful situations, and the guys played their roles. Joseph was given a dark-skinned child, but Kucherov played the role of his Yulka. There were only six couples, one Olesya-Walter couple dropped out of the competition yesterday as the couple that received the fewest votes from viewers. Couples had to talk about what they were most afraid of.
And this is what the competition table of participants looks like now based on the votes of viewers:
Kucherov Sergey and Yulia 40.54%;
Kuznetsov Nikita and Darina 39.08%;
Salenko Zakhar and Lera 7.17%;
Kupin Lesha and Maya 6.54%;
Shepel Peter and Vera 4.84%;
Joseph and Sasha 1.83%.
Kucherov and Efremenkova are again in the lead, and the couple Darina and Nikita are quite a bit behind, with Frost and Zakhar in third place. The competition continues, because there is a tempting prize ahead of them.

Love of the year in House 2 - voting results as of 08/05/2017

Yesterday, the next stage of the Love of the Year competition took place in city apartments, where an apartment was awarded as a prize. It also became known that the Nikita-Darina couple yesterday went to look at the prize apartment, which is located in a residential complex called May. Now everyone is wondering if the couple really thinks they will win this competition. Although anything can happen, because they practically caught up in percentage terms and overtook the Kucherov-Efremenko pair. They are ahead of them by 0.9 percent according to the Dom 2 website.
Yesterday, couples underwent various tests, this involved applying makeup to their girlfriends, which had to be done while wearing a reversal mask. By the way, Kucherov was the best; he really coped with this task with an A. But for the rest it turned out poorly. And the girls had to dress their boyfriends in the same masks. By the way, Olga Orlova and Vlad Kadoni also played along in these competitions, they participated and portrayed a couple in them. Here are the results for this hour in pairs:
Kuznetsov and Markina 35.2%
Kucher and Evremenkova 34.3%
Kupin and Dontsova 19.6%
Salenko and Frost 4.3%
Shepel and Kurochka 0.9%
Joseph and Sasha 0.9%
Walter and Olesya 0.7%

As we see, the couple Salenko and Frost are behind all the leaders of the competition, and Lesha and Maya also reduced their momentum in the competition.

Love of the Year in House-2 - voting results after the third stage

Yesterday the third stage of the Love of the Year competition took place in city apartments. And the guys showed off their culinary skills on female models. Several types were presented national cuisines. The girls, sitting in the hall, had to understand which of their pair presented this or that cuisine.
Darina immediately guessed what Nikita presented Caucasian cuisine.
But Efremenkova was wrong the first time, and guessed the second time that Kucherov was introducing Russian cuisine with pickled cucumbers and vodka.
The situation is such that the Kucherov-Efremenkova pair takes first place after the 3rd stage, by a large margin. They received 43% of the votes, but Maya and Alexey are significantly inferior to them, they have only 32.2%, and in third place is the couple Nikita and Darina, for whom 8.0% of viewers voted.

House-2 Love of the year: interim voting results from July 15, 2017

Yesterday the second stage of the competition took place and all the participants' performances were shown to television viewers. They competed yesterday with children who asked the participants questions. One member of the pair answered the questions, while the other went through a more difficult test.
For example, while Kucherov was answering questions from schoolchildren, Efremenkova was lying in a swimsuit in the bathroom, surrounded by three snakes, these were huge boas. Naturally she cried and was afraid.
Just like Vera Hen cried when huge spiders were planted on her.
But Sasha Chernykh screamed in pain, she was given a cupping vacuum massage while her Joseph answered the questions of the competition.
Rapunzel was skewered with leeches that drank her blood.
But Zakhar Salenko pumped out with a load while Lera answered questions.
Now, according to the results of the site, Maya and Alexey are in first place, they have 32.2%, Kucherov-Efremenkova are only 0.2% behind and their result was 32.0%. The Nikita-Darina couple holds third place with a result of 9.6%. Although Valery and Tata dropped out, they had 7.7%.

Love of the year in House 2 results for 07/14/2017

The competition is gaining momentum and the voting situation has already changed. Since Tata and Valera left the competition for an objective reason - the birth of a child, another couple became the leaders. This is Maya Dontsova and Alexey Kupin. All their fans can't get enough of their leadership. This is what the voting results look like so far:

They have 30.8% of the audience's votes, the Efremenko-Kucherov couple lagged behind them. Now there is information that Yulia was severely beaten by Sergei and she is in the hospital with injuries. If this is confirmed, then they may be removed from the competition, since Buzova warned everyone about this on the last talk show.

Why did the Blumenkrants abandon the competition?

Two days ago, Tatu and Valera were congratulated on the birth of their daughter, but today fans of the couple learned that they officially confirmed that they were leaving the Love of the Year 2017 competition.
They voiced their reason, and it was that the well-being and health of their newborn daughter is now more important to them than participation and an ephemeral prize in the form of an apartment in Moscow. They don’t have time to do rehearsals; they will spend it on caring for the newborn.
Moreover, a “war” for the prize usually begins between competitive couples, and this does not bode well.
Thanks to their departure, the Kucherov-Efremenkova couple took first place.

House -2 Competition Love of the Year 2017

Today, the seventh of July, the long-awaited competition on the country's television set officially starts; all couples from the Sechelles have returned to take part in it. The competition is called Love of the Year, and twelve couples will take part in it. This is more than there have ever been couples in love in such competitions. The competition begins on 07/07/2017, and ends at the very beginning of September, when the winning couple will be selected.

Who will participate House -2 Love Competition

Twelve couples became participants in the competition based on the results current year. Here is their list:
  • The beautiful Darina and the boring Kuznetsoy Nikita.
  • Powerful Sasha Cherno and her boyfriend Esya.
  • Former priest Walter and girlfriend Julia.
  • Dontsova Maya and her future husband Lesha Kupin.
  • Loving Zakhar with Lera Frost.
  • Yulia Efremenkova, winner of the acting school and boyfriend of S. Kucherov.
  • Former officer Zakharyash and his mercantile girlfriend Chetraru.
  • Tata and Valera Blumenkrantsy, who now live outside the perimeter waiting for replenishment.
  • Newcomer Nikita Shelyukov and Yuliana.
  • Editor Vera Kurochka with Petya Shepel.
  • Married couple of Rapuncils - Dima and Olga.

How and where to vote for the Love for House -2 contest

The conditions of the competition are such that every week viewers will vote through the TNT Club application, and therefore the weakest couple will leave the competition every week at their discretion. When the final of the competition comes, there will be only one couple left, which will receive the main prize. This application should be downloaded for free online and installed on your mobile phone.

What is the prize in the competition Love for the House -2

The prize will be awarded in a very relevant competition - this is an apartment in the capital, Moscow. Kadoni announced that the apartment is located in an excellent area, there is excellent and developed infrastructure. It costs a lot of money. The winning couple will receive an apartment and become Muscovites.


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