Follow the movement of a drop of water falling from the clouds. How will she end up in the clouds again? Which of the chains of transformations is correct? What air gas is needed for breathing?

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Test “Air and its properties. Water and its properties" 3rd class PNS

1. Air is a) a mixture of gases, dust and steam;

b) any substance of nature;

c) a substance that can simultaneously be in different states:

liquid, solid and gaseous.

2. What substances make up air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

3. What air gas is needed for breathing?

a) nitrogen; b) oxygen; c) carbon dioxide.

4.What properties does air have? Select and underline the answers.

has no smell; expands when heated;

has no color; shrinks when cooled;

solvent; blue color;
transparency; fluidity;
conducts heat poorly;

5. Double frames are installed in the windows to retain heat.

What property of air is being used?

a) when heated, air expands;

b) when cooling, the air compresses;

c) air is a poor conductor of heat.

6. How should we protect air from pollution?

a) Stop all factories and factories, stop logging. Prohibit the use of motor vehicles. Turn the Earth into one huge reserve.

b) Factories and factories must have dust and harmful substance collectors. Transport must be made environmentally friendly. Create belts of gardens, parks and forests in and around cities.

7. Ice and snow are water...

a) in a solid state;

b) in a liquid state;

c) in a gaseous state.

8.You washed the floor in the classroom. Why after a while he became dry?

a) water has evaporated from the floor surface;

b) water has absorbed into the floor surface;

c) water remained on the soles of the shoes of the students who were walking

by class.

9.Trace the movement of a drop of water falling from the clouds.

How will she end up in the clouds again? (Which one chains of transformations correct?)

a) Cloud – a drop of water – the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land – evaporation of water – water vapor – cloud;

b) cloud – the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land – water droplets – water vapor – cloud;

c) Cloud - water vapor - the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land - water droplets - cloud.

o cloud water droplet surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land

water evaporation water vapor cloud;

o cloud surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land droplets of water

water vapor cloud;

o cloud of water vapor the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land

drop of water cloud.

What causes cracks to form in rocks and stones?

o due to heating of rocks and stones on warm sunny days;

o due to the cooling of rocks and stones at night;

o due to uneven expansion and contraction of rocks and stones.

What types of wildlife accelerate the destruction of rocks?

o animals;

o plants;

o fungi and microbes.

What is formed when rocks and stones break down?

o sand and clay;

o marble and granite;

o water and gas.

What type of nature can soil be classified as?

o to the living;

o to inanimate;

o non-living and Live nature combine in the soil.

What is soil made of?

o from microbes, plant roots, various animals living in the soil;

o from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts;

o from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts, as well as microbes, plant roots and various animals living in the soil.

What do plants get from the soil?

o humus, sand, clay;

o air, water, salts;

o remains of plants and animals.

What affects soil fertility?

o presence of humus in the soil;

o presence of water in the soil;

o presence of sand and clay in the soil.

How does humus turn into salts necessary for plant nutrition?

o thanks to animals living in the soil;

o thanks to the water and air contained in the soil;

o thanks to microbes living in the soil.

What is the name of plant science?

o botany;

o zoology;

o astronomy.

23.Underline titles coniferous plants one feature, flowering ones - two features:

Apple tree, spruce, currant, pine, dandelion, juniper.

What conditions does a plant need to form sugar and starch?

o presence of water and carbon dioxide;

o presence of soil and air;

o the presence of light, water and carbon dioxide.

What important substance is formed in the leaf along with nutrients?

o carbon dioxide;

o oxygen.

What is the science of animals called?

o botany;

o zoology;

o astronomy.

Which of the following animals is a fish?

o dolphin;

o hippopotamus;

Which of the following animals are herbivores?

o cows, hippos, giraffes;

o wolves, foxes, wild boars;

o moose, seals, whales.

Which power circuit is indicated correctly?

o pine woodpecker bark beetle;

o slug cabbage toad;

o rye mouse snake eagle.

Who gives birth to live babies and feeds them with milk?

31.Which word is missing: egg - ... - adult fish?

o larva;

o tadpole.

32.Which word is missing: egg - larva - ... - butterfly?

o pupa;

o caviar.

A grasshopper is an insect. Does it go through the pupal stage in its development?

o all insects have pupae;

o grasshoppers do not have a pupal stage;

o A grasshopper's egg hatches into an adult insect - large and with wings.

At what time of year is hunting and fishing prohibited?

What plants are used in medicine?

o beautiful;

o medicinal;

o high.

36. Rare plants are prohibited from collecting. They are under special protection:

o in nature reserves;

o on personal plot;

o on boulevards and squares.

Where is it grown? rare plants, brought from all over the world?

o in parks;

o in public gardens;

o in botanical gardens.

What animals are listed in the Red Book?

o tiger, walrus, flamingo, golden eagle;

o cow, horse, goose, rooster;

o pig, sheep, duck, turkey.

Some species of animals have already been saved. Name them.

o squirrel, hare, wild boar;

o beaver, sable, marten;

o elk, fox, wolf.

40.Add power circuits:

o aspen hare, elk wolf;

o rye mouse owl;

o algae fish heron

TEST PAPER No. 4 on the topic

"We and our health"

o Physiology;

o Zoology;

o Anatomy.

o Without intestines;

o Without a brain;

o Without spleen.

eyes organ of touch

ears organ of taste

nose organ of vision

skin organ of smell

tongue organ of hearing

o Is the support of the body.

o Brain;

o Spleen.

o From the skeleton and muscles;

o From ligaments and tendons;

o From cartilage and bones.

Where does digestion begin?

o In the stomach;

o In the intestines.

o Thanks to blood;

o Thanks to nerve fibers;

o Thanks to muscles.

What substance in air does the body's organs need to function?

o Oxygen;

o Carbon dioxide;

In which organ does gas exchange between air and blood occur?

o In the bronchi;

o In the lungs.

Through what organs is carbon dioxide and harmful substances removed from the body?

o Through the liver, intestines, bladder;

o Through the skin, kidneys, lungs;

o Through the heart, stomach, gall bladder.

19.For soil formation you need:

o Several days;

o Several years;

o Thousands of years.

20. The underground part of the mushroom is called:

o Mushroom plant;

o Mycelium;


Why do you need to know your body?

o To maintain and improve health;

o To think, speak, work;

o To skillfully use your capabilities.

What is the name of the science that studies the structure of the human body?

o Physiology;

o Zoology;

o Anatomy.

The human body consists of organs. Which line lists only human organs?

o Eyes, lungs, stomach, skin;

o Heart, brain, kidneys;

o Liver, spleen, ears, bile.

How many sense organs do you know?

Without which organ would it be impossible to see, hear, smell and taste?

o Without intestines;

o Without a brain;

o Without spleen.

Which line contains words that describe a healthy person?

o Stooped, strong, clumsy, tall;

o Humpbacked, pale, frail, short;

o Slender, strong, dexterous, stately.

7. Connect the organs and their functions with lines:

eyes organ of touch

ears organ of taste

nose organ of vision

skin organ of smell

tongue organ of hearing

What role does the fat that the skin secretes play?

o Makes the skin soft and elastic;

o Makes the skin firm and strong;

o Makes skin agile and slender.

Which skin care items are listed correctly?

o Toothbrush, toothpaste, chewing gum;

o Washcloth, soap, towel, cream;

o Shoe polish, shoe brush, glue.

What is the role of the human skeleton?

o Protects internal organs from damage;

o By contracting and relaxing, it moves the muscles;

o Is the support of the body.

What organ is located inside the skull?

o Brain;

o Spleen.

What does a person’s posture depend on?

o From the skeleton and muscles;

o From ligaments and tendons;

o From cartilage and bones.

Why does a person need food?

o A person receives nutrients from food;

o With food, a person receives the oxygen necessary for life;

o A person receives water and vitamins with food.

Where does digestion begin?

o In the stomach;

o In the intestines.

Due to which the particles nutrients spread throughout the body?

o Thanks to blood;

o Thanks to nerve fibers;

o Thanks to muscles.

Topic: Air and its protection

1. What substances make up air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

2. What air gas is needed for breathing?

a) nitrogen;

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

3. What properties does air have?

a) Blue, like the sky, conducts sounds, transmits them Sun rays, has no smell.

b) Transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly.

c) Dust blows through the air with the wind, the smell depends on surrounding objects, and with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.

4. Double frames are installed in the windows to retain heat.What property of air is being used?

a) when heated, air expands;

b) when cooling, the air compresses;

c) air is a poor conductor of heat.

5. How should we protect air from pollution?

a) Stop all factories and factories, stop logging. Prohibit the use of motor vehicles. Turn the Earth into one huge reserve.

b) Factories and factories must have dust and harmful substance collectors. Transport must be made environmentally friendly. Create belts of gardens, parks and forests in and around cities.

Topic: Water and its properties

  1. Ice and snow are water...

a) in a solid state;

b) in a liquid state;

c) in a gaseous state.

  1. What happens to water when heated?

a) water contracts when heated;

b) water expands when heated;

c) no changes occur with water.

3.What causes water pipes to burst in winter?

a) due to the fact that water, turning into ice, expands;

b) due to the fact that water, turning into ice, is compressed;

c) damage water pipes is not related to the presence of water in them.

  1. You washed the floor in the classroom. Why after a while he became dry?

A) water has evaporated from the floor surface;

B) water has absorbed into the floor surface;

C) water remained on the soles of the shoes of the students who were walking

By class.

  1. Follow the movement of a drop of water falling from the clouds. How will she end up in the clouds again? (Which onechains of transformations correct?)

A) Cloud – a drop of water – the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land – evaporation of water – water vapor – cloud;

b) cloud – the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land – water droplets – water vapor – cloud;

c) Cloud - water vapor - the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land - water droplets - cloud.


  • solids
  • liquids

Topic: World of celestial bodies


Is the sun a star? …………

  • Layout
  • globe
  • Map

4. What word is missing here?

  • Regulus
  • Aldebaran
  • Venus
  • Sun

? ……………………………………………


4. What word is missing here?

  • Sirius
  • Jupiter
  • Neptune

Topic: Water and its properties.

1. Ice and snow are water...

a) in a solid state;

b) in a liquid state;

c) in a gaseous state.

a) only in summer;

b) at a temperature of +1000;

c) at a temperature of 00;

Topic: Air and its protection.

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

Topic: Land storage

I've done the work:________ _____________________


sand, clay

granite, peat

tin and copper ores

coal, natural gas

graphite, sulfur

marble, granite

natural gas, oil

we preserve ore reserves

clearing the area of ​​debris

1. What profession do people find mineral deposits in nature?


2.Which minerals are used in construction?

sand, clay

granite, peat

coal, salt

3.Which minerals serve as fuel?

tin and copper ores

coal, natural gas

graphite, sulfur

4.What minerals are extracted using drilling rigs?

marble, granite

natural gas, oil

5.Why do we collect scrap metal?

we preserve ore reserves

clearing the area of ​​debris

We take part in a competition between classes

1. Minerals are:

A) elements of living nature

B) natural substances

A) locations

B) deposits

B) location

D) limestone

I've done the work: ___________________________________________

1. Minerals are:

A) elements of living nature

B) natural substances

C) natural mineral compounds.

2. Granite contains (find the odd one out and cross it out)

mica, marble, spar, clay, quartz.

3. Rocks and minerals that people use in farming are called _________________________________

4. Places where mineral deposits occur are called

A) locations

B) deposits

B) location

5. Liquid minerals include:

D) limestone

View document contents
“Tests on the surrounding world. 3rd grade (1st quarter) »

Topic: What does everything consist of?

    humans, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that was made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

3. Wildlife includes:

    humans, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that was made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

4.Living beings differ from objects of inanimate nature in that:

    they breathe, feed, grow, bear offspring, die;

    they talk, run and jump, laugh and cry, grow, die;

    they move, grow, change surrounding nature, die.

5 . The property of fluidity characterizes:




1.Underline the names of natural objects:

Chamomile, ruler, tile, car, mountains,

wardrobe, clay, bird, clouds, notebook, tree, house.

2. Inanimate nature includes:

    humans, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that was made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

3. Wildlife includes:

    humans, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that was made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

4.Living beings differ from objects of inanimate nature in that:

    they breathe, feed, grow, bear offspring, die;

    they talk, run and jump, laugh and cry, grow, die;

    they move, grow, change the surrounding nature, and die.

5 . The property of fluidity characterizes:



Topic: World of celestial bodies

I've done the work: _________________________

1 . Answer the questions YES or NO

Is the sun a star? …………

Is Planet Earth Bigger Than the Sun? …………………

Do all planets have a solid surface? ……………

2. What rules must be followed?

    In summer you can sunbathe from morning to evening

    Looking at the sun with dark glasses

    Looking at the sun with wide eyes

    Wear a hat on a hot day

3. What is the name of the model of the globe?

4. What word is missing here?


I've done the work: _________________________

1 . Answer the questions YES or NO

Is the sun a star? …………

Is Planet Earth Bigger Than the Sun? …………………

Do all planets have a solid surface? ……………

2. What rules must be followed?

    In summer you can sunbathe from morning to evening

    Looking at the sun with dark glasses

    Looking at the sun with wide eyes

    Wear a hat on a hot day

3. What is the name of the model of the globe?

4. What word is missing here?


I've done the work: ____________________

1. How do stars differ from each other? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Which star is the biggest? ……………………………………………

3. Why is the planet Saturn interesting? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. What word is missing here?

I've done the work: ____________________

1. How do stars differ from each other?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Which star is the biggest? ……………………………………………

3. Why is the planet Saturn interesting? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. What word is missing here?

I've done the work: __________________

Topic: Water and its properties.

1. Ice and snow are water...

a) in a solid state;

b) in a liquid state;

c) in a gaseous state.

2. What happens to water when heated?

a) water contracts when heated;

b) water expands when heated;

c) no changes occur with water when heated.

3. When does water turn into a gas?

a) only in summer;

b) at a temperature of +100 0;

c) at a temperature of 0 0;

4. You washed the floor in the classroom. Why did it become dry after a while?

a) water has evaporated from the floor surface;

b) water has absorbed into the floor surface;

c) water remained on the soles of the shoes of the students who walked around the classroom.

5. Trace the movement of a drop of water falling from the clouds. How will she end up in the clouds again? (Which of the chains of transformations is correct?)

a) cloud → droplet of water → surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land → evaporation of water → water vapor → cloud.

b) cloud → surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land → water droplets → water vapor → cloud.

c) cloud → water vapor → the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land → droplet of water → cloud.

I've done the work: ________________________

Topic: Water and its properties.

1. Ice and snow are water...

a) in a solid state;

b) in a liquid state;

c) in a gaseous state.

2. What happens to water when heated?

a) water contracts when heated;

b) water expands when heated;

c) no changes occur with water when heated.

3. When does water turn into a gas?

a) only in summer;

b) at a temperature of +100 0;

c) at a temperature of 0 0;

4. You washed the floor in the classroom. Why did it become dry after a while?

a) water has evaporated from the floor surface;

b) water has absorbed into the floor surface;

c) water remained on the soles of the shoes of the students who walked around the classroom.

5. Trace the movement of a drop of water falling from the clouds. How will she end up in the clouds again? (Which of the chains of transformations is correct?)

a) cloud → droplet of water → surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land → evaporation of water → water vapor → cloud.

b) cloud → surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land → water droplets → water vapor → cloud.

c) cloud → water vapor → the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land → droplet of water → cloud.

I've done the work:_______________________

Topic: Air and its protection.

1. What substances make up air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

2. What air gas is needed for breathing?

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

3. What properties does air have?

a) blue, like the sky, conducts sounds, transmits sun rays, has no odor.

b) transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly.

c) dust blows through the air with the wind, the smell depends on surrounding objects, and with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.

4. Double frames are installed in the windows to retain heat. What property of air is being used?

a) when heated, air expands;

b) when cooling, the air compresses;

c) air is a poor conductor of heat.

5. How should we protect air from pollution?

a) stop all factories and factories, stop logging. Prohibit the use of motor vehicles. Turn the Earth into one huge reserve.

b) factories and factories must have dust and harmful substance collectors. Transport must be made environmentally friendly. Create belts of gardens, parks and forests in and around cities.

I've done the work:_______________________

Topic: Air and its protection.

1. What substances make up air?

a) hydrogen, copper, zinc;

b) oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

c) chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

2. What air gas is needed for breathing?

b) oxygen;

c) carbon dioxide.

3. What properties does air have?

a) blue, like the sky, conducts sounds, transmits sun rays, has no odor.

b) transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly.

c) dust blows through the air with the wind, the smell depends on surrounding objects, and with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.

4. Double frames are installed in the windows to retain heat. What property of air is being used?

a) when heated, air expands;

b) when cooling, the air compresses;

c) air is a poor conductor of heat.

5. How should we protect air from pollution?

a) stop all factories and factories, stop logging. Prohibit the use of motor vehicles. Turn the Earth into one huge reserve.

b) factories and factories must have dust and harmful substance collectors. Transport must be made environmentally friendly. Create belts of gardens, parks and forests in and around cities.

Topic: Land storage

I've done the work:________ _____________________

1. What profession do people find mineral deposits in nature?


2.Which minerals are used in construction?

sand, clay

granite, peat

coal, table salt

3.Which minerals serve as fuel?

tin and copper ores

coal, natural gas

graphite, sulfur

4.What minerals are extracted using drilling rigs?

marble, granite

natural gas, oil

5.Why do we collect scrap metal?

we preserve ore reserves

clearing the area of ​​debris

We take part in a competition between classes

I've done the work: __________________________________

1. What profession do people find mineral deposits in nature?


2.Which minerals are used in construction?

sand, clay

granite, peat

coal, table salt

3.Which minerals serve as fuel?

tin and copper ores

coal, natural gas

graphite, sulfur

4.What minerals are extracted using drilling rigs?

marble, granite

natural gas, oil

5.Why do we collect scrap metal?

we preserve ore reserves

clearing the area of ​​debris

We take part in a competition between classes

I've done the work: ___________________________________________

1. Minerals are:

A) elements of living nature

B) natural substances

C) natural mineral compounds.

2. Granite contains (find the odd one out and cross it out)

mica, marble, spar, clay, quartz.

3. Rocks and minerals that people use in farming are called _________________________________

4. Places where mineral deposits occur are called

A) locations

B) deposits

B) location

5. Liquid minerals include:

D) limestone

I've done the work: ___________________________________________

1. Minerals are:

A) elements of living nature

B) natural substances

C) natural mineral compounds.

2. Granite contains (find the odd one out and cross it out)

mica, marble, spar, clay, quartz.

3. Rocks and minerals that people use in farming are called _________________________________

4. Places where mineral deposits occur are called

A) locations

B) deposits

B) location

5. Liquid minerals include:


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