Simple and beautiful gazebos for your dacha that you can build with your own hands (photo). Simple and beautiful gazebos for your dacha that you can build with your own hands (photo) Flowers in flowerpots

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Let's talk about how to decorate a gazebo with your own hands, because it is not enough to just build a gazebo, you need to give it an aesthetic appearance. The overall impression of the site depends on how beautifully and correctly the dacha gazebo is designed.

Don't know how to decorate a gazebo in your country house? In this case, listen to the useful advice offered by professional designers. You will be able to show your creativity and imagination, use original decorations, and make your most cherished desires come true.

Design features

How to decorate a gazebo with flowers? This question is relevant, because summer dacha holidays are associated specifically with flowers and greenery. Many owners of summer cottages dream of morning coffee in their own gazebo, the opportunity to enjoy fresh air, the numerous smells of flowers and greenery.

Advice! Flowers are ideal for creating partial shade in a gazebo. They do not let direct sunlight into the gazebo and create a pleasant coolness.

Flowers around the gazebo in the country, photos of which can be found on professional design websites, are optimal for landscape design in the Provence style.

Style solutions

When discussing how you can decorate this room so that it becomes a source of pride for its owner, we note that it is necessary to think about the style in which this room will be decorated.

Useful tips on how best to decorate a gazebo with your own hands: photos, recommendations from experts, all this can be found in the video fragment

Attention! The summer veranda, which is being built on a personal plot, must necessarily fit harmoniously into the overall landscape design, which is chosen for the entire personal plot.

For example, you can decorate a gazebo, which is built in a classic style, with hanging flowerpots with bright begonias. For modernism, you can come up with metal portable structures for flowers, which will become a stylish detail of the overall interior and fit harmoniously into the overall project.

Classic gazebos are characterized by proportional construction, strict lines, simplicity and restraint in decoration.

Advice! As a complement to this interior design, professionals consider garden furniture made of natural wood, natural linen bedspreads, and flower beds.

Rustic style (country) is associated with the use of natural materials

To decorate a gazebo in the garden with your own hands in this interior direction, you can use natural materials such as untreated wood and twig fences. When decorating your garden plot with green plants, you can choose garden crops and bright flowers.

Among the styles that professional interior designers increasingly prefer to choose for work lately, oriental style occupies a special place.

How to decorate a gazebo with your own hands so that it resembles a real oriental palace? First you need to know that the eastern direction is associated with sophistication, pomp, and luxury. This direction allows you to achieve visual smoothing of space, creating smooth and unusual lines.

Advice! For oriental style, professionals recommend using frosted glass glazing for gazebos.

Don't know how to decorate a gazebo in kindergarten? Take advantage of the elements of oriental style and create a real oriental fairy tale for your kids.

In addition, in kindergarten you can choose natural fabrics to decorate the veranda.

When choosing a modern style for decoration, it is permissible to use a variety of polymer materials. For example, professionals combine concrete, glass, and metal in decoration, creating original interiors for country gazebos.

Let's continue the conversation about how to decorate the veranda with your own hands. For example, the walls of a room can be covered with thick fabric. This type of decoration is chosen by professionals for eco-style, which is growing in popularity among owners of summer cottages.

Advice! For those owners of country real estate who could not decide on the direction for decorating summer gazebos, designers recommend trying mixing several style trends.

“Fuji”, as this design option is called, will fully meet the tastes of the owners and will help make this room a real center of attraction for all family members and numerous guests of the house.

Materials for work

To turn a summer room into a real corner of paradise, you will need certain materials, creative imagination, and patience. The process of creating a summer veranda consists of several stages. First, the actual construction of the gazebo is carried out, and at the second stage, the room is decorated with greenery, various fashionable details and accessories suitable for the style chosen for the work.

With the correct selection of finishing materials, you can significantly improve the appearance of the gazebo, in addition, emphasize its individuality and originality, and make the gazebo the “calling card” of your summer cottage.

Among the most common materials used for interior decoration are colored glass, fabrics, and polymer materials. For example, if the gazebo is made in the form of a canopy, the roof for it can be made of modern polycarbonate.

Window openings in the gazebo can be supplemented with colored glass, creating unusual stained glass windows. The fabric is suitable not only for decorating windows, it can be used to complement garden furniture and the entrance to the gazebo.

For example, linen curtains fit harmoniously into a classic, rustic style, and they are absolutely safe for health.

An interesting solution would be to use a hedge to decorate the entrance to the gazebo. In addition to their decorative function, the plants will also be protected from wind and sunlight entering the structure.

Attention! Plants chosen for landscape design must be combined with the style chosen for decoration.

For example, if a small pergola is decorated in a rustic style, there should not be bright, multi-colored plants inside it. But decorative shrubs, for example, garden grapes, from which beautiful and fragrant berries will hang, fit perfectly into the created image.


It is not enough to simply build a beautiful gazebo on your plot; it is important to select materials for decorating it, so that after all the finishing and landscaping work is completed, the plot becomes a real paradise. The summer room is not a separate element, but an integral part of the overall project, therefore its decoration is carried out taking into account the general trends chosen throughout the entire territory of the personal plot.

There should not be a huge number of different pieces of furniture and accessories inside; it is important to observe moderation so that the room does not turn from a place for rest and relaxation into a place for placing unnecessary furniture and household appliances. Modern materials offered on the construction market make it possible to realize when decorating, create cozy and functional interiors.

Having a plot of land for development at your disposal, you need to think in advance about how best to plan it. Having allocated space for capital and outbuildings, you should also take care of the recreation area.

Landscaping with a gazebo is one of the most popular options that unusually decorates a personal plot. The instructions we offer, as well as the video in this article, will help you implement it yourself.

If the design of a garden with a gazebo is carried out by a professional, then you, as the customer, will be offered a design project for approval. But not everyone can afford the services of such a specialist, so every second owner of a site is his own designer.

Where, then, to start planning the territory:

  • In construction, everything starts with a drawing. Draw a site plan on a real scale, first put permanent buildings and outbuildings on it, allocate space for beds and flower beds, after which you can pay attention to the recreation area. What it will be depends on the size of the holdings.

  • This could be a playground with swings and horizontal bars, a pool or pond (see), a fountain with an alpine slide, and, of course, a gazebo. Even if there is little free space left, and you can only dream about a pond, there is always room for a small gazebo. As a last resort, it can be attached to a bathhouse or house, as is done in the photo above.
  • It is worth noting that the price of an extension gazebo, which is being built simultaneously with the main building, will be an order of magnitude lower than a separate building. This is quite natural, because in the case of an extension, they will have a common foundation, wall and roof. Although, not everyone puts economic considerations first.
  • After all, what is good about a garden gazebo: it is located in a picturesque part of the site, among green spaces. In it you can not only breathe fresh air, but also retire, relax, admire the scenery, and if there is a body of water nearby, then enjoy the coolness.

  • To have something to admire, landscape design near the gazebo requires a special approach. This includes a comfortable, beautifully laid out path, a hedge, trellises entwined with climbing plants, or flowerpots with flowers. Now, who has enough imagination and for what?

When choosing a design option for a garden gazebo, you need to take into account the climatic capabilities of the region. There are places where there is no garden as such, and you can’t plant anything except a birch tree and a Christmas tree.

In such areas, it is generally better to make the gazebo closed (see): you get a mini-living room or mini-dining room, which can be used in the cold season.

Gazebo designs

Before planning a landscape design with a gazebo, you need to decide exactly how this structure will be used. It can be intended for children, or equipped for daytime naps in the summer heat.

Perhaps you want to install a barbecue and use the gazebo exclusively for gatherings with friends. This gazebo is essentially a summer kitchen.

  • Naturally, it must correspond to its purpose, including constructively. Let's say that if this is a place for daytime relaxation, it should provide an opportunity to hide from the sun. Such a structure definitely needs a solid roof, and preferably an opaque one.

  • If food will be cooked in the gazebo over an open fire, then, in order to avoid the accumulation of smoke under the ceiling, a perforated roof is made in the gazebo. In essence, it is just a canopy supported by four pillars - a purely summer option, which is used only in good weather.
  • For some, this is quite enough, while others will prefer a capital one, which can be used in winter. Such a gazebo is a full-fledged room, only unheated. It can be glazed from floor to roof, or have windows on all sides.
  • The location of the openings and their sizes can be varied indefinitely. Windows can be opened traditionally, or removed from the opening when it is warm. They hang blinds on them, just like in the house, and even close them with roller shutters.

  • The use of removable or shutters makes it possible to easily transform a closed pavilion into an open gazebo. And yet, the most common option is a semi-closed gazebo, where the lower part is solid, and there are through openings along the upper perimeter.
  • This option looks most harmonious in the garden. The traditional design of a garden gazebo consists of openwork inserts in the openings, elegant forging, or carving - depending on what material it is built from. In general, the appearance of the building should please the eye.
  • Whatever original landscape design you come up with around the gazebo is worthless if the gazebo itself does not have any “zest”. Much depends on the general concept of landscape design, the finishing option for the house and other buildings located on the territory.

  • After all, the gazebo itself can be the main decoration of the site, attracting attention with its original design. If it is hidden from prying eyes by lush vegetation, then there is no point in resorting to complex decor. The structure can have a simple configuration and be decorated quite simply, which is what we see in the picture above. The main thing is that everything is done efficiently.
  • An excellent option for regions with a warm climate are living gazebos, where the frame that supports the roof is filled with evergreen shrubs, climbing plants, and even grapes. Its support can be either metal gratings or pillars of the gazebo itself, or plastic trellises installed around it.

  • A gazebo, like a residential building, can be built and decorated in any architectural or ethnic style. If you wish, you can even make a padishah’s tent. Such ideas do exist, but they are exceptions rather than the rule. Most people prefer wooden gazebos in a rustic style, in the form of a log frame, options with carved pillars, and openwork filling of the openings.
  • Many people like the forest style, where tree trunks are used as support pillars, the roof is covered with thatch, and the walls are woven from twigs. If the gazebo is intended for children, then it may even look like a fairytale hut.

  • And yet the majority of our citizens adhere to the classics. These are square and hexagonal gazebos with a pitched or round roof. As for the structural materials used for their construction, the variations can be very different: from stone to plastic.

But this article is not about that. The topic of our article is the design of gazebos and the surrounding area. You will learn more about how to refine it in the next chapter.

The area around the gazebo

So, you have built a gazebo, and now you are thinking about how to design the surrounding landscape. It is unlikely that anyone will want to roll it into asphalt.

But laying out a beautiful path, making decorative flower beds, planting flowering shrubs or a grassy lawn is what you need. We'll start with the path.

Path to the gazebo

Arranging a garden path allows you to use all kinds of materials, and if it is long, it can be expensive. Expensive options include clinker bricks and natural stone paving stones; cheap options include sawn logs and river pebbles.

  • Regardless of which material you choose to cover the garden path, the preparatory work in all cases is carried out in the same way. First, markings are made by driving pegs around the perimeter and pulling the cord.

  • The distance between the pegs varies depending on the bends of the path: the steeper they are, the more often landmarks are set. On straight sections, the step between them increases, but so that the cord does not sag. Having finished marking, you can begin excavation work - you need to remove approximately 20-25 cm of soil thickness.
  • The walls of the trench must remain strictly vertical. To avoid erosion of the base of the future path, and, as a result, uneven settlement of the soil, the bottom of the excavation, overlapping the walls, is covered with geotextiles.
  • On top of it, to a height of 10-15 cm, a layer of sand or a sand-gravel mixture should be poured and compacted thoroughly. And now, the base is ready - then you can begin to create a decorative coating.

  • In our case, we use concrete for this purpose, and not just monolithic one, but we make stones using special forms. They are on sale and cost, depending on the size, between 500-700 rubles. One such form is quite enough for work.
  • Before you start pouring, you need to install the formwork. On straight sections it can be a board. Where there are bends in the path, you can use flexible plywood or hardboard. The walls of the formwork should be fixed to the pegs so that they remain outside. It is also advisable to add gravel along the outer perimeter of the formwork.

  • Now mix the solution. The ratio of cement and sand is normal, one to three, but it must contain at least 50% water. To fill the mold efficiently, the solution must be fluid. Some of the moisture from it will gradually be absorbed into the base. Therefore, if the solution is not liquid enough, loss of moisture will affect the quality of the coating.
  • When mixing, you can add a small amount of pigment to make the stones colored. The surface of the path should be five centimeters above the ground level. Place the form on a compacted base, pour a small amount of coarse crushed stone into its cells, and fill it.
  • In general, concrete deteriorates quite quickly when exposed to moisture. In order for the track to serve for a long time, it is desirable to improve the composition of the solution. There are anti-frost and water-repellent additives for this - but this is at your discretion.
  • Carefully remove excess solution from the mold with a wide spatula. After leveling, the concrete surface should be well moistened with a spray bottle and left alone to set for about an hour. Then, tapping the mold's bridges with a hammer, it is carefully removed.

Until the concrete stone has completely hardened, it is periodically moistened. If the work is carried out in the summer, then in ten days it will be possible to walk along your beautiful path.

Then the formwork is removed, and curbs can be laid in its place. The seams between the stones are sealed with mortar, or you can fill them with earth and sow grass - it will be very beautiful.

Blind area and original flowerpots

If you haven’t planted shrubs or flower beds around the gazebo, you can make an original blind area instead. In principle, the garden path that leads to the gazebo can also encircle it. To reduce the complexity of the work, it is better to use ordinary natural stone: small pebbles and larger stones of different sizes and shapes.

  • The Japanese call it a “rock garden.” Their gravel represents water, and large stones represent islands. They are installed in small groups of three to five pieces, they are used as an edging, and sometimes low-growing bushes or flowering plants are planted between them.

  • In general, nothing will decorate an area like flowers. Moreover, it looks best when they are planted not in the ground, but in original flowerpots. They can be purchased in the store: there are clay, metal, and concrete options. But if you want to get something original, it is better to approach this issue with imagination.
  • And you don’t need to spend a lot of money for this, you just need a little imagination. In the simplest version, it can be a square wooden formwork in several levels. It looks similar to a Rubik's cube: the boards of the second level are located across the corner of the first formwork, and so on.
  • Each next level decreases slightly in size, forming a kind of pyramid. The finished structure is painted, soil is poured into the resulting cells, and flowers are planted - a different type or variety in each compartment. It turns out almost exclusive, and for this you only need a few edged boards.

To break up an original flower garden, you can use anything: a car tire; a large stump with a hollowed out core; a chair without a seat into which a potty is inserted; an old boat, cart, or bathtub; wooden frame in the form of a well. For those who know how to create various crafts with their own hands, this is generally an endless field for flights of imagination.

It is not without reason that gazebos have been the most popular and functional garden decoration for many centuries in a row. Under the roof of a garden gazebo you can hide from the scorching sun and light rain, retire, read a book or work, and drink a cool drink. Or you can gather the whole family for lunch or invite friends to an outdoor party. Any vacation becomes more enjoyable with the chirping of birds and the chirping of insects, surrounded by a beautiful landscape filled with the aromas of nature.

Currently, gazebos for personal plots are no longer just light buildings designed to protect from the sun or rain, but have become real miniature works of architectural art.

A competently and carefully selected gazebo model will transform any landscape design, becoming its main decoration. When developing a project for an open building, it is important to take into account the material and style of the main building, and the design of the landscape of your garden or plot. If the gazebo is designed in the same design style as the house and is combined with other buildings on the site, then you will be able to achieve the effect of a single architectural ensemble.

Gazebos with stone stove

Homeowners pursue different goals when installing a gazebo on a summer cottage or even on the roof of a city house, but often, in addition to shelter from the weather, many want to organize a place for cooking over a fire. By installing a stone stove or fireplace under the roof, you can protect yourself from the vagaries of nature and enjoy delicacies at the dining table directly in the fresh air.

Using stone and wood to create country masterpieces has been a favorite technique of all designers for many years. This alliance will serve homeowners faithfully for a long time.

The warm and cozy atmosphere of the gazebo was created not only thanks to the natural materials used in the construction, but also thanks to comfortable wicker furniture with soft pillows and the soft light of pendant street lamps.

This spacious wooden gazebo is literally created for relaxation, as evidenced by the inscription on the stone stove. A cozy seating area and a small bar counter with high stools. Suitable for both family gatherings during the day and for a party with friends at a later time.

The unique design of this wooden gazebo looks very harmonious with an unusually shaped stove, with carved street lanterns, with comfortable wicker chairs, creating a homely atmosphere of comfort.

Outdoor lighting of the gazebo is an important detail that is best thought through at the design stage of the building. Whether it will be a large chandelier, a lamp or several pendant lamps, or maybe an imitation of a garland - there are many options, it all depends on the breadth of your ideas, the financial budget and the size of the gazebo itself and the space adjacent to it.

The design of this gazebo is unusual in every way - the structure is almost entirely made of stone, only the ceiling beams are made of wood, the stove is also extraordinary, it is an open bowl with a high chimney. Interesting outdoor furniture of strict geometric shape also adds originality to the ensemble.

This luxurious room is difficult to mistake for a country house. Once inside, you get the feeling of being in a respectable living room with a fireplace, comfortable sofas, a creative coffee table and decorative elements. The only thing that brings you back to reality is the material of the furniture - wicker structures instead of wood.

The play of contrasts in this garden gazebo, which looks more like a chic snow-white tent, is literally breathtaking. Light shades of the cover and stove, upholstered furniture and flower beds are in harmony with the dark shades of wicker furniture and forged decorative elements.

This open structure with antique columns, whose light, pastel shades create an incredibly sophisticated atmosphere of elegant comfort, can hardly be called a gazebo. A small pond next door, a large stone stove, light wicker furniture with soft cushions - everything here works to create the elegance of an outdoor recreation building.

Gazebo - comfortable outdoor dining

It is not surprising that when developing a plan for building a gazebo on a personal plot, homeowners consider the possibility of organizing a place for eating at any time of the day. We have selected several interesting gazebo design options for those who plan to use this open country house specifically for the purpose of organizing a dining area.

The gazebo, open on all sides, near a small pond became a great place for organizing a dining area, and barbecue equipment was also located here.

Stone and wood are everywhere in this cozy corner for relaxing and eating. Accommodation for a large group of guests at any time of the day is provided.

The atmosphere of a cozy living room is recreated in a small gazebo thanks to a variety of lighting - a pendant chandelier, wall lamps and floor sconces create a romantic mood.

This wooden beamed gazebo on concrete supports is placed in the corner of a high fence, creating a cozy dining area protected from the wind. If desired, you can close light outdoor curtains and protect yourself from the sun or create an intimate atmosphere.

The domed roof of this wooden gazebo with carved columns just needed a round dining table and a traditional chandelier above it. Such a table can accommodate a considerable number of guests for a pleasant dinner among the greenery of many plants.

A small dining area is located in a wooden gazebo, made in oriental style. Bright metal chairs contrast with warm wood tones. A hedge creates the mood of a small, cozy corner for relaxation.

Another example of creating a comfortable place for lunch and dinner using walls made of living plants. The gazebo, made of wooden slats, includes a cover for protection from the sun during the daytime.

This country gazebo, which is essentially a wooden canopy, can be used as a place for lunch and a relaxation area, as well as a barbecue base.

A gazebo completely lined with wood, with a built-in lighting system on the ceiling, is a great place to host a dinner or party after dark.

The simple and laconic design of such gazebos will look organic in the landscape design of any personal plot.

A gazebo on the roof of a multi-storey building - an elegant getaway in the city

The absence of a country house or the opportunity to visit it often is not a reason to deprive yourself of the pleasure of relaxing in the fresh air. Organizing small gazebos is a resurgent trend in large cities. A small corner of paradise with living plants, a recreation area and even small ponds is not a luxury, but an objective reality of the present time.

Among the kingdom of concrete, such a steel gray gazebo looks incredibly organic. The festive atmosphere of being outdoors is created by bright wicker furniture and flowering plants in tubs.

Even with artificial turf and the lightweight construction of the gazebo, this place of rest and relaxation looks luxurious. Light textiles and bright spots of fresh flowers bring a positive attitude to the overall mood of the ensemble.

The gazebo in this case is a folding awning in the form of a huge, bright umbrella. The presence of wooden trim and the presence of living plants dilutes the industrial atmosphere of the soft corner for relaxation.

A wooden carved gazebo, stylized as a Chinese pagoda, has become a cozy place on the roof to accommodate several people. Wooden decking provides a backdrop for unique outdoor décor elements and evergreens.

A gazebo as an ideal place to relax: in harmony with the environment

The primary purpose of any gazebo is to provide homeowners with the opportunity to rest and relax in its shade. We offer you a selection of original gazebo options for every taste.

To choose an inspiring option, you only need to take into account the functionality and visual appeal that corresponds specifically to your taste preferences and concepts of a harmonious and comfortable structure.

This gazebo seems to be created from snow-white wooden lace. The classic octagon shape will compactly fit into even the smallest nook in your garden plot and will decorate its appearance.

The so-called “living” gazebos are created using a steel or metal-plastic structure, near which climbing plants are planted, which can subsequently create the effect of green walls.

Small gazebos in a forest or rustic style are used, as a rule, in large gardens and spacious garden plots with the effect of neglected landscape design. Often such structures are made from tree branches, sometimes unprocessed. Their shape and appearance often create the image of a forest house or hut.

This modest square-shaped gazebo looks great in alliance with a flowerbed, “fringed” with seating.

In the realm of stone decoration, the wooden doors of this gazebo look very organic. A comfortable soft corner creates a truly comfortable place to relax.

Using wooden slats to create gazebo structures is a good way not only to give the structure an airy feel, but also to stay within the intended budget. This is a very economical use of wood.

Oriental style gazebos

The East in the style of gazebos is manifested mainly in the design of the roofs, as well as fancy ornaments and oriental decorative elements.

Eastern culture is not only a delicate matter, but also incredibly beautiful when it comes to examples of architecture and methods of organizing landscape design.

Simplicity, tranquility, clarity of shapes and lines are the basis of the concept of oriental garden structures.

Calm pastel shades of the structure and its decoration are diluted with bright spots of textiles and upholstery of outdoor furniture.

An unusual pendant lamp adds a futuristic element to the overall oriental style of the design. And wall lighting creates a cozy atmosphere of home relaxation in a luxurious setting.

Bungalow style gazebos

It is enough to equip a spacious gazebo with a thatched roof with a soft corner with many pillows and the atmosphere of a Hawaiian holiday is guaranteed to you. Here are several examples of luxurious country houses in the bungalow style.

Gazebos in the form of covered canopies

Sometimes even such a simple form of organizing a gazebo can become a real pearl of landscape design. The use of different materials, shapes and colors allows you to create many options for this simple design.

A fashionable resting place under a covered canopy can be equipped both on a personal plot and on the roof of a large building.

The original design of a gazebo-canopy with a built-in sandbox is a great solution for homeowners with children

If you want to spend more time outside in the summer, a gazebo may become your favorite place in the country. A good gazebo design should suit your needs and the characteristics of your site. Let's look at creative solutions for areas with various problems, and how a professional gazebo design was able to beat them.

Modern gazebo design.

This gazebo looks light and bright, although it was built on a small area next to the wall of the house and the fence.

The frame of the gazebo is welded from metal, the roof over the dining area is covered with transparent polycarbonate, and the part of the gazebo that is used as a summer kitchen is covered with cement-bonded particle board.

In the far corner of the gazebo there is a grill, which is located so that smoke from it does not enter the gazebo.

The lower kitchen cabinets and the work wall are finished in the same stone style.

A very interesting decoration for the upper kitchen cabinets - wooden blocks cut at different angles.

The design of the wall next to the dining table is made in the same style.

This gazebo, built according to the design of Roman Belyanin, turned out to be functional, comfortable and very modern.

The design of the gazebo was able to combine unusual original techniques and utilitarian functions.

Design of a small gazebo.

This gazebo looks like a small country house. And if in the dining area the shade creates a cozy coolness on a hot day, then the kitchen work area needs light.

Therefore, part of the roof in the kitchen was covered with transparent polycarbonate.

And small decorative windows in a blank wall visually expand the overall space of the gazebo.

Design of a gazebo near a tree.

Sometimes it seems that there is no room for a gazebo - everything in the garden is planted with trees and shrubs.

This gazebo with a summer kitchen was built near an old apple tree according to the design of designer Victoria Landar.

The gazebo area is divided into two parts - a large dining area is located closer to the barbecue, a smaller area with a small terrace is located closer to the playground.

The convenient brick grill is equipped with an exhaust hood so that smoke from the fire will not get into the gazebo.

Because the family spends many evenings in the gazebo - both the gazebo itself and the terrace leading to it are equipped with various types of lighting.

Unusual gazebo design.

This seemingly ordinary gazebo is located in an unusual place - the owner decided to build a gazebo... around a well.

Therefore, designer Irina Ivanova turned this well into an unusual table, the tabletop of which is raised using a block.

In all other respects, the gazebo is quite traditional - on the one hand, there is a work table for the summer kitchen,

on the other there is a barbecue.

Gazebo design with several seating areas.

This gazebo was made according to the design of Natalia Zakharova and includes three zones: A romantic relaxation area with a swing.

Cozy living room in the garden.

And a summer kitchen, which is located in the center of the gazebo.

This gazebo stretches along the fence and now this corner of the garden looks completely different - stylish and cozy.

Wooden gazebo design.

It’s not so often that you see a blue gazebo in our gardens - more often these are gazebos with an open wood texture or green and white.

And the color was not chosen by chance - designer Alena Timofeeva made this gazebo in an oriental style with blue ceramic tile decor.

Simple summer kitchen tables plus a tiled wall near the barbecue turned the gazebo into a real oriental tent.

Design of a gazebo next to the house.

There is nothing more permanent than something temporary - the temporary house and the newly built house remained on the same garden plot, facing each other with their front doors. Each of them had their own important things to do - the temporary house now serves as a summer kitchen, and the large one housed the whole family.

The summer kitchen from the temporary house turned out to be good, but the dining area there is very small, so designer Marina Stepanova suggested combining these two houses with a gazebo-veranda.

A small canopy between the houses and the resulting courtyard near the gazebo, equipped with a beautiful landscape design, made it possible to use the summer kitchen more conveniently and created an additional recreation area next to the house.

Design of a gazebo made of logs.

Although this gazebo is located in a regular garden plot, it looks like a hunting lodge.
Built from logs, with a small deck of logs, with a live tree inside the gazebo itself - all this creates the impression that it is located in a deep forest.

Designer Ilya Verin used beautiful combinations of natural materials - wood and stone - in the design of this gazebo. Wood and stone on the barbecue area.

Wood and stone in the gazebo itself. Gabion benches combined with a table made of sawn wood create the impression that exciting adventures await you. This was exactly the effect that was required, because... The gazebo was built for a family that included a whole group of tomboys.

Unlike a standard gazebo, the gazebo design that you develop for your site can not only compensate for the problem areas of the site, but also create a completely special mood for your family.


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