Simple color music schemes using LEDs and LED strips for DIY assembly. Making color music from LED strip Instructions for connecting light music flare 1

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To assemble LED color music with your own hands, you need to have basic knowledge of electronics, be able to read schematics and work with a soldering iron. In the article we will look at how LED color music works, the basic working diagrams on the basis of which you can assemble ready-made devices yourself, and at the end we will step-by-step assemble the finished device using an example.

On what principle does color music work?

Color music installations are based on the method of frequency conversion of music and its transmission, through separate channels, to control light sources. As a result, it turns out that depending on the basic musical parameters, the operation of the color system will correspond to it. This trailer is the basis for the scheme for assembling color music on LEDs with your own hands.

Typically, at least three different colors are used to create color effects. It can be blue, green and red. Mixed in different combinations, with different durations, they can create an amazing atmosphere of fun.

LC and RC filters are capable of separating the signal into low, medium and high purity; they are the ones that are installed and configured in a color music system using LEDs.

Filter settings are set to the following parameters:

  • up to 300 Hz for a low-pass filter, usually its color is red;
  • 250-2500 Hz for medium, color green;
  • everything above 2000 Hz converts into a high-pass filter, as a rule, the operation of the blue LED depends on it.

The division into frequencies is carried out with slight overlap, this is necessary to obtain different color shades during operation of the device.

The choice of color in this color music scheme is not important, and if you wish, you can use LEDs of different colors at your discretion, change places and experiment; no one can prohibit it. Various frequency fluctuations combined with the use of a non-standard color scheme can significantly affect the quality of the result.

The circuit parameters such as the number of channels and their frequency are also available for adjustment, from which we can conclude that color music can use a large number of LEDs of different colors, and it is possible to individually adjust each of them in frequency and channel width.

What is needed to make color music

Resistors for color music installations, produced in-house, can only be used constant, with a power of 0.25-0.125. Suitable resistors can be seen in the figure below. The stripes on the body indicate the resistance value.

The circuit also uses R3 resistors, and trimmers R - 10, 14, 7 and R 18, regardless of type. The main requirement is the ability to install on the board used during assembly. The first version of LED color music was assembled using a variable-type resistor designated SPZ-4VM and imported trimmers.

As for capacitors, you need to use parts with an operating voltage of 16 volts, no less. Can be any type. If you have difficulty finding capacitor C7, you can connect two smaller capacitors in parallel to obtain the required parameters.

The capacitors C1, C6 used in the LED color music circuit must be capable of operating at 10 volts, respectively C9–16V, C8–25V. If, instead of old Soviet capacitors, you plan to use new, imported ones, then it is worth remembering that they have a difference in designation, you need to determine in advance the polarity of the capacitors that will be installed, otherwise you can confuse and damage the circuit.

To make color music, you will also need a diode bridge with a voltage of 50V and an operating current of about 200 milliamps. In cases where it is not possible to install a ready-made diode bridge, you can make it from several rectifier diodes; for convenience, they can be removed from the board and mounted separately using a smaller board.

The parameters of the diodes are selected similarly to the diodes used in the factory version of the bridge.

LEDs should be red, blue and green. For one channel you will need six of them.

Another necessary element is a voltage stabilizer. A five-volt stabilizer is used, imported, with article number 7805. You can also use 7809 (nine-volt), but then you need to exclude resistor R22 from the circuit, and instead put a jumper connecting the negative bus and the middle terminal.

You can connect the color music system to the music center using a three-pin jack connector.

And the last thing you need to have for assembly is a transformer with suitable voltage parameters.

General diagram for assembling color music, which uses the parts described in the photo below.

Several working schemes

Below we will propose several working schemes for LED color music.

Option #1

Any type of LED can be used for this circuit. The main thing is that they are super bright and different in glow. The circuit works on the following principle: the signal from the source is transmitted to the input, where the channel signals are summed and then sent to a variable resistance. (R6, R7, R8) Using this resistance, the signal level for each channel is adjusted, and then sent to the filters. The difference between filters is in the capacity of the capacitors used to assemble them. Their purpose, as in other devices, is to transform and purify the sound range within certain boundaries. These are high, mid and low frequencies. For adjustment, adjustment resistors are installed in the color music circuit. Having gone through all this, the signal goes to a microcircuit that allows you to install various LEDs.

Option No. 2

The second version of LED color music is distinguished by its simplicity and is suitable for beginners. The circuit involves an amplifier and three channels for frequency processing. A transformer is installed, which can be dispensed with if the input signal is sufficient to open the LEDs. As in similar circuits, adjustment resistors are used, designated as R4 - 6. Any transistors can be used, the main thing is that they transmit more than 50% of the current. Essentially, nothing more is required. The circuit can be improved, if desired, to obtain a more powerful color and music installation.

Step-by-step assembly of the simplest color music model

To assemble a simple LED color music you will need the following materials:

  • LEDs measuring five millimeters;
  • wire from old headphones;
  • original or analogue of transistor KT817;
  • 12 volt power supply;
  • several wires;
  • a piece of plexiglass;
  • glue gun

The first thing you need to start with is to make the body of the future color music from plexiglass. To do this, it is cut to size and glued together with a glue gun. It is better to make the box rectangular. The sizes can be adjusted to suit you.

To calculate the number of LEDs, divide the adapter voltage (12V) by the operating LEDs (3V). It turns out we need to install 4 LEDs in the box.

We strip the cable from the headphones, there are three wires in it, we will use one for the left or right channel, and one for the common one.

We don't need one wire and it can be insulated.

The diagram of a simple LED color music looks like this:

Before assembly, we lay the cable inside the box.

LEDs have polarity, so when connecting, it must be taken into account.

During the assembly process, you should try not to heat the transistor, as this can lead to its breakdown, and pay attention to the markings on the legs. The emitter is designated as (E), base and collector, respectively (B) and (K). After assembly and inspection, you can install the top cover.

Ready-made version of LED color music

In conclusion, I would like to say that assembling color music using LEDs is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Of course, if you need a device with a beautiful design, then you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. But to make simple color music for informational or entertainment purposes, it is enough to assemble one of the diagrams presented in the article.

Homemade color music

Homemade color music in the interior of your own car will be of interest to all lovers of beautiful disco music. Making it with your own hands is absolutely easy.
Color music at home can be quickly and easily assembled if you know some of the nuances of the circuit and its correct installation.

Color music schemes in cars

A large number of homemade color music schemes are published on amateur radio forums. Some of them are intended only for experienced, others for beginners.
In principle, all schemes are built according to the same principle, which is recommended to be understood so that the assembly no longer represents something impracticable and very complex.

Simple scheme

Even a schoolchild can assemble color music using this scheme, because it consists of only one transistor. Its name is KT815G.
This color music can be assembled using diodes borrowed from a simple flashlight.
Everything is done as follows:

  • We divide the LEDs that we removed from the flashlight in half;
  • We find a suitable box in which we will assemble our circuit. In this case, instead of a box, a rectangular plastic box from used shoe polish is ideal;
  • We take out the switch. It will change the light-music mode to simple lighting.

Note. The LEDs will flash with bass and the higher the volume, the brighter they glow. As for the channels, two are enough, not connected to the speaker.

  • The power source in our case will be three AA batteries;
  • All that remains is to put the homemade color music in the trunk and enjoy the effect.

Complex circuits

They will allow you to create more professional schemes from the user's point of view.

First version of the scheme

It is assembled on five diodes. All of them are five millimeter and 3 V, have clear lenses. The transistor used is KT815 or KT972. Its task is to strengthen and act as a key.
Everything is done like this:

  • Power is supplied from 2 1.5-volt batteries;
  • There are respectively two inputs for music: X1 and X2;
  • In place of LED3 we install a red diode, the remaining remaining pairs will be blue and green;

Note. As a result, we get a very successful color and music scheme. The LEDs glow very effectively to the beat of the music, the circuit consumes little current, and low frequencies are reproduced simply superb. You just need to be careful: the LEDs may not be able to withstand loud music and burn out.

Second version of the scheme

We find the KT817 transistor, wires, headphone plug and SD tape.

  • We solder the transistor according to the following scheme;
  • Then the CD tape is added and everything is moved to the luggage compartment of the car.

Light music from garlands

A completely successful solution that will require the use of light bulbs from New Year's garlands:

  • Garlands (see) need to be collected together in several pieces and secured with electrical tape;
  • Make an adapter to connect to the head unit and connect the wire.

Note. The circuit in this case will involve eight twisted pair conductors, which transmit the signal from the contacts of the control unit to the color music control unit.

Color music from LEDs

An original scheme for making beautiful color music. In this case, you need a housing made of plexiglass.
Let's get started:

  • We select two plates measuring 5x15 cm and two square plates 5x5 cm;
  • A couple of holes are made in one of the parts (for power supply and headphones);
  • We mat and sand all the plates;
  • We find LEDs that we also matte for a better effect;
  • We assemble the body using a heat gun, which is ideal for working with plexiglass;
  • Now we assemble the electrical circuit for color music according to this diagram:
  • We connect the wire from the headphones with the corresponding connector to the car radio and enjoy the effect.

The plexiglass case can be installed in the car interior, anywhere. Everything will depend on individual preferences, wire length, etc.
During the work process, the following must be taken into account:

  • The output voltage of the adapter and the rated voltage of each diode must be interconnected. In other words, the total number of diodes involved in the circuit must equal the ratio of the adapter's output voltage.

Note. As an example, if the adapter is 12V, and the voltage for each diode is 3V, then the total number of LEDs should be 4.

  • It is advisable to use a 3-core wire, one of the wires of which should be left unused.

Circuit with signal from speaker

Another popular scheme for creating color music.
We do the following:

  • We take the signal from the speakers (see).

Note. In this case, it is very important not to short-circuit the output of the SPD*. For this purpose, we solder only one wire.

UZP* - Sound card amplifier

  • Arranges the switch so that it turns on the LEDs based on music;
  • We select the resistance according to the diagram below, where the rating for turning on one diode is indicated;

Note. If the color music will be assembled from 4 LEDs, then the R value should be equal to 820 Ohms.

Popular multi-color scheme

Another common scheme involves the possibility of increasing nutrition. This will be especially true if a chain of many LEDs is used.
The scheme is like this:

  • There should be two frequency filters. They allow HF and LF to pass through at the input;
  • The signal then goes to the amplifier stages, and then to the LEDs;
  • It is recommended to connect inputs 1 and 2 to the source speaker.

Advice. If you want to make color music brighter, then you just need to reduce the resistor values ​​to a couple of hundred, and change the transistors to KT817.

This scheme has one advantage that no other has: the ability to use LEDs of any color.
So, when playing low-frequency bass, the red LED will blink, while playing midrange and high-frequency – green. As for setting the brightness, it is regulated by the sound volume rotary: the higher the sound, the brighter the glow.

Car ceiling in LEDs

If you wish, you can not only arrange something similar to a disco in the car, but also build a backlight that would either turn on separately or be associated with music playback. This operation also involves the use of LEDs.
“Starry sky” on the ceiling of the car will look wonderful. This type of lighting, it turns out, has been practiced for a long time, and not only in cars, but also in our own apartments.
This scheme can be used in different ways:

  • Place the LEDs evenly, in any shape or like a certain figure;
  • Use light bulbs of different power, simulating the glow of stars (bright/not bright);
  • Use different ceiling backgrounds. For example, you can drag it black.

Creation instructions:

  • We drag the ceiling of the car;
  • We assemble or purchase a current stabilizer.

Note. It is very important at this stage to do everything correctly. Otherwise, you will have to dismantle the assembled ceiling if the diodes burn out. To avoid this situation, you need to check the circuit after assembly (find out how many volts and how much current the circuit has). An old power supply from a computer is suitable as a test unit.

  • We use a large capacitance capacitor to smoothly dim the LEDs. Suitable, for example, KT470;
  • Place the diagram in a matchbox;
  • We check the operation by connecting three LEDs and one resistor in series;
  • On the ceiling, we insert LEDs into the holes, which are fixed on the back side with glue;
  • We also attach the switch and stabilizer.

Note. The LEDs can be grouped in groups of 3 and connected to a resistor, and then the groups can be routed to the stabilizer in parallel.

That's it. We hope that the reader will be able to choose something for himself from the given diagrams. Just remember to take care not to turn on beautiful color music while the car is moving. This greatly distracts you from the road and can cause an accident.
In the process of working with your own hands, a video review on the topic, photos - materials, diagrams, etc. will be useful. Instructions similar to those given above can be found in other articles on our site. The price of independently creating and installing color music is considered the lowest in the world of auto tuning, because consumables can also be made by yourself.

In this article we will talk about color music. Probably every beginning radio amateur, and not only others, at one time or another had the desire to assemble color music. What this is, I think, is known to everyone - to put it simply, it is the creation of visual effects that change to the beat of the music.

That part of color music that emits light can be performed using powerful lamps, for example, in a concert setup; if color music is needed for home discos, it can be done using ordinary 220 volt incandescent lamps, and if color music is planned, for example, as computer modding, for everyday use, it can be done with LEDs.

Recently, with the advent of LED strips on sale, color and music consoles using such LED strips are increasingly used. In any case, to assemble Color Musical Installations (CMUs for short) a signal source is required, which can be a microphone with several amplifier stages assembled.

Also, the signal can be taken from the linear output of a device, a computer sound card, from the output of an mp3 player, etc., in this case an amplifier will also be required, for example, two stages on transistors; for this purpose I used KT3102 transistors. The preamplifier circuit is shown in the following figure:

The following is a diagram of a single-channel color music with a filter, working in conjunction with a preamplifier (above). In this circuit, the LED flashes along with the bass (low frequencies). To match the signal level, a variable resistor R6 is provided in the color music circuit.

There are also simpler color music circuits that any beginner can assemble, using 1 transistor, and also not requiring a preamplifier; one of these circuits is shown in the picture below:

Color music on a transistor

The pinout diagram for the Jack 3.5 plug is shown in the following figure:

If for some reason it is not possible to assemble a pre-amplifier using transistors, you can replace it with a transformer turned on as a step-up. Such a transformer must produce voltage on the windings of 220/5 Volts. The transformer winding with a smaller number of turns is connected to a sound source, for example, a radio tape recorder, parallel to the speaker, and the amplifier must produce a power of at least 3-5 watts. A winding with a large number of turns is connected to the color music input.

Of course, color music is not only single-channel, it can be 3, 5 or more multi-channel, when each LED or incandescent lamp blinks while reproducing the frequencies of its range. In this case, the frequency range is set by using filters. In the following circuit, a three-channel color music system (which I recently assembled myself), there are capacitors as filters:

If we wanted to use not individual LEDs in the last circuit, but an LED strip, then the current-limiting resistors R1, R2, R3 should be removed from the circuit. If the strip or LED is used RGB, it must be made with a common anode. If you plan to connect long LED strips, then to control the strip you should use powerful transistors installed on radiators.

Since LED strips are designed for 12 Volt power supply, we should accordingly raise the power supply in the circuit to 12 Volts, and the power supply should be stabilized.

Thyristors in color music

Until now, the article has only talked about color and music devices using LEDs. If there is a need to assemble a digital control unit using incandescent lamps, then thyristors will need to be used to control the brightness of the lamps. What is a thyristor anyway? This is a three-electrode semiconductor device, which accordingly has Anode, Cathode And Control electrode.

KU202 Thyristor

The figure above shows the Soviet thyristor KU202. Thyristors, if you plan to use them with a powerful load, also need to be mounted on a heat sink (radiator). As we see in the figure, the thyristor has a thread with a nut and is attached similarly to powerful diodes. Modern imported ones are simply equipped with a flange with a hole.

One of these thyristor circuits is shown above. This is a three-channel color music circuit with a step-up transformer at the input. In the case of selecting thyristor analogues, you should look at the maximum permissible voltage of the thyristors, in our case for the KU202N it is 400 volts.

The figure shows a similar color music diagram to the one shown above, the main difference in the lower diagram is that there is no diode bridge. Also, LED color music can be built into the system unit. I assembled such a three-channel color music with a preamplifier in a casing from a cider. In this case, the signal was taken from the computer’s sound card using a signal divider, the outputs of which connected active acoustics and color music. It is possible to adjust the signal level, both overall and separately by channel. The preamplifier and color music were powered from a 12 Volt Molex connector (yellow and black wires). The preamplifier and three-channel color music circuits for which they were assembled are shown above. There are other LED color music schemes, for example this one, also three-channel:

In this circuit, unlike the one I assembled, inductance is used in the mid-frequency channel. For those who want to first assemble something simpler, here is the following diagram for 2 channels:

If you collect color music using lamps, you will have to use light filters, which in turn can be either homemade or purchased. The figure below shows the filters that are commercially available:

Some fans of color and musical effects assemble devices based on microcontrollers. Below is a diagram of four-channel color music on the AVR tiny 15 MK:

The Tiny 15 microcontroller in this circuit can be replaced with tiny 13V, tiny 25V. And at the end of the review, I would like to say on my own that color music using lamps is inferior in terms of entertainment to color music using LEDs, since lamps are more inertial than LEDs. And for self-repetition, I can recommend this one:

The inexhaustible potential of LEDs has once again been revealed in the design of new and modernization of existing color and music consoles. 30 years ago, color music, assembled from multi-colored 220-volt light bulbs connected to a cassette recorder, was considered the height of fashion. Now the situation has changed and the function of a tape recorder is now performed by any multimedia device, and instead of incandescent lamps, super-bright LEDs or LED strips are installed.

The advantages of LEDs over light bulbs in color music consoles are undeniable:

  • wide color gamut and more saturated light;
  • various design options (discrete elements, modules, RGB strips, rulers);
  • high response speed;
  • low power consumption.

How to make color music using a simple electronic circuit and make LEDs blink from an audio frequency source? What options for converting an audio signal are there? Let's look at these and other questions using specific examples.

The simplest circuit with one LED

First you need to understand a simple color music circuit, assembled on one bipolar transistor, resistor and LED. It can be powered from a DC source with a voltage of 6 to 12 volts. This color music works on one transistor according to the principle of an amplification stage with a common emitter. A disturbing influence in the form of a signal with varying frequency and amplitude arrives at the VT1 base. As soon as the oscillation amplitude exceeds a certain threshold value, the transistor opens and the LED flashes.

The disadvantage of this simplest scheme is that the rate of blinking of the LED depends entirely on the level of the sound signal. In other words, a full-fledged color-musical effect will be observed only at one volume level. Lowering the volume will result in a rare wink, while increasing the volume will result in an almost constant glow.

Scheme with single-color LED strip

The simplest color music above on a transistor can be assembled using an LED strip in the load. To do this, you need to increase the supply voltage to 12V, select a transistor with the highest collector current exceeding the load current and recalculate the resistor value. This simple color music from an LED strip is perfect for beginning radio amateurs to assemble with their own hands, even at home.

Simple three-channel circuit

A three-channel audio converter allows you to get rid of the shortcomings of the previous scheme. The simplest scheme of color music with the division of the sound range into three parts is shown in the figure.
It is powered by a constant voltage of 9V and can illuminate one or two LEDs in each channel. The circuit consists of three independent amplifier stages assembled on KT315 (KT3102) transistors, the load of which includes LEDs of different colors. As a pre-amplification element, you can use a small step-down network transformer.

The input signal is fed to the secondary winding of the transformer, which performs two functions: it galvanically isolates the two devices and amplifies the sound from the line output. Next, the signal goes to three parallel-connected filters assembled on the basis of RC circuits. Each of them operates in a specific frequency band, which depends on the values ​​of resistors and capacitors. The low-pass filter passes sound vibrations with a frequency of up to 300 Hz, as indicated by the blinking red LED. Sound in the range of 300-6000 Hz passes through the mid-pass filter, which is manifested in the flickering of the blue LED. The high-pass filter passes a signal whose frequency is greater than 6000 Hz, which corresponds to the green LED. Each filter is equipped with a trimming resistor. With their help, you can set the uniform glow of all LEDs, regardless of the musical genre. At the output of the circuit, all three filtered signals are amplified by transistors.

If the circuit is powered from a low-voltage DC source, then the transformer can be safely replaced with a single-stage transistor amplifier.
Firstly, galvanic isolation loses its practical meaning. Secondly, the transformer is several times inferior to the circuit shown in the figure in terms of weight, size and cost. The circuit of a simple audio amplifier consists of a KT3102 transistor, two capacitors that cut off the DC component, and resistors that provide the transistor with a common emitter. Using a trimmer resistor, you can achieve overall amplification of a weak input signal.

In the case when it is necessary to amplify the signal from the microphone, an electret microphone is connected to the input of the previous circuit, applying potential to it from the power source. The circuit of a two-stage preamplifier is shown in the figure.
In this case, the trimming resistor is located at the output of the first amplifier stage, which gives more opportunities for adjusting sensitivity. Capacitors C1-C3 pass the useful component and cut off the direct current. Any electret microphone is suitable for implementation, for which a bias of 1.5V is sufficient for normal operation.

Color music with RGB LED strip

The following circuit of a color music console operates on 12 volts and can be installed in a car. It combines the main functions of the previously discussed circuit solutions and is capable of operating in color music and lamp modes.

The first mode is achieved through contactless control of the RGB strip using a microphone, and the second mode is achieved through the simultaneous illumination of red, green and blue LEDs at full power. The mode is selected using a switch located on the board. Now let’s take a closer look at how to make color music that is perfect even for installation in a car, and what parts are required for this.

Structural scheme

To understand how this color music console works, let’s first consider its structural diagram. It will help trace the full path of the signal.
The source of the electrical signal is a microphone, which converts sound vibrations from the phonogram. Because This signal is too small and must be amplified using a transistor or operational amplifier. Next comes the automatic level controller (AGC), which keeps the sound fluctuations within reasonable limits and prepares it for further processing. Filters divide the signal into three components, each of which operates only in one frequency range. In the end, all that remains is to amplify the prepared current signal, for which transistors operating in switching mode are used.

Schematic diagram

Based on the structural blocks, we can proceed to a consideration of the circuit diagram. Its general appearance is shown in the figure.
To limit current consumption and stabilize the supply voltage, resistor R12 and capacitor C9 are installed. R1, R2, C1 are set to set the microphone bias voltage. Capacitor C fc is selected individually for a specific microphone model during the setup process. It is needed in order to slightly muffle the signal of the frequency that prevails in the microphone’s operation. Usually the influence of the high-frequency component is reduced.

Unstable voltage in the vehicle network can affect the operation of color music. Therefore, it is most correct to connect homemade electronic devices through a 12V stabilizer.

Sound vibrations in the microphone are converted into an electrical signal and, through C2, are supplied to the direct input of the operational amplifier DA1.1. From its output, the signal goes to the input of the operational amplifier DA1.2, equipped with a feedback circuit. The resistances of resistors R5, R6 and R10, R11 set the gain DA1.1, DA1.2 equal to 11. The elements of the OS circuit: VD1, VD2, C4, C5, R8, R9 and VT1, together with DA1.2, are part of the AGC. At the moment a signal of too large an amplitude appears at the output of DA1.2, transistor VT1 opens and, through C4, closes the input signal to the common wire. This results in an instantaneous reduction in the output voltage.

Then the stabilized alternating current of audio frequency passes through the cut-off capacitor C8, after which it is divided into three RC filters: R13, C10 (LF), R14, C11, C12 (MF), R15, C13 (HF). In order for the color music on LEDs to shine brightly enough, you need to increase the output current to the appropriate value. For tape with a consumption of up to 0.5A per channel, medium-power transistors such as KT817 or imported BD139 without mounting on a radiator are suitable. If the do-it-yourself light-music assembly involves a load of about 1A, then the transistors will require forced cooling.

In the collectors of each output transistor (parallel to the output) there are diodes D6-D8, the cathodes of which are connected to each other and connected to switch SA1 (White light). The second contact of the switch is connected to the common wire (GND). While SA1 is open, the circuit operates in color music mode. When the switch contacts are closed, all the LEDs in the strip light up at full brightness, forming a total white stream of light.

Printed circuit board and assembly parts

To make a printed circuit board, you will need a single-sided PCB measuring 50 by 90 mm and a ready-made .lay file, which can be downloaded. For clarity, the board is shown from the side of the radio elements. Before printing, you must set its mirror image. Layer M1 shows 3 jumpers placed on the parts side.
To assemble color music from an LED strip with your own hands, you will need accessible and inexpensive components. An electret type microphone, suitable in a protective case from old audio equipment. Light music is assembled on a TL072 chip in a DIP8 package. Capacitors, regardless of type, must have a voltage reserve and be designed for 16V or 25V. If necessary, the board design allows you to install output transistors on small radiators. A terminal block with 6 positions is soldered on the edge for supplying power, connecting an RGB LED strip and a switch. A complete list of elements is given in the table. In conclusion, I would like to note that the number of output channels in a homemade color music set-top box can be increased as many times as desired. To do this, you need to divide the entire frequency range into a larger number of sectors and recalculate the bandwidth of each RC filter. Connect LEDs of intermediate colors to the outputs of additional amplifiers: violet, turquoise, orange. Do-it-yourself color music will only become more beautiful from such an improvement.

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