Top 10 providers. The best mobile Internet - We select operators by tariffs, coverage, quality of communication

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Which mobile internet is the most profitable? Understanding this issue is not as easy as it seems. After all, there are a lot of cellular operators in every city. And everywhere they offer their own conditions for connecting to the Internet. There are many factors to take into account. For example, how actively do you plan to use the Internet for “forays”. Sometimes it turns out that the most advantageous offer is the one with the least Internet traffic. What do subscribers think about this issue? How do they connect their mobile Internet? Which operator performed best in this area?

Eternal competition

It is difficult to find an answer to all this. After all, everyone has their own requirements regarding the operation of the mobile virtual web. Therefore, the subscriber’s choice will depend on the requirements put forward.

Have you wondered which mobile Internet is the most profitable? Then pay attention to the most popular companies offering mobile communication services. They constantly compete with each other. This:

  • "Megphone";
  • "Beeline";
  • "MTS";
  • "Tele 2".

It is among these companies that a leader must be chosen. Be sure to answer a few questions for yourself:

  1. How often will you use the Internet?
  2. What do you do most often online?
  3. How active of a user do you consider yourself?
  4. What amount and traffic do you expect?

All this will help you make your choice. As practice shows, the ratio of price and offered Internet traffic plays a big role. But the quality of work of a particular operator also affects the choice of subscribers.


Which mobile internet is the most profitable? Perhaps some people note that Megafon offers very good conditions. But this company is not very famous for its stability. Most often, people indicate that while working with the network they experience various glitches and problems.

In addition, Megafon does not allow you to simply use the Internet throughout Russia. In order to have this opportunity, you will have to additionally activate the “Internet in Russia” service. Connection will cost 30 rubles, and the subscription fee will range from 2 to 10.

In principle, not the worst option. Megafon is suitable for people who are not very active (most of the operator's offers). You can connect to one of the available mobile Internet packages (from XS to XL). Each offer has its own characteristics. Completely free Internet (mobile unlimited) is provided in the Internet XL package, which costs about 1,290 rubles per month. Traffic here is not limited, but the cost is quite high. Suitable only for very active users.


Are you wondering which mobile Internet is the most profitable? Many people offer Beeline. The company has long been famous for its reliability and quality of service. It is noted that communication services are provided without constant interruptions. But some tariff plans are overpriced. This can be off-putting.

Great attention should be paid to the speed of access to the World Wide Web. In large cities it will be very small. It is enough to work on the phone, but as soon as you insert the SIM card into the USB modem, you will feel that you will not be able to comfortably use the network services. But in small towns with little load on the network, you can really only rejoice at the speed of the Internet.

The “EVERYTHING!” line is extremely popular. from Beeline. Free Internet (mobile) is provided in fairly large quantities. For example, “ALL for 300” offers 3 GB of Internet. And additionally, free minutes of conversation with Beeline subscribers, as well as 100 SMS messages. The Vseshechka tariff plan is suitable for not very active users. 100 rubles per month - and 100 MB of Internet traffic. After spending the limit, you will pay a ruble for every 1 MB of information. Beeline has lucrative offers, but most often they are used exclusively for mobile devices. The USB modem does not work very well with this operator.


MTS mobile internet is extremely popular. This operator offers quite favorable conditions and good network performance. With its shortcomings - the company often experiences overload. And in forest areas it is not comfortable to work on the Internet with a USB modem. After all, the connection will be at low speed.

At prices, MTS offers the most humane offers. If we talk about a mobile phone, then here you can use the “Super BIT” tariff for 150-250 rubles (depending on the region of your residence) and comfortably work throughout Russia with the Internet. A daily quota of 100 MB is given. As soon as you download more information than the limit, the network speed drops to 64 Kb/sec. It is also possible to connect yourself to “BIT” for 150 rubles to work within your home region.

But MTS has completely different packages for USB modems. This mobile Internet pleases with its cost and speed. But, as already mentioned, either communication is often interrupted due to overload, or the network is very slow. This is how many people stop at this very proposal.

"Tele 2"

But in Moscow, Tele2 was recognized as the best operator. This company appeared not as long ago as all the others, but it has already won the hearts of many. Favorable prices, as well as stable network operation - this is what the operator is famous for.

The "Internet for mobile" offer is suitable for mobile phones. It has a subscription fee, which is about 5.5 rubles per day. At the same time, the amount of data you download is not limited.

But for a USB modem there are completely different proposals. Tele2 offers a variety of tariffs. For example, "Internet Suitcase". With it you get 45 GB of Internet traffic for 400-500 rubles (the cost depends on your region of residence). Once the limit is reached, access to the network is terminated.

A true leader

So which operator is the most profitable for connecting to the Internet? It's hard to decide. It is noted that MTS and Tele2 are best suited at the moment for those who do not want to overpay.

How to set up mobile Internet? All operators now allow us not to think about this issue. You just need to save the settings that come to your mobile device. Or insert the SIM card into the USB modem. Everything is very easy and simple!

In the era of mobile gadgets and complete immersion in the Internet, the quality and speed of the connection has become an extremely important issue. There are many opinions, stereotypes and facts about this. So, in order to determine which Internet is currently the fastest, the editors of our site conducted an entire investigation, which should objectively dot the i’s or i’s, as you like.

Is wireless Internet no longer a myth?

New generations cannot imagine themselves without fast Internet. Check the weather, class schedule, buy concert tickets or order pizza - all this can be done today without letting go of your tablet.

The desire to connect to fast Internet has long ceased to be something of an unnecessary luxury and smartness. The owners of the fastest Internet are people who simply value their time and nerves. Agree, it’s much more pleasant to surf interesting content or work on the Internet when moving at the speed of a click than to constantly roll your eyes while waiting for the next page of text to load.

Now students, students, freelancers and people of low income can afford to connect to fast Internet.

Fast Internet on a tablet is real

The twenty-first century can easily be called the century of the Internet! And the second decade, the century of the wireless Internet. Over the past few years, the desire of users to “get rid of” the already rather annoying wires that keep active network users “on a leash” has been clearly visible. Is wireless Internet today always the fastest Internet? Which option to choose: fast or wireless? Or, after all, such a question is not worth it. Let's figure it out. At the same time, we’ll find out which is the fastest Internet you can connect to your tablet.

Connecting the Internet on a tablet: whose is faster?

We find out which one you can afford today? Our editors decided to organize an “Internet race” of mobile operators and analyze whose speed is faster. Go!

We analyzed the proposals of the country's main operators in order to find out which Internet is faster for a tablet today. We chose three mobile Internet giants as subjects: MegaFon, Beeline and MTS. Only offers valid throughout Russia for a period of at least one month were taken into account.


Yellow-black offer to use their tariff on a tablet for 600 rubles per month. The traffic limit for the reporting period is 6GB, the speed limit is 2Mbit/second.

Upon reaching the traffic limit of 6GB, the access speed will be automatically reduced to 64Kbps, which is clearly not serious and is only suitable for slowly, slowly checking mail and drifting on social networks (there’s no talk of surfing). No additional payments or persuasions from employees will help here; it says 64, which means it will be 64 by the end of the month, be patient!

As a consolation, the tariff includes free use of the Beeline wi-fi network. It has more or less impressive coverage in Moscow. In the cities of the periphery, there is no point even mentioning a wi-fi network as a serious alternative for every day.


The “first” mobile company has provided a special “Tablet” option. When you select it, a quota of 3GB of monthly traffic opens. On paper there is no speed limit, however, everyone understands that everything will depend on the network reception conditions in each specific region.

It is quite possible to count on an average of 1Mbit/second. For the fast Internet option provided by MTS, you will have to pay 400 rubles monthly.

A bonus for TV lovers will be a free television package from MTS, which comes with the tariff.


Megafon has fairly clearly distributed tariffs. Here, as they say, everything is on the shelves: for a tablet, for a phone, for a modem, for a router. We are interested in the tablet, after clicking we see four pricing options: X, M, L and XL. They, as you may have guessed, differ in the size of the total traffic: 3GB, 6GB, 20GB and 40GB, respectively.

All tariffs are valid within the 4G network. Undoubtedly, 4G today is the fastest possible wireless Internet, here speeds reach 100 Mbit/sec.

Of course, the Internet speed is unlikely to reach the speed stated by the operator, but all the same, it will be much faster than its competitors. One more question remains: how is the sensational 4G developing? Let's see: Megafon's 4G zone currently covers more than 160 cities in Russia. If your city has it, rejoice.

Subscription fee: 390, 690, 990 and 1290 rubles per month. And here, those who like to save money are in for a pleasant surprise. Depending on the connection period, there is a progressive system of discounts: 3 months – 10%, 6 months – 20%, 12 months – 30%. With an annual connection, the cheapest option will cost 273 monthly rubles, and the premium one will cost 903.

Some people still remember with nostalgia the specific sounds that were heard when connecting to the Internet. Those were the days when you could get online using a telephone line. One tune could take hours to download, but we were still happy. Today everything is different. You won’t surprise anyone with a speed of 100 Mbit/sec, and the era of wireless Internet seems to be clearly visible on the horizon. Providers are ready to offer us several ways to connect to the World Wide Web. Let's systematize everything we hear from advertising and friends' stories, and figure out which home Internet is better to choose, what it is like, and which provider is better to trust.

There are several options for connecting to the network, and some methods have almost become history, others have just begun to be forgotten, and some are gaining popularity. Let's look at everything briefly.


The massive spread of the Internet in ordinary apartments began with Dial-Up. To connect a telephone line was needed: the modem was connected to a telephone cable, the whole thing was connected to the computer, and the user received speeds up to 56 kbit/sec(of course, such a speed was the ultimate dream, in fact it was lower). Along with the “exorbitant” speed, the user often received troubles in the form of the inability to use the phone. If someone is surfing the Internet, then the phone will be busy: it is impossible to call or reach you. The only advantage of this type of connection is the use of existing infrastructure.

Today Dial-Up is only a memory, but in remote areas of the country where there is no other way to connect to the network, it is still occasionally used. We don't envy these people.

Only 39 years old? Children today don’t even know that this was possible!


ADSL technology also involves the use of a telephone line, but this option is significantly superior to Dial-Up in terms of convenience and speed. A special splitter is installed on the telephone line, which is inexpensive and allows you to use both the Internet and the telephone at the same time. No more family quarrels! Data transfer speed reaches 24 Mbit/s, which means that you will hardly be nervous.

The advantages of the technology include the absence of the need to bring a new cable into the apartment. The reception speed will be sufficient, but the return will be much lower. Today, ADSL Internet, of course, is being replaced by more modern technologies, but it is still quite common and is used where it is impossible to connect to the Internet using fiber optics. By the way, this technology is still very popular in many European countries.

Optical technologies

Connecting the Internet using fiber optics is the most modern and popular technology today. The backbone of communication (the one that receives ideas from the provider) is always carried out using fiber optics. It can reach an apartment building, and then distribution to apartments is carried out using copper cable, the so-called. twisted pair This technology is called FTTB (Fiber to the Building– optics to the house, building). Information travels through optical fiber as a light signal; the signal does not weaken, even though it travels enormous distances. Copper cable behaves worse in this regard. He is afraid of electromagnetic interference, which leads to signal attenuation. The speed with this connection reaches 100 Mbit/s– this is the parameter at which the average user can use the Internet as comfortably as possible.

Fiber optics can go directly into the apartment. This technology eliminates the use of twisted pair and is called FTTH (Fiber To The Home– optics for the apartment) or GPON(Passive optical network - passive optical network technology). At the same time, the quality of signal transmission improves significantly, and the speed can reach 1 Gbit/sec. The cost will naturally be higher.

FTTB technology is more than enough today. It provides high speed, is inexpensive and does not require a telephone line in the apartment.

Wireless technologies

While everyone is actively installing cable Internet into their apartment, the smartest people of this world are working on creating high-quality wireless networks. We are not talking about Elon Musk and his experiments now. Global wireless Internet is the future, and in the present there is a proliferation of 3G and 4G networks.

It all started with technology GPRS, which provided speeds of up to 40 Kbps, then there was EDGE from 100-256 Kbps. Now they are common 3 G(up to 3.6 Mbit/s) and 4G(up to 100 Mbit/sec), 5G is about to appear in Russia (speed up to 1-2 Gbit/sec), while it is being tested all over the world. Coverage of 3G and 4G networks is constantly expanding, but still some regions still use only EDGE.

The advent of fast wireless mobile Internet suggests that we can get home Internet without wires. You just need to install a device that will catch the Internet and distribute it via Wi-Fi to computers and laptops. Such a device could be 4G LTE Wi-Fi router. Previously, modems that were inserted into a computer or laptop were popular. Such technologies are still used only in remote areas of the country, where it is difficult to provide wired Internet, but the increase in wireless Internet speed gives us confidence that soon the world will be able to do without wires.

Today, the mobile Internet is becoming more and more stable, and the territory covered by it is becoming larger.

By the way, we are used to distributing the Internet received over a dedicated line or “out of thin air” using WiFi. Few people know that there is another way - WiMax, but it has not found widespread use, although it has a significantly higher data transmission distance.

How else can you organize your home Internet?

Here are a couple of interesting, but not very popular ways to connect to the World Wide Web:

So which home internet should you choose?

In some places there is not much choice, so you have to accept what they give. Residents of large cities have a wider range of offers and, as a rule, choose FTTB technology; sometimes ADSL is also used; wireless technologies are increasingly used.

When choosing a technology and evaluating offers from various providers pay attention to the following factors:

  • signal stability and minimal response time;
  • high speed, as well as speed stability throughout the day. A reliable provider should provide equally high Internet speeds both during hours of minimal load and during peak hours;
  • minimal probability of ruptures. Network access should be available 99.9% of the time, i.e. there should be no connection for more than 30 minutes per month;
  • A sane support service that will advise and promptly help fix problems. If any gaps arise, or the Internet disappears for other reasons, the provider must return everything to normal as soon as possible;
  • reasonable prices and no hidden fees.

You can read about how individual providers behave online: users willingly share reviews. It is also easy to find on the providers’ websites possible options for connecting home Internet and the cost of services. To understand the market situation and the balance of power, we suggest getting to know the largest providers.

The best home Internet providers in Russia 2018


This is the real one giant and leader of the sphere. Rostelecom provides a wide range of services in the field of Internet access, telephone communications, television, cloud services and more. The main advantage of the provider is coverage throughout the country. This the only provider that provides Internet to the most remote regions. Competitors do not undertake such tasks because the costs are huge. The company is trying tackle digital injustice and provide high-quality fast Internet to all residents of the country.

The numbers are amazing. More than 100 million users (of which almost 12.7 million use fiber-optic Internet), 500 thousand km of its own backbone network and 2.6 million km of local networks. No one has ever managed to surpass the company in these indicators, and it is unlikely that they will be able to do so in the near future.

Rostelecom has home Internet wide range of tariffs, which is another advantage of the provider. It’s easy to choose a tariff according to your personal requirements for speed and financial capabilities. Prices may differ for different regions; promotions are often held. For example, for Moscow and Moscow region(here Rostelecom works as OnLime) the minimum tariff will be 400 rubles/month.(speed 30 Kbps). There are many tariffs with bonuses. Due to regular promotions, you can get a favorable tariff and pay 250 rubles/month. Everything is unlimited.

Pricing policy greatly depends on the region. If we do not take into account all kinds of promotions, the minimum price for different cities will be: Kursk - 400 rubles/month (up to 70 Mbit/sec), Irkutsk - 350 rubles/month (up to 100 Mbit/sec), Perm - 530 rubles/month (up to 120 Mbit/s), Samara – 500 rub/month (up to 100 Mbit/s), Yakutsk – 950 rub/month (up to 15 Mbit/s). Most tariffs come with a free router, sometimes antivirus and gaming options.

There are a lot of offices throughout the country, the number of offers is very wide, the prices are reasonable, and even constant discounts - this has made the company a leader in the field.


MTS is trying to keep up with Rostelecom. It is a leader in the field of mobile communications, providing television and Internet connection services. According to the provider, more than 80 million subscribers use its services in Russia. Broadband Internet access is provided in 200 cities of the country. In Moscow alone, more than 4 million people connected to the Internet from MTS.

The company offers very, very competitive rates. Residents Moscow for 450 rubles/month receive unlimited Internet at speeds of up to 100 Mbit/sec. If you need higher speed, you can take a tariff for 800 rubles/month (up to 300 Mbit/sec) or for 1600 rubles/month (up to 500 Mbit/sec). Promotions are held frequently. Prices do not differ much in different regions. In isolated areas there is no wired Internet from MTS, and no wireless Internet either.


The company specializes in providing mobile communication services, as well as television and the Internet. High-speed fiber optic Internet covers mainly only large cities. The quality today is not bad, although in the past users complained about frequent problems. It’s convenient to order everything from the company at once: mobile communication services, television, and Internet, then you can save a lot of money.

If we are talking only about connecting to the home Internet, then for Moscow the minimum tariff will be 450 rubles/month.(up to 30 Mbit/s). For 550 rubles/month. You can get unlimited Internet 30 Kbps and cable TV with 82 channels. The company often holds promotions. For example, at the moment For 480 rubles/month you can get 100 Mbit/sec internet. Let us repeat, it is more profitable to order both home Internet, television, or mobile communications from the company at once.


The company has more than 6 million subscribers and is considered the fastest growing telecom operator. The central office is located in Perm, activities do not extend throughout Russia. The company's services are available in 566 cities of the Volga, Ural, Southern, Central, Northwestern and Siberian federal districts. The company is not yet entering the Moscow market - there are already enough offers there. The wired Internet market share is just over 10%, the same as Beeline. The company operates under the trademark "".

The provider calls its Internet the fastest in Russia and is ready to offer subscribers several interesting tariffs. In Perm for 550 rubles/month You can get 100 Mbps internet. One hundred channels on mobile TV are given as a bonus. The company promises high-quality support, high speed during peak hours and discounts on communications from Megafon.

What else?

Each region has its own Internet providers. Nevertheless, as of 2017, the country had 3736 telecom operators, most of which are focused on providing services in the Central Federal District (42%). Its residents are lucky to have a huge selection of services. If you have plenty to choose from, carefully analyze the providers’ offers, find out whose infrastructure is already in your home, talk to your neighbors, ask what services they use and how satisfied they are. Only in this way will it be possible to find the best home Internet provider and ensure maximum comfort.

The Internet plays a very important role in our lives. The average person now cannot imagine their life without it, since it is the main way of entertainment and connection with the outside world. Also, we must not forget here that quite a large number of people work on the Internet, not to mention various bloggers and Internet celebrities for whom the World Wide Web is the main and only source of income. That is why the issue of choosing Internet service providers today is quite complex, and this problem becomes even more noticeable when it comes to big cities. This is why it can sometimes be very difficult to decide which Internet provider is the best in Moscow.

general information

When it comes to the best Internet providers in Moscow or in any other city, it is first of all worth mentioning that the Internet can be mobile and broadband. If with mobile everything is clear from the name, then broadband is exactly the option that people are used to using at home or at work through personal computers, laptops and tablets.

With all that said, it can sometimes be difficult to settle on any specific provider or determine which one is better than the rest. The whole point here is that companies providing access services to the World Wide Web are well aware of the level of competition and are doing everything possible to maximize the quality of their services. Thus, the answer to the question of which Internet provider is the best in Moscow is often based either on the pricing policy of the supplier company or on subjective evaluation criteria. For example, if a user needs low ping for computer games, then the best provider for him will be the company that will provide him with this service. At the same time, other people pay special attention only to customer service or the stability of the Internet.

Nevertheless, taking into account the above and many other factors, it is still possible to answer the question of which Internet provider is the best in Moscow, but more on that a little later.

Mobile Internet

If you want to deal with mobile Internet providers, then everything is quite simple, since today there are only 5 operators providing you with this service:

  • Beeline;
  • Megaphone;
  • Tele2;
  • Yota.

It is quite difficult to rank these companies, since they all provide almost the same services. However, Tele2 loses out compared to the rest, since it is the only operator that provides third generation Internet (3G). All other companies have long been providing their subscribers with the opportunity to use 4G Internet services. As for the quality of communication, it all depends on where the subscriber is located. Ideally, there should be excellent coverage throughout Moscow, but there are areas remote from the center where the signal level is noticeably worse.


  1. Speed. High-tech and modern equipment allows the provider to deliver and distribute its services of such high quality that an HD-quality movie can be downloaded to your computer in a few minutes.
  2. Taking care of clients. In addition to the 24-hour support service, this company took care of its subscribers in the sense that on its official website it posted answers to the most popular questions regarding interruptions in access to the World Wide Web.
  3. Additional services. These include: SMS notifications, deferred payment and parental controls (you can limit your household’s access to web pages on certain topics).


The next company in the ranking of the best Internet providers in Moscow is Online. In fact, this company is in no way inferior to the above-mentioned provider, since it has everything to conquer the Internet services market in the capital. The main advantages include round-the-clock technical support, decent quality of services, urgent connection and much more. In addition, the services of this particular provider are considered one of the cheapest throughout Moscow.

According to reviews, the only drawback here is the need to lay a fairly noticeable cable throughout the room. It often happens that this wire cannot be hidden or disguised in any way. It is worth noting that the cable can be abandoned by installing special equipment and adapters. In this case, it is important to understand that the quality of the connection will decrease slightly.


Judging by the reviews, this Internet provider outperforms others due to the fact that it provides its customers with free connection to its services. For many Moscow residents, this fact is decisive when choosing a service provider for access to the World Wide Web. In addition, the company’s authority is also enhanced by the fact that it has been distributing its services since 1996. Fiber optic connection provides high Internet speed for every consumer. It is for the reason of the above that this company takes pride of place in the ranking of the best Internet providers in Moscow.


This is a representative of the budget class of Internet providers in the capital. It is worth noting that the low price for Internet of fairly decent quality is the main advantage of the company. At the same time, you shouldn’t think that it’s the only one she has. Judging by the reviews, in addition to a very attractive price-quality ratio, this Internet provider is quite good because it has incredibly polite staff. Highly qualified specialists perform their direct duties very efficiently, and are always ready to help you in any matter that interests you. You will never be refused installation and configuration of any software, and you will receive polite and comprehensive answers to any, even the most primitive, questions.


If you want to figure out which is the best Internet provider in Moscow, then it is impossible to ignore Beeline. In addition to mobile Internet services, this company provides its customers with the opportunity to enjoy a broadband connection of good quality and high speed. Judging by the reviews, the main advantages include round-the-clock support and highly qualified personnel who will select and configure all the necessary equipment properly.


Considering the importance of the Internet for modern people, it is not surprising that people pay special attention to choosing a company to provide the necessary services. That is why reviews of the best Internet providers in Moscow made it possible to compile the above rating. Separately, it is worth noting that this list is only conditional, because it pays attention to the main advantages and disadvantages of the most popular companies that provide their users with services for unhindered access to the Internet. In any case, determining the best provider depends mainly on the company's pricing policy and your specific preferences.


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