Birds with the most unusual beaks. Records in the world of birds

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June 21st, 2017

I asked myself a seemingly simple question: which bird is the strongest? Well, that is, which bird can lift the maximum load into the air?

I managed to find this bird, which I didn’t know about at all, but it is called the strongest in the world...

It is reliably known that the largest animal killed and carried away by a bird was a 7-kilogram howler monkey, which was killed by a harpy (Harpia harpyja) in national park Manu (Peru) in 1990. The harpy is considered the most powerful bird of prey, although its mass is only 9 kg.

The ancient Greeks called the winged daughters of Typhon guarding the entrance to Tartarus harpies. Terrible and beautiful at the same time, they stole the souls of small children, suddenly swooping in and disappearing without a trace, like the wind. The word "harpy" has Greek roots. It comes from the verb "harpazein", which means "to kidnap".

It is no coincidence that the South American harpy became the namesake of these wild half-women, half-birds.

Now we will talk about the modern, South American harpy.

The South American harpy (lat. Harpia harpyja) is a large bird of prey from the hawk family. The only species of its kind.

Why the emphasis on South American? Because there are other harpies. Guiana Harpy, New Guinea Harpy, Monkey-Eating Harpy or Philippine Harpy. They will be discussed separately.

In addition to birds, there is also a butterfly, under many names - the great harpy, or the spotted forktail, or the large forktail, or the harpy silkworm. Don't be confused! Birds and butterflies.

The South American harpy, a huge predator from the hawk family, is notorious.

The Indians believed that one blow from her beak could crush the skull of an adult, and she herself was constantly irritable and aggressive.

Nevertheless, it was considered a great honor to tame her, and her feathers were an extremely valuable decoration. The Indian who killed the harpy went with her to all the surrounding huts, receiving a reward at each one.

These days are long gone, but the number of South American harpies is constantly declining. In a number of countries, this forest eagle is protected; in addition, it is included in

International Red Book. And yet, the tropical forests of Central and South America, which the harpy has chosen for breeding and hunting, unfortunately continue to be actively cut down. Which leads to the disappearance of many species of animals and birds.

The population of these large South American eagles is less than 50,000 (2008 estimate) and is steadily declining. The main reason for this is the destruction of forests in the harpy nesting areas, as well as the peculiarities of reproduction: a pair usually raises only one chick every 2-3 years.

The South American harpy is very strong. Its body length is from 90 to 110 cm, and its wingspan is about two meters. Moreover, females are almost twice as large as males: they weigh more than nine kilograms, while the weight of males usually does not exceed 4.8 kg.

On the light gray head there is a black, down-curved beak and two large dark eyes. When excited, the harpy raises the wide dark feathers on its head almost vertically upward, which makes them look like small horns or ears.

It is believed that this gives her hearing additional sharpness.

The back of the South American harpy is painted in dark gray color, the belly is white, the wings and tail have black and white stripes, and there is a black collar on the neck.

The extremely large and powerful paws have excellent weapons: each toe ends in a long and sharp ten-centimeter black claw. With these paws the bird is capable of lifting a decent weight - if desired, it can drag away a small dog or even a young roe deer.

South American harpies feed mainly on monkeys and sloths, periodically diluting their diet with opossums, noses and macaws.

In addition, these are the only predators that can cope with arboreal porcupines.

They fly out to hunt during the day, preferring to look for prey alone. However, they live in pairs, remaining faithful to each other for many years.

A wide nest of thick branches, leaves and moss is built at a height of fifty meters and used for several years. The female lays here once every two years a single yellowish egg. The incubation period lasts about 56 days. The chick depends for a very long time on its parents, who bravely protect it.

They are capable of attacking even a careless person who wanders into a protected area. Of course, they won’t pierce the skull with their short beak, but they will be able to inflict serious wounds. Alone young man After the attack by the harpies, I had to put 8 stitches on the head and neck area.

At ten months of age, the South American harpy chick flies quite well, but continues to stay near the nest where its parents feed it. Interestingly, he can fast for about two weeks without harm to his health.

Sexual maturity in harpies occurs at 5-6 years.

Scientific classification:
Domain: Eukaryotes
Kingdom: Animals
Subkingdom: Eumetazoans
No rank: Bilaterally symmetrical
No rank: Deuterostomes
Type: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrates
Infratype: Gastrostomes
Superclass: Quadrupeds
Class: Birds
Subclass: New palates
Order: Accipitridae
Family: Accipitridae
Subfamily: Harpyidae
Genus: Harpies (Harpia Vieillot, 1816)
Species: South American Harpy
International scientific name - Harpia harpyja Linnaeus, 1758


A huge number of birds living on our planet decorate human life. It is believed that the diversity of birds reaches 10 thousand various types. However, within any species there are several more subspecies. Birds are found in every corner of the globe, they live in Antarctica, in the Arctic, they are large and small, flying and non-flying, wild and domestic... Today you will find out what birds with a large beak (photos attached) exist on the planet.

Australian pelican

The Australian pelican belongs to the pelican family, whose habitat is sea and river coasts, swamps and coastal islands throughout Australia. Answering the question: “Which bird has the most big beak", you can say: "The Australian pelican." This bird, in general, is considered the largest flying bird. Its wingspan can be from 2.5 to 3.4 meters, and a pelican can weigh 5-6 kg, its beak can grow in length up to 40-50 cm.

It is not by chance that this bird is given such a significant size. The beak with a throat pouch can hold 10-13 liters of water. However, the bird does not use the bag to store food; it acts as a catch net and temporarily holds food. After the prey enters the bag, the bird closes its beak and presses it tightly to its chest, thereby removing the water. Now you can swallow the fish.


To the question: “Which bird has the largest beak?”, you can answer this way: “The toucan.” The beak of this bird makes up from 30% to 50% of the entire length of its body. But a clear version of why the toucan needs such a huge beak does not exist to this day. One recent suggestion is that the bird needs its large beak to regulate its body temperature, like an air conditioner. Scientists have noticed that in hot weather the beak heats up and thus takes on body heat, releasing it to the outside.


Which bird has the largest beak? The stork is also considered to have a large beak. This big birds with white plumage and black wing tips. Storks have a long beautiful neck and a large red beak, which has a conical shape. Such a device provides the bird with food such as frogs, lizards, snails, moles, mice, and insects. The stork's beak is tweezers, with which he easily pulls a frog out of the swamp and catches a fish. But why the beak of storks is red remains a mystery.

Sword-billed hummingbird

The largest beak, if you consider it in relation to the body, is found in the sword-billed hummingbird. The small bird lives in territories from Bolivia to Venezuela in the high Andes.
The length of the beak is 10.2 cm, which is 4 times longer than the body of the bird without a tail. The female's beak is longer than that of the male. But the bird needs such a device in order to easily get to the nectar of tubular flowers. In a calm state, the bird holds its beak straight up, and in flight the beak takes a horizontal position.

The beak is considered an important feature of a bird, it not only determines its position in the system, but also indicates activity. The beak has a direct connection with the feeding methods and living conditions of the bird. It can even tell you how food is swallowed. Therefore, the very fact of which bird has the largest beak is not important, but what is important is that thanks to its size and its shape, the bird adapts to its habitat and can feed on the food that is abundant in this area.

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Birds are very interesting creatures, they are strikingly different from all other animals, and even from each other. Some birds spend almost their entire lives in the air, others are completely devoid of wings and feathers and can only run on the ground, while others prefer exclusively the water element...

The biggest bird

It `s naturally, . The largest individuals of the African ostrich reach a height of 2.80 meters and weigh 170 kilograms.

The smallest bird

This record belongs to. The smallest hummingbird weighs only 1.5 grams with a body length of about 5 centimeters.

Fastest flying bird

Among flying birds there are simply no equals. At a straight distance, the peregrine falcon can accelerate to 200 km/h, and in the so-called diving fall during a hunt, the feathered predator reaches speeds of up to 325 km/h. By the way, the peregrine falcon is not only the most fast bird, but also the fastest animal on the planet.

Fastest running bird

It's probably no secret that they are the best runners among all birds. They are capable of running at a speed of 80 km/h. With this type of running, an ostrich's stride can reach up to 8 meters in length.

The heaviest flying bird

Here the first place is shared between the great African and dudak. Surprisingly, these birds weigh 18-20 kg.

Longest living bird

Big yellow-crested cockatoo in captivity lives about 80 years. However, it is believed that under natural conditions the life expectancy of this parrot can be 100 years or more.

The sharpest vision

Second record. This bird has such good eyesight that it can recognize a mouse from a distance of 8 kilometers.

Largest wingspan

U wandering albatross this figure is 3.6 meters. Slightly smaller wingspan Andean condor- a predator of the falcon family - 3 meters 20 centimeters.

Longest beak

Has the longest beak relative to body size sword-billed hummingbird. The length of the beak of this small bird can reach 10 cm, with a total length of 15 cm, i.e. their beak is 2 times longer than their body.

The highest flight

Here, in fact, it is very difficult to determine who is the real record holder for this parameter. In terms of truly known cases, first place goes to to Rüppel's vulture, this bird flew at an altitude of more than 11 kilometers.

The most voracious bird

Cuban tody It eats several thousand insects per day, the total weight of which is about 60-65% of the weight of the bird itself.

The fastest winged bird or the maximum number of beats per minute

Blue-tailed amazilia- another record-breaking bird from the hummingbird family, makes 80 wing beats per second.

Best swimming bird

Penguins are the best swimmers in the bird world. Stands out more than other species emperor penguin- he swims at a speed of 36 km/h, and, incredibly, he can dive to a depth of almost 500 meters.

The hardiest bird

Arctic duck able to withstand temperatures of -110 degrees Celsius. This makes it not only the hardiest member of the bird family, but also the hardiest animal in general.

The loudest bird

Indian peacock screams so loudly (and also ugly) that it can be heard several kilometers away.

Largest number of feathers

U swan more than 25 thousand feathers.

The most poisonous bird

Yes, birds can be poisonous too! The most dangerous are representatives of the genus pitoui. The entire body and feathers are saturated with one of the most dangerous toxins in the world - homobatrachotoxin. This poison is deadly even to humans.

Not everyone is destined to soar in the air, soar up, and circle over the rooftops. Birds were created for this purpose, so that with their masterly flights they would make those who were destined to walk or crawl on the earth envious.

Few people liken birds to more extensive images than flying creatures with beaks instead of an ordinary mouth and feathers instead of hair or fur.

The most vigilant bird

The expression “vigilant falcon” was coined for a reason. After all, it is the birds of the order Falconiformes that are considered the most, so to speak, big-eyed of all birds living on our planet. These strong predatory creatures see prey from a height of 3.5-3 km. If we compare the vision of these birds with 100% human vision, then they see 8-9 times better.

The order Falconiformes includes golden eagles, peregrine falcons, vultures, gyrfalcons, and, of course, falcons(Pictured above).

The priority of vultures over other relatives is that they distinguish shades of colors several times better.

The biggest beak

Anyone who knows even a little about ornithology will immediately say that the owners of the largest beaks are toucans.

Unusual bright birds living in the tropical forests of America and Mexico are none other than relatives of ordinary woodpeckers. But unlike them, toucans have a very large beak, which makes up from 35 to 55% of the length of the entire body.

Scientists still cannot establish what main role such a growth plays. Latest version says that thanks to its unique beak, toucans regulate body temperature.

The highest flying bird

The Guinness Book of Records records more than one highest bird flight. But these are isolated cases not typical of certain orders of birds.

Constantly to a height of 1.5-2 km. rise above the ground cranes, which migrate to warmer regions with the onset of cold weather.

Pushed by a tailwind, they soar to great heights, spreading their huge wings wide. These birds line up in a wedge only when the wind does not favor them on their way. And then the flock is led by the strongest and most persistent representative, who takes the blows of bad weather upon himself.

The proudest bird

It turns out that birds, like people, are able to inherit the mentality and character of the area in which they live. Thanks to this, the proudest bird is called eagle. Zealous hunters and devoted friends, it is not for nothing that they deserve such a definition. Eagles are able to survive in harsh climates. These are not pack hunters, choosing fairly large game.

In the old days, taming an eagle was considered a matter of honor for any high-ranking official.

Longest neck

It’s trite, but among birds the owners of the longest necks were ostriches. They can still be given primacy among the birds with the strongest legs. However, the neck of ostriches also plays an important role. By pulling it up, males show their superiority over other males, thereby attracting ladies. The longer the neck, the more convenient it is for ostriches to arch it to clean the feathers in their tail. The neck also serves as a kind of warning that you should not approach the ostrich at the moment. By pulling it into a string, the bird shows that it is not inclined to peaceful communication.

The funniest bird

Well, who could be funnier parrot, who repeats memorized phrases in his hoarse voice. Outwardly, these are quite cute and cute birds that have long become pets.

Thanks to their ability to imitate other voices, such birds in the wild often mislead the predators that hunt them. And at home, people specially teach parrots all sorts of things. funny conversations to amuse your friends.

The loudest bird

“Sing, little bird,” Baron Munchausen said to the peacock, to which he received an inarticulate scream in his ear. Yes exactly Indian peacock and is the loudest bird. His scream can be heard within a radius of up to 2-3 km. The owners of a gorgeous ponytail turned out to be the owners of the nastiest and lowest soprano. By the way, it is in this way that males lure females, who find such melodies very sexy.

The stupidest bird

If you still think that the stupidest bird is chicken then you are deep you are mistaken.

Scientists have found that the ranking intellectual development are in the very last place quail. The small size of the brain of these birds is associated with low level metabolism in their body, so it quickly passes through all stages of life.

Stupid or smart, noisy or quiet, funny or strict and proud birds are an integral part of wildlife that people should appreciate and protect.

Filled with unique facets, these birds have some of the most amazing and incredible beaks in the entire world. When mother nature decides to endow an animal special features, she does it with style! We are ready to present you 15 birds with incredible beaks.

Malay kalao

(Buceros rhinoceros) has a name as impressive as its incredible beak. On top of its beak is the so-called helmet, which bears a striking resemblance to the horn of a rhinoceros. The strong beak helps the Malayan kalao to get fruits from thin tree branches. And the impressive helmet is used as a resonating chamber to create loud sounds.

Spruce crossbill or common crossbill

Spruce crossbill(Loxia curvirostra) has the most amazing beak of its entire finch family. But for him it's perfect way get to the main source of nutrition, the seeds that are in the cones coniferous trees. Even from tightly closed cones, the spruce crossbill can get its favorite treat thanks to unusual shape beak.

Black cutwater

Black cutwater(lat. Rynchops) has a truly unique bill among shorebirds, and indeed among all North American birds. Although the beak is large, it is very thin, and its lower part is longer than the upper. These features of the bill make it ideal for the type of feeding that the black skimmer uses. During the flight, it lowers the lower part of its beak into the water, and when it senses a fish in it, it snaps the upper part of its beak. Black water cutters are the only bird species in the Northern and South America with the technique of such nutrition.

Roseate Spoonbill

Looking at roseate spoonbill(lat. Platalea ajaja) it is not difficult to guess how this bird got its name. The roseate spoonbill is one of several species of spoonbills, all of which have this uniquely shaped beak. It feeds in shallow fresh and coastal waters. Walking from side to side, the roseate spoonbill uses its beak to retrieve crustaceans, aquatic insects and small fish from the water.

The beak looks like a wooden shoe shoebill a skilled master of fishing and of course is the bird's greatest attraction. The same beak prevents the bird from obtaining any other food, and if the usual food becomes tight, it faces starvation. Shoebill is a fierce predator that kills its prey easily and quickly with its sharp beak.

Long-billed Curlew

Long-billed Curlew(lat. Numenius) is a North American coastal bird that spends the winter on the coast and hatches its chicks in the grass in pastures. Its long beak is ideal for both habitats: winter period- catch shrimps and crabs living in deep holes, and during the nesting period - pick up earthworms. Its beak is one of the longest among waders and is rivaled only by that of the Far Eastern curlew. The female has a longer beak than the male, and a slightly different shape. While the male's beak is symmetrically rounded along its entire length, the female's beak is slightly rounded at the base and with a more pronounced curve at the tip.

Swordbeak Hummingbird

Among the 15 birds with incredible beaks, we couldn't miss the hummingbird family and its representative. Swordbeak Hummingbird(lat. Ensifera ensifera listen)) has the longest beak of any bird in the world relative to its body size. In fact, it is the only bird that sometimes has a beak longer than its body. Such an amazing beak helps feed on the nectar of flowers with especially long corollas, which is inaccessible to other species of hummingbirds.

Great Indian kalao

Another owner of a bright beak from the hornbill family - big indian kalao(lat. Buceros bicornis). This is one of the largest representatives of the family. On top of its already amazing bright yellow and black beak, the Indian kalao has an additional helmet. Although at first glance it appears to serve no purpose, the hollow helmet may be used for sexual selection.

Great toucan

We couldn't leave aside a bird with an incredible beak - big toucan(lat. Ramphastos toco). Its amazing beak is good for peeling the skin out of fruit, intimidating other birds and keeping predators away. The beak is made of honeycombs of keratin, so it is not very heavy. This structure also helps it regulate body temperature. Recent research suggests that by regulating blood flow to its beak, the great toucan can release more heat without overheating.

Rainbow toucan

Another species of toucan with a particularly amazing beak is rainbow toucan(lat. Ramphastos sulfuratus). Its beak has the same functions as the great toucan, but adds more bright colors. This is why he gets his rainbow name.

American white pelican

All pelicans have a truly amazing beak, with a sac of skin called a gular sac connected to the bottom of the beak. This unique structure acts as both a fish net and a water filter. During the breeding season American white pelican(lat. Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) uses its beak for its screaming sounds. This is the only species of pelican with a horn on the top of its beak.


Flamingo(lat. Phoenicopterus)- These are quite popular and well-known birds, but we very rarely pay attention to their amazing beak. The lower part of the beak has a hairy filter-like structure that helps separate food from dirt and water.


Kiwi(lat. Apteryx) is the only bird in which the nostrils are located at the tip of the beak. In all other birds, the nostrils are located higher, usually at the base of the face. But not the kiwi. The bird has an exceptional sense of smell and, together with specially placed nostrils, uses it to find food on the forest floor.

The striking red and black stripes on its beak are the source of this colorful bird's various nicknames: "clown of the sea" and "parrot of the sea." But the bold colors on the Atlantic puffin's bill are just the beginning of what makes this bill so special. The teeth on the upper jaw of the beak help the bird to transport more than 10 fish at a time.

American Avocet

American Avocet(Recurvirostra americana) has an elegant, delicate appearance that extends all the way to its long, surprisingly thin, and slightly upward-curved beak. Walking from side to side in the shallow water, she catches crustaceans and insects. Although the beak of the American Avocet looks too thin and delicate, it serves as an excellent weapon in the fight against opponents.

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