Radon baths - the mechanism of radon exposure and features of the procedure. Radon baths: indications, contraindications, treatment

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Medical science does not stand still, regularly offering people new methods of treatment, recovery, maintenance and preservation of health. One such method is radon baths, which are very popular in Lately. Radon healing is considered one of the most effective procedures designed to restore health.

Let's figure out what radon baths are, consider and discuss indications and contraindications for these procedures:

Radon baths. What is this?

The basis of these treatment procedures is saturation, enrichment of the body with radon and its decay products. Radon is an inert gas that is formed during the half-life of radium (a radioactive element) and has fairly powerful alpha radiation. At a certain dosage, when exposed to the body, this radiation has a healing effect, helping in treatment large quantity diseases.
Simply put, the healing effect occurs due to alpha radiation appearing during the decay of radon.

Radon waters are distinguished by the strength of their impact - weakly radon, strongly radon. For treatment, radon waters with a low concentration of this substance (5-40 nCi/l) are used.

Thus, radon baths are used for the complex treatment of many ailments, as well as for the general health of the body. Baths are part of a whole range of radon therapy methods. In addition to the baths themselves, this complex includes radon irrigation and drinking treatment. Radon treatment includes airborne radon, inhalation and brachyradium therapy, which is a truly unique procedure.

Healing effect

During the procedure, the body is saturated with radon, which penetrates through the skin. After acceptance medicinal bath, radon is removed from the body through the lungs during exhalation, after about one and a half to two hours.
After the procedure, microcirculation of the skin improves, the heart begins to work better, blood pressure stabilizes, and the function of the central nervous system improves (the person becomes calmer).

Radon baths strengthen the immune system, have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the blood clotting process, promote better regeneration and tissue restoration. The procedures restore and activate metabolic processes, especially carbohydrate, mineral, cholesterol, and water metabolism.

The procedure for taking such baths for the time required for the healing effect causes a prolonged expansion of arterioles, spasms are relieved, and blood flow to the epidermis increases. Peripheral vessels are strengthened. After the procedure, for about another hour, the patient's microcirculation in the heart improves, tissue blood flow increases, becomes more active, and blood flow in the capillaries accelerates.

In addition, conducting such radon procedures has a pronounced analgesic effect. The fact is that when taking a bath with radon water, combat impulses are blocked in the spinal cord, as well as certain centers of the brain responsible for the occurrence of painful sensations.

Indications for procedures:

Diseases of the nervous system: various neuroses, neuritis, neuralgia, etc.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: various pathologies of a degenerative-dystrophic nature, arthritis, various injuries, myositis, etc.

Cardiovascular diseases: cardiac dystrophy, coronary artery disease, hypertension, venous diseases, thrombophlebitis, and other pathologies affecting general hemodynamics.

Skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, scleroderma, etc.

Diseases of the female genital area: fibroids, endometriosis, various inflammatory diseases, negative manifestations of menopause, infertility.

Gastrointestinal pathologies: peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatic diseases, as well as diseases of the liver, gall bladder and their ducts.

Respiratory diseases: chronic inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity (its mucous membrane), inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, bronchial asthma, pulmonary obstruction, etc.

Diseases of the excretory organs, endocrine system, pathologies of metabolic processes, for example, diabetes, hyperthyroidism.


In no case should you approach radon procedures frivolously or seriously. Before performing them, you must undergo a medical examination and obtain a doctor’s approval, since baths with radon water have contraindications, for example:

Under no circumstances should you take such baths if you have radiation sickness at any stage, and they are also contraindicated if you have a low leukocyte count (leukopenia).

For severe pathologies or exacerbations of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. You should not take radon procedures if your thyroid gland is underactive or if you have hypothyroidism.

Radon baths are contraindicated for blood diseases - leukemia, ovarian hypofunction, and cancer.

In addition, refrain from accepting radon baths during pregnancy, when in a state of alcohol intoxication.

In any case, permission from the attending physician should be obtained for any radon procedures. You cannot prescribe them for yourself. Be healthy!

Most people know radon as an inert gas, colorless and odorless. In addition, it belongs to the group of radioactive substances, which means that the substance is not safe for human health. However, low concentrations of radon can be used for treatment, but only if the therapy has been prescribed by a doctor.

The benefits and harms of using radon

As soon as the element was discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century, it immediately aroused interest from scientists in various fields. Its effect on the body has been studied repeatedly, therefore, doctors were able to select the most optimal doses of the substance, the benefits of which are maximum and the harm is minimal.

Already in 1920 it was known that radon was very effective in treating many diseases that were difficult to treat by others, quite effective methods. These are immune diseases, varicose veins, problems with the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Another benefit of radon for humans is that it can have a calming, relaxing effect and help get rid of extra pounds. An equally important positive effect of radon is the removal of pain, including women’s, during menopause.

You might think that this is universal remedy against all diseases, however, it can also cause harm. As it turned out, this “useful” gas, if used frequently and in excess of the dose, can contribute to the development of lung cancer. Once in the body, radon begins to decompose and settle in the lungs, thereby irradiating them with various types of radiation.

In addition, harm from radon radiation can be obtained not only during therapy, but also in the process of working with building materials, or will be irradiated in natural conditions if a residential building is built in a risk zone.

Radon treatment methods

Today, quite a lot of radon treatment methods are used in medicine, however, the most popular among them are radon baths. This procedure allows you to fully influence the body and fight several diseases at once. The benefits of such baths are undeniable. As a rule, doctors prescribe a whole course, which is complemented by other procedures, such as mud therapy, massage and much more. As a rule, the number of procedures ranges from 12 to 15, depending on the type and nature of the disease. The bath temperature is about 36 degrees, the duration is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Such procedures are prescribed to people who have problems with blood pressure, since other methods can harm the cardiovascular system. Elderly people with joint pain can easily use radon baths for treatment and not worry about the fact that they will also have to treat their blood pressure later. Radon therapy is an excellent alternative to drug treatment.

In addition to radon baths, other treatment methods are known, the benefits of which are also very great. This:

  • drinking cure used to combat diseases of the digestive system and “female” diseases;
  • air baths for the treatment of the respiratory tract;
  • radon-enriched oils used to treat the musculoskeletal system;
  • radon boxes - unique way treatment, usually used in spas. This therapy can only be prescribed to persons over 18 years of age under the close supervision of a physician.

Regardless of the variety of methods, radon baths are the most common and effective.

Types of radon baths

To carry out radon baths, specialists use water from natural radon sources, or ordinary fresh water, which is artificially saturated with the element. These two types of procedures have equally positive effects on the human body.

Baths of natural origin include mineral waters that contain short-lived radon substances. We are talking about radon and its derivatives, decay products of the element. That is why, this type procedures are also called alpha therapy. Natural radon waters contain a small amount of minerals and a complex gas composition, which practically do not harm the body, and their benefits are maximum.

Depending on the concentration of radon in water, the following types of baths are distinguished:

  • weakly concentrated, containing from 5 to 40 nCi/l (0.2-1.5 kBq/l) radon;
  • moderately concentrated - from 40 to 200 nCi/l (1.5-7.5 kBq/l) radon;
  • baths with high radon concentrations - above 200 nCi/l (>7.5 kBq/l).

The first type of bath is the most common. Large concentrations of radon in water are usually prescribed in other procedures, for example, radon drinking.

Efficiency of radon baths

These procedures are highly effective and are used to treat the following diseases:

  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • disruption of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • neurological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and hormonal disorders;
  • prostatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with excess weight;
  • senile diseases.

In addition, radon has a calming effect, can be used as a pain reliever and helps normalize blood pressure. No less important is positive influence radon on the nervous and muscular system.

Contraindications to the use of radon baths

Radon baths are much more beneficial for the body than mud baths. They are much easier to tolerate and more effective. However, it is better to consult a doctor before starting procedures.

  • blood diseases, including leukemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • the presence of tumors, both malignant and benign.

It is also worth remembering that although radon is useful, it is still a radioactive element, therefore, women should not get carried away with radon baths.
As you can see, radon baths are new and quite effective method disease control various kinds. With their help, you can normalize blood pressure, treat problems of the reproductive system in both men and women, improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and cope with many other problems. However, like any other procedure, they must be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor and in compliance with rules and regulations. You should not treat yourself with radon baths.

Video about the benefits and harms of radon baths:

Almost every year, international medicine offers innovative methods treatment of a wide variety of diseases, and this applies not only to the release of new pharmaceuticals, but also to the latest physical procedures.

Physiotherapeutic techniques still do not lose their relevance and are in demand because they are very effective (especially with complex treatment). One of the latest developments is radon baths. Since the procedure is carried out using radioactive exposure, before signing up for a session, it is necessary to understand what indications and contraindications radon baths have, and whether they are suitable for all patients.

Not every person can answer the question - what are radon baths. This is a special type of physiotherapeutic treatment based on the effects of mineral waters saturated with radon. This inert gas is odorless and colorless, and produces radioactive alpha particles.

Radon waters have a powerful healing effect, but since they are accompanied radioactive radiation, they will be beneficial only with minimal dosages.

Many patients refuse such physical procedures because they consider treatment with radon baths unsafe.

But in the course of clinical studies and experiments, it was proven that minimal doses of radiation are harmless to the human body and are not capable of causing complications.

Today, such physiotherapeutic procedures are actively used in the most different areas medicine, but they have proven themselves especially well in the treatment of “female” diseases and.

Advantages and disadvantages

Currently, radon therapy is prescribed in the complex treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. It is practically not used as a separate method of therapy. Patients need to take into account that this method of treatment can have not only benefits, but also harm, therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The main advantage of radon sources is that they heal the body as a whole and help achieve the following effects:

  • reduce pain;
  • and capillaries;
  • normalize blood flow;
  • fight the inflammatory process;
  • accelerate metabolic processes and;
  • activate the defenses of the immune system.

As for the harmful effects on the body, such therapy extremely rarely causes side effects and most often their occurrence is associated with the lack of prior consultation or ignoring contraindications. The most common negative reactions from the body are:

  • the appearance of severe headache after the procedure. In some patients, the headache may not go away for several days;
  • slight dizziness;
  • increased breathing, shortness of breath;
  • increased blood pressure.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately notify your doctor, who will tell you what steps to take next. In most cases, such a reaction of the body is a reason for refusing further procedures.

When is it appointed?

Before prescribing such therapy, the doctor must tell the patient that radon baths are being treated. Based on the information received, the patient will be able to understand when they are most often prescribed.

Today, radon treatment is prescribed for a variety of diseases. This therapy has proven itself especially well for the following disorders:

  1. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Radon baths can be used for arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, as well as for recovery after fractures.
  2. Dysfunction of the nervous system (insomnia, the appearance of neuralgia).
  3. Diseases respiratory system(pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma).
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers) and gall bladder.
  5. Thyroid dysfunction.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Severe forms of dermatological pathologies (psoriasis).
  8. Myocardial diseases.

Today radon sources are even prescribed to restore the reproductive system in men and women. Doctors claim that this type of therapy helps to cope with prostatitis and infertility.


Despite the fact that this method of treatment is well tolerated in most cases and rarely causes complications, it has certain contraindications, which are primarily associated with the specific effect of radon.

Who are contraindicated for radon baths? You should refuse such procedures in the following cases:

  • bearing a child and lactation period;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • the presence of tumors of benign or malignant origin;
  • tuberculosis;
  • leukemia;
  • reduced estrogen levels;
  • colds accompanied by fever;
  • atrial fibrillation.

Also, radon therapy is not carried out for patients whose age is less than 18 years.

Reference! Most contraindications are due to the fact that alpha rays activate all processes in the body, which can negatively affect the course of some diseases.

Preparatory stage

What radon treats and how to properly prepare for the procedure should be told to the patient by the specialist who prescribed this method of treatment.

To achieve maximum effect and minimize the risk of complications, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • During the course of treatment, the patient must avoid drinking alcohol and quit smoking;
  • immediately before the session it is necessary to empty the bladder and cleanse the intestines;
  • baths are taken no earlier than an hour after meals;
  • It is very important that the patient does not feel nervous or worried during the procedure.

Conducting a session

How exactly the session will be carried out depends on what type of procedure is prescribed to the patient. Currently, there are several types of radon treatment, which are selected taking into account the type and stage of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. Before the first session, the doctor performing the procedure will tell you how to take radon baths correctly.

Typically, the patient must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. They enter the bath slowly, without sudden movements.
  2. You need to lie down in the water so that the level does not reach your heart.
  3. During the session you need to relax.
  4. You also need to get out of the water slowly and smoothly.
  5. After completing the session, the patient does not need to dry off with a towel; the skin should dry naturally.

Typically the session lasts no more than 15 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the patient needs to rest and only then return to business as usual. The standard course of treatment includes 10-12 sessions, which are carried out every 2 days.

Radon irrigation

This type of therapy is one of the most common and is most often prescribed for the treatment of the genitourinary system. The procedures are carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • session duration 15-20 minutes;
  • the water temperature should vary between 35-38 degrees;
  • the course of treatment consists of 18-22 procedures.

This type of treatment is very effective, especially in the initial stages of the disease.

Air-radon baths

A distinctive feature of this type of physiotherapy is that they place virtually no load on the myocardium, which is why they are prescribed even to patients who have recently suffered a heart attack.

During the procedure, the patient will be in a special box. Therapeutic effect This is done using air enriched with radon.

Other types

Radon treatment can also be carried out using the following techniques:

  • inhalation (inhalation of air saturated with radon);
  • oral administration (drinking radon water);
  • compresses based on radon waters;
  • administration of solutions by injection.

Each of these methods has its own advantages, but the method is chosen only by the attending physician, taking into account the type of disease and the individual characteristics of the body.

Possible complications

When conducting preliminary diagnostics and compliance with the rules for taking radon baths, the risk of developing side effects will be minimal. Most often, complications arise only when the bath is prepared incorrectly and the dosage of radon is increased. High doses of radon can lead to weakened immunity, lung cancer and leukemia.

Reference! Since such therapy can cause extremely serious complications if not carried out correctly, it should only be carried out under medical supervision.


After the end of the session, the patient will not have to engage in recovery activities. The only thing doctors advise is to rest for an hour after the procedure and not engage in mental or physical activity during this time. The patient also needs to remember that after taking a radon bath there is no need to wipe the skin with a towel, since the active substance will remain on the epidermis and continue to act.

approximate cost

The price of such therapy depends on where exactly it will be carried out, as well as on the duration of the course. Approximate cost of the course at the base natural sources, consisting of 10 sessions - 13,500-15,000 rubles.

Taking artificial baths will cost much less; for 1 session you will have to pay from 200 to 780 rubles.

Today, non-traditional methods of eliminating medical problems are becoming increasingly popular. In addition, many adherents of a healthy lifestyle also try to use various ways maintaining the tone of the whole body. One of these procedures was radon baths.

What is technology

The essence of this therapy is to saturate all skin cells with an inert gas, which is a decay product of the radioactive substance radium. Of course, this chemical element is pure form cannot be of any use because it emits very strong alpha radiation. However, people have long learned to benefit from dangerous natural phenomena. Considering that the exposure to radiation on the body during the session is minimal, the patient’s risk of receiving a critical dose of radiation is reduced to zero. However, you should not neglect the minimum precautions. Remember, all such procedures should be carried out only with the permission of a medical specialist.

The mechanism of action of the technology is as follows. The patient is placed in a filled, warm 200-liter bath, to which 100 ml of radon diluted to a safe concentration is added. It must be said that due to the increased degree of radiation, the substance is located in a special lead container. In addition, its preparation is carried out by experienced specialists who are familiar with the safety precautions for working with such elements. Typically therapy involves 10 to 15 sessions of 30 to 60 minutes each.

During the procedure, the inert gas gradually penetrates into the upper layers of the skin. Then it moves deeper into the body and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

The effect of such therapy is obvious. Radon baths, reviews of which are mostly positive, speed up the body's metabolism and improve skin condition. In addition, sessions can relieve you of certain diseases. However, this does not apply to all categories of patients.

It is also worth remembering that in specific cases different dosages of gas concentration in water will be required. A high degree of fluid saturation is most effective, but such therapy is not indicated for everyone. Most often, a weakly diluted bath is used. At the same time, the level of radiation received by the patient is approximately 15 times less than the lower permissible threshold, which indicates the radioactive safety of the procedure.

Treatment options

Today there are two methods of conducting this kind of sessions. There are natural radon springs and baths made artificially. Among the most popular domestic natural baths, radon baths in Pyatigorsk are widely known. In addition, such health resorts as Molokovka and Ust-Kut are popular. Among the countries of the near and far abroad, the baths of Tskaltubo, Khmelnik, Ischia and Bad Gastein are famous. Many healing springs are located in Germany. Among them are Bad Brambach and Bad Nauheim.

You can conduct a course of treatment in an artificially created font in any sanatorium with radon baths. Moreover, today many of them offer such a complex of therapy. It all depends on your personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Mechanism of action and result of the procedure

First of all, you need to find out how these sessions affect the body. After all, radon baths, the benefits and harms of which can be equivalent, in some cases require mandatory consultation with a doctor before starting such therapy.

As mentioned above, the substance enters the body through the skin. Then it moves into the deeper layers of the skin and affects the internal organs. The element is eliminated through breathing over several hours. It must be said that such treatment is usually not conservative. Rather, it is a general strengthening effect, which is carried out in combination with other procedures.

Baths with radon gas relieve inflammation, improve the general condition of the body, increase immune defense and promote tissue healing. In addition, the sessions will help normalize blood clotting and stabilize blood pressure. It is also known to have a beneficial effect on the central and peripheral nervous system and exchange processes.

Recently, this therapy has become especially popular due to its ability to quickly and effortlessly lose excess weight. Today, many cosmetology clinics provide a similar course of treatment. It should be noted here that the effect of taking baths is noticeable after just a short time. After all, not every person has sufficient willpower to carry out daily workouts and strictly adhere to a strict diet. The same method allows you to achieve a similar result without any effort on your part.

Another quality that should be highlighted is the calming effect of the inert gas on the patient’s nervous system. In some cases, procedures are indicated for patients suffering from sleep disorders and anxiety. Such therapy can easily relieve anxiety and relieve pain. Among people who have undergone this course of treatment, doctors note a high percentage of positive results from this technique.

Despite such an impressive list of beneficial effects, you should approach very carefully procedures such as radon baths, the indications and contraindications for which are very wide. Of course, you should not self-medicate. All therapy must take place with the permission and supervision of a specialist. Of course, there is a group of patients who need such a course. It is in these cases that the technique will be truly effective. The following list of patients falls into these categories:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Treatment is usually indicated for varicose veins, atherosclerosis and angina. The sessions will ease the consequences of a heart attack and cardiosclerosis. An excellent effect is also noted in the treatment of coronary heart disease.
  2. Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system. In this case, sessions are appropriate for people suffering from neuralgia, neuritis and neurasthenia. In addition, baths have excellent results for patients who have suffered closed injuries to the brain or spinal cord.
  3. Problems associated with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. This category includes both chronic patients with arthritis, osteoporosis and osteomyelitis, and patients who have received mechanical injuries.
  4. Skin diseases. Here the range of indications is very wide. The therapy can help both people suffering from superficial rashes and acne, and patients with more serious problems, such as psoriasis. In addition, the procedures contribute to the speedy healing of integrity violations skin and scars.
  5. Chronic inflammation of the genitourinary organs. Baths cope with benign hormonal tumors in women and prostatitis in men. However, in the case of the appearance of tumors, you need to be extremely careful, since sessions can provoke their growth.

In addition to the above properties, this treatment is indicated for people suffering from diabetes and various chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and kidneys. In addition, patients can achieve an excellent effect in the fight against excess weight.

In a word, there are a lot of positive aspects of taking radon baths. However, even less harmless procedures usually require a full examination and consultation with a doctor, and such therapy has an extensive list of contraindications for its use. Therefore, to decide whether this treatment is right for you, you need to be aware of the possible negative consequences.

Risk of complications

Of course, every person who wants to improve their health in this way must also know about negative side question. After all, radon baths, the contraindications for the use of which are fully known today, can cause irreparable harm to the body. The list of such precautions looks like this:

  1. The acute phase of any chronic disease. Here they include all the same categories for which treatment is recommended. This is especially important for patients with impaired heart rhythm function. Of course, once you have passed the peak of the exacerbation, you can continue the course after consulting with your doctor.
  2. Active inflammatory phenomena in tissues or organs. In this case more Negative influence may not be caused by radon gases, but by immersing the patient in warm water, which can contribute to an increase in the focus of inflammation. Although, in these cases, the decision is made by the attending doctor based on the individual characteristics of the disease.
  3. Poor tolerance of the procedure. As a rule, it is not possible to determine this in advance. If you experience breathing problems, heavy sweating or dizziness while taking a bath, be sure to notify a specialist. You may need to avoid this treatment.
  4. Low white blood cell count. A decrease in white blood cells indicates poor body resistance. In this case, even a small dose of radiation can have fatal consequences. Of course, such a procedure is strictly prohibited for patients with radiation sickness.
  5. Increased radiation dosage due to professional activities. It is better for people who are constantly in contact with such substances to refrain from taking these procedures.

This list only outlines the main contraindications for treatment with radon. Of course, there are also other characteristics and diseases for which such a course is not recommended. However, this should only be determined by a qualified professional. Therefore, before deciding to begin such sessions, be sure to undergo a full medical examination and, if necessary, pass necessary tests to avoid harmful consequences for the body.

It is obvious that baths saturated with inert gas during the half-life of radon have a high healing effect and can alleviate the course of most chronic ailments. However, we should not forget that any technique also has negative sides. Remember that in this case it is optimal to trust the doctors and not your own intuition.

To eliminate the possibility of complications, do not self-medicate, but trust qualified specialists

Pyatigorsk is the most popular domestic health resort with radon baths

In addition to the general strengthening effect, radon baths have many healing properties.

The best solution would be to undergo a course of such therapy in a sanatorium.

The optimal solution would be a consultation with a specialist before the procedures and constant medical monitoring during the course.

Therapy will help you get rid of excess weight and strengthen the nervous system

Natural bath with healing effect

Many supporters of a healthy lifestyle speak enthusiastically about radon baths

Despite the fact that the main component of therapy has become a radioactive element, the benefits from it are enormous

It is sad that some seriously ill patients who have tried all types of traditional treatment are deprived of the opportunity to experience the therapeutic power of radon. We hope that our modest notes will reach the masses, and society will learn about the benefits of radon therapy.

Radon therapy – what is it?

This method of therapeutic treatment has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole through water saturated with radon. Patients are placed in a tank of mineral water for certain time. As experts say, such procedures are highly effective for ailments of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, respiratory tract and other problems with the body. In particular, when:

  • radiculitis;
  • inflammation of the spine;
  • neuralgia;
  • asthma;
  • heart diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • gastrointestinal ailments;
  • chronic ailments of the female genital organs;
  • skin diseases (neurodermatitis, etc.).

Benefits of radon baths

Using baths with mineral water enriched with a chemical element, doctors effectively fight a wide range of diseases. It turns out that when a patient remains in water for a long time, radon enters through the skin into fatty tissues and human organs. Under the influence of an element foreign to the body, metabolism significantly accelerates, skin condition improves, internal tissues are restored, and inflammatory processes slow down. Moreover, the effect is noticeable after just a few sessions.

The beneficial effects of radon on the vascular system should be highlighted:

  • the pulse rate returns to normal due to the calming of the heart;
  • blood circulation is also normalized;
  • the walls of blood vessels acquire elasticity and reliability.

The miraculous radon has a very direct effect on the central and peripheral nervous system. The chemical element distinguishes the effect of an effective and absolutely safe sedative. The gas allows a person to relax, as a result of which pain disappears and sleep normalizes.

The beneficial qualities have already been felt by hundreds of patients struggling with pulmonary and joint pain. Distinctive feature from mineral waters and mud baths in a particular case lies in the effectiveness of the procedures. So, after the first session, patients feel relief. Painful sensations dull, you feel better, your mood improves.

Women will certainly appreciate the complex miraculous effect of radon. The fact is that the chemical element, among other things, promotes weight loss and accelerates metabolism. If grueling workouts in the gym coupled with following draconian diets make you despondent, pay attention to painless water procedures. By the way, many centers for effective weight loss already offer similar options.

The most important thing, as doctors say, is that preventive measures should be carried out strictly according to the recommendations. In addition, radon baths alone will not be enough to cure all ailments. This is an excellent auxiliary product that stimulates the renewal of the body. But it is not recommended to use it as the main treatment.

So, radon baths have the following effect on the body:

  1. General well-being improves.
  2. The skin is renewed.
  3. Acceleration, as a result, excess fat is burned.
  4. Slowing down inflammatory processes.
  5. Tissue restoration.
  6. Stimulating blood circulation.
  7. Strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  8. The nervous system is strengthened.
  9. Sleep is normalized.
  10. Pulmonary and joint pain is eliminated.

Now about the best part. The result of taking radon baths - good, sound sleep, general well-being, healthy skin - lasts up to six months with normal nutrition, absence and exercise.

Treatment with radon baths

We can confidently say that procedures for taking radon baths have recently been prescribed as additional remedy for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Nevertheless, such sessions have gained relative popularity among beauty priestesses. In aesthetic salons, radon is known as reliable means for weight loss and for solving skin problems.

At the same time, we should not forget about the healing effect that the miracle gas has. The variety of diseases that we talked about earlier can be overcome thanks to comprehensive treatment. And such procedures fit exactly into the concept of complex treatment.

To be fair, it is worth noting that radon baths are rarely prescribed as the main means of therapy. In practice, pleasant sessions are additional effective procedures. MirSovetov responsibly states that the effect is especially noticeable when the order of sessions and other therapeutic appointments is strictly observed. And of course they are important healthy sleep and walks in the fresh air.

Doctors often prescribe ten sessions daily for patients. During the procedure, the patient is immersed in warm water containing enriched radon. A person stays in the bath for about 10 minutes, after which the session ends. As a rule, with a progressive disease, the patient feels an exacerbation in the problem area exactly after completion water procedures. This is quite normal, this is how the body reacts to foreign penetration. Some patients complain of excessive sleepiness, strong feeling hunger, decreased blood pressure.

What a standard session looks like:

  1. Pour 200 liters of fresh filtered water at a temperature of 38°C (the temperature is maintained at this level throughout the procedure).
  2. Add 100 ml of radon solution.
  3. Carefully position the patient to chest level.
  4. The duration of the first therapy reaches 10 minutes, subsequent ones – 15.
  5. The patient is carefully removed without causing waves.
  6. Wrap the patient in a towel so that radon particles remain on the skin.
  7. They recommend an hour's rest with a categorical refusal to engage in any activity.

Radon baths for fibroids

For diseases of the female genital organs, any physical procedures are prohibited, which significantly increases the time of treatment and rehabilitation. The only remedy that accelerates the recovery of organs is radon. Moreover, such sessions, as we have already said, should be prescribed as an addition to conservative treatment:

  • taking complex vitamins;
  • a specially designed diet;
  • needle therapy;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

Doctors prescribe baths taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease.


Without taking into account the great many objective advantages, there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel. Radon baths have certain contraindications, which are recommended for all potential clients to familiarize themselves with.

In particular, it is not advisable to take baths during pregnancy and. Although sometimes experts make an exception. However, this is individual. You should not go to a session on your own in pursuit of beauty.

In addition, radon-enriched water is contraindicated for people suffering from serious heart disease. Sometimes patients exhibit individual intolerance. In such cases, seizures, dizziness, and fainting are common.

The list of contraindications also includes:

  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • severe neuroses;
  • exacerbation of skin pathologies;
  • radiation sickness;
  • decreased ovarian function;
  • hypoestrogenia (low estrogen production);
  • some types of infertility;
  • leukopenia;
  • acute stages of inflammatory processes.
Those who have thyroid dysfunction, as well as those who suffer from atrial fibrillation and angina, should be careful. Such treatment is indicated for children only from the age of five.

As Paracelsus said, every plant and substance can act as a poison and medicine. It all depends on the concentration and dose. This statement is proven using the example of radon baths. Moderate use of a radioactive substance can lead to the mobilization of the body's defense mechanisms modern man, pampered by the lack of adrenaline and natural dangers.


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