Calculations for preparing aqueous solutions. Calculations for preparing solutions

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Vinegar 3% obtained by diluting vinegar essence, and the ready-made solution is used for a wide variety of purposes. Acetic acid is one of the most ancient discoveries of man, without which it is difficult to imagine modern cooking and even sanitation. In any small store you can buy 9% table vinegar, but other percentages are quite difficult to find even on the Internet. In life, under various circumstances, we very often resort to using vinegar, and in some cases we catch ourselves thinking that we simply desperately need a different concentration. So, from an economical point of view, it is better to purchase vinegar essence and dilute it as needed.


Vinegar has, to put it mildly, a lot of properties, and if used correctly, we can consider and receive only positive qualities. But along with a large number of abilities, the varieties of liquid also grow. There are two main differences: one is natural (made by fermenting berry or fruit nectars), the second is synthetic (it is obtained by distilling petroleum raw materials, wood and gas).

Few people have thought about the beneficial qualities of 3 percent vinegar in general. It turns out that the solution contains an impressive amount of various elements in the form of iron, phosphorus and fluorine. It also has a large amount of vitamins (PP, A, K, E, B, C) and organic acids: propionic, tartaric or citric.

The nutritional value of the liquid shows small indicators. There are no proteins or fats per 100 g of product, but 2.3 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of 3% vinegar is 11 kcal.

Apple cider vinegar 3% has proven to be a beneficial ingredient and source of potassium. Potassium facilitates connecting processes with more important microelements such as chlorine, calcium, silicon, sodium, magnesium and others. With regular and reasonable use, the solution is considered a very useful and necessary product.


The use of 3% table vinegar is widespread in cooking. The sour liquid is used by many as an additional or main seasoning. Vegetable salads, dumplings, sauces, drinks, sour first courses, pickles and marinades - all this cannot be done without the addition of vinegar. In addition to all of the above, such acid is a way to preserve food from spoilage for a long time.

In medicine and cosmetology, vinegar has also proven to be a powerful substance that is used in the fight against dandruff and acne. A weak solution of vinegar can soothe itching and relieve swelling. Many mothers, in order not to resort to antibiotics and antipyretic drugs over and over again, use a vinegar solution to bring down the child’s temperature. In folk medicine, weak solutions even treat arthritis, kidney stones, asthma, poisoning and other digestive disorders.

The price of non-artificial vinegar is much different from the cost of synthetic raw materials. Moreover, natural vinegar has many types, including rice, balsamic, whey, apple, malt, alcohol and wine vinegars. But natural essence differs from artificial essence not only in the price category. The taste of natural vinegar is much better, so it is preferable to use this product only for culinary purposes. But the synthetic solution should be used for home preventive, cleaning and sanitary purposes.

How to make vinegar 3%?

How to make 3% vinegar, having only 9% or even an essence with a higher percentage of acidity? In order to dilute this or that substance efficiently and absolutely safely, you must adhere to certain formulas. But not everything is so scary! You don't have to grab a chemistry textbook. The problem can be solved by calculations and maintaining the correct proportions.

It is extremely important to approach these manipulations with full responsibility, otherwise you risk injuring at least your own body!

So, in order to obtain a 3% acetic solution from acetic acid (equal to 70%), you must first decide on the unit of definition. The measuring instrument can be a cup, glass, cap, spoon or a special measuring cup. Then you need to take boiled water, prepared and cooled in advance.

The proportions for 70 percent acid are as follows: for one unit of essence you choose, you will need 22.5 units of boiled water. For example, in 1 tbsp. l. concentrated acid should be diluted in 22.5 tbsp. l. plain water.

Required solution

Initial concentrate equal to 30%

Initial concentrate equal to 70%

Initial concentrate equal to 80%

3 percent

1 dose of 30% acid + 9 doses of boiled water

1 dose of 70% acid + 22 doses of boiled water

1 dose of 80% acid + 25.5 doses of boiled water

5 percent

1 part essence + 5 parts water

1 part essence + 13 parts water

1 part essence + 15 parts water

6 percent

1 unit + 4 units

1 unit + 10.5 units

1 unit + 12 units

9 percent

1 beat + 2 beats

1 beat + 7 beats

1 beat + 8 beats

10 percent

1 beat + 2 beats

1 beat + 6 beats

1 beat + 7 beats

30 percent

1 part concentrate + 1 part water

1 part concentrate + 1.5 parts water

Using such a simple and easy table, you can calculate any percentages. The main thing is to decide on the unit of measurement. But, it is worth considering that concentrates with a high acid content are only artificial; therefore, such essences should be dissolved only for cleansing purposes.

If you need a weak vinegar solution for your culinary needs, it would be preferable to purchase 9 percent food grade vinegar and dilute it to 3 percent. To do this, dilute 1 measuring cup of vinegar in 3 measuring cups of water. We obtain a weak vinegar mixture and use it for food purposes.

What does percentage of concentrate mean? The number indicates the percentage of acetic acid in 100 ml of water. For example, a 100 ml bottle with a 30% composition would mean that the container contains 70 ml of water and 30 ml of acid.

Security measures

Precautionary and safety measures must be observed if there are similar substances with a highly aggressive environment at home. During storage or dilution, follow the rules specified in the instructions.:

  • store technical acetic acid only in tightly closed, durable containers out of the reach of children and animals;
  • It is advisable to clearly mark the container with the essence so as not to confuse it with another liquid in a hurry;
  • to obtain a weaker solution, it is necessary to pour the acid into water, and not otherwise;
  • do not inhale acid fumes, which can cause respiratory burns;
  • do not use vinegar solution if you have high acidity or gastritis;
  • Avoid taking vinegar if your mucous membranes are irritated.

A weak solution of 3% vinegar, poured into a vase with a bouquet, will prolong the life of flowers, remove the Prussians from their homes and clean the electric kettle, make food richer and hair shiny. This product is truly a find that came to us from past centuries! By the way, it is 3% rice vinegar that is added to rice when preparing sushi and rolls. A barely noticeable sourness fills the rice base with aroma and unique taste.

Almost all acids are marketed in the form of solutions of a certain percentage concentration and density. Let the acid content in the initial commercial product be P in% and its density d. To prepare a solution of a given percentage concentration P, %, it is necessary to perform small dilution calculations. The weight quantity of the original acid solution m, which must be added to 10 l water equals

Example. It is required to prepare a 3% solution of phosphoric acid from a commercial 85% solution. In the chemist's reference book they find the density of the original 85% phosphoric acid, which at 20 ° C is equal to 1.689. The amount by weight of 85% phosphoric acid required to be added to 10 l water equals

Since it is more convenient not to weigh out an acid solution, but to measure it by volume, the volume of its initial solution will be equal to

where V x is the volume of the initial acid solution added to 10 l water, ml;

d is the density of the initial acid solution, g/ml.

For the example above, the volume of the original 85% phosphoric acid would be

So, to prepare a 3% solution you need to 10 l add water 365.9 g or 216.6 ml 85% phosphoric acid.

To determine the weight relationship between the quantities of commercial acid with a percentage concentration of P ex % and water to obtain a solution with an acid content of P %, you can use a simple scheme

For example, to obtain a 3% solution of acetic acid from a commercial 30% solution, you should take

As you can see, using this scheme is very simple. In the upper left corner write the concentration of acid in the original product - P ref. In the lower left corner they put 0, which means that the acid content in the water is zero. In the middle of the diagram is placed the concentration P of the solution that needs to be obtained. Arithmetic operations are shown in the diagram with arrows. If W from the concentration P of the original initial solution we subtract the value of the concentration P of the resulting solution, then the weight parts of water will be shown in the lower right corner. If from the resulting concentration P we subtract the acid content in water, which is zero, then the weight parts of the original solution equal to the acid content in the resulting solution will be in the upper right corner. To convert the weight units of the original solution into volume units, they must be divided by density.

Approximate solutions. When preparing approximate solutions, the amounts of substances that must be taken for this purpose are calculated with little accuracy. To simplify calculations, the atomic weights of elements can sometimes be taken rounded to whole units. So, for a rough calculation, the atomic weight of iron can be taken equal to 56 instead of the exact -55.847; for sulfur - 32 instead of the exact 32.064, etc.

Substances for preparing approximate solutions are weighed on technochemical or technical balances.

In principle, the calculations when preparing solutions are exactly the same for all substances.

The amount of the prepared solution is expressed either in units of mass (g, kg) or in units of volume (ml, l), and for each of these cases the amount of solute is calculated differently.

Example. Let it be required to prepare 1.5 kg of 15% sodium chloride solution; We first calculate the required amount of salt. The calculation is carried out according to the proportion:

i.e. if 100 g of solution contains 15 g of salt (15%), then how much of it will be required to prepare 1500 g of solution?

The calculation shows that you need to weigh out 225 g of salt, then take 1500 - 225 = 1275 g of iuzhio water.

If you are asked to obtain 1.5 liters of the same solution, then in this case you will find out its density from the reference book, multiply the latter by the given volume and thus find the mass of the required amount of solution. Thus, the density of a 15% noro sodium chloride solution at 15 0C is 1.184 g/cm3. Therefore, 1500 ml is

Therefore, the amount of substance for preparing 1.5 kg and 1.5 liters of solution is different.

The calculation given above is applicable only for the preparation of solutions of anhydrous substances. If an aqueous salt is taken, for example Na2SO4-IOH2O1, then the calculation is slightly modified, since the water of crystallization must also be taken into account.

Example. Let you need to prepare 2 kg of 10% Na2SO4 solution based on Na2SO4 * 10H2O.

The molecular weight of Na2SO4 is 142.041, and Na2SO4*10H2O is 322.195, or rounded to 322.20.

The calculation is carried out first using anhydrous salt:

Therefore, you need to take 200 g of anhydrous salt. The amount of salt decahydrate is calculated from the calculation:

In this case, you need to take water: 2000 - 453.7 = 1546.3 g.

Since the solution is not always prepared in terms of anhydrous salt, the label, which must be stuck on the container with the solution, must indicate what salt the solution is prepared from, for example, a 10% solution of Na2SO4 or 25% Na2SO4 * 10H2O.

It often happens that a previously prepared solution needs to be diluted, i.e., its concentration must be reduced; solutions are diluted either by volume or by weight.

Example. It is necessary to dilute a 20% solution of ammonium sulfate so as to obtain 2 liters of a 5% solution. We carry out the calculation in the following way. From the reference book we find out that the density of a 5% solution of (NH4)2SO4 is 1.0287 g/cm3. Therefore, 2 liters of it should weigh 1.0287 * 2000 = 2057.4 g. This amount should contain ammonium sulfate:

Considering that losses may occur during measuring, you need to take 462 ml and bring them to 2 liters, i.e. add 2000-462 = 1538 ml of water to them.

If the dilution is carried out by mass, the calculation is simplified. But in general, dilution is carried out based on volume, since liquids, especially in large quantities, are easier to measure by volume than to weigh.

It must be remembered that in any work with both dissolution and dilution, you should never pour all the water into the vessel at once. The container in which the required substance was weighed or measured is rinsed with water several times, and each time this water is added to the solution vessel.

When special precision is not required, when diluting solutions or mixing them to obtain solutions of a different concentration, you can use the following simple and quick method.

Let's take the already discussed case of diluting a 20% solution of ammonium sulfate to 5%. First we write like this:

where 20 is the concentration of the solution taken, 0 is water and 5" is the required concentration. Now subtract 5 from 20 and write the resulting value in the lower right corner, subtracting zero from 5, write the number in the upper right corner. Then the diagram will look like this :

This means that you need to take 5 volumes of a 20% solution and 15 volumes of water. Of course, such a calculation is not very accurate.

If you mix two solutions of the same substance, the scheme remains the same, only the numerical values ​​change. Suppose that by mixing a 35% solution and a 15% solution, you need to prepare a 25% solution. Then the diagram will look like this:

i.e. you need to take 10 volumes of both solutions. This scheme gives approximate results and can be used only when special accuracy is not required. It is very important for every chemist to cultivate the habit of accuracy in calculations when necessary, and to use approximate figures in cases where this will not affect the results work. When greater accuracy is needed when diluting solutions, the calculation is carried out using formulas.

Let's look at a few of the most important cases.

Preparation of a diluted solution. Let c be the amount of solution, m% the concentration of the solution that needs to be diluted to a concentration of n%. The resulting amount of diluted solution x is calculated using the formula:

and the volume of water v for diluting the solution is calculated by the formula:

Mixing two solutions of the same substance of different concentrations to obtain a solution of a given concentration. Let by mixing a parts of an m% solution with x parts of a p% solution we need to obtain a /% solution, then:

Precise solutions. When preparing accurate solutions, the calculation of the quantities of the required substances will be checked with a sufficient degree of accuracy. Atomic weights of elements are taken from the table, which shows their exact values. When adding (or subtracting), use the exact value of the term with the least number of decimal places. The remaining terms are rounded, leaving one decimal place after the decimal place than in the term with the smallest number of decimal places. As a result, as many digits after the decimal point are left as there are in the term with the smallest number of decimal places; in this case, the necessary rounding is performed. All calculations are made using logarithms, five-digit or four-digit. The calculated quantities of the substance are weighed only on an analytical balance.

Weighing is carried out either on a watch glass or in a weighing bottle. The weighed substance is poured into a clean, washed volumetric flask in small portions through a clean, dry funnel. Then, from the washing machine, the glass or watch glass in which the weighing was carried out is washed several times with small portions of water over the funnel. The funnel is also washed several times from the washing machine with distilled water.

To pour solid crystals or powders into a volumetric flask, it is very convenient to use the funnel shown in Fig. 349. Such funnels are made with a capacity of 3, 6, and 10 cm3. You can weigh the sample directly in these funnels (non-hygroscopic materials), having previously determined their mass. The sample from the funnel is very easily transferred into a volumetric flask. When the sample is poured, the funnel, without removing it from the neck of the flask, is washed well with distilled water from the rinse.

As a rule, when preparing accurate solutions and transferring the solute into a volumetric flask, the solvent (for example, water) should occupy no more than half the capacity of the flask. Stopper the volumetric flask and shake it until the solid is completely dissolved. After this, the resulting solution is added to the mark with water and mixed thoroughly.

Molar solutions. To prepare 1 liter of a 1 M solution of a substance, 1 mole of it is weighed out on an analytical balance and dissolved as indicated above.

Example. To prepare 1 liter of 1 M solution of silver nitrate, find the molecular weight of AgNO3 in the table or calculate it, it is equal to 169.875. The salt is weighed out and dissolved in water.

If you need to prepare a more dilute solution (0.1 or 0.01 M), weigh out 0.1 or 0.01 mol of salt, respectively.

If you need to prepare less than 1 liter of solution, then dissolve a correspondingly smaller amount of salt in the corresponding volume of water.

Normal solutions are prepared in the same way, only by weighing out not 1 mole, but 1 gram equivalent of the solid.

If you need to prepare a half-normal or decinormal solution, take 0.5 or 0.1 gram equivalent, respectively. When preparing not 1 liter of solution, but less, for example 100 or 250 ml, then take 1/10 or 1/4 of the amount of substance required to prepare 1 liter and dissolve it in the appropriate volume of water.

Fig. 349. Funnels for pouring the sample into the flask.

After preparing a solution, it must be checked by titration with a corresponding solution of another substance of known normality. The prepared solution may not correspond exactly to the normality that is specified. In such cases, an amendment is sometimes introduced.

In production laboratories, exact solutions are sometimes prepared “according to the substance being determined.” The use of such solutions facilitates calculations during analysis, since it is enough to multiply the volume of the solution used for titration by the titer of the solution in order to obtain the content of the desired substance (in g) in the amount of any solution taken for analysis.

When preparing a titrated solution for the analyte, calculations are also carried out using the gram equivalent of the soluble substance, using the formula:

Example. Suppose you need to prepare 3 liters of potassium permanganate solution with an iron titer of 0.0050 g/ml. The gram equivalent of KMnO4 is 31.61, and the gram equivalent of Fe is 55.847.

We calculate using the above formula:

Standard solutions. Standard solutions are solutions with different, precisely defined concentrations used in colorimetry, for example, solutions containing 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 mg, etc. of dissolved substance in 1 ml.

In addition to colorimetric analysis, such solutions are needed when determining pH, for nephelometric determinations, etc. Sometimes standard solutions are stored in sealed ampoules, but more often they have to be prepared immediately before use. Standard solutions are prepared in a volume of no more than 1 liter, and more often - Only with a large consumption of the standard solution can you prepare several liters of it, and then only on the condition that the standard solution will not be stored for a long time.

The amount of substance (in g) required to obtain such solutions is calculated using the formula:

Example. It is necessary to prepare standard solutions of CuSO4 5H2O for the colorimetric determination of copper, and 1 ml of the first solution should contain 1 mg of copper, the second - 0.1 mg, the third - 0.01 mg, the fourth - 0.001 mg. First, prepare a sufficient amount of the first solution, for example 100 ml.

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without one of the random inventions of mankind - without table vinegar. On store shelves you can most often find 9% vinegar and concentrated vinegar essence 70%.

But in various life situations, not only 9% vinegar is required, but also many other vinegar solutions of varying concentrations. From a saving point of view, it is easier to buy vinegar essence and dilute it depending on need.

It is better to use different types of vinegar for different purposes. There is natural vinegar, obtained by fermenting fruit and berry juices, and there is synthetic vinegar, obtained by distilling wood, oil, and gas.

The cost of natural vinegar is much higher, and so is its taste, so for cooking it is better to use natural varieties, but synthetic varieties are quite suitable for cleaning kitchen surfaces and removing stains.

No. Area of ​​application of the solution Permissible concentration
1. Cleaning the kitchen stove from grease, removing rust 30%
2. Disinfection and stain removal from fabric surfaces 10%
3. Marinades for long-term storage in hermetically sealed jars 9%
4. Quick marinating of meat and onions 8%
5. Quick vegetable marinades that do not require hermetically sealed without long-term storage 7%
6. Extinguishing soda for baking flour products 6%
7. Removing odors from lunch boxes, bread bins, refrigerators 5%
8. Independent seasoning for boiled and fried meat (pork) 4%
9. Dressing fresh vegetable salads, preparing homemade mayonnaise 3%

Where is the 3% solution used?

3% vinegar has found use in cooking. The slightly acidic spicy solution is an excellent independent seasoning for boiled dumplings and vegetable salads. Adding it to the first courses will preserve the bright color of the borscht and add a piquant sourness to the pickle. And not a single holiday table would be complete without homemade marinades - cucumbers, garlic, onions.

3% vinegar has also found a place in cosmetology. With its help you can fight acne and dandruff; it will soothe itching after insect bites and help remove bruises.

3% vinegar can be made from 70% essence, or you can Dilute 9% table vinegar to 3%.

Vinegar essence is produced only of synthetic origin, so its solutions are best used for non-food needs.

How to calculate the required concentration?

To get 3% vinegar from 70% vinegar (vinegar essence), you need to know the dilution proportion. Depending on the required amount of 3% solution, you need to select a unit of measurement. It could be a teaspoon or a tablespoon, a measuring cup, a glass - whatever.

You need to measure 22.5 units of water into a glass container, and then pour 1 unit of vinegar essence into it.

To dilute vinegar essence, you should take boiled water at room temperature so as not to provoke a chemical reaction!

With this solution 3% vinegar obtained from 70 percent can be used to wipe a child at high temperatures. Rubbing will help lower the temperature by 1-1.5 degrees without using antipyretic medications. A cotton swab dipped in this solution can be used to lubricate mosquito bites. The same composition can easily remove unpleasant odors in plastic containers and kitchen cabinets.

It is better not to use vinegar essence in cooking. The only exception is the preparation of homemade mayonnaise, if the fruity taste of natural vinegar is undesirable.

For culinary purposes it is better to take natural 9% vinegar and dilute it to 3% concentration. It's quite simple: take 1 unit of vinegar for 3 units of water. This slightly acidic solution can be poured over boiled dumplings; You can use it to make a delicious salad dressing or sauce for meat. In such a low concentration, vinegar will not harm even with gastritis, adding its own piquant note to the culinary bouquet of the dish!

Precautionary measures

Simple safety rules should be followed when storing and diluting 70% vinegar essence:

  • Store the essence only in industrial packaging with a label! Essence manufacturers specifically use non-standard bottles so that the product cannot be confused with anything else;
  • keep the essence out of the reach of children;
  • when diluting essence, be sure to pour the essence into water, and not vice versa;
  • Do not lean over the solution, so as not to burn your respiratory tract with acetic acid vapor when mixing.

Note to the hostess

Table for obtaining solutions of various concentrations

Parts ratio (essence:water) Solution concentration
1:22,5 3%
1:17 4%
1:13 5%
1:11 6%
1:9 7%
1:8 8%
1:7 9%
1:6 10%
1:1,5 30%

Vinegar added to water will prolong the life of a festive bouquet of flowers, drive cockroaches out of the house and stop hiccups, give dishes a unique taste and make hair smooth and shiny... This is a real miracle that came from time immemorial, but has not lost its relevance in the modern world!

Table vinegar is often used to prepare marinades. Therefore, situations may arise where knowledge of how to obtain 9% vinegar from 70% acetic acid. To do this, just use a special table and follow a few simple tips.

Safety regulations

But before looking at the table, you need to familiarize yourself with the safety rules:

  1. We dilute the original composition exclusively with cold water - filtered, boiled, but not from the tap.
  2. You should not drink, eat or chew gum during this process. This increases the chances of the essence getting on the mucous membranes, which will need to be immediately washed with plenty of running water.
  3. In our work we use only measuring spoons and cups. When diluting acetic acid, accuracy is of great importance. If you make even a slight mistake, the final product could be ruined.
  4. Vinegar evaporates quite quickly in the air, so at the final stage you should tightly close the storage container and hide it in a dark and cool place.

What else do you need to remember?

A simple mathematical formula will help you make 9% vinegar at home. It can also be used in situations where it is necessary to prepare a composition of higher or lower strength.

    Do you like vinegar?

"70 / 9 = 7.7"- Based on these data, calculating the proportions is quite simple. It is enough to dilute 1 tablespoon of acetic acid with 7 tablespoons of cold water. They are carefully mixed several times, and the output is table vinegar.

Additional data

When the question arises of how to obtain 9% vinegar from 70% acetic acid, for greater convenience it is worth using a special table that indicates the necessary proportions for preparing different types of final product:

Required strength

Amount of ingredients (in tablespoons)

10% vinegar solution

1 tablespoon diluted with 6 tablespoons water

9% vinegar solution

1 tablespoon diluted with 7 tablespoons water

8% vinegar solution

1 tablespoon diluted with 8 tablespoons water

7% vinegar solution

1 tablespoon diluted with 9 tablespoons water

6% vinegar solution

Dilute 1 tablespoon with 11 tablespoons of water

5% vinegar solution

1 tablespoon diluted with 13 tablespoons water

4% vinegar solution

1 tablespoon mixed with 17 tablespoons of water

3% vinegar solution

1 tablespoon diluted with 22.5 tablespoons of water

20% vinegar solution

Dilute 1 tablespoon with 2.5 tablespoons of water

30% vinegar solution

1 tablespoon diluted with 1.5 tablespoons of water

As you can see, getting the necessary product at home is not at all difficult. But it is best to use this method only in emergency cases, so as not to endanger your health and be sure that the taste will not be affected.


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