Decoding puzzles online. How to make puzzles

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Rebuses for children - a puzzle in which a word is encrypted using pictures, letter combinations and signs, has been popular for centuries. Puzzles, which first appeared in France in the 15th century (the first printed collection dates back to 1582 and was compiled by Etienne Taboureau), improved over time and became an extremely exciting game. You can solve them either alone or in a fun company, arranging competitions. The puzzle will not let you get bored even on a gray, rainy day when you can’t go out with friends. Solving puzzles for children is fun and exciting - worth a try!

What puzzles exist

There are a wide variety of puzzles: mathematical, with numbers, with notes, complex and many others. We have prepared an excellent selection of puzzles for children.

How can you solve a rebus?

Knowing the rules for deciphering a rebus, you can solve even a very complex riddle. The word hidden in the puzzle is divided into several parts, which can be shown in the form of pictures. In order to guess the word, you need to read the names of the images in the nominative case, and then combine them into one word. So, for example, if the first picture shows a trace, and the second shows a person conducting some kind of experiment, you should read: trace + experience = pathfinder.

Puzzles can be more difficult. In such puzzles, one of the pictures may be turned upside down, and then its name must be read backwards. Commas can further complicate the puzzle, which, if you don’t know what they are for in the puzzle, make it unsolvable. When a comma is placed before a picture, it indicates that you do not need to read the first letter of its name. The number of commas indicates how many letters need to be discarded. A comma or several of them after the picture indicate unnecessary letters from the end of the word.

Having become comfortable with simple puzzles, it is interesting to tackle more complex puzzles. In them, a crossed out letter may be drawn above the picture, which means that it should be excluded from the title of the picture. When there are numbers above the picture, then only the letters corresponding to them in the word are read (example: if there are numbers 1, 3, 4 above the picture of an apple, you need to read yalo). When there is a crossed out letter and an uncrossed out letter above the picture, you need to replace one with the other in the word. In some puzzles, the letter that needs to be replaced is not crossed out, but simply an = sign is placed between it and the one that should be in its place.

Numbers may also appear in the rebus if part of the word is a numeral. In this case, pictures or letters can be placed before or after the number. The puzzle is solved in the same way as a puzzle with pictures, only instead of the name of the image, a number or number is read.

When a rebus looks like letters or letters and numbers inscribed within each other, then it should be read by adding the letter B to the beginning of the word.

In the most complex puzzles, syllables can be represented by notes. In this case, you will need to understand which note is shown in the picture and read it in accordance with its sound.

Solving puzzles is a favorite pastime for children of all ages. In addition, this activity is incredibly useful, because in some cases, in order to find the answer, you need to spend a lot of effort and seriously “break” your head.

However, a good exercise for the mind is not only solving but also composing them. Although today there are many computer programs that generate similar ones in a matter of seconds, puzzles compiled independently always turn out to be much more interesting and exciting.

Making a rebus is not as easy as it seems. To ensure that the resulting riddle is not too simple, you will have to try hard to create it. In addition, the compiled puzzle must obey certain rules and recommendations that must be taken into account during encryption. In this article we will tell you how to compose various puzzles and give an example that will allow you to clearly see the intricacies of creating such riddles.

How to make puzzles from words in pictures?

First of all, you need to choose a word or phrase to encrypt. Write it down on a piece of paper without spaces or punctuation marks - all letters and words must follow each other. Read very carefully several times what is written from left to right, and then vice versa. Try to look for familiar words consisting of 2-5 letters. Pay special attention to the coincidence of letter combinations with note names, if any. In particular, you can create a rebus using notes as shown in this figure:

Circle the highlighted elements with a marker, and also make small callouts above or below the phrase to be encrypted. Try to depict the resulting words schematically, noting all possible options for forming a riddle. After this, go back to the original phrase or word and highlight fragments in it that coincide with various prepositions, for example, “above”, “at”, “in”, “under” and so on.

Please note that you can encrypt a word in a rebus either using letters on one side of the preposition - “NAm”, or on opposite sides - “aNAm”. Similarly, if available, mark the fragments that coincide with the words “gender”, “pair” and “third”. You can depict them in the form of pictures in different ways, for example:

Next, you have to move on to searching for words that are partially included in the given phrase. To do this, re-read the task several times from left to right and in reverse order in separate blocks of 2-3 letters in a row and try to find words starting or ending with these letters. Make callouts and use commas to indicate how many letters in new words need to be dropped. Please note that no more than half of the letters in any word can be “thrown out”. For example:

If you still have unencrypted elements, you can replace them with images containing such letters in random order. In this case, it is necessary to make an appropriate callout, number the letters and write them down in the order in which they need to be used. For example, you can get the word “strength” from the concept “fox” by adding an image of this animal and writing the sequence “3, 2, 1, 4” next to it:

To create a really good puzzle, you can use no more than two elements like this.

Finally, the final stage will be the selection of the most suitable elements and their encryption into pictures. You can draw suitable pictures yourself or use various images from the Internet for this.

An interesting game with words, called rebus, has its own rules. Without understanding them, you won't be able to enjoy solving riddles. By the way, the word “rebus” is a synonym for riddle. It came into our language from the Latin expression: “Not with words, but with the help of things.” This parlor game used to be very popular.


We can say that a rebus is an encrypted word. The task contains pictures, letters, and punctuation marks. How to make puzzles and how to solve them? Let's get acquainted with the basic rules:

  • The word indicated by the picture must be in the nominative singular case.
  • When you need to cross out a letter or several letters, this is indicated by commas. If this sign is on the left, throw out the first letter. On the right is the last one.
  • When one picture is drawn in another, read: “image of an object” + in + “second image”, or: in + “second object” + “first”.
  • It happens that one letter is a pattern made up of another. Then they read: “first” + from + “second”. Or: from + “second” + “first”.
  • The same principles apply when a picture is behind, above, below or in front of another.
  • A pattern from another letter can be repeated periodically, as on fabric. Then they read: “pattern” + by + “canvas”, or: by + “canvas” + “pattern”.
  • Rebuses also often use one letter leaning against another or lying next to it. In this case, read: “leaning letter” + y + “another letter”, or: y + “standing letter” + “leaning letter”.
  • An upside down image means it is being read backwards.
  • Sometimes a crossed out letter is placed next to the image. This means that she is being thrown out of the word. If there is one more letter, as if correcting the crossed out one, a replacement is made in the word.
  • The numbers above the picture indicate the order of the letters being read.
  • If the letter runs, lies, sits, add this word. For example, y + runs.
  • Syllables are often represented as notes.

Principles of composing puzzles

Knowing the rules, it’s easy to figure out how to make puzzles:

  • First of all, we break the word into syllables or parts that can be depicted using a picture. Here we should not forget that some letters can be replaced with others. Therefore, rhyming words are suitable for a rebus.
  • We find syllables that can be represented by letters and their replacement or cancellation. Parts of a word, however, can be represented not only by syllables. Almost all letter combinations can be found in other words. We use them.
  • We correct our rebus using commas. This is a universal method. It makes it easy to transform one word into another.

How to make a “mole” puzzle?

To encrypt this word we use parts of the word “k” and “mouth”. The second component can be depicted using a picture. For example, find a close-up of a face and outline the mouth on it.

  • K + mouth

The words “company”, “dart” and “cake” are formed using the same principle:

  • mouth + a;
  • d + mouth + ik;
  • torus + t.

In the latter case, the picture of the mouth will be upside down.

Assignment for a school student

Not everyone knows how to draw, so we’ll limit ourselves to letter puzzles. The task goes like this: “Make a puzzle for one of the following words: warrior, bath, raisin, underground, whale.”

Using the alphabetic cipher, we get:

  • B + O + IN (here the letters IN are written in O);
  • B + A + NNA (the letters NNA are written in A);
  • IZ + Yu + M (M consists entirely of small letters Y that make up the pattern);
  • POD + P + OL (OL is located under the letter P);
  • K + I + T (the letter T leaned against I).

Different ways

To make it not so easy to solve the problem, you can practice how to compose puzzles in different ways. Commas and pictures will help here. After all, in addition to guessing the word in the picture, you need to know how it is spelled correctly in order to remove or replace letters in it.

It is better to use the simplest pictures here so that anyone can understand what is shown. For example, it could be the sun, a Christmas tree, a house, a person, a horse, a cat. They will not be difficult to find or draw.

Assignment: “Compose a puzzle in different ways: “window.”

Solution, method 1:

  • First we break the word into parts. It turns out OKO - NCE. Oko is the second name for the eye. And “ntse” is part of the word “sun”.
  • Now you can start encryption. It turns out like this: drawing of an eye + three commas + drawing of a sun.

Solution, method 2:

  • Now the word needs to be broken down into other parts. For example, like this: O - KON - CE. O is a letter, “kon” is part of the word “horse”, “tse” is part of the word “chain”.
  • We draw in a line: the letter O + a drawing of a horse + a comma + a drawing of a chain + two commas.

Solution, method 3:

  • We break the word into WINDOWS - CE. We use these parts in the words “window sill” and “goal”.
  • Three commas + photo of a window with a circled sill + three commas + photo of a dartboard + two commas.

Solution, method 4:

  • We break the word into O - CON - CE. We use the note D.
  • The letter O + the letter N leaning against the letter O + a drawing of a staff with the note D + P = C.

How to create puzzles with answers?

When you need to compose several puzzles, it is better not to rely on memory and write down the answers. They can be placed next to the encrypted word, but upside down. The task is simplified by the fact that the answers do not need to be drawn.

To avoid confusion between tasks and answers, you can place each task on a separate card. Then you can write the answer on the back of it.

The Russian language has many words that can be broken down into shorter words. This should be taken into account when preparing cards. After all, you can stick images on them.

  • Don't overuse commas. Of course, you can use them to encrypt anything. But it's not as elegant as a picture cipher.
  • If you don’t have enough imagination, you can act as in the fourth option for solving the problem: replace the letter with another one. Children like it even more.
  • Before composing puzzles, it is better to immediately compose the main combinations of letters (olo, ovo, con, stake, and the like) and outline their drawings.

How to make puzzles is up to you to decide. But the time spent solving them will become a useful educational lesson and pleasant entertainment. Play puzzles with your children.

Rebus- (from Latin rebus - with the help of things: “Non verbis sed rebus” - “Not with words, but with the help of things”) is a riddle in a drawing, a skillful combination of a picture with letters and other signs.

Since 1582, that is, from the moment when the first printed collection of rebuses was published in France, the technique of composing and deciphering these puzzles has been enriched with many techniques.

Here are a few rules to introduce to preschool children:

1. Most often the rebus is read from left to right: lemon + A + D = lemonade.

2. The depicted objects are called in the nominative case in the singular - if one object is drawn - or plural - when there are several objects: goat, goats.

3. A picture in a rebus can have several “names”: flower, poppy

4. If the object in the picture is upside down, then its name is read the other way around (from right to left):
nose - dream.

5. Commas in the rebus mean that you need to exclude as many letters from the name of the picture as there are commas. Commas before the picture - we remove letters at the beginning of the word, after the picture - at the end:
bag – s = smart (cartoon character), wolf – k = ox.

6. If next to the picture there is a crossed out letter (or several letters - a syllable), exclude them from the name of the object: butterfly – ba = barrel.

The crossed out number tells you which letter needs to be removed: elephant - l = sleep.

Do you see the equals sign? Replace the letter or syllable with the one following it:
ax – r + l + b = poplar, chair – y + o = table.

The same should be done if another letter is shown next to the crossed out letter: eagle – p + s = donkey.

7. If there are numbers next to the picture, the letters from its name must be read in the specified order: thunderstorm - rod.

8. An unusual image of letters or other elements is a reason to think and look for a suitable preposition: B is made “from” E - Bizet (French composer); “behind” I hid C – hare;
D (smaller letter) stands for “u” B – oak; and so on.

Of course, there are other requirements, but in most cases, the above are enough for preschoolers. The most successful children can be introduced to completely “exotic” (reading from top to bottom, using the word “pair” when there are two identical elements, etc.) later.

It should be noted that the rebus, like any logic game, is extremely useful for the development of higher mental functions. By solving a puzzle, a child trains attention, improves thought processes, and becomes familiar with the elements of phonetic analysis of words. The rebus is a good propaedeutic for dysorthography, that is, impaired writing in a future schoolchild.

Unfortunately, making the puzzle a natural and regular part of the lesson is not so easy. Most speech therapists use thematic planning of work, when a cycle of lessons is devoted to one lexical topic: “Vegetables,” “Fruits,” “Clothing,” etc. - it is effective and meets the latest requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. But it’s not always possible to find a rebus that illustrates the theme of the week: requesting and viewing options on the Internet takes a lot of time; rare words, for example, the names of indoor plants, mushrooms, natural phenomena, are not encrypted at all.

Of course, you can create a puzzle yourself (any graphic editor, including Paint, can create a riddle), but this is a serious waste of time: even if you easily analyze and encrypt a word, it can take hours just to select the picture material. That is why, without any doubt, this useful riddle game is used sporadically by specialists and its didactic potential is not always realized...

A puzzle generator – a very easy-to-use online resource – can change the situation.

The service is Russian-language. Go to: In the “Rebus Generator” section, you just need to enter any word, and the program will instantly display the appropriate option: in Russian, English or Ukrainian.

The difficulty level is selected here: “standard puzzle” or “rebus for children”.

By the way, for some words several types of encryption are available: view them by clicking on the “other rebus option” button.

You can easily download or print the created rebus (key “Prt Scm” and paste into a text or graphic editor - “Ctrl + V”), if desired, share the idea on social networks.

In addition to the puzzle generator itself, the site has a large number of ready-made riddles. Recommend the section “All puzzles for children” to the parents of a preschooler: dozens of riddles are shown one at a time, a puzzle that is too difficult can be skipped (the “next puzzle” button), and the answer can be checked (the “solution” button).

I sincerely wish my colleagues inspiration in their work and new ideas.

What do children love, probably even more than computer games? Of course, riddles and puzzles! When parents are unable to play with their child after work, you can remember this ancient way of entertainment. Making a puzzle for children is not at all difficult, it requires very little time, and most importantly, it helps the child develop mentally.

Basic Rules

Let us remind you that a rebus is a kind of picture in which a word is encrypted. The image of the main object (or objects) is accompanied by hints as to what should be the result. Such details may include numbers, letters, punctuation marks and much more.

The names of the objects shown in the picture are given in the nominative case. All the symbols that the child sees in the riddle mean something, that is, in each sign you need to be able to find your own meaning. Now let's see how to make puzzles in pictures according to all the rules.


It would be too boring to depict the desired word directly, with one picture. Then it would not be a rebus at all, but an ordinary illustration. To complicate the task, use ambiguous words: for example, a picture of a tree without branches can mean both its trunk and a log. A correctly presented picture of a hand can also be perceived as a “hand” or “palm”. When thinking about how to create a puzzle, remember that children do not like games of “giveaway”; the task should be difficult, but solvable - in accordance with their age, of course.

Hidden letters

Sometimes, in order to decipher the concept you are looking for, it is necessary to remove some letters from the words that make it up. For example, let's make "ox" from "wolf". The only difference between the two animals is the consonant “k” at the end. Then after the picture with the predator we will put a comma, which will mean that we are discarding one last letter. As many commas as there are, we will remove as many characters from the end. How to compose a rebus if we plan to shorten the initial part of the word? In this case, commas are placed before the picture.

It happens that you need to remove letters from the middle of a word, then you need to do the following: a crossed out letter is written in front of the image, which must be ignored when reading. If instead of one letter you need to substitute another, then one is crossed out, and the other, accordingly, is added. For example, to get “guest” instead of “bone,” you should imagine a picture of a bone, then write a crossed out “K” and a “G” next to it.


Quite often, numbers are used when creating puzzles. They can be used in two cases.

If there are any numbers above the picture, then most likely this is the order of the letters. For example, let’s write “3,2,1” above the cat’s face to make “current.” It is not necessary to swap all the letters. Draw a feather, and above it - the numbers 2 and 4. Place an arrow between them, directed in both directions, and finally add “Z” at the end. Now instead of “feather” you get “cut”. These methods of combining tools will help you answer the question of how to create a rebus in an original way.


There are many prepositions in the Russian language: above, under, before, on, at, with, at - the same sequences of letters are found in many words. This means that these fragments can be encrypted. Let’s write “k” so that it partially overlaps the syllable “ni” and we get “apron”. And if you place an “O” on the letter “L”, you get “hem”.

There are also more complex ways of referring to prepositions. One of these is to make one big letter with the help of many small ones - this is how we hide the preposition “from”. If at the same time the contours of the larger sign are clearly visible, the preposition will turn into “by”. This means that some letters are located along (i.e., on top of) another.

Using such actions, you can encrypt a very large number of words. The main thing is that the child will not always understand which pretext to use in this case - he will have to go through the options, and this, as we know, helps the development of thinking.


How to create a puzzle in Russian so that your child has to think longer? Try to think more abstractly. For example, let the letter “A” be written on top, and the letters “R” and “L” below, drawn as if they are holding hands. In this way we hide the conjunction “and”. The result should be the word “gifted”.

The more unusual ways of interaction we convey in the rebus, the more difficult and interesting it will be for children to solve the riddle. Letters and pictures, of course, do not know how to enter into social interaction, but people do - let the child develop thinking, remembering abstract concepts during the game!

Let children learn the basics of musical notation: the names of notes can also be used in puzzles. Do, re, mi, fa sol, la, si are popular syllables, and we can turn to them to create a greater variety of tasks.

Math problems

There are also riddles in the exact sciences. How to make a math puzzle for a schoolchild? Make up several expressions, for example: 1+2=3; 2+2=4. Now encrypt the numbers with some specific pictures. Let the “one” become a cake, and the “two” become an apple, etc. Now the child’s task is to find out what number is hidden behind each of the drawings.

You can complicate the task by writing a whole sentence, the words in which are numbers consisting of several digits, and each letter is a specific number. Figure out what CAT * DOG = STOP means. It's not that simple. Such tasks train both mathematical skills and fairly abstract logic.

Linguistic tasks

Another interesting type of puzzle is decoding tasks. They often take the form “translate a sentence from an unknown language into Russian.” The options here are very different, but only one subtype should be classified as rebuses - the one in which each Russian character is replaced by some foreign one. In this case, an adult does not even need to think about how to create a rebus: you just need to replace all the letters in a random paragraph with any English ones. For example, “A” will become G, and “B” will become L. The child must figure out that the most common characters are vowels, repeating endings can belong to adjectives and verbs, etc. Such puzzles already have a fairly high level of complexity, their students decided in high school.

In general, you can apply to other school subjects. Think about how to create a history puzzle, using portraits of famous people, scenes of famous events, or hiding them in the form of words in a riddle. Any science in a playful form is perceived more easily at an early stage of a child’s education.

About the benefits of puzzles

You probably know that similar tasks are given to children in kindergarten and primary school. A typical question from parents who want to help their child is: how to make a puzzle in the Russian language. What is this game for? It turns out that there are a lot of useful effects from such puzzles.

First of all, children love the unknown. In this case, the content of the message is hidden from them, and for the sake of this knowledge the child is ready to perform rather complex mental actions. He learns to use several ways to select “keys” and different solution strategies. For example, if for the letters “T” and “S” standing on top of each other the option “under t s” is not suitable, he will go the other way and get “nast”.

Secondly, puzzles prepare the child for the fact that not everything is clear the first time, that you need to know some decoding rules and, in general, methods that can be used when completing tasks. More narrowly speaking, the ability to effectively solve puzzles develops children’s abilities in linguistics, translation, and develops the ability to see “between the lines.” At first, the child is interested in solving such riddles, but later he begins to think about how to create puzzles in the pictures of friends and classmates. Ultimately, interest in such simple tasks wears off - children begin to look for something more complex and interesting. And this is great, because they grow up and get smarter.

Try not to forget to create puzzles with answers, otherwise the child will not be able to understand whether he solved the riddle correctly, and interest in the game will drop sharply. In addition, choose pictures in such a way that they can be “translated” in several ways, so that the task does not turn out to be too simple.


Motivate your children not to give up, to fight to the end, and if it becomes really difficult, help with small tips and hints. Don't give your child the right answer, let him feel that he did everything on his own.

Feel free to play - you, too, were once little and loved puzzles and riddles. At the same time, you will be able to spend time both fun and beneficial for the child - you must admit, this combination is rare. Combine all the tools presented in this article, invent your own - the more complex the problem, the more pleasure your child will experience when he successfully solves it.


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