Distance from the high pressure gas pipeline to the window. Gas pipe in the apartment is normal

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5.1.1 The placement of external gas pipelines in relation to buildings, structures and parallel adjacent utility networks should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, and on the territory of industrial enterprises - SNiP II-89.

When laying underground gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in cramped conditions (when the distances regulated by regulatory documents are not possible), in certain sections of the route, between buildings and buildings, as well as gas pipelines with a pressure of over 0.6 MPa when they are brought closer together with detached ancillary buildings (buildings without permanent presence of people), it is allowed to reduce the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01 and SNiP II-89 by up to 50%. In this case, in areas of approach and at a distance of at least 5 m in each direction from these areas, the following should be used:

seamless or electric-welded steel pipes laid in a protective case, with 100% physical control of factory welded joints;

polyethylene pipes laid in a protective case, without welded joints or connected by parts with embedded heaters (ZH), or connected by butt welding with 100% control of the joints by physical methods.

When laying gas pipelines at distances corresponding to SNiP 2.07.01, but less than 50 m from public railways in the convergence area and 5 m in each direction, the laying depth must be at least 2.0 m. Butt welded joints must pass 100% - nal control by physical methods.

In this case, the wall thickness of steel pipes must be 2–3 mm greater than the calculated one, and polyethylene pipes must have a safety factor of at least 2.8.

5.1.2 The laying of gas pipelines should be provided underground and above ground.

In justified cases, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines above ground along the walls of buildings inside residential courtyards and neighborhoods, as well as in certain sections of the route, including sections of transitions through artificial and natural barriers when crossing underground communications.

Above-ground and above-ground gas pipelines with embankment can be laid in rocky, permafrost soils, wetlands and other difficult soil conditions. The material and dimensions of the embankment should be taken based on thermal engineering calculations, as well as ensuring the stability of the gas pipeline and embankment.

5.1.3 Laying gas pipelines in tunnels, collectors and canals is not permitted. An exception is the laying of steel gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89 on the territory of industrial enterprises, as well as in channels in permafrost soils under roads and railways.

5.1.4 Pipe connections should be permanent. Connections of steel pipes with polyethylene and

in places where fittings, equipment and control and measuring instruments (instruments) are installed. Detachable connections of polyethylene pipes with steel pipes in the ground can only be provided if a case with a control tube is installed.

5.1.5 Gas pipelines at the points of entry and exit from the ground, as well as gas pipeline entries into buildings should be enclosed in a case. The space between the wall and the case should be sealed to the full thickness of the structure being crossed. The ends of the case should be sealed with elastic material.

5.1.6 Gas pipeline entries into buildings should be provided directly into the room where gas-using equipment is installed, or into an adjacent room connected by an open opening.

It is not allowed to enter gas pipelines into the premises of the basement and ground floors of buildings, except for the introduction of natural gas pipelines into single-family and semi-detached houses.

5.1.7 Shut-off devices on gas pipelines should be provided:

in front of detached or blocked buildings;

to disconnect risers of residential buildings above five floors;

in front of outdoor gas-using equipment;

in front of gas control points, with the exception of gas distribution points of enterprises, on the gas pipeline branch to which there is a shut-off device at a distance of less than 100 m from the gas distribution point;

at the exit from gas control points connected by gas pipelines;

on branches from gas pipelines to settlements, individual microdistricts, blocks, groups of residential buildings, and when the number of apartments is more than 400, to a separate house, as well as on branches to industrial consumers and boiler houses;

when crossing water barriers with two lines or more, as well as with one line when the width of the water barrier at a low-water horizon is 75 m or more;

at the intersection of railways of the general network and highways of categories I–II, if the shut-off device that ensures the cessation of gas supply at the crossing section is located at a distance from the roads of more than 1000 m.

5.1.8 Shutting off devices on above-ground gas pipelines laid along the walls of buildings and on supports should be placed at a distance (within a radius) from door and opening window openings of at least:

for low pressure gas pipelines – 0.5 m;

for medium pressure gas pipelines – 1 m;

for high-pressure gas pipelines of category II – 3 m;

for high-pressure gas pipelines of category I – 5 m.

In areas of transit laying of gas pipelines along the walls of buildings, the installation of disconnecting devices is not allowed.

5.2.1 Gas pipelines should be laid at a depth of at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or casing. In places where traffic and agricultural machinery are not expected, the depth of laying steel gas pipelines can be at least 0.6 m.

5.2.2 The vertical (clear) distance between the gas pipeline (case) and underground utilities and structures at their intersections should be taken taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents, but not less than 0.2 m.

5.2.3 At places where gas pipelines intersect with underground communication manifolds and channels for various purposes, as well as at places where gas pipelines pass through the walls of gas wells, the gas pipeline should be laid in a case.

The ends of the casing must be brought out at a distance of at least 2 m on both sides from the outer walls of the crossed structures and communications, when crossing the walls of gas wells - at a distance of at least 2 cm. The ends of the casing must be sealed with waterproofing material.

At one end of the case at the top point of the slope (with the exception of places where the walls of the wells intersect), a control tube should be provided that extends under the protective device.

In the interpipe space of the casing and the gas pipeline, it is permitted to lay an operational cable (communications, telemechanics and electrical protection) with a voltage of up to 60 V, intended for servicing gas distribution systems.

5.2.4 Polyethylene pipes used for the construction of gas pipelines must have a safety factor in accordance with GOST R 50838 of at least 2.5.

It is not allowed to lay gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes:

on the territory of settlements at pressure above 0.3 MPa;

outside the territory of settlements at pressure above 0.6 MPa;

for transporting gases containing aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as the liquid phase of LPG;

when the temperature of the gas pipeline wall under operating conditions is below minus 15 °C.

When using pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8, it is permitted to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with pressures exceeding 0.3 to 0.6 MPa in settlements with predominantly one- to two-story and cottage residential buildings. In the territory of small rural settlements, it is permitted to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa with a safety factor of at least 2.5. In this case, the laying depth must be at least 0.8 m to the top of the pipe.

5.3.1 Depending on the pressure, overhead gas pipelines should be laid on supports made of non-combustible materials or along the structures of buildings and structures in accordance with Table 3

Table 3

Placement of above-ground gas pipelines

Gas pressure in the gas pipeline, MPa, no more

1. On free-standing supports, columns, overpasses and shelving

1.2 (for natural gas); 1.6 (for LPG)

2. Boiler houses, industrial buildings with premises of categories B, G and D and GNS (GNP) buildings, public and domestic buildings for industrial purposes, as well as built-in and attached roof boiler houses to them:

a) on the walls and roofs of buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, fire hazard class SO (according to SNiP 21-01)

II degree of fire resistance class C1 and III degree of fire resistance class CO

b) on the walls of buildings of Ill degree of fire resistance class C1, IV degree of fire resistance class CO

IV degree of fire resistance classes C1 and C2

3. Residential, administrative, public and service buildings, as well as built-in, attached and roof boiler rooms

on the walls of buildings of all degrees of fire resistance

in cases of placement of SHRP on the external walls of buildings (only for SHRP)

* The gas pressure in the gas pipeline laid on building structures should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in table 2 for the corresponding consumers.

5.3.2 Transit laying of gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls and above the roofs of buildings of children's institutions, hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, public, administrative and domestic buildings with large numbers of people is not allowed.

It is prohibited to lay gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls, above and below rooms of categories A and B, determined by fire safety standards, with the exception of GRP buildings.

In justified cases, transit laying of gas pipelines not exceeding average pressure with a diameter of up to 100 mm is permitted along the walls of one residential building not lower than the III degree of fire resistance class CO and at a distance to the roof of at least 0.2 m.

5.3.3 High-pressure gas pipelines should be laid along blank walls and sections of walls or at least 0.5 m above the window and door openings of the upper floors of industrial buildings and adjacent administrative and domestic buildings. The distance from the gas pipeline to the roof of the building must be at least 0.2 m.

Low and medium pressure gas pipelines can also be laid along the frames or mullions of non-opening windows and cross window openings of industrial buildings and boiler houses filled with glass blocks.

5.3.4 The height of laying overhead gas pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11-89.

5.3.5 On pedestrian and automobile bridges built from non-combustible materials, it is permitted to lay gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa from seamless or electric-welded pipes that have undergone 100% control of factory welded joints by physical methods. Laying gas pipelines over pedestrian and automobile bridges built from flammable materials is not permitted.

5.4.1 Underwater and overwater gas pipelines where they cross water barriers should be placed at a horizontal distance from bridges in accordance with Table 4.

5.4.2 Gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be laid deep into the bottom of the water barriers being crossed. If necessary, based on the results of floating calculations, it is necessary to ballast the pipeline. The elevation of the top of the gas pipeline (ballast, lining) must be at least 0.5 m, and at crossings through navigable and floating rivers - 1.0 m below the predicted bottom profile for a period of 25 years. When carrying out work using directional drilling - at least 2.0 m below the predicted bottom profile.

5.4.3 At underwater crossings the following should be used:

steel pipes with a wall thickness 2 mm greater than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm;

polyethylene pipes having a standard dimensional ratio of the outer diameter of the pipe to the wall thickness (SDR) of no more than 11 (according to GOST R 50838) with a safety factor of at least 2.5 for transitions up to 25 m wide (at the level of maximum water rise) and not less 2.8 in other cases.

When laying a gas pipeline with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa using directional drilling, polyethylene pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.5 can be used in all cases.

5.4.4 The height of laying the surface passage of the gas pipeline from the calculated level of water rise or ice drift according to SNiP 2.01.14 (high water horizon - GVV or ice drift - GVL) to the bottom of the pipe or span should be taken:

when crossing ravines and gullies - not lower

Table 4

Water obstacles

Bridge type

The horizontal distance between the gas pipeline and the bridge, not less than m, when laying the gas pipeline

above the bridge

below the bridge

from an overwater gas pipeline with a diameter, mm

from an underwater gas pipeline with a diameter, mm

from the overwater gas pipeline

from an underwater gas pipeline

300 or less

300 or less

all diameters

Shipping freezing

All types

Shipping anti-freeze

Non-navigable freezing


Non-navigable anti-freeze

Non-navigable for gas pipelines pressure: low medium and high

Single and double span

Note – Distances are from overhanging bridge structures.

0.5 m above GVV 5% probability;

when crossing non-navigable and non-floating rivers - at least 0.2 m above the water supply line and water line of 2% probability, and if there is a crutch boat on the rivers - taking it into account, but not less than 1 m above the water supply line of 1% probability;

when crossing navigable and raftable rivers - no less than the values ​​​​established by design standards for bridge crossings on navigable rivers.

Shut-off valves should be placed at a distance of at least 10 m from the transition boundaries. The transition boundary is considered to be the place where the gas pipeline crosses the high water horizon with a 10% probability.

5.5.1 The horizontal distances from the places where underground gas pipelines intersect tramways, railways and highways must be no less than:

to bridges and tunnels on public railways, tram tracks, roads of categories I–III, as well as to pedestrian bridges and tunnels through them – 30 m, and for non-public railways, motor roads of categories IV–V and pipes – 15 m ;

to the turnout zone (the beginning of the switches, the tail of the crosses, the points where suction cables are connected to the rails and other track intersections) - 4 m for tram tracks and 20 m for railways;

to the contact network supports – 3m.

It is permitted to reduce these distances in agreement with the organizations in charge of the crossed structures.

5.5.2 Underground gas pipelines of all pressures at intersections with railway and tram tracks, highways of categories I–IV, as well as main city streets should be laid in cases. In other cases, the issue of the need to install cases is decided by the design organization.

Cases must meet the conditions of strength and durability. At one end of the case there should be a control tube extending under the protective device.

5.5.3 The ends of the casings when crossing gas pipelines of public railways should be placed at a distance from them not less than those established by SNiP 32-01. When laying inter-settlement gas pipelines in cramped conditions and gas pipelines on the territory of settlements, it is allowed to reduce this distance to 10 m, provided that an exhaust candle with a sampling device is installed at one end of the case, placed at a distance of at least 50 m from the edge of the roadbed (the axis of the outermost rail at zero marks).

In other cases, the ends of the cases should be located at a distance:

at least 2 m from the outermost rail of tram tracks and 750 mm gauge railways, as well as from the edge of the roadway of streets;

at least 3 m from the edge of the road drainage structure (ditch, ditch, reserve) and from the outermost rail of non-public railways, but not less than 2 m from the base of the embankments.

5.5.4 When gas pipelines cross 1520 mm gauge public railway lines, the gas pipeline laying depth must comply with SNiP 32-01.

In other cases, the depth of laying the gas pipeline from the base of the rail or the top of the road surface, and in the presence of an embankment, from its base to the top of the casing, must meet safety requirements, but be no less than:

when performing open-pit work – 1.0 m;

when carrying out work using the method of punching or directional drilling and shield penetration – 1.5 m;

when performing work using the puncture method - 2.5 m.

5.5.5 The thickness of the walls of steel gas pipeline pipes when crossing public railways should be 2–3 mm greater than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm at distances of 50 m in each direction from the edge of the roadbed (the axis of the outer rail at zero marks) .

For polyethylene gas pipelines in these sections and at the intersections of highways of categories I–Ill, polyethylene pipes of no more than SDR 11 with a safety factor of at least 2.8 should be used.

5.6.1 Gas supply to cities with a population of more than 1 million people. when the seismicity of the area is more than 6 points, as well as cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people. if the seismicity of the area is more than 7 points, it should be provided from two sources or more - main gas distribution stations with their placement on opposite sides of the city. In this case, high and medium pressure gas pipelines should be designed in a loop with their division into sections by shut-off devices.

5.6.2 Transitions of gas pipelines through rivers, ravines and railway tracks in excavations, laid in areas with seismicity of more than 7 points, must be provided above ground. The structures of the supports must ensure the possibility of movements of gas pipelines that occur during an earthquake.

5.6.3 During the construction of underground gas pipelines in seismic areas, in mined and karst areas, at intersections with other underground utilities, at the corners of turns of gas pipelines with a bend radius of less than 5 diameters, in places where the network branches, transition of underground to above-ground, location of permanent connections “polyethylene-steel”, as well as within settlements, control tubes should be installed every 50 m in linear sections.

5.6.4 The depth of laying gas pipelines in soils of varying degrees of heaving, as well as in bulk soils, should be taken to the top of the pipe - at least 0.9 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m.

With uniform heaving in pounds, the depth of laying the gas pipeline to the top of the pipe should be:

not less than 0.7 standard freezing depth, but not less than 0.9 m for medium heaving soils;

not less than 0.8 standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m for strongly and excessively heaving soils.

5.6.5 For LPG tank installations with underground tanks in heaving (except slightly heaving), medium and highly swelling soils, provision must be made for above-ground laying of liquid and vapor phase gas pipelines connecting the tanks.

5.6.6 If the seismicity of the area is more than 7 points, in undermined and karst areas, in areas of permafrost, pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8 should be used for polyethylene gas pipelines. Welded butt joints must undergo 100% control by physical methods.

5.7.1 To restore (reconstruct) worn-out underground steel gas pipelines outside and on the territory of urban and rural settlements, the following should be used:

at a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa inclusive, drawing polyethylene pipes in a gas pipeline with a safety factor of at least 2.5 without welded joints or connected using parts with a seal, or connected by butt welding using welding equipment of a high degree of automation;

at a pressure from 0.3 to 0.6 MPa inclusive, stretching polyethylene pipes in a gas pipeline without welded joints or connected using parts with welded joints or butt welding using highly automated welding equipment with a safety factor for gas pipelines in settlements of at least 2, 8, and outside settlements – at least 2.5. The space between the polyethylene pipe and the worn-out steel gas pipeline (frame) along its entire length must be filled with sealing (sealing) material (cement-sand mortar, foam material);

at a pressure of up to 1.2 MPa, lining (using Phoenix technology) the cleaned inner surface of gas pipelines with a synthetic fabric hose using a special two-component glue, subject to confirmation in the prescribed manner of their suitability for these purposes at the specified pressure or in accordance with standards (technical conditions) ; the scope of which extends to this pressure.

5.7.2 Restoration of worn-out steel gas pipelines is carried out without changing the pressure, with an increase or decrease in pressure compared to the existing gas pipeline.

In this case, it is allowed to save:

intersections of restored areas with underground utilities without installing additional casings;

depth of installation of restored gas pipelines;

distances from the restored gas pipeline to buildings, structures and utilities according to its actual location, if the pressure of the restored gas pipeline does not change or when the pressure of the restored gas pipeline increases to 0.3 MPa.

Restoring worn-out steel gas pipelines with increasing pressure to high is permitted if the distances to buildings, structures and utilities meet the requirements for a high-pressure gas pipeline.

5.7.3 The ratio of the sizes of polyethylene and steel pipes during reconstruction by the pulling method should be selected based on the possibility of free passage of polyethylene pipes and parts inside steel ones and ensuring the integrity of polyethylene pipes. The ends of the reconstructed sections between the polyethylene and steel pipes must be sealed.



6.1. The provisions of this section apply to design of gas pipelines and gas equipment, placed inside buildings and structures for various purposes.

Possibility of installing gas equipment and laying gas pipelines in specific buildings should be determined in accordance with the building codes and regulations for the design of the relevant buildings.

6.2. Gas pipelines laid inside buildings and structures should be made of steel pipes that meet the requirements of Section. eleven.

To connect mobile units, portable gas burners, gas appliances, instrumentation and automation devices, it is allowed to provide rubber and rubber-fabric hoses. When choosing hoses, one should take into account their resistance to the transported gas at a given pressure and temperature.

6.3. Pipe connections should usually be made by welding. Detachable (threaded and flanged) connections may be provided only in places where shut-off valves, gas appliances, instrumentation, pressure regulators and other equipment are installed.

The installation of detachable connections of gas pipelines should be provided in places accessible for inspection and repair.

6.4. The laying of gas pipelines inside buildings and structures should, as a rule, be open. It is allowed to provide for the hidden installation of gas pipelines (except for LPG gas pipelines and gas pipelines inside residential buildings and public buildings of a non-industrial nature) in the grooves of the walls, covered with easily removable shields that have holes for ventilation.

6.5. In the production premises of industrial enterprises, including boiler houses, buildings of consumer services enterprises for industrial purposes and public catering, as well as laboratories, it is allowed to lay gas supply pipelines to individual units and gas appliances in the floors of a monolithic structure, followed by sealing the pipes with cement mortar. In this case, it is necessary to provide for painting the pipes with oil or nitro-enamel waterproof paints.

At the points where the gas pipeline enters and exits the floor, cases should be provided, the ends of which should protrude above the floor by at least 3 cm.

6.6. In the production premises of industrial enterprises, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines in the floor in channels covered with sand and covered with slabs.

The design of the ducts must exclude the possibility of gas spreading under the floor.

Laying gas pipelines in channels is not allowed in places where, due to production conditions, substances causing corrosion of pipes may enter the channels.

6.7. Channels intended for laying gas pipelines, as a rule, should not intersect with other channels.

If it is necessary to cross channels, provision should be made for the installation of sealing bridges and the laying of gas pipelines in cases made of steel pipes. The ends of the cases must be extended beyond the jumpers by 30 cm in both directions.

6.8. When laid together with other pipelines on common supports, gas pipelines should be placed above them at a distance that ensures ease of inspection and repair.

6.9. The laying of gas pipelines in transit through industrial premises where gas is not used is allowed for low and medium pressure gas pipelines, provided that no fittings are installed on the gas pipeline and unhindered 24-hour access to these premises is provided for personnel servicing the gas pipeline.

6.10. It is not allowed to provide for the laying of gas pipelines in premises classified as explosion and fire hazard categories A and B; in explosive zones of all premises; in basements; in warehouse buildings of explosive and flammable materials; in the premises of substations and distribution devices; through ventilation chambers, shafts and channels; elevator shafts; waste disposal rooms; chimneys; through rooms where the gas pipeline may be subject to corrosion, as well as in places of possible exposure to aggressive substances and in places where gas pipelines may be washed by hot combustion products or come into contact with heated or molten metal.

6.11. For internal gas pipelines experiencing temperature effects, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of compensating for temperature deformations.

6.12. For gas pipelines transporting wet gas and laid in rooms where the air temperature may be below 3 °C, thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials should be provided.

6.13. Shut-off devices on gas pipelines in production premises of industrial and agricultural enterprises, industrial consumer service enterprises should be provided with:

at the gas pipeline entrance indoors;

on branches to each unit;

in front of burners and igniters;

on purge pipelines, at places where they are connected to gas pipelines.

If there is a gas meter or gas control unit inside the room, located at a distance of no more than 10 m from the gas pipeline entry point, the shut-off device at the input is considered to be a valve or tap in front of the gas pipeline or meter.

Installation of fittings on gas pipelines laid in channels, in concrete floors or in wall grooves is not allowed.

6.14.* The need to meter gas consumption and the choice of metering system at gas supply facilities must be determined in accordance with the instructions of the “Rules for the use of gas in the national economy” approved by the Ministry of Gas Industry and the “General Provisions on the Procedure for Accounting and Control of Fuel, Electrical and Heat Energy Consumption for Industrial , transport, agricultural and public utility enterprises and organizations” approved by the State Committee for Science and Technology, the State Planning Committee of the USSR, and the State Standard.

According to the decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the procedure for recording gas consumption by consumers and regulating gas prices in gasified residential buildings, as well as during gasification of greenhouses, bathhouses and other household buildings, it must be possible to record the gas consumption of each subscriber by installing it on the gas pipeline (in apartment, individual house) gas consumption meter - meter.

6.15. Gas flow metering devices should be placed in gas distribution centers or gasified premises. It is allowed to place gas flow metering devices in other rooms of at least II degree of fire resistance that have exhaust ventilation.

No more than two gas meters can be installed in parallel on one gas pipeline.

6.16. The laying of gas pipelines in residential buildings should be provided for non-residential premises.

In existing and reconstructed residential buildings, it is allowed to provide for the transit laying of low-pressure gas pipelines through living rooms if no other installation is possible. Transit gas pipelines within residential premises should not have threaded connections or fittings.

It is not allowed to provide gas pipeline risers in living rooms and sanitary facilities.

6.17.* The installation of shut-off devices on gas pipelines laid in residential buildings and public buildings (with the exception of public catering establishments and consumer service enterprises of an industrial nature) should be provided for:

to disconnect risers serving more than five floors;

in front of the meters (if a disconnecting device at the input cannot be used to turn off the meter);

in front of each gas appliance, stove or installation;

on branches to heating stoves or appliances in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.46.

On gas supply pipelines to cooking boilers, restaurant stoves, heating stoves and other similar equipment, it is necessary to install two shut-off devices in series: one to turn off the device (equipment) as a whole, the other to turn off the burners.

On gas supply pipelines to gas appliances that have a shut-off device in front of the burners in their design (gas stoves, water heaters, stove burners, etc.), it is necessary to install one shut-off device.

The need to install devices for disconnecting risers (entrances) of 5-story or less residential buildings is decided by the design organization depending on local specific conditions, including the number of floors of buildings and the number of apartments to be disconnected in the event of emergency and other work.

Devices provided for disconnecting risers (entrances) should be installed, whenever possible, outside the building.

6.18. The distance from gas pipelines laid openly and in the floor indoors to building structures, process equipment and pipelines for other purposes should be taken from the condition of ensuring the possibility of installation, inspection and repair of gas pipelines and fittings installed on them, while gas pipelines should not cross ventilation grilles, window and doorways. In industrial premises, it is allowed to cross light openings filled with glass blocks, as well as lay a gas pipeline along the sashes of non-opening windows.

6.19. The minimum clear distances between a gas pipeline laid along the wall of a building and communication and wired broadcasting structures should be taken in accordance with the “Safety Rules for Work on Cable Communication and Wired Broadcasting Lines” approved by the USSR Ministry of Communications in the prescribed manner.

6.20. The distances between gas pipelines and electrical utilities located indoors, at points of convergence and intersection, should be taken in accordance with the PUE.

6.21. The laying of gas pipelines in places where people pass should be provided at a height of at least 2.2 m from the floor to the bottom of the gas pipeline, and if there is thermal insulation - to the bottom of the insulation.

6.22.* Fastening of openly laid gas pipelines to walls, columns and ceilings inside buildings, frames of boilers and other production units should be provided using brackets, clamps, hooks or hangers, etc. at a distance that allows for inspection and repair of the gas pipeline and the fittings installed on it.

The distance between the support fastenings of gas pipelines should be determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.12-86.

6.23. The laying of gas pipelines transporting wet gas (except for the vapor phase of low-pressure LPG) should be provided with a slope of at least 3 o/oo.

If there is a gas meter, the slope of the gas pipeline should be provided from the meter.

6.24. Vertical gas pipelines at intersections of building structures should be laid in cases. The space between the gas pipeline and the case must be sealed with tarred tow, rubber bushings or other elastic material. The end of the casing must protrude above the floor by at least 3 cm, and its diameter must be taken from the condition that the annular gap between the gas pipeline and the casing is at least 5 mm for gas pipelines with a nominal diameter of no more than 32 mm and at least 10 mm for gas pipelines of larger diameter.

6.25. Internal gas pipelines, including those laid in channels, should be painted. For painting, waterproof paints and varnishes should be used.

6.26. Gas appliances and gas burners should be connected to gas pipelines, as a rule, with a rigid connection.

Connection to the gas pipeline of gas appliances, laboratory burners, as well as portable and mobile gas-burning devices and units installed in the workshops of industrial enterprises may be provided after the shut-off valve with rubber-fabric hoses. Rubber-fabric hoses for connecting household gas appliances and laboratory burners should not have butt joints.

6.27. On gas pipelines of industrial (including boiler houses), agricultural enterprises, consumer service enterprises of a production nature, purge pipelines should be provided from the sections of the gas pipeline that are most remote from the point of entry, as well as from bends to each unit before the last shut-off device along the gas flow.

It is allowed to combine purge pipelines from gas pipelines with the same gas pressure, with the exception of purge pipelines for gases with a density greater than that of air.

The diameter of the purge pipeline should be at least 20 mm.

After the shut-off device, a fitting with a tap for sampling should be provided on the purge pipeline, if a fitting for connecting an igniter cannot be used for this purpose.

In some cases (for example, for cutting and welding stations, small industrial furnaces) with a supply gas pipeline with a diameter of no more than 32 mm, it is allowed to install a shut-off device with a blind fitting instead of purge pipelines.

6.28. The distance from the end sections of the purge pipelines to the intake ventilation devices must be at least 3 m.

When the building is located outside the lightning protection zone, the outlets of the purge pipelines should be grounded.

6.29. The installation of gas stoves in residential buildings should be provided in kitchens with a height of at least 2.2 m, having a window with a window (transom), an exhaust ventilation duct and natural lighting.

In this case, the internal volume of kitchen premises must be, m3, not less than:

for gas stove with 2 burners 8

« « « « 3 « 12

« « « « 4 « 15

6.30. In existing residential buildings it is allowed to install gas stoves:

in kitchen premises with a height of at least 2.2 m and a volume not less than that specified in clause 6.29 in the absence of a ventilation duct and it is impossible to use chimneys as such a duct, but if there is a window in the room with a window or transom in the upper part of the window;

in private corridors, if there is a window in the corridor with a window or transom in the upper part of the window, the passage between the slab and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m wide, the walls and ceilings of the corridors made of flammable materials must be plastered, and the living quarters must be separated from corridor with dense partitions and a door;

in kitchens with sloping ceilings with a height in the middle part of at least 2 m, the installation of gas equipment should be provided in that part of the kitchen where the height is at least 2.2 m.

6.31.* In existing residential buildings owned by citizens as personal property, it is allowed to install gas stoves in premises that meet the requirements of paragraphs. 6.29 or 6.30, but having a height of less than 2.2 m up to 2 m inclusive, if these premises have a volume of at least 1.25 times the standard. Moreover, in houses that do not have a dedicated kitchen, the volume of the room where the gas stove is installed must be twice as large as specified in clause 6.29.

If it is impossible to meet these requirements, the installation of gas stoves in such premises may be allowed on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the local sanitary inspection authority.

6.32.* The possibility of installing gas stoves, heating and other devices in buildings located outside a residential building is decided by the design organization and operational organization of the gas industry, taking into account specific local conditions, including the availability of gas for these purposes. At the same time, the premises in which the installation of gas appliances is planned must comply with the requirements for the premises of residential buildings where the placement of such appliances is allowed.

6.33. Wooden unplastered walls and walls made of other combustible materials in places where the slabs are installed should be insulated with non-combustible materials: plaster, roofing steel on an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, etc. The insulation should protrude beyond the dimensions of the slab by 10 cm on each side and at least 80 cm above.

The distance from the stove to the walls of the room insulated with non-combustible materials must be at least 7 cm; the distance between the slab and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

6.34. For hot water supply, instantaneous or capacitive gas water heaters should be provided, and for heating - capacitive gas water heaters, small heating boilers or other heating devices designed to operate on gas fuel.

The number of floors of residential buildings in which the installation of the specified gas appliances and apparatus is permitted should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89.

6.35. It is allowed to convert small-sized (small-sized) factory-made heating boilers intended for solid or liquid fuels to gas fuel.

Heating installations converted to gas fuel must be equipped with gas burner devices with automatic safety in accordance with the requirements provided for in Section. eleven.

In one room it is not allowed to install more than two capacitive water heaters or two small heating boilers or two other heating devices.

6.36. The installation of chimneys must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91* as for heating stoves. When deciding on the possibility of connecting gas appliances to chimneys, it is permissible to be guided by the data given in reference Appendix 6.

6.37.* Installation of water heaters, heating boilers and heating devices should be provided in kitchens and non-residential premises intended for their placement and meeting the requirements of paragraphs. 6.42* and 6.43. Installation of these devices in bathrooms is not permitted. The issue of the need to move gas water heaters from bathrooms, in which they were placed in accordance with previously existing standards, to kitchens or other non-residential premises of a residential building during the reconstruction of a house or gas supply system, should be decided on a case-by-case basis by the design organization in agreement with local operating organizations gas industry.

In existing residential buildings, it is allowed to provide for the installation of gas heating appliances and heating devices in corridors for individual use that meet the requirements of paragraphs. 6.42* and 6.43.

The distance from the protruding parts of gas burners or fittings to the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

6.38. Installation of gas instantaneous water heaters should be provided on walls made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 2 cm from the wall (including from the side wall).

If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to install a flow-through water heater on plastered, as well as on walls lined with non-combustible or difficult-to-combustible materials at a distance of at least 3 cm from the wall.

The surface of fire-resistant walls should be insulated with roofing steel over an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The insulation should protrude 10 cm beyond the dimensions of the water heater body.

6.39. The installation of gas heating boilers, heating devices and capacitive gas water heaters should be provided near walls made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall.

If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to install the above-mentioned heating devices near the walls, protected in accordance with the instructions of clause 6.38, at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall.

6.40. The horizontal clear distance between the protruding parts of the instantaneous water heater and the gas stove should be at least 10 cm.

6.41.* When installing a gas stove and instantaneous water heater in the kitchen, the volume of the kitchen should be taken in accordance with clause 6.29.

When installing a gas stove and a cylinder water heater, a gas stove and a heating boiler or heating device in the kitchen, as well as a gas stove with built-in devices for heating water (heating, hot water supply), the volume of the kitchen must be 6 m3 greater than the volume provided for in clause 6.29.

6.42.* The room intended to accommodate a gas water heater, as well as a heating boiler or heating apparatus, the combustion products of which are discharged into the chimney, must have a height of at least 2 m. The volume of the room must be at least 7.5 m3 when installing one device and not less than 13.5 m3 when installing two heating devices.

6.43. The kitchen or room where boilers, appliances and gas water heaters are installed must have a ventilation duct. For air flow, a grille or gap between the door and the floor with a clear cross-section of at least 0.02 m2 should be provided at the bottom of the door or wall opening into the adjacent room.

6.44.* It is not allowed to place all gas appliances in the basement floors (basements), and for LPG gas supply - in the basement and ground floors of buildings for any purpose.

Note. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to residential buildings owned by citizens as personal property if the basements of these houses have natural light and their gas supply is from natural gas.

6.45. It is allowed to convert heating and heating-cooking furnaces to gas fuel, provided that:

stoves, smoke and ventilation ducts meet the requirements of departmental standards for the construction of heating stoves converted to gas fuel, approved in the prescribed manner;

gas burners installed in the furnaces of heating and heating-cooking furnaces are equipped with automatic safety systems in accordance with the requirements of GOST 16569-86.

6.46. The fireboxes of gasified stoves should be provided, as a rule, on the side of the corridor or other non-residential (non-office) premises.

If it is impossible to meet the specified requirement, it is allowed to provide fireboxes for gasified stoves on the side of residential (office) premises. In this case, the gas supply to the furnaces should be provided by independent branches, on which, at the point of connection to the gas pipeline, a shut-off device should be installed outside the above premises.

The rooms into which the fireboxes of gasified heating and heating-cooking stoves open must have an exhaust ventilation duct or a window with a window, or a door opening onto a non-residential premises or vestibule. A passage at least 1 m wide must be provided in front of the furnace.

6.47. For space heating, it is allowed to install gas fireplaces, air heaters and other factory-made appliances with combustion products discharged into the chimney. The gas burner devices of these devices must be equipped with automatic safety devices in accordance with the requirements provided for in Section. eleven.

The room in which a gas fireplace or heater is to be installed must have a window with a window or an exhaust ventilation duct.

When installing these devices, it is necessary to comply with the requirements provided for in clause 6.39.

6.48. The possibility of using and placement conditions for household gas appliances not specified in this section should be determined taking into account the purpose of the appliances, their thermal load, the need to remove combustion products and other parameters regulated by this section.


1. The removal of combustion products from household gas appliances, stoves and other household gas equipment, the design of which provides for the removal of combustion products into the chimney, should be provided from each appliance, unit or stove through a separate chimney.

In existing buildings, it is allowed to provide for the connection to one chimney of no more than two water heaters or heating stoves located on the same or different floors of the building, provided that combustion products are introduced into the chimney at different levels, no closer than 0.75 m from one another, or at the same level with a device in the chimney for cutting to a height of at least 0.75 m.

2. In existing buildings in the absence of chimneys, it is allowed to install attached chimneys.

3. It is allowed to connect to the chimney of a periodically operating heating stove a gas water heater used for hot water supply, or another gas appliance that does not operate continuously, provided that it operates at different times and the chimney cross-section is sufficient to remove combustion products from the connected appliance.

Connecting the smoke exhaust pipe of a gas appliance to the chimney revolutions of a heating stove is not allowed.

4. The cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney should not be less than the area of ​​the gas appliance pipe connected to the chimney. When connecting two appliances, stoves, etc. to a chimney, the cross-section of the chimney should be determined taking into account their simultaneous operation. The structural dimensions of chimneys must be determined by calculation.

5. Non-household gas appliances (restaurant stoves, cooking boilers, etc.) are allowed to be connected to both separate and common chimneys.

It is allowed to provide connecting smoke exhaust pipes common to several units.

The introduction of combustion products into a common chimney for several appliances should be provided at different levels or at the same level with the cutting device in accordance with paragraph 1.

The cross-sections of chimneys and connecting pipes must be determined by calculation based on the condition of simultaneous operation of all devices connected to the chimney.

6.* Chimneys must be vertical, without ledges. A slope of chimneys from the vertical is allowed up to 30° with a sideways deviation of up to 1 m, provided that the cross-sectional area of ​​the inclined sections of the chimney is not less than the cross-section of the vertical sections.

7. To remove combustion products from restaurant stoves and other non-household gas appliances, it is allowed to provide horizontal sections of chimneys with a total length of no more than 10 m.

It is allowed to provide chimneys in the ceiling with a fire-prevention cutting device for combustible ceiling structures.

8. Connection of gas water heaters and other gas appliances to chimneys should be provided with pipes made of roofing steel.

The total length of connecting pipe sections in new buildings should be no more than 3 m, in existing buildings - no more than 6 m.

The slope of the pipe should be at least 0.01 towards the gas appliance.

On smoke exhaust pipes it is allowed to provide no more than three turns with a radius of curvature no less than the diameter of the pipe.

Below the connection point of the smoke exhaust pipe from the appliance to the chimneys, a “pocket” device with a hatch for cleaning should be provided.

Smoke exhaust pipes laid through unheated rooms must, if necessary, be covered with thermal insulation.

9. The distance from the connecting smoke exhaust pipe to the ceiling or wall made of non-combustible materials should be at least 5 cm, to wooden plastered ceilings and walls - at least 25 cm. The specified distance can be reduced from 25 to 10 cm, provided that wooden plastered walls or ceilings are upholstered roofing steel on an asbestos sheet 3 mm thick. The upholstery should protrude beyond the dimensions of the chimney by 15 cm on each side.

10. When connecting one device to the chimney, as well as devices with draft stabilizers, dampers are not provided on the smoke exhaust pipes.

When connecting several appliances to a common chimney: restaurant stoves, boilers and other gas appliances that do not have draft stabilizers, dampers (dampers) with a hole with a diameter of at least 15 mm must be provided on the smoke exhaust pipes from the appliances.

11. Dampers installed on chimneys from boilers must have holes with a diameter of at least 50 mm.

12. Chimneys from gas appliances in buildings must be led out:

above the boundary of the wind support zone, but not less than 0.5 m above the roof ridge when they are located (counting horizontally) no further than 1.5 m from the roof ridge;

level with the roof ridge, if they are located at a distance of up to 3 m from the roof ridge;

not lower than a straight line drawn from the ridge down at an angle of 10° to the horizontal, when the pipes are located at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge of the roof.

In all cases, the height of the pipe above the adjacent part of the roof must be at least 0.5 m, and for houses with a combined roof (flat roof) - at least 2.0 m.

The installation of umbrellas and deflectors on chimneys is not allowed.

13.* The removal of combustion products from gasified installations of industrial enterprises, boiler houses, and public service enterprises may be provided through steel chimneys.

1. Steel pipes for gas supply systems with pressure up to 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2), depending on the design temperature of the outside air of the construction area and the location of the gas pipeline relative to the ground surface, should be taken:

according to table 1* - for external above-ground gas pipelines laid in areas with a design temperature of external air not lower than minus 40 °C, as well as underground and internal gas pipelines that are not cooled to a temperature below minus 40 °C;

according to table 2 - for above-ground gas pipelines laid in areas with a design outside air temperature below minus 40 °C and underground gas pipelines that can be cooled to a temperature below minus 40 °C.

2. For gas supply systems, you should accept pipes made, as a rule, of ordinary quality carbon steel in accordance with GOST 380-88 and high-quality steel in accordance with GOST 1050-88.

3. For gas pipelines of the liquid phase of LPG, seamless pipes should, as a rule, be used.

It is allowed to use electric-welded pipes for these gas pipelines. In this case, pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm must undergo 100% inspection of the weld using non-destructive methods, and pipes with a diameter of 50 mm or more must also undergo a tensile test of the weld.

Table 1*

Steel pipes for the construction of external above-ground gas pipelines laid in areas with a design temperature of outside air not lower than minus 40 °C, as well as underground and internal gas pipelines that are not cooled to a temperature below minus 40 °C

Standard or specification for pipes

Steel grade, steel standard

Pipe outer diameter (incl.), mm

1. Electric welded longitudinal welded GOST 10705-80 (group B) "Technically skies Slovenia " and GOST 10704-91 "Assortment"

VSt2sp, VSt3sp no less than 2nd category GOST 380-88; 10, 15, 20 GOST 1050-88

2. Electric welded TU 14-3-943-80

10 GOST 1050-88


3. Electric welded for main gas and oil pipelines (straight seam and spiral welded) GOST 20295-85

VSt3sp no less e 2nd category (K38) GOST 380-88; 10 ( K34 ), 15 (K38), 20 (K42) GOST 1050-88

According to GOST 20295-74

4. Electric welded straight-seam GOST 10706-76 (group B) “Technical requirements” and GOST 10704-91 “Assortment”

VSt2sp, VSt3sp not me not 2nd category GOST 380-88

5. Electros welded with a spiral seam GOST 8696-74 (group B)

VSt2sp, VSt3sp no less than 2nd category GOST 380-88

6. Seamless hot-deformed GOST 8731-87 (group B and D) “Technical requirements” and GOST 8732-78 “Assortment”

10, 20 GOST 1050-88

7. Seamless cold-deformed, heat-deformed GOST 8733-87 (gr Unit B and D) “Technical Requirements” and GOST 8734-75 “Assortment”

10, 20 GOST 1050-88

8. Electric welded spiral welded TU 14-3-808-78

TU 14-3-808-78

530-820; 1020; 1220

9. Seamless hot-deformed according to TU 14-3-190-82 (only for thermal power plants)

10, 20 GOST 1050-88

Notes: 1. Pipes according to paragraphs. 6 and 7 follows when change like For example, for gas pipelines of the liquid phase of LPG.

2. Excluded.

3. For heat fishing elect Rostanz I'm working would be used from steel 20 in areas with a design temperature of up to minus 30 ° C

4.* Pipes in accordance with GOST 3262-75 may be used for the construction of external and internal low-pressure gas pipelines. Pipes in accordance with GOST 3262-75 with a nominal diameter of up to 32 mm inclusive. may be used for the construction of impulse gas pipelines with pressures up to 1.2 MPa (12 kgf/cm2) inclusive. In this case, bent sections of pulse gas pipelines must have a bend radius of at least 2De and the temperature of the pipe wall during operation should not be below 0 °C. 5.* Pipes with a spiral seam in accordance with TU 102-39-84 with an anti-corrosion coating in accordance with TU 102-176-85 are allowed to be used only for underground inter-settlement natural gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 1.2 MPa (12 kgf/cm2) in areas with a design outside air temperature up to minus 40 °C incl. At the same time, do not use these pipes for elastic bending (rotation) of a gas pipeline in the vertical and horizontal planes with a radius of less than 1500 times the pipe diameter, as well as for laying gas pipelines in settlements. 6. Possibility of using pipes according to state standards and technical conditions given in table. 1 and 2* of this appendix, but made of semi-quiet and boiling steel, are regulated by clauses 11.7, 11.8. 7. Pipes in accordance with GOST 8731 - 87, made from ingots, should not be used without carrying out 100% non-destructive testing of the pipe metal. When ordering pipes in accordance with GOST 8731-87, indicate that pipes according to this standard, made from ingots, should not be supplied without 100% control by non-destructive methods.

Aboveground gas pipelines should be laid on free-standing supports, shelves and columns made of non-combustible materials or along the walls of buildings. In this case, the following installations are permitted:

On free-standing supports, columns, trestles and shelves - gas pipelines of all pressures;

On the walls of industrial buildings with premises classified as fire hazard categories G and D - gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa;

On the walls of public and residential buildings of at least 3 degrees of fire resistance - gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa;

On the walls of public buildings and residential buildings of 4-5 degrees of fire resistance - low-pressure gas pipelines with a nominal pipe diameter of no more than 50 mm. The height of gas pipelines along the walls of residential and public buildings should be taken in agreement with the operating organization.

It is prohibited to lay transit gas pipelines:

Along the walls of buildings of children's institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums, cultural, entertainment, leisure and religious institutions - gas pipelines of all pressures;

Along the walls of residential buildings - medium and high pressure gas pipelines.

The connection of underground steel gas pipeline inlets with the riser of the above-ground (basement) inlet must be welded using bent or steeply curved bends. Welded butt joints in sections of underground gas pipelines must be checked using non-destructive testing methods.

High-pressure gas pipelines up to 0.6 MPa are allowed to be laid along the walls, above the windows and doorways of single-story and above the windows of the upper floors of industrial buildings with premises classified as fire hazard categories G and D, as well as buildings of free-standing boiler houses.

It is not allowed to provide detachable connections and shut-off valves on gas pipelines under balconies and under window openings of residential and public buildings.

In a free area outside the passage of vehicles and the passage of people, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines on low supports at a height of at least 0.5 m, provided that one or more pipes are laid on a support. Gas pipelines at exits from the ground should be enclosed in cases, the above-ground part of which should be at least 0.5 m. The end of the above-ground parts of the casings must be sealed with bitumen to prevent precipitation from entering the interpipe space.

Distance to buildings and structures, see table

In places where people pass, the height of the gas pipeline on supports is 2.2 m.

When laying a gas pipeline on supports closer than 2 m to the edge of the roadway, it is necessary to provide a protective fence. The minimum distance of the protective gas pipeline to buildings must be at least 2 m. Gas pipelines are secured to the supports using clamps.

Allowable spans between supports:

Pipe d- 20mm - 3 m

25mm – 3.5m

The gas pipeline is laid along the walls using brackets according to series 5.905-8 (Attaching a gas pipeline to the walls of a building). The distance between gas pipelines and walls should provide easy access for inspection and repair.

To combat corrosion, metal structures and pipes are painted twice with preliminary application of a primer.

Insulating flanges. Purpose and place of installation.

Insulating flange connection (IFS). Protection of gas pipelines with the help of IFS and inserts consists in the fact that the gas pipeline is divided into separate sections, due to which the conductivity of the pipe is reduced, and at the same time the strength of the current flowing through the gas pipeline is reduced and the solution to the issue of their protection is simplified.

The installation of EIF at the inputs makes it impossible to make electrical contact between the house and the gas pipeline. Installation of EIF on gas pipelines - entries into the house no higher than 2.2 m (usually 1.6-1.8 m from the ground surface for ease of maintenance).

When installing valves and compensators, flange connections must be bridged with permanent jumpers.

Placement of shut-off devices on the gas pipeline.

Shut-off devices on gas pipelines should be provided:

At the inputs of residential, public, industrial buildings, in front of external gas consuming installations (mobile boiler houses, bitumen digesters, ovens for drying sand and firing building materials, etc.)

At the inlets to the hydraulic fracturing unit, at the outlets from the hydraulic fracturing unit with looped gas pipelines in systems with two or more hydraulic fracturing units;

On branches of inter-settlement gas pipelines to populated areas or enterprises;

On branches from gas distribution pipelines to individual microdistricts, blocks and individual groups of residential buildings;

For sectioning medium and high pressure gas distribution pipelines to enable emergency and repair work;

When gas pipelines cross water barriers, as well as one line when the width of the water barrier at a low-water horizon is 75 m or more;

When gas pipelines cross railways of the general network and highways of categories 1 and 2, disconnecting devices should be placed:

In front of the territories of industrial, public utility or other enterprises.

Shut-off devices on external gas pipelines should be placed in wells, above-ground fireproof cabinets or fences, as well as on the walls of buildings. It is allowed to install well-free underground disconnecting devices connected by welding, designed for well-free installation and not requiring maintenance.

Switching devices intended for installation on the walls of buildings should be placed at a distance from doorways and opening window openings of at least m:

For low pressure gas pipelines – 0.5 m;

For medium pressure gas pipelines horizontally – 1.0 m;

For high pressure gas pipelines up to 0.6 MPa horizontally -3.0 m.

The distance from the gas pipeline shut-off devices located on the walls of buildings to the intake ventilation devices must be at least 5 m horizontally. When disconnecting devices are located at a height of more than 2.2 m

platforms made of non-combustible materials with stairs should be provided.

Purpose, device of shut-off and control valves?

Industrial pipeline fittings are:

1. shut-off

2. regulating

3. safety

4. control

Shut-off valves are designed to turn on and off individual sections of pipelines during operation. This includes taps, valves, and gate valves.

Control valves are designed to change the pressure or temperature, or flow of the transported medium.

Safety valves are designed to protect pipelines, gas equipment, containers from excessive

high pressure, as well as to maintain the required pressure in the pipeline.

The shut-off valves must be sealed with respect to the external environment. Valves, taps, gate valves and butterfly valves intended for gas supply systems as shut-off valves (shut-off devices) must be designed for hydrocarbon gases. The tightness of the valves must correspond to class 1 according to GOST 9544.

Taps and butterfly valves must have rotation limiters and open-closed position indicators.

Shut-off valves are made of gray cast iron, ductile cast iron, carbon steel, and copper-based alloys.

Shut-off valves in accordance with GOST 4666 must have markings on the body and a distinctive color. The marking must contain the manufacturer's trademark, nominal or working pressure, nominal bore and flow direction indicator, if necessary.

KPO on underground gas pipelines. Time frames for gas pipeline inspections. Paperwork.

Underground gas pipelines (made of metal and polyethylene pipes) in operation must undergo technical inspection, incl. and comprehensive instrument examination. KPO, using instruments according to specially developed instructions, and, if necessary, pitting is also carried out. During technical inspection

gas pipelines, the actual location of gas pipelines, the condition of structures and equipment on them, tightness, the condition of the protective coating and electrochemical protection must be determined.

When performing KPO, the following are checked:

location and, if necessary, depth of the gas pipeline;

gas pipeline tightness;

continuity and condition of the protective coating.

Technical inspection of underground steel gas pipelines is carried out:

with a service life of up to 25 years - at least once every 5 years. The first one a year after commissioning;

when operating for more than 25 years and before the expiration of the depreciation service life - at least 1 time in 3 years;

when they are included in the overhaul or replacement plan, as well as when the protective coating is below the “very reinforced” type - at least once a year.

Extraordinary inspection of gas pipelines must be carried out:

If the service life exceeds for steel gas pipelines - 40 years, for semi-electrical pipelines - 50 years;

If leaks or breaks in welded joints, through corrosion damage are detected;

When the gas pipeline-ground potential decreases to values ​​below the minimum permissible, subject to a break in the operation of electrical protective installations for more than 1 month - in areas influenced by stray currents and over 6 months - in other cases provided for by DSTU B V.2.5-29:2006 " Engineering equipment of houses and structures. External networks and structures. Gas supply systems. Underground steel gas pipelines. General requirements for corrosion protection".

On gas pipelines that have a protective coating below the “very reinforced” type in addition to KPO, control drilling should be carried out to determine the condition of the pipes and the quality of the welded joints. Technical inspection of the condition of polyethylene gas pipelines is carried out within the time limits established for steel gas pipelines.

At KPO, a worksheet of 2 copies is compiled, one is given to the network section foreman.

Proving on a gas pipeline. Purpose of digging. The order of work. Preparation of documentation.

Inspection of underground steel gas pipelines in order to determine the condition of the protective coating, where the use of devices is hampered by industrial interference, is carried out by opening control holes on the gas pipelines with a length of at least 1.5 m every 500 m.

The locations for opening control pits and their number in industrial interference zones are determined by the gas enterprise or the enterprise operating the gas industry on its own.

For visual inspection, areas exposed to the greatest corrosion hazard, places where gas pipelines intersect with other underground utilities, and condensate collectors are selected. In this case, at least one hole must be opened for every kilometer of distribution gas pipelines and for every 200 m of a yard or intra-block gas pipeline, but at least one hole per driveway, yard or block.

Checking tightness and detecting gas leaks from underground gas pipelines during the period of soil freezing, as well as in areas located under improved road surfaces, should be done by drilling wells (or pinning) and then taking air samples from them.

On gas distribution pipelines and inlets, wells are drilled at the joints. If there are no joints, wells should be drilled every 2 m.

The depth of their drilling in winter should be no less than the depth of soil freezing, in the warm season - correspond to the depth of pipe laying. Wells are laid at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the wall of the gas pipeline.

When using highly sensitive gas detectors, it is allowed to reduce the depth of the wells and place them along the axis of the gas pipeline, provided that the distance between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the well is at least 40 cm.

The use of open fire to determine the presence of gas in wells is not allowed.

Pit inspection of polyethylene gas pipelines is carried out only in places where steel inserts are installed.

At least 1 insert is checked per 1 km of gas distribution pipelines and at each quarterly distribution. To be able to inspect the joints of the connections of the polyethylene gas pipeline with the steel insert, the length of the pit should be 1.5-2 m. The opening of the pits is carried out using mechanisms or manually. The insulation and metal of steel inserts must be checked at least once every 5 years.

Based on the results of a technical inspection of steel and polyethylene gas pipelines, a protocol should be drawn up, in which, taking into account the identified defects and an assessment of the technical condition, an opinion should be given on the possibility of further operation of the gas pipeline, the need for timing of its repair and replacement. Information about the work performed and the results of the inspection is entered into the gas pipeline passport.

To supply gas from group installations, steel gas pipelines are used, laid underground and designed for a pressure of pure gas of 3–5 kPa, and of gas-air mixtures - 1.5–3 kPa.

Underground gas pipelines. The routing of gas pipelines through the territory of populated areas, inside blocks or courtyards should ensure the shortest length of gas pipelines and branches from them to residential buildings, as well as the maximum distance from above-ground buildings (especially those with basements) and non-pressure underground communications (sewer pipes, channels for heating pipelines and others containers through which gas can spread). The routing of gas pipelines through undeveloped areas should be carried out taking into account the layout of their future development.
In accordance with the requirements of the current “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation, the horizontal distances between low-pressure gas pipelines (up to 5 kPa) and other structures must be clear, m, not less than:

  • to the foundation of buildings and structures, overpasses and tunnels - 2;
  • outdoor lighting, overhead contact and communication supports - 1;
  • axles of the extreme track of the railway gauge 1520 mm - 3.8;
  • axes of the tram's outermost track - 2.8;
  • side stones of streets, roads - 1.5;
  • outer edge of the ditch or to the bottom of the embankment of the street, road - 1;
  • foundations of supports for overhead power lines with voltage up to 1 kV and outdoor lighting - 1, above 1 to 35 kV - 5, and above - 6;
  • tree trunks - 1.5;
  • bushes - not standardized.

When laying gas pipelines between buildings and under the arches of buildings, as well as in certain sections of the route where the given distances cannot be maintained, it is allowed to reduce them to values ​​that ensure the safety of all underground structures during the construction and repair of each of them. If it is necessary to reduce the distance, long seamless pipes with increased wall thickness are used; bent bends are used; welded joints are checked by physical control methods; The pipes are protected from corrosion by highly reinforced insulation.

The minimum horizontal clear distances between utility underground networks must be, m, not less than:

  • to the water supply - 1;
  • domestic sewerage - 1;
  • drainage and rainwater drainage - 1;
  • gas pipelines of low, medium, high pressure - 0.5;
  • power cables up to 100 kV and communication cables - 1;
  • heating networks and common collectors – 2.

Laying two or more gas pipelines in one trench is allowed at the same or different levels (steps). The distances between gas pipelines must be sufficient for installation and repair of pipelines, but not less than 0.4 m for pipes with a diameter of up to 300 mm.

Vertical clear distances when crossing underground gas pipelines of all pressures with other underground structures and communications must be, m, not less than:

  • water supply, sewerage, drainage, telephone sewerage, etc. - 0.15;
  • heating network channel - 0.2;
  • electrical cable, telephone armored cable - 0.5;
  • oil-filled electrical cable (110–220 kV) - 1.

Rice. 5.2. Scheme of gas supply to an industrial enterprise from medium-pressure city gas pipelines. 1 – medium (or high) pressure city gas distribution pipeline; 2 – gas pipeline entry; 3 – valve with compensator in a deep well; 4 – underground inter-shop gas pipelines of medium or high pressure; 5 – hydraulic fracturing and central gas flow measurement point; 6 – underground inter-shop gas pipelines of medium pressure; 7 – tap; 8 – above-ground gas pipelines laid along the wall of the building; 9 – cabinet main control unit (CVD); 10 – valve with compensator in a deep well (shop shut-off device); 11 – fitting with a tap and plug for taking a sample; 12 – purge gas pipeline; 13 – disconnecting device (valve) at the entrance to the workshop; 14 – tap in a shallow well; 15 – above-ground inter-shop gas pipelines laid along columns; 16 – U-shaped compensator; 17 – valve on an overhead gas pipeline with a platform and ladder for servicing it; 18 – intra-shop GRU.

Reducing the distance between the gas pipeline and the electrical cable or armored communication cable is possible if they are laid in cases, and the clear distance between the gas pipeline and the wall of the case must be, m, not less than: when laying the electric cable - 0.25; armored communication cable - 0.15, and the ends of the case should extend 1 m on both sides from the walls of the gas pipeline being crossed.

Overhead gas pipelines. These gas pipelines are more accessible to the supervision of maintenance personnel, are less susceptible to deformation, and allow you to quickly eliminate possible problems and carry out repair work without disconnecting consumers. Low and medium pressure gas pipelines are allowed to be laid on the external walls of residential and public buildings of at least IV degree of fire resistance and on separate fireproof supports, and low pressure gas pipelines with a nominal pipe diameter of up to 50 mm - along the walls of residential buildings.

Overhead gas pipelines should be designed taking into account the compensation of longitudinal deformations and, if necessary, when self-compensation is not ensured, the installation of compensators (not stuffing boxes) should be provided. The height of the gas pipeline should be selected taking into account the provision of its inspection and repair. Flanged or threaded connections on gas pipelines should not be provided under window openings and balconies of buildings. Gas pipelines laid along the outer walls of buildings, overpasses, supports, as well as risers at the exit from the ground, if necessary, must be protected from mechanical damage. Gas pipelines must have a slope of at least 0.003; condensate removal devices must be installed at the lowest points. Thermal insulation must be provided for these gas pipelines.
The minimum horizontal clear distances from above-ground gas pipelines laid on supports to residential and public buildings must be at least 2 m. Clear distances between jointly laid and intersecting above-ground gas pipelines and pipelines for other purposes must be accepted for a gas pipeline diameter of up to 300 mm, at least diameter of the gas pipeline, but not less than 100 mm. The distances between the supports of above-ground gas pipelines should be determined in accordance with the requirements of the current “Guidelines for the calculation of steel pipelines for various purposes.”
Disabling devices. On gas pipelines, it is planned to install disconnecting devices at gas pipeline inputs into individual buildings or their groups (two adjacent buildings or more), as well as in front of external (open) gas consuming installations. On underground gas pipelines they should be installed in shallow wells with compensators. On gas pipelines with a nominal bore of less than 100 mm, U-shaped compensators should be used predominantly. When steel fittings are connected to gas pipelines by welding, compensators are not installed.

The installation of shut-off devices at the inputs of low-pressure gas pipelines should, as a rule, be provided outside the building. For fittings located at a height of more than 2.2 m, platforms made of non-combustible materials with ladders or a remote drive should be provided. To service fittings that are rarely used, it is permissible to use a portable ladder.

When laying two or more gas pipelines in one trench, the installed shut-off valves must be offset relative to each other at a distance that ensures ease of maintenance and repair.

Gas pipelines indoors. Indoors, gas pipelines are laid openly along the walls, parallel to the floor (ceiling). The length of LPG gas pipelines from risers to gas appliances is minimal. Pipes are not allowed to cross living rooms, and when passing through walls, smoke and ventilation ducts are not allowed. When attaching gas pipelines to walls, it is necessary to maintain distances that ensure the possibility of inspecting and repairing gas pipelines and the shut-off valves installed on them. Installation of taps with a stop nut towards the wall is unacceptable.

The relative location of gas pipelines and electrical wiring inside buildings must satisfy the following requirements:

  • from an openly laid electrical wire (electrical wire) to the wall of the gas pipeline, a distance of at least 10 cm must be maintained (it can be reduced to 5 cm when laying electrical wires in tubes);
  • at the intersection of the gas pipeline with an openly laid electrical wire, the latter must be enclosed in a rubber or ebonite tube protruding 10 cm from each side of the gas pipeline;
  • when the electrical wire is hidden, a distance of at least 5 cm must be maintained from the wall of the gas pipeline, counting to the edge of the sealed furrow.

Where the gas pipeline intersects with other pipelines (water supply, sewerage), their pipes should not touch. To turn off the gas, in addition to the tap on each riser, taps are installed at the entrance to the apartment, in the stairwell (at the stair riser), on the branch from the riser to the appliances in the kitchen and in front of each appliance. If the riser is located in the kitchen and only one gas appliance is installed in the apartment (stove without a meter), a shut-off valve at the outlet from the riser may not be installed. Gas pipelines laid indoors must be made of steel pipes. Pipe connections should usually be made by welding. Threaded and flanged connections are allowed only in places where shut-off valves and gas appliances are installed. Detachable connections of gas pipelines must be accessible for inspection and repair.
The laying of gas pipelines inside buildings and structures should be open. In the premises of consumer service enterprises, public catering and laboratories, it is allowed to lay gas supply pipelines to individual units, gas appliances in a concrete floor, followed by sealing the pipes with cement mortar. In this case, anti-corrosion insulation must be provided for the pipes. Where the gas pipeline enters and exits the floor, cases must be provided that protrude above them by at least 3 cm.

Fundamentally, the design of gas pipelines for supplying industrial and municipal enterprises with increased gas consumption is distinguished by the possibility of using medium pressure. According to the “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” and SNiP 42-01-02, inter-shop gas pipelines at industrial enterprises can be either underground or aboveground. The choice of method for laying inter-shop gas pipelines depends on the degree of saturation of the territory with underground communications, the type of soil and coatings, the nature of construction structures and buildings, the location of the shops consuming gas, and technical and economic considerations. As a rule, enterprises give preference to above-ground laying of inter-shop gas pipelines.

Rice. 5.1. Scheme of gas supply to the enterprise from the city low-pressure gas pipeline. 1 – city low-pressure gas distribution pipeline; 2 – gas pipeline entry; 3 – valve with compensator in a deep well; 4 – hydraulic valve; 5 – purge gas pipeline; 6 – fitting with a tap and plug for taking a sample; 7 – underground inter-shop (yard) low-pressure gas pipelines; 8 – tap in a shallow well.

Gas supply schemes for enterprises, as well as methods for laying gas pipelines, are varied. When choosing a scheme, it is necessary to be guided by technical and economic requirements, as well as reliability and safety requirements: ensuring the necessary parameters of combustible gas (pressure and flow) in front of the gas burners of heating units; minimum capital and metal investments (minimum diameters and lengths of gas pipelines, number of hydraulic fracturing stations and gas distribution units); ensuring reliable and safe construction, installation, commissioning and operation.

Depending on the gas flow and pressure, the operating mode of heating units, the territorial location of gas consumers at the enterprise and technical and economic indicators, and taking into account the practice of design and operation, several standard gas supply schemes for industrial and municipal enterprises are distinguished.

Municipal enterprises with relatively low gas consumption and heating units operating on low-pressure gas (factory kitchens, canteens, built-in heating boiler houses with sectional boilers, etc.), as a rule, are connected to city low-pressure gas pipelines or tank farms (for complexes autonomous gas supply with propane-butane mixtures) (Fig. 5.1).

The gas supply circuit consists of a gas pipeline input with a common shut-off device, inter-shop gas pipelines with shut-off devices in front of each shop, purge gas pipelines and elements such as control pipes, control conductors, condensate collectors (for wet gases), compensators, etc.

A general shut-off device (valve) is installed at the gas pipeline inlet. It is designed to shut off the gas supply during repairs or failure of the gas supply system. Purge gas pipelines are designed to remove air and the gas-air mixture and fill the system with clean gas during the initial and subsequent (after repairs of inter-shop gas pipelines or long-term shutdown of the system) startups. To determine the quality of the purge, a fitting with a tap is installed on the purge gas pipeline to take a sample of the medium, the composition of which can be determined on a gas analyzer.

In the gas supply scheme under consideration, underground laying of gas pipelines is conventionally accepted. The diagram does not show condensate collectors: for centralized gas supply, dried natural gas is used, and when using wet flammable gases, gas pipelines are laid with a slope and condensate collectors are installed at low points in the system.

Medium and large industrial enterprises are connected to urban gas distribution pipelines of medium or high pressure (Fig. 5.2). As an example, it is assumed that in shops 2 and 3 heating units operate on medium pressure gas (the gas pressure in front of the burners of the units is assumed to be equal), and in shops 1 and 4 - on low pressure gas. After the general shut-off device, a gas control point (GRP) is installed on the inter-shop gas pipeline of the initial gas pressure, designed to reduce the gas pressure from high or medium to the medium pressure required for the heating units of shops 2 and 3, taking into account pressure losses. A central gas flow measurement point is installed in the gas distribution center building, intended for business settlements between the enterprise and the supplier. In shops 1 and 4, a gas control unit (GRU) is additionally installed to use low-pressure gas.

For inter-shop gas pipelines, a mixed laying scheme has been adopted - underground and aboveground. Aboveground gas pipelines can be laid along the external walls and fireproof coatings of industrial buildings with production facilities classified as fire hazard categories B, D and E, as well as along free-standing columns (supports) and overpasses made of fireproof materials. Important note: high-pressure gas pipelines can be laid along the walls of industrial buildings only above the windows of the upper floors or along blank walls.

The diameters of gas pipelines are determined by hydraulic calculations at maximum gas flow, taking into account the future growth in consumption associated with the development of the enterprise and acceptable pressure losses. All underground steel gas pipelines are protected from corrosion caused by soil and stray electrical currents. For this purpose, both passive and active protection measures are used.

Features of autonomous gas supply systems using low and medium pressures include the predominant use of burners with forced air supply, optimized for operation on low pressure gas. In this case, there is no need to reduce the pressure, as is necessary to do when supplied from centralized natural gas pipelines (the pressure reduction in the regulators reaches 0.1–0.2 MPa).

Table 5.5. Gas pressure in supply lines for different consumers

Gas consumers Gas pressure, MPa
Industrial buildings in which the gas pressure is determined by production requirements 1,2
Other industrial buildings 0,6
Domestic buildings of industrial enterprises, separate, attached to industrial buildings and built into these buildings 0,3
Administrative buildings 0,005
Boiler rooms
separately standing on the territory of production enterprises 1,2
separately standing on the territory of settlements 0,6
attached, built-in and roof-top industrial buildings 0,6
attached, built-in and rooftop public, administrative and domestic buildings 0,3
attached, built-in and rooftop residential buildings 0,005
Public buildings (except for buildings in which the installation of gas equipment is not permitted by the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02) and warehouses 0,005
Residential buildings 0,003

Table 5.6. Gas pressure in above-ground gas pipelines depending on the class of consumers and location features

Placement of above-ground gas pipelines Gas pressure in the gas pipeline, MPa, no more
1. On free-standing supports, columns, overpasses and shelves 1.2 (for natural gas); 1.6 (for LPG)
2. Boiler houses, industrial buildings with premises of categories B, G and D and GNS (GNP) buildings, public and domestic buildings for industrial purposes, as well as built-in, attached and roof boiler houses to them:
a) on the walls and roofs of buildings
I and II degrees of fire resistance, fire hazard class C0 (according to SNiP 21-01) 1,2*
II degree of fire resistance class C1 and III degree of fire resistance class C0 0,6*
b) along the walls of buildings
III degree of fire resistance class C1, IV degree of fire resistance class C0 0,3*
IV degree of fire resistance classes C1 and C2 0,005
3. Residential, administrative, public and domestic buildings, as well as built-in, attached and roof boiler houses to them
on the walls of buildings of all degrees of fire resistance 0,005
in cases where the SHRP is placed on the external walls of buildings (only up to the SHRP) 0,3

* - The gas pressure in the gas pipeline laid along building structures should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in Table 7.3. for the respective consumers.

Any modern metropolis and even the smallest settlement cannot do without the use of gas pipelines: both residential buildings and industrial enterprises necessarily use gas for heating and other household needs. The problem is that such engineering structures are extremely dangerous; even the slightest damage can lead to a major accident and even catastrophe. This is why there are security zones for gas pipelines.


First we need to define the very concept of “gas pipeline”. This is an engineering structure consisting of pipes and supports on which they are mounted, as well as a variety of related equipment that helps in delivering gas to the consumer.

The fuel is supplied under a certain pressure, and its transportation is highly dependent on the geographical parameters of the site. Gas pipelines are used in two types: distribution and main - depending on the pressure force. Security zones of gas pipelines also depend entirely on these parameters.

Species and types

The first type of main gas pipelines has a pressure of up to ten MPa, and the second - up to two and a half MPa. Distribution pipes come in three types: low pressure - up to five thousandths of MPa, medium pressure - up to three tenths of MPa, and high pressure - up to six tenths of MPa. Pipes are laid underground, aboveground and underwater, respectively, hence the name for this classification. The security zones of gas pipelines also differ depending on the pressure and method of installation.

The main function of protected zones is to prohibit construction in a given area. Security zones of gas pipelines are determined by special documents containing the characteristics of the pipes, the method of laying the pipeline and the permissible pressure inside.

The width of the protection zone depends on these characteristics. Thanks to it, the uninterrupted functioning of the facility, safety, integrity and possibility of maintenance are ensured. Work in the gas pipeline security zone is carried out in coordination with the organization that operates this facility.


In the security zone, you cannot build compost pits, build basements, work with welding, install barriers that prevent access to pipes, create landfills and willfully connect to the gas pipeline.

The security zone of a medium-pressure gas pipeline is usually equipped with special posts with signs on which the following information is given: the name and geographical location of the object, the distance to the pipeline axis, the size of the security zone, contact details of the organization that services the object. Such signs can be located on power poles and on cell phone towers.


Pipeline protection rules provide for the arrangement of protective territories. The security zone of the high pressure gas distribution pipeline is ten meters on either side of it. The main ones have fifty meters of protected territory. If liquefied gas is delivered through pipes, the security zone is at least one hundred meters. A conventional medium-pressure pipeline requires four meters of such territory, while the protective territory of a low-pressure gas pipeline is only two meters.

Design and technical documentation necessarily contains all the information listed above and is stored in the design office, which most often is the organization for servicing this engineering structure. An act issued by local government or executive authorities and the recording of a security zone on the general plan are documents for the creation of a special territory around the gas pipeline.


The main activities that are carried out in the security zones by the operating organization are the following: twice a year, safety instructions are given to the owners of the land where the security zone of the main gas pipeline and any other pipeline is located; once a year - adjustment of the route with the introduction of all changes to the project documentation, and if the transformation is really necessary, the security zone of the gas pipeline itself changes. SNiP (building codes and regulations), regulating all technical, legal and economic standards, as well as engineering surveys, must be observed.

In connection with the changes discovered during the year, it is necessary to change the marking itself with special posts located at a distance of no more than five hundred meters from each other. In this way, all pipe bends are indicated, which must be repeated by the gas pipeline security zone. It doesn’t matter how many meters from one bend to another, they still need to be recorded. Also, all intersections with other infrastructure facilities (bridges, roads, etc.) must be marked with signs. A warning that a gas pipeline (main or distribution) security zone passes through this area is a mandatory condition.

Information on signs

A sign prohibiting parking and even stopping vehicles not related to the organization operating the gas pipeline is required. Along with information about the depth of the gas pipeline (if it is underground), a designation of its direction is given. The first plate stands vertically, the subsequent ones - indicating the kilometers traveled - are placed at an angle of 30 degrees for visual control from the aircraft.

It is necessary to observe all safety measures in such an important area as the gas pipeline security zone (including low pressure). This minimizes the risk and damage caused by accidents. Unauthorized work in the immediate vicinity is unacceptable, since not only a fire, but also an explosion can occur. Responsibility information is indicated on signs. The risk of damage to the gas pipeline must also be minimized.

Possible tragic accidents

Few people are insured against damage to gas pipelines and other dangerous objects. Any owner of the territory in which the security zone is located can damage the insulation or even the pipe itself if they start a large construction project or lay, for example, a water pipeline on the site without approval. Damage to pipes is a major administrative violation and provides for a fine of five thousand rubles, depending on the damage caused.

If the security zones of gas pipelines are well marked on the ground, and preventive work is carried out in a timely manner and carefully, then emergency situations associated with this type of engineering structures will not happen, which will help preserve material resources, health and even people’s lives.

Gas supply system

This is a very complex complex in which facilities are designed not just for transportation, but also for processing and distribution of gas to consumers. The system consists of the gas networks themselves, that is, three types of gas pipelines - low, high and medium pressure, as well as gas distribution stations, gas control points and installations, services and auxiliary structures. All this is intended for the normal and uninterrupted operation of the entire gas supply system. It must be safe to operate, simple and easy to maintain, and be able to shut down individual sections for repair work or in the event of an accident.

The security zone of the gas pipeline is the main condition for the safe operation of this entire system. Even the underwater passages of a gas pipeline include a special territory, regardless of the category of pipes. It will be equal to one hundred meters in each direction from the pipe.

Russian Federation rules for security zones

Gas distribution networks must have security zones of the following order:

  • along the route of the external gas pipeline - two meters on each side;
  • along the route of the underground gas pipeline (polyethylene pipes and copper wire marking the route) - three meters on the side of the wire and two on the other side;
  • along the route of the external gas pipeline on permafrost (regardless of the material) - ten meters on each side;
  • surrounding a separate gas control point - ten meters from the boundary of the facility;
  • along the route of the inter-settlement gas pipeline passing through the forest or bushes - a clearing three meters wide on each side.

The low pressure gas pipeline is used for household consumers, small boiler houses, catering establishments and other similar purposes. Pipelines with medium or high pressure gas are designed for supply to city distribution networks through gas distribution points - gas distribution points. In addition, they are needed to supply gas to industrial enterprises and utilities using GRU (gas control units).

Decoding pointers

Signposts installed in security zones are green and yellow, indicating the material from which the pipe is made: yellow - polyethylene, and green - steel. The top line on the yellow plate shows the pressure of the given gas pipeline and the pipe material. For example, PE 0.6. This means that the pipe is made of polyethylene, and the pressure in it is 0.6 MPa. If the gas pipeline is low pressure, then the letters “n.d.” will indicate this. instead of numbers.

The second line indicates the transported medium and the diameter of the pipe itself. For example, GAZ 50. This means that gas is transported through a pipe with a diameter of fifty millimeters. Variation here can only be with numbers, since the diameter of the pipes is varied.

If there is a third line, then it indicates the construction of an underground gas pipeline. For example, UP 20. This means that in this place the angle of rotation is twenty degrees.

The fourth line is the most important, it contains arrows and numbers indicating the direction from the axis of the table. For example, an arrow to the right, under which there is the number 3, and an arrow down, under which the number 7. This means that the gas pipeline is turned three meters to the right and seven meters forward.

Norms for the location and rules for moving gas pipes in the kitchen

Most of the goodies on the tables appear with the participation of a natural gift - gas. Naturally, the owners of the house want blue fuel to enter the kitchen unnoticed, without destroying the harmony, integrity of design and style, which has been thought out for months. Meanwhile, utility networks are not a toy, you cannot joke with them, because in the pursuit of beauty you can lose the main thing - life. So, how and where should a gas pipe be installed in the kitchen: norms and rules for handling the system.

If earlier people couldn’t imagine life without water, now they don’t know how to exist without gas either.

First, it’s worth finding out under what circumstances gas pipes are used in the kitchen. The use of blue fuel in such a room most often means installing a stove. It's time to familiarize yourself with the terms of use. So, remember the main postulates:

  • gas stoves are allowed to be installed in kitchens with a height of 2.2 meters (if the ceiling in the room is sloped, then to install the stove you should choose a place where it reaches the established norm);
  • the kitchen should be equipped with a window with a window so that during the day repair work can be carried out without artificial lighting, ventilating the room (the presence of a functioning ventilation duct is welcome);
  • between the slab and the opposite wall there must certainly be a passage with a width of 1 meter;
  • ceilings and walls made of materials prone to combustion, according to standards, must be covered with plaster;
  • The stove can be used in kitchens separated from the corridor by a secure wall/partition and door;
  • The installation of gas pipes in the kitchen should be done so that the distance between the walls and the stove is at least 7 centimeters;
  • branching to the slab is allowed only at the level of the connecting fitting;
  • the shut-off valve should be installed at a level of 1.5 meters from the floor and at a distance of 20 centimeters from the side of the stove;
  • To install the stove, it is permissible to use a special (heat-resistant - from 120 degrees) flexible hose and do not forget to change it, based on the recommendations specified in the product data sheet.

The standards for handling mainly already installed pipes and devices connected to them are indicated. If you plan to change, move, or even cut the gas pipe in the kitchen, then move on.

This is how you can hide a fragment of the network if it bothers you - without any transfer

Pipeline requirements

What to do if the gas pipe in the kitchen is in the way, and you know for sure that you will not calm down until you move it? It’s natural to study the rules outlined below and change the network configuration without breaking the rules.

Installation rules

To remove a gas pipe in the kitchen or move it to another location, you need to know the following:

  • Do not lay the pipeline through a door or window;
  • It is prohibited to lead the gas system through the ventilation shaft;
  • access to the pipes must always be open (you cannot know when an accident will occur or who will repair the breakdown, but this someone must accurately find where the pipeline is);
  • the length of flexible network fragments should not exceed 3 meters;
  • the distance between the floor and the system should be 2 meters;
  • the rigidity of pipe joints is no less important than other standards;
  • the pipeline requires painting;
  • the places where the network intersects with the walls must have a special “packaging” in the form of a construction case.

This is important to know! And the most important rule: when working with a network transporting blue fuel, turn off the gas before starting the process!

Decide clearly what you want, or even better, draw it and show it to the masters

Pipe transfer

The decision whether it is possible to cut or move the gas pipe in the kitchen will be up to the relevant services. You are only free to propose network redevelopment and voice your option. And professionals will tell you whether such changes are real, whether they will pose a threat to people’s lives, and will also tell you how much such an “upgrade” will cost you. Where to begin? Where should I knock?

Any pipe transfers must be coordinated with the relevant services

Registration of permission

Remember the step-by-step instructions for preparatory actions and coordination of plans for moving gas pipes:

  1. Contact the gas service according to the place of registration. It happens that you need to “knock” on some subsidiary structure of this organization: they will explain everything to you on the spot.
  2. Filling out an application. You will be provided with a sample application, on the basis of which you must write statements on your behalf on what changes you want to make (the application serves as the basis for a specialist to visit you).
  3. Inspection of the home by a gas service representative. The master will listen to you, examine everything, check it, make the correct calculations (taking into account compliance with all standards). It is not a fact that the expert will reject your plan; it happens, especially with a diligent approach and the homeowner studying the rules, that the master does not have to edit anything.
  4. Drawing up an estimate. This is, in fact, what the office you contacted does.
  5. Coordination of the estimate. When the plan is ready, it will be given to you so that you can read the documents and give your consent to carry out this type of work.
  6. Payment. If you are satisfied with the estimate, you should pay for this service. If not, then don’t be upset, it can be improved, you just tell the master what you don’t agree with, and he will find a compromise offer.

Worth paying attention! If it is not possible/safe to make the network configuration according to the “scenario” you propose, or the estimate proposed by the service does not suit you, then it is too early to give up. Buy or order a beautiful box for the gas pipe in the kitchen, and your problem will be solved and the beauty will be increased.

Don't forget to install taps to shut off the gas if you want to change the stove

Preparation for the process

If you agree on the estimate, then within 5 days (usually) a team will knock on your house, ready to move the pipes according to your wishes. Do you need to prepare for the arrival of the masters? If you want the work to be carried out quickly, efficiently, and your home not to be damaged by the workers’ visit, you should do the following:

  • contact the craftsmen and find out if you need to provide any consumables (so as not to run after them while the team is working, frantically looking for someone of your own who will look after the apartment, after all, strangers are working);
  • free up the space where it is planned to dismantle and install new pipes - workers must have unhindered access to the network;
  • cover all kitchen surfaces, appliances and other valuable items, because the craftsmen will be cutting, cooking, dusting and littering (it is better to use coatings that are not prone to burning as a material, for example, tarpaulin, burlap);
  • close the valve to stop the flow of blue fuel to the pipes.

Siphon connection simplifies the process of connecting elements

Work order

Of course, you will be interested in learning how to cut a gas pipe in the kitchen and carry out installation, because you will probably want to control the process, or even risk doing the entire block of work yourself (it’s up to you to decide).

So, get acquainted with the process step by step:

  1. After shutting off the gas, blow out the pipes to remove any debris.
  2. Cut off the excess part of the system.
  3. Plug the hole that appears.
  4. Make a hole in a different place - where you plan to connect a new network segment (using a drill is acceptable).
  5. Weld the new structure to the gap.
  6. Weld other parts if required by the design.
  7. Install the faucet.
  8. Seal the joints with tow.
  9. Connect the device (stove, column).
  10. Check the quality of the work (if the transfer will be carried out by a gas service, ask the master for a certificate of completion of the work).

One last thing: if moving the pipes is not possible, come up with a design to hide them. Now there is a lot of material on this topic, so luck will certainly smile on you

And lastly: gas pipes in the kitchen are not a toy; treat all work related to blue fuel with seriousness and responsibility.

: gas pipe transfer


Home → Useful information → Briefly about miscellaneous things → House, cottage and gardening → Norms for gasification of a private house

Bringing gas to a private house or cottage is a technically complex task.

The gasification process, which begins with the collection of necessary documentation and ends with the installation of equipment, is labor-intensive, very expensive and lengthy.

But the cost of equipment and services for installing a gas pipeline will pay for itself over time, since gas, as we know, is the most economical energy carrier.

There is a procedure for solving the problem of gasification and standards for gasification of a private house, compliance with which is mandatory for homeowners and organizations performing work.

The very first step in solving the problem of gasification of a private home will be obtaining the appropriate technical conditions. They are provided by the gas service department at the place of registration of the house. The period for providing technical specifications from the date of application, in accordance with current legislation, is no more than 10 days.

This service is provided free of charge.

The next stage of the task of supplying gas to a private house is the preparation of a package of design and estimate documentation. Such work is carried out by design organizations, and sometimes by the gas supply organization itself.

After receiving the technical specifications, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with them to develop a project for supplying gas to a residential building.

The developed project is further coordinated with the technical department of the organization responsible for providing gas in a particular region. Upon completion of the approval procedure, all that remains is to select an installation organization that will directly supply gas to the house.

In each specific case, when developing a gasification project for private houses, many circumstances are taken into account. Let's briefly look at the main ones.

Selection of gas pipeline

Gas pipelines, based on their location relative to the surface of the earth, are divided into types such as above-ground and underground.

They differ in the method of direct introduction into the room for subsequent distribution of gas throughout the house (floors).

The price also depends on the type of gas pipeline. Thus, an underground gas pipeline is approximately 60% more expensive than an above-ground gas pipeline. But despite this, home owners single it out as preferable.

An underground gas pipeline has greater protection from environmental influences. It is more difficult to damage mechanically. In addition, it has a long service life.

Overhead gas pipelines also have positive features. As already noted, the cost of an overhead gas pipeline is noticeably lower than an underground one. Aboveground pipelines are recommended in cases where the composition of the soil causes corrosion of the pipe metal, which will significantly affect the performance of the gas pipeline when underground. If the distance from the main line to the house is large, it is much easier to conduct gas above the ground.

Requirements for pipe selection

Polymer pipes are highly resistant to various chemical compounds. They are elastic, durable and reliable, almost seven times lighter than steel, do not conduct electricity, and therefore do not require additional protection from electrochemical damage before laying in the ground. Their installation is simple and convenient, and the warranty period is about 50 years. Such pipes are very often used in regions with low temperatures.

However, pipes entering directly into the building, in accordance with current gas pipeline standards, are made only of steel. The same standards apply to gas pipes inside the house.

How to move a gas pipe in an apartment: transfer rules and location tips

Polyethylene pipes must not be used in places where winter temperatures are below -50 degrees, in areas with high seismic activity. You cannot use polyethylene pipes for above-ground gas pipelines, etc.

On the norms and rules for gas pipeline installation

There are a number of rules that builders must follow when carrying out installation work when supplying gas to the house:

  • the optimal depth for laying a gas pipeline in the local area should be from 1.25 to 1.75 meters from the ground surface;
  • directly at the entrance to the building - from 0.75 to 1.25 meters;
  • You can enter the gas pipeline into the house through the wall or through the foundation;
  • the height of the room where the gas stove is planned to be installed must be at least 2.2 meters;
  • the premises must be equipped with a ventilation system with access to the street;
  • Kitchen ventilation cannot be installed adjacent to living spaces.

Requirements for autonomous gasification of a private house

If it is impossible to supply gas to a private house from the central pipeline, it is possible to gasify a private house by using imported gas - propane-butane cylinders, the volume of which can be 50 and 80 liters.

The volume of gas in such cylinders is enough to satisfy the household needs of a family of 4 people for 1 month.

Such cylinders should be stored in a designated place (preferably outside residential premises) in a metal cabinet. This will protect your home from accidental gas leaks or unexpected fires.

A special pressure regulator must be attached to the cylinder, which should bring the indicator to normal, and only after that the gas will flow directly to the devices.

Gas pipe entry points must be provided at the design stage of the house.

The cabinet for cylinders must be installed on a foundation with a height of at least 0.2 m, and also firmly attached to the wall of the house.

When laying a gas pipeline from the cabinet, the following requirements must be met:

  • the height of the pipeline must be at least 2.5 m from the ground;
  • the pipeline must be securely attached to the walls of the building.
  • the pipeline should not cross window and door openings;

Cylinder equipment will not cope with the task of heating a house, but if the only consumer of gas is a kitchen stove, then this will be the best option for a private house or cottage.

Installing an autonomous gasification system will help solve the issue of heating your home. And here specialists will come to the rescue, for example, the company "Nordstroy"(St. Petersburg), which has serious experience and carries out work on gasification of private and commercial, industrial facilities, maintenance of boiler houses and utility networks.

About regulatory documentation

Construction standards for gasification of a private house are set out in regulatory documents that are valid today - these are SP 42-101-2003 and SNiP 2.07.01-89.

Gas distribution networks can be divided into external and internal.

Gasification, that is, the construction of gas distribution stations and external networks in villages, towns and other populated areas, is carried out by specialized organizations that have a license to carry out this work.

They are required to adhere to all the standards set out in regulatory documents.

When gasifying populated areas, these organizations strictly comply with the requirements of both special construction standards and regulatory documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and power engineers.

Internal networks are those networks that are located directly in the house along with gas equipment.

Gasification standards for a private home every homeowner should know.

In particular, the above documents indicate that when gasifying a private home, the following standards must be adhered to:

  • When installing a boiler with a power of up to 60 kW, the height of the room from floor to ceiling must be at least 2.4 meters.
  • The glazing area of ​​the room should be 0.03 m2 per 1 m3, but not less than 0.8 m2.
  • If 1 (one) boiler is installed, then the area of ​​the room must be greater than or equal to 7.5 m2, if 2 (two) boilers - 15 m2.
  • When installing more powerful boilers in the basement of a building, a gas alarm must be installed.
  • When installing 2-burner stoves, the kitchen volume must be greater than or equal to 8 m3, and 4-burner stoves - 15 m3.

The process of gasification of a private home also includes examination of chimneys and hoods in case of possible gas accumulation during operation of gas equipment.

Gasification of a private home will solve many problems - not only cooking, but also heating and the presence of hot water.

Gas equipment is practical and convenient to use, and gas supply is the most environmentally friendly compared to other types of fuel.

Nordstroy company from St. Petersburg will help not only quickly and efficiently connect gas to the house, but also draw up all the necessary documents, saving customers from wasting time on submitting them and obtaining all permits.

Norms for the location and rules for moving gas pipes in the kitchen

MOSGAZ comment

Gas / Gasification and gas supply

How far away from the outdoor gas pipe can the air conditioner be placed? We are publishing MOSGAZ’s answer to this question.

Air conditioner on the facade of the house next to the external gas pipe: what are the placement requirements?

Question: Good afternoon! At what distance from the main external gas pipe running along the facade of the house can the outdoor air conditioner unit be installed?

Answer: Dear Nadezhda! In response to your request dated October 31, 2014, MOSGAZ OJSC reports the following.

The installation of an air conditioner on the facade of a building in relation to the gas pipe is not regulated by regulatory documents.

According to section 5 of SP 42-102-2004 “Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes,” when laying a gas pipeline, the possibility of its inspection and repair must be ensured and the possibility of mechanical damage must be excluded.

Sincerely, Yuri Evgenievich Koloskov, First Deputy General Director of OJSC MOSGAZ.

Sources: OJSC "MOSGAZ"

What should be the distance from the gas pipe to the building?

Gas is the most affordable and therefore the most popular energy resource. It is used as fuel for the vast majority of heating systems and, of course, for kitchen stoves and ovens.

It is supplied in two ways: through the gas supply system or in cylinders.

Gas lines

The cost-effectiveness of this solution is obvious.

Firstly, a much larger number of objects are covered in this way, and secondly, it is impossible to even compare the volume of gas transmitted through pipes with what is supplied in cylinders. Thirdly, the safety level of the gas pipeline is much higher.

For domestic needs, high-calorie gas is used, with a calorific value of about 10,000 kcal/Nm3.

Gas is supplied at different pressures. Depending on its size, communications are divided into three types.

  • Gas pipeline with low pressure - up to 0.05 kgf/cm2. It is erected to supply residential and administrative buildings, hospitals, schools, offices and so on. Almost all urban utilities fall into this category.
  • Communications with medium pressure - from 0.05 kgf/cm2 to 3.0 kgf/cm2, are required during the construction of the main city boiler houses and as highways in large cities.
  • High pressure network – from 3.0 kgf/cm2 to 6.0 kgf/cm2. Arranged to provide industrial facilities. Even higher pressure, up to 12.0 kgf/cm2, is implemented only as a separate project with corresponding technical and economic indicators.

In large cities, a gas pipeline may include elements of low, medium, and high pressure communications. Gas is transferred downstream from a higher pressure network to a lower one through regulatory stations.

Communication device

Gas pipes are laid in different ways. The method depends on the task and operating characteristics.

  • Underground communications are the safest and most common installation method. The laying depth is different: the gas pipeline transmitting wet gas must be placed below the freezing level of the soil, gas pipes moving the dried mixture - from 0.8 m below ground level. The distance of the gas pipeline to a residential building is standardized by SNiP 42-01-2002.

    Moving gas pipes in an apartment and a private house: are we on our own or is it better not to risk it?

    The gas pipe can be steel or polyethylene.

  • Ground systems - permitted in case of artificial or natural barriers: buildings, water channels, ravines, and so on. Ground-based installations are permitted on the territory of an industrial or large municipal building. According to SNiP, only steel gas pipelines are allowed for overhead communications. The distance to residential facilities is not established. The photo shows an above-ground gas pipeline.
  • Internal networks - the location inside buildings and the distance between the walls and the pipeline is determined by the installation of consumer objects - boilers, kitchen equipment, and so on. Laying gas pipes in grooves is not allowed: access to any section of the pipe must be free. Steel and copper products are used to organize internal networks.

In summer cottages, the construction of a ground-based option is commonplace. The reason is the cost-effectiveness of such a solution.

Allowable distances

SNiP 42-01-2002 determines the distance between the house and the gas pipe based on the gas pressure. The higher this parameter, the greater the potential danger the gas pipeline poses.

  • A distance of 2 m is maintained between the foundation of an inhabited house and the low-pressure gas pipeline.
  • Between gas pipes with an average parameter value and the building - 4 m.
  • For the high pressure system the distance is set at 7 m.

SNiP does not regulate the distance between the house and the above-ground structure. However, it establishes a security zone around the onshore gas pipeline - 2 m on each side. The zone must be allocated. Accordingly, when building a house, compliance with this boundary should be taken into account.

  • Building rules regulate the placement of the gas pipe relative to the window and door opening - at least 0.5 m, as well as the distance to the roof - at least 0.2 m.

Based on materials from the site: http://trubygid.ru

Hello! I really need your professional advice! The situation is this: on a privatized plot there is a gasified house, we want to supply gas to a newly built house in the depths of the plot. It is possible to lay a gas pipeline in a straight line from the first house to the new one, but there is no distance of 1 m from the gas pipe to the fence and to the outbuildings of the neighboring non-privatized plot.

How to move a gas pipe in an apartment and comply with all regulations

My neighbor and I have had a long-term dispute over boundaries, but I have an act of “Coordination and establishment of boundaries” by the Land Department (stating that some of the neighbors’ outbuildings are on my territory). The problem is that the neighbor is an employee of Gorgaz. And the head of the technical department, being in cahoots with her, refuses to lay the gas pipeline in a straight line (referring to the fact that there is no 1 m), and insists on running the pipe in a bypass - through all my buildings. Across my entire yard! The boss refers to the standards for an underground gas pipeline, but ours is above ground! What do you recommend doing in this situation? It’s a shame that my neighbor’s gas pipeline partially runs through my territory (but this dates back to 90, when my grandfather was the owner), that is, there is “not a word about the meter”, and there is also an above-ground gas pipeline along our entire street and there is no meter anywhere !

A man acquired ownership of a house, and after some time it turned out that it was built in the area of ​​the minimum safe distances of the main gas pipeline. And this despite the availability of permits for construction and commissioning of the facility. Will the owner be forced to demolish such a house? Recently, the RF Armed Forces faced a similar case and provided an answer to the question posed. Let's look at the details.

The essence of the dispute

LLC "G" owns the main gas pipeline on a lease basis. According to current legislation, the minimum permissible distance from a residential building to such a gas pipeline is 100 m. However, the cottage of citizen G.R. is located at a distance of 98 m from the axis of the gas pipeline. The cottage community, together with the specified cottage, was built by U LLC after the construction of the highway.

LLC "G" warned the developer LLC "U" that it would not approve the construction, since the built-up area included in the project was in the zone of the minimum safe distances of the main gas pipeline. The developer was asked to rework the design of the cottage residential community and coordinate it with representatives of G LLC, as well as to stop any construction work until the identified violations are eliminated. Since OOO “U” never took any measures and built the house without permission from the gas transportation organization, the latter filed a lawsuit against the owner of the house, G.R. and the developer "U" LLC to eliminate the violations by demolishing the unauthorized construction at its own expense.

The court of first instance confirmed: the disputed facility is located in violation of the minimum distances from the axis of the gas pipeline, which creates a threat to the life and health of both G.R. himself and the citizens whose houses are located in close proximity. In addition, the defendant’s structure can be an additional catalyst and fire-spreading element in the event of an accident on a gas pipeline. In this regard, the court of first instance ordered G.R. demolish at his own expense a house located in the zone of the minimum permissible distances of the main gas pipeline, and refused to satisfy the claims against U LLC, since the latter is not the owner of the disputed structure (decision of the Zelenodolsk City Court of the Republic of Tatarstan dated October 22, 2014 in case No. 33 -1941/2015).

The owner of the house G.R. filed an appeal with the court. He insisted that SNiP 2.05.06-85, which establishes the minimum distance from the axis of the pipeline to buildings and structures, is advisory in nature. In addition, the local government body of the city where the disputed facility is located knew about the presence and location of high-pressure gas pipelines, and, despite this, issued permits for construction and commissioning of the facility. The court of second instance focused on the fact that the disputed structure is located in the security zone only in a small part and at an angle to the gas pipeline. In addition, according to the court of appeal, the plaintiff could have chosen another way to protect his interests, although the court did not indicate which one. Based on this, the court of appeal overturned the decision of the first instance court and left the claim without satisfaction (appeal ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan dated March 5, 2015 in case No. 33-1941/2015).

Position of the RF Armed Forces

Having disagreed with the appeal ruling, LLC "G" filed a cassation appeal with a demand to cancel it and uphold the decision of the court of first instance on the demolition at the expense of the owner of the building located in the zone of the minimum permissible distances of the main gas pipeline.

The Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the RF Armed Forces noted: in violation of the requirements of Part.

4 tbsp. 198 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the decisions of lower courts do not contain reasoned conclusions regarding how the courts determined the minimum permissible distance from the axis of the gas pipeline to a residential building. Buildings, structures and structures constructed closer than the minimum distances to gas supply system facilities established by building codes and regulations are subject to demolition at the expense of legal entities and individuals who committed violations (para.

Gas pipe in the kitchen: norms and rules for installing a utility network

4 tbsp. 32 of the Federal Law of March 31, 1999 No. 69-FZ “On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation”).

In addition, the cassation court noted: the appellate court, citing the insignificance of the violation of the minimum permissible distances from the axis of the gas pipeline to G.R.’s residential building, did not take into account that this circumstance in itself could not serve as a basis for refusing to satisfy the demands for demolition of the house .

According to the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the violations committed by the courts are significant, affect the outcome of the case, and without their elimination it is impossible to restore and protect the violated rights and legitimate interests of the applicant. In this regard, the appeal ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan dated March 5, 2015 is subject to cancellation and the case is sent for a new trial to the court of appeal (Definition of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2016 No. 11- KG15-33).

In the latest Review of judicial practice of the RF Armed Forces, the highest judicial body stated unequivocally: buildings and structures built closer than the minimum distances to gas supply system facilities established by building codes and rules are subject to demolition (Review of judicial practice of the RF Armed Forces dated July 6, 2016 No. 2). This means that when purchasing residential buildings, owners need to be especially careful, because permits for construction and for putting a facility into operation do not guarantee that the building meets all mandatory norms and legal requirements. However, if technical violations were nevertheless committed, the owner can try to recover the losses caused to him from the guilty party - for example, from the developer or the body that issued permits (as the applicant did in case No. 4G-119/2015, considered by the Presidium of the Supreme Court Republic of Tatarstan April 8, 2015).


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