Horse blanket sizes. Making a warm blanket for a horse with your own hands

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Every horse rider is faced with the need for a horse blanket. Stores offer this necessary piece of ammunition at high prices. But there is no need to be upset. After all, you can sew it with your own hands without spending a lot of time.

What is a blanket?

A blanket for a horse is like a jacket for a man. It protects the animal in winter weather from wind and precipitation. Also used to keep warm after exercise. If a horse is not covered after a heavy load, it can get cold in hot parts of the body, which can lead to complications. Most often, blankets are made of fleece material. It is not only good because of its lightness, but also retains heat perfectly. Winter blankets for horses are made of dense material. At the same time, in the summer, a horse can get by with a wide blanket made of cotton fabric. A special feature of the blanket is that the fastener on the chest prevents the product from slipping or falling.

Fabric selection

How to sew a blanket for a horse? First of all, you need to choose the fabric. It can be a material of almost any color. It is important that the blanket is practical. Therefore, you should not choose bright colors, as the horse may not accept them. It is also better not to give preference to light colors, because all the dirt on the bedspread will be visible after the first use. Since frequent washing is not recommended due to rapid wear and soap buildup, it is better to choose a neutral or dark color. You also need to take wide ribbons (or just pieces of material) to cover the edges of the blanket.

Any fabric is suitable for sewing, but fleece is still considered ideal. It is convenient and practical. A fleece blanket for a horse ensures air penetration into the animal's body. At the same time, it retains heat. The material is quite affordable, so a few meters of fabric will not break the equestrian’s budget.


Then you need to take measurements from the horse. This is done simply. First you need to measure its body length: starting from the withers or the crest of the neck (depending on what size blanket you want) and to the middle of the tail, following the spine. But that is not all. It is also necessary to take measurements from the withers to the bottom of the shoulder. A picture of how to measure a blanket on a pony can be seen below.

You need to make a small depression in the withers area so that the front part looks like a semicircle. Otherwise, an unsightly fold will form on the back. To make the blanket windproof, you need to take into account the volume of the abdomen. If this detail is not taken into account, the product may turn out to be too short.

If the blanket is sewn for a “heavy truck”, then it is advisable to take a few centimeters in reserve to take into account the massiveness of the horse. A horse blanket will be much larger in size than a pony product. You also need to grab a few extra centimeters if the fabric tends to shrink when washed. For convenience, you can use a ready-made stencil of real sizes.

Fabric preparation

Having laid out the fabric on a flat surface and smoothed out all the folds, we can outline the contours of the future blanket with chalk in one line. After two centimeters on the outside we put another hem line. We immediately mark the places where Velcro will be sewn: on the chest and under the stomach. There is no need to make recesses here, because attaching locks would otherwise be inconvenient. Then carefully cut out the blanket along the outer contour. We recommend using special sewing scissors. Otherwise, the fabric may stretch or wrinkle, and the outline will be uneven.

We fold in a double layer the few centimeters that we left when outlining. When sewing, you can use either a thread and a needle or a sewing machine. In the latter case, making an outfit for a horse will be much faster. It is important to remember: the better the blanket is sewn, the longer it will last. If you use thick fabric, it will be extremely difficult to manipulate the needle. Therefore, it is recommended to use a machine.


Using a sewing machine or by hand, we sew the edges of the product. And then once again, now with even and tight stitches, we secure the seams. The main part of the blanket is ready. To ensure that the edges of the fabric are tightly folded, and also to protect the lower part from dust and dirt, you can hem additional dark material. At the same time, doing this will improve the appearance of the product.

The last step is to install Velcro or locks. Most blankets only have chest attachments. However, to ensure the strength and stability of the product on the horse, you can add such a detail on the belly. The choice of Velcro is strictly individual. Many of them become unusable within a few months. At the same time, locks require attention when used. Experts also advise taking small latches, as they are less dangerous.

Finishing touch

You can sew some decorations, badges onto the blanket, or depict your pet’s name on it. Afterwards, you definitely need to try the equipment on the horse and make sure that the blanket suits it. If necessary, you can shorten the blanket or attach additional material to it. If it is sewn along the edges, you need to use a small fur trap. It will soften stiffness in the neck and chest area. It is important to consider that the horse blanket should not be ventilated. It is necessary that it corresponds to the season of the year and the purpose of use. Color scheme, size, comfort - all this has a huge impact on the animal and its mood.

This is what a horse blanket looks like (photo above). Such a thing turns out to be not only practical, but also indispensable in cold weather. Now we know how to make a blanket for a horse without spending money, so that each pet has its own equipment.

A horse is the embodiment of beauty and grace, strength and nobility. Due to its size and active lifestyle, it requires special care and proper maintenance. In order for this animal to be healthy, strong and beautiful, it needs to be provided with good living conditions, a place for grazing, regular exercise and comfortable equipment. In addition, the horse is one of those pets that needs to be dressed. In this article we will look at the types of horse clothing, blankets, and how you can sew them with your own hands.

What is a horse blanket

A blanket is a cape that is put on a horse to warm it or protect it from negative factors. It is sewn to the size of the animal and secured to it with straps. Such a blanket should sit firmly on the body, but at the same time not restrict the movements of the legs, neck and tail of the horse. Unlike wild horses, domestic horses need such clothing.

In the process of regular brushing and washing, a layer of oil is washed off from their coat, which usually acts as a natural protection. Therefore, the owner must take care of his ward, filling his wardrobe with blankets for all occasions. The size, model and material of the horse blanket depends on the time of year and purpose.


Both human and equine wardrobes should include a winter coat, an autumn raincoat, a tracksuit, a holiday suit, a summer robe, a towel and a warm blanket. These purposes correspond to different types of blankets: winter, summer and off-season.

In winter, the horse needs to be protected from frost and cold wind while walking, and also warmed up while resting in the stable. To make winter blankets, warm and very dense fabrics made of wool or wool blends, such as cloth, are used.

Bedspreads insulated with batting or padding polyester are welcome. Natural material allows the skin to breathe and does not provoke sweat. Therefore, in such a “coat” the horse is warm and comfortable. Winter blankets include stall and levadnaya.


A stall, or levada blanket, is a horse’s everyday home clothing that is thrown over it in the stable. It is especially necessary in cold and damp conditions. Typically, such a blanket is made from heavy, thick jute fiber, which is insulated with a wool lining.

There are also synthetic horse blankets. They are lighter in weight, cheaper, and easier to wash. But they wear out faster than natural ones.

There are two types of stall blankets:

  1. Sleeping cape, which plays the role of a night blanket or pajamas. It should not be too long so that the horse does not step on it when getting up. It is secured with straps on the outside on the sides and a tailrest. In addition, such “pajamas” should have a wide neckline and cover the base of the tail quite a bit. Thus, the blanket does not restrict the animal’s movement and does not slide off its body.
  2. Drying blanket it should be placed on the horse after every work, training or competition, when the hot animal is wet with sweat. It, like a towel, should absorb moisture and thereby bring body temperature back to normal. The drying blanket is made from a thinner natural fabric, for example, cotton or fine wool. It is quite large, its edges hang freely from the croup, and the fastenings are on the inside. This “towel” is thrown on for only 10–15 minutes until the horse is dry. Then an ordinary stable blanket is put on it.


Levada, or walking blanket, is intended for walking, grazing and work. In terms of sewing and fastenings, it resembles a stall cape: it is securely fastened with straps from the outside, covering the belly from dirt with a hem, as well as a undertail. But in front there remains a wide, freely hanging hem that does not restrict the horse’s movements.

Such a blanket should be, unlike a sleeping blanket, light, not burdensome to the horse, and warm. In addition, it should protect from wind, rain and dirt. Some models have a hood that covers the neck and even the head of the animal from the weather. Increasingly, levada capes are made from artificial materials that are waterproof and windproof, but allow the body to breathe.

Summer capes

Horses, like people, need clothing not only when it’s cold, but also when it’s hot. A summer cape should be light and comfortable. The material used is thin, most often cotton or synthetic.


The purpose of the summer “robe” is to cover the croup from dirt. Washing a cape is always easier than cleaning a dirty horse, especially if it has a temperament. This piece of horse clothing protects the animal from summer colds, when there are sudden changes in temperature: it’s hot outside and cool in the stable.


A mesh blanket is similar to a mosquito net, as it is used to protect a horse from the bites of horse flies, flies and other insects. In addition, it helps its wearer to comfortably endure hot weather, because he feels cool and dry under it.


Autumn and spring are characterized by sharp changes in temperature. It is usually warm during the day and cold at night. Temperatures can rise and fall up to 10°C. If you dress your horse too warmly on a cold morning, then when moving, he will quickly heat up, sweat and may catch a cold.

Therefore, to avoid overheating, a demi-season “raincoat” should be made of light fabric. There are two-layer blankets made from two types of lightweight fabrics. They are not as warm as winter ones, but warmer than summer ones.

The top layer is often made of rubberized or other waterproof fabric. But it is not recommended to dress a horse for a long time in synthetics, which do not allow air to pass through. It is believed that horses can more easily tolerate canvas capes, even though they are heavy.

Paddock room

The paddock blanket is a festive uniform. The horse is dressed in it during the parade before the races and for other special occasions. The ceremonial cape made of nylon and silk looks especially elegant. Blankets made of cotton and fine wool are also used during training.

They protect the hoofed athlete from hypothermia and colds. Paddock capes do not completely cover the croup, but only its back and back. That's why they are also called half blankets.


Cooling blankets are the result of the development of modern textile production. Fabric made using a special technology absorbs moisture faster than conventional materials and releases it out.

Such capes are used for sports horses that sweat during training, after bathing, as well as for animals that sweat heavily during transportation. Thanks to this, the horses dry out quickly and do not have time to get sick.

From the name it is clear that this type of horse blankets is smaller in size than ordinary blankets. This half-cape covers the back of the croup and the back under the saddle, with which it is secured. A tail strap is used for fastening. Half blankets are insulated (winter) and lightweight (summer).

How to sew a blanket for a horse with your own hands

There is no universal blanket for all occasions. For different seasons and different purposes, one horse requires several capes. They can be purchased in specialized stores, but this will not be cheap. You can save a lot of money by sewing clothes for your horse yourself. You can use a universal pattern for this.

Selection of fabric and other materials

Before choosing a material for a horse blanket, you need to decide on its purpose:

  • for winter: wool, fleece, padding polyester;
  • for summer: cotton, nylon, mesh fabric;
  • for off-season: rubberized, waterproof material.

In addition to the fabric, you will need parts for attaching the cape:

  • carbines (3–5 pieces);
  • rings for carabiners (3–5 pieces);
  • wide and durable rubber (about 2 cm wide).

Measurements and sizes

To draw a pattern, you need to take the following measurements from the horse:

  • from the base of the neck (withers) to the tail;
  • from the middle of the sternum to the tail;
  • length of the front side of the blanket;
  • length of the cape (from withers to sternum);
  • neck;
  • mark places for fasteners.

It is advisable to take measurements from the horse for which the clothes are being sewn. Instead of a pattern, you can use its finished cape.

Important! The blanket should not be tight-fitting. Otherwise, it will crush the fur and reduce the animal’s immunity.

If this is not possible, then you can take standard sizes that fit most domestic horses:
  • length - 240 cm;
  • width - 200 cm;
  • height - 20 cm;
  • neck length - 60 cm.

Sewing process

  1. Draw a pattern according to the measurements taken.
  2. Using the pattern as a stencil, mark the measurements on the selected piece of fabric and cut out the blank.
  3. Fold the piece in half lengthwise and cut out the neck.
  4. Process the edges of the product around the perimeter, preferably trimmed with braid.
  5. Sew carabiners or ties (optional) on the front side.
  6. At the back from the inside, sew a drawstring into which to insert a wide elastic band (40–45 cm in length) and sew it to form a ring. This will be the undergrowth.
  7. Approximately at the level of the girths, sew elastic bands with carabiners, and opposite - rings for them.

The blanket is ready. If desired, it can be decorated with a beautiful edging or special embroidery. This will make the cape truly exclusive.

A horse blanket is needed to allow the animal to remain physically healthy so that it is able to perform the necessary work. To keep your horse healthy, it needs proper care and attention. The word “care” refers to following the rules of maintaining the stable in good condition and providing the horse with equipment such as façade. This article will help you determine why and why it is needed, and whether you can do it yourself.

A blanket for any horse is a must. A horse blanket is a special protective cape or, in other words, a blanket that warms and protects the animal. Not many people know that performing regular hygiene procedures reduces the horse’s natural protective layer, so a blanket is a necessary element of additional protection.

The assembly and construction of façades takes place based on what type of horse it is, as well as the conditions in which it lives. Sewing is done from special warm and light capes, from thick or thin, walking and stable fabrics. Experts recommend choosing not just one type, but having at least three.

To make a regular stall or night blanket, durable materials and a special durable lining are used. Those fabrics that do not require a lot of fiddling with during care and washing are becoming increasingly popular. The advantage of such equipment is evident in the autumn, because it can prevent the growth of thick fur. Thick winter coat only makes it impossible to properly care for a riding stallion.

Horse blankets are presented in a huge variety and wide range. However, the main ones are those types that are suitable for keeping a horse in a stable, for walking in the winter, and also for absorbing sweat. To sew an expensive cape for the stable, use nylon fabric or canvas. In turn, only wool is always used for an absorbent “blanket” in order to cover a horse that is tired after training. After drying, use a regular horse blanket.

Diversity speaks for itself

Woolen and expensive nylon blankets for horses are not all possible options for this equipment. The types are as follows:

  • flaxseed (used during walking);
  • a cape used in a stable;
  • under saddle;
  • drying (against direct exposure to the sun);
  • under blanket with additional insulation;
  • rain protective or waterproof;
  • protects against insects;
  • covers with special slots for sensory organs.

Conventional blankets for horses are called stall blankets and are made of durable jute lined with warm wool. To fasten such protective clothing, you need a trok or a special girth. The devices help ease the work of the spine without overloading it. The trok is a fairly wide belt that is fastened only in areas that are not particularly in contact with the back. The weight of the trunk exceeds the weight of the girth due to the buckles, but the use of the first is much longer.

The production of stall blankets for horses is made using synthetics. This makes clothing lighter, making the foal's movement more comfortable. To insulate the animal, they sometimes use a warm blanket, which is placed under a regular blanket. You can use it every day at any time of the year, depending on the density of the wool. If the animal is participating in any special event, then it is also necessary to wear a blanket.

The presence of cotton products will protect the horse in the summer from environmental influences and insects. Thanks to a special mesh, the animal dries quickly after hard physical work or a walk in the rain. At the slightest cold snap, use additional equipment. Be careful when choosing rustling materials for your horse, because very often such fabric frightens the animal. When choosing waterproof equipment, pay attention to their inability to “breathe”, which leads to increased sweating of the pet.

Types of products

Let's look at other types of products for horses in more detail below.

  • Left wings, which protect the horse from cold temperatures and wet environments during grazing or walking. In the manufacture of levadna, synthetic fabrics with a special texture are used that do not allow overheating and do not allow air and moisture to pass through.
  • Stables, suitable for horses in a stall. For the most part, such equipment is aimed at protecting horses from exposure to dust and dirt. Stable winter gear is made from quilted fabric, while summer options are made from lightweight cotton.
  • Universal options and “Melton” are popular due to the execution in different colors and the use of wool in manufacturing. Thanks to the woolen protective cape, you can keep warm. But due to its weight and airtightness, blankets are often replaced with conventional synthetics, which are easy to wash and clean. Universal ones belong to both the category of light and warm options.
  • A jute horse blanket is a night outfit, thanks to its thick outer layer and additional blanket. Be careful, jute is quite heavy.
  • Winter blankets are designed to provide horses with the necessary additional warmth in frosty weather. The most common and comfortable one on the market is fleece.

To care for this equipment, you will need to follow several rules. Initially, you should constantly check the condition of the fasteners and seams: they should not be worn out. We should not forget that such a “blanket” needs to be regularly shaken out, ventilated and dried. When washing, use neutral powders. For jute options, a coarse brush is required. Buying the right option will not be difficult, because such attributes are quite common. However, recently, handmade products have gained popularity.

About choosing a cape for a horse

If the types have already been examined in detail and clearly, then you just have to get acquainted with the capes. Capes are blankets made from the lightest and most airy materials that are suitable for wearing while walking and after training. The use of capes in summer is appropriate due to the passage of moisture and air, as well as the ability to keep the animal clean, wherever it is. Such equipment cannot be used in winter. Capes are presented in several options, which we will consider below in more detail.

  • Paddock. These are cotton and wool options. They are suitable for going to parades and before other special events. Another name is half blanket (due to the corresponding structure covering only one part).
  • Cooling. Ideal for horses that sweat a lot, as they are able to instantly absorb and transmit moisture.
  • Combi, or sweat cape. An additional advantage is the mesh that protects against flies and bees.
  • Kulmasta is a non-absorbent, breathable cape. Suitable for use in stables and for transport walks.
  • Specialized. Such blankets are constantly changing and improving. Thus, European capes with an outer cover and a twill lining are common. Using a fluorescent training blanket, you don't have to worry about your horse going unnoticed.

The types of capes are so diverse that it is difficult to make a choice. If none of the options have satisfied your requirements, then perhaps it's time to learn how to make a horse blanket.

What you need to sew a blanket

Making your own equipment or even sewing it yourself is not difficult, as Schleich proves. All you need to sew a blanket for a horse is patience and a rich imagination, because this task will take more than one hour of time. The list of necessary purchases for a horse blanket includes fabric, several carabiners (from 3 to 5), rings, wide rubber with braid (up to 2 cm).

Before sewing the equipment, it is necessary to take measurements from the stallion. You should start measuring the length of the entire horse to the tail, the length from the chest to the tail, and the length of the equipment in front. The finished pattern and exact dimensions will allow you to begin the long-awaited work.

To sew a blanket, you need to follow the following steps:

  • start by sewing narrow panels into one, securing the corners and cutting out the neck;
  • sheathe the product around the perimeter with a sling;
  • stepping back about 140 cm from the neckline, sew inside the drawstring that is open at the edges;
  • insert the elastic, sewing it with a ring;
  • Sew carabiners and rings.

Thus, making a blanket for your favorite horse is easy and inexpensive. A horse blanket is part of the care, which must be thorough and regular.

To perform the necessary work, the horse must always be healthy and, as they say, in shape. However, for this, the animal must be provided with proper daily care and attention. The rules of keeping in the stable must be followed. And one of the most indispensable pieces of equipment is a horse blanket. What is it, as well as what types exist, let's look at it in more detail.

So, to put it simply, a blanket is a special protective cape or blanket that is used to warm and protect a horse. Since regular hygiene procedures deprive a stable horse of a natural layer of protective fat, it needs additional protection. All blankets are completed and designed depending on the type of animal and climatic conditions of residence. Special warm or light capes are sewn, thick or thin, for walking or stables. It is advisable to have several types of blankets for different occasions.

An ordinary stall or night blanket is traditionally sewn from durable materials with a special lining. Modern materials that require less maintenance are popular and more popular. In autumn, when the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the blanket prevents the growth of thick winter wool. And this is very important for a riding horse, since thick hair makes grooming before and after training difficult.

Of all the modern variety of blankets, you will need three main types on the farm: for the stable, for walking in the cold season, and for absorbing sweat. An expensive cape for a stable is most often made of nylon or canvas. But sweat-absorbing clothes are always made only from wool. It is used to cover a sweaty horse after work. As soon as the animal dries out, this blanket is replaced with a regular stable blanket.

What are the different types?

In addition to woolen and expensive nylon blankets, there are also linen walking and stable capes, riding capes under the saddle, under blankets, on top of which a warmer version is placed, etc. There are also waterproof, fly and sunproof covers for the summer, and even protective covers with slits for the eyes, muzzle and ears. The latter allow you to protect your horse from severe frost or to maintain cleanliness while riding in a horse carriage.


This type of blanket is used to keep the animal warm and dry while walking in the levada or grazing. They are made from dense synthetic fabrics that do not allow air and moisture to pass through. Therefore, they protect the animal well from wind and rain. But the special texture allows moisture to escape from the horse’s body, thereby preventing overheating.

New Zealand Levadna

This is a heavy canvas horse blanket, so named because it was first developed in New Zealand. Due to its weight, for convenience, it has chest and leg straps that hold the cape in place. See photo below.

Type "Vag" and "Gladiator"

These blankets are also made of synthetic materials, but have an unusual structure. They have an extended part that covers the animal’s neck. This allows you to further keep the horse warm and dry.


These blankets are intended for horses staying in stalls. To a greater extent, they protect animal fur from dirt and dust. They also come in lightweight cotton for summer and warm quilted for winter.

Daytime "Melton" and universal synthetic

This type is made of wool and comes in various colors. This wool protective cape retains heat, but is heavy and airtight. It is more difficult to wash and clean. Therefore, most often owners choose a conventional synthetic stable type. They can be light and warm at the same time. Therefore, they are often classified as universal or night ones.

Jute and blankets

Sub-blankets can be of different thicknesses. In winter, they are placed under a regular stable blanket for additional heat retention. But jute capes are traditionally used as night blankets. They have a fairly dense outer layer made of natural fabrics and a blanket lining. But their disadvantage is that they are very heavy.


For these types of blankets, the lightest materials are used. They are used before and after training, as well as in the summer while walking the horse. Summer capes help keep the horse clean both in the levade and in the stable. They allow air and moisture to pass through well, so they are used even on hot days.

Paddock capes

These blankets are made of cotton or light wool. Their name suggests that such capes are worn on racehorses during the parade before the race. It is held on the animal's back using a cable and a chest strap to prevent hypothermia. It can also be used as a cape during training. Since it has a certain shape and covers only the back of the horse, it is often called a half-blanket.


This is a special type of multifunctional blankets that are used using the latest achievements of textile technology. They absorb moisture and allow it to pass out, allowing the horse to dry quickly after swimming or exercising. They are also ideal for those horses that sweat a lot during transport.

"Kulmasta" and "Kombi"

This is a special anti-sweat cape, which is made of non-absorbent, breathable fabric. It can be used as a stable blanket or as a transport blanket. As for the “Combi” type, it is also an anti-sweat cape with an additional fly mesh. It is a mesh fabric that allows the animal to dry faster.

Specialized capes

In addition to the main types of blankets, there are also many specific capes and their derivatives, which are constantly being improved. For example, a training pad keeps thin-skinned horses dry and warm during training. The European waterproof cape has an outer cover and a twill lining. In rainy weather, it is placed on top of the saddle to protect it from moisture.

The fluorescent training cape ensures that horse and rider are visible to oncoming traffic on the road. They are used in the dark and in poor visibility, when driving on roads and highways. The rain cape is a lightweight synthetic blanket that covers the horse from ears to tail. See the photo below for different types.

Blanket care

Like any piece of horse equipment, capes also require special care. Firstly, you need to regularly check all fasteners and repair worn seams in a timely manner. Secondly, after each use, blankets need to be shaken out, ventilated and dried. They also need to be washed regularly with neutral powders, and then dried well. Jute capes must be thoroughly cleaned with a coarse brush.

Photo gallery

Video " Horses in winter in Levada»

In this video you can see horses wearing blankets in winter. This video perfectly demonstrates what capes look like and how they protect animals.

Most owners begin to worry incredibly about the condition of their horse with the arrival of winter and low temperatures in particular. But smart owners know about the existence of comfortable horse blankets that can warm the animal on a cold winter night and thereby protect it from colds and also relieve the bites of annoying insects in the summer.

Varieties of blankets

Blankets, just like blankets, are different. From the previous sentence, it is not difficult to guess that blankets are divided according to seasonality: summer and winter, and they are also distinguished depending on their purpose into pleasure, transport and horse stalls. It should be noted that walking blankets can be wet or waterproof, as well as those that are worn on or on the body.


In the case of a damp and drafty stable, you must definitely purchase a stall blanket for the horse. They come in two types:

Den sleeping blanket

  1. The sleeping blanket is intended for overnight stays, so it is not long in size, so that the animal can get up and lie down without obstacles and not step on it. The peculiarity of such a blanket is that it has a free neck, that is, it has a large cutout, and at the back it covers the rib of the tail quite a bit. In this case, the belts are located on the outside on the left and right sides so that it is possible to fasten them. It is also necessary to have a tailrest - this is a small strap, due to which the blanket does not slip while the horse is moving.
  2. A blanket “for drying”, which is the second option for a stall, is usually put on after each horse’s work, and it is left on the horse’s body until the animal dries. This blanket is longer in size than the previous one, the straps are located on the inside, and the hanging hem promotes free air circulation. Washing machines can be used for cleaning.

A blanket for drying is placed on the body of a heated horse.

If we consider in general, then even if the stable is draft-free and in winter it is supposed to be at least +8°C, you cannot do without blankets. It is desirable that such blankets have leather straps or metal fasteners as fasteners, since they are more reliable.


It is somewhat reminiscent of a stall sleeping area, since the straps are on the outside, and the hem is tightened under the belly. The only peculiarity is that in addition to the shoulders it covers and, and in front it has a wide hem, as a result of which he can move without restrictions, regardless of the work being performed.

Walking blanket

Walking blankets for horses also have their own classification: for levada and for work. The excellent thing is that the blanket, which is designed for free running, additionally has round rubber straps near the side straps, which serve for diagonal cross-fastening between the hind legs directed towards the belly. The blanket, whether in the stall or in the levada, has one characteristic - it must be secured not only with belts, but also not to forget about the undertail. Because the blanket slips, the horse may get scared, step on it and tear it. There are also cases when an animal is deliberately pulled together with its teeth.

Winter and summer

In winter, the blanket should be warm, made of dense material, such as cloth, and it is also better that it contains natural wool with insulation (sintepon or batting).

Winter blanket

A blanket made from natural materials allows the skin to breathe as air passes through it, which means condensation does not form, so the horse is warm and dry. By the way, you can dry the blankets with a special heater.

The material for summer blankets is most often cotton fabric. However, now there is a huge selection of both domestic and imported blankets on the market, and there are also no problems with the material, as they say, according to the client’s wishes - synthetics or cotton, as well as any shade of color.

Why do horses need blankets in summer?

The whole point is that if a horse is moved to a stable immediately after training, wet and warmed up, even in the summer without a blanket, then it is guaranteed to catch a cold. After all, it is much colder in a stable than in the sun, and such a sharp temperature change is dangerous for a horse.

The summer blanket is sewn from natural cotton fabric

Someone may disagree, arguing that after active work the horse is supposed to walk away and completely restore its breathing. Yes, this is how it should be, but there is not always the opportunity and time to walk the horse not only until breathing is restored, but also until it is completely dry, so summer blankets will also be useful for your pet, by the way.


Blanket for transportation

Some experts also distinguish this type of blankets as spring-autumn ones. Really light blankets, but having two layers, are difficult to classify as a winter or summer option.
The secret should be revealed that blankets get wet, the only thing is that a light summer blanket will get wet much earlier. Therefore, in the rain it is better to use a more protected option from getting wet - a blanket made of rubberized fabric or something like oilcloth.

Yes, such a horse blanket will protect well from rain, but on the other hand, such material is of synthetic origin, and therefore the horse’s stay under such material should be limited. It is believed that canvas fabric is a better synthetic material and is better tolerated by horses.

Half blankets

It is customary to consider half blankets separately - this is a blanket that covers a small part of the back (up to the saddle) and the croup of the animal. They are fixed, of course, to the saddle and also have a tail strap. Half blankets are also distinguished between winter and summer ones. The purpose is similar to that of blankets.

Photo of half blankets


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