A variety of workouts with dumbbells. Fullbody training program with dumbbells at home or in the gym for men

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Dumbbells are quite simple, but very effective sports equipment that allows you to engage the maximum muscle groups, that is, almost the entire body. It is very difficult to list exercises with dumbbells; there are countless of them.

The main advantage of dumbbells over most types of sports equipment is their versatility. They are suitable for both training in the gym and for independent training at home. People who are used to playing sports at home, in most cases give their preference to these equipment.

Manufacturers of sports equipment produce many different dumbbells. Collapsible ones are considered the most expensive. They differ from simple ones in the ability to adjust the weight, which is why they are much more expensive. This allows absolutely everyone to train with one piece of equipment, regardless of training level and gender.

Any burden requires compliance with certain precautions. They are aimed at minimizing the risk of injury and are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to warm up before starting the training. Warm-up should be aimed at thoroughly preparing joints and muscles for subsequent loads.
  2. Strict adherence to execution technique. The slightest deviation from correct execution can cause injury and corresponding negative consequences.

The number of approaches for home training ranges from 3 to 5 sets. The number of repetitions in each is from 6 to 10 times. The main guideline in building training should be the level of your own training and physical capabilities.

Beginners are recommended to train with a break of one or two days. This is due to the fact that muscle fibers are restored at a much lower rate in beginners than in more experienced athletes. The latter can train with dumbbells five or more days a week.

To involve each muscle group in work, you need to do not just individual exercises, but specially designed complexes. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and rules, including the order of execution. This allows you to isolate the desired muscles without involving other parts of the body.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

It is quite simple. Perfectly adapted for people with different levels of training. It includes only those exercises that literally everyone can do, regardless of their level of training. Some require the use of a chair or bench.

The legs are spaced a little more or at the level of the width of the shoulder girdle. They hold dumbbells in their hands and begin to slowly squat. You need to lower, inhaling air, until a parallel to the floor surface is formed, and rise to the initial position, exhaling. If you increase the amplitude of the squat, dropping below the right angle, the gluteal muscles will receive more load.

The optimal number of sets is 3-5 times, in each of which 10-15 repetitions are performed.

They stand up straight. The legs are placed shoulder width apart. Hands with palms turned towards you are lowered down.

The right arm, holding the dumbbell, is bent at the elbow and raised to the shoulder joint with exhalation or breath-holding. The starting position is taken with inhalation. Repeat the same action on the left hand.

The correct technique for performing the “hammer” implies complete immobility of the body and elbows. The pace should be slow to get a feel for how the biceps work. Sets of 8-12 “hammers” are made from 3 to 5.

It requires some preparation and is performed with a bench set at an angle of 30-40 degrees. It is securely fixed. She shouldn't wobble. Lie on the bench with your back, and place your feet on the floor in the most comfortable position.

At the beginning of the exercise, your hands can be placed either at the same height or below the level of the bench. With an exhalation, raise your arms up. Return to the starting position while inhaling slowly. The exercise is similar to the barbell press, but only dumbbells are used here. Hands must be located at the same level with each other.

The number of presses in 3-5 approaches varies from 8 to 12.

It is carried out using a horizontal bench. Approaches are done exclusively with alternating hands.

The right hand and knee rest on the bench. The left leg, bent slightly at the knee joint, is placed on the floor surface, and the hand with the dumbbell is lowered. The working hand is pulled towards the waist, while the shoulder blades are brought together. The sides are changed after 10-15 lifts, and the number of sets is done from 3 to 5.

  1. They either sit on a chair or remain standing on the floor. In the latter case, the legs are placed slightly wider than the shoulder girdle. The arms spread to the sides in both versions look up with the palms. They are bent at the elbow joint and raised together with dumbbells to shoulder level.
  2. Performed using a bench or chair. Sit on a supporting surface so that your back is slightly tilted forward and your legs are spread wide apart. The left elbow rests on the left knee. Bending the arm, it is brought to the shoulder. A similar action is done on the opposite side.

Both exercises involve twisting your hands outward at the top point. Do 10-15 repetitions on each side. The number of sets is 3-5.

Triceps workout

They stand up straight. The legs are placed at the same level as the shoulders. A dumbbell held with both hands is raised above your head. With a sigh, it lowers to the back of the head, and with an exhalation, it rises again. The elbow joints should be parallel to each other and not move to the sides.

Similar to the first, but done separately on both the right and left hands. Thus, the amplitude increases noticeably, and the dumbbell drops much lower.

For each hand you need to do from 8 to 12 repetitions. The optimal number of approaches, as in all other exercises, is from 3 to 5.

Exercise for shoulders and upper back

Involves performing a set of three exercises:

Standing on the floor, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. Using the force of the trapezius dorsal muscles, exhaling, the shoulders are raised towards the ears. The elbow joint should remain straight. No bends should be allowed. Inhaling air, your shoulders slowly lower.

It involves simulating the movements that skiers perform with their hands. Feet the same width as shoulders. One of the arms, together with the dumbbell, is brought forward and bent at an angle of 90 degrees upward, and the other, on the contrary, is behind and bent at the elbow joint downward at a right angle. The exercise involves changing the position of the hands, that is, back and forth.

Swings with dumbbells

In a standing position, bring your legs together and bend your knees slightly. Hands with shells are lowered along the body. The dumbbells are lifted to the armpits, bending the elbows at a right angle, but only with them brought forward and turned outward. This allows you to use the shoulder muscles exclusively in isolation.

Exercises are done according to the 3-5x8-12 scheme.

To take the starting position, the torso is tilted forward at an angle of 90 degrees, while the legs are placed at shoulder level. The hands holding the projectiles are lowered, palms facing inward.

Execution involves raising your arms to the sides. A slight bend in the elbow joints is acceptable if you cannot keep them straight. You cannot straighten your torso. It should remain inclined for all repetitions, which are supposed to be done from 8 to 12 in each of 3-5 sets.

Standing on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart. This starting position assumes that the arms pressed to the chest are turned inward with the palms. Hands are raised up, alternately turning outward the left and right palms. Only one turn is made on each side. When the hand is returned to the starting position, the palm is turned again and the hand is pressed against the chest. You need to do from three to five sets, the number of repetitions in which is from 8 to 12 times.

Consists of two exercises:

  1. To take the starting position, stand straight, placing your legs at a distance equal to the width of the shoulder girdle. Hold the dumbbell with both hands and extend it in front of you so that it is in line with your shoulders. The projectile is pulled towards the chest by flexing the elbow joints. Return to the starting position.
  2. Performed from a similar position as the first. Hands, holding dumbbells, straighten in front of you and make overlaps, alternately moving one hand over the other, making movements similar to scissors.

You need to do at least 3-5 approaches, in which they perform 8-15 times.

Exercises for leg muscles

To develop and pump up the muscles of the lower extremities, while practicing on your own, you should do the following:

Alternately done on each side. The working left leg is placed forward, and the thigh becomes a support on which the hands holding the dumbbells rest. The right leg is pulled back. It is straightened, that is, not bent, but should not lie on the floor surface. The knee is suspended, and the emphasis is placed solely on the toe. When lunges to one side are done, change legs and repeat all the actions again.

They are an effective way to engage the leg muscles. Unlike lunges, it is performed from a standing position. Hands with projectiles play the role of additional weights and are extended to the sides of the body, which allows you to increase the load. The pull-ups themselves are carried out by transferring the body weight to the toes, when at the top point they linger for at least 5 or 10 seconds, and then lower back to the heels.

You need to do at least 3, maximum 5 approaches with 10-15 movements in each.

This list of exercises is not complete. There are many more variations on how to work with dumbbells, but the presented complex is enough to develop a strong body. When the technique is mastered and the current weight goes easily, it needs to be increased. The main thing is to do it gradually, and not start from the maximum. The number of repetitions and approaches is given relative and can increase with training, as well as taking into account the initial physical form, lack/presence of sports experience.

All you need for this workout is a pair of dumbbells and a little patience. The main thing in the training is the execution technique, based on a slow positive phase and even slower negatives, which will help you focus on correctly performing these six dumbbell exercises for all muscle groups.

Walk into any gym and you'll see guys lifting too much weight, talking or taking too many selfies, and just trying to impress everyone - especially themselves - with how many weights they have on the bar. But heavy weight is not as important as correct technique and good neuromuscular connection, when you clearly feel the work of the target muscle group. And when I first started bodybuilding, I also tried to lift as much weight as possible. But the more weight I lifted, the more I learned to move slowly and deliberately with an appropriate working weight, especially in .

In this fullbody training program, all exercises with dumbbells are performed with a certain time for the negative (the lowering, for example, on the biceps occurs under control), and sometimes the positive phase of the movement. Going slow helps isolate and focus on maximizing the muscles you're training. When performing any exercise (even push-ups), keep your core tight, chest up, shoulders back, and back straight.

If you're at the gym with a full rack of different dumbbells, you can try adding weight for each individual exercise, but you don't need to. This dumbbell exercise routine is designed so that you can use the same weight for all movements. Use a weight that you can usually work with for 12 reps, and with the correct one, which is described below, you will get very hard somewhere between 8 and 12 reps.

This workout can also be done as a strength exercise with dumbbells for men or become a fat-burning workout if done as a circuit, but it is better to do it in consecutive sets to maximize the load on the target muscle groups. This is minimalist bodybuilding at its best! This is an effective set of dumbbell exercises for building muscle when you're short on time or low on equipment.

Dumbbell training program at home and in the gym for the muscles of the whole body

  1. Shrug with dumbbells

4 sets of 15-20 repetitions (perform the first 10 repetitions slowly, controlling the 2-second negatives, and pause. Then finish the exercise with fast repetitions)

4 sets of 8-12 reps (2-4 second negatives, 1-2 second positives)

4 sets of 20 reps (2-4 second negatives and positives)

  1. Push ups

4 sets of 15-20 reps (squeeze dumbbells instead of placing hands on the floor, performing 4-second negatives and positives)

  1. Jump Squat

4 sets of 30 seconds each (holding dumbbells with a goblet grip)

4 sets of 10-15 reps

The training system is built on the basis of a special technique for performing all physical exercises, not only with dumbbells, but all movements that are included in this set of classes. Therefore, carefully study all the tips and recommendations on how to properly swing according to this scheme for maximum muscle growth.


Start with the correct body position: back straight, core muscles tense, shoulders back. As you lift the dumbbells, squeeze your traps as if you were just shrugging your shoulders. Squeeze your trapezius muscles as hard as you can and hold in this position for 1-2 seconds. Release slowly.

For this exercise, bend your knees to get as low as possible. Use arm strength to lift the weight to chest level, then after 1-2 seconds, lift the dumbbells higher, squeezing your shoulder blades together. The goal is not to see how high you can pull your elbows, but to get that peak contraction in your shoulder blades.

Start standing and lower the dumbbells to shin level or almost to the floor, depending on your pelvic mobility and hamstring flexibility. But lower the dumbbells to a level where you can keep your back in a neutral position! At the same time, lift your non-weight-bearing leg off the floor and extend it behind your back as straight as possible, keeping your back straight and chest up. As you rise, tighten your glutes and hamstrings.

Again, you will get the most benefit from the exercise by doing it slowly. We recommend taking 2-4 seconds both when lifting up and down. Maintain a slight bend in the knee on the loaded leg.

Dumbbell push-ups

Dumbbell push-ups may seem about the same as simple push-ups, but they are not. First, at a minimum, the weights give you a couple more inches of range of motion. This means you can actually stretch your pecs more at the bottom of the range and use your chest more than you would with a push-up. You can use a neutral grip on a dumbbell bar, which is a slightly more shoulder-friendly option for most lifters, potentially allowing for a few more reps with good form.

You can place your hands in any position, changing it after each approach. To make the exercise more difficult, elevate your feet on a bench or higher. The higher your legs are, the more you work your upper chest. Keep your core tight and your elbows close to your torso.

Jump Squats

Hold one dumbbell with both hands at chest level, as with the goblet squat. Bend your knees at least until your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly lower. As you lower your body, keep your chest pointed forward and your shoulders back. Jump up, holding the dumbbell in the same position relative to your body. When you land, you need to use your toes, knees, and then your legs to absorb the recoil and then immediately return to the starting position. If you crouch correctly, you will barely hear the sound.

Walking lunges with dumbbells

And in this movement you need to keep your chest forward, your shoulders back, and your core muscles tense. Holding the dumbbells next to you at arm's length, step forward, drive the heel of your back foot, and lower your knee as close to the floor as possible. When bending your front leg, take care of your knee; it should not cross the projection of the toe, that is, it should not move forward beyond the level of the toes.

Find a controlled pace and start walking. After 30 seconds you may feel good, but after 4 rounds of 30 seconds, you should be tired - after that you should take a new look at training with dumbbells at home.

12 T-nation experts talk about dumbbell exercises.

1. Goblet Squat

Dr. John Racine, Strength and Conditioning Coach

For some reason, the goblet squat is considered a preventative and rehabilitation exercise, which is prescribed only to the elderly and injured. Of course, it can be performed for these purposes, but if you use a lot of weight, this variation of the squat turns into one of the most effective exercises for increasing the strength and mass of the legs.

Why don't lifters do it? Some try to quickly forget about the injury and shameful movements that they did in the exercise therapy room. And others are simply unaware of its power potential. Goblet squats are useful not only for developing the lower muscles, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system and increase endurance. Holding the weight in front of you during the approach requires significant stability of the shoulder girdle and spine.

Do you think that if the barbell is much heavier, then the squat with it is better in every way? Find the biggest dumbbell in the gym and try to do as many reps as possible with it. The next day you will feel how much your legs have worked, and you will probably want to include a goblet squat in your program. And after a while you will find that even in a regular squat with a barbell, the weights begin to increase.

The only warning: if you are lucky enough to find a giant dumbbell, do not pick it up from the floor, but pick it up from a bench or box, like a barbell from a rack.

2. Dumbbell press with rotation

Nick Tumminello – trainer and writer

I included this exercise in my book, Your Workout Perfected. In addition to pumping up the deltoids, it works the muscles that rotate the body and improves the mobility of the pelvic girdle. Very useful for athletes who need to transfer force from the lower body to the upper body: boxers, strikers, throwers, etc.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Stand straight with dumbbells raised to your shoulders.
  2. Squeeze the dumbbell with your right hand and turn to the left.
  3. To better rotate your pelvis, lift your right leg onto your toes.
  4. Smoothly lower the dumbbell, turning to the starting position.
  5. Then repeat the same on the other side.

After strict presses, you can add pushes using your legs (see video). This is even more useful for boxers and hand-to-hand fighters.
Once you are comfortable with alternating presses, you can try pushes with both hands at the same time; or work with only one hand - this will add power to the blow and further strengthen the body stabilizers.

3. Pullover with arm curls (PJR pullover)

Akash Vaghela - powerlifting and bodybuilding coach:

A couple of years ago, the triceps were a lagging group for me. I constantly tried different exercises and techniques until I learned this movement from Paul Carter. And since then I have been doing it every week. It has two huge advantages: 1) it works the long head of the triceps better than any other movement, 2) it spares the elbows - unlike many triceps exercises.

A regular pullover is performed in two versions - with straight or bent arms, but here you bend your arms while lowering the dumbbell behind your head (the triceps are fully stretched), then, lifting the weight back, straighten your arms. The result is a cross between a pullover and a French press (arm extension).

Add 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps at the end of each upper workout.

4. Triple Press

Tom Morrison, weightlifting, martial arts and CrossFit coach:

This is a megaset for bulking and building endurance: you alternate between three pressing movements, stretching the set. Of course, you need to be able to perform all these exercises correctly; practice them first with light weights.

Strict press: lifting the dumbbells to your shoulders and fixing the position of your body, squeeze the shells using only the triceps and deltoids. Do not help with your body and legs.

Push press: sit down a little and, straightening your legs, push the dumbbells at the beginning of the movement, then press with your hands. (in TA it is called “shvung press” - translator’s note)

Half squat push: push the dumbbells up first, and then squat down a second time, straightening your arms. Then rise from a half squat with the dumbbells overhead. In weightlifting, the exercise is called the “shvung push.”

Try to increase the weight or add reps to your total each workout.
But don't limit yourself to the same range for each movement - do as many technical reps as possible before you have to switch to the next variation.

5. Burpee + lunge

Eirik Sandvik, Sports Training Specialist

If you have to rest for a long time between exercises with a basic barbell (and your physical condition leaves much to be desired), try this superset:

  1. Lower yourself into a lying position, leaning on dumbbells, and do a push-up.
  2. Jump your feet toward your hands, taking a seated position, and stand up.
  3. Do a reverse lunge on each leg.

An easy option is when you do lunges with dumbbells in your arms, but you can make it more difficult - lift the dumbbells above your head.

Increase speed and add reps (performing max 30, 45, 60 seconds) without increasing the weight. This is an exercise for endurance, not strength. It is best to place it at the end of the workout as a finisher. Once you get the hang of it, you can alternate with supersets for other muscle groups to create a circuit block for 3-5 minutes.

6. Push Press with Slow Lowering

Joel Seedman, Ph.D., strength coach, athletic training specialist

The standing press is an excellent exercise for developing strength; the leg push press adds power; The one-handed version connects multiple stabilizers and improves coordination. Add a slow descent to increase the load on the working muscles.

As a result, you will not only work your deltoids and triceps, but you will strengthen your shoulders, spine, core muscles (and improve your posture), which will contribute to progress in other exercises.

Working with one hand and focusing on the negative will help correct imbalances in muscle development. If you've always pressed with only two hands, this variation will be a little challenging at first, but will be very rewarding over time.

It can be performed not only according to the power scheme, but also to develop endurance; add repetitions - and just one set will exhaust you like a sprint with maximum acceleration.

7. Goblet Squat with Jump

Calvin Huynh, strength coach

Jump squats are very effective for developing speed and power (and activating the maximum number of fibers), but doing them with a barbell is somewhat awkward and not very good for the spine and knees. Even a technical landing with a barbell on your shoulders can overload your joints.

The option with dumbbells on the sides is better, but also not ideal: you subconsciously try to bring your knees together so as not to hit the projectiles on your thighs.

But the goblet squat allows you to give all your best, working freely with your legs, and also relieves the spine. Try adding 3 sets of 5 reps to your next leg workout.

8. Side swing

Tim Arndt, strength coach

Dynamic lateral raises used to be popular, but today few people do them - and in vain, they add strength and power to the deltoids and trapezius.

Unlike strict lateral raises, the swing is performed with acceleration, and only with one hand. To do this, of course, you will need reliable support - a power frame or other exercise machine. And, of course, you should swing without fanaticism, without breaking your arm out of the shoulder joint. As the dumbbell stops rising and begins to fall, consciously slow down. Fast concentric and slow eccentric is the best combination for power and hypertrophy.

9. Squat with a dumbbell between your legs

Bret Contreras, strength and conditioning specialist

This is my client Tawna Eubanks McCoy's favorite glute exercise, a competitive fitness professional. Although gym bros consider it “girly” and don’t even try it, believe me, 3 sets of 20 repetitions with a dumbbell of 50 kilograms will convince the quads and glutes of any doubter.

Stand on steps or bars to lower the dumbbell between them until your legs are fully bent and your working muscles are stretched. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-20 repetitions. Are quads still lagging behind? Place pancakes under your heels so that the load is not removed at the top point. And for glute development, alternate this squat with a bridge.

10. French press of two dumbbells with a neutral grip

Mark Dugdale, IFBB professional bodybuilder

While it's common to use a curved bar or one dumbbell, I suggest trying two. This method has a number of advantages:

  • a neutral grip (palms facing each other) removes the load from the pecs, which are included in the version with a barbell,
  • separate work with both hands activates the triceps more,
  • after strict repetitions, you can change the inclination of your arms and continue the approach (see video), which cannot be repeated with one dumbbell,
  • this option is much easier on the elbows and wrists.

11. Bench Dumbbell Compression Press

Tony Gentilcore, Strength and Conditioning Specialist

This is one of the best movements for those looking to build prominent pecs. The barbell is good (you can use more weight), but dumbbells in the bench press are always better for developing pecs. The range of motion of the barbell is limited by the bar, plus you are only doing the lift, but with dumbbells the range is greater, and you can add a curl by pressing the dumbbells together throughout the entire approach.

I do as an auxiliary after the regular bench press:

  • Bench press - add weight to heavy sets of three reps,
  • I unload by 10-15% and do another 3-4 sets of 3
  • I finish with this “squeezing” dumbbell press in 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
  • And I regularly change the inclination: head up, horizontal bench, head down. Give it a try and soon your pecs will start cutting through your T-shirt.

12. Spider curl

Michael Warren - strength and conditioning coach

An excellent exercise for working the short biceps. Usually the biceps are targeted on a music stand, but spider curls are better because they keep the muscles under load at the top of the movement.

One Bitz Hack – Press the dumbbells together throughout the movement and pause at the top, then slowly lower. When you reach failure, move your elbows back a little (shortening the range of motion) and perform a few extra reps.

Even with a meager arsenal of tools, you can create a good program for strength training at home. Yes, in many ways it will be inferior to a program created taking into account the wide variety of exercise equipment in the gym. But this option will require minimal investment from you - you will need sports equipment only collapsible dumbbells with enough weights. A wide variety of exercises with dumbbells allows you to exercise almost all muscle groups in the upper body. With legs it will be more difficult, but even here there are a couple of solutions.

What dumbbells are needed for training?

The ideal option is collapsible dumbbells with the required number of weights to the weight could be called working. If the weight is below the working weight, the workout will not be hard enough to grow muscle mass. We will also tell you how to determine your working weight.

What if you have regular dumbbells?

Dumbbells may not be collapsible. The main thing is that the weight is large enough to be working.

True, since the working weight in different exercises may also differ, it makes sense to acquire a set of dumbbells with different weights. It may cost more, and it will take up more space, so we would advise choosing a collapsible option.

What else will you need?

Some exercises are performed on a gymnastic bench. If it is not there, you can replace it with a couple of stools or use an alternative exercise (you will see it in the training program).

We also diversified the program with push-ups with weights. To perform them, you don’t even need dumbbells, but only a backpack and weights - for example, several bottles of water.

How to determine working weight?

Using a simple experiment: start doing an exercise with a certain weight. If after 8 repetitions you have the strength to continue doing the exercise, the weight is too light. Increase it until 8-10 repetitions allow you to perform the exercises to the limit of your capabilities without compromising your technique.

An exception

The experiment above is not bad for many exercises, except for the basic ones on the legs(such as dumbbell squats or dumbbell deadlifts). In them, it is better not to repeat the exercise to failure, as this is associated with the risk of loss of control over the weight, falling and injury.

Instead, just take the maximum weight you can handle. 5 repetitions without breaking technique(that is, with a straight back, arching in the lower back and other points). After this, substitute the working weight into the formula. This is how you calculate your one-time maximum. Now multiply your one-time maximum by 0.8. This will be your working weight in basic leg exercises - squats and deadlifts!

You may be using different weights for different exercises, so it makes sense to experiment with each one on the list in this program.

As you progress, the working weights will increase, so it will be great if the dumbbells have a couple of extra weights in reserve.

Who is this program for?

The program we have compiled is best suited for beginner athletes: there are no complex movements in it, and the technique of most exercises is easy to master. The program includes exercises for all key muscle groups, both isolation and compound compound exercises, which work well to increase testosterone and growth hormone levels.

The program can also be used by advanced athletes who temporarily cannot afford to go to the gym. Outside the gym, it will help not only maintain, but also gain muscle. The latter can be achieved through progress in working weights and application of advanced techniques– for example, or .

Rules for effective training

  • The workout should not last longer than 45 minutes.
  • After 2-3 months, the training program loses its effectiveness, so it is worth changing it.
  • It is better not to stretch pauses between repetitions longer than 2-3 minutes, unless you feel an urgent need for it.
  • Try to keep your working weight up from workout to workout.
  • Do basic exercises at the beginning of your workout, isolation exercises at the end.
  • Don't chase heavy weights that prevent you from performing technique. Technique is the main thing!

Dumbbell training program

Monday: Chest-Biceps

#1 Dumbbell Bench Press

One of the best basic exercises for working the chest. Usually performed with a barbell, but the dumbbell version allows for a better stretch of the pecs at the bottom.

Operating: Mainly the pectoral (pectoral) muscles, secondarily the anterior delta and triceps.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions

Technique: Sit on a bench with dumbbells, move your arms to the sides so that the angle is right. As you inhale, press the dumbbells up, pause at the top point and exhale. Lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

If there is no bench: The exercise can also be done on the floor. The disadvantage of this technique is that at the bottom point the dumbbells will not be suspended and the chest muscles will not stretch.

#2 Weighted push-ups with high feet

As an option, instead of weights, you can do push-ups with an expander

Typically, the upper chest is performed with a barbell or dumbbell press on an incline bench. Since you may not have it at home, it is advisable to replace incline presses with push-ups with high legs positioned with weights in the form of a backpack with a load.

Operating: Mainly - the top of the pecs, secondarily - the anterior delta and triceps

Preparation: Here you will need a weighted backpack. You can hide dumbbells or a few water bottles in it. If doing push-ups with weights is difficult, start without it, and over time add weight to your backpack.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions

Technique: Throw your legs onto any surface elevated above the floor - a bench, chair or bed. Palms are shoulder-width apart. The arms are almost straightened. Slowly lower yourself down until your forehead is a few centimeters from the floor. Hold for a second and slowly return to the starting position.

#3 Standing dumbbell curls with supination

One of the most popular biceps exercises. It can be performed without turning the hand, but in this case the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease.

Works: Biceps. To a lesser extent - brachioradialis and brachialis.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions

Technique: Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands, palms facing your body. Raise the right dumbbell up, turning your palm towards you (this is called supination). Pause at the top and slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other hand.

Detailed analysis of the technology -.

#4 Standing spider curls


#5 Concentrated curls

A good exercise for the peak of the biceps. They can be used to finish off the target muscle at the end of the workout.

Works: Biceps. To a lesser extent, brachialis.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions on each arm.

Technique: Sit on a chair or bench. Place your triceps on the inside of your knee. Tighten your biceps and press the dumbbell up, supinating your hand so that your palm faces your face. Pause at the top and slowly return your arm to the starting position. Do a similar exercise with your other hand.

If there is no bench: The exercise can be performed on a chair, stool or bed.

Wednesday: Back-Triceps

#1 Bent-over one-arm dumbbell row

Classic back exercise. Working with one hand allows for better control of the technique, and a wide amplitude allows for a good load on the lats.

Among other things, the exercise will help to work out the lagging side of the lats.


How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions on each side.

Technique: Place your right knee on the bench and support yourself with your right hand. The angle between the lower leg and thigh is straight, and the back is located at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. In the left hand there is a dumbbell, which is located in a canopy, the shoulder is relaxed. Strain your back and pull the dumbbell to your waist. Pause and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other hand.

If there is no bench: You can easily replace it with a pair of chairs. The backrests will not interfere, since only one hand works in the exercise.

#2 Standing dumbbell row

A little more difficult in technique than one-arm dumbbell rows. But in it you have no other point of support other than your legs. Due to this, the core muscles are in static tension.

Works: Latissimus and teres dorsi muscles. To a lesser extent - diamond-shaped, lower trapezius and rear deltoid.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Tilt your body 45 degrees to the horizontal and bend your knees slightly so that your butt goes back. The back is straight, dumbbells are on outstretched arms. Pull the dumbbells back, pulling them towards your body. At the top point, tighten your lats and pause. Slowly lower the dumbbells down to the starting position.

#3 Shrugs with dumbbells

Trapezius is a fairly strong muscle. To load them, you should take more weight.

Operating: Trapezius muscles, to a lesser extent – ​​rhomboid muscles.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Take dumbbells and stand up straight. Turn your palms towards your body. Pull your shoulders up. Pause at the top and slowly lower your shoulders to the starting position.

#4 French press with dumbbell

As in the previous exercise, here you will need more weight, since two hands are working with one dumbbell at once.

Works: Triceps. Accessory muscles: trapezius, rhomboid.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Stand up straight, pick up a dumbbell. Keep your weight on your arms outstretched, elbows slightly bent. The dumbbell is located behind the back of the head. As you inhale, bend your arms so that it goes straight behind your head. Take a break and, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

#5 Narrow push-ups with weights

Triceps push-ups with a narrow arm position are best performed with weights so that the muscles receive enough load for explosive growth. If desired, the hands can be placed even more tightly so that the thumbs and index fingers of adjacent hands form the shape of a rhombus, or diamond. This type of push-up is called diamond push-ups.

Operating: Triceps, and to a lesser extent the inner side of the pecs.

Preparation: You will need weighting. For example, a backpack with a load - bottles of water, dumbbells or something equally heavy.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Take a lying position so that your palms are located at a short distance from each other - slightly narrower than shoulder width. As you inhale, slowly lower to the bottom point, pause, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. During the exercise, the elbows should be pressed to the floor and the body should be extended into a string.

Friday: Legs-Shoulders

#1 Deadlift with dumbbells

This is one of the best basic exercises that works several muscle groups at once. Due to this, it causes a good anabolic response, including a surge of growth hormone.

Unlike the classic deadlift with a barbell, the version with dumbbells puts more stress on the forearms and allows for better control of the weight, and therefore is easier from a technical point of view.

Operating: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps. Auxiliary - trapezius, gluteus minimus, abs, arm muscles.

How much to do: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Stand in front of the dumbbells. Sit down, take them so that your palms are facing you. Slowly work your way up, keeping the dumbbells close to your hips. Keep your back straight and maintain a slight arch in your lower back throughout the movement.

#2 Squats with dumbbells

Dumbbells can be held to the sides of the body or in front of you. See for yourself which option is easier for you to maintain balance.

This exercise is much easier to perform than the version with a barbell on your shoulders. That is why it is good for beginners.

Like the barbell option, it can be classified as basic - it loads a large number of muscles and causes the secretion of anabolic hormones.

Operating: Hamstrings, gluteal muscles. Auxiliary – thigh biceps, lower leg.

How much to do: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Stand straight, arms along your body, palms facing the body. Inhale, bend your lower back slightly and squat down. As soon as your thighs are parallel to the floor, take a short break and return to the starting position.

#3 Calf raises with dumbbells

It is best to perform the exercise on a staircase, so that at the bottom point the calves stretch under the weight of the body. As an option, you can stand on a platform, barbell or board. The main thing is that the support is reliable.

Before you do the exercise, practice doing it without weight. You need to learn to keep your balance so as not to fall backwards.

If you are training on stairs, it is safest to hold the dumbbell in only one hand and hold the railing with the other.

Operating: Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Take dumbbells and stand up straight. Place your toes on the platform or step so that your heels do not rest on the surface. As you exhale, tense your calves and rise onto your tiptoes so that your heel goes up. At the top point, pause and at the bottom, return to the starting position.

#4 Seated dumbbell press

An excellent exercise for all three deltoid bundles - anterior, middle and posterior. The latter works to a lesser extent, but we will “finish” it in the next exercise.

With heavy weights, it is better to perform the exercise on a chair: the backrest will help the back muscles keep the body vertical.

Operating: Three deltoid bundles. Auxiliary - triceps, pectorals.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Sit up straight, look ahead. In the starting position, the angle at the elbows is about 90 degrees, the elbows are exactly under the dumbbells, the dumbbells themselves are at shoulder level. As you inhale, press the dumbbells up so that they come close to each other almost tightly. Pause and slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

If there is no bench: The exercise can be performed on a chair or stool.

#5 Bent-over dumbbell raises

The exercise focuses the load on the rear, most massive deltoids. It is he who sets the main volume of this muscle group, so you should not neglect bent over swings.

Operating: Posterior head of deltoid. Auxiliary muscles are the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

How much to do: 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Technique: Take a dumbbell in your hands and lean forward so that your body is parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and slightly arch at the waist. The dumbbells are located below on barely bent arms. As you inhale, lift the dumbbells up as high as possible. Feel the tension in your rear deltoids and pause. Slowly return to the starting position.

Exercises with dumbbells are the most effective for building muscle mass and shaping the body.

Helps you get rid of excess weight and increase your level of physical development.

You can achieve good results at home, you don’t have to go to the gym.

To achieve your goals, you will need a desire to improve and perseverance, as well as collapsible dumbbells. Basic exercises with dumbbells are suitable for all muscle groups.

Exercises with dumbbells for arms

  1. Sitting, legs spread wide.
  2. Rest your elbow on one leg, leaning forward slightly.
  3. Bend the dumbbell arm at the elbow so that it touches the shoulder. (12-15 times)

  1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Take one dumbbell in your hand and place your free hand on your belt.
  2. Raise your hand from the dumbbells above your head, place your hand behind your head, bending your arm at the elbow. (8-12 times)

Do 2-3 approaches, rest between sets for 2-3 minutes.

Exercises with dumbbells for shoulders and back

  1. Sitting. You need to lift the dumbbells up above your head, then slowly lower your arms to your shoulders until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.
  2. After this, raise your arms up again.

  1. Standing, arms down, palms to hips, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Raise your shoulders as high as possible.

  1. Standing, legs together, knees do not bend.
  2. Bend your body forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor.
  3. Lower your arms in front of you, then slowly spread them to the sides until they are equal in height to your body.

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Raise

  1. Standing with your feet together.
  2. Hands with dumbbells at your sides are lowered.
  3. Then slowly move them apart until they are equal in height to your shoulders.

8-12 reps for each exercise, 2-3 sets, rest between sets - a couple of minutes.

Exercises with dumbbells for the chest

  1. Lying on the floor (it is better to use a bench or table).
  2. Dumbbells should be held above the chest, arms extended straight up.
  3. Then lower your arms to the starting position.

  1. Lying on the floor, arms above your chest.
  2. You need to bend your elbows slightly and keep them in this position throughout the exercise.
  3. Extend your arms to the sides until your shoulders are parallel to the floor, then return to the starting position.

8-12 times each exercise. Do 2-3 approaches with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

Leg exercises with dumbbells

Exercise with dumbbells for calf muscles

  1. Standing, feet wider than shoulders.
  2. You need to rise on your toes and stand like that for half a minute and return to the starting position.

Squats with dumbbells for thighs and buttocks

  1. Standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Do squats. You can make the exercise more difficult by squatting on one leg.

  1. Standing. You need to take a step forward so that one leg is bent 90 degrees and the knee of the other almost touches the floor.
  2. After pushing off, return to the starting position.

Each exercise is performed 12-15 times. Do 2-3 approaches, resting between sets for 2-3 minutes.

Training rules and nutrition

  1. The training should take no more than 1-1.5 hours.
  2. It should be remembered that exercise should be done 3-4 hours after the last meal.
  3. Half an hour before training, it is recommended to consume a portion of protein and the same amount of carbohydrates.
  4. After training, it is recommended to drink a special drink containing proteins and carbohydrates.
  5. You need to eat animal protein (it should make up approximately 80% of the total diet) in combination with vegetables to build muscle mass. It is found in red meat (red fish, beef).
  6. Muscle growth is possible only if there are 2 grams of protein (protein) per 1 kg of weight in 24 hours.
  7. The calorie content of daily food should be approximately 20% higher than normal.

Performing basic dumbbell exercises daily in combination with proper nutrition will allow you to achieve the desired results.


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