A 7 month old baby has hard stools. Stool in infants: norms and possible problems

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The gastronomic preferences of 7-month-old infants are most often limited to mother's milk, adapted formula and the beginning of complementary feeding. As for the latter, these are, according to modern generally accepted standards, vegetables, fermented milk products, and fruits. Perhaps someone has already introduced meat into the baby’s diet.

In any case, there should still be no constipation, and the stool, most often, retains a pasty consistency and the same frequency.

But something went wrong. The baby has not been able to defecate for the second day, turns red, draws in his legs and groans? Do the feces turn out to be hard and come out in the form of formed balls? Even inexperienced parents will be able to accurately diagnose constipation without confusing it with “intestinal features.”

But the child requires their help immediately, because under such conditions, the appetite will most likely disappear, the baby will become irritable and nervous, and the stool will be quite painful. If the situation is neglected, anal fissures may form during the next act of defecation. And this is a completely different, but very long-term problem, which often even a loving mother and father cannot solve...

What is considered constipation in a baby?

In order to recognize the first alarm bells of bowel movements, it is worth being familiar with the norms of bowel movement, both for a breastfed baby and for an artificial baby.

The first, eating mother's milk, have stool in the form of a yellowish mush and defecate up to 10 times a day. The volume of feces is small, especially if the child “goes to the toilet” after each feeding.

The reason for this “frequency” is that breast milk does not require long-term digestion, although it has a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements. However, its composition and “laxative properties” directly depend on the diet of the nursing mother and, if she does not particularly adhere to the diet, stool retention in the baby can be caused by one or another product of the mother’s menu.

This manifests itself not only in the absence of bowel movements for a day or more, but also in the baby’s capriciousness, his unsuccessful attempts to poop, in hard stool (sometimes streaked with blood) and further fear of bowel movements.

A slightly different picture is observed with those children who eat adapted infant formula. Their bowel movements are not as frequent as those of “infants” (1-2 times a day), but require more careful monitoring. The fact is that the mixture is nourishing and takes a long time to digest. It is not so easy to find, and temporary “experiments” by parents often lead to the child’s gastrointestinal tract reacting to a change in “diet” with slight constipation. If attention was not paid to the delay in defecation in time, bowel movements become even more difficult and the baby cannot do without outside help. In addition, the absence of stool for more than two days must be immediately eliminated, otherwise the baby’s body is at risk of at least intoxication.

A separate category includes those children who have already been introduced to complementary foods. For one reason or another, it might not suit them, especially if it’s porridge. After all, the baby’s digestive tract (if the baby’s main and only food until that time was breast milk) needs time to adapt.

Although the situation is completely opposite: before complementary feeding, the child’s stool was periodically difficult, but with the introduction of vegetables/fruits it quickly improved, became softer and more regular.

Causes of constipation and its types

The gastrointestinal tract is perhaps one of the few systems that could not form during the prenatal period. This explains the feeding of newborns with mother's milk and the "prejudice" of the digestive tract to food of a different type.

This feature is one of the reasons for possible constipation in such young patients. In medical circles it is called organic constipation.

The concept includes:

  • pathologies of development of certain parts of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genetic defects (congenital);
  • dolichosigma;
  • growths, neoplasms, adhesions in the digestive tract;
  • mechanical damage as a result of surgery.

Such diagnoses are made during mandatory screenings, immediately after the baby is born, or as a result of parents contacting a specialist. Mom and dad will not be able to eliminate the disease, especially on their own at home, since we are talking about anatomical defects. The only option is surgery and long-term therapy, including home treatment.

However, the percentage of organic constipation is significantly lower than functional reasons:

  • errors during natural feeding;
  • “inappropriate” diet for a nursing mother;
  • frequent changes of infant formula (or the formula is simply not suitable for the baby);
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • features of the nervous system;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • avitaminosis;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • allergic reactions.

This category also includes atonic constipation (provoked by a decrease in intestinal muscle tone), spastic (in the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract there is muscle spasm, as a result of which feces simply cannot pass out).

All these points are subject to correction if attention was paid to them in time. This is especially true for water balance (in the summer, additional sources of fluid are recommended for infants). For those babies who are bottle-fed, water is simply necessary. It should be given to the baby in small quantities several times a day.

However, you should also not exclude the possibility of transient constipation. It occurs under the influence of certain short-term factors (increased thermometry, dehydration, excessive sweating). Most often, it is not treated; it goes away on its own after the disappearance of those very causative factors.

And false constipation: there are periods when the intestines seem to test their “storage abilities” and do not empty themselves for several days. Or he has nothing to save due to regurgitation/other digestive tract defects.

Main risk group

Constipation in a 7-month-old child is a common occurrence, although not all children go through this. Why is it that some babies, eating only mother's milk, cannot boast of regular bowel movements? Or those babies who actively eat vegetable complementary foods? Why do you suffer from chronic constipation?

If you believe the statistics, the first place in the risk group should be occupied by children who are bottle-fed. It is more difficult for them to find a suitable mixture, and they also need additional sources of plain water.

But! The second place is most often occupied by those children who are introduced to complementary foods or whose mother is still breastfeeding, completely forgetting about her diet. New products (in their own and in the mother’s menu) often provoke stool retention, especially if introduced abruptly.

Why is constipation dangerous?

The body of a child who is only seven months old is not yet completely strong, and his digestive system is not at all ready for long-term bowel disorders.

Yes, many parents do not pay due attention to constipation, because sooner or later everything gets better and what happened seems to be a completely harmless phenomenon.

However, as practice shows, prolonged constipation in a 7-month-old child can cause many disturbances in the functioning of other organs and systems:

  • The baby is irritable, nervous, does not want to eat, and looks lethargic.
  • Feces that accumulate in the intestines contain harmful substances, which, during constipation, begin to be absorbed into the rectal mucosa.
  • Dysbacteriosis develops and the bacterial balance of the mucous membrane is disrupted.
  • Vitamins and beneficial microelements are poorly absorbed in the body, as a result of which vitamin deficiency begins and iron deficiency anemia occurs.
  • With some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of inflammatory processes/complications of existing diseases is possible.
  • Repeated attempts to defecate can lead to cracks/scratches in the rectum.

How to quickly help your baby?

This refers to emergency care for children whose constipation has lasted for several days and causes severe discomfort. In such cases, you cannot hesitate, causing the baby even more suffering.

The most effective methods will be:

  • Cleansing enema. Its action will help to gently provoke the act of defecation. The main thing is not to abuse this method, because otherwise there may be a pathological weakening of the intestinal muscles and their weak contractile activity. IMPORTANT! For a cleansing enema, you need cool boiled water and a special syringe, according to the specified age of the child. The use and volume of the latter must be agreed with the treating doctor.
  • Microclyster. It can be bought at any pharmacy, but used only when absolutely necessary. It is not recommended to use such drugs without first consulting a pediatrician.
  • Tummy massage. The safest way to induce bowel movements in a 7 month old baby. It will be enough to stroke the tummy clockwise and press the legs towards it several times.
  • Glycerin suppositories. Their effect on the rectal mucosa has a beneficial effect on bowel movements a short time after administration of the drug. However, doctors do not recommend administering more than one suppository per day. If the baby still does not poop, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Is it possible to use medications?

Frequently, worried parents ask what to do if a 7-month-old child has constipation, not from the pediatrician, but from a pharmacy chain employee, hoping for a quick and effective solution to the problem.

But such a careless attitude towards the health of the baby often becomes the reason for the aggravation of the disease or the development of other diseases. After all, each drug has its own contraindications, which should be carefully studied before using the pharmaceutical product. And only a pediatrician should do this.

Moreover, only he is authorized to prescribe this or that medication to a 7-month-old baby, having previously referred the baby to a neurologist or endocrinologist for a thorough examination. If the results of the latter are normal, it will be possible to prescribe the baby laxatives based on lactulose (Duphalac). They are considered the safest for such small patients. But their long-term use can cause addiction to the body and, a kind of passivity of the digestive tract.


No, not for the baby, for the mother if she is breastfeeding. It is the errors in her diet that most often provoke constipation in infants.

In order to correct the situation, a nursing woman will have to review her menu, excluding from it those foods that most often cause difficulty bowel movements: rice, mashed potatoes, sweets. To replace them, it is better to introduce more vegetables (pumpkin, beets, and zucchini are especially useful for intestinal motility), fermented milk products, and liquid soups.

Don’t forget about the amount of liquid you drink: the more you drink, the more regular your stool will be for both mother and baby.

If the baby has already been introduced to complementary foods, it is also better to add more fiber-rich vegetables, baked apples and fermented milk products. It is better to hold off on eating porridge during constipation. As a last resort, at least give up rice.

IMPORTANT! And more liquid. This means simple baby water and liquid soups. It is especially important to maintain water balance if the baby is sick, takes medications or is bottle-fed.

Prevention of constipation in infants

It is better to prevent any illness than to get rid of it for a long time and painfully. This theory also applies to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular constipation.

  • If the baby is breastfed, his mother should carefully monitor her diet, without abusing unhealthy heavy foods.
  • The child’s well-being should be constantly monitored, especially during periods of constipation.
  • If there are certain organic reasons for difficult bowel movements, they should be eliminated as soon as doctors allow. After all, they themselves will not disappear, and the child suffers more and more over time.
  • When artificial feeding, the formula should be selected according to the age and characteristics of the baby. You should not suddenly switch to another type of baby food. Don't forget about additional sources of fluid.
  • It is better to start complementary feeding with vegetables if you have problems with bowel movements.

High-quality nutrition for a child is the key to his health. That is why nature itself took care of it...

Digestive tract disorders in young children are a cause of anxiety and concern for many mothers. The appearance of diarrhea or constipation in a child may be a symptom of some pathology, but more often, in infants, it turns out to be only a natural reaction to external and internal irritants.

Constipation in a child at 7 months: causes and what to do?

Often, the mother’s opinion that the child is constipated turns out to be unfounded. The appearance of dense feces and its absence for several days are confusing. As doctors will tell you, these symptoms are not enough to make a diagnosis, especially in breastfed children.
The fact is that breast milk is completely digestible, and the absence of stool for several days is not a symptom of constipation.
The situation is more complicated with bottle-fed children. You can talk about constipation if you have the following symptoms: the appearance of dry and dense feces, the act of defecation itself is painful and is accompanied by the crying of the child. Regardless of the frequency of stool, if such symptoms appear, one can speak of constipation.
Constipation in a child at 7 months can appear for various reasons, but, as a rule, it is related to nutrition: lack of milk during breastfeeding, improper introduction of complementary foods. Hard stools in a 7-month-old child may occur due to physical inactivity, prolonged bed rest, and the use of certain medications.
To eliminate constipation itself, the main thing is to identify its main cause, a doctor will help with this. Only then will it be possible to talk about successful treatment. In the fight against constipation, it is important to establish a diet that will soften the stool, and select suitable products, normalize feeding and the amount of formula/milk. In addition, it is imperative to carry out gymnastics, exercises that will be aimed at stimulating the abdominal muscles - laying on the tummy, raising the legs up, from a supine position, stroking the baby's tummy clockwise - stimulating peristalsis. The most important rule in the treatment of constipation is not to do anything on your own, especially in prescribing and taking medications.

Loose stools in a 7 month old baby

Diarrhea or diarrhea is pathological liquefaction of stool. In childhood, such manifestations are especially dangerous - due to the loss of fluid and electrolytes. Some pediatricians and mothers associate the appearance of diarrhea at this age with teething - which has nothing to do with it! It is necessary to look for another cause; the development of an intestinal infection is more likely.
The infection is characterized by changes in stool (diarrhea and constipation), nausea and vomiting, and, of course, increased body temperature. These symptoms help diagnose an infection. But what should you do if a 7-month-old child has diarrhea and no fever?
By analogy with constipation, it is also necessary to distinguish true diarrhea from simple loose stools. Diarrhea will be indicated by its uncontrollable nature, bloating, nausea, sometimes even vomiting; a 7-month-old child has a stomach ache due to cramps.
According to the data, diarrhea is more typical for artificially fed babies, who, due to physiological characteristics, find it extremely difficult to digest fats, and if a child is overfed, with almost 100% probability the symptoms of diarrhea will not take long to appear.

The appearance of green stool in a 7 month old baby

The color and shade of the baby's stool is determined by the diet; the diet of the nursing mother also influences the stool of infants. Green feces in a 7-month-old breastfed baby is quite normal, and this can be explained by several reasons:

  • release of bilirubin;
  • formation of the balance of intestinal microflora, and features of the production of digestive enzymes;
  • stool oxidation;
  • improper breastfeeding, only hind milk gives a light brown color to the stool, while the front milk gives a greenish color.

For artificial animals, approximately the same reasons for the appearance of greenery in feces are typical. Also, the reason may be hidden in a change in the mixture and the excess iron content in it, which gives such color to the stool.

Gradually, potatoes, fruits, meat, porridge, and cottage cheese will appear in the baby’s diet. A loving mother tries to feed the baby the most delicious food and rejoices at his appetite. But here’s the problem: after the introduction of complementary foods, the child may begin to have problems with stool. Read our expert's article about why constipation occurs and how to avoid it.

Rule of complementary feeding No. 1: No rush!

Previously, complementary feeding began at 4-5 months, but modern research shows that in most cases this is not worth doing. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends introducing complementary feeding to healthy full-term breastfed infants no earlier than six months. By this age, enzymatic systems mature in the baby’s body, which makes it possible to digest thick food.

Complementary feeding rule #2: Where to start?

According to pediatricians, it is better to start with vegetables. If a child is prone to constipation, zucchini is best suited for his first feeding. Give your little gourmet a teaspoon of zucchini puree to try. If there is no negative reaction to the product, the next day offer him 2 spoons, then 4 and so on. After a week, you can try cauliflower, carrots, potatoes or pumpkin. Follow a simple rule: one new product every 7 days.

Important! Do not insist that your baby “finishes” the amount you have planned: you are only introducing him to adult food, so if he refuses, offer him breast or formula.

Complementary feeding rule No. 3: First porridge

If your baby is not gaining weight well, your pediatrician may advise you to start complementary feeding with porridge. For other children, porridge is usually the second complementary food after vegetables. Please note that the porridge must be gluten-free. Gluten is a plant protein (gluten), which is still difficult for children’s digestive tract to digest. Therefore, first, stop at rice, buckwheat and corn porridge.

Ideally, this should be a special industrially produced baby porridge. This porridge is more easily absorbed by the baby’s body. If the child refuses, you can add a little breast milk to the porridge.

Important! If your baby is prone to bowel retention, it makes sense to give up rice porridge for a while, because... it can have a strengthening effect. But buckwheat, on the contrary, contains a lot of fiber and stimulates digestion.

Complementary feeding rule No. 4: Water is the best prevention of stool retention!

Breast milk is both food and drink for the baby. Guided by this, many parents forget that when introducing complementary foods, they must start giving the child water and herbal teas. If there is not enough fluid in the baby's body, it can cause constipation in the baby.

Advice: If you do not give your baby water from a bottle for fear of breast refusal, you can give water directly from a spoon.

Complementary feeding rule No. 5: Take your time with protein foods

One of the common causes of constipation in a child is the early introduction of protein foods. It is a building material for the baby’s body, but at the same time it is difficult to digest by the growing body of the baby. It is recommended to introduce meat into a child’s diet no earlier than 7-8 months, and we are talking about turkey and veal, and not fatty varieties. Egg whites can be offered to babies only at 11-12 months; until this time it is better to limit themselves to the yolk.

What to do if your child is constipated?

If after introducing complementary foods the baby does not have bowel movements for more than a day, help the baby. To start, massage your tummy once an hour: in a clockwise circular motion for 8-10 repetitions. A good “warm-up” would be to tuck the legs toward the stomach and lay the baby on the tummy. All this stimulates intestinal motility and strengthens the abdominal wall. A gas outlet tube helps eliminate excessive gas formation in the intestines.

If the baby does not have a bowel movement for 2-3 days, he strains, turns red and even refuses to eat, we can talk about

constipation In this case, there is no point in waiting for a natural resolution of the situation and it is time to take action - for example, use a microenema *. This is a local laxative, easy to use, and therefore so popular among young parents.

Unlike a regular water enema, Microlax®, as a rule, does not cause cramps in the intestines, but acts gently. In its action, this remedy also differs from a glycerin suppository - a microenema does not cause a mechanical urge to defecate, but releases water and softens the contents of the intestines. The drug can help the baby go to the toilet within 5-15 minutes without screaming or protesting. The drug is suitable for regular use, is not addictive, and can be used as often as necessary.


Just six months ago, this man didn’t even look like a human being, as such, he was called a newborn, and he himself was a completely helpless, small creature. In the seventh month of his life, he is an active researcher, giving mom and dad as much trouble as joy, a very loving creature and almost a full-fledged person.

Height and weight

How much will your baby grow this month? During the 7th month of life, the child should gain approximately 500-600 grams and grow 1.5-2 centimeters in height. In addition, the circumference of his head and chest should increase by 0.5 centimeters.

What can a 7 month old baby do?

A child of 7 months should be able to move independently, thereby expanding the boundaries of his world. He can crawl up to an object of interest to him, examine it, touch it and taste it. For normal development, the child should be given complete freedom of movement: choose a place in the apartment where nothing will threaten or disturb him. At this age, the risk of injury especially increases, so when arranging a children's corner, make sure that there are no small, prickly or sharp objects near it. At 7 months, the child should have new knowledge about objects: some he likes and delight, and some he, on the contrary, is indifferent to. The main task of parents is to activate such movements with the help of insert toys: bowls, boxes, nesting dolls. At this age, the child begins to be interested in everything that can be pressed: a computer, a mobile phone, a remote control.

Baby's daily routine at 7 months

Massage and gymnastics

At 7 months, when the child actively begins to crawl and learn about the world, it is especially important to strengthen his musculoskeletal system. This can be done with the help of gymnastics and massage. When doing such exercises, you should follow a number of rules:

  • the duration of gymnastics and massage should be approximately 30 minutes;
  • during exercises, it is recommended to play, talk and sing with the child, thereby evoking positive emotions in him;
  • You should not put too much pressure on or grab the baby’s joints and tissues, as this can cause pain; all movements and techniques must be performed carefully;
  • it is extremely important to observe the child during gymnastics and massage, highlighting those exercises and techniques that he likes most;
  • massage and gymnastics should be done no earlier than half an hour after eating.

Menu and child nutrition

Cereal porridges can be introduced into a child’s diet at 7 months. Almost all of them contain a lot of starch, vegetable protein, minerals, vitamins and fiber. Cook the porridge should not be very thick, of medium consistency. When choosing the first porridge for your baby, you need to take into account the following: rice contains a lot of starch, and buckwheat contains a lot of iron and vitamins. These two cereals are gluten-free, and over time you can add semolina and oatmeal. You can also add meat to the vegetable puree your child already knows. It is better to use rabbit meat or young veal. The meat is boiled and finely chopped; you can mix it with porridge. So, at 7 months, the child can already eat meat, chicken egg yolk, butter and vegetable oil, dairy-free and dairy-free cereals, fruit juices, as well as vegetable and fruit purees.

How long does he sleep?

At 7 months, the child should sleep 2-3 times during the day. At this age, a child must have two naps during the day. You can put him to bed for an hour and a half before lunch, and for several hours after the afternoon snack, this will allow him to evenly distribute sleep throughout the day, and this will also allow the child to be slightly tired in the evening and fall asleep faster. If the child was unable to fall asleep during the day, then bedtime at night should be brought closer.

Normal stool

The feces of a 7-month-old baby who is breastfed may have a yellow-green color, be either liquid or mushy with a sour odor. These children often have red pigments (white blood cells that fight infections) and mucus in their stool. If complementary foods in the form of milk porridge, vegetables and meat are introduced into a child’s diet, then it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to what the baby’s toilet should be like. Everything here directly depends on his readiness to digest new foods, on the amount of food eaten and on the general health of the child. If there are undigested particles in the stool, you should not worry - this is the norm. The normal amount of feces at the age of 7 months is considered to be from 1 to 3 times a day, however, depending on the food taken, this value may change, for example, zucchini weakens, and rice, on the contrary, strongly strengthens.

Caring for a 7 month old baby


A 7-month-old child needs to be bathed every day or every other day, and the duration of water procedures can be up to 20-25 minutes. Water in the bath (preferably a large one) must be filled in such a way that the baby can sit in it and calmly play with toys. For a seven-month-old baby, the best toys for bathing are a fish, a fishing rod, a boat, a watering can, a bucket, as well as wind-up toys that float in the water. At 7 months, a child will be interested in everything that can move, shimmer and pour out. Every bath should turn into an exciting game, in which case he can fall in love with it for life. For swimming, the ideal temperature should be +36-37 degrees, while the room temperature should not be lower than +22.


At this age, you can play with your child in the following way: read rhythmic poems to him, with special emphasis, focusing on those syllables that he can pronounce best. You will be able to notice how he repeats the syllables after you with great pleasure. You can also play a game with him called “In Which Hand?” The principle of the game is as follows: hide a toy that is interesting to him in your hand. Open your palm, show the object and close it again. Hide the toy in your other hand and let your baby try to find it. If the child correctly determines its place, then congratulate him by cheerfully clapping his hands.


A seven-month-old baby can become intoxicated, because his mouth turns into an organ of cognition: he puts everything that is in his hands into his mouth. Therefore, to avoid such a problem, keep all harmful substances away from the baby.

The first year of a child’s life is the most intensive in terms of growth and development. During the first half of the year, the baby manages to gain a good amount of weight and grow. The seventh month of a baby’s life is a period of learning: the baby little by little tries “adult” food, tries to move independently, mastering crawling, gets acquainted with surrounding objects, and begins to babble.

Baby's height and weight at 7 months

Every month since birth, the baby has gained weight and height. Of course, each child is unique in his own way, but there are still certain standards for physical indicators (weight, height, head circumference, torso). During the seventh month of life, the baby on average should gain about 500-600 grams in weight. Height should increase by 1.5-2 centimeters, and the circumference of the head and chest - by half a centimeter.

According to WHO standards, the weight of boys at the age of seven months should be from 6.7 to 10.3 kilograms (depending on birth weight), the weight of girls should be from 6 to 9.8 kg. The height standards for boys are from 64.8 to 73.5 cm, and for girls - from 62.7 to 71.9 cm.

If these indicators for your child differ slightly from the norm, it’s not scary. The main thing is that he is active, mobile and feels good in general.

Many babies have their first teeth, usually the lower incisors, erupting by the age of seven months.

Baby's daily routine at 7 months

As in previous months, a seven-month-old baby sleeps most of the day, although the period of wakefulness gradually increases. The child is actively interested in the world around him and tries to examine, touch and taste everything. If he has already mastered the skill of sitting independently, then in the seventh month he can try to move independently. This way you can quickly get to the toys or furnishings that interest him. Such physical activity tires the baby, so it directly affects his need for rest.

Many parents are interested in how much sleep a seven-month-old baby should sleep. His night's sleep becomes more measured and calm and should last at least 10 hours. Many infants, as before, wake up 2-4 times at night in order to eat. Some children gradually give up night feedings during this period. It is important to remember to maintain optimal air temperature (18-20 degrees) and humidity (at least 50%) in the room where the child is resting. Do not forget to frequently ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning there.

A seven-month-old baby's daytime nap is two to three times, 1-1.5 hours each. If the weather permits, it is good for the child to sleep outside during a walk at least once a day. Sleeping in the fresh air improves your health. Try to stick to a certain routine during the day, feed and take your baby for a walk at the same time. This way the child will develop a routine and will fall asleep at approximately the same period. If you didn't manage to sleep on the street, don't worry. Fresh air and new experiences are no less important for a growing baby. Take your baby for walks twice daily; the total time spent outside the home should be at least 3-4 hours a day. This rule does not apply if it is pouring rain, strong wind or frost, or heavy snowfall outside. Walking in bad weather can do more harm than good to your child.

Nutrition for a 7 month old baby

The seventh month of a baby’s life is a time of discovery of new tastes. According to generally accepted standards, complementary foods are introduced to infants from six months. During this period, the digestive system is already ready for such an innovation. That is, in parallel with breast milk or an adapted formula, the child is offered “adult” products.

There are three types of products with which it is customary to begin such an acquaintance. These are sour milk, porridge and vegetable purees. Most young parents prefer vegetables or dairy products. Porridge is recommended as a first complementary food for children who are not gaining weight well.

Baby refuses breast milk

It often happens that in the seventh month the baby slightly loses interest in breast milk. The reason is often too active introduction of complementary foods. The baby gets enough calories and no longer needs mother's milk as much as before. This often happens if a mother deliberately tries to replace one or more breastfeedings with complementary foods.

After six months, the child receives not only new food, but also liquid - they begin to supplement him with water. If he drinks it from a bottle with a nipple, then his need to suck is reduced. This may also cause the baby to become less interested in breastfeeding. Teach your child to drink from a cup. To maintain breastfeeding, you should slightly reduce portions of complementary foods and end your meal with mother's milk.

The child does not want to eat complementary foods

More often, the opposite situations happen: the child refuses complementary feeding, but mother’s milk or formula eats willingly, as before. This often happens due to an unsuccessful first attempt to introduce new dishes. For example, if the food was the wrong temperature (too hot) or consistency (thick). Reluctance to try new foods may be caused by unsatisfactory health, for example, during teething.

Don’t despair; postpone introducing new dishes for a week or two. Try to interest the child or present the meal in a playful way. Make sure your baby is hungry, but not overly hungry. For example, offer him complementary foods after a walk.

What can you feed a 7-month-old baby: menu

If complementary feeding began with vegetable purees, their presence in the baby’s diet should be expanded at seven months. You can try one-component purees from boiled carrots and pumpkin. It is better to postpone tasting mashed potatoes until the end of this month, when the child can gradually be offered multi-component dishes. Boiled potatoes are better absorbed by the child's body together with zucchini or cauliflower. During this period, you can add olive oil to vegetable purees, start with a few drops and gradually increase the amount to one teaspoon.

The seventh month is a good time to get acquainted with fruit purees (apple, pear, plum, peach, banana). You can buy the appropriate canned baby food product without sugar in the store.

At the end of the 7th month you can start introducing porridge. To start, choose a dairy-free, one-ingredient gluten-free product (buckwheat, corn, rice). This choice will help avoid allergies. You can buy special baby cereals for complementary feeding; they do not need to be boiled, but only diluted with warm water. Add a little breast milk to make your baby more willing to try a new dish. Porridge is suitable as a second complementary food for those who have started feeding their baby dairy products.

At the end of the seventh month, introduce the yolk of a chicken egg into the diet. Start with a quarter of one yolk once a week and gradually work up to half a yolk twice a week. Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to give their babies quail eggs, because they are more useful than chicken eggs. Talk to your pediatrician about this.

If complementary feeding is started earlier than usual, at approximately 4-5 months, then the seven-month-old toddler can already be offered to try meat. For the first acquaintance, choose a dietary product: turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal. The meat should be boiled and chopped in a blender. It is best to mix the meat mass with vegetable puree that is familiar to the child.

Baby's stool at 7 months

The introduction of complementary foods often affects the baby's bowel movements. It's not just the frequency of bowel movements that changes. The baby poops one to three times a day. This indicator also depends on the diet, because some dishes have laxative properties (zucchini, pumpkin), others, on the contrary, strengthen (rice porridge).

The feces become thicker and acquire a pungent odor. Often there are particles of undigested food in the stool.

A 7 month old baby poops heavily, is constipated, poops in balls, does not poop

If a child has problems with defecation, the feces are too thick or even turn into hard balls that are difficult to pass, then we are talking about constipation. Most often, the reason for this situation in a seven-month-old baby is the incorrect consistency of food and too active introduction of complementary foods. Children's intestines cannot fully cope with large volumes of food.

Try giving your baby more liquid foods; don’t rush into new foods. Observe the child's body's reaction to determine what exactly is holding the stool together. Try to combine these products with laxatives. Let's drink more.

Poops green, diarrhea

After the introduction of complementary foods, the opposite situations also occur: feces become liquid and acquire a greenish tint. If this happens occasionally, and the child feels well, then we can talk about an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods. If parents see that their child has diarrhea, it is better to seek medical help to avoid dehydration.

Educational toys and games for a 7 month old baby

The most important developmental moment for a seven-month-old baby is the ability to move freely in order to explore the world around him and get closer to interesting objects. Parents are often advised not to restrict the baby’s movements around the house during this period. To prevent the baby from being injured, it is worth protecting potentially traumatic objects (sharp corners), removing breakable things from reach, and blocking sockets.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills will be useful for the baby, which he can try by touch, grab with his hand, and finger. These can be pyramids, small balls, cubes, dolls, sets of animal figurines, objects for stringing, etc. The main thing is not to leave your child alone while playing.

Children of this age love musical toys. Invite your child to press the buttons themselves so that the toy makes a sound. Buy bright cars or multi-colored pyramids. There may be few toys, but if you teach your child to use them for a variety of fun, you will thus stimulate his imagination. Teach your child to point at objects, clap his hands, and wave his hand.

Communicate more with your baby, tell him about everything that comes into your field of vision. This will promote speech development. Seven-month-old babies begin to “produce” sounds similar to the simplest syllables, repeat them after the baby - this way you will accustom him to dialogue.

Baby skills at 7 months

A seven-month-old baby is already trying or even able to sit on his own, actively rolling over, trying to master crawling, trying to get to his feet. He already knows how to grab a toy, move it from hand to hand, hit it on a table or other surface, and can throw it.

At this age, children's hearing and vision are already fully formed. They begin to understand many words, can point to a named object, know their name and respond to it. An emotional attachment to family develops, and fear of strangers may be present. The baby is already showing his feelings: he can turn away or cuddle up to his mother.

Sometimes there is a fear of sharp sounds, for example, from the operation of home appliances (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer).

What a boy should be able to do and what a girl should be able to do

There have been studies that show that the brains of boys and girls function differently. Therefore, there are slight differences in their development. As a rule, boys are born with a larger body weight, but later they begin to walk and talk, and later master the potty. Of course, this is not a dogma. It also happens differently, much depends on the individual characteristics of the child.

The main thing that parents should remember: love and care, attention, support and joint activities will help the child grow up healthy and comprehensively developed.

Especially for -Ekaterina Vlasenko


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