Cotton candy recipe. Homemade machine for making cotton candy at home

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From unnecessary trash, necessary “trash”.

Somehow the introduction turned out a little florid, but, sorry.

In this article we will talk about a machine for making cotton candy.

I’ve been wanting to make such a device for a long time, but... I never got around to it, or I was just too lazy.

A couple of months ago, my grandchildren simply overwhelmed me with requests to try to make such a device. (They really “fell in love” with this cotton candy, which they occasionally buy and bring as a gift from N. Novgorod, because they don’t sell it in our village). (Don’t be surprised, this is how we live – we rarely travel to “abroads” and very large cities).

As V.S. Vysotsky said: “There’s nothing to do, he disputed the port wine, put the “miracle-juda” away and ran away...”, in general, they persuaded me, and I began making this Device:

And now, jokes aside, I will briefly tell everyone who is interested in how to make the same (or similar) device yourself from scrap materials at home.

In the end, this is what happened:

I’ll say right away that there are no “inventions” of mine in this homemade product, but I’m sure that it will definitely amount to “innovation”.

And also, I have already made this DIY Sweet Mist Tool, as I called it (abbreviated and hereafter SADIST), and I use it for its intended purpose (my grandchildren are happy), so I will describe in great detail only the nodes that are important for the work of this SADIST. Some parameters are very important for repetition (if, of course, you want to repeat this homemade product). Read carefully, I will explain all the difficulties in manufacturing that I encountered and repeatedly reworked to get a better result than the same devices produced in the Middle Kingdom and those offered by DIYers on YouTube.

  • Let's start with the main node:

After reviewing many publications on this topic on the Internet, I realized that there is no need to “reinvent the wheel” because... the simplest and cheapest option for manufacturing the main unit, a container for forming and spraying sugar caramel, will be two upper gearbox covers for a 50 liter (large) gas cylinder.

Finding such gearboxes is not difficult, especially since for our homemade product they may be faulty for their intended purpose. (Fortunately, about three years ago, natural gas was supplied to apartment buildings in our village, due to which people abandoned bottled gas, so that these reducers are “at least a dime a dozen”).

So, we take two upper covers from these gearboxes, cut one of them from the upper (conical) side until it forms holes 35 – 40 mm(we will pour granulated sugar into this hole),

in the second we drill a hole for mounting the head on the rotation shaft (for me it is 8 mm).

Then we grind the ends of the covers (which have the maximum size) using sandpaper (on the table) until a smooth surface is formed (remove the shoulders), and connect them with M5 bolts into a single unit through the already prepared holes (there are 8 of them, we take four longer bolts for attaching the fan blades ) through washers - thick gaskets no more 0.2 mm. I used stainless steel foil 0.1 mm thick, placing 2 washers under each mounting hole between the covers.

For washers - spacers, you can take aluminum, brass or bronze foil in several layers, but it is very important (use a micrometer) that the total thickness of the washer between the covers is no more than 0.2 – 0.22 mm (I tried to increase the thickness of the gasket to 0.3 mm, it would seem nonsense - 1 tenth of a millimeter, but the result was negative).

Can not use for washers - gaskets flammable material type of paper, plastic, etc., as for producing sugar caramel The head will heat up to 400-500°C.

The shape of the fan blades and the material from which they are made (it can be galvanized iron, aluminum with a thickness of 1 mm or more, tin and other elastic, heat-resistant and plastic material) does not matter much, the main thing is that they (the blades) bend when the Head rotates ( we will call it that) of the device, the air flow is parallel to the Head, i.e. so that the air flow when rotating the head strived for the center.

That's it with the main unit.

I’ll tell you honestly, if you did it correctly, you can be sure that this SADIST will definitely work for you. You can change the heating element, motor, fasteners, etc., the main thing is that you have a Head (a container for forming and spraying sugar caramel), everything else is a matter of technique.

  • Go ahead:

It’s not difficult to understand that as the basis for my homemade product (I just want to call it a SADIST, because I made and remade it for more than 2 months), I took a fiberglass circle with a diameter of 250 mm and a thickness of 20 mm that had been lying around in the barn for a long time, in In general, I took what I found.

There is nothing to describe here, you can take any suitable base(not necessarily round), the main thing is that it is weighty for stability, and to it (in any case) you need to attach legs (just kidding) legs, it’s better rubber,

so that they do not slip on the surface when working. This (in any case) is necessary, because Your structure will vibrate when the engine rotates, and crawl away from the place you have chosen (I guarantee).

  • Now the engine:

In principle, the engine, may our main “Commentators” of this site forgive me for not calling it an “electric motor”, you can take any engine, starting from an old washing machine and the like, from old “hefty” tape recorders of the “Timbre” type. etc. The main thing is that he is Asynchronous, i.e. brushless(so that it starts through a capacitor) and so that it rotation speed were in the range from 1000 to 1350 rpm. A brush motor cannot be used in this design because As a rule, it has very high rotation speeds and a short-term operating mode.

Honestly, on no website, believe me, I have studied quite a lot of them, when describing such a homemade product, not a single author indicated the parameters of the engine he used.

During the manufacturing process there were many engine options that could be used in my device, such as:

but I stopped there

Based on the dimensions of the structure, fortunately, according to the above parameters and fasteners, it fit perfectly. I won’t lie, I don’t remember where it came from, but it seems to me from some large reel-to-reel “mafon”.

  • Fastening the engine strictly in the center our grounds(I think there is no need to explain in detail here), do not forget - it is very important.

When attaching the engine, I put on the mounting bolts between the base and the engine. silicone bushings

(they can be taken from old unusable CD or DVD drives of your PC,

By the way, it’s a good thing, if you take it apart, don’t throw it away).

This allowed me to partially reduce vibration, transmitted to the base when the engine rotates and provide vertical shaft adjustment engine (by tightening or loosening one of the four bolts securing the engine to the base, I was able to change the vertical position of the engine shaft relative to the center of the base).

  • Base for motor shaft with Head (upper frame).

As a base for the head shaft and connection to the motor shaft, I used aluminum frame from old 25 watt dynamics(there are a lot of such speakers in old wooden speakers like S90, etc.).

I disassembled it down to the skeleton, and fastened the lower part to the base of the structure with three ø 6 mm pins. For greater structural rigidity, I connected the upper part of the speaker frame, which already had four mounting holes, to the base with ø 5 mm studs. I used these studs to fasten the cladding of the finished structure and giving more rigidity my SADIST. This is very important because... all further devices will be attached to this one, let’s call it "top", frame.

  • Connection unit between the motor shaft and the Head.

On the Internet there are many (yes, crazy, full, through the roof, etc.) options for making this unit. The point is to find a suitable mount, in which there is a bearing into which a shaft can be inserted, which can be connected to the motor shaft and on which our Head (the container for forming and spraying sugar caramel) can be securely mounted. A “dead” stepper motor is best suited - the two halves of the housing with two bearings are connected together and attached to the base through ready-made holes, and the shaft on which the Head is fixed is inserted into the bearing holes - a container for forming and spraying sugar caramel (by the way, this is the simplest and best option, because Shaft runout is reduced to zero due to the very high quality (usually) manufacturing of such engines. Therefore, I strongly advise you that if you can find at least a stepper motor housing, use it.

I did this:

At our dilapidated enterprise, out of old friendship, they turned me on a lathe a T-shaped bushing for installing two bearings (which I could find in my bins) with an internal ø 8 mm and a shaft ø 8 mm for these bearings and a soft bushing, on the end of which was cut with an M8 thread for attaching the Head. They messed up, of course, but “for lack of…”.

However, after attaching the bushing to the upper frame and installing the shaft with the Head attached to it in the bearings, it turned out well (the runout was minimal), all that remained was to connect the motor shaft and the shaft with the Head attached.

To connect these two shafts coaxially with minimal runout, I used soft sleeve,

which I ordered on Aliexpress. The diameter of the motor shaft was 7 mm, and the diameter of the shaft on which I installed the Head was 8 mm (it’s just that I found only such bearings, and it was easier to cut the M8 thread for our “turners” than the non-standard M7). Everything worked out as well as possible.

By the way, these soft bushings are simply a Chinese miracle - you can order any sizes on each side of the bushing, they cost pennies and the quality is beyond praise. In this regard, the Chinese are great.

Look on aliexpress by simply searching for "soft sleeve". I was shocked at the price when I saw these bushings on the website and twice as shocked when I received my order and appreciated the quality. Well, it seems like I consider myself savvy in “hardware”, but, fellow DIYers, I don’t understand how they do it!

But, let's return to “our sheep”.

So, I secured everything and applied 220V to the engine. The head (the container for forming and spraying sugar caramel) rotates with minimal runout. Everything's OK!!!

All that remains is to make a stable heating of this Head in the lower part so that the poured granulated sugar can, having warmed up to 180-200°C, turn into caramel syrup, under the influence of centrifugal force, fly out into a 0.2 mm gap and, having cooled under the blades of the built-in fan, driven by an air current, rise up in the form of Sweet Fog, in order to be wound on a stick and fed to “hungry humanity.”

  • So, the heating element.

At this stage, “dancing with a tambourine” began for me.

I couldn’t find anything ready-made suitable for my design, so I decided to make a heating element (hereinafter referred to as NE) myself.

At first, there was an idea to organize the heating of the Head using a gas burner operating independently from a collet (dichlorvos) spray,

however, after several tested options, it was not possible to obtain stable operation of the NE. When the Head rotated, the burner flame either blew out and went out, or began to smoke, overheated the sugar caramel, and it flew out without forming a sweet mist (cotton candy). During experiments with gas, the lower part of the Head became smoked (you saw this in the photo).

In addition, upon reflection, I decided that using two energy sources (electricity and gas) in one design is at least wasteful, and at most stupid. It was decided to make a homemade mini electric stove modeled on those that our grandfathers made when there was nowhere to buy everything, and there was no money.

My NE (mini electric stove) was supposed to consist of a frame with legs, a stone in which a nichrome spiral was laid, and the nichrome spiral itself.

A tin can of “red” fish – Sprat in tomato sauce – was ideal for the frame in all respects (internal diameter, height and high-temperature-resistant material). There is one important point here, we must take tin can made of tin, i.e. she must definitely magnetize. Its internal ø is 98mm, and the outer ø of the head is 100mm – well, exactly what you need!!! The height was also suitable for my design, so I didn’t have to trim it.

In the bottom of the NE frame can, in the center, I drilled a hole for the shaft - ø 18 mm and three holes ø 5 mm for the mounting bolt legs.

but during operation, asbestos cement began to delaminate and, in my eyes, lost its right to exist. Final the most reliable and safe an option was to make a Stone for the spiral from fire bricks(it is also called fireclay). Finding such a brick is not difficult, and it turns out to be quite easy to process. Without much effort, I sawed a whole brick with a grinder (cutting wheel for stone) lengthwise, leaving a plate 22 mm thick, then made a 100 mm square from this plate, processed it to a perfect circle ø 98 mm on an electric sharpener and drilled a hole ø 18 mm in the center.

(When processing refractory bricks, a lot of dust harmful to all living and non-living things is formed, therefore I recommend doing this work outdoors and, at a minimum, in a gauze bandage. To reduce dust during processing, you could, of course, soak the brick by putting it in water for a couple of hours, but I did not do this, because... I wasn’t sure how it would behave when processed, I was afraid that it would start to crack).

We will show you how you can make cotton candy at home and make a device for it with your own hands from an ordinary fan. To work, we will need 2 CDs, cut out two “washers” from them:

They are made easily and simply, you put something round on the disk, for example a coin, and trace it with a marker. After this, heat up the stationery knife and easily cut out all the excess. A hole in the center can be made using something also heated on the stove.

To begin with, we take the remaining disk we have and glue our washers to it, we need to do this strictly in the center, if we neglect this rule, our disk will vibrate, and in the end nothing will work.

Our attachment for the cotton candy making machine is ready, now let’s move on to the fan. We lay it on the floor and remove the protective cover, after which we remove the propeller. Take the middle box and make a round hole in its bottom:

Our machine for making cotton candy is ready, as you can see, everything is done with your own hands, very simply and at home. Now all that remains is to prepare the syrup.

DIY cotton candy machine

It is done very simply, put a large metal mug of water or a small saucepan on medium heat, add 50/50 sugar and water, mix everything thoroughly. The syrup will be ready when a yellowish tint appears, but under no circumstances should it be dark brown. Now you can proceed directly to making cotton candy, turn on our machine and begin pouring syrup into the “disc” in small drops:

The result is excellent cotton candy, no worse than the one you could try in parks and at public events. After making cotton candy, the fan is easily put back together.

Video on how to make a cotton candy machine with your own hands:

Backup video lesson on how to make a cotton candy machine at home with your own hands:

Do-it-yourself cotton candy making machine

We are pleased to present you with the drawings of the device and the technology for preparing “FESHMAKA”. It won’t take you much time to make a simple device for preparing it.
Feshmak is a caramel-type product, popularly called “cotton candy”, usually in the form of a bundle of elongated thin white threads.
One kilogram of sugar produces up to 80 servings of the finished product.

The simplest design for preparing feshmak at home with a capacity of approximately 160 servings per hour consists of a 220 V electric motor with a power of 50 to 300 W with a rotor speed of 1250 - 1500 rpm and a disk made of sheet aluminum with a diameter of 170 - 180 mm and a thickness attached to its shaft 0.2 - 0.3 mm. To make a disk, you can use tin from a herring can. At a distance of 350 - 400 mm from the center of the disk, a fence made of plastic, linoleum, etc. is installed.

Homemade cotton candy

If you seriously decide to start making a feshmak, we recommend using the design shown in Fig. 1.
For its manufacture it is necessary to use materials specified by GOST for the food industry.

Rice. 1
1- electric motor;
2 - working disk;
3 - container made of material recommended by GOST;
4 - bushing;
5 — stand on wheels (4 pcs.)

Rice. 2
Apparatus for preparing “feshmak”:
1 - electric motor;
2 - power cord;
3 — disk fastening bolt;
4 - the resulting layer of cotton candy.


The design of the device we propose reflects only the basic principle of the production of “cotton candy”; it is elementary and easy to manufacture. If you wish, you can improve the device yourself by mechanizing some of the manual labor.

Method for making cotton candy.

First you need to prepare the caramel mass. It is prepared without making molasses, which simplifies the cooking process. The mass is not candied due to the formation of invert sugar under the influence of vinegar essence added in the middle of cooking. So, granulated sugar is dissolved in a small amount of water (about 3 parts sand to 1 part water) and boiled for 10 minutes, after which vinegar essence is added (3 ml of essence per 1 kg of sugar) and the mass is boiled again for 10 - 12 minutes. After this, the mass is heated over very low heat for 25 - 30 minutes. until a strong caramel sample is obtained with a moisture content of 1.5 - 1.7%. Humidity is determined by the boiling point of the mass. At the beginning of boiling it should be 100 - 105?, and at the end - 135 - 145?. Without allowing it to cool, pour the finished mixture in a thin stream onto the edge of the rotating disk (2 - 4 mm from the edge). To do this, it is convenient to use a small enamel ladle. Hot syrup, breaking into thousands of thin threads, hardens at room temperature, forming a layer of “cotton wool”.
With high ambient humidity, it is impossible to obtain a high-quality product. In this case, you can close the device with a lid with a hole for pouring caramel mass. Turn off the electric motor and separate the threads from the body. Cut the finished product along the diameter line and roll the resulting semicircle into a tube on the table. Do the same with the second semicircle. Then cut the cotton wool into the required number of servings. The product should have a white color and a pleasant sweet taste. When using food coloring, the product takes on a more attractive appearance.
To maintain the high quality of the “cotton wool”, it is necessary to clean the disk from adhering syrup after each working cycle. Feshmak cannot be stored outdoors for a long time - this is its significant drawback. Sealed packaging and refrigeration will keep it for a day or more.
Do not despair if you are not satisfied with the quality of the product the first time. The main condition for success is the accuracy of each operation.

This material was taken from the site

Today we will tell you how to make a machine for making cotton candy with your own hands.

Now we'll talk like cotton candy. The first thing you need to do is make a cotton candy machine.

To make a homemade cotton candy machine we will need:

  • bottle with a volume of 5 liters;
  • engine from any;
  • scissors;
  • jar lid;
  • power unit;
  • box.

The power should be from 6-12V, anything from . We insert the motor into the bottle cap, securing it with screws.

The main thing is that the engine holds tightly, for this you can add a couple of drops of glue. At the top, on the rotor, we attach the lid from the jar.

We connect the power supply, its wire should pass through the bottle and connect to the engine. Now he's ready.

All that remains is to prepare the desired mixture.

To prepare the mixture we will need:

  • metal;
  • sugar;
  • plate.

First you need to lubricate the lid of the jar with oil. This is necessary so that the mixture does not stick to the lid. Next, pour one tablespoon of sugar into a metal ladle and add water.

There shouldn’t be a lot of water, just enough to soak in the sugar. Put it on the fire and stir constantly. It is necessary for the water to evaporate and only thick caramel remains. Once the water stops boiling and begins to take on a brownish appearance, the mixture is ready. After preparing the mixture, you need to do everything quickly so that the mixture does not have time to harden. We start the miracle unit and drop a small stream of the mixture onto the lid of the jar. The caramel will fly in different directions and shoot cobwebs.
Author of the article “Do it yourself: a machine for making cotton candy with your own hands” Dima

Homemade lollipops

Most children have a real sweet tooth, which causes parents a lot of trouble. After all, mothers and fathers, worried about the health of their children, try to limit the amount of harmful caramels and chewing gum with food additives. If you want to please your child with something tasty with minimal risk to his health, try making lollipops at home. Of course, such a delicacy cannot be called healthy, but it will not contain any chemical dyes or preservatives.


    1 kg granulated sugar

    3 ml vinegar essence

    1 liter of water

    1 packet of food coloring


    enamel container

    cotton candy machine

How to prepare cotton candy in the machine:

  1. Dissolve sugar in water and boil it over a fire, then continue boiling for another 10 minutes, and then add a drop of vinegar essence to the syrup.
  2. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat and cook the syrup for another 25 minutes until it acquires a thick, uniform consistency.
  3. Then add food coloring (optional), turn on the machine and slowly pour a thin stream of sugar syrup onto the edge of the disk.
  4. During the hardening process, the syrup will turn into cotton candy - after waiting for this, turn off the device, separate the resulting mass from the disk and cut it with a knife along the diameter.
  5. Roll both resulting semicircles into tubes on a cutting board and cut them into several servings, which should preferably be consumed immediately after cooking.
  6. However, if you want to store some cotton candy, take a plastic bag, carefully place the treat inside and place the bag on the bottom or middle shelf of the refrigerator.
  7. Do not put cotton wool in the freezer - there it will stick together and turn into a lump of frozen sugar.

Cotton candy without a machine


    1 ½ cups sugar

    ½ glass of water

    1–2 drops of food vinegar

    a little food coloring


    forks (Chinese chopsticks or whisks)

    pan Pan)

How to make cotton candy without a machine:

  1. Place the forks securely in an upright position on the table, supporting them with something heavy, and prepare a sugar syrup by mixing water, sugar and vinegar.
  2. To give the treat a beautiful color, add food coloring to the mixture and stir everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the syrup into a saucepan and heat it over low heat, stirring constantly - when it boils, remove the saucepan from the heat, cool slightly and heat again. Repeat the procedure until the syrup turns golden brown - but be careful not to darken it.
  4. After obtaining a thick golden mass of viscous consistency, dip a whisk into it and move it around vertically fixed forks, winding sugar threads around them until you get a fluffy cap. If the cotton wool turns out to be too loose, compact it with your hand, but be careful - hot threads of sugar syrup can severely burn the skin.
  5. After preparing the cotton candy, do not rush to get rid of the remaining sugar mass.
  6. Take the cooled remains of the syrup and split them into pieces using a knife - this way you will get delicious golden-colored candies that both children and adults will enjoy eating.

Cotton candy (or cotton candy) is a cool, but rather expensive thing. And it seems completely crazy to buy a cotton candy machine in order to treat yourself to this delicacy only occasionally. This DIY project can be put together very quickly from an intact pan and whatever you may have lying around in your bins.

The main part of the machine for making cotton candy is a container with sugar and holes, which will heat up and rotate, and threads of melted sugar will fly out into these holes. This container will be placed inside the pan to prevent the sugar strands from flying all over the kitchen.

Step 1: Materials Needed

To make a device for making cotton candy at home you will need:

  • Turbo lighter - such lighters burn with a blue flame, the temperature of their fire is much higher than that of conventional gas lighters, and they do not produce soot. You need a lighter with a lockable switch.
  • Small electric motor (8 V possible).
  • Battery for the engine (I used a pp3 battery - a crown).
  • Battery connector.
  • Tin Can – I used a bean can. Of course, a can of canned fish would be better, but then the cotton candy would also have a fishy smell.
  • To install the motor in a mini cotton candy machine, use milk bottle caps.
  • Deep Pot or Clean Bucket - The one in the first photo wasn't big enough, so I ended up replacing it with a larger one.
  • A long stick, longer than the width of the pan. I used a guide from an old dishwasher.
  • Threaded rod for the stem (about 15 cm. I used a 10 cm rod, it should be longer than the height of the tin can.
  • Small nut, bolt and washer. I took a steel bolt, it screws perfectly into the soft brass tube.


  • Sugar
  • Bamboo skewers
  • Fast acting epoxy
  • Cling film


  • Drill with a set of drill bits (including 1 mm and smaller)
  • Soldering Station
  • Files
  • Tin snips or can opener

Step 2: Stabilize the lighter

The lighter I used in the machine was very unstable. And because it was filled from below, I couldn’t just put it on epoxy.

In order to make a lighter stand, you need to wrap it in a couple of layers of cling film. Then mix up some fast acting epoxy and fill a bottle cap with it and insert the lighter into the epoxy. After a few minutes, take out the lighter and remove the cling film from it. You now have a removable lighter base.

Step 3: Install the motor on the guide

The motor is connected to the pan using a threaded rod; for this purpose, a hole for the motor shaft is drilled on one side of the rod. It is very convenient to drill such a hole with a tabletop drilling machine, but I did it by hand. Check if the drilled hole fits the motor shaft.

On the other side of the stud, drill a hole slightly smaller than the diameter of the bolt you prepared. Secure the motor shaft in the hole with superglue.

Now you need to attach the motor to the rack. There was a hole in my dishwasher guide that just needed to be slightly widened with a file. Drill two holes on the sides for the motor mounting screws.

Step 4: Preparing the Can

Sugar will heat up and melt in this jar, which means it must be filled with sugar, fixed above the flame and quickly rotate around its own axis so that the melted sugar scatters around the jar.

First, cut a hole in the lid. I used tin snips and a file. To prevent the sugar from falling out over the edge, I left a small edge. Practice has shown that there is no need for it, which means the lid can be cut out with a bottle opener.

In any case, the edge of the cut must be processed with a file to avoid cutting yourself. Then you need to drill holes in the wall of the can along the bottom. I used a 1mm drill bit for this and sugar crystals fly out into the holes. Therefore, it is advisable to use an even smaller drill. I drilled the holes about 1cm apart.

Step 5: Install the jar

Now screw the machine screw into the drilled hole in the end of the threaded rod. If you have an internal thread tap of the appropriate size, that's great, but if you don't, that's okay - brass is a soft enough metal that you can just screw the screw into the hole.

Drill a hole in the bottom of the can and insert a pin with a motor into this hole. Screw the nut to secure the can to the stud, so it will rotate with the stud-motor shaft.

The can attached to the shaft must be located at a sufficient distance above the lighter flame when installed on the pan.

Step 6: Making Cotton Candy

The device for making cotton candy is ready, now turn on the lighter, pour a couple of spoons of sugar into the jar and turn on the electric motor. Place the lighter under the rim of the tin can. As the jar heats up, the sugar will begin to melt and fly out through the holes in the jar and into the pan. Once a few sugar strands have accumulated, collect them on a bamboo skewer.


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