Is it possible to drink alcohol with Regulon? Combining Regulon with alcohol: rules, consequences and reviews

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Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication to the use of Regulon. During lactation, you should stop taking the drug or stop breastfeeding.

This is due to the fact that taking pills in the postpartum period provokes a decrease in the amount of milk, impairs lactation and negatively affects the growth of the child.

Pregnancy after Regulon birth control pills

The contraceptive effect of Regulon tablets is associated with the ability of the synthetic analogues of the endogenous hormones estradiol and progestogens included in its composition to prevent the release of a mature egg from the follicle.

The drug can be used as a means of contraception for several years. However, many women are concerned about whether this will somehow affect reproductive function and subsequent pregnancy.

Gynecologists answer such questions as follows: if you take the pills correctly (that is, take them according to the regimen described in the instructions and in compliance with all the recommendations of your doctor), then after taking them you can plan a pregnancy. Typically, pregnancy after Regulon occurs after about 6 months of active sexual activity.

For a woman who is planning a child, doctors recommend stopping taking the drug at least three months before conception.

Compatibility of Regulon with other medications

The drug should not be taken at the same time as taking antibiotics, as they can significantly reduce the contraceptive effect. If you take a birth control pill and an antibiotic at the same time, you should use additional means of protection against unplanned pregnancy.

Concomitant use with barbiturates, laxatives and antidepressants can also reduce the contraceptive properties of the drug.

additional information

Regulon is a drug that slows down the ovulation process, so its use directly depends on the woman’s menstrual cycle. The package contains 21 tablets, each numbered for convenience and accuracy. The first pill should be taken on the first day of menstruation.

In this case, no additional method of protection is required. But if you take the first pill in the next week of the cycle, you will need to take additional protection for two weeks. After drinking the last tablet from the package, the body is given a break for a week, after which you need to start taking the drug again.

However, first of all, you need to clearly discuss taking the drug with a specialist who can correctly advise the time to start taking it and set certain limits for what is permitted in the use of alcohol and Regulon.

For God's sake. I've been drinking OK for the second month. I have side effects such as headache, nausea in the evenings. In the first month I was constantly smearing... also one of the side effects.

Drug compatibility. Identify the drug. Diseases. For the drug Regulon, the following importance is highlighted. About the drug Regulon. Regulon side effects. contraindications Regulon.

I had no side effects, I took Novinet and Tri Regol. The main thing is to remember to donate blood from a vein at least once a year,

It is true that any medicine has side effects. But not everyone experiences them. Decreased libido is one of them.

Do you really think that tablets containing their chemistry can be useful?)))) What’s surprising here))

How to take Regulon correctly?

The tablets begin to be taken from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, one per day, at the same time of day, for 3 weeks (21 days). After the last tablet is taken, it is necessary to maintain a seven-day interval, during which bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding should occur.

On the 8th day after the last tablet was taken (4 weeks after starting the drug, on the same day of the week), even if the bleeding has not stopped, taking the tablets is resumed from the next blister.

How long can you take Regulon?

According to the scheme described above, the tablets are taken as long as the need for contraception continues. If a woman takes the pills, following all the rules and recommendations specified in the instructions for Regulon, the contraceptive effect also remains during the seven-day interval.

First pill intake

The first tablet of the drug is taken on day 1 of the cycle. In this case, there is no need to use additional methods of contraception. If use is started between 2 and 5 days of the cycle, then during the first 7 days of the first cycle of Regulon use, you should resort to the use of barrier contraceptives.

If more than 5 days have passed since the start of menstrual bleeding, it is advisable to start taking the drug in the next cycle.

How to drink Regulon after childbirth?

If a woman is not breastfeeding, she can start taking pills 21 days after birth (after prior consultation with her gynecologist). In such a situation, there is no need to use additional contraception.

If sexual intercourse took place after childbirth, it is recommended to postpone the start of taking Regulon until the next cycle.

If the drug is started later than 3 weeks after birth, additional methods of contraception should be used in the first 7 days of the first cycle of use.

Taking pills after an abortion

Regulon birth control pills: instructions for use

The annotation for Regulon states that the main purpose of the drug is to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

However, research confirms that in addition to the contraceptive effect, Regulon is also characterized by the presence of a therapeutic effect. So, to the question “tablets - what are they for?” The instructions for the drug state that the use of Regulon is advisable for dysfunctional uterine bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea, etc.

Indications for use

Contraceptives are very common nowadays. Among them, the most popular are means to avoid unwanted pregnancy. In medicine they are called contraceptives.

In addition, if you take certain types, you can restore hormonal levels after complex gynecological operations. This type of medication takes quite a long time.

During treatment, there are festive events where alcoholic beverages are likely to be consumed.

The question of whether it is possible to combine Regulon and alcohol worries many women who use birth control pills. In order to find the answer, it is necessary to understand what effect the drug has on the body.

Regulon is a new generation combined oral contraceptive. It contains: a gestagen (desogestrel) and an estrogen component (ethinyl estradione).

Their action is aimed at inhibiting the production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland. This complicates the development of ovulation and contributes to the thickening of cervical mucus.

Indications Contraindications
The need for oral hormonal contraception Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
Treatment of menstrual disorders Arterial hypertension
Thrombosis and predisposition to it
Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components
Vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology
Severe itching/cold sores after pregnancy or steroid use
Severe headaches/migraines
Malignant cancers, endometrial hyperplasia, other diseases of the genital organs and mammary glands
Severe liver pathologies
Diabetes mellitus with complications

Important: do not buy contraceptives without the recommendation of a gynecologist. You can start hormonal contraception only after a comprehensive examination and a number of tests. The specialist must select a contraceptive individually or choose the most suitable, safe and effective method of protection.

Regulon and alcohol: compatibility and consequences

This contraceptive not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also perfectly restores hormonal levels and is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. The drug is well tolerated by the female body, but as for combining Regulon with alcohol, it is difficult to give a definite answer.

Before using the medicine, you should consult a gynecologist about this issue. Usually, if a woman is not predisposed to allergies, then drinking alcohol is allowed only in small quantities.

For many diseases, regulon is prescribed with caution, such as hypertension, epilepsy, migraine; drinking alcohol can only worsen the condition.

Some believe that drinking strong drinks reduces the effectiveness of the contraceptive and its effectiveness is reduced to zero. It is worth noting that this opinion is wrong.

During alcohol intoxication, the acid-base balance shifts towards an increased acidic environment. And that is why a decrease in the effectiveness of the product may occur.

Acidity itself is determined by individual characteristics.

The issue of contraception in our time is far from idle. Every woman should have as many children as she wants. The use of hormonal contraceptives has been considered the most reliable method for many years.

Considering the fact that some substances weaken the effect of contraception, women rightfully worry whether they will be able to become pregnant unplanned if their body is affected by a particular medication or, for example, drinking alcohol.

The hormonal contraceptive under the brand name "Regulon" is intended for use by women of childbearing age. The drug is available in the form of tablets, which a woman should take for 21 days without a break.

The mechanism of action of regulon is based on the suppression of ovulation, thus, a woman who takes a contraceptive in a timely manner will not be able to become pregnant. In addition, doctors often prescribe hormonal contraceptives to normalize the menstrual cycle in women with gynecological problems.

The rules for taking hormonal contraceptives require taking the medication at the same time every day without skipping. After finishing the tablet with tablets, it is necessary to take a seven-day break, during which the woman begins to have menstrual flow.

On the eighth day, the woman should start taking Regulon again to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Modern hormonal drugs, unlike the previous generation of contraceptives, do not bring any negative side effects such as facial hair growth or weight gain, since they contain hormones in extremely small dosages.

  • for severe liver pathologies - tumors, hepatitis;
  • increased risk of blood clots;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gallstones;
  • malignant tumors of the mammary glands and genital organs;
  • bleeding from the genitals;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to regulon components;
  • excessive smoking over the age of 35 years.

So is it possible to drink alcohol while taking Regulon? It is not recommended without a prescription from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Before deciding to take a contraceptive, you should take a general blood test and a sugar test, and also make sure you are not pregnant.

Interaction with alcohol and possible consequences

Regulon is on a par with the most effective contraceptive drugs that have appeared on the pharmaceutical market.

It reliably protects against unplanned pregnancy, contains a small list of contraindications, and combines well with many medications.

Regulon and alcohol have little mutual influence, which is important, since the contraceptive drug is taken regularly for a long time.

Ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel are a combination of substances that are the active components of regulon. The effect of the drug on the female body is that ovulation becomes more difficult and the mucus becomes denser. This, against the background of suppression of the function of gonadotropin production, makes the entry of sperm into the uterus a difficult task.

Metabolism of alcohol in the liver

The main filter of the human body is the liver. Actually, it decomposes toxins into less dangerous substances or increases their water solubility for successful removal from the body.

Regulon price

Regulon price in Ukraine

The cost of the drug in large cities of Ukraine (for example, in Kyiv or Kharkov) is 158-175 UAH per package No. 21. You can buy package No. 63 for an average of 450 UAH.

You can find out more accurately how much Regulon costs at a pharmacy via the Internet.

Regulon price in Russia

The price of Regulon No. 21 birth control pills in Russian pharmacies is 337-410 rubles. Package No. 63 costs an average of 947 rubles.

The question of whether it is possible to combine Regulon and alcohol worries many women who use birth control pills. In order to find the answer, it is necessary to understand what effect the drug has on the body.

Description of the drug

Modern methods of oral contraception are not only highly effective, but also safe for women's health. Hormonal contraceptives, which include Regulon, are taken for a long period of time until a woman plans to conceive a child.

Regulon is a new generation combined oral contraceptive. It contains: a gestagen (desogestrel) and an estrogen component (ethinyl estradione). Their action is aimed at inhibiting the production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland. This complicates the development of ovulation and contributes to the thickening of cervical mucus. This barrier prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus, which prevents pregnancy.

Indications for use of Regulon

  • Contraception;
  • Irregular menstruation, PMS, uterine bleeding, desminorrhea.

Mode of application

The drug must be taken starting from the first day of the cycle, without using barrier protection. If the medication was taken on days 2-5 of the cycle, additional protective equipment should be used for 7-10 days.

Regulon should be taken one tablet once a day, preferably at the same time. After drinking 21 tablets, you need to stop taking the drug for at least seven days. During this period, menstruation occurs. On the eighth day of the break, you must start a new course of taking Regulon.


Regulon is contraindicated for:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the medication;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • For liver diseases;
  • For migraines (even with a history);
  • For thromboembolism;
  • If bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin occurs.

Compatibility of Regulon with other medications

The drug should not be taken at the same time as taking antibiotics, as they can significantly reduce the contraceptive effect. If you take a birth control pill and an antibiotic at the same time, you should use additional means of protection against unplanned pregnancy.

Concomitant use with barbiturates, laxatives and antidepressants can also reduce the contraceptive properties of the drug.

additional information

Regulon can be prescribed to a patient only after a thorough examination for the risk of thrombosis. The risk group primarily includes women who smoke, since they are most likely to develop thromboembolism.

In the first six months after starting to take the drug, a woman may experience breakthrough bleeding. This occurs against the background of the body’s adaptation to hormonal changes. If the bleeding does not disappear, you should consult a doctor, as the drug may simply not be suitable.

Vomiting and diarrhea can cause a decrease in contraceptive properties, so in such situations it is better to use additional barrier protection.

If you miss one tablet, you should take it over the next 12-36 hours, and then continue taking the medicine according to the previous regimen. If the gap was detected and corrected in a timely manner, then additional contraception will not be needed.

Regulon and alcohol, their compatibility and consequences for the liver

Before prescribing a patient to take oral contraceptives, the attending physician must examine the woman to determine the characteristics of her body. If the patient has liver disease, then she is strictly prohibited from drinking Regulon, since this medication has a significant effect on the organ.

If a woman does not have liver problems, then simultaneous use of Regulon and alcoholic beverages can still negatively affect her health.

After taking a dose of alcohol, the liver begins to decompose and remove toxic substances that appear during the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. Under the influence of liver enzymes, alcohol decomposes to the state of acetaldehyde. This substance is a hepatoxic poison and leads to the destruction of liver cells.

The vast majority of oral contraceptives also have some hepatoxic effects. The hormonal drug itself cannot cause significant harm to the organ, but when taken together with alcohol, it can cause serious damage to health.

Interaction with alcohol

The instructions for the medicine do not indicate whether alcohol affects the contraceptive effect. However, there are reviews from women indicating that taking Regulon with alcohol at the same time can reduce the contraceptive properties of the drug.

The manufacturer of the pills claims that combining a contraceptive and small doses of alcohol is safe, that is, you can take Regulon and alcohol at the same time, but the amount of the latter should be moderate. This means that the average healthy woman can drink no more than 50 grams of vodka, a mug of beer or a glass of wine at a time. These doses are safe for health and do not affect the contraceptive effect. Excessive consumption of strong drinks can lead to impaired absorption of hormones and breakthrough bleeding.

Regulon is an advanced birth control pill of the highest quality. It has a minimal set of side effects and is safe for the female body. It can be taken simultaneously with alcohol, but within acceptable limits. In addition, you need to take into account that at least three hours must pass after the last drink before taking the pill.

The conclusion is this: you can combine Regulon and strong drinks, but health risks and the possibility of a decrease in the contraceptive effect cannot be ruled out.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

Attention, TODAY only!

Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive that is taken for a long time. Regulon is a complex contraceptive drug that consists of two powerful chemicals such as:
ethinyl estradiol
Regulon is used for oral contraception, has been used in practice for a long time and has proven its effectiveness with very rare side effects. The question of whether it is possible to combine Regulon and alcohol is not an idle one, because contraceptives have been taken for a long time, during which many events occur that do not exclude alcoholic beverages.
The liver is an organ without which a person cannot exist. Decreased liver function is considered a very life-threatening condition, since it is in the liver that all toxic substances that enter the body from the outside and are formed inside the body as a result of metabolism are decomposed. The liver either decomposes toxic substances into less toxic substances or increases their water solubility, which helps eliminate them from the body. Liver enzymes play a major role in neutralizing toxins.
How does alcohol affect the liver?
Alcohol, under the action of enzymes, decomposes to acetaldehyde, which is a direct hepatotoxic poison (it destroys liver cells). The liver produces an enzyme that decomposes this poison (acetaldehydroxydase), but if too much alcohol enters the body, acetaldehyde does not have time to be neutralized and kills liver cells. Gradually, liver cells are replaced by fatty and connective tissue and lose their function. This is how a serious disease develops – cirrhosis of the liver. Liver dysfunction can be mild, moderate or severe. With mild changes, a person usually does not notice them, continues to drink alcohol and other substances that kill liver cells, which sooner or later will lead to serious consequences.
Heredity - individual characteristics of the structure and functioning of this organ - is of great importance when consuming substances that have a toxic effect on the liver. Some alcoholics with active, almost daily long-term drinking of alcohol do not have major problems with the liver. For other people, an accidental combination of two hepatotoxic drugs is enough to cause a severe blow to the liver.
From the above we can conclude that Regulon, if used incorrectly, can contribute to diseases such as:
Cirrhosis of the liver
Various other liver complications
The effect of argulon on the liver
Almost all modern hormonal contraceptives have more or less pronounced hepatotoxicity. Regulon is no exception, despite the fact that it has minimal toxic effects on the liver. But the problem is that this drug is taken constantly. Therefore, if a woman has a hereditary predisposition to liver disease, damage is still possible.
Before prescribing Regulon (as well as other hormonal contraceptives), a woman must undergo an examination, including checking her liver function. If there are clear signs of liver dysfunction, regulon is contraindicated. But there are subtle hereditary features of liver functioning that cannot always be identified using functional tests. They are the “weak link” that can lead to liver destruction even with minor toxic effects. Therefore, regulon and alcohol affect the liver much more strongly than each substance separately.
Regulon and alcohol are the first enemy for any inattentive person
Alcohol, of course, does not reduce the contraceptive effect of regulon, otherwise this would be indicated in the instructions. But in the instructions for regulon there is a paragraph that states that when using regulon simultaneously with hepatotoxic drugs, the risk of developing hepatotoxicity significantly increases, especially in women over 35 years of age. However, the manufacturer does not indicate anything in the instructions regarding the combination of regulon with alcohol.
And since the manufacturer is the well-known pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter, which values ​​​​its reputation, we can hope that this combination will not cause serious complications. But this is, of course, if alcohol is consumed only occasionally and in small quantities.
Most likely, a small amount of weak alcoholic drinks on holidays will not affect your health in any way. But strong drinks or frequent consumption of even weak alcoholic beverages (for example, drinking beer every day) are already dangerous. In addition, we should not forget about heredity, because no one knows what kind of surprise it can present to us.
Positive feature of the regulon
Regulon is a high-quality hormonal contraceptive that has very few side effects. But such an action is still possible in the case when a woman does not undergo the necessary examination before starting to take this contraceptive and does not subsequently adhere to the rules for taking it. A woman taking Regulon cannot afford to drink excessively, especially if taking Regulon continues for several years.
Pharmacologically, Regulon and alcohol do not interact. They have neither mutual inducing nor potentiating effects. The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of Regulon proceed according to patterns that differ from the processes of ethanol absorption. Therefore, Regulon and alcohol can be combined within reasonable limits.
But what does reasonable use mean in this context? First of all, you need to remember that taking any drug, even a “harmless” herbal one, as well as a hormonal one with carefully selected doses, is an intervention in the well-functioning system of the body. Drinking alcohol is an even more severe intervention, which has its toxic effect even when taken in small doses.
Therefore, combining the use of any drug with alcohol means taking full responsibility for the consequences of such a “cocktail”.

The question of compatibility of birth control pills with alcohol arises, as a rule, before all women who prefer this method of contraception. He also visits women who take Regulon as a contraceptive, a drug produced by the famous company Gedeon Richter and which causes virtually no side effects.

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Let's look at how alcohol affects the body of women who use this drug for contraception, and answer the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol while taking Regulon. Let's start with what this drug is.

A few words about Regulon

Regulon is a contraceptive whose active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. The drug is produced in film-coated tablets, and its action is based on:

Attention! The drug can be taken only after a thorough examination of the patient.

Side effects

Reactions associated with the use of Regulon are divided into:

  • mild to moderate severity;
  • requiring immediate discontinuation of the drug.

The first group includes:

The second group includes:

  • increased blood pressure due to hypertension;
  • partial hearing loss;
  • thrombosis;
  • diabetes.


Contraindications to the use of Regulon are:

However, is Regulon compatible with alcohol? Is it possible to drink alcohol while taking it?

What is the compatibility of Regulon and alcohol?

Paradoxically, even a specialist will not be able to answer the question of the compatibility of Regulon and alcohol.

On the one hand, alcohol is a poison for the body, and it should not be consumed either with or without medications. On the other hand, not a single holiday in our life is complete without alcohol, and Regulon, in fact, is not a medicinal drug in the literal sense of the word.

That is why doctors do not prohibit their patients from drinking within reasonable limits, however, this should really be done in moderation. And this can be explained by the following reasons.

First of all, alcohol reduces the contraceptive properties of the drug. And if small doses of alcohol, as a rule, do not cause any consequences, then uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages in this case can lead to unwanted pregnancy. And this is especially true during the first time of using the drug - during the period when the body gets used to it. It is then that when taking Regulon with alcohol, it is necessary to use additional contraception, for example, condoms.

In addition, it can be noted that alcohol has a negative effect on the liver, and therefore, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages against the background of contraception can lead to negative consequences for its cells. This is explained by the fact that, despite the fact that the manufacturer notes the minimal effect of the drug on this organ, the influence of alcohol increases the risk of developing diseases significantly.

For example, even beer consumed for a long time together with Regulon can become an impetus for the development of liver diseases. Moreover, in some cases such disorders develop almost immediately, and in others - after quite a long time.

And this can be explained, first of all, by the fact that examinations prescribed to a woman before using the drug do not always make it possible to determine the condition of this organ. Indeed, often, a predisposition to certain diseases results in their development under the influence of certain factors, including due to the use of Regulon with alcohol.

In addition, it should be remembered that Regulon is, first of all, a hormonal drug. Naturally, in itself it is completely safe both for the woman’s reproductive system and for her body as a whole, due to the fact that it is a new generation medicine that does not affect hormonal levels. However, given the ability of alcohol to change the course of many processes occurring in the body, we can safely say that drinking alcohol can have a negative impact on the hormonal balance of the female body.

Thus, despite the fact that there is no categorical ban on drinking alcohol while using Regulon, drinking alcohol in this case should be done with great caution and in small quantities.

The issue of contraception in our time is far from idle. Every woman should have as many children as she wants. The use of hormonal contraceptives has been considered the most reliable method for many years. Considering the fact that some substances weaken the effect of contraception, women rightfully worry whether they will be able to become pregnant unplanned if their body is affected by a particular medication or, for example, drinking alcohol.

Regulon - hormonal contraceptive

The hormonal contraceptive under the brand name "Regulon" is intended for use by women of childbearing age. The drug is available in the form of tablets, which a woman should take for 21 days without a break.

The mechanism of action of regulon is based on the suppression of ovulation, thus, a woman who takes a contraceptive in a timely manner will not be able to become pregnant. In addition, doctors often prescribe hormonal contraceptives to normalize the menstrual cycle in women with gynecological problems.

The rules for taking hormonal contraceptives require taking the medication at the same time every day without skipping. After finishing the tablet with tablets, it is necessary to take a seven-day break, during which the woman begins to have menstrual flow. On the eighth day, the woman should start taking Regulon again to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Modern hormonal drugs, unlike the previous generation of contraceptives, do not bring any negative side effects such as facial hair growth or weight gain, since they contain hormones in extremely small dosages.

However, for some time, women may experience nausea or headaches that disappear on their own without the use of additional medications. Rarely, but still there are sudden surges in pressure and increased thrombus formation.

  • in case of severe liver pathologies - tumors;
  • increased risk of blood clots;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gallstones;
  • malignant tumors of the mammary glands and genital organs;
  • bleeding from the genitals;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to regulon components;
  • excessive smoking over the age of 35 years.

So is it possible to drink alcohol while taking Regulon? It is not recommended without a prescription from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Before deciding to take a contraceptive, you should take a general blood test and a sugar test, and also make sure you are not pregnant.

Interaction with alcohol and possible consequences

As a rule, oral contraceptives are taken by women for several years, excluding breaks for pregnancy and breastfeeding. During this time, there are holidays, meetings with friends and dinners with business partners, where the consumption of alcoholic beverages is expected. So is the drug compatible with alcohol? Or should I not drink at all?

The instructions developed by the manufacturer of Regulon - the respected company Gedeon Richter - do not say a word about the side effects of alcohol in combination with Regulon. Therefore, it can be assumed that such an interaction will not cause any harm to the woman’s body and will not reduce the contraceptive effect of the pills.

But still, given the effect of Regulon on the liver and the presence of side effects in the form of the hepatotoxic effect of the drug, you should not abuse alcoholic beverages during long-term use of the drug. The breakdown of alcohol occurs in the liver, and liver cells are greatly affected by alcohol intoxication, and the effect of Regulon can aggravate the hepatotoxic effect.

In case of hypertension, the symbiosis of Regulon and alcohol can cause a sharp rise in blood pressure, which can lead to a heart attack. Thus, Regulon and alcohol are absolutely contraindicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

However, small doses of alcohol and provided they are not consumed too often are quite capable of coexisting peacefully in a woman’s body with an oral contraceptive.

Rules of use

Since there are no contraindications to the combined use of low-strength alcohol and regulon, there cannot be any specifics or time limits for these substances. However, this only applies to low-alcohol drinks and cocktails. Frequent feasts and excessive drinking of vodka or cognac, as well as daily consumption of beer in combination with regulon are strictly contraindicated.


Regulon, when used correctly, is a very reliable contraceptive drug. Reviews from doctors indicate that compatibility of this contraceptive with alcoholic beverages is permissible only if alcohol is consumed infrequently in small doses.


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