Voltage regulator for soldering iron variable resistor. Schemes of thyristor power regulators

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At 12 volts/8 watts, but the price was somewhat unusual, only 80 rubles versus 120, as in other retail outlets. I was planning to do something similar myself, but then chance deprived me of such an opportunity. The seller assured that it was in working order and even checked it by connecting it to the power supply. I came home and started trying it out. Stabilized UPS just for its voltage. Everything seems to be fine, the tin is melting, just a little slower than usual. In the end, I figured out why the price was too low and why the work was “slow.” It turned out that the soldering iron needs not 12 volts for normal operation, but a little more. I remembered the cheese in the mousetrap, although of course this case is a little different. To fully operate the soldering iron, I decided to assemble a simple voltage regulator and power it from a 17-volt power supply.

Regulator circuit

The scheme is simple “to the point of indecentness” (which is why it was even subjected to severe criticism on one of the related sites) and should, no, simply must work.

However, I did some preliminary assembly. Within an hour, everything was fully mounted on an improvised circuit board. Both components and installation. Immediately the opportunity arose for full-time work with a soldering iron.

To test the assembled device, to fully understand the result obtained, I used a voltmeter and an ammeter. Observing changes in specific current and voltage values ​​will always help you be objective about the result of your efforts.


Output voltage up to 16 volts, maximum current consumption up to 500 mA. As a result of the manipulations performed, I came to the conclusion that the transistor should be installed more powerful. For example KT829A. You never know where I’ll think of connecting a ready-made regulator and what to power through it. This regulator does not provide a stabilized output voltage; a slight increase, albeit a very slow one, was noticed. And since I plan to do soldering for a short time, this is not an obstacle.

I used the temporary assembly several times over the course of a week, and it worked well. It's time to give the device a more or less “human” appearance. I assembled the components: the case, a metal roller for its stability, a soldering iron holder and a connecting screw.

Since I decided to use the roller as an additional radiator, I isolated it from the soldering iron holder using a plastic washer.

After placing the main components, I installed RGB sockets at the input and output (the voltage and current are not large), this will avoid installing permanent wires (which always get tangled). And use ready-made, fully equipped ones. There have been plenty of them since the days of VCRs.

The main components are a transistor and two resistors, but there are still enough wires.

This is what happened. It is no coincidence that the LED is connected to the output of the regulator - with a change in the output voltage, the brightness of its glow changes, and quite significantly. I did not equip the regulator with something like a scale - there were quite a sufficient number of marks left on the body around from its previous purpose. This is how, thanks to the diagram seen on the site’s forum, it was possible to solve the issue of powering a low-voltage soldering iron with a non-standard supply voltage. I assembled it Babay iz Barnaula.


The temperature of the soldering iron tip depends on many factors.

  • Input network voltage, which is not always stable;
  • Heat dissipation in massive wires or contacts on which soldering is performed;
  • Ambient air temperatures.

For high-quality work, it is necessary to maintain the thermal power of the soldering iron at a certain level. There is a large selection of electrical appliances with a temperature controller on sale, but the cost of such devices is quite high.

Soldering stations are even more advanced. Such complexes contain a powerful power supply, with which you can control temperature and power over a wide range.

The price matches the functionality.
What should you do if you already have a soldering iron and don’t want to buy a new one with a regulator? The answer is simple - if you know how to use a soldering iron, you can make an addition to it.

DIY soldering iron regulator

This topic has long been mastered by radio amateurs, who are more interested in a high-quality soldering tool than anyone else. We offer you several popular solutions with electrical diagrams and assembly procedures.

Two-stage power regulator

This circuit works on devices powered by an alternating voltage network of 220 volts. A diode and a switch are connected in parallel to each other into the open circuit of one of the supply conductors. When the switch contacts are closed, the soldering iron is powered in standard mode.

When opened, current flows through the diode. If you are familiar with the principle of alternating current flow, the operation of the device will be clear. The diode, passing current in only one direction, cuts off every second half-cycle, reducing the voltage by half. Accordingly, the power of the soldering iron is reduced by half.

Basically, this power mode is used during long pauses during work. The soldering iron is in standby mode and the tip is not very cool. To bring the temperature to 100%, turn on the toggle switch - and after a few seconds you can continue soldering. When the heating decreases, the copper tip oxidizes less, extending the service life of the device.

IMPORTANT! The test is performed under load, that is, with a soldering iron connected.

When rotating resistor R2, the voltage at the input to the soldering iron should change smoothly. The circuit is placed in the body of the overhead socket, which makes the design very convenient.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to reliably insulate the components with heat-shrinkable tubing to prevent short circuits in the housing - socket.

The bottom of the socket is covered with a suitable cover. The ideal option is not just an overhead socket, but a sealed street socket. In this case, the first option was chosen.
It turns out to be a kind of extension cord with a power regulator. It is very convenient to use, there are no unnecessary devices on the soldering iron, and the control knob is always at hand.

Old soldering irons, not equipped with additional functionality, heat up as long as the plug is plugged in. And when they are turned off, they cool down quickly. An overheated soldering iron can ruin the work: it becomes impossible to solder anything firmly, the flux quickly evaporates, the tip oxidizes and the solder rolls off it. An insufficiently heated tool can completely ruin the parts, since the solder does not melt well; the soldering iron can be kept close to the parts.

To make your work more comfortable, you can assemble a soldering iron power regulator with your own hands, which will limit the voltage and thereby prevent the tip from overheating.

Mounting options for soldering iron power regulators

Depending on the type and set of radio components, soldering iron power regulators can be of different sizes, with different functionality. You can assemble either a small simple device in which heating is stopped and resumed by pressing a button, or a large one - with a digital indicator and program control.

Depending on the power and tasks, the regulator can be placed in several types of housing. The simplest and most convenient one is a fork. To do this, they often use a smartphone charger or the housing of any adapter. All that remains is to find the handle and place it in the wall of the case.

DIY power regulator in the fork

If the soldering iron body allows it (there is enough space), you can place the board with the parts in it. Such a power regulator is always with the soldering iron - it cannot be forgotten or lost.

Another type of housing for simple regulators is a socket. It can be single:

DIY power regulator in a single socket

or be an extension tee. In the latter it is very convenient to place a handle with a scale.

Power regulator in a household tee

As you can see, in place of one and the sockets there is a switch handle with a scale.

There are also many options for installing a regulator with a voltage indicator yourself. It all depends on the radio amateur’s intelligence and imagination. This can be either the obvious option - an extension cord with an indicator built into it, or original solutions.

Power regulator in socket with digital indicator

The counter on the body gives accurate numbers for work where a strictly defined temperature is important.

Power regulator in the body of a regular soap dish

The board is secured inside with screws.

When installing, we must not forget about safety rules. The parts need to be insulated - for example, with heat shrink tubing.

  • See also how to do

Options for soldering iron power regulator circuits

The power regulator can be assembled according to different schemes. The main differences lie in the semiconductor part - the device that will regulate the flow of current. This could be a thyristor or triac. For more precise control of the operation of a thyristor or triac, you can add a microcontroller to the circuit.

You can make a simple regulator with a diode and a switch - to leave the soldering iron in working condition for some (possibly long) time, without allowing it to cool down or overheat. The remaining controls make it possible to set the temperature of the soldering iron tip more smoothly - to suit different needs. Assembling the device according to any of the schemes is done in a similar way. The photographs and videos provide examples of how you can assemble a power regulator for a soldering iron with your own hands. Based on them, you can make a device with the variations you personally need and according to your own design.

Necessary elements for installing a soldering iron power regulator with your own hands

A thyristor is a kind of electronic key. Passes current in only one direction. Unlike a diode, it has 3 outputs - control electrode, anode and cathode. The thyristor opens by applying a pulse to the electrode. It closes when the direction changes or the current flowing through it stops. Thyristor, its main components and display on diagrams:


A triac, or triac, is a type of thyristor, but unlike this device, it is double-sided and conducts current in both directions. It is essentially two thyristors connected together. Main parts, principle of operation and method of display in diagrams. A1 and A2 - power electrodes, G - control gate:


Depending on its capabilities, the power regulator circuit for a soldering iron also includes the following radio components:

Resistor - serves to convert voltage into current and vice versa.

Appearance of the resistor and method of display on the diagram

Capacitor - the main role of this device is that it stops conducting current as soon as it is discharged. And it begins to conduct again as the charge reaches the desired value. In regulator circuits, the capacitor is used to turn off the thyristor.


A diode is a semiconductor, an element that allows current to pass in the forward direction and does not pass in the reverse direction.


This is how the diode is indicated in the diagrams:

Diode - designation

Zener diode is a subtype of diode, used in devices for voltage stabilization.

Zener diodes

Microcontroller is a microcircuit that provides electronic control of a device. There are varying degrees of difficulty.


  • See also diagram

Soldering iron power regulator circuit with switch and diode

This type of regulator is the easiest to assemble, with the fewest parts. It can be collected without payment, by weight. The switch (button) closes the circuit - all voltage is supplied to the soldering iron, opens it - the voltage drops, and so does the temperature of the tip. The soldering iron remains heated - this method is good for standby mode. A rectifier diode rated for a current of 1 Ampere is suitable.

Circuit with switch and diode

Necessary parts and tools for soldering iron power regulator:
  • diode (1N4007);
  • switch with button;
  • a cable with a plug (this can be a soldering iron cable or an extension cord - if you are afraid of ruining the soldering iron);
  • wires;
  • flux;
  • solder;
  • soldering iron;
Assembling a two-stage regulator on weight:
  1. Strip and tin the wires. Tin the diode.
  2. Solder the wires to the diode. Remove excess ends of the diode. Put on heat-shrinkable tubes and apply heat. You can also use an electrically insulating tube - cambric.
  3. Prepare a cable with a plug in the place where it will be more convenient to mount the switch. Cut the insulation, cut one of the wires inside. Leave part of the insulation and the second wire intact. Strip the ends of the cut wire.
  4. Place the diode inside the switch: the minus of the diode is towards the plug, the plus is towards the switch.
  5. Twist the ends of the cut wire and the wires connected to the diode. The diode must be inside the gap.
  6. The wires can be soldered. Connect to terminals, tighten screws.
  7. Assemble the switch.
Video on how to make a power regulator with a switch and diode - step by step and clearly:

DIY power regulator on a thyristor

The thyristor regulator allows you to smoothly set the temperature of the soldering iron from 50 to 100%. To expand this scale (from zero to 100%), you need to add a diode bridge to the circuit. The assembly of regulators on both a thyristor and a triac is similar. The method can be applied to any device of this type.

Thyristor regulator

We offer a choice of 2 power regulator circuits. The first is with a low-power thyristor:

Circuit with low-power thyristor and indicator light

A low-power thyristor is inexpensive and takes up little space. Its peculiarity is increased sensitivity. To control it, a variable resistor and capacitor are used. Suitable for devices with a power of no more than 40 W. Such a regulator does not require additional cooling.
CapacitorC222 mf

The second regulator circuit with a powerful thyristor:

Thyristor regulator KU202N

The thyristor is controlled by two transistors. The power level is controlled by resistor R2. The regulator assembled according to this scheme is designed for a load of up to 100 W.

Necessary components for DIY assembly:

ResistorR6100 kOhm
ResistorR13.3 kOhm
ResistorR530 kOhm
ResistorR32.2 kOhm
ResistorR42.2 kOhm
Variable resistorR2100 kOhm
CapacitorC10.1 µF
Zener diodeVD1D814V
Rectifier diodeVD21N4004 or KD105V

Assembling a thyristor (triac) power regulator on a printed circuit board:

  1. Make a wiring diagram - outline a convenient location of all the parts on the board. If the board is purchased, the wiring diagram is included in the kit.
  2. Prepare parts and tools: printed circuit board (it must be made in advance according to the diagram or purchased), radio components, wire cutters, knife, wires, flux, solder, soldering iron.
  3. Place the parts on the board according to the wiring diagram.
  4. Use wire cutters to cut off the excess ends of the parts.
  5. Lubricate with flux and solder each part - first resistors with capacitors, then diodes, transistors, thyristor (triac), dinistor.
  6. Prepare the housing for assembly.
  7. Strip and tin the wires, solder them to the board according to the wiring diagram, and install the board into the case. Insulate the connection points of the wires.
  8. Check the regulator - connect it to an incandescent lamp.
  9. Assemble the device.
The following 2 videos will help you understand in more detail the parts used and the features of installing a power regulator for a soldering iron with your own hands:

Circuit diagram of a soldering iron power regulator with a thyristor and a diode bridge

This device allows you to adjust the power from zero to 100%. The circuit uses a minimum of parts. On the right in the diagram is a voltage conversion diagram:

Circuit with thyristor and diode bridge

ResistorR142 kOhm
ResistorR22.4 kOhm
CapacitorC110 μ x 50 V

Soldering iron power regulator on a triac

It is not difficult to assemble a triac regulator using this circuit; installation requires a small number of radio components. The device allows you to adjust the power from zero to 100%. The capacitor and resistor will ensure the smooth operation of the triac - it will open even at low power. An LED is used as an indicator.

Necessary radio components for DIY assembly:
CapacitorC10.1 µF
ResistorR14.7 kOhm
ResistorVR1500 kOhm
DiodeD11N4148/16 B
Light-emitting diodeLED-

The assembly of a triac regulator according to the above diagram is presented step by step in the following video:

Power regulator on a triac with a diode bridge

The circuit of such a regulator is not very complicated. At the same time, the load power can be varied over a fairly wide range. With a power of more than 60 W, it is better to place a triac on a radiator. At lower power, cooling is not needed. The assembly method is the same as in the case of a conventional triac regulator.

Regulator circuit based on a triac with a diode bridge

Example of mounting a regulator on a triac with a diode bridge on a printed circuit board:

Regulator on a triac - board mounting option

Regulator with triac - example of installation in a housing:

Regulator with triac and diode bridge - sample

  • You might also find the diagram useful

DIY soldering iron power regulator with triac on a microcontroller

The microcontroller allows you to accurately set and display the power level, and ensure automatic shutdown of the regulator if it is not operated for a long time. The installation method of such a regulator does not differ significantly from the installation of any triac regulator. It is soldered onto a printed circuit board, which is pre-fabricated. Such a regulator can replace a soldering station.

ResistorR122 kOhm ResistorR222 kOhm ResistorR31 kOhm ResistorR41 kOhm ResistorR5100 Ohm ResistorR647 Ohm ResistorR71 MOhm ResistorR8430 kOhm ResistorR975 Ohm TriacVS1BT136–600E Zener diodeVD21N4733A (5.1v) DiodeVD11N4007 MicrocontrollerDD1PIC 16F628 IndicatorHG1ALS333B
  • Another important

Tips for checking and adjusting the power regulator for a soldering iron

Before installation, the assembled regulator can be checked with a multimeter. You need to check only with a soldering iron connected, that is, under load. We rotate the resistor knob - the voltage changes smoothly.

Regulators assembled according to some of the diagrams given here will already have indicator lights. They can be used to determine whether the device is working. For others, the simplest test is to connect an incandescent light bulb to the power regulator. The change in brightness will clearly reflect the level of applied voltage.

Regulators where the LED is in series with a resistor (as in the circuit with a low-power thyristor) can be adjusted. If the indicator does not light, you need to select the resistor value - take one with lower resistance until the brightness is acceptable. You cannot achieve too much brightness - the indicator will burn out.

As a rule, adjustment is not required if the circuit is correctly assembled. With the power of a conventional soldering iron (up to 100 W, average power - 40 W), none of the regulators assembled according to the above diagrams require additional cooling. If the soldering iron is very powerful (from 100 W), then a thyristor or triac must be installed on the radiator to avoid overheating.

Triac with radiator

You can assemble a power regulator for a soldering iron with your own hands, focusing on your own capabilities and needs. There are many options for regulator circuits with different power limiters and different controls. Here are only the simplest ones that you can do yourself.

In order for the soldering to be of high quality, you need to assemble the soldering iron power regulator with your own hands. Below we will list such devices that are assembled using thyristors. In some of them, the power of the soldering iron is controlled without galvanic isolation from the electrical network, so all live parts must be carefully insulated.

A simple thyristor regulator

This is the simplest option. It uses a minimum number of parts. Instead of a conventional diode bridge, only one diode is used. Temperature regulation takes place only during the positive half-wave of the current, and during the negative period the voltage passes through the mentioned diode without changes. Therefore, in this case, adjusting the power of the soldering iron with your own hands can be done in the range from 50 to 100%. If you remove the diode, it will shift to the range of 0-49%. If a dinistor (KN102A) is inserted into the break in the resistance chain, then the electrolyte can be replaced with a regular capacitor with a capacity of 0.1 microfarad.

To make such a power regulator, you need to use thyristors such as KU103V, KU201L, KU202M, which operate at a forward voltage of more than 350 V. Any diodes can be used for a reverse potential difference of at least 400 volts.

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The classic version of the thyristor device

It gives radio interference to the network and requires the installation of a filter. But it can be successfully used to change the brightness of incandescent lamps or change the temperature of heating elements with a power of 20 to 40 W.

This device works according to the following principle:

  • the device is powered through a device whose temperature or brightness must be changed;
  • then the current passes to the diode bridge;
  • it converts alternating current into direct current;
  • through a variable resistor and a filter of two resistances and a capacitor it reaches the control terminal of the thyristor, which opens and passes the maximum current value through the light bulb or soldering iron;
  • if you turn the variable resistor knob, this process will occur with a delay, which depends on the discharge time of the capacitor;
  • The temperature level to which the soldering iron tip heats up depends on this.

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Soldering iron power regulator without radio interference

The difference between this option and the previous one is the absence of interference into the electrical network. It operates during the period when the supply voltage passes through the zero point. It is not difficult to make such a soldering iron regulator with your own hands, and its efficiency reaches 98%. Amenable to subsequent modernization.

The device works like this: the mains voltage is smoothed by a diode bridge, and the constant component has the form of a sinusoid, which pulsates with a frequency of 100 Hz.

Having passed through the resistance and the zener diode, the current has a maximum voltage amplitude of 8.9 V. Its shape changes and becomes pulsed, and it charges the capacitor.

The microcircuits receive the necessary power, and resistances are needed to reduce the voltage amplitude of about 20-21 V and provide a clock signal for the LSI and individual 2OR-NOT logic cells, which all convert into rectangular pulses. At other pins of the microcircuits, inversion and formation of a pulse clock occur so that the thyristor cannot influence the logic. When a positive signal passes to the control terminal of the thyristor, it opens and soldering can be done.

This one has a range of 49-98%, allowing you to tune the instrument from 21 to 39 Watts.

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Internal installation of the device and its other parts

All the parts from which the regulator is assembled are located on a printed circuit board, which is made of fiberglass. This device does not contain galvanic isolation and is directly connected to the mains supply, so it is better to install the device in a box made of any insulating material, such as plastic. It should be no larger than the adapter. You will also need an electrical cord and plug.

A handle made of any insulating material, for example, textolite or plastic, must be put on the axis of the variable resistor. Around it, on the body of the soldering iron power regulator, marks are applied with the corresponding numbers, which will show the degree of heating of the tip.

The cord connecting the regulator to the soldering iron is soldered directly to the board. Instead, you can install connectors on the case and then you can connect several soldering irons. The current consumed by the device described above is quite small. It is equal to 2 mA, which is less than what the LED in a backlit switch takes. Therefore, you don’t have to use any effort to ensure the temperature regime.

After assembly, the device does not require adjustment. If there are no errors in installation and all parts are in working order, then the power regulator should work immediately after plugging in the power supply.

If the device described above seems difficult to manufacture, then a simpler one can be made, but additional filters will have to be installed to reduce radio interference. They are made from ferrite rings on which turns of copper wire are wound.

You can use similar elements removed from computer power supplies, printers, televisions and other similar equipment.

The filter is installed in front of the regulator input, between the device and the power cord.

It should be installed as close as possible to the thyristor, which is the source of radio interference. The filter can also be placed in or on the inside of the housing. The more turns are wound on it, the more reliably the network is protected from interference. In the simplest case, you can wrap 2-3 wires of the power cord around the ring. You can remove ferrite cores from computers, junk printers, old monitors or scanners. The PC system unit is connected to them with a cord that has a thickening. A ferrite filter is mounted in it.

There are many models of soldering irons in stores - from cheap Chinese ones to expensive ones, with a built-in temperature controller; they even sell soldering stations.

Another thing is, is the same station needed if such work needs to be done once a year, or even less often? It's easier to buy an inexpensive soldering iron. And some people still have simple but reliable Soviet instruments at home. A soldering iron that is not equipped with additional functionality heats up as long as the plug is plugged in. And when turned off, it cools down quickly. An overheated soldering iron can ruin the work: it becomes impossible to solder anything firmly, the flux quickly evaporates, the tip oxidizes and the solder rolls off it. An insufficiently heated tool can even ruin the parts - due to the fact that the solder does not melt well, the soldering iron can be held close to the parts.

To make work more comfortable, you can assemble a power regulator with your own hands, which will limit the voltage and thereby prevent the soldering iron tip from overheating.

DIY soldering iron regulators. Overview of installation methods

Depending on the type and set of radio components, power regulators for a soldering iron can be of different sizes, with different functionality. You can assemble either a small simple device, in which heating is stopped and resumed by pressing a button, or a large one, with a digital indicator and program control.

Possible types of installation in the housing: plug, socket, station

Depending on the power and tasks, the regulator can be placed in several types of housing. The simplest and most convenient one is a fork. To do this, you can use a cell phone charger or the housing of any adapter. All that remains is to find the handle and place it in the wall of the case. If the soldering iron body allows it (there is enough space), you can place the board with the parts in it.

Another type of housing for simple regulators is a socket. It can be either single or a tee-extension. In the latter you can very conveniently place a handle with a scale.

There may also be several options for installing a regulator with a voltage indicator. It all depends on the radio amateur’s intelligence and imagination. This can be either the obvious option - an extension cord with an indicator built into it, or original solutions.

You can even assemble something like a soldering station and install a soldering iron stand on it (it can be purchased separately). When installing, we must not forget about safety rules. The parts need to be insulated - for example, with heat shrink tubing.

Circuit options depending on the power limiter

The power regulator can be assembled according to different schemes. The main differences lie in the semiconductor part, the device that will regulate the flow of current. This could be a thyristor or triac. For more precise control of the operation of a thyristor or triac, you can add a microcontroller to the circuit.

You can make a simple regulator with a diode and a switch - in order to leave the soldering iron in working condition for some (possibly long) time, without allowing it to cool down or overheat. The remaining controls make it possible to set the temperature of the soldering iron tip more smoothly - to suit different needs. Assembling the device according to any of the schemes is done in a similar way. The photographs and videos provide examples of how you can assemble a power regulator for a soldering iron with your own hands. Based on them, you can make a device with the variations you personally need and according to your own design.

Thyristor- a kind of electronic key. Passes current in only one direction. Unlike a diode, a thyristor has 3 outputs - a control electrode, an anode and a cathode. The thyristor opens by applying a pulse to the electrode. It closes when the direction changes or the current flowing through it stops.

Or a triac is a type of thyristor, but unlike this device, it is double-sided and conducts current in both directions. It is essentially two thyristors connected together.

Triac or triac. Main parts, principle of operation and method of display in diagrams. A1 and A2 - power electrodes, G - control gate

The power regulator circuit for a soldering iron, depending on its capabilities, includes the following radio components.

Resistor- serves to convert voltage into current and vice versa. Capacitor- the main role of this device is that it stops conducting current as soon as it is discharged. And it begins to conduct again - as the charge reaches the required value. In regulator circuits, the capacitor is used to turn off the thyristor. Diode- semiconductor, an element that passes current in the forward direction and does not pass in the reverse direction. Diode subtype - zener diode- used in devices for voltage stabilization. Microcontroller- a microcircuit that provides electronic control of the device. There are varying degrees of difficulty.

Circuit with switch and diode

This type of regulator is the easiest to assemble, with the fewest parts. It can be collected without payment, by weight. The switch (button) closes the circuit - all voltage is supplied to the soldering iron, opens it - the voltage drops, and so does the temperature of the tip. The soldering iron remains heated - this method is good for standby mode. A rectifier diode rated for a current of 1 Ampere is suitable.

Assembling a two-stage regulator on weight

  1. Prepare parts and tools: diode (1N4007), switch with button, cable with plug (this can be a soldering iron cable or an extension cord - if you are afraid of ruining the soldering iron), wires, flux, solder, soldering iron, knife.
  2. Strip and then tin the wires.
  3. Tin the diode. Solder the wires to the diode. Remove excess ends of the diode. Put on heat-shrinkable tubes and apply heat. You can also use an electrically insulating tube - cambric. Prepare a cable with a plug in the place where it will be more convenient to mount the switch. Cut the insulation, cut one of the wires inside. Leave part of the insulation and the second wire intact. Strip the ends of the cut wire.
  4. Place the diode inside the switch: the minus of the diode is towards the plug, the plus is towards the switch.
  5. Twist the ends of the cut wire and the wires connected to the diode. The diode must be inside the gap. The wires can be soldered. Connect to terminals, tighten screws. Assemble the switch.

Regulator with switch and diode - step by step and clearly

Thyristor regulator

Regulator with power limiter - thyristor - allows you to smoothly set the soldering iron temperature from 50 to 100%. In order to expand this scale (from zero to 100%), you need to add a diode bridge to the circuit. The assembly of regulators on both a thyristor and a triac is done in a similar way. The method can be applied to any device of this type.

Assembling a thyristor (triac) regulator on a printed circuit board

  1. Make a wiring diagram - outline a convenient location of all the parts on the board. If the board is purchased, the wiring diagram is included in the kit.
  2. Prepare parts and tools: printed circuit board (it must be made in advance according to the diagram or purchased), radio components - see the specification for the diagram, wire cutters, knife, wires, flux, solder, soldering iron.
  3. Place the parts on the board according to the wiring diagram.
  4. Use wire cutters to cut off the excess ends of the parts.
  5. Lubricate with flux and solder each part - first resistors with capacitors, then diodes, transistors, thyristor (triac), dinistor.
  6. Prepare the housing for assembly.
  7. Strip and tin the wires, solder them to the board according to the wiring diagram, and install the board into the case. Insulate the connection points of the wires.
  8. Check the regulator - connect it to an incandescent lamp.
  9. Assemble the device.

Circuit with low-power thyristor

A low-power thyristor is inexpensive and takes up little space. Its peculiarity is increased sensitivity. To control it, a variable resistor and capacitor are used. Suitable for devices with a power of no more than 40 W.


Circuit with a powerful thyristor

The thyristor is controlled by two transistors. The power level is controlled by resistor R2. The regulator assembled according to this scheme is designed for a load of up to 100 W.


Name Designation Type/Denomination
CapacitorC10.1 µF
ResistorR13.3 kOhm
Variable resistorR2100 kOhm
ResistorR32.2 kOhm
ResistorR42.2 kOhm
ResistorR530 kOhm
ResistorR6100 kOhm
Zener diodeVD1D814V
Rectifier diodeVD21N4004 or KD105V

Assembling a thyristor regulator according to the above diagram into a housing - visually

Assembly and testing of a thyristor regulator (review of parts, installation features)

Circuit with thyristor and diode bridge

Such a device makes it possible to adjust power from zero to 100%. The circuit uses a minimum of parts.


Triac regulator

Triac-based regulator circuit with a small number of radio components. Allows you to adjust power from zero to 100%. The capacitor and resistor will ensure the smooth operation of the triac - it will open even at low power.

Assembling a triac regulator according to the given diagram step by step

Triac regulator with diode bridge

The circuit of such a regulator is not very complicated. At the same time, the load power can be varied over a fairly wide range. With a power of more than 60 W, it is better to place a triac on a radiator. At lower power, cooling is not needed. The assembly method is the same as in the case of a conventional triac regulator.

ResistorR31 kOhm ResistorR41 kOhm ResistorR5100 Ohm ResistorR647 Ohm ResistorR71 MOhm ResistorR8430 kOhm ResistorR975 Ohm VS1BT136–600E Zener diodeVD21N4733A (5.1v) DiodeVD11N4007 MicrocontrollerDD1PIC 16F628 IndicatorHG1ALS333B

Before installation, the assembled regulator can be checked with a multimeter. You only need to check with a soldering iron connected., that is, under load. We rotate the resistor knob - the voltage changes smoothly.

Regulators assembled according to some of the diagrams given here will already have indicator lights. They can be used to determine whether the device is working. For others, the simplest test is to connect an incandescent light bulb to the power regulator. The change in brightness will clearly reflect the level of applied voltage.

Regulators where the LED is in series with a resistor (as in the circuit with a low-power thyristor) can be adjusted. If the indicator does not light, you need to select the resistor value - take one with lower resistance until the brightness is acceptable. You cannot achieve too much brightness - the indicator will burn out.

As a rule, adjustment is not required if the circuit is correctly assembled. With the power of a conventional soldering iron (up to 100 W, average power - 40 W), none of the regulators assembled according to the above diagrams require additional cooling. If the soldering iron is very powerful (from 100 W), then a thyristor or triac must be installed on the radiator to avoid overheating.

You can assemble a power regulator for a soldering iron with your own hands, focusing on your own capabilities and needs. There are many options for regulator circuits with different power limiters and different controls. Here are some of the simplest ones. A short overview of the housings in which parts can be mounted will help you choose the format of the device.


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