Rating of universities in our country. Point-rating system - what is it and what does it “eat” with? Financial rating system of students

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  1. Educational rating - max 100 points (by discipline)

    Attending training sessions (max 20 points)

    The results of mastering each module of the academic discipline (current and intermediate control) (max 20 points)

    Intermediate certification (exam, credit with assessment, credit) (max 40 points)

    Attendance at classes is cumulatively assessed as follows: the maximum number of points allocated for attendance records (20 points) is divided by the number of classes in the discipline. The resulting value determines the number of points scored by the student for attending one class.

    Intermediate certification is carried out either at the last practical lesson (credit with an assessment or credit), or in accordance with the schedule in the examination session (exam). To be admitted to the intermediate certification, you must score a total of at least 30 points, successfully pass the midterm control in each discipline (have no debts for current academic performance).

    ¤ a student may be exempted from passing an intermediate attestation (test, credit with grade or exam) if, based on the results of attendance, the results of the current and midterm control and the creative rating, he scored at least 50 points. In this case, he is given a mark "passed" (with a pass) or a mark corresponding to the number of points scored (with a pass with a mark or an exam) with the consent of the student.

    ¤ the teacher of the department, who directly conducts classes with a student group, is obliged to inform the group about the distribution of rating points for all types of work in the first lesson of the educational module (semester), the number of modules in the academic discipline, the timing and forms of control over their development, the opportunity to receive incentive points, the form intermediate certification.

    ¤ students have the right to receive information about the current number of points scored in the discipline during the training module (semester). The teacher is obliged to provide the head of the group with this information for students to familiarize themselves with.

    In the traditional four-point

Participation in competitions of student scientific works;

Speaking at conferences;

Participation in olympiads and competitions;

Participation in scientific work on the subject of the department and work in scientific circles;

is determined by the dean's office together with the student council of the faculty and the curator of the group 2 times a year at the end of the semester (cannot exceed 200 points). It characterizes the active participation of the student in the public life of the university and the faculty.

The total educational rating is calculated as the sum of the products of the points obtained for each discipline (on a 100-point system) and the labor intensity of the corresponding discipline (i.e. the volume of hours for the discipline in credit units), with the exception of the discipline "physical culture".

Since the 2008-2009 academic year, our university has introduced a point-rating system for assessing and recording progress, which somewhat changed the usual ideas of students about studying. Surely everyone knows the saying: “Students live happily from session to session ...”, then in 2-3 days they learn the subject (with varying degrees of success), pass it and safely forget it. Not everyone, of course, learns this way, but no one will deny that such a practice exists. And one more thing: everyone knows very well that the traditional sessional exam is in many ways a lottery: you can prepare from time to time during the semester, get a “good” ticket on the exam and get “excellent”. Or, on the contrary, you can work all the semester, prepare, go to lectures, read textbooks, but you won’t be lucky on the exam. And if the teacher is in a bad mood on the day of the exam, then complaints about bias, bias, etc. are inevitable. And all because the usual traditional system almost does not take into account what is called the student's current academic work.

In the point-rating system, these shortcomings are compensated. For certain types of work performed by students throughout the semester, points are given, a certain number of points are awarded for an exam or a test, then all these points are summed up, and the final rating score for the subject is obtained. This score translates into the traditional grading system.

The final grade in the discipline, which is entered in the test-examination record, the record book and, already at the end of the training, in the diploma supplement, reflects not only the results of passing the exam or test, but also the results of academic work throughout the semester;

In order to objectively evaluate the results of the student's work, a system of control activities (control points) of various form and content (control points) is introduced into the educational process, each of which is evaluated by a certain number of points (as a rule, control points are colloquia, testing, etc., for successful completion which the student is not given grades, as before, but points are awarded);

The final control (test / exam) is part of the overall assessment, and the scores for it are part of the final rating, which is accumulated during the study of the discipline.

ATTENTION: an important condition for the point-rating system is the timely execution of the established types of work. If the control point in the discipline is missed for no good reason or is not passed the first time, then when it is retaken, even if the student answered well, some points are removed.

Thus, in the process of studying the discipline, points are accumulated, a rating is formed, which ultimately shows the student's progress.

The normative rating is the maximum possible amount of points that a student can score during the period of mastering the discipline. The normative rating of the discipline depends on the duration of the discipline and is 50 points if the discipline is studied in one semester, 100 points - if the discipline is studied in two semesters, 150 points - if the discipline is studied in three semesters, etc. Each type of control also has its own normative rating, for example, for current and intermediate control - 30% of the normative rating of the discipline, for final control (tests and exams) - 40%;

The passing rating is the minimum score that a student will be considered certified in the discipline. The passing rating for a discipline is more than 50% of the normative rating, for example, 25.1 points for a discipline with a normative rating of 50 points; 50.1 points - for a 100-point discipline; 75.1 points - for a 150-point discipline, etc. If a student scores less than a passing rating at the end of the training, the discipline is considered not mastered;

The threshold rating is the minimum actual rating of the semester control, by typing which the student is allowed to the final control. The threshold rating of the discipline is more than 50% of the normative rating of the semester control;

First, the objectivity of the assessment of student achievements in studies is increased. As already mentioned, objectivity - the main requirement for evaluation - is not implemented very well in the traditional system. In the points-rating system, the exam ceases to be the “last sentence”, because it will only add points to those scored during the semester.

Secondly, the point-rating system allows you to more accurately assess the quality of study. Everyone knows that the three of three are different, as the teachers say, “we write three, two in the mind.” And in the point-rating system, you can immediately see who is worth what. For example, such a case is possible: for all current and milestone control points, the highest scores were obtained, and for the exam (you never know) - the average. In this case, according to the total score, you can still get a score that allows you to put a well-deserved five in your grade book (according to the traditional rating scale).

Thirdly, this system removes the problem of "session stress", since if at the end of the course the student receives a significant amount of points, he can be exempted from passing the exam or credit.

And, finally, the quality of preparation for training sessions will definitely improve with the introduction of a point-rating system, which is important for occupying a worthy place in the labor market in the future.

current control;

Midterm control (colloquia, testing, term papers, etc.);

Final control (semester credit and/or exam).

The recommended amount of the rating is: for current control - 30% of the normative rating of the discipline, for foreign control - 30% of the normative rating of the discipline and for the final control - 40% of the normative rating of the discipline.

Current control is carried out during the semester for disciplines that have practical classes and/or seminars, laboratory work in accordance with the curriculum. It allows you to evaluate academic progress throughout the semester. Its forms can be different: an oral survey, solving situational problems, performing an essay on a given topic, etc.

Midterm control is usually carried out 2-3 times during the semester in accordance with the working curriculum of the discipline. Each of the milestone control events is a "micro-examination" on the material of one or more sections and is carried out in order to determine the degree of assimilation of the material of the relevant sections of the discipline. The type of boundary control is determined by the department. The most popular forms of boundary control are colloquia, tests, testing.

The final control is an exam and / or credit set by the curriculum. They are accepted, as a rule, in the traditional form.

R disc.= R current + R rub. + R total, where

How many points and for what is exhibited? The ratio of grades by types of control measures within the framework of the study of a particular discipline is established by the department when developing a schedule for studying the discipline.

At the beginning of the semester, the teacher conducting classes in the discipline that students are starting to study should explain its rating structure, how many points can be obtained for a particular work or stage of control, bring to the attention of the study group information about the passing rating, terms, forms and maximum scores of control measures in the discipline, as well as the terms and conditions of their retakes in the current semester.

After the students complete the current control task or pass the milestone test, the teacher evaluates the work and enters this assessment into the rating sheet (it supplements the academic record, but does not replace it!). If the student's answer is unsatisfactory at the control point, he refuses to answer, or simply does not appear at the control event, 0 points are assigned to the rating sheet.

To be admitted to passing a test/exam in a discipline, the following conditions must be met:

The volume of classroom studies (including attendance at lectures) provided for by the curriculum must be completed.

In order to be admitted to the session, the actual semester rating for each discipline studied in the semester must be more than 50% of its normative semester rating. In this case, the student receives in the record book "completed" in the disciplines studied.

If the discipline rating gained in the semester is 50% or less than 50% of its normative semester rating, but more than 15% of the normative rating of semester control, the student can "gain" the missing number of points on retakes of control events. We remind you that during retakes, even with a brilliant answer, it is impossible to get the maximum score set for this control point, due to the fact that part of the points, as a rule, is withdrawn by the department (with the exception of missing classes due to a valid illness). Therefore, the development of educational material must be approached thoroughly in order to pass the control points the first time.

If a student scores a low rating in the semester (15% or less than 15% of the normative semester rating of the discipline) due to regular missed checkpoints or systematic poor progress, he is not allowed to retake the checkpoints, is considered not to have mastered the discipline and is expelled from the university.

And one more condition: a high rating of a student based on the results of control events does not release him from the obligation to attend lectures, seminars and practical classes, which, in case of omission, must be worked out in the usual way (not to be confused with retaking control events!).

After the credit/exam, points for it are entered into the rating and examination sheets and a certain amount is obtained, which is the final actual rating for the discipline. It is expressed in points (say, from 28 to 50). Unfortunately, in the student's transcripts and the Diploma Supplement, a score must be given according to the traditional scale adopted in Russia: excellent-good-satisfactory-unsatisfactory. Therefore, after the points are entered into the rating list, the rating is recalculated into a rating according to the traditional scale in accordance with the scheme below:

(in % of the maximum score for the discipline)

85.1 - 100% Excellent

65.1 - 85% Good

50.1 - 65% Satisfactory

0% Unsatisfactory

The point-rating system for assessing progress is based on regular work throughout the semester and on the teacher's systematic monitoring of the level of students' educational achievements. This means the following - in order to have a good score, all tasks must be completed not only well, but also on time. In the schedule of control events, which students get acquainted with at the beginning of the semester, the dates for passing the control points are indicated. Remember: time is also one of the evaluation criteria!

The point-rating system allows you to objectively control all the educational activities of students, stimulates their cognitive activity and helps to plan study time. In addition, the point-rating system will help develop democracy, initiative and healthy rivalry in studies.

Deans at the end of each semester will compile and place on their stands and on the university website summary rating lists, so that everyone can see what position each student of the faculty takes. Maybe it doesn’t matter to someone, but being a leader and occupying the highest step in the ranking is always prestigious.

There are more than 50 state and about 40 private higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg State University (SPbGEU) is one of the strongest universities. In 2014, he was included in this rating. St. Petersburg State University of Economics was ranked among the best higher educational institutions of the CIS. Not only St. Petersburg residents come here, but also nonresident and foreign applicants.

History of the educational institution

The date of foundation of SPbSUE is 2012. The university appeared as a result of the publication of the relevant order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In fact, the history of higher education began in the last century. The Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI) was created in early June 1930. In September, the first classes have already begun in this educational institution.

In 1934, the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute was attached to the university functioning in Leningrad. After 6 years, there was another enlargement. This time, as many as 2 educational institutions operating in Leningrad were attached to the institute. The next merger happened in 1954. LFEI merged with the planning institute.

In September 1991, the educational institution was renamed. From now on, the institute became known as the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. In August 2012, another significant event happened in the history of the university. It merged with the city's engineering and economics university. As a result, SPbGEU was formed. Today this university is one of the largest scientific and educational centers of the Russian Federation. It is included in the top ranking - St. Petersburg State University of Economics is among the top 5 universities in St. Petersburg.

Information for applicants

Persons who have chosen SPbSUE can receive higher or secondary vocational education here. Those applicants who are going to enroll in SVE programs should know that the university includes the following educational institutions:

  • college "Stankoelektron";
  • college of food industry;
  • polytechnic college.

Many applicants apply not to the listed institutions of secondary vocational education, but to St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The admission committee notes that, having a secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education, you can enroll in undergraduate and specialist programs. This requires submitting the results of the Unified State Examination and (or) passing the entrance examinations offered by the university. People who have a higher education diploma can apply for a master's degree. Enrollment is based on the results of entrance examinations.

College "Stankoelektron"

This educational institution is one of the oldest in St. Petersburg. It has been in existence for over 70 years. During this period, the college, which is part of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, received positive reviews in most cases. A huge number of professional specialists were released from the walls of the educational institution. Graduates work at the largest factories in the city.

Applicants of the St. Petersburg College "Stankoelectron" are offered the following specialties:

  1. Every day, technology and technology are becoming more and more integral to modern life. To control machine tools and industrial robots, to manufacture parts, people who understand this are needed. It is precisely the specialty "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" that allows you to get the necessary knowledge.
  2. Accounting and economics. This specialty, which can be obtained at a college belonging to St. Petersburg State University of Economics, receives positive reviews. Graduates note that they quickly find a suitable job, because absolutely all organizations need people who would be engaged in accounting, reporting, payroll, etc.
  3. Automation of technological processes and productions. Many processes in modern life are automated. People who want to repair and maintain equipment, implement new automation systems and control production processes need this specialty.

All of the above specialties can be entered not only on a commercial basis. There are also budget places in the college, which is a division of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Applicant reviews include this information. However, some specialties do not require obtaining. These include: "Land and property relations", "Technical regulation and quality management", "Operational activities in logistics".

College of Food Industry

People who want to work in the field of beverage and food production should pay attention to this educational institution. There is a food industry technical school since 1945. Since 2011, he has been part of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The address of the technical school in St. Petersburg: st. Bolshaya Morskaya, house 8.

In the technical school of the food industry, you can enter the full-time or part-time department for the following specialties:

  1. Technology of bread, pasta and confectionery. Graduates who have got a job in their specialty are engaged in the reception, storage and preparation of raw materials. From it they produce bakery and pasta, confectionery products.
  2. Winemaking, fermentation technology. Persons who have mastered the program of secondary vocational education in this specialty are engaged in the organization and management of the production processes of various drinks.
  3. Graduates are engaged in the development, production, sale of confectionery and culinary products, quality control, customer service.

Polytechnic College

This school has been in existence since 1945. During its activity, the technical school was renamed several times, and in 2005 it became a structural unit of the future St. Petersburg State University of Economics (address of the educational institution in St. Petersburg: Mokhovaya st., 40). It is worth noting that most of the graduates get a job in their specialty. Some individuals decide to continue their studies at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics on reduced programs.

Applicants who have chosen a technical school can receive education in the following specialties:

  • tourism;
  • motor vehicle repair and maintenance;
  • accounting and economics;
  • automation of production and technological processes;
  • operational activities in logistics;
  • commerce;
  • heat supply and heat engineering equipment;
  • hotel service.

Quite popular is the specialty "Tourism". Many foreigners come to the Leningrad region. Graduates of the Polytechnic College, who have become specialists in tourism, are called upon to assist them in the development of local attractions and to acquaint them with interesting historical information.

Another highly demanded and popular specialty is “Motor transport repair and maintenance”. The tasks of graduates include ensuring the reliable operation of various vehicles. While studying at a technical school, people get to know the device of transport, get acquainted with the intricacies of maintenance.

Undergraduate and Specialist at St. Petersburg State University of Economics

Many applicants want to enter the Faculty of Banking. However, he is absent from the university. There is a faculty of finance and economics (direction "Economics"). It is one of the most popular in the economic university. Studying in the first two years of the Faculty of Finance and Economics allows students to gain basic knowledge. In the third year, the distribution of future bachelors is carried out. Students choose those programs that are closest to them. So, in the direction of "Economy" you can choose the following profiles:

  • accounting, auditing and analysis;
  • credit and finance (this profile should be chosen by those people who wanted to enter the Faculty of Banking);
  • world economy and trade policy;
  • National economy;
  • mathematical methods and statistical analysis;
  • economics of organizations and enterprises.

Highly qualified specialists in the field of law are trained by the Faculty of Law. Applicants entering this direction will have to study not only legal disciplines, but also those subjects that relate to the field of economics (for example, tax law, the legal foundations of accounting). Graduates of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State Economic University (FINEK - the former name of the university) work in courts, law enforcement agencies, real estate agencies, legal departments of various organizations, tax inspectorates, and audit firms.

The higher education institution also has a faculty of management. There are other popular and interesting areas:

  • linguistics;
  • economic security;
  • business Informatics;
  • service;
  • commodity science;
  • tourism;
  • international relations, etc.

Master's degree at the university

People who have a bachelor's degree and want to reach a higher professional level should pay attention to the master's program, which St. Petersburg State University of Economics is famous for. Students here are taught by the best teachers of the university, who have theoretical and practical skills and are engaged in pedagogical and scientific activities.

There are quite a few training programs. There are about 50 of them. You can enter absolutely any of them, regardless of which direction is indicated in the bachelor's degree. Thus, the master's program allows you to gain new knowledge, become a professional in the chosen field.

Education on master's programs is implemented both full-time and part-time. You can apply not only for paid education, but also for state-funded places, and there are quite a lot of them at St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Reviews testify to this. 2016 will serve as an example. For future students, 733 budget places were allocated.

The educational process in the magistracy is interesting. It includes practical classes, lectures, seminars, scientific conferences. Undergraduates make various reports, which are subsequently published in special collections of scientific articles. The master's degree ends with the writing and defense of a research paper.

Postgraduate study at St. Petersburg State University of Economics

Postgraduate studies are not just a stage of education. This is a system of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. People entering here must not only have a diploma of higher education (specialist, magistracy). They must have research and analytical skills.

There are 14 areas of training at St. Petersburg State University of Economics (FINEK - a more familiar name to someone). Admission is carried out on a competitive basis. Applicants pass entrance examinations. They include the delivery of a foreign language and a special discipline. During the exams:

  • the level of knowledge of the people who submitted the application and the package of necessary documents for admission is checked;
  • the propensity to carry out research activities is determined;
  • the level of scientific interests is determined;
  • the motives for entering graduate school are clarified.

When submitting documents to SPbSUE, future graduate students must present a list of previously made inventions, published scientific texts, reports on research work. In their absence, an abstract is written in the chosen area of ​​study.

Open days

To get to know St. Petersburg State University of Economics better, you can visit the open day. This event is held several times in the academic year in order to familiarize applicants with the structural divisions of the educational institution, with the features of the learning process. At the event, you can find out the passing scores of St. Petersburg State University of Economics (the minimum score for one subject can be 30-50).

An open day usually includes a general meeting. It is attended by: the rector, deans of faculties, teachers. After the opening speeches, presentations of the faculties begin. Applicants and their parents can ask university staff questions of interest. Those who wish can take a tour of the educational institution. Future students are shown around the building, introduced to some audiences.

In St. Petersburg, the venue for open days is located at the following address: Griboedov Canal Embankment, 30/32, assembly hall, located on the third floor. It is also worth noting that SPbSUE has branches. They are located in the following cities:

  • Anadyr.
  • Velikiy Novgorod.
  • Vyborg.
  • Kizlyar.
  • Kaluga.
  • Pskov.
  • Syktyvkar.
  • Cheboksary.
  • Cherepovets.
  • Dubai.

In each of the branches, open days are held at certain addresses on the appointed dates. Detailed information should be specified by phone numbers of educational institutions.

Question: Hello, Ekaterina Gennadievna!

My appeal is related to the introduction at the Faculty of Economics of the University of a system for recording progress based on the ranking of points. At the moment, we have a system for grading in accordance with the score that each teacher sets, and this has a number of disadvantages:

1. Firstly, this leads to the subjectivity of the teacher in relation to the assessment of the student's knowledge. Everyone knows the mass expulsions of students from the ekfak due to failure to pass the discipline "Enterprise Economics", because. the established thresholds for passing the exam, if they are not lowered, allow only a few to receive grades "excellent" and "good", because. only a few get the corresponding scores. Moreover, referring to this particular example, I want to say that such a system, in my opinion, does not reflect the true knowledge of the student of the discipline: for example, very little time is given, and the volume (theoretical and computational parts) is considerable, and therefore many simply not enough time to complete tasks. EP is certainly not the only example.

2. Secondly, this does not stimulate competition between students and motivation for learning, because everyone, knowing the existing thresholds and scores, simply strives to get into the area that corresponds to a certain assessment.

As far as I know, the introduction of a point-rating system for recording progress was successful at GSOM. There, a rating is compiled based on the results of passing the exam, the first 25% receive "excellent", the second 50% "good", the third 25% - "good", and the same principle applies to the "letters" ECTS: the first 10% - A, the second 20-B and so on.

This system, in my opinion, would find an EXCELLENT application at the Faculty of Economics, because:
1. Firstly, our bachelor's programs are very similar both in structure and hours, and in principle are similar in organization;
2. Secondly, this will deprive teachers of the subjectivity, and the assessment of knowledge will be based on the existing academic performance rating. In the end, it is more objective to judge that someone has “excellent knowledge”, and someone has “Good knowledge” in comparison with the existing “background”, that is, in comparison, in which, as you know, everything is known, rather than be based on the existing subjective criteria of each teacher;
3. Thirdly, it motivates students to compete, to desire to be the best and leaders. We should not forget that an economist is not just a person with a "crust" who will then go to work as an accountant at MaxiDom, but a highly qualified and versatile specialist who has mastered a whole field of knowledge, systematized them and is able to apply them to solve a number of problems, including issues of leadership and leadership.
I would really like you to help in introducing such a system, it will be appropriate, and I think most students will support it, because. she is reasonable and logical.
Vsevolod Kotenev
MEOiMB-31, Faculty of Economics.

Answer of Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk, First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Educational Activities of St Petersburg University: Dear Vsevolod Sergeevich!

The point-rating system is used for a large number of students when the uniform distribution rule works. The grading system implemented at Saint Petersburg State University (hereinafter referred to as SPbU) clarifies that the rating scale of assessment is applied if the number of students who received a positive final grade (i.e. more than 50 points, which is also predetermined) is more than 30 people.

Education at St Petersburg University is conducted not at faculties, but according to basic and additional educational programs. The methodology for conducting current control and intermediate certification in the disciplines of the curriculum is contained in the work programs, the developers of which are scientific and pedagogical workers. These methods are approved after appropriate educational and methodological examinations in accordance with the procedure established by St Petersburg University annually. At the moment, all work programs for the current academic year have been approved, St Petersburg University sees no objective reasons for making changes to them.

For information, we would like to inform you that according to the results of the student survey conducted in April-May 2015 on the question “The teacher objectively assesses the knowledge of students”, the average value for St Petersburg University as a whole is 3.663, for the Faculty of Economics - 3.618, for the Graduate School of Management - 3.514.

The choice of tools and methods for evaluating the achievements of students at St Petersburg University are constantly being improved. You can get involved in the work on this, and, like any university student, (see clause 1.6 of the Fundamentals of the organization of educational and methodological commissions, approved by order No. 75/1 of January 17, 2014) take part in meetings of the educational and methodological commission. Your suggestions will certainly be considered and, taking into account the opinions of experts, used in the development of teaching materials. St Petersburg University thanks you for your active participation and initiative.

To date, the main task facing the country's universities is to improve the quality of education. One of the key areas in its solution is the need to move to new standards. In accordance with them, a clear ratio of the number of hours for independent and classroom work is established. This, in turn, required a revision and the creation of new forms of control. One of the innovations was the point-rating system for assessing students' knowledge. Let's consider it in more detail.


The essence of the point-rating system is to determine the success and quality of mastering the discipline through certain indicators. The labor intensity of a particular subject and the entire program as a whole is measured in credit units. The rating is a certain numerical value, which is expressed in a multi-point system. It integrally characterizes the progress of students and their participation in research work within a particular discipline. The point-rating system is considered as the most important part of the quality control of the educational work of the Institute.


Significance for educators

  1. Plan in detail the educational process in a particular discipline and stimulate the constant activity of students.
  2. Timely adjust the program in accordance with the results of control measures.
  3. Objectively determine the final grades in the disciplines, taking into account systematic activities.
  4. Provide gradation of indicators in comparison with traditional forms of control.

Significance for learners

Selection of criteria

  1. Implementation of the program in terms of practical, lecture, laboratory classes.
  2. Performance of extracurricular and classroom written and other works.

The timing and number of control events, as well as the number of points allocated for each of them, are set by the lead teacher. The teacher responsible for the implementation of control must inform the students about the criteria for their certification at the first lesson.


The point-rating system involves the calculation of the results obtained by the student for all types of educational activities. In particular, attendance at lectures, writing tests, performing typical calculations, etc. are taken into account. For example, the overall result at the Department of Chemistry can be made up of the following indicators:

Additional elements

The point-rating system provides for the introduction of fines and rewards for students. Teachers inform about these additional elements at the first lesson. Penalties are provided for violations of the requirements for the preparation and execution of abstracts, untimely submitted standard calculations, laboratory work, etc. At the end of the course, the teacher can reward students by adding additional points to the number of points scored.

Transfer to academic marks

It is carried out on a special scale. It may include the following limits:

Another variant

The total number of points also depends on the level of labor intensity of the discipline (on the size of the loan). The point-rating system can be represented in the following form:

Point-rating system: pros and cons

The positive aspects of this form of control are obvious. First of all, active presence at seminars, participation in conferences will not go unnoticed. For this activity, the student will be awarded points. In addition, a student who scores a certain number of points will be taken into account, can receive an automatic credit in the discipline. Attendance at the lectures themselves will also be taken into account. The disadvantages of the point-rating system are as follows:


The key place in the point-rating system is control. It provides for end-to-end certification in all disciplines within the curriculum. As a result, the student is assigned a rating score, which, in turn, depends on the degree of preparedness. The advantage of using this form of control is to ensure its information transparency and openness. This allows students to compare their results with those of their peers. Monitoring and evaluation of educational achievements acts as the most important element of the educational process. They must be carried out systematically throughout the semester and throughout the year. To do this, the ratings of students in the group and on the course in specific disciplines are formed, intra-semester and final indicators for a certain period are displayed.


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