Relief of the East European Plain. East European Plain: Introduction, Relief and Geological Structure

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Relief of the East European (Russian) Plain

The East European (Russian) Plain is one of the largest plains in the world by area. Among all the plains of our Motherland, only it opens to two oceans. Russia is located in the central and eastern parts of the plain. It extends from the coast of the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains, from the Barents and White Seas to the Azov and Caspian Seas.

The East European Plain has the highest density of rural population, large cities and many small towns and urban-type settlements, and a variety of natural resources. The plain has long been developed by man.

The justification for its determination to the rank of a physical-geographical country is the following features: 1) an elevated strata plain formed on the plate of the ancient East European Platform; 2) Atlantic-continental, predominantly moderate and insufficiently humid climate, formed largely under the influence of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans; 3) clearly defined natural zones, the structure of which was greatly influenced by the flat terrain and neighboring territories - Central Europe, Northern and Central Asia. This led to the interpenetration of European and Asian species of plants and animals, as well as to a deviation from the latitudinal position of natural zones in the east to the north.

Relief and geological structure

The East European Elevated Plain consists of hills with heights of 200-300 m above sea level and lowlands along which large rivers flow. The average height of the plain is 170 m, and the highest - 479 m - is on the Bugulminsko-Belebeevskaya Upland in the Ural part. The maximum elevation of the Timan Ridge is somewhat lower (471 m).

According to the characteristics of the orographic pattern within the East European Plain, three stripes are clearly distinguished: central, northern and southern. A strip of alternating large uplands and lowlands passes through the central part of the plain: the Central Russian, Volga, Bugulminsko-Belebeevskaya uplands and General Syrt are separated by the Oka-Don lowland and the Low Trans-Volga region, along which the Don and Volga rivers flow, carrying their waters to the south.

To the north of this strip, low plains predominate, on the surface of which smaller hills are scattered here and there in garlands and individually. From west to east-northeast, the Smolensk-Moscow, Valdai Uplands and Northern Uvals stretch here, replacing each other. They mainly serve as watersheds between the Arctic, Atlantic and internal (drainless Aral-Caspian) basins. From the Northern Uvals the territory descends to the White and Barents Seas. This part of the Russian Plain A.A. Borzov called it northern slope. Large rivers flow along it - Onega, Northern Dvina, Pechora with numerous high-water tributaries.

The southern part of the East European Plain is occupied by lowlands, of which only the Caspian is located on Russian territory.

Figure 1 – Geological profiles across the Russian Plain

The East European Plain has a typical platform topography, which is predetermined by the tectonic features of the platform: the heterogeneity of its structure (the presence of deep faults, ring structures, aulacogens, anteclises, syneclises and other smaller structures) with the unequal manifestation of recent tectonic movements.

Almost all large hills and lowlands of the plain are of tectonic origin, with a significant part inherited from the structure of the crystalline basement. In the process of a long and complex development path, they formed as a single territory in morphostructural, orographic and genetic terms.

At the base of the East European Plain lie the Russian plate with a Precambrian crystalline foundation and in the south the northern edge of the Scythian plate with a Paleozoic folded foundation. The boundary between the plates is not expressed in the relief. On the uneven surface of the Precambrian foundation of the Russian plate there are strata of Precambrian (Vendian, in places Riphean) and Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks with slightly disturbed occurrence. Their thickness is not the same and is due to the unevenness of the foundation topography (Fig. 1), which determines the main geostructures of the plate. These include syneclises - areas of deep foundation (Moscow, Pechora, Caspian, Glazov), anteclises - areas of shallow foundation (Voronezh, Volga-Ural), aulacogens - deep tectonic ditches, in the place of which syneclises subsequently arose (Kresttsovsky, Soligalichsky, Moskovsky, etc.), protrusions of the Baikal foundation - Timan.

The Moscow syneclise is one of the oldest and most complex internal structures of the Russian plate with a deep crystalline foundation. It is based on the Central Russian and Moscow aulacogens, filled with thick Riphean strata, above which lies the sedimentary cover of the Vendian and Phanerozoic (from Cambrian to Cretaceous). In the Neogene-Quaternary time, it experienced uneven uplifts and is expressed in relief by fairly large elevations - Valdai, Smolensk-Moscow and lowlands - Upper Volga, North Dvina.

The Pechora syneclise is located wedge-shaped in the northeast of the Russian Plate, between the Timan Ridge and the Urals. Its uneven block foundation is lowered to varying depths - up to 5000-6000 m in the east. The syneclise is filled with a thick layer of Paleozoic rocks, overlain by Meso-Cenozoic sediments. In its northeastern part there is the Usinsky (Bolshezemelsky) arch.

In the center of the Russian plate there are two large anteclises - the Voronezh and Volga-Urals, separated by the Pachelma aulacogen. The Voronezh anteclise gently descends to the north into the Moscow syneclise. The surface of its basement is covered with thin sediments of the Ordovician, Devonian and Carboniferous. On the south steep slope Carboniferous, Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks occur. The Volga-Ural anteclise consists of large uplifts (vaults) and depressions (aulacogens), on the slopes of which flexures are located. The thickness of the sedimentary cover here is at least 800 m within the highest arches (Tokmovsky).

The Caspian marginal syneclise is a vast area of ​​deep (up to 18-20 km) subsidence of the crystalline basement and belongs to the structures of ancient origin; the syneclise is limited on almost all sides by flexures and faults and has angular outlines. From the west it is framed by the Ergeninskaya and Volgograd flexures, from the north by the flexures of General Syrt. In places they are complicated by young faults. In Neogene-Quaternary time, further subsidence (up to 500 m) and accumulation of a thick layer of marine and continental sediments occurred. These processes are combined with fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea.

The southern part of the East European Plain is located on the Scythian epi-Hercynian plate, lying between the southern edge of the Russian plate and the alpine folded structures of the Caucasus.

Tectonic movements of the Urals and the Caucasus led to some disruption of the occurrence of sedimentary deposits of plates. This is expressed in the form of dome-shaped uplifts, significant swells (Oka-Tsniksky, Zhigulevsky, Vyatsky, etc.), individual flexural bends of layers, salt domes, which are clearly visible in the modern relief. Ancient and young deep faults, as well as ring structures, determined the block structure of plates, the direction of river valleys and the activity of neotectonic movements. The predominant direction of the faults is northwestern.

A brief description of the tectonics of the East European Plain and a comparison of the tectonic map with the hypsometric and neotectonic ones allows us to conclude that the modern relief, which has undergone a long and complex history, is in most cases inherited and dependent on the nature of the ancient structure and manifestations of neotectonic movements.

Neotectonic movements on the East European Plain manifested themselves with different intensity and direction: in most of the territory they are expressed by weak and moderate uplifts, weak mobility, and the Caspian and Pechora lowlands experience weak subsidence.

The development of the morphostructure of the northwestern plain is associated with the movements of the marginal part of the Baltic shield and the Moscow syneclise, therefore monoclinal (sloping) strata plains are developed here, expressed in orography in the form of hills (Valdai, Smolensk-Moscow, Belorussian, Northern Uvaly, etc.), and strata plains occupying a lower position (Verkhnevolzhskaya, Meshcherskaya). The central part of the Russian Plain was influenced by intense uplifts of the Voronezh and Volga-Ural anteclises, as well as subsidence of neighboring aulacogens and troughs. These processes contributed to the formation of layered, stepwise uplands (Central Russian and Volga) and the layered Oka-Don plain. The eastern part developed in connection with the movements of the Urals and the edge of the Russian plate, so a mosaic of morphostructures is observed here. In the north and south, accumulative lowlands of the marginal syneclises of the plate (Pechora and Caspian) are developed. Between them alternate stratified-tiered uplands (Bugulminsko-Belebeevskaya, Obshchiy Syrt), monoclinal-stratified uplands (Verkhnekamskaya) and the intraplatform folded Timan Ridge.

During the Quaternary, climate cooling in the northern hemisphere contributed to the spread of glaciation. Glaciers had a significant impact on the formation of relief, Quaternary deposits, permafrost, as well as on changes in natural zones - their position, floristic composition, wildlife and the migration of plants and animals within the East European Plain.

There are three glaciations on the East European Plain: Oka, Dnieper with the Moscow stage and Valdai. Glaciers and fluvioglacial waters created two types of plains - moraine and outwash. In the wide periglacial (pre-glacial) zone, permafrost processes dominated for a long time. Snowfields had a particularly intense impact on the relief during the period of reduced glaciation.

Lesson objectives.

1. Find out the features of the nature of the plain as a factor in the formation of the most populated and developed region.

2. Develop research skills.

3. Develop a moral and aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Lesson objectives.

1. Formation of ideas and knowledge about the features of the natural area - the Russian Plain, its role in the formation of the Russian state.

2. Study of the nature and resources of the Russian Plain.

3. Deepening and expanding knowledge about the components of the plain PTC.

Equipment: maps of Russia - physical, climatic, vegetation of natural zones, contour maps, video film, books, mobile classroom, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard.

Forms of work: group with elements of role-playing game.

Lesson type:

By didactic purposes- learning new material;

according to teaching methods - role-playing game.

Lesson Plan

1. Organization of the lesson.

2. Updating students' knowledge. Setting educational objectives. Studying a new topic.

3. Students work in groups. Student answers. Relaxation.

4. Lesson summary. Evaluating student responses. Achieving the goal.

5. Test solutions when using laptops. Practical part, completing tasks in contour maps.

6. Homework.

1. Stage - organizational.

Greetings. Ready for the lesson. Mark those absent in the log.

2. Stage - updating students' knowledge.

Teacher. We are beginning to study the physical and geographical regions of Russia.

Question No. 1. Name and show all these areas on physical map Russia.

Lesson topic. Russian (East European) Plain. Geographical location and natural features.

Teacher. Guys, we have to find out what in the nature of the Russian Plain enchants a person, gives him spiritual and physical strength, and influences economic activity.

To solve the problems, you need to explore the following questions.

1. Geographical location and relief of the Russian Plain.

2. Climate and inland waters.

3. Natural areas of the Russian Plain.

4. Natural resources and their use.

5. Ecological problems Russian (East European) Plain.

We begin our study of the Russian Plain by determining the geographical location of the area, as it determines the characteristics of the PTC.

Give a definition of the concept “geographical location”.

Geographical location is the position of any object or point on the earth's surface in relation to other objects or territories.

Updating knowledge

Question No. 2. What underlies the division of Russia into regions or physical-geographical areas?

Answer. The division is based on relief and geological structure - azonal components.

Question No. 3. The first PTC (physiographic region) that we will get acquainted with is the Russian Plain, or as it is also called the East European Plain.

Why do you think this plain has such names?

Answer. Russian - because here is the center of Russia, Ancient Rus' was located on the plain. Most Russians in Russia live here.

Question No. 4. Why Eastern European?

Answer. The plain is located in eastern Europe.

3. Stage. Work in groups.

Today we work in groups, you receive tasks and instructions for completing tasks, for which 5 minutes are allotted.

Students are divided into groups of 4-5 people, consultants are assigned, cards with research tasks are distributed (as the students work, they draw up an outline of their answer on separate sheets of paper), and they receive evaluation sheets.

Evaluation paper

No. Last name, first name Score for
Score for

Student Research.

Group No. 1

Problematic question: How does the geographical location determine the nature of the Russian Plain?

1. The seas washing the territory of the Russian Plain.

2. Which ocean basin do they belong to?

3. Which ocean has the greatest influence on the natural features of the plain?

4. The length of the plain from north to south along 40 degrees east. (1 degree=111 km.).

Conclusion. The plain occupies the western part of Russia. The area is about 3 million sq. km. The Arctic and Atlantic oceans influence the characteristics of nature.

The Russian Plain occupies almost the entire western, European part of Russia. It extends from the coasts of the Barents and White Seas in the north to the Azov and Caspian Seas in the south; from the western borders of the country to the Ural Mountains. The length of the territories from north to south exceeds 2500 km, the area of ​​the plain within Russia is about 3 million sq. km.

The geographical position of the plain is associated with the influence on the characteristics of its nature by the seas of the Atlantic and the less severe seas of the Arctic oceans. The Russian Plain has the most complete set of natural zones (from tundra to temperate deserts). In most of its territory, natural conditions are quite favorable for the life and economic activities of the population.

Group No. 2

Problematic question: How was the modern relief of the plain formed?

1. Comparing the physical and tectonic maps, draw the following conclusion:

How does tectonic structure affect the relief of the plain? What is an ancient platform?

2. Which territories have the highest and lowest absolute altitudes?

3. The relief of the plain is varied. Why? What external processes shaped the relief of the plain?

Conclusion. The Russian Plain is located on the ancient Russian platform. The highest height is the Khibiny Mountains 1191 m, the lowest is the Caspian Lowland - 28 m. The relief is varied, the glacier in the north had a strong influence, and flowing waters in the south.

The Russian Plain is located on an ancient Precambrian platform. This determines the main feature of its relief – flatness. The folded foundation of the Russian Plain lies at different depths and comes to the surface in Russia only on the Kola Peninsula and Karelia (Baltic Shield). In the rest of the territory, the foundation is covered by a sedimentary cover of varying thickness.

The cover smoothes out the unevenness of the foundation, but still, as in an x-ray, they “shine through” through the thickness of sedimentary rocks and predetermine the location of the largest hills and lowlands. Greatest height have the Khibiny mountains on the Kola Peninsula, they are located on the shield, the smallest is the Caspian lowland - 28 m, i.e. 28 m below sea level.

The Central Russian Upland and the Timan Ridge are confined to basement uplifts. The Caspian and Pechora lowlands correspond to depressions.

The relief of the plain is quite varied. In most of the territory it is rugged and picturesque. In the northern part, small hills and ridges are scattered against the general background of a low-lying plain. Here, through the Valdai Upland and Northern Uvaly, there is a watershed between rivers carrying their waters to the north and northwest (Western and Northern Dvina, Pechora) and flowing to the south (Dnieper, Don and Volga with their fairly numerous tributaries).

The northern part of the Russian Plain was formed by ancient glaciers. The Kola Peninsula and Karelia are located where the destructive activity of the glacier was intense. Here, strong bedrock with traces of glacial processing often comes to the surface. To the south, where the accumulation of material brought by the glacier took place, moraine ridges and hilly moraine relief were formed. Moraine hills alternate with depressions occupied by lakes or wetlands.

Along the southern edge of the glaciation, glacial meltwater deposited masses of sandy material. Flat or slightly concave sandy plains arose here. Currently, they are crossed by weakly incised river valleys.

To the south, large hills and lowlands alternate. The Central Russian, Volga Uplands and General Syrt are separated by lowlands along which the Don and Volga flow. Erosive terrain is common here. The hills are especially densely and deeply dissected by ravines and gullies.

The extreme south of the Russian Plain, which was flooded by seas in the Neogene and Quaternary times, is distinguished by weak dissection and slightly wavy, almost flat surface. The Russian Plain is located in a temperate climate zone. Only its extreme north is in the subarctic zone.

Relaxation. The guys look at slides with natural landscapes and musical accompaniment.

Group No. 3

Problematic question: Why did a temperate continental climate form on the Russian Plain?

1. Name the climate-forming factors that determine the climate of the plain.

2. How does the Atlantic Ocean affect the climate of the plain?

3. What kind of weather do cyclones bring?

4. Based on the climate map: determine the average temperatures in January and July, the annual amount of precipitation in Petrozavodsk, Moscow, Voronezh, Volgograd.

Conclusion. The climate is temperate continental, continentality increases towards the southeast. The Atlantic has the greatest influence.

The climate of the Russian Plain is temperate continental. Continentality increases to the east and especially to the southeast. The nature of the relief ensures free penetration of Atlantic air masses to the eastern edges of the plain, and the Arctic ones - far to the south. During transition periods, the advance of arctic air causes a sharp drop in temperature and frost, and in summer – drought.

The Russian Plain receives the most precipitation compared to other large plains in our country. It is influenced by the westerly transport of air masses and cyclones moving from the Atlantic. This influence is especially strong in the northern and middle parts of the Russian Plain. The passage of cyclones is associated with precipitation. The moisture here is abundant and sufficient, so there are many rivers, lakes and swamps. In the strip maximum quantity the sources of the largest rivers of the Russian Plain are located: the Volga, Northern Dvina. The northwest of the plain is one of the lake regions of the country. Along with large lakes - Ladoga, Onega, Chudskoye, Ilmen - there are many small ones located in depressions between moraine hills.

In the southern part of the plain, where cyclones rarely pass, there is less precipitation than can evaporate. Insufficient hydration. In summer there are often droughts and hot winds. The climate becomes increasingly dry to the southeast.

Group No. 4

Problematic question: How do you explain the words of A.I. Voeikov: “Rivers are a product of climate”?

1. Find and name the large rivers of the plain; which ocean basins do they belong to?

2. Why do rivers flow in different directions?

3. Climate affects rivers. What does it mean?

4. There are many large lakes on the territory of the Russian Plain. Most of them are located in the northwest of the plain. Why?

Conclusion. The rivers have spring floods, and the food supply is mixed.

Most of the lakes are located in the northwest of the plain. The basins are glacial-tectonic and dammed, i.e. influence of an ancient glacier.

All rivers of the Russian Plain are predominantly snow-fed and spring floods. But the rivers of the northern part of the plain differ significantly from the rivers of the southern part in terms of the amount of flow and its distribution over the seasons. Northern rivers are full of water. Rainfall and rainfall play a significant role in their nutrition. groundwater, therefore the flow is more evenly distributed throughout the year than that of southern rivers.

In the southern part of the plain, where moisture is insufficient, the rivers have low water. The share of rain and groundwater in their nutrition is sharply reduced, so the overwhelming majority of the runoff occurs during a short period of spring floods.

The longest and most abundant river of the Russian Plain and all of Europe is the Volga.

The Volga is one of the main riches and decorations of the Russian Plain. Starting from a small swamp on the Valdai Hills, the river carries its waters to the Caspian Sea. It has absorbed the waters of hundreds of rivers and streams flowing from the Ural Mountains and emerging on the plain. The main sources of nutrition for the Volga are snow (60%) and groundwater (30%). In winter the river freezes.

Crossing several natural zones on its way, it reflects in the water surface large cities, majestic forests, high slopes of the right banks, and coastal sands of the Caspian deserts.

Nowadays the Volga has turned into a grand staircase with mirrored steps of reservoirs regulating its flow. Water falling from dams provides electricity to the cities and villages of the Russian Plain. The river is connected by canals to five seas. The Volga is a river - a worker, an artery of life, the mother of Russian rivers, glorified by our people.

Of the lakes on the Russian Plain, Lake Ladoga is the largest. Its area is 18,100 km. The lake stretches from north to south for 219 km with a maximum width of 124 km. The average depth is 51 m. The lake reaches its greatest depths (203 m) in its northern part. North Shore Lake Ladoga– rocky, indented by long narrow bays. The remaining banks are low and flat. There are many islands on the lake (about 650), most of which are located near the northern shore.

The lake freezes completely only by mid-February. The ice thickness reaches 0.7–1 m. The lake opens in April, but ice floes float on its water surface for a long time. Only in the second half of May the lake is completely free of ice.

On Lake Ladoga there are hours of fog making navigation difficult. Strong, prolonged storms often occur, with waves reaching a height of 3 meters. According to navigation conditions, Ladoga is equated to the seas. The lake is connected via the Neva to the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea; through the Svir River, Lake Onega and the White Sea - Baltic Canal - with the White and Barents Seas; through the Volga-Baltic Canal - with the Volga and Caspian Sea. In recent years, there has been severe pollution of the water of Lake Ladoga by industrial activities in its basin. The problem of maintaining the cleanliness of the lake is acute, since the city of St. Petersburg receives water from Ladoga. In 1988, a special resolution was adopted to protect Lake Ladoga.

4. Stage. Lesson summary. Evaluating student responses.

Conclusion on the topic studied

The East European (Russian) Plain has extremely diverse natural conditions and resources. This is due to the geological history of development and geographical location. The Russian land began from these places; for a long time, the plain was populated and developed by people. It is no coincidence that the capital of the country, Moscow, and the most developed economic region, Central Russia, with the highest population density, are located on the Russian plain.

The nature of the Russian Plain enchants with its beauty. It gives a person spiritual and physical strength, calms, and restores health. The unique charm of Russian nature is sung by A.S. Pushkin,

M.Yu. Lermontov, reflected in the paintings of I.I. Levitan, I.I. Shishkina, V.D. Polenova. People passed on the skills of decorative and applied arts from generation to generation, using natural resources and the very spirit of Russian culture.

5. Stage. Practical part of the lesson. To consolidate and assimilate the educational material, the children perform a test on laptops (exercises with eyes); at the teacher’s command, press the “result” key.

Summing up, preparing evaluation sheets.

Practical part in workbooks p. 49 (task No. 2).

Giving grades in diaries.

6. Stage. Homework: paragraph 27, workbook page 49 (task No. 1).

Self-analysis of a geography lesson

The lesson was held in a classroom with good learning opportunities, a developmental education class.

Students have analytical thinking skills.

Lesson type - combined, with elements of role-playing game. Based on the topic and type of lesson, the characteristics of the student group, the following lesson goals were determined:

Identify the features of the nature of the plain as a factor in the formation of the most populated and developed region;

Improve the ability to work with atlas maps, textbook text, a computer, and draw up logical support diagrams;

Ensure the development of abilities for evaluative actions and express judgments;

Develop research skills;

Develop the ability to work in a team, develop mutual assistance;

Develop a moral and aesthetic attitude towards nature.

To achieve these goals, various methods training:

1. By sources of transmission and perception of information:

- verbal- formulation of targets, explanation of methods of activity;

- visual- cards, interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, mobile classroom;

- practical- work with atlas maps, textbook, workbook, using laptops.

2. By the nature of cognitive activity:

- reproductive- the student worked with terms;

- research- identified features, established cause and effect;

- compared, explained, analyzed problematic issues.

The following were used in the lesson forms of organization educational activities:

1. Individual - each student worked with the text of the textbook, atlas maps, and completed control tasks.

2. Pairs - discussions, mutual control.

3. Group - creative work.

When developing the lesson, I adhered to principles:

1. The principle of motivation is the creation of passion and interest in knowledge.

2. The principle of a conscious learning process.

3. The principle of collectivism.

Used techniques mental thinking activity:

1. Method of comparison - favorable and unfavorable conditions.

2. Technique of analysis and synthesis - determining the features of the placement of natural resources.

3. The technique of generalization when formulating conclusions and summing up.

Lesson steps

Stage 1 – organizational.

The task of this stage is to provide a favorable psychological environment for learning activities.

Stage 2 – updating of background knowledge.

At this stage, the teacher ensures the reproduction of the knowledge and skills on the basis of which new content will be built. Implementation of goals, formation of skills to determine goals, plan one’s educational activities.

Stage 3 – learning new material, working in groups.

The objectives of the stage are to ensure perception and understanding of the concepts acquired by students, creating conditions for students to master knowledge in the form of activity.

1. Creating problematic situations.

2. Using the research method of teaching to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

3. Improving skills in text analysis and diagramming.

4. Working with the textbook text in order to develop scientific thinking.

5. Creative task is aimed at strengthening the ability to analyze atlas maps, as well as at developing mental thinking activity. development of logic.

Stage 4 – the result of the lesson, consolidation of new knowledge and methods of activity.

The task of the stage is to ensure an increase in the level of comprehension of the studied material. Improving assessment activities.

Stage 5 – practical part, logical conclusion of the lesson.

Stage 6 – information about homework.

The form of the lesson made it possible to combine traditional and non-traditional forms of work: a combined lesson with elements of role-playing game. The psychological regime was supported by the teacher’s benevolent attitude towards students. The feasibility of tasks for each student, the atmosphere business cooperation. The high density, pace of the lesson, and the combination of different types of work made it possible to implement the entire volume of the proposed material and solve the assigned tasks.

September 13, 2012

The most valuable thing any country owns is its territory along with the population living there. As for our country, as you know, it occupies 1/6 of the land surface, being the largest state in the world. The territory where our people live is called the East European Plain and is the second largest in area after the Amazon, located in South America. In the northwestern part, our plain is limited by the Scandinavian mountains, and from the north it is washed by the waters of the Barents and White Seas. As for the southwestern part, the border here is the Sudetenland region of the Czech Republic, as well as the mountains of Central Europe. From the south it is limited by the waters of Azov. Black and Caspian seas. In the east, the Russian Plain, as it is often called in our country, is closed by the Ural Mountains. In general, the East European Plain has a length from north to south of about 2.8 thousand kilometers, and from east to west - about 1.2 thousand.

Most of its territory is dominated by a gently flat type of relief, where most of the natural resources of our state are located. A great advantage for all of us is that our plain is almost completely combined with the Eastern European platform, as a result of which significant natural disasters and catastrophes associated with earthquakes, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions and so on rarely occur here. In some places there are small hills and plateaus, the height of which can reach up to 1000 meters in some places. It is noteworthy that during the last ice age, the Baltic Shield was the center of glaciation, as evidenced by some forms of preserved relief that bear the imprint of glaciation.

The East European Plain has its own platform deposits, which lie horizontally, making up hills and lowlands that form the topography of the overall surface. It is noteworthy that in some places such a folded foundation comes to the surface, sometimes forming ridges and hills. Examples of such places are the Timan Ridge and the Central Russian Upland, while in other places the terrain is mostly calm. On average, the height of the plain above sea level is 170 meters, but there are also places where the lowlands are 30-40 meters below sea level. Many coastal lowlands, many thousands of years ago, partially sank under the water of the washed seas, as a result of which, as a result of water erosion, the relief was slightly adjusted. Examples of such lowlands are the Caspian and Black Sea lowlands, where one can observe a characteristic slope towards the world ocean.

The East European Plain is rich in deep rivers, which belong to the basins of two oceans: the Atlantic (Neva and Western Dvina), as well as the Arctic (Pechora, Northern Dvina). Other rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, which has no connection with the world's oceans, having a closed water area. Here flows not only the most famous, but also the longest river in Europe, glorified in songs - the Volga.

Minerals of the eastern European plain are rich in oil and coal reserves, but as a result of intensive mining, today there is a gradual depletion of these natural resources. The main part of the country's energy resources comes from the Siberian zone, which has the largest oil deposits in the world. If we talk about the natural zones of this plain, then most of it is located in the temperate climate zone, in which there are both coniferous and mixed forests. In general, forest reserves on the territory of the Russian Plain are also quite extensive.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be said that the geographical position of the East European Plain is very favorable, since it has the most favorable conditions for human habitation. The absence of natural disasters, as well as extreme heat, and a good climate led to the emergence of centers of civilizational and cultural development modern people. It is for this reason that we should be grateful to nature for endowing our country with such wonderful living conditions and rich natural resources.



For centuries, the Russian Plain served as a territory connecting Western and Eastern civilizations along trade routes. Historically, two busy trade arteries ran through these lands. The first is known as the “path from the Varangians to the Greeks.” According to him, as is known from school history, medieval trade in goods of the peoples of the East and Rus' with the states of Western Europe was carried out.

The second is the route along the Volga, which made it possible to transport goods by ship to Southern Europe from China, India and Central Asia and in the opposite direction. The first Russian cities were built along trade routes - Kyiv, Smolensk, Rostov. Veliky Novgorod became the northern gateway from the “Varangians”, protecting the security of trade.

Now the Russian Plain is still a territory of strategic importance. The capital of the country is located on its lands and Largest cities. The most important administrative centers for the life of the state are concentrated here.

Geographical position of the plain

The East European Plain, or Russian, occupies territories in eastern Europe. In Russia, these are its extreme western lands. In the northwest and west it is limited by the Scandinavian Mountains, the Barents and White Seas, the Baltic coast and the Vistula River. In the east and southeast it neighbors Ural mountains and the Caucasus. In the south, the plain is limited by the shores of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas.

Relief features and landscape

The East European Plain is represented by a gently sloping relief, formed as a result of faults in tectonic rocks. Based on relief features, the massif can be divided into three stripes: central, southern and northern. The center of the plain consists of alternating vast hills and lowlands. The north and south are mostly represented by lowlands with rare low altitudes.

Although the relief is formed in a tectonic manner and minor tremors are possible in the area, there are no noticeable earthquakes here.

Natural areas and regions

(The plain has planes with characteristic smooth drops)

The East European Plain includes all natural zones found in Russia:

  • Tundra and forest-tundra are represented by the nature of the north of the Kola Peninsula and occupy a small part of the territory, slightly expanding to the east. The vegetation of the tundra, namely shrubs, mosses and lichens, is replaced by birch forests of the forest-tundra.
  • Taiga, with its pine and spruce forests, occupies the north and center of the plain. On the borders with mixed broad-leaved forests, areas are often swampy. A typical Eastern European landscape - coniferous and mixed forests and swamps give way to small rivers and lakes.
  • In the forest-steppe zone you can see alternating hills and lowlands. Oak and ash forests are typical for this zone. You can often find birch and aspen forests.
  • The steppe is represented by valleys, where oak forests and groves, forests of alder and elm grow near the river banks, and tulips and sages bloom in the fields.
  • In the Caspian lowland there are semi-deserts and deserts, where the climate is harsh and the soil is saline, but even there you can find vegetation in the form different varieties cacti, wormwood and plants that adapt well to sudden changes in daily temperatures.

Rivers and lakes of the plain

(River on a flat area of ​​the Ryazan region)

The rivers of the “Russian Valley” are majestic and slowly flow their waters in one of two directions - north or south, to the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, or to the southern inland seas of the continent. Northern rivers flow into the Barentsevo, Beloye or Baltic Sea. Rivers in the southern direction - into the Black, Azov or Caspian Seas. The largest river in Europe, the Volga, also “flows lazily” through the lands of the East European Plain.

The Russian plain is a kingdom natural water in all its manifestations. A glacier that passed through the plain thousands of years ago formed many lakes on its territory. There are especially many of them in Karelia. The consequences of the presence of the glacier were the emergence in the North-West of such large lakes as Ladoga, Onega, and the Pskov-Peipus reservoir.

Under the thickness of the earth in the localization of the Russian Plain, reserves of artesian water are stored in the amount of three underground basins of huge volumes and many located at shallower depths.

Climate of the East European Plain

(Flat terrain with slight drops near Pskov)

The Atlantic dictates the weather regime on the Russian Plain. Western winds, air masses that move moisture, make summers on the plain warm and humid, winters cold and windy. During the cold season, winds from the Atlantic bring about ten cyclones, contributing to variable heat and cold. But air masses from the Arctic Ocean also tend to the plain.

Therefore, the climate becomes continental only in the interior of the massif, closer to the south and southeast. The East European Plain has two climatic zones - subarctic and temperate, increasing continentality to the east.

The Russian, or East European, plain is the second largest

size after the Amazonian plain of the Earth. Most of

this plain is located within Russia. Extended

The length of the plain from north to south is more than 2500 km, from west to east

current - about 1000 km. The expanses of the Russian Plain are

Karelian and Pechora taiga, and Central Russian oak forests, and neo

visible tundra pastures, forest-steppes and steppes. What

signs unite the plain? First of all, the relief - polo

go-wavy over huge spaces. Plain rel

the epha of such a huge landmass of the Earth is determined by the

stable platform foundation at its base,

occurrence of thick sedimentary strata and long-term

the influence of soil erosion and redeposition processes,

that is, external alignment processes.

The Russian Plain is not only a land rich in resources,

this is the land on which the main events took place more than

thousand-year history of former Rus' and today's Russia.

As some scientists suggest, the name Rus' appeared

moose in the first centuries AD and was originally attributed

only to a small area south of Kyiv, where the Dnieper

its right tributary Ros flows into it. The name Ros (Rus) refers to

applied both to the Slavic tribe itself and to the territory

which it occupied.

Relief. At the base of the East European Plain

lives an ancient Precambrian Russian platform that obus

catches the main feature of the relief - flatness. Warehouse

the foundation lies at different depths and comes out

to the surface within the plain only on the Kola floor

island and in Karelia (Baltic Shield). On the rest of her

territory, the foundation is covered by sedimentary cover of various

noah power. To the south and east of the shield it is distinguished “under

earth's slopes and the Moscow depression (more than 4 km deep),

bounded in the east by the Timan Ridge.

The irregularities of the crystalline foundation are determined once

location of the largest hills and lowlands.

The Central Russian Vozvo is confined to the foundation uplifts.

Shennost and the Timan Ridge. Decreases correspond to

lowlands - Caspian and Pechora.

Varied and picturesque relief Russian plain for

was influenced by external forces, and first of all

vertical glaciation. Overhead glaciers on the Russian Plain

came from the Scandinavian Peninsula and the Urals. Traces of ice

Nick Activities manifested themselves differently everywhere. At the beginning

the glacier “plowed up” 11-shaped valleys and races on its way

widened tectonic depressions; polished the rocks, forming re

relief of “ram’s foreheads”. Narrow, winding, long and deep

side bays protruding far into the land on the Kola Peninsula

The ditch is the result of the “plowing out” activity of the ice.

At the edge of the glacier, along with rubble and boulders, deposits

There were clays, loams and sandy loams. Therefore in the northwest

the plains are dominated by hilly-moraine terrain, as if

superimposed on the peaks and depressions of the ancient relief; So,

for example, the Valdai Hills, reaching a height

340 m, is based on coal rocks

periods on which the glacier deposited moraine material.

When the glacier retreated, ash formed in these areas.

dammed lakes: Ilmen, Chudskoye, Pskovskoye.

Along the southern boundary of the glaciation, glacial meltwater

deposited a mass of sandy material. Here arose

sloping or slightly concave sandy depressions.

The southern part of the plain is dominated by erosional relief.

The elevated areas are especially strongly dissected by ravines and gullies.

ties: Valdai, Central Russian, Volga.

Minerals. Long-term geological history

ria of the ancient platform lying at the base of the plain, pre

enriched the wealth of the plain with various useful uses

digging. In crystalline basement and sedimentary

The platform case contains such mineral reserves

items that are important not only for our country,

but also of global significance. First of all, these are rich deposits

iron ore of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA).

Deposits associated with the sedimentary cover of the platform

hard coal (Vorkuta) and brown coal - Podmoskovny basin

and oil - Ural-Vyatka, Timan-Pechora and Caspian

swimming pools.

Oil shale is mined in the Leningrad region and

in the area of ​​Samara on the Volga. Known in sedimentary rocks

and ore minerals: brown iron ores near Lipets

ka, aluminum ores (bauxite) near Tikhvin.

Construction Materials: sand, gravel, clay, lime

nyak - distributed almost everywhere.

With outcrops of crystalline Precambrian rocks Bal

Tiyan shield on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia connection

we have deposits of apatite-nepheline ores and beautiful

ny construction granites.

In the Volga region, deposits of cooking oil have long been known

salt (lakes Elton and Baskunchak) and potassium salts in the Kama


Relatively recently in the Arkhangelsk region I discovered

wives are diamonds. In the Volga region and Moscow region they mine valuable

raw materials for the chemical industry - phosphorites.

Climate. Despite the fact that with the exception of extreme

north, the entire territory of the Russian Plain is located in the mind

In this climate zone, the climate here is varied.

The continental climate increases towards the southeast.

The Russian Plain is under the influence of the Western Peripheral

nose of air masses and cyclones coming from the Atlantic,

and receives the most compared to other plains

Russia precipitation amount. Abundance of precipitation in the northwest

the plains contribute to the widespread distribution here of bo

lot, full flow of rivers and lakes.

The absence of any obstacles to the Arctic

air masses cause them to penetrate far

South. In spring and autumn, with the arrival of arctic air,

a sharp drop in temperature and freezing is expected. Along with

Arctic masses bring polar masses to the plain

sy from the northeast and tropical masses from the south (with the latter

there are associated droughts and hot winds in the southern and central


Water resources. A lot of water flows along the Russian Plain

the quality of rivers and streams. The most abundant and long river Rus

skaya plain and all of Europe - the Volga. Large rivers

There are also Dnieper, Don, Northern Dvina, Pechora, Kama -

the largest tributary of the Volga. Along the banks of these rivers they settled

our distant ancestors, creating fortresses that later became poison

frames of ancient Russian cities. Looks in the waters of the Velikaya River

ancient Pskov, on the shores of the epic Ilmen Lake, where

According to legend, the psalter Sadko visited the sea kingdom, stands Nov

city ​​(previously it was called “Mr. Veliky Novgorod”),

Moscow, the capital of Russia, arose on the Moscow River.

Water resources the most well provided for are the north

western and central regions of the Russian Plain. Abundance

lakes, high-water rivers - these are not only fresh water reserves and

hydropower, but also cheap transport routes and fishing

trades and recreation areas. Dense river network of the plain, races

position of watersheds on low flat elevated

conditions are favorable for the construction of canals, of which there are so many

on the Russian Plain. Thanks to the system of modern kana

fishing - Volga-Baltic, White Sea-Baltic and Vol

Go-Donskoy, as well as the Moscow-Volga channel Moscow, located

married on the relatively small Moscow River and compare

completely far from the seas, it became a port of five seas.

Agroclimatic solutions are of great value

plain resources. Most of the Russian Plain receives

sufficient heat and moisture for cultivation

hy agricultural crops. In the north of the forest zone

grow fiber flax, a crop that requires cool weather

long cloudy and humid summer, rye and oats. All average

the plain strip and the south have fertile soils: der

new-podzolic chernozems, gray forest and porridge

thanov. Soil plowing is facilitated by calm conditions

low flat terrain, allowing you to cut fields in the form

large arrays, easily accessible for machine processing

ki. IN middle lane They cultivate mainly grains and

forage crops, to the south - grains and industrial crops (sugar

new beets, sunflowers included), horticulture and

melon growing. The famous Astrakhan watermelons are known and loved

The inhabitants of the entire Russian Plain were beaten.

Most characteristic feature nature of the Russian Plain -

well-defined zoning of its landscapes. To the Edge

in the north, in the cold, heavily waterlogged summer

coast of the Arctic Ocean, there is a tundra zone with

its underpowered and poor nutrients tun-

wood-gley or humus-peaty soils, with state

subsistence of moss-lichen and shrub plants

ny communities. Further south, near the Arctic Circle, first in

river valleys, and then along the interfluves forests appear

from the tundra.

Forest forests predominate in the middle zone of the Russian Plain.

landscapes. In the north it is dark coniferous taiga with podzolis

rich, often swampy soils, in the south - mixed, and beyond

These include broad-leaved forests of oak, linden and maple.

Even further south they are replaced by forest-steppes and steppes with fertile

mi, mainly chernozem soils and herbaceous growth


In the extreme southeast, in the Caspian lowland,

under the influence of a dry climate, semi-deserts with

chestnut soils and even deserts with gray soils, saline

kami and salt licks. The vegetation of these places is pronounced

ny features of aridity.

Recreation is diverse, but not yet very well developed.

onic resources of the plain. Its picturesque landscapes are amazing

gum resting places. Rivers and lakes of Karelia, its white nights,

Kizhi Museum of Wooden Architecture; powerful Solovetsky mo

insistence; pensive Valaam attracts tourists. Ladoga and

Lake Onega, Valdai and Seliger, legendary Ilmen,

Volga with Zhiguli and Astrakhan delta, ancient Russian

cities included in the “Golden Ring of Russia” are far from

a complete list of areas developed for tourism and recreation

Russian plain.

Problems of rational use of natural resources

resources The Russian Plain is distinguished by its diverse nature

new resources, favorable conditions for life liu

day, that’s why it has the highest population density in Russia

niya, the largest number of large cities with highly developed

industry, developed agriculture.

Currently, work on rivers is being increasingly carried out

tivation of lands, that is, the return to territories of their use

salable appearance, bringing the devastated landscape into

productive state. Depressions on the site of former developments

peat current, quarries remaining after sand excavation, construction

body stone, coal and iron ore mining from the surface

subject to cultivation. They are artificially introduced

soils are being turfed and even afforested. Thor

Fiscal depressions are turned into ponds in which fish are bred.

Positive experience in land reclamation has been accumulated in Mos

Kovsk, Tula and Kursk regions. In the Tula region

waste heaps and dumps are successfully replanted with forest.

Pain is carried out near major cities of the Russian Plain

work to improve the cultural landscape. Create

xia green belts and forest parks, suburban water pools

we are picturesque reservoirs that are used as

recreation areas.

In large industrial cities attention is paid

measures to purify water and air from industrial

emissions, dust and noise control. Reinforced and toughened eco-friendly

logical control of vehicles, including

le and behind private cars, which are becoming more and more painful

more and more.

Dangerous natural phenomena: tornadoes, droughts (southeast, south),

ice, hail, floods.

Environmental problems: pollution of rivers, lakes, soils, atmosphere

atmosphere - industrial waste; radioactive zara

life after the Chernobyl disaster.

Moscow is among the ten most environmentally unfriendly

best cities in the world.


Geographical position. On the huge isthmus between

to the Black and Caspian seas, from the Taman region of Absheron-

The majestic mountains of Bol are located on the Russian peninsula

of the Caucasus.

The North Caucasus is the southernmost part of the Russian territory

rhetoric. Along the ridges of the Main, or Vodorazdelny, Caucasus

The border of the Russian Federation with the country passes through the ridge

us Transcaucasia.

The Caucasus is separated from the Russian Plain by the Kuma-Manych

depression, in the place of which in the Middle Quaternary there was

there was a sea strait.

The North Caucasus is an area located on the border

temperate and subtropical zones.

The epithet “sa” is often applied to the nature of this territory

my, the most." The latitudinal zone gives way here to the vertical

zonality. For a resident of the plains, the Caucasus Mountains are bright

an example of the “multi-story structure” of nature.

Relief, geological structure and minerals.

The Caucasus is a young mountain structure formed in the Peri

odes of Alpine folding. The Caucasus includes: Pred

Caucasus, Greater Caucasus and Transcaucasia. Russia includes

only the Ciscaucasia and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.

The Greater Caucasus is often presented as a single ridge.

In fact, it is a system of mountain ranges.

From the Black Sea coast to Mount Elbrus there is

Western Caucasus, from Elbrus to Kazbek - Central Caucasus

Kaz, east of Kazbek to the Caspian Sea - Eastern Kav

Kaz. In the longitudinal direction there is an axial zone occupied

Watershed (Main) and Side ridges (see Fig. 14).

The northern slopes of the Caucasus form the Skalisty ridges,

Grassland and Black Mountains. They have a cue structure -

these are ridges in which one slope is gentle and the other is steep

breaking off. The reason for the formation of a quest is interlayering

layers composed of rocks of different hardness.

The chains of the Western Caucasus begin near Tamansky along

peninsulas. At first these are not even mountains, but hills with soft

outlines. They increase when moving to the east. Mountains

Fisht (2867 m) and Oshten (2808 m) are the highest parts of Za

Western Caucasus - covered with snowfields and glaciers.

The highest and grandest part of the entire mountain system

we are the Central Caucasus. Here even the passes reach

altitude 3000 m, only one pass - Krestovy on Voenno-

Georgian road - lies at an altitude of 2379 m.

The highest peaks are located in the Central Caucasus

we are the double-headed Elbrus, an extinct volcano, the highest

peak of Russia (5642 m), and Kazbek (5033 m).

The eastern part of the Greater Caucasus is mainly

numerous ridges of mountainous Dagestan (translated as Country

Various people took part in the structure of the North Caucasus

ny tectonic structures. There is a warehouse in the south

Chato-block mountains and foothills of the Greater Caucasus. This is part

alpine geosynclinal zone.

Oscillations earth's crust accompanied by the bends of the earth

layers, their stretching, faults, ruptures. According to the image

cracks from great depths erupted onto the surface

magma erupted, which led to the formation of numerous

ore deposits.

Uplifts in recent geological periods - Neogene

New and Quaternary - turned the Greater Caucasus into high

mountainous country. Rise in the axial part of the Greater Caucasus from

was accompanied by intensive subsidence of earth layers along

the edges of the emerging mountain range. This led to the formation

niya foothill troughs: in the west of the Indal-Kuban and

in the east of the Terek-Caspian Sea.

The complex history of the geological development of the region - with

rank of wealth of the subsoil of the Caucasus with various useful products

shared. The main wealth of the Ciscaucasia is the deposit

oil and gas. In the central part of the Greater Caucasus, mining

polymetallic ores, tungsten, copper, mercury, mo

In the mountains and foothills of the North Caucasus there is a lot of open

mineral springs, near which resorts were created,

have long received worldwide fame - Kislovodsk,

Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk,

Matsesta. The sources are varied in chemical composition,

temperature and are extremely useful.

Climate. The North Caucasus is located in the south moderately

th belt - here lies the parallel of 45° N. sh., that is, clearly

fixed equidistant position of the territory between

between the equator and the pole, which determines its soft, warm

low climate, transitional from temperate to subtropical.

This situation determines the amount of salt received

mild heat: in summer 17-18 kcal per square

centimeter, which is 1.5 times more than the average

european part of Russia. Except in the highlands,

The climate in the North Caucasus is mild, warm, on the plains

average temperature July everywhere exceeds +20 °C, and summer

lasts from 4.5 to 5.5 months. Average temperatures

January range from -10 °C to +6 °C, and winter lasts only

only two or three months. In the North Caucasus there is a

genus Sochi, where the warmest winter in Russia with temperature

January +6.1 °C.

The abundance of heat and light allows the vegetation of the Northern

Caucasus develop in the north of the region for seven months,

in the Ciscaucasia - eight, and on the Black Sea coast, to the south

from Gelendzhik - up to 11 months. This means that if

With the current selection of crops, you can get two levels of

zhaya per year.

North Caucasus has a very complex circulation

various air masses. This area may be infiltrated

move different air masses.

The main source of moisture for the North Caucasus is

The Atlantic is pouring. Therefore, the western regions of the Northern

The Caucasus is characterized by high rainfall. Annual

the amount of precipitation in the foothills in the west is

380-520 mm, and in the east, in the Caspian region, 220-250 mm. Poeto

In the east of the region there are often droughts and hot winds.

Highland climate very different from the plains and

foothill parts. The first main difference is that

in the mountains there is much more precipitation: at an altitude of 2000 m -

2500-2600 mm per year. This is due to the fact that mountains delay

air masses cause them to rise upward. Air

At the same time, it cools and gives up its moisture.

The second difference in the climate of the highlands is the decrease in

duration of the warm season due to lower temperatures

ry air with height. Already at an altitude of 2700 m in the northern

slopes and at an altitude of 3800 m in the Central Caucasus passes

there is a snow line, or the border of “eternal ice”. On high

above 4000 m, even in July positive temperatures would

They are very rare.

The third difference of the high-mountain climate is its amazing

diversity from place to place due to mountain height, exposure

slope, proximity or distance from the sea.

The fourth difference is the uniqueness of atmospheric circulation.

Cooled air from the highlands falls downwards

especially narrow intermountain valleys. When lowering each

In the next 100 m, the air warms up by about 1 °C. Coming down from

altitude of 2500 m, it heats up by 25 ° C and becomes warm,

even hot. This is how a local wind is formed - a foehn. Oso hair dryers

especially frequent in the spring, when the intensity of rain increases sharply

current circulation of air masses. Unlike a hairdryer during second

When masses of dense cold air are formed, boron is formed (from

Greek bogeav - north, north wind), strong cold low

blowing wind. Flowing through low ridges into an area with

warmer rarefied air, it is relatively less

heats up and “falls” downwind at high speed

slope Bora is observed mainly in winter, where

a mountain range borders the sea or a vast body of water.

The Novorossiysk forest is widely known. And yet leading

factor of climate formation in the mountains, which greatly influences

on all other components of nature, is the height, leading

related to the vertical zonation of both climate and natural zones.

Rivers The North Caucasus is numerous and just like rel

eph and climate are clearly divided into flat and mountainous. Especially

numerous turbulent mountain rivers, the main source

which are fed by snow and glaciers during the melting period.

The largest rivers are the Kuban and Terek with their numerous

ny tributaries, as well as those originating in the Stavropol

Egorlyk and Kalaus hills. In the lower reaches of the Kuban and Te

the river contains floodplains - vast wetlands

forests covered with reeds and reeds.

The wealth of the Caucasus is fertile soils . In the western

parts of the Ciscaucasia are dominated by chernozems, and in the eastern,

the drier part has chestnut soils.

The soils of the Black Sea coast are intensively used for gardens, berries

nicks, vineyards. In the Sochi area are the northernmost

The world's largest tea plantations.

In the Greater Caucasus Mountains there is a clearly expressed altitudinal

zonality. The lower zone is occupied by broad-leaved forests with

predominance of oak. Above are beech forests, which

With height, they first become mixed, and then spruce

fir forests. The upper limit of the forest is at an altitude of 2000-

2200 m. Behind it, on mountain meadow soils, there are lush

alpine meadows with thickets of Caucasian rhododendron.

They move into short-grass alpine meadows, beyond which

follows the highest mountain belt of snowfields and glaciers.

Diversity of natural territorial complexes of Se

true Caucasus is due to their differences in geographical

position, in particular altitude above sea level. Most

one can clearly distinguish the natural complexes of plains and intermountains

valleys, high mountains.

Reserves. Caucasian - northern slopes of the western

parts of the Greater Caucasus; protection of unique flora (yew, itself

shit, walnut, noble chestnut) and fauna (tur, chamois, Caucasus

Chinese deer, etc.).

Teberdinsky - northern slopes of the Main Ridge Bol

shogo Caucasus; protection of virgin beech and dark coniferous trees

forests, subalpine and alpine meadows.


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