Remy blackt triple wisdom. Review of Rami Blackt's book “Triple Wisdom”

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Greetings, dear readers! Today’s post is unplanned for me, or rather it was in the plans, because in an earlier one I promised to write a review of the book that I was waiting for in the mail, I waited quickly, after 7 days the book was in my hands, but I still couldn’t write a review , this is a very hectic time in my life right now))). But today, with the kind encouragement of Nina Vilisova, I decided that promises need to be kept, better later than never.))) Thank you, Ninochka, for encouraging me to write a review. By the way, here is a photo of the book itself; it must be said that it is quite voluminous, 636 pages. I gave the second book, which I wrote about earlier, to my parents to read, so it hasn’t made it into the frame yet.

So, book "Three Wisdoms" consists of three books.

The first is “10 steps to happiness, health and success.” As the title suggests, in this book the author describes these ten steps. At the first step, the author writes in detail about the importance of goal setting, that a person should have goals at all levels: physical, intellectual and spiritual, and specific practical recommendations are given on how to set goals correctly.

The second step talks about how to learn to listen to your heart (soul), what is the cause of a person’s suffering, and that your thoughts today create your tomorrow.

The third step talks about how to find your purpose in this world and live in accordance with it, why it is important to serve and who.

The fourth step will tell you how to overcome apathy and where to get energy.

The fifth step, in my opinion, is one of the most important, this is a story about the basic law of the universe; if a person does not live in accordance with it, then suffering inevitably comes. The importance of the ability to accept gifts, the great power of unconditional love.

The sixth and seventh steps will tell you how to survive in difficult conditions and at the same time become even happier and wiser, how to get rid of negative feelings and bad habits.

In the eighth, ninth and tenth steps, the author writes about the purpose of diseases and ways to get rid of them, why illness is a lesson, the causes of diseases, the main postulates on the path to recovery, practical recommendations for severe stress, how health and material well-being depend on speech , the power of gratitude, why complaints lead to illness.

This is, perhaps, a very short announcement of the book, because you yourself understand that it is impossible to write about everything in one article, and why, it’s more interesting to pick up the book yourself and read it, then there will be much more benefit and pleasure. The book is worthy, I really liked it, it gives a lot of practical recommendations, and not just theoretical knowledge.

Some quotes:

“I don’t know what your fate will be, but one thing I know for sure: only those of you will be happy who will seek and find the opportunity to serve others.”

“The constant feeling of happiness lies in continuous efforts to achieve one's goals and steady progress towards the goal of life.”

“If you can’t find anything worth dying for, then you don’t know how to live.”

“The world is not logical at all, not reasonable. Fight him with his own weapons: when doing something good, do it without any special reason.”

“The one who criticizes us gives us his positive kata and takes away our bad one.”

“The more selfishness and envy we have, the harder it is for us to speak well of someone.”

Next book “The alchemy of communication. The art of hearing and being heard". Since I have read many books related to speech and the art of communication, there was nothing new for me in this book, but it was very useful to refresh my memory. For those who are interested in this issue, there is more than enough information in the book and, again, a lot of practice, the main thing is to carry out this practice.

“If people around you can’t hear you, fall on your knees and beg for forgiveness because, in truth, it’s your fault.”

“It is very important to avoid words such as: always and never in your vocabulary. This is a violation of the subtle laws of the Universe. After all, in this world, on the one hand, there is nothing eternal, and on the other, nothing is impossible - therefore, sooner or later these words necessarily come into conflict with reality.

“It is very important to understand that true listening excludes an indifferent and biased attitude towards the interlocutor - it is a process that requires dedication.”

Book "Fate and I" It is not similar to the two previous ones, since in it the author cites letters from real people to him asking for help to solve some problem, give advice, etc. And for each letter the author’s answer is given, what needs to be done, what to do in a given situation, and for some the author gives specific practical recommendations. How can a book be useful for you and me? The stories from the letters can be very similar to ours, and thus we can find answers to questions that, perhaps, have been haunting us for a long time. Therefore, the book is also worthy of attention and conscious reading.

1. The Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Torah, Koran, as well as books of great and authoritative teachers of Sufism, Buddhism and Kabbalah.

2. Eckhart Tolle “The Power of Now.”

2. Books by David Frawley, MD, primarily Ayurveda and the Mind and Ayurvedic Therapy.

3. Books by S.N. Lazarev “Diagnostics of Karma” 1-12.

4. Books of Sivananda Swami.

5. J. Murphy “The Power of Your Subconscious”

6. Rudiger Dahlke and Thorvald Detlefsen. “Illness is like a path. The meaning and purpose of diseases."

7. Usanin A. “Pass into the third millennium

If you, dear reader, have a desire to also read this book, I recommend purchasing it at an affordable price, like me in the store

Rami Blackt

Triple wisdom (collection)

10 steps to happiness, health and success

I dedicate this book to the memory of my mother, Lyudmila, who, unfortunately, did not live to see its publication.

Mother was my Friend and first Teacher.

This book was largely thanks to her.

At our last meeting, when she had only a short time to live, she asked me to find a way to get rid of suffering and illness.

Then I thought: “Why is she asking?

After all, I’m not a pharmacist or a doctor.”

But later I realized that only true knowledge can save a person from suffering, illness and help him become happy.

Truly happy people hold the earth in their hands and continue the evolution of humanity.

Daniil Andreev

The true measure of the perfection of a human being is his ability to live in constant happiness and, as far as possible, to make others happy.

Kulapati E. Krishnamacharya

The biographies of people who have achieved success and succeeded in their business are somewhat similar.

As a child, even out of politeness I could not be called healthy and successful, and feelings of happiness were not so frequent.

I was not distinguished by great health - on the contrary, I was sick a lot.

In the photo where I am about eight years old, you will see a thin boy in shorts, with a big belly, looking rather sickly. Doctors predicted for this child a life full of diseases, including chronic ones, requiring constant use of various chemical drugs in order to somehow support the weak body.

But my parents did not agree with this diagnosis and instilled in me a love of hardening and sports.

If I was lucky in anything, it was with my parents and grandparents. They were truly intelligent people, possessed of worldly experience and a great sense of humor. They invested everything they had into my upbringing.

If you look at my photographs at the age of 16–17, you will already see in them an athletic, fit young man who has forgotten almost all past illnesses. After graduating from the institute, I became a master of sports in all-around, fulfilled several candidate standards, and was also a first-class student in many sports.

But then I discovered that athletic success does not at all guarantee the absence of physical illness.

Later, having learned the laws of a healthy lifestyle, I was able to get rid of diseases much more effectively than with the help of many hours of training.

Over the years, I have come to understand the true meaning of “success.” I closely observed, interacted with, and later often advised people who were widely considered to be very successful. But it was difficult to call them happy. After all, even if they experienced euphoria from their material achievements and financial well-being, this could not last long. And everyone had at least one aspect of life that caused pain, in which not everything was fine. Some had problems with children, others had problems with health, others had problems with family life, relationships with others did not work out, etc., etc. I began to think: what is success? Can a person be considered successful if he is unhappy? Is success always associated with achieving some position and material prosperity?

This book is written on the basis of ancient treatises on health and psychology. The truths they contain have been tested by time and modern scientific research.

First of all, we rely on Ayurveda - medicine given by God many millennia ago. This is medicine in which health, happiness and success are closely interconnected and complement each other. It was believed that harmony of health, happiness and success could not be achieved without a certain philosophical understanding of the world, without deep internal changes.

Until a person learns to set goals correctly, until he understands that his life is a mission and he must live in accordance with it, until he understands the basic law of the universe and takes the first step towards healing, until he understands where energy comes from, until will not get rid of the fear of death and will not develop the correct attitude to the blows of fate until he learns to speak correctly, it is in principle impossible to achieve any health, happiness and success.

We address these and other questions in the book.

In order to understand and implement seemingly simple truths, I needed to undergo severe trials. The life of an army officer, five years of monastic experience in a Hindu ashram. I experienced and was present at the death of people very close to me. I myself had the opportunity to die from a serious illness, fall in a faulty plane, freeze in a field, in a blizzard, at a temperature of minus 20... I made many painful mistakes.

Now it’s hard for me to remember the last time I felt unhappy or I didn’t succeed in what I decided to achieve. But this is now... And what did it cost me...

And one of the main goals of this book is to help you, dear reader, become healthy, happy and successful in a short time, without experiencing unnecessary blows of fate. Why repeat other people's mistakes?

Many of the answers to the questions that we discuss in this book were previously given only by enlightened masters in monasteries or in closed esoteric societies. But it seems to me that the time has come when everyone can learn these Great Truths.

I do not set myself the task of promoting any particular philosophical or spiritual school. The main thing for me is to help the reader get rid of unhappiness, illness and suffering that he can avoid, and begin to live a Life filled with ever-increasing happiness. This is how we were created by the Almighty, but we were also given the right to free choice. Many times, choosing what takes us away from a harmonious and happy life, we find ourselves at such a low level that we consider it impossible for a “normal” person to always be happy. But with each chapter of this book, moving closer and closer to its natural state, you will find that happiness is just a few steps away.

First step You can only hit the target if you can see it

Several thousand years ago the great sage Patanjali said:

“When you are inspired by a great goal, some unusual idea, all your thoughts begin to break the shackles that hold them back. Your mind goes beyond limitations, your consciousness expands the boundaries of its capabilities in all directions, and you begin to live in a new, vast and beautiful world. Dormant powers, abilities and talents come to life, and you find yourself much greater than you could have imagined.”

In ancient times, the sages said that a person’s life begins when he asks himself the question: “Who am I?”, “What is my meaning in life?”, “Why do I live?” Before this, a person lives simply like a refined animal, caring only about food, sleep, copulation and protection.

Almost like the old joke:

- Doctor, doctor, will I live?

– What’s the point?!

So the first thing we must do is ask ourselves these questions. And make every effort to find answers to these questions. Ayurveda states that health consists of four components. And the World Health Organization quotes almost literally the ancient Ayurvedic treatise "Sushruta Samhita" , defining health as complete physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. So, the third level of knowledge is called Swastha(literally “self-asserted”) – intellectual or psychological level. At this level, a person must answer the above questions and receive answers to them. If he cannot do this, he cannot be healthy, happy and successful. And this level is considered the main one.

Of course, first of all, it is understood that a person must understand deep philosophical questions about the universe, about the Creator, about the nature of the true Self, about the basic laws of this creation and have a clear, conscious purpose in life.

“The master asked the student: “What is the most terrible tragedy of human life?” “Probably because a person does not find answers to his questions,” answered the student. “No,” answered the Master. “The tragedy is that he doesn’t find the questions to answer.”

Even ordinary people who are not interested in deep philosophical questions, but simply want to be healthy and financially successful, need to have a goal and clearly understand what they specifically want from life.

An accurate definition of the object of our desires (in all areas of life) is the main condition for their fulfillment.

It is already generally accepted that our thoughts are the basis of everything - we create the reality around us with our thoughts and desires. Desires are the most powerful energy in the universe.

I would like to ask a lot about myself and my family, but the Torah says that being interested in your future is a sin, and it’s just kind of scary: what if I find out something wrong. But I have many questions that, I am sure, are of interest to many readers.

1. Is it possible to really change one’s destiny or are only “cosmetic” improvements possible?

2. And how can an ordinary person check this? Just believe or not take my word for it?

3. I agree with you that loving everyone and accepting everything is wonderful, but my “false ego” (it doesn’t seem false to me) is not able to change, no matter how hard I try (maybe over time, gradually? ).

4. And one more thing: the attitude of other people towards me, from my point of view, is bad, this is my karma. But my bad behavior towards someone is his bad karma? Maybe I can’t change for the better because he’s not entitled to a good one? Maybe our dislike for someone is from past lives?

5. Do we revolve among the same souls, moving from body to body?

6. Messing and Vanga knew the dates of their deaths. So, everything is predetermined for each person?

7. By having children, aren’t we making it worse for them (their souls), forcing them to suffer once again in our world?

8. How to deal with the most common phenomenon of “no strength” (that’s all you hear from everyone)? Where to get these forces?

9. And where to get money? People work two or three jobs, and in banks it’s “minus” and “minus”. Or does modern man have too many claims and needs? But I don’t want anything superfluous, I just want a decent and moderately secure existence. Or is this unnecessary?

The questions you ask concern many readers. But it’s still a pity that you didn’t send your information, it would have been easier for me to answer. Seeing your level, your karmic tasks, you could give examples from your life.

Regarding the fact that “knowing the future is a sin, and it’s just scary,” I don’t quite agree with you. First of all, you need to understand that no one knows the future for sure except God. But if God allows you to know the future, it means that at the same time he gives you the opportunity to change it.

Indeed, I have noticed that often people who are not very advanced spiritually learn about their future, but they either become depressed if they hear something bad, or become relaxed and defenseless if they hear something good. Therefore, I try not to give accurate forecasts, but say when and what is favorable for action, or, conversely, when it is better to refrain from them. Why does this terrify you? Aren't you afraid to listen to the weather forecast because they might predict a strong storm?! After all, thanks to this forecast, you can be better prepared for nature’s surprises. Is not it? The less love, the more fears.

Now let's move on to answering your questions.

  1. Yes, now is a time when fate can be changed significantly, but some limits still remain. For example, a hunchbacked dwarf is unlikely to become a two-meter athlete. But we can always change our worldview and attitude towards life, and this is what determines how happy we will be in this life and in the next, and not external circumstances. For example, you can be rich and healthy and feel deeply unhappy, or you can be sick and lonely, but feel peaceful and happy.
  2. Why and what to check? Imagine the situation: a smoking and drinking man comes to the doctor with a bunch of illnesses. He tells him: if you don’t change your lifestyle, it will get worse. A man quits smoking and drinking, starts going to the pool and doing yoga, and watching his diet. And after a year or two the diseases disappear - can this be? Why is it so difficult to believe that someone who learns to forgive and live with unconditional love, who works on their shortcomings and improves their character, can change their fate?
  3. Yes, it’s quite difficult to love everything and everyone at once. First you need to want it. And it is clear that there is no one to blame, everyone plays some role, and if someone offends us and hurts us, he fulfills the will of the Creator and helps us get rid of bad karma or learn the necessary lessons. But if we are offended by him, then aggression comes from us towards the entire Universe and our karma worsens. We need to understand that resentment and betrayal are the most gentle means of the Universe for healing our soul. If we do not accept this, then stronger “means” come in - loss of loved ones, serious illnesses, an ongoing period of losses, failures, etc.

You need to understand that love is not an action, but an existence. You can’t “do” love 24 hours a day. With any action comes fatigue. And if you are tired, you want to relax. Therefore, those who “do” love relax in hatred, in something opposite to love. Thus, love is a state of consciousness. The state of love is natural, like breathing. If we breathed with effort, we would get tired of it, we would need to rest, and we would die. Love is the breath of our soul. Without breathing, the body will die. Likewise, a soul cannot be born without love. When we love, our soul comes alive. But you cannot say: “Breathe only in my presence and not breathe in other cases.” If we obey, we will die. And you also cannot say: “Love only in my presence.” There is no monopoly on love. All this does not mean that you have to love everyone, no. We just have to be in a loving state of mind. It's like breathing - even in the presence of enemies we continue to breathe. When we breathe the air of love, our entire aura changes. She becomes sparkling, radiating joy. A woman with such an aura becomes super attractive to men. This is roughly how enlightened masters describe the state of love. This is something you need to understand and want.

Love is the acceptance of all imperfections of a partner. True love makes you better than you would be without that person in your life.

People often equate love with happiness. However, happiness is a state of mind that should develop within you and not be dependent on anyone else. The healthiest type of love is when you already feel good about yourself and therefore your love for someone is completely selfless.

Dr. Michael Newton

  1. You reason like this: “It’s someone else’s fault that I’m bad, I can’t change and I have problems.” Yes, indeed, if you cause pain to someone, it is his karma. But yours too - you will have to endure the consequences for this... After all, with your inner dirt, desire and willingness to “behave badly” you attracted this situation and this person into your life.
  2. People who have undergone hypnotic regression do not very often see their current loved ones in previous lives. Although this also happens. For example, one American woman, who has a disabled husband and devotes a lot of time to caring for him, saw that in a previous life they lived in a small town in South America and everything was the other way around. She was disabled, and her husband looked after her. The Vedas say that living beings are like chips in a stormy river. For some time they connect and swim together, but after a certain period of time a powerful current throws them in different directions.
  3. Those who come into this world with some kind of mission usually know when they will die. The Vedas also claim that the date of death is already known at the moment of birth. But an ordinary person is not given the opportunity to know the time of death, since he must be ready to leave this world at any moment. I would like to add that we live in a very unusual period, and a person’s karma can change greatly already in this incarnation. I saw people who, according to the map, the opinion of clairvoyants and doctors, should have died, but they changed their worldview, character and survived, and vice versa.
  4. You do worse for yourself and your children when you decide to have an abortion. If, according to your karma and the karma of future children, they are not supposed to be born, then no one will be born to you. But if it’s born, then that means it’s necessary. Now, in your opinion, is a difficult time from a financial point of view. When was it easy? From a spiritual point of view, these are the best times - in one short life you can change a lot. Many esoteric schools, especially eastern ones, say that there is now a “large queue” in heaven of those wishing to be born on Earth. A child receives happiness according to karma. He may be born into a good, rich family, but be sick and unhappy, or maybe vice versa. Although in fairness it is worth noting that up to the age of seven (many esoteric and religious schools say up to twelve) children are karmically defenseless and very dependent on their parents. Any offense, unpleasant situations, despondency, etc. during pregnancy and in the first years of a child’s life can ruin his karma - that’s what you need to be wary of.
  5. At the physical level, the phenomenon of “no strength” arises due to the fact that modern people live in an artificial world, in isolation from nature, leading an unnatural lifestyle, not taking into account natural rhythms, eating artificial products stuffed with chemicals, and moving little. On a spiritual and psychological level, lack of energy occurs because the soul is disconnected from God. The outside world only takes our energy, but we must draw energy from God. The less selfishness we have and the more we live by divine love, the closer we are to God. Even Carl Jung, the greatest psychoanalyst of the modern era, wrote in his book “Modern Man in Search of the Soul” that it has never been possible to truly cure patients over 35 years of age who have not restored (gained) religious and spiritual views on life. Strong material desires tempt us, just as bamboo trunks drain a small swamp.
  6. As for money, everyone has their own way. But it should be said that the concepts of “wealth” and “hard work” are incompatible. Ayurveda claims that in order to be healthy and rich, you need to be hardworking, that is, love your work, your activities, but this does not mean working three hated jobs for 12-16 hours. The vast majority of millionaires who became rich in this life claim that they never worked hard, but always did what they loved. “Decent”, “secure” existence - all these are concepts of a psychological nature and, therefore, depend on the internal state. Eastern philosophy teaches: “Outwardly you should always be active and act in accordance with your nature, but internally you should always be calm and peaceful.”

The fact that you constantly regret the past greatly worsens your fate and destroys your psyche. What's the point of regretting the past? If something happened, it means that it was the will of the Almighty.

Rami Blackt

Triple wisdom (collection)

10 steps to happiness, health and success

I dedicate this book to the memory of my mother, Lyudmila, who, unfortunately, did not live to see its publication.

Mother was my Friend and first Teacher.

This book was largely thanks to her.

At our last meeting, when she had only a short time to live, she asked me to find a way to get rid of suffering and illness.

Then I thought: “Why is she asking?

After all, I’m not a pharmacist or a doctor.”

But later I realized that only true knowledge can save a person from suffering, illness and help him become happy.

Truly happy people hold the earth in their hands and continue the evolution of humanity.

Daniil Andreev

The true measure of the perfection of a human being is his ability to live in constant happiness and, as far as possible, to make others happy.

Kulapati E. Krishnamacharya

The biographies of people who have achieved success and succeeded in their business are somewhat similar.

As a child, even out of politeness I could not be called healthy and successful, and feelings of happiness were not so frequent.

I was not distinguished by great health - on the contrary, I was sick a lot.

In the photo where I am about eight years old, you will see a thin boy in shorts, with a big belly, looking rather sickly. Doctors predicted for this child a life full of diseases, including chronic ones, requiring constant use of various chemical drugs in order to somehow support the weak body.

But my parents did not agree with this diagnosis and instilled in me a love of hardening and sports.

If I was lucky in anything, it was with my parents and grandparents. They were truly intelligent people, possessed of worldly experience and a great sense of humor. They invested everything they had into my upbringing.

If you look at my photographs at the age of 16–17, you will already see in them an athletic, fit young man who has forgotten almost all past illnesses. After graduating from the institute, I became a master of sports in all-around, fulfilled several candidate standards, and was also a first-class student in many sports.

But then I discovered that athletic success does not at all guarantee the absence of physical illness.

Later, having learned the laws of a healthy lifestyle, I was able to get rid of diseases much more effectively than with the help of many hours of training.

Over the years, I have come to understand the true meaning of “success.” I closely observed, interacted with, and later often advised people who were widely considered to be very successful. But it was difficult to call them happy. After all, even if they experienced euphoria from their material achievements and financial well-being, this could not last long. And everyone had at least one aspect of life that caused pain, in which not everything was fine. Some had problems with children, others had problems with health, others had problems with family life, relationships with others did not work out, etc., etc. I began to think: what is success? Can a person be considered successful if he is unhappy? Is success always associated with achieving some position and material prosperity?

This book is written on the basis of ancient treatises on health and psychology. The truths they contain have been tested by time and modern scientific research.

First of all, we rely on Ayurveda - medicine given by God many millennia ago. This is medicine in which health, happiness and success are closely interconnected and complement each other. It was believed that harmony of health, happiness and success could not be achieved without a certain philosophical understanding of the world, without deep internal changes.

Until a person learns to set goals correctly, until he understands that his life is a mission and he must live in accordance with it, until he understands the basic law of the universe and takes the first step towards healing, until he understands where energy comes from, until will not get rid of the fear of death and will not develop the correct attitude to the blows of fate until he learns to speak correctly, it is in principle impossible to achieve any health, happiness and success.

© Rami Blackt
© Astrel Publishing House LLC

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10 steps to happiness, health and success

I dedicate this book to the memory of my mother, Lyudmila, who, unfortunately, did not live to see its publication.
Mother was my Friend and first Teacher.
This book was largely thanks to her.
At our last meeting, when she had only a short time to live, she asked me to find a way to get rid of suffering and illness.
Then I thought: “Why is she asking?
After all, I’m not a pharmacist or a doctor.”
But later I realized that only true knowledge can save a person from suffering, illness and help him become happy.
Truly happy people hold the earth in their hands and continue the evolution of humanity.
Daniil Andreev
The true measure of the perfection of a human being is his ability to live in constant happiness and, as far as possible, to make others happy.
Kulapati E. Krishnamacharya

From the author

The biographies of people who have achieved success and succeeded in their business are somewhat similar.
As a child, even out of politeness I could not be called healthy and successful, and feelings of happiness were not so frequent.
I was not distinguished by great health - on the contrary, I was sick a lot.
In the photo where I am about eight years old, you will see a thin boy in shorts, with a big belly, looking rather sickly. Doctors predicted for this child a life full of diseases, including chronic ones, requiring constant use of various chemical drugs in order to somehow support the weak body.
But my parents did not agree with this diagnosis and instilled in me a love of hardening and sports.
If I was lucky in anything, it was with my parents and grandparents. They were truly intelligent people, possessed of worldly experience and a great sense of humor. They invested everything they had into my upbringing.
If you look at my photographs at the age of 16–17, you will already see in them an athletic, fit young man who has forgotten almost all past illnesses. After graduating from the institute, I became a master of sports in all-around, fulfilled several candidate standards, and was also a first-class student in many sports.
But then I discovered that athletic success does not at all guarantee the absence of physical illness.
Later, having learned the laws of a healthy lifestyle, I was able to get rid of diseases much more effectively than with the help of many hours of training.
Over the years, I have come to understand the true meaning of “success.” I closely observed, interacted with, and later often advised people who were widely considered to be very successful. But it was difficult to call them happy. After all, even if they experienced euphoria from their material achievements and financial well-being, this could not last long. And everyone had at least one aspect of life that caused pain, in which not everything was fine. Some had problems with children, others had problems with health, others had problems with family life, relationships with others did not work out, etc., etc. I began to think: what is success? Can a person be considered successful if he is unhappy? Is success always associated with achieving some position and material prosperity?
This book is written on the basis of ancient treatises on health and psychology. The truths they contain have been tested by time and modern scientific research.
First of all, we rely on Ayurveda - medicine given by God many millennia ago. This is medicine in which health, happiness and success are closely interconnected and complement each other. It was believed that harmony of health, happiness and success could not be achieved without a certain philosophical understanding of the world, without deep internal changes.
Until a person learns to set goals correctly, until he understands that his life is a mission and he must live in accordance with it, until he understands the basic law of the universe and takes the first step towards healing, until he understands where energy comes from, until will not get rid of the fear of death and will not develop the correct attitude to the blows of fate until he learns to speak correctly, it is in principle impossible to achieve any health, happiness and success.
We address these and other questions in the book.
In order to understand and implement seemingly simple truths, I needed to undergo severe trials. The life of an army officer, five years of monastic experience in a Hindu ashram. I experienced and was present at the death of people very close to me. I myself had the opportunity to die from a serious illness, fall in a faulty plane, freeze in a field, in a blizzard, at a temperature of minus 20... I made many painful mistakes.
Now it’s hard for me to remember the last time I felt unhappy or I didn’t succeed in what I decided to achieve. But this is now... And what did it cost me...
And one of the main goals of this book is to help you, dear reader, become healthy, happy and successful in a short time, without experiencing unnecessary blows of fate. Why repeat other people's mistakes?
Many of the answers to the questions that we discuss in this book were previously given only by enlightened masters in monasteries or in closed esoteric societies. But it seems to me that the time has come when everyone can learn these Great Truths.
I do not set myself the task of promoting any particular philosophical or spiritual school. The main thing for me is to help the reader get rid of unhappiness, illness and suffering that he can avoid, and begin to live a Life filled with ever-increasing happiness. This is how we were created by the Almighty, but we were also given the right to free choice. Many times, choosing what takes us away from a harmonious and happy life, we find ourselves at such a low level that we consider it impossible for a “normal” person to always be happy. But with each chapter of this book, moving closer and closer to its natural state, you will find that happiness is just a few steps away.

First step
You can only hit the target if you can see it

Several thousand years ago the great sage Patanjali said:

“When you are inspired by a great goal, some unusual idea, all your thoughts begin to break the shackles that hold them back. Your mind goes beyond limitations, your consciousness expands the boundaries of its capabilities in all directions, and you begin to live in a new, vast and beautiful world. Dormant powers, abilities and talents come to life, and you find yourself much greater than you could have imagined.”

In ancient times, the sages said that a person’s life begins when he asks himself the question: “Who am I?”, “What is my meaning in life?”, “Why do I live?” Before this, a person lives simply like a refined animal, caring only about food, sleep, copulation and protection.

Almost like the old joke:
- Doctor, doctor, will I live?
– What’s the point?!

So the first thing we must do is ask ourselves these questions. And make every effort to find answers to these questions. Ayurveda states that health consists of four components. And the World Health Organization quotes almost literally the ancient Ayurvedic treatise "Sushruta Samhita", defining health as complete physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. So, the third level of knowledge is called Swastha(literally “self-asserted”) – intellectual or psychological level. At this level, a person must answer the above questions and receive answers to them. If he cannot do this, he cannot be healthy, happy and successful. And this level is considered the main one.

Of course, first of all, it is understood that a person must understand deep philosophical questions about the universe, about the Creator, about the nature of the true Self, about the basic laws of this creation and have a clear, conscious purpose in life.

“The master asked the student: “What is the most terrible tragedy of human life?” “Probably because a person does not find answers to his questions,” answered the student. “No,” answered the Master. “The tragedy is that he doesn’t find the questions to answer.”

Even ordinary people who are not interested in deep philosophical questions, but simply want to be healthy and financially successful, need to have a goal and clearly understand what they specifically want from life.

An accurate definition of the object of our desires (in all areas of life) is the main condition for their fulfillment.

It is already generally accepted that our thoughts are the basis of everything - we create the reality around us with our thoughts and desires. Desires are the most powerful energy in the universe.

When a person devotes himself entirely to something, the entire course of the universe changes to help him.
In our society, according to statistics, just under three percent of people achieve many times more than everyone else combined. And one of the main qualities that distinguishes them from the general mass of people is the presence of clear goals and the ability to live by planning. This was clearly demonstrated by a scientific experiment begun in 1953 at Harvard University (USA). All graduates were asked whether they have a goal in life and whether they have the desire to achieve this goal. And it turned out that less than three percent of students set specific goals for themselves and have at least some idea of ​​what they want from life. Over the next 25 years, observing their successes, it was discovered that these graduates achieved significantly more than everyone else in all areas of life.

This is understandable - after all, where does any enterprise or construction begin? From creating a business plan or project. And the more time was spent on this, the more carefully every detail was thought out, the better the result will be. Who wants to live in a house that was designed hastily? Or drive a car that was designed by an inattentive engineer? But, unfortunately, we treat our lives much more irresponsibly. Almost no one knows why he lives, what exactly he wants from life. And I declare this with full responsibility, having consulted thousands of people, conducting many seminars, lectures and psycho-trainings in different countries. I was simply amazed that questions on this topic take people by surprise, and even if someone answers them right away, it is clear that he is not speaking thoughtfully or from the heart. And, as a rule, the declared goals are very mundane or, if a person is engaged in any spiritual practice, then he proclaims postulates that were once memorized. Only a few people said that their goal was love. Only a few very successful and harmonious businessmen who clearly knew what they wanted and how they were going to achieve it had a conscious mission in life.
I also encountered the other extreme. Others, having obviously gone through several seminars in distribution companies, had life plans on several pages in which it was written: buy several villas in different parts of the world, a helicopter, a yacht, etc. All that is needed for this is the need to sell more goods from a certain company.
Whether we like it or not, the laws of this world are as follows: if we do not write the script for our life, others will write it for us.

Goals are the main source of energy

We take gross energy from food, but subtle energy from our enthusiasm, and enthusiasm arises from the existence of great goals. A person who lives by simply floating aimlessly cannot be happy, because for a happy life we ​​need it to have meaning. Since the basic need of the soul is the need for meaningfulness in life, and this is precisely what goals give us. Helen Koehler, disabled, blind since childhood, has achieved a lot in life. And when asked how she manages to always be so happy despite her disability, she answered:

“A lot of people have completely wrong ideas about happiness. It cannot be achieved by satisfying one’s desires; it requires dedication to the real goal.”
With these words she confirmed the ancient wisdom:

“The constant feeling of happiness lies in continuous efforts to achieve one's goals and steady progress towards the goal of life.”

In our civilization, it is generally accepted that the main conditions for happiness are the creation of comfortable conditions for the body. But what we really need is to have something that makes us excited. It is necessary to have a goal for which it is worth and would like to get up in the morning. Besides - Having a goal can greatly alleviate suffering. An example of this is that a woman giving birth, who strongly desires a child, may not notice the pain that accompanies childbirth. On the other hand, a person engaged in meaningless activities will be irritated by any trifle.

The purpose of life should inspire us and be great

In order for the purpose of life to inspire us, it must be sublime, aimed at the good of the world and somewhat ... unattainable. For example, the best and, in general, the only correct option is to achieve Love for God, Divine Love. Its derivatives can be: achieving unity with God, getting rid of selfishness, spreading divine Love throughout the world, saving humanity, etc. You can specify tasks, for example: finding a cure for an incurable disease, reviving the culture of your people, etc.

Because if we set a low final life goal for ourselves, then we expose our life to great danger, because at the moment of achieving this temporary goal, the subconscious says: “That’s it, you have achieved everything you wanted in this life, you have no reason to live,” and the person falls into severe depression, falls ill, or even dies. And setting a new temporary goal, as a rule, does not help. After all, subconscious attitudes do not change in a few days. For example, a person gives himself an attitude: the main thing in life is to defend his doctoral dissertation, earn a million, get married successfully, give his children a good education, etc., but having achieved this, the person stumbles upon an energy wall and loses his taste for life. A striking example of this is people for whom achievements in their career are the main meaning of life, and when they lose their jobs, they quickly fade away.

Truly intelligent and philosophical people should strive to achieve that goal that cannot be achieved in this universe, even if you go around it all.
Srimad Bhagavatam, 1.5.18

Our life depends on the level and quality of the energies with which we live

Conclusions of modern scientists:
1. Everything around, even our hand, is vibrating energy.
2. There is a law of attraction: what we think about, we attract.
It is obvious that our standard of living depends on the level of energies on which we live. In turn, the level of these energies depends on the level of goals. For example, a person lives dreaming of taking revenge on someone, doing something bad - this means that he takes on the energy of anger, resentment, envy, and these energies are self-destructive in nature. By and large, all desires that come from the false ego, no matter how noble they may sound, lead to degradation, unhappiness and darkness, because they are selfish in nature. A synonym for selfishness is a cancer cell that does not care about the entire body as a whole, in favor of its own interests.
These may also be desires to snatch something, to become famous, to achieve some position, or even to help someone, with the hope of getting something thanks to this help.
On the other hand, desires that come from the soul are altruistic and selfless in nature and give us great inspiration and joy.
For example, sit down and tell yourself: “I will bring light and love to this world, no matter what happens, no matter what difficult lesson fate teaches me, no matter how the people around me treat me, I will still remain a servant of the Almighty and will bring light and love to this world "
And after some time, give yourself a different attitude:
“I will live in this world only for myself, well, maybe for my family and, at most, for my nation. Life is short and I will try to get as much sense pleasure and prestige out of it as possible. And I will achieve this, no matter what happens, and I will cruelly take revenge on those who prevent me from this.”
I think you will easily feel the difference in your psychological state. In the first case, a normal person has a feeling of joy and flight, in the second, tension and stiffness arise (the test is designed for people who have not yet degenerated below the animal level). According to the observations of modern scientists, in the first case, all organs in the human body begin to work harmoniously, and according to eyewitnesses, even just being next to people (and even their graves) who live or lived this way gives a feeling of bliss and can cure a serious illness .
In the second case: self-destructive biochemical processes in the body begin. And being around such people causes negative emotions, and on the physical level you can get sick. Even if these people smile at you.

The qualities of our character determine our destiny

You cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem.
Albert Einstein
And here we smoothly moved on to a topic that is fundamental in Eastern psychology. That the qualities of our character determine our destiny.
A difficult character means a difficult fate.
We often quote an old English saying: “Thought gives birth to action, action to habit, habit to character, character to destiny.” But originally in Eastern psychology it was said more fully: “The reason for success in all areas of life is the right relationships.” But the reason for this relationship is your culture. Culture is the outward manifestation of your character.
Character is formed from habits;
- but your habits are a consequence of your actions;
– actions give rise to thoughts;
– your thoughts are born from your desires;
– and your desires are inextricably linked with qualities.
That is, it is obvious that an envious, greedy, selfish person wants one thing. Kind is completely different. Therefore, it is very important to realize your values.

Thus, immediately after we have understood and written down what we want to achieve, we need to understand on the basis of what internal values ​​we want to achieve it. In other words, we need to understand our values, our ideals, and at the same time check whether we live in accordance with them.

Below I would like to emphasize one very important philosophical point, without awareness of which our life will be unhappy and have a self-destructive tendency, even if we have a goal of life spelled out in detail in beautiful words.

Great things always involve the death of the ego.

It is unwise to set progress as a goal, since progress is endless. The goal can only be to transform something, and not to continue or improve what already exists. For example, a doctor engaged in science should first of all think about how to save people from diseases, and not classify diseases or look for new drugs that can only temporarily alleviate suffering. A doctor who spends his whole life learning to recognize the external manifestations of diseases, defends dissertations and at the same time does not try to get rid of egoism, find the deep cause of diseases, understand the laws of the universe and why diseases exist in this world, is not able to relieve suffering and cure. Such a doctor will be of little use to patients.
Dry statistics show the same thing: huge amounts of money are spent on healthcare in Western countries, but the number of diseases and sick people is increasing. The main success of modern medicine is the development of surgery and the victory over many infectious diseases. But it often happens that surgical intervention turns out to be not so necessary, and sometimes leads to a worsening of the patient’s condition. (How can one not remember a joke from the category of “black humor”: the operation was successful, only the patient died.)
Almost all antibiotics have strong side effects (from the same series of jokes: the temperature dropped, but the liver failed). Some viruses have developed resistance to antibiotics. An analysis of the facts shows that infectious diseases were brought under control not so much due to medical intervention, but rather due to economic development, which improved people's living conditions and the level of personal hygiene.

According to statistics and data from the World Health Organization, human health depends on medicine by about 10%, another 15% on heredity, and the rest depends on the person himself.
But until modern luminaries of medicine recognize that the main cause of diseases is the character, worldview of the patient, the importance of the predominance of disease prevention, and the fact that the qualities of a doctor’s personality play no less important role than his knowledge, modern medicine will not rise to a new level.

A selfish, envious, greedy, angry person cannot be called free, no matter what country he lives in. He is a puppet, a slave of lower energies. And no more comfortable conditions can be his goal. The more progress such a person achieves in economics, education, culture, religion, etc., the more destruction and misfortune he will bring into his life and, of course, into the lives of the people around him. Moreover, the more power and fame he receives, the more suffering the world will see. The goal of such a person should be freedom, that is, a completely different state. And this is achieved by working on the qualities of your character.
By and large, freedom is possible only if the goal is unity with all that exists. This is a genuine transition to a qualitatively new level of being. As long as our temporary self strives for eternal life, we will suffer defeat just like a cancer cell. A cancer cell differs from a normal cell in overestimating its EGO.

See clearly and walk firmly

Imagination is the upcoming display of life events.
Albert Einstein
The greatest strength in a person is his imagination. It is dangerous, inventing the irresistible and causing fear. It is saving, building for a person a bright, endless street of eternal life, a life devoid of a dead end and its own decay. We are alive with imagination, but we are also dead with it.
Archbishop of Tashkent and Central Asia
And now we need to understand how we want to achieve our goal and then periodically check ourselves: what am I doing for this?

That is, if we do not want to be like a ship that simply circles aimlessly in the ocean, periodically completely changing course, then it is important to deeply think through the mission of our life, be sure to write it down, understand how we want to achieve it and, at least once a week, check how much we adhere to it, and whether we are doing everything to achieve it.

And it is also very important to have a formulated and written mission for your life and formulated goals in various areas of your activity.

Many will say: my goals are in my head. At any moment I can remember and formulate them, why should I also write them down?

But it doesn't work.

Scientists believe that more than 50 thousand thoughts rush through the human brain per day. And when we write down our goals, we single out a few main ones from tens of thousands. It’s as if we set up a big beacon, and the mind rushes towards it, concentrates, stops its aimless wandering and turns into a controlled high-speed train. Moreover, the subconscious, having received a clear directive, begins to actively help us.
It is also important to ask yourself the following questions and answer them:
– How am I going to achieve this?
– What am I doing to make my dream come true?

Once in the USA, after a lecture, a woman who had once left the USSR came up to me. She said that after graduating from school, she wrote a note in which she named five of her wishes. She soon forgot about it. More than 15 years have passed. She was visiting relatives in Ukraine and found this piece of paper in old things. And she was surprised to discover that all her wishes had come true...


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