Robert is a Jewish name. What does the name Robert mean?

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Name description: The name Robert is of ancient Germanic origin and means “unfading glory.”

Outwardly, Robert, as a rule, is a boy similar to his mother, and she often spoils him. But his stubborn character comes from his father. From an early age, the bearer of this name has been involved in sports and can even devote his life to it.

Robert always knows perfectly well what he wants, but trying to achieve his goal in the easiest way, he encounters many difficulties and fails. He is too proud and unable to openly admit that he is wrong; he experiences his failures in silence, but this does not lead him astray.

Robert is distinguished by his sharp mind, love of life and generosity - this explains the fact that he has a lot of friends. He has the ability to forgive and understand others, and usually tries to do this in such a way that it does not make anyone uncomfortable or humiliating, for which he enjoys the respect of others.

Robert can achieve success in any field of activity. Among the owners of this name there are many good artists, doctors, athletes, actors and even law enforcement officers, but they all have one priceless advantage - the ability to feel happy under any circumstances. If necessary, they can be content with little.

Robert is charming in the eyes of women, he is different good physique and realizes his attractiveness. Because of this, his self-esteem grows, and he often changes his girlfriends, preferring stunning women with beautiful breasts. Having met the one whom he considers his soul mate, Robert loses his head, lives only by her, but, not meeting the same feeling in response, he experiences cooling towards her. He would rather marry someone who will lead than seek the reciprocity of an unavailable woman. It’s difficult to call him sentimental, but he has a lot of sensitivity and warmth, which his friends and relatives know very well.

Surname: Robertovich

Date of Birth: August 30, August 14, August 13, August 1, July 31, July 27, July 18

Date of birth by Orthodox calendar: September 17, June 8, June 7, April 30, April 29, April 25, April 17, March 27

Personality: stubborn, persistent, proud, witty, cheerful, generous, jealous, unpretentious, reliable, restless, strict

Name abbreviations: Robertushka, Roba, Rob, Bert, Bertik, Roban, Slave, Robik, Rubin

Suitable middle name: Iosifovich, Robertovna, Tigranovich, Albertovich, Karenovich, Levonovich

Suitable for boys or girls: only for guys

Name pronunciation: hard

Nationality of the name: Germanic

Most suitable for zodiac signs: Virgo, Libra, Pisces, Gemini

Good compatibility with names: Inara,

Just as in our tradition, in the West there are names that are common and familiar to most people. Such names are slowly but surely coming to us.

Such names include the name Robert. To understand the meaning of the name Robert, we will have to turn to the ancient Germanic language, where it originates. Translated it sounds like “unfading glory”, “brilliant glory”, “glorified”. It is not surprising that the fate of the bearer of this name promises to be bright, unpredictable and, perhaps, quite happy.

In the world, this name is predominantly worn by men of Western European nationalities - English, Germans, French. It is also noteworthy that a number of European royals bore the name Robert. Today, when nationality is taken into account less and less when choosing a name, the name has come into our tradition.

There are many short forms, some of them came along with the name from the West, and some were formed under the influence of the peculiarities of our language: Bob, Rupert, Rob, Bert, Robertushka, Robik, Bertik, Bobby, Robin, Robertik.

Character traits

WITH early childhood The child will be characterized by such qualities as seriousness, thoughtfulness, and calmness. His behavior is noticeably different from that of his peers; he seems a little older than his age.

Already in early childhood great importance Robert imparts new knowledge: he is interested in books about travel and space, loves to tinker with construction sets, has a warm attitude towards animals and often persuades mom and dad to go to the zoo. The boy will always find something to do with himself, so his parents will not have to face serious troubles in raising him.

Since Robert's character is extremely different high ability concentrate on something, at school he will shine with his abilities. Both exact sciences and literature, history, and natural science are equally easy for him.

He truly enjoys studying, causing the general delight of his teachers. Naturally, this is reflected in the child’s self-esteem: he has been confident in himself since childhood and does not suffer from the worries that many children have about conflicts with peers. If necessary, he will stand up for himself, while trying to reduce the quarrel to something worse, but to peace.

Robert learns to understand people early; he does not tend to be offended for a long time, make plans for revenge and remember old disagreements. These characteristics attract people to Robert, whose adequate perception of relationships makes him a good, loyal friend. True, if the conflict becomes acutely personal, the outcome of the quarrel may not be very happy - Robert will end his relationship with the person, no matter how good a friend he is.

Another important quality is determination. He always knows what he wants and is very specific in his desires. He stubbornly pursues his goal, boldly facing failures, and perceives bumps as another lesson.

Thanks to this in professional field Robert could be a real success. And most importantly, he is characterized by a great love of life: he can calmly be content with little, without experiencing discomfort and feeling truly happy.

The meaning of the name Robert is most suitable for three zodiac signs:

The zodiac sign Cancer will emphasize such characteristics of a man as high creativity, intelligence, confidence, and independence. Taurus is characterized by love of life, friendliness and determination, which characterize Robert. The sign of Capricorn will emphasize perseverance, endurance and hard work.

Professional choice

As mentioned above, Robert’s character is distinguished by a flexible, bright mind; the man is well-read and intellectual. There is also a penchant for analysis, due to which areas such as mathematics, computer science and logistics can become successful for him.

No less good choice there will be architecture and drawing. In these areas, Robert, not a careerist by nature, will still be able to achieve noticeable heights, since his perseverance, concentration and hard work will not leave his superiors indifferent.

Innate curiosity opens up for him a successful path in the field of history, archeology, and geology. Business trips, expeditions, and working with living material attract Robert, and the ability to be content with little allows him to easily endure the difficulties of the road and overnight stays in difficult conditions. At the same time, Robert attaches great importance to reading - hence the likelihood of choosing a literary career.

The origin of the name endows its bearer with the powerful energy of a winner, so Robert is able to establish successful business. True, it will be better if he opens this business himself, without the help of friends and partners.

Love line

Robert stands out in the crowd of men around him with his wit, intelligence and confidence. Naturally, he is not deprived of female attention, although some women may be put off by his illusory coldness and calmness.

If desired, he is able to charm and make any girl fall in love with him, although he does not like to use his charm, revealing himself only to the one that the man really liked. In relationships, his character does not change, the man remains a little distant, but understanding and loving woman will be able to discern deep respect and love for her in this calmness.

He takes marriage seriously, despite the fact that before the wedding he may have many affairs. He will decide to marry only out of a very strong, indestructible feeling. Ideal woman for him - smart, intelligent, distinguished by inner beauty and wisdom.

In marriage he will become good, loving husband and a kind father who often pampers his child and forgives him for some minor mischief. Robert's woman should be prepared for the fact that he may show jealousy; in his wife he sees not only a woman, but also a friend, so betrayal for him means not just betrayal, but doubly betrayal.

Robert will be ideally compatible with the bearers of the following names:

  • Raisa.
  • Elina.

Since the name Robert is Catholic, name days are celebrated according to the Catholic calendar. This is April 25 - the patron saint of Robert of Syracuse, April 29 - the day of St. Robert Gruethisen, June 7 - in honor of St. Robert of Newminster. IN Orthodox tradition The boy's name day will be celebrated according to the second name given at baptism. Author: Ksenia Dumcheva

All scientists and specialists in this field have absolutely no disagreement regarding the origin and meaning of the male name Robert. The origin of the name Robert is clearly ancient Germanic, which translated into Russian means “glorious” or “unfading glory.” Wide use male name Robert, due to its importance, received in America and Europe. But it has slightly modified forms, characteristic of each country. It sounds like Robertus, Rupert, Robin, Robbie, Arruber and others. In our country, this name is quite rare, and even more so it cannot be called popular. The origin of the name leaves a large “brilliant” and “glorious” imprint on its bearer Robert, and plays a large role in the formation of the child’s character.


Meaning rare name Robert for a boy is excessive calm and balance, restraint and slight isolation. Often the baby has to be the center of attention in society, which he does not like very much because of his characteristic features. The baby grows up to be a very calm boy from early childhood and reasonable as an adult. Robert can be called a very modest child, because he seriously believes that he is an extremely unremarkable person with no special talents, who does not stand out in any way. Therefore, when those around him begin to show increased attention to him, he responds to them with extraordinary restraint. Robert is doing well at school. He successfully masters absolutely all subjects. However, the student is far from being a nerd or a crammer. Just the meaning of the name gives Robert enormous abilities in both the humanities and the exact sciences, which will be useful for the boy in the near future and in his destiny.

This child has a special predisposition to study foreign languages. His inherent neatness and thrift make his notebooks, diary and textbooks a role model. However, the meaning of the name Robert does not give this child good health. The boy grows up sickly, he often has to miss school, but this does not affect his academic performance. Even during illness, the student studies independently or with the help of friends, so he never lags behind. In terms of obedience, the boy also has no complaints. Parents find it easy and comfortable with him. But he also has a special feature - he has his own point of view on any question. He can change it only if he is provided with arguments and facts, as well as evidence that he is wrong.

The boy Robert, which means the name “shiny with glory,” is very sociable, friendly, affable and responsive. His positive trait is conscientiousness; he will never commit a bad act, no matter what benefit it brings. He has many friends, but at the same time he can often be withdrawn with them. The kid is used to keeping all his grievances and experiences to himself and not sharing them even with his loved ones, since he practically does not trust people.

Business and career

Robert Rozhdestvensky

Quiet areas of activity are ideal for Robert. This means that a man named Robert can become a teacher or librarian. teacher. In childhood and adolescence, the child’s clear predisposition to become a professional athlete is visible, which in adulthood can develop into his career. Character traits such as determination and perseverance help a man not only set specific goals for himself, but also achieve them. He always knows where to go. Often the chosen path to success is accompanied by ups and downs; Robert gets into trouble, but courageously experiences this within himself and gets down to business again. Finding a profession for himself, he does not strive to become a leader in the team.

A man would prefer to be a deputy director, or even better, to hold an ordinary ordinary position. Robert is not one of those people who are distinguished by great ambitions at work and a desire to argue. He silently and obediently carries out his work and all the instructions of his superiors. This means that the bearer of the name Robert does not seem to mind career growth, But special effort will not be attached to this. He needs a measured and calm existence. A man has a predisposition to open up own business, but it is important that the business is small and brings in a stable income. For Robert, its development and expansion is not even necessary, the main thing is a constant income. The meaning of the name Robert contains a predisposition to such areas as art and sports. He can become a historian, biologist, draftsman. This man is not a team player, but a solo player. It is easier for him to cope with things by working independently.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Robert makes a grown man a witty joker. Despite his childhood isolation, the guy grows up to be the life of the party. He is always ready to help not only relatives and friends, but also those around him, he is distinguished by his generosity and good nature. In fate, a man named Robert, due to the meaning of his name, always has many friends and acquaintances. For him, life is beautiful in all its reflections and situations. Robert's personal life is very eventful. This charming guy not only attracts, but literally attracts the opposite sex. He has no goal of finding the one and only one as quickly as possible and finding harmony and happiness with her. Robert tends to change girls often. This guy is very demanding of his partner, he needs attention, affection, love.

Not everyone knows what the name Robert means: excessive narcissism. No matter how much he likes the girl and no matter what feelings he has for her, if she is cold towards him, then he will not even try to win her love. He won’t be upset for a long time either, he will quickly find solace in the arms of another girl. However, when a guy finds mutual love, he instantly turns into a serious man, in whom nothing of the flighty “Casanova” remains. He becomes even more serious when he gets married. He will remain faithful to his wife, not at all interested in adventures on the side. In some situations, his jealousy can interfere with him. It will be difficult for Robert to cope with the betrayal of his beloved woman, but he is able to quickly forgive her. A man is ready to go to great lengths to save his marriage and live in it long life. She loves her children very much, sacrificing a lot to make them happy. At the same time, he really pays close attention to them and takes an active part in their upbringing.


An adult man named Robert, whose value is quite good, is by all measures an exceptional person. Not only is he a godsend for any woman. He is also able to always keep his word and promise, always tries to be as courteous as possible, to please everyone, and does not deceive or offend people. Despite the fact that all people are different, he tries to behave equally restrained with everyone. It is very easy to make friends with him thanks to his sociability, friendliness, openness and friendliness. He enjoys being surrounded by friends. But since childhood, he has retained his distrust and secrecy. People are drawn to Robert because of his ability to win them over and let them talk.

Aventurine stone

It is important to find out in time what the name Robert means - a wonderful listener who is able to support, do correct conclusions, give the necessary site, help in word and deed. He is not only able to understand other people, but also forgive them. Any secrets and secrets entrusted to the guy will be securely kept. This non-conflict person has such character advantages as responsiveness, adequacy, intelligence and integrity. But there are several things in Robert’s character, due to the meaning of the name. negative traits- isolation and closedness.

Sometimes one can note Robert's arrogance, gloominess, gloominess and pickiness. He is always able to win people over, especially if he is in a depressed state or simply in no mood. Lack of emotionality and severity can even scare away people around you. The best amulet For Robert, the talisman stone will be aventurine, the planets Uranus and Pluto patronize his name, and the electric stingray will be his totem animal. The meaning of the name Robert ideally combines with such zodiac constellations as Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio.


Robert has favorable compatibility with female names Alexandra, Alla, Anna, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Vera, Zhanna, Zinaida, Karina, Lydia, Love, Nadezhda, Nina, Marina, Margarita, Maya, Marta, Olga, Raisa, Rosa, Regina, Sofia, Tatyana, Tamara, Ulyana Yulia.

Robert will have an unsuccessful union with Ada, Anastasia, Varvara, Louise, Maria, Emma, ​​Antonina, Lina, Stella, Frida.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Brilliant, unfading glory" (from the Old German roots hrod, "glory", and beraht, "brilliant, bright")

Energy of the name and character: The name Robert, due to its sonority and rarity, is able to distinguish its bearer in almost any circle, however, this somewhat contradicts the general energy of the name, since there is a fairly noticeable isolation and balance in it. This is usually expressed in the fact that from childhood Robert begins to look somewhat older than his years, reacting with restraint to excessive attention. Perhaps he will even seem a little strict and cold, but this is unlikely to be the case in reality.

This name suggests focus, the ability to concentrate for long periods of time, and good nature. Usually, Robert’s pride is not harmed in any way; he can quite calmly stand up for himself, but his name does not incline him to endure grievances for a long time. Rather, on the contrary, after the conflict, Robert will quickly regain his balance and may even try to understand his enemy, and to understand means to treat him humanly. At the same time, balance does not make him lazy and clumsy; it happens that even without any education he early learns the value of the word “must” and tries to do the job without fuss and very thoroughly.

Of course, he is also familiar with deep feelings and experiences, especially in his youth, but he prefers to keep them inside. If the name were sharper, this could lead to nervous tension or even a breakdown, but Robert, who is devoid of excessive touchiness, often gives an exculpatory character to his thoughts about the sources of his problems. He knows how to forgive and understand, and often does this in such a way that no one feels any humiliation, for which he begins to enjoy significant respect and even authority among his comrades. This quality has one more advantage - Robert becomes an excellent psychologist, which can greatly help him not only in his personal life, but also in leadership work. In love, he will most likely strive to maintain a strong feeling for the one and only woman for him, whose betrayal may be for him terrible tragedy, but it is likely that he will be able to forgive this too.

The only thing that is perhaps missing in the energy of the name is a penchant for wit. Sometimes Robert becomes serious beyond any measure, and therefore it is possible that “accepting” his communication in large doses will one day become unbearable. It is very good if Robert develops a sense of humor, otherwise his “correctness,” while arousing the sympathy of strangers, will become a source of suffering for those close to him.

Secrets of communication: People often get burned by trying to bribe Robert in order to win him over to their side. Most likely, Robert will simply begin to avoid meeting such people. At the same time, you can get his support by simply having a heart-to-heart talk with him and explaining the situation. It is interesting that Robert himself, being balanced and calm, can passionately love adventure literature and have sympathy for people of an adventurous bent.

The name's trace in history:

Robert Scott

It is unlikely that Amundsen, when conquering the North Pole, could even imagine that his joy - the joy of a winner - would turn into a real tragedy for someone. However, this is exactly what happened: just two days later, an expedition of five exhausted people, led by polar explorer Robert Scott (1868–1912), approached the pole, at which the Norwegian flag was already flying. The result turned out to be sad: the people’s strength was already running low, provisions were running out, and the fact that they were second did not at all help strengthen the spirit. The expedition froze in the polar ice, just a few miles short of reaching a food warehouse.

Nevertheless, Robert Scott is rightfully considered one of the most outstanding polar explorers - after all, it was under his leadership that a special ship for sailing and working in ice, Discovery, was built. The result of Scott's first expedition, carried out on this ship, was the discovery of Edward VII's Land and a huge amount of invaluable materials for science, the publication of which barely fit in twelve volumes. And only the second expedition was destined to draw a line in the life and achievements of the great polar explorer.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Robert is charming, well-built, a huge success with women, and he knows it. He changes his girlfriends quite often, loves tall women with beautiful breasts. In Robert's life, love and sex play an important role; for him they are not only a source of sensual pleasure, but also a way to achieve peace of mind and develop as a person. He expects from intimacy with a woman not just the release of sexual tension, but also more sublime feelings - a feeling of spiritual closeness, love rapture. However, Robert does not always know how to balance the requirements for himself with the requirements for his partner; often his claims for her are too great, and this can cause conflicts between

Robert is constantly in search: having found a girlfriend who seems to him to be the only one with whom he would like to connect his life, Robert is at first crazy about her, cannot imagine life without her, but, not meeting a reciprocal feeling, he wilts. attraction fades and may be replaced by sexual apathy. Robert is not a fighter; he would rather follow the one who leads than seek the love of an unavailable woman.

Robert is affectionate and gentle, and these feelings, as a rule, always resonate with woman's heart, they free a woman from some prejudices regarding sexual behavior, make her sensitive to her partner, responsive to all his desires. Robert's sexual experience is usually great, but he is quite careful with a less experienced partner: trying not to scare her, he “tames” her gradually. If he encounters minor failures, he treats them philosophically, with the exception of “summer” Robert, who immediately panics.

According to Higir

Robert is the hero of numerous French chivalric novels. Supposedly means: bright glory.

In the family, Robert is usually the first-born, the boy looks like his mother, and she dotes on him. Robert inherited stubbornness and perseverance from his father.

Already as a child, Robert went in for sports and often devoted his life to it, becoming a professional athlete.

Robert is very specific in his aspirations and desires, he clearly understands what he wants. However, trying to take the shortest route to the goal, he gets into trouble and fails. Pride does not allow him to drive away his wrongness; he will suffer in silence, experiencing everything within himself, and then start all over again.

Roberts are witty, cheerful and generous - it is not surprising that they have no shortage of friends. Among the men bearing this name, you can meet people of various professions: artists and doctors, sports trainers and cooks, artists and investigators, but they all have one invaluable advantage - the ability to be happy in any life circumstances. If necessary, they can be unpretentious and be content with little.

“Winter” are jealous, have a hard time with women’s deceit and, afraid of making a mistake, do not marry for a long time. However, the one Robert chooses will be happy with him. He good son and an equally good father. His house is always open to guests. Those born in December become highly skilled athletes. "Winter" Robert usually handsome man, attracting the attention of women. There is something of a harsh nature in him, but he has a responsive heart. This is a reliable person who does not give more importance external signs life success, the main thing for him is to find stability and feel happy,

“Summer” - a slightly different plan: it seemed that wild nature itself added several bright strokes to their portrait. These are people of a broad nature, who do not like and do not know how to count money, who are generous and responsive. They are always drawn to exploits, for which they often receive clicks instead of awards. They are restless and do not like loneliness.

Robert is not sentimental, he is rather strict, but he has a lot of spiritual warmth that does not lie on the surface - and his relatives and friends know this well.

Robert will certainly be lucky if his chosen one becomes one of those named Vera, Tamara, Inna, Veronica, Elizaveta, Irina.


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