The birth of the third child in the family. Raising three children in a family

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Sociological experts who solve the demographic problems of the state believe that any family should grow up with at least three or four children. This is the only way to protect the nation from extinction and ensure a good trend in population growth.

The opinion of the state does not always coincide with the opinion of the family. Parents care little about the country's demographics; it is more important for them to know that all family members will be financially secure, and the psychological climate of the social unit will remain favorable.

Benefits of having a third child

The third child allows its parents to remain young longer, scientists say. Indeed, with the arrival of a third baby in the family, there is no need to think about boring old age. Parents of three or more children remain energetic and strong throughout their lives.

With birth, older children gain another friend, companion and ally. If the age difference is large enough, the first children learn responsibility, this is a very important quality. If the children are close in age, the third child drives away boredom from daily games, since three kids are already company. This is especially true for those children who do not go to kindergarten.

A third child is an opportunity to give love to another loved one. For wise parents, the fifth member of the family is not a hindrance, but a joy.

Disadvantages of having a third child

The third baby in the family means the appearance of a new expense column, usually considerable. Not everyone can handle the financial burden. Of course, the state provides some assistance to large families. But in most cases, this help is like a drop in the ocean; it is not enough for a full life.

It is much more difficult to cope with than having one child or two. Especially if the age difference is small. You need to have angelic patience and incredible stamina to manage three day after day. Many mothers with many children develop nervous tension due to this, which again affects the children.

The third child, one way or another, takes away the maximum of parental love, which is immediately felt by the older children. Jealousy, enmity and open hatred arise. Psychologists say that children need love regardless of age, and with the advent of the third baby, the amount of parental attention to older children is greatly reduced. The psychological atmosphere in the family is deteriorating.

Should I have a third child?

Each specific child in the family is characterized by certain positions. Position of the first child from three children in a family considered enviable. Parents are usually very worried about the appearance of their first child, they give all their attention to him, he receives all the care and boundless love. At the same time, he becomes very vulnerable when a second child appears in the family; most often his position as the first-born and his views on the world change dramatically. He ceases to be the only one and this can be very traumatic for the child. Child psychologists say that for the first child in the family, who is not yet five years old, the appearance of a younger brother or sister is most often a shocking experience. After five years, the child has a well-formed identity and his place outside the family, so the appearance of a rival infringes on him less.

When a child of the opposite sex is born, there is less rivalry between children; there is no direct confrontation. If a child of the same sex is born, in this case the features of the older child in the first-born become more pronounced. He tries to be obedient and good in order to attract more attention from his parents and attract love to himself. Parents most often stimulate this behavior in their child by praising him and expecting help, telling him that he is bigger and smarter. As a result, firstborns have a number of parental qualities: the ability to take responsibility, play leadership roles, and be a teacher. As a result of this, the eldest child from three children in a family There is a focus on high achievements, rejection of criticism and conscientiousness. At the same time, the child, trying to return the love of his parents, eventually realizes that it is impossible to completely return to his previous state. Love still has to be shared. As a result, first-born children also develop increased independence, up to the strategy of surviving alone, without needing anyone’s support and help. Older children grow up predisposed to leadership, striving for power and achievement. Interesting statistics given by American psychologists: more than half of US presidents were the first-born in their parental families, 21 of the 23 first American astronauts were also the eldest or only children. As a rule, there are many firstborns among members of the US Congress; also, in statistical surveys of women with scientific degrees and achievements in the field of science, medicine and politics, it was found that firstborns also predominate among them.

The first child in the family is the custodian of family values, attitudes and moral standards. Older children teach family morals and traditions to their younger brothers and sisters and often identify with their parents. As a rule, older children are intolerant of other people's mistakes. Psychologists also associate the eldest child’s focus on leadership and parental functions with the law of primogeniture, according to which historically the entire inheritance went to the eldest child, while the adventurism and activity of the younger ones - with their lack of money.

Self-identity of the middle child from three children in a family the most difficult. In family psychology, there are different points of view on what constitutes a child who occupies a middle position between the eldest and the youngest in families of three children, or one of several middle children in large families. It is traditionally believed that the middle child has greater development potential compared to the older one, since it is the older brother or sister who sets a faster pace of development for him. The average child often begins to walk and talk earlier. The middle child, as well as the eldest, is characterized by competition for the love and attention of their parents. However, since the eldest, due to his age, will always be one step ahead in many respects, the middle child in the family may, because of this, grow up to be overly competitive and ambitious, this is especially typical for children of the same sex. In his adult life, the second child may set unreasonably high goals for himself, which is fraught with great failures in achieving them. The middle child is also left with a certain imprint by the fact that he is not used to being in front, like the eldest, but also cannot take on the role of the baby, since this is the prerogative of the younger one. As a result, oscillating between these two roles, trying to be like the first child and then the last, the middle child can grow up without firm guidelines and without a clear individuality. In family psychology, there is often an opinion that middle children are less able to take initiative and think independently, and they have the lowest motivation to set and achieve goals. Middle children, as a rule, lack the spontaneity of the younger ones and the authority of the elders, but this “middle” position, nevertheless, has its positive results: very often in adult life they deal well with different people, are successful in negotiations, and are capable of diplomatic activities.

Youngest child from three children in a family Compared to the two (or several previous ones), he was not traumatized by the appearance of a subsequent child, in this regard he wins. The main feature of the youngest is that for all family members he will always remain a baby, even when he is already an adult. In relation to younger children, fewer demands are usually made, and more is forgiven. Usually the last child in the family is more spoiled. Psychologists emphasize that the position of the youngest child is unique for a number of reasons: he does not experience the shock of being “dethroned,” since no one else is born after him; the youngest child has to use things that are not his own; in most cases, he wears the clothes of older children and plays with toys that were not originally purchased for him; the youngest child is more susceptible to developing feelings of inferiority, since older children always have more privileges than him.

The youngest is born last; this is no longer a new thing for parents; they have extensive experience in raising children, having already three children in a family, therefore, they are less concerned about parental responsibilities, and at the same time they demand less from the child. Younger children, according to research by child psychologists, achieve less in life. Usually the youngest in the family lacks self-discipline and has problems making independent decisions. He tends to wait for a “push” from the outside, expects answers to questions and solutions to problems from others (parents or older siblings), and carries these traits into his adult life. Younger children show more ability for artistic creativity, and in communicating with people they are more likely to use a manipulative path, since the younger ones invariably lose in strength and aggression to the older children, and therefore develop cunning to a greater extent.

The system of state, regional and local measures to support motherhood and childhood is aimed at encouraging the birth of every baby. The number and composition of possible benefits increases noticeably if a third child appears in the family.

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State support measures

A large family has the right to use various support measures that are directly related to the birth of a third child.

They include:

  • benefits for the birth of 3 children for free re-registration of rights to a land plot;
  • benefits for families with two and more children when participating in mortgage lending programs: inperiod from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 in the Russian Federation there is a federal program of preferential mortgage lending with state subsidies of interest at a rate of over 6%;
  • benefits for 3 children on utility bills;
  • mother's early retirement;
  • priority measures in the educational process;
  • priority drug provision;
  • free or discounted right to visit theaters, museums, and exhibitions.
Attention! The legal basis for the implementation of each social support measure will be the submission of a document confirming the fact of the birth of a third minor citizen - a birth certificate.

Grounds for receiving benefits

At the birth of a third child, benefits are directly related to the assignment of the status of having many children. Since the presence of three minor children, in most regions of the country, gives parents the right to be considered a large family, this legal status must be confirmed by obtaining the appropriate document.

Attention! Such confirmation is carried out by the social protection authorities by issuing the appropriate certificate or certificate.

The status, which gives the right to enjoy benefits of any level, retains legal significance until the children reach the age of 16 or 18 years (the age depends on the region of residence and is regulated by local legislation). After at least one of three minor children reaches the specified age, the right to benefits granted earlier is lost, provided that there are fewer than three minor children in the family.

What payments are due at the birth of a third child?

As with the birth of each previous newborn, parents have the right to receive the following compensation payments:

  • lump sum benefit for the birth of a child;
  • monthly child care allowance.

These types of payments are guaranteed and are established at the birth of each citizen.

In addition, a maternity capital certificate may be a benefit for families with 3 children if citizens did not participate in this program after the birth of the second minor.

Attention! At the regional or local level, one-time or monthly payments may be provided upon the birth of a third child.

Their composition must be clarified at the place of residence with social protection authorities or local administrations.

Provision of land

The most significant support measure is the opportunity to obtain ownership of a land plot from a municipal or state fund free of charge.

The third child in the family gives all family members the opportunity to participate in the implementation of this benefit, i.e. the land plot will be registered as the property of not only the newborn, but also other children, including adults, as well as their parents.

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How to get a plot

If 3 children were born in a family, in order to realize the benefit for the free acquisition of rights to a land plot, the following steps must be taken:

  • contact the local government authority authorized to distribute land;
  • submit the required package of documents, including birth certificates and passports;
  • prepare cadastral documentation for the site;
  • receive an act of gratuitous transfer of land on behalf of the head of the local government;
  • register property rights with Rosreestr authorities.

Additional terms

  1. If citizens already legally owned land (for example, under a lease), they will be able to re-register rights to an existing plot or apply for the allocation of a new plot.
  2. If there was no land in the property at the time of the birth of the third baby, the procedure for implementing preferences will provide for the formation of a new plot and securing rights to it.
  3. It will also be necessary to confirm the existence of a marital relationship between citizens, with the exception of cases where minors are raised by only one parent.
Attention! Upon the birth of a third child, large families will be provided with a plot only if they comply with the territorial qualification - they must reside in the territory of a given constituent entity of the Russian Federation for up to five years (the exact period of residence may vary in different regions).

Regional benefits

Let's consider what benefits citizens can enjoy upon the birth of a third child, in addition to acquiring land ownership.

At the local and regional level, citizens have the opportunity to implement the following areas:

  • priority right to provide places in preschool institutions;
  • discount on utilities or refund of funds paid for housing and communal services through local social security authorities (the discount can be up to 30%);
  • provision of free meals in general education institutions and institutions of primary and secondary education;
  • the gratuitous nature of drug provision for minors under 6 years of age;
  • issuing free travel documents for minors, and in some regions - for all family members;
  • monthly cash payments in the amount of the subsistence level until the third child reaches 3 years of age;
  • regional maternity capital at the birth of the third or fourth child;
  • free education for children in art, sports, and music schools;
  • free provision of textbooks and other benefits.
Attention! To find out what benefits are provided for the birth of a third child in your region, you need to contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

Most social support measures are implemented through these institutions, and the composition of these measures can change annually by decision of local and regional authorities.

Another important support measure will be a discount when paying taxes on a vehicle owned by one of the parents. This preference is provided by the tax authority subject to confirmation of the birth of a third child.

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Last changes

In 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation expanded the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation receiving federal subsidies to provide monthly cash payments in the amount of the subsistence level
families with 3 or more children. Now there will be 60 such regions.

In this article:

Should I have a third child? Few people are puzzled by this question in our time, because it has long been considered the norm in modern society to have one or two children in a family. This situation is becoming familiar to us, but whether or not to plan for a third baby is a purely personal matter.

And let someone look at this with bewilderment or hostility, another will complain about financial difficulties or the fact that there will be no time left for themselves. However, each family must resolve this issue independently.

Quite often unflattering phrases are heard about large families, as if more than two children are given birth to inappropriate individuals and drunken alcoholics. Of course, everything happens in this life, but individual cases cannot be considered as a single whole. This happens in families with one or two children, so there is no point in arguing - they are all completely different.

The language of communication

A variety of interests and characters that shape further relationships are always present in any society, therefore, in families with two, and especially three children, there is a constant need for communication with each other. These guys exhibit character traits such as laziness, selfishness and selfishness to a much lesser extent. Such a child early begins to understand that he is not the only one in the family, and takes it for granted when he has to reckon with the emotions and desires of others. Having discarded all the pros and cons of planning a baby, let's think about why it is still worth having a third child.

The third child is triple happiness

Perhaps every mother dreams of having a boy and a girl, but as often happens, the opposite happens: two girls or two boys are born one after another. In this case, it’s worth trying your luck again, because very often it is the third born child who is of the opposite sex. Well, still, if the same thing happens again this time, well, obviously, that’s how it should be for you. You won’t stop loving your child because of this - he’s your blood! There is an opinion that only with the birth of the third baby comes the realization of discovering something new in the relationship with your children, that he will be like his parents and, like none of the previous ones, will give them his warmth and affection.

Are costs tripling?

Many people are afraid that with the advent of three children, material costs will increase exorbitantly. Of course, expenses will increase, but not so much that this will become a reason for a woman’s reluctance to give birth. A thrifty mother will definitely keep many good things that will be useful to her in the future. As we know, children grow very quickly and do not have time to wear them out, so the expense item for this fast-flowing part of a child’s life can be safely excluded.
And such things as toys, favorite books, bicycles, and much more - all this can also be passed on “inheritedly” from the older child to the younger. The most important thing is to teach them thrift.

There will be no free time at all

When one child grows up in a family, he, of course, will demand a lot of attention, because even he, still very young, needs constant communication. And with whom to communicate? Only with dad and mom. The two children find a common language, but they often fight among themselves for the attention of their elders. But once a group of three kids gathers, that’s it – the parents are free, the children can spend hours enthusiastically doing their own thing. Of course, three children in a family is a lot of daily work, but with a properly structured daily routine, mom will always have time to read her favorite books and pursue her hobbies.

Errors in education

Often, when raising children in a large family, parents make a number of mistakes.

One of them is when all responsibility is shifted to the older child, sometimes depriving him of childhood joys. Often he becomes a “nanny” for the last baby and he naturally develops a feeling of hostility towards him. And the child himself, feeling overprotective, may later grow up to be an egoist and will always believe that older brothers or sisters should be responsible for all mistakes.

Here it is worth considering whether you need to give birth to a third child if you cannot cope with your children on your own and the atmosphere in your home is not entirely friendly. After all, it is very important that each of them gets plenty of parental care and affection.

Therefore, the question of whether to give birth or not to give birth must be approached with all seriousness, because children are your everything, your future. In order for the heirs to be born healthy and beautiful, the expectant mother, of course, needs to lead a correct lifestyle, give up bad and harmful habits, and admire more the perfect and beautiful. And then, for sure, the desired, strong and beloved child will be born. Joy and happiness to you!

Useful video about whether to have a third child

Three children in a family is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more common in Russia. And therefore, every citizen wants to know what he can count on. What support do families with three children receive in Russia? Where and how to get the appropriate benefits? We will have to find answers to all these questions further. In reality, everything is not so difficult. Especially if you prepare well for applying for the benefits provided by law.

About having many children

Is three children a large family? Often the answer to this question will be yes. In Russia, it is customary to consider large social units in which 3 or more children are raised.

However, in some regions only families with four or five children are considered large. But this is quite a rare occurrence. We will focus on the concept of having many children with 3 minors. What can such families claim? And how to apply for certain benefits?

Types of benefits

First, you have to pay attention to the fact that there is no clear answer regarding benefits. This is due to the fact that in Russia there are several types of public support.


  1. They are offered in all cities of the Russian Federation to one or another group of people.
  2. Municipal support. It turns out by decision of the municipalities.
  3. Regional benefits. Placed within a specific region.

We will look more closely at Federal support. After all, when there are three children in a family, it is precisely such assistance measures that turn out to be very useful. You can really count on them. Regional and municipal benefits are often smaller, but we will also tell you about them.

Getting status

The birth of three children in a family is not only a wonderful event, but also creates problems for parents. Especially if we are talking about an average family with not the highest income. State support is extremely important for such cells of society.

After a third child appears in the family, you can register the status of a large family. The result of the action will be the corresponding certificate. It is issued to one of the parents. For example, mothers.

To register a family as a large one, you must:

  1. Collect a certain package of documents. We'll talk about it later.
  2. Contact the social security service or the MFC with a request to issue a certificate for a large family.
  3. Pick up the completed document at the appointed time.

Everything is extremely simple and clear. After this, you can safely apply for benefits for families with three or more children.

About documents for identification

But more on that later. First, let’s find out what documents a family needs when registering the status of a large social unit. There are usually no problems with papers. After all, the main task will be to confirm the upbringing of several minors.

So, if there are three children (or more) in a family, you need to take with you to the appropriate registration authority:

  • parents' passports;
  • marriage/divorce certificate (if available);
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • passports of minors (if any);
  • certificates of registration of children;
  • extracts from the house register;
  • confirmation of registration of parents in a particular region.

Everything is very simple. All of the listed papers will have to be brought not only in originals, but also to present copies of them. There is no need to certify documents.

Are there any adopted children in the family? Then you will have to bring the appropriate confirmation. Otherwise, there will be no large social unit. And you will never be able to receive state-guaranteed assistance.

From different marriages

And if there are three children from different marriages, will there be a large family or not? The answer to such a question is difficult to find.

The point is that ideally a family should be considered large. The main thing is that children are raised by one of the parents. Or they were adopted altogether.

Only in real life sometimes problems arise. Some regions require large families to have children from the same marriage. And only in this case will they be provided with appropriate support. You have to go to court to assert your rights.

Nevertheless, the legislation does not prohibit having children from different marriages and simultaneously obtaining the status of a large family. It is enough that minors live together with a parent/guardian.

One parent

Are there three children in the family? We will study the benefits provided to this category of citizens later. There are a lot of them, even if you take into account only Federal support. First of all, let's look at the features of obtaining the appropriate status.

Can a family with only one parent be considered a large family? Yes. In this case, as you might guess, the main thing is that the children are registered with a legal representative. For example, a woman with a child is already a family. And with several kids too. The presence of only one parent in a family does not in any way affect the possibility of obtaining the status of a large unit of society.

Types of support

Benefits for families with three children are varied. What can such social units in general count on?

Today the following types of benefits are distinguished:

  • housing;
  • utilities;
  • medical;
  • social;
  • educational;
  • labor;
  • tax.

In addition, you can receive financial support. She is often interested in people who go on maternity leave several times. That is, when there is a small age difference between the children. So what can you hope for in Russia? What benefits are available for a family of three children in 2017?

About payments

Let's start with the financial side of the issue. Let's consider the Federal types of compensation. What is it about?

The thing is that at the birth of your third child you can count on the following payments:

  • maternity leave (for an employed parent caring for a newborn);
  • on registration in the housing complex in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • upon the birth of a baby;
  • for caring for a child up to one and a half years old;
  • payments for caring for a child up to 3 years of age;
  • maternal capital.

These are the main compensations that a large family with three children can count on.

You may also encounter the following payments:

  • 600 rubles - monthly supplement for each child under 16 years of age;
  • 700 rubles - compensation for food (if the family has children under 3 years old).

This is not all the payments. It’s just that the population encounters them most often. In some regions it is possible to issue:

  • regional maternal capital;
  • municipal one-time or monthly benefits;
  • payments in connection with holidays (families with 5-3 or more children can most often count on them).

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Are there three children in the family? Then it is better to apply for the last child’s benefits (they will be discussed in more detail at the MFC or social protection), obtain the status of having many children and study other government support measures.


We have already studied benefits for families with three children. The next quite important area is taxes. People with many children may be exempt from some tax payments. In addition, some payments are subject to discounts.

Most often in the regions, the following benefits are established for families raising many minors:

  • exemption from property tax;
  • no transport tax payments;
  • reduction in the amount of payments for land owned (or complete exemption from them).

You can apply for all these benefits at one time. They are of a declarative nature and will not be provided simply. You will need to contact the Federal Tax Service with a corresponding request.


Three children in a family? In Russia, different benefits are provided to such social units. Among them there are those that are not so easy to obtain. More precisely, in theory everything is easy. In practice, the situation forces people with many children to wait a long time for this or that support.

For example, a similar situation arises when receiving housing benefits. Large families can either register ownership of a plot of land or receive an apartment suitable for living. Property is issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, if there are many families with 3 or more children in the region, you will have to wait. Sometimes the waiting period drags on for many years. Acquiring the status of a needy cell of society helps speed up the process.

Three children? The family is considered large! In this case, parents can receive mortgage benefits. But this issue is resolved individually and with a specific borrowing bank. Such an opportunity cannot be called a state benefit.

Communal payments

What benefits, if there are three children in a family, are provided in 2017 in the Russian Federation? The next area is utility bills.

Three children in a family? Benefits in Moscow provide for a reduction in utility bills by 50% (or more). You can also buy fuel for stove heating at home with discounts of up to 60%. Compensation for the installation of landline telephones is provided to all families with many children.

Social sphere

Are there three children in the family? In Russia, such people are entitled to benefits in various areas of everyday life. The next category of public support is social.

Here you can expect the following benefits:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • once a month, children can visit cinemas, parks, museums and exhibitions for free;
  • discounts on various tickets to places of cultural development.

In addition, targeted assistance can be provided to needy sections of society. For example, in the form of food, shoes or clothing. This is a fairly common occurrence.


Are there three children in the family? What benefits are available under such circumstances? Often parents can count on special medical support.

We are talking not only about free services in state medical institutions (this is due to all citizens of the Russian Federation), but also about providing children with medicines. Usually the rule applies to preschool children. Namely, until the child turns 6 years old.

Discounts are offered for some medications for families with many children. But this is also not a state or even a regional benefit. Such a bonus is set by a specific pharmacy. It is recommended to find out about discounts for families with many children in advance. They are not available everywhere.


But that is not all. When thinking about what benefits people are entitled to if there are three children in a family, it is necessary to pay attention to the field of education. It is extremely important for minors.

People with three or more children have the right to:

  • free meals in preschool and school institutions;
  • provision of school uniforms and textbooks;
  • free attendance of children at school clubs;
  • exemption from extension fees.

In real life, large families are admitted to schools first. This is a kind of benefit when admitting children to school educational institutions.

Labor and large families

Of course, if there are three children in a family, they need to be provided for somehow. You can’t live on state and municipal benefits alone. Often both parents have to work tirelessly.

In the labor sphere, large families also have certain bonuses. For example, among them are:

  • the right to additional leave;
  • the absence of the possibility of dismissing the sole breadwinner of the family at the initiative of the employer;
  • tax deduction for personal income tax;
  • assistance in finding employment for parents;
  • free training or change of qualifications.

In reality, remembering all this is not difficult. Benefits for families with three children do not allow them to live on the corresponding payments. This is just a small amount of support for the population being studied. And this feature should always be remembered.

Where to ask?

We found out what benefits families with three children are entitled to in 2017 in Russia? The bulk of bonuses are Federal in nature. Therefore, all families with many children in the Russian Federation will be able to apply for them.

Let's move on to the more interesting and problematic part - the registration of the required support. If you have three children, this action causes a lot of trouble. Especially if you don't know how to act.

First, let’s find out where certain benefits are issued. You should focus on the following data:

  • housing benefits - city housing departments;
  • "communal apartment" - housing office, management company;
  • social bonuses - social protection services;
  • tax benefits - regional departments of the Federal Tax Service;
  • educational support - school and preschool institutions;
  • payments, compensations, benefits - employers, Social Insurance Fund;
  • labor benefits - employment centers, employers.

Some types of support do not require any formalization. It is enough to present it. For example, when receiving free medicines for children or while using public transport.

If you decide to send a family to a sanatorium free of charge, you will have to contact a specific medical institution. We are talking about the clinic that issued the appropriate referral.

Almost all benefits in Russia can be obtained from a universal institution. We are talking about the MFC and the “My Documents” services. Here you can find out what benefits a large family (three children or more - this is not so important) can claim in a particular region, and also immediately apply for the required support measures. There are no difficulties in this.

Capital for mothers

Separately, a one-time payment called “maternity capital” should be highlighted. All families with 2 or more children can count on it. If after the birth of the second baby the registration of capital did not take place, you can do it later. For example, having received the status of a large social unit.

Three children in a family? You will have to apply to the Pension Fund for maternity capital. It is issued as a certificate that is allowed to be spent on certain needs. Namely:

  • increase in mother's pension;
  • improving family living conditions;
  • purchasing a home;
  • mortgage repayment;
  • teaching children;
  • treatment of minors.

Capital cannot be cashed out. Its size is about 450,000 rubles (the payment is indexed annually; it is better to check its exact scale with the Pension Fund). It does not depend in any way on the number of children in the family.

To register capital, the mother will have to present the following papers:

  • ID cards;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • documents confirming registration;
  • birth certificates of all minor children;
  • (if there is);
  • SNILS of all family members;
  • passports of children (after 14 years);
  • application in the prescribed form.

As a rule, there are no difficulties with this benefit. The certificate will be issued a few months after submitting the relevant request.


Important: today Russian legislation allows for so-called emancipation. It makes a child at the age of 16 fully capable.

In this case, a large family loses its status. And, accordingly, the benefits they are entitled to too. Fortunately, in real life only a few teenagers are emancipated.

University and having many children

Another rather interesting point is the presence of children in the family who have entered university. If a child is already 18 years old, but receives higher education, the status of a large family within a social unit will not be lost. How long?

Until the child turns 23 years old or until an adult moves away from his parents/gets married. In fact, benefits for families with many children are provided without difficulty until minors are 18 years old. Then disputes and refusals of additional support often arise.


We found out what support measures the birth of three children in a family can provide. It is worth remembering that if a mother immediately gave birth to triplets, she may qualify for additional compensation. They are established at the regional level.

Some benefits may be denied. Especially when it comes to regional support measures. In practice, cities themselves set the conditions for receiving certain benefits. For example, if a family has children from different marriages, then such a unit of society may not be considered to have many children.

It is recommended to check with city administrations for more detailed information about benefits and allowances. Only there will they be able to tell you exactly what a family with three minors can claim.

Some benefits can be requested online. This is where the State Services portal comes to the rescue. Only in real life do a few turn to Internet technologies to request benefits and benefits. It is important to remember that a person will be able to apply for additional support only if the citizen has an activated and confirmed profile on State Services. You will have to register before requesting. This must be done approximately 14-15 days before applying for benefits.

Three children is a large family in Russia. Such a unit of society can count on support in almost all areas of life. And now we understand how to apply for certain benefits.


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