DIY manual sewing machine drawings. Do-it-yourself desktop jigsaw machine

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Perhaps you have an old sewing machine lying around and it’s covered in dust.
In this article, the author of the YouTube channel “Vladimir Natynchik” will tell you how you can make a completely usable and functional electric jigsaw from it.

This homemade machine will not require turning work during production. All you need are screwdrivers and keys.

- Old electric sewing machine
- Aerosol paint blue metallic
- Sheet plywood
- Bolts, nuts, washers M6
- Secondary glue, soda
- A couple of bearings, these will fit

Tools used by the author.
- Hacksaw
- Spanners, screwdriver
- , wood drills.

Manufacturing process.
So, Vladimir found an old seagull sewing machine.

To make a machine from it, you will have to remove the mechanism for feeding the fabric and rotating the bobbin. The master warmed up those bolts that could not be unscrewed gas burner. After this procedure, everything is very easy to disassemble.

The author made a small revision in the upper part of the mechanism, lubricated important nodes, and removed the regulators.

Old electrical wiring was also replaced.

Then the master painted all the surfaces of the machine spray paint"blue metallic".

He was in a bit of a hurry with the painting; the machine needs to increase the stroke of the rod. After all, now the plywood will be cut, and not the fabric sewn together. He made a pad from 20mm thick plywood and screwed it between the base and the top of the machine.

To prevent the bolts from loosening due to vibration, the author filled them with paint.

The first check for the functionality and stroke of the blade.

There was a small problem. When there is a load on the blade, it does not hold well on the rod and moves back.

In order to solve this issue, the master made a special stop from an M6 bolt and two bearings with washers placed between them.

Having made a cut in the board, secured the bearings in it, and cut off the excess bolt.

WITH bottom side machine, he secured the thrust mechanism with superglue and soda.

Now for a little testing on sawing a piece of plywood. It cuts very quickly and without chipping. Well, Vladimir gave a second life to an old car!
  1. Device and principle of operation
  2. Assembly instructions
  3. How to remake manual jigsaw
  4. Machine from sewing machine

Desktop jigsaw machine- equipment for cutting, sawing out figured parts from various materials. Its feature is the ability to make cuts while maintaining the integrity of the outer contour of the workpiece. Depending on which saw is installed on the structure, the machine can process natural wood, its derivatives, plastic bases or metal.

The device is indispensable when performing construction and repair work, production of furniture, souvenirs. Equipment is often purchased for domestic purposes. Sometimes it is irrational to buy a factory unit: you can make a jigsaw yourself. The photo shows the design of the tool.

Device and principle of operation

A stationary factory sample includes a work table for a jigsaw, a unit with a cutting element is fixed on it, an electric drive installed under the table top and a crank mechanism. The tension unit is installed at the top or bottom of the machine. Many models of units allow you to cut material under different angles. This is necessary for making bevel cuts. Often for convenience swivel mechanism, stops, guides, markings are applied. The length of the cut depends on the dimensions of the table; in most models it is 30–40 cm.

Power electric jigsaw may be small. For domestic purposes, a 150 W unit is sufficient.

An important element is the crank mechanism. It is responsible for the quality of transmission of engine torque into the translational and reciprocal motion performed by the cutting element in a vertical position.

Standard jigsaw tool characterized by an oscillation frequency of up to 1000 per minute with an amplitude of 3–5 cm. Some samples provide for adjustment of the processing speed of various materials. In most cases, such a tool is equipped with a saw up to 35 cm long, which allows cutting parts up to 10 cm thick.

In order for the cutting element to serve for a long time without breakage or cracks, it is necessary to provide it with optimal tension along its entire length. For this purpose, screw and leaf springs are used. As an additional option, factory machines are equipped with an air pump to remove sawdust from the cutting line. A unit with a drilling unit is useful, but you need to pay extra for each additional unit.

Assembly instructions

The jigsaw is made from a refrigerator compressor, conventional drill. The cutting blade can be set in motion using a motor from washing machine. Another option is to use hand jigsaws and old sewing machines. The figure shows a design drawing.

How to remake a manual jigsaw

First of all, the table is made. For this, a sheet of thick plywood or metal is used. They cut out in it through holes for cutting blades, fasteners. Through them, the manual unit placed below is fixed to supporting structure. Further jigsaw table attaches to any stable wooden table. Guide rails are added.

If necessary, the machine can be quickly disassembled.

The standard device is equipped with springs that provide the file with the required level of tension. You can’t do without a rocker arm; one of its edges is under spring tension, the second provides attachment to the cutting element of a jigsaw. You can also clamp the blade between two guide rollers.

Before starting work on homemade jigsaw Be sure to turn off the pendulum stroke.

Sewing machine machine

A jigsaw from a sewing machine contains a saw speed regulator, provided by a speed switch on the equipment.

For manufacturing, the thread weaving mechanism is removed. In most designs it is placed at the bottom. Unscrew the bolts, knock out the cotter pin, remove the drive shaft leading to the thread weaving unit.

Then the upper protective panel opens, the groove along which the needle moved expands to the width of the file. Jigsaw saws are slightly modified: they are cut according to the size of the longest needle that could be installed on the machine. In order not to make an adapter for fixing cutting element on seat, grind down the upper incisors, making the lower part of the blade sharp. A cutter is installed in the needle holder. After this, they begin cutting out the blanks.

A tabletop jigsaw machine will be useful to every craftsman who cuts out thin parts. However, it is not always possible and meaningful to purchase a full-fledged machine. In that case, get down to business and make it yourself!

The structure of a jigsaw machine - what lies inside?

Jigsaw machines are more of a special tool than a device that is needed by both an experienced craftsman and an amateur who runs a garage. Their purpose comes down to a special task, namely cutting out complex curved contours from sheet materials. A special feature of such machines is the execution of cuts without violating the integrity of the external contour. Most often, sawing occurs on wooden and derivative materials (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard), although modern machines, equipped with appropriate files, can also work with other materials, such as plastic or plasterboard.

Such equipment has found application in the music industry (manufacturing musical instruments) and, of course, in the furniture room. Those who like to make things in their own workshop also buy such units. The structure of a traditional jigsaw machine, designed according to all the rules, looks like this: working surface, on which the saw is mounted, hides the drive (electric motor) and the crank structure underneath. The tension mechanism can be located either below or above the machine.

To process a part, it must be placed on the workbench. Many models have the ability to rotate it at different angles to make bevel cuts. The stops and guides on the surface, as well as the rotating mechanism, can be marked, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the work. The length of the cut depends on the length of the work table - most models are limited to 30-40 cm. Electric motor power is an important, but still far from the most fundamental factor, since the machine has a huge reserve of unclaimed power. For example, for a home workshop or even small production, an “engine” of only 150 W is sufficient.

The crank mechanism is much more important detail, because in in this case It is on this that the quality of transmission of the drive’s torque into the translational and reciprocal motion, directed in the vertical plane by means of a saw, depends.

Standard jigsaw machines are considered to be devices with an amplitude of movement of around 3-5 cm and a vibration frequency of up to 1000 per minute. Many models provide a change of speed mode for different materials. The jigsaw file itself is usually made up to 35 cm long and is capable of sawing material up to 10 cm thick. The width of the files can vary in a fairly wide range - from very thin two-millimeter to coarser ten-millimeter, with a thickness from 0.6 mm to 1.25 mm.

Even the thickest and widest file will easily break if you do not provide sufficient tension along the entire length of the file. Leaf and coil springs are used for this. Quite often such machines are equipped air pump, which cleans the cut from sawdust using a blower, as well as a drilling unit. The latter device is especially useful, because in this case the master does not need to be distracted by the connection electric drill and drilling a hole - everything happens on the working plane of the machine. Of course, you have to pay for convenience!

How to make a jigsaw with your own hands from a manual jigsaw?

On the Internet you will find many different designs homemade machines, but most of them come down to repurposing into this device. By using your ingenuity and watching the video, you can easily make a homemade jigsaw from this tool. The jigsaw only needs a little modification. In fact, it plays the role of a machine drive and a crank mechanism, but the rest needs to be thought out and implemented.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to please consumers in this area as well, offering their own platform options for quick and convenient remodeling, however, in reality only you can make a device that suits your needs. So, the first step is to make a support table, for which they most often use sheet metal. You need to make a beveled oblong hole in it for the saw blade and holes for fasteners (screws with countersunk head), and attach the jigsaw to the bottom of the support table.

This structure can only be strengthened on a wooden table. You can go beyond this and install guide rails. The convenience of such a device lies in the fact that in addition to performing functions that are not entirely inherent to it, you can always disconnect the drive and with a slight movement of your hand turn it back into a manual jigsaw! If you constantly need this tool for work, it makes sense specifically for the machine - it will be cheaper than spending money on a real machine.

Advantages and disadvantages - we continue to modify!

But such a unit inherits not only the advantages of the tool, but also its disadvantages, in particular, the file is too wide for filigree work, which significantly limits the curvature of the lines. If there is a need for this, there will be a way out. So far, our machine differs from the classic jigsaw unit in the absence of springs that would ensure sufficient tension on the file. But it’s quite easy to build a simple rocker, which on one side will be under the tension of springs, and on the other, fixed to a nail file.

There is another option - to clamp the nail file between two guide rollers, but the first option is still more reliable. Be sure to turn off the pendulum action on your jigsaw before using it. homemade machine. There is another design - if your tool is powerful enough, then it can only serve as a drive in a structure of two rocker arms, between which a nail file is stretched. The movement is transmitted through a file attached to the lower rocker.

Machine from a sewing machine - giving a second life to old tools!

If you inherited a foot-operated or manual sewing machine from your grandmother or mother, consider yourself the owner of an excellent jigsaw machine! Of course, for this you need to “work a little magic” on the machine. First, remove the thread weaving device, which is usually located at the bottom of the machine. There is nothing complicated about it, just unscrew two bolts. Then we knock out the cotter pin and remove the drive shaft leading to the thread weaving mechanism.

Unscrewing top panel protecting the mechanisms, it is necessary to widen the slot in which the needle went. Be guided by the needs and width of the nail file that you will use in your work. Files for a jigsaw of this kind also need to be slightly modified, namely cut to maximum length needles that could be used on this machine. Having ground off the upper teeth and sharpened the lower part to the point, all you have to do is insert the file into the needle holder and test your machine in action!

The desktop jigsaw machine is designed for cutting out various parts with complex configurations from sheet materials. This tool is capable of working with MDF, chipboard, fiberboard and many others. Jigsaws can also cut out internal contours parts if you first make a small hole. This tool has a wide range of applications, since it can provide high performance labor, which cannot be achieved with a regular hacksaw.

Design features

The design diagrams of all jigsaw machines are usually the same. Having carefully examined the drawings where this tool is depicted, you can see the following structural components:

  • the bed, which is also often called the body. It is designed to accommodate everyone structural elements unit;
  • drive mechanism;
  • crank mechanism. It is needed for conversion rotational energy the motor shaft in the movement of the saw used during operation;
  • double rocker arm. Equipped with fasteners for a file and a tension device;
  • Desktop. In some modern models it has a rotation mechanism that moves at a given angle.

How to make a machine from a jigsaw?

For the manufacture of a jigsaw from manual jigsaw you need to follow these instructions:

  1. First you need to make a table where a homemade jigsaw will be installed in the future. For this purpose use any durable sheet material– thick plywood, metal and others.
  2. Through holes are made in the table for the cutting blade and various fasteners.
  3. The resulting jigsaw table is installed and securely fastened to a suitable wooden table.
  4. The resulting table is equipped with guide rails.
  5. A manual jigsaw is attached below, which makes it possible to replace the drive mechanism of the machine and many of its other structural elements.

Anyone can make such a jigsaw machine with their own hands. Its advantage is that at any time this unit can be quickly disassembled and only hand tools can be used.

Homemade jigsaw table machine from a manual jigsaw

How to make a more professional instrument?

A homemade jigsaw machine can have all the qualities that are present in professional equipment. To make it you need to follow these instructions:

  1. The bed is made from any durable material– 12 mm plywood, plastic, textolite and others. It should consist of a base, a housing to accommodate all structural units and a work table.
  2. On the other side, a rocking chair with an eccentric is placed. They need to be connected to each other using metal plates with sleeve-type bearings. The resulting structure is installed using screws.
  3. The intermediate shaft is formed from several bearings.
  4. The metal pulley is placed very tightly on the shaft and the screw connection is secured.
  5. To change the movement characteristics of the rocker, 4 holes are made on the eccentric flange round shape threaded. They should be placed at different distances from the center line. The amplitude of movement of the rocking chair is regulated by the location of the screws.
  6. The rocking chair is formed from wooden rocker arms, which are attached on a hinge to the stand.
  7. Small cuts are made at the rear ends of the rocker arms. They are designed to install tension screws.
  8. The front ends of the rocker arm are designed for mounting a saw blade. It moves using special metal hinges. Before attaching the file, it is installed in a groove located on the work table.
  9. The rocking stand is made from whole piece durable material. A groove is made at its upper end for installing the rocker arm, and a small hole is cut out near the lower end rectangular shape for mounting the second rocker arm.

How to make a machine from a sewing machine?

From sewing machine The result is an excellent jigsaw machine, which is equipped with a saw blade movement regulator. It is not difficult to do if you follow these instructions:

  1. The thread weaving mechanism is removed from the bottom of the machine. On some models it may be located in a different location.
  2. To dismantle this unit, you need to remove several bolts, then remove the cotter pin and drive shaft.
  3. The top protective panel is unscrewed. After this, the groove along which it moves sewing needle, it is necessary to expand it to suit the parameters of the file.
  4. The cutting element itself is also slightly modified. It is trimmed according to the length of the sewing needle.
  5. It is not necessary to make an adapter to install the cutting element. Instead, you can grind down the upper incisors a little and process the lower zone of the blade.
  6. The file is inserted into the needle holder and work begins.

All presented options for manufacturing jigsaw machines are very successful. The resulting units are distinguished by high labor productivity, and making them is not at all difficult. Depending on their skills, each master will be able to choose best model homemade equipment.

Video: Jigsaw from a sewing machine

We independently convert an old sewing machine into a jigsaw.

There are many videos on the Internet about using old sewing machines in a new way. To do this, we leave in the body only the crank, the vertical rod for attaching the needle, and the flywheel with a groove for the belt drive. An electric drive for manual sewing machines is used to rotate the flywheel. (A lyrical digression is off topic: I purchased the drive about 30 years ago to make an electric spinning wheel according to drawings from the magazine “ Young technician" Wool from a white sheep was spun on a spinning wheel and a winter sweater was knitted. The spinning wheel itself was successfully played by someone I knew, i.e. disappeared). The foot pedal for speed control and the electric motor are pictured below.

A review of net rollers recommends the use of leaf springs with the force application point in the center of the long spring, or a block of coil springs with precise fixation of the bottom edge of the file. A long leaf spring significantly increases the overall dimensions of the device. The coil spring unit is difficult to make at home. The chosen scheme is a short spring fixed at one end.

A piece of an old metal meter was perfect for this. The spring stiffness can be adjusted by setting the number (stack) of springs and moving the clamp along the spring. The use of a short spring complicates the attachment of the file, because the free end of the spring describes a curved line, and accordingly the lower end of the file will also not move strictly vertically.

Available round hole in the spring it is bored out with a needle file under rectangular hole according to the size of the saw blade mounting unit. The result was a unit swinging along the long axis of the spring. Fixing the unit from below with a piece of rod. Fastening the file with a screw. When changing the file, the unit does not fall out because The saw blade clamp screw does not allow it from above and the axis of rotation from below does not allow it to move at a small angle.

Making the attachment point for the upper end of the file is not difficult and is clear from the photo.

The next feature of using sewing machines for making jigsaws is the small stroke of the working rod - approximately 25 mm. For reference: the working part of purchased files is approximately 85 mm with a total length of files of 120 mm. This shortcoming can be eliminated. To do this, the machine body is installed through a gasket (I have a thickness of 45 mm - three plates furniture chipboard,) Under the working rod there are three 15 mm spacers. As the working part of the file wears out, one gasket is removed, and so on.

When using files (notching saw teeth on piano wire with a diameter of 1 mm over a length of about 30 mm), it is not necessary to remove the gaskets. Since the machine is quite old and worn out, i.e. It rumbles and to eliminate noise, rubber shock absorbers are attached to the base posts. The first work was made of good quality 3mm plywood.


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