Garden gazebo or summer kitchen with barbecue, barbecue, stove: DIY construction options. Closed winter gazebos at the dacha

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A gazebo with barbecue transforms the usual process of cooking in your kitchen into the culinary magic of cooking over an open fire. Not many dishes on our menu are as truly loved as kebabs cooked on the grill.

Let's look at how we can make this unforgettable experience more enjoyable for everyone.

Your gazebo with barbecue

DIY brick grill drawing

It may not be obvious, but if you don’t have a barbecue yet, make one. You don’t need any special materials or super skills - a simple drawing of a barbecue, a dozen bricks, an iron rod and a sheet of iron - and you will have an excellent result.

We raise the brickwork to a height of 70-75 cm and lay pieces of an iron rod on the mortar, on which we then place an iron sheet. Raising the masonry higher, we lay ledges for the grill grate in the side walls at 2 different heights.

Your gazebo with barbecue: important details

Today, a gazebo with a barbecue is more than just a place for barbecue. Many of us want to have almost the same amenities that we are used to in our home. In addition to barbecues, gazebos can include smokehouses, spits, braziers, and ovens. From all the variety of existing options, we will choose ours - a practical one, having thought about what we will most often use and how suitable it is for our needs. Often a small gazebo, which has only the essentials, is much more comfortable and functional than a pretentious one, stuffed with a variety of devices.

Add a cooking area next to the grill

If you have a small gazebo with a barbecue, add a table and a sink to it - this will turn your gazebo into a real summer kitchen. For the table, do not forget to provide a well-cleanable tabletop and a small shelf for frequently used kitchen utensils. If possible, place a refrigerator in the gazebo - it will be convenient to store meat and drinks.

Make practical use of the gazebo space

A dining table with benches is a traditional solution for the dining area of ​​a gazebo with a barbecue. But, if you need to save space, make these benches slide under the table, so you will have more space for cooking.


In terms of materials used, the entire gazebo should be durable, perform well outdoors, and be easy to clean. This means wood, stone and metal treated from rotting.

Don't forget about the cook

There is nothing worse than cooking for the whole company and only hearing peals of laughter behind you. Food preparation and seating areas should flow into one another, on the one hand isolating guests from the hot zone, and on the other hand allowing the cook to become the center of the party. The best way to cope with this is a high bar counter raised from the other edge of the cooking area. After all, watching the chef prepare meat for you on the grill is a great start to any feast.

Stay warm in the gazebo

In cool weather, to retain heat and protect from the wind, you can use special PVC curtains in the gazebo. If purchasing such curtains seems like an unnecessary luxury to you, you can make them yourself. You will need to buy PVC film, cut it to the size of the gazebo openings, edge it with durable fabric and put eyelets around the edges. Using a cord threaded through the eyelets, you can attach the curtain to the gazebo.

Using additional heat sources in the gazebo, such as infrared lamps, is always a good idea. They can be placed near areas of maximum functionality - the dining or cooking area.

If your grill is next to the gazebo, make a canopy over it

If your grill does not have a hood, it should not be placed in the gazebo, but you can place it next to it. Make a canopy for the cook over this grill so that a sudden downpour will not interfere with his work.

Add an outdoor hearth

By installing an open fireplace next to or on the edge of the gazebo, you can cook kulesh in it and get an additional surface for cooking. So, on the main grill you cook meat, and on the hearth you put a grate and cook vegetables. And everything is prepared for you at the same time.

Add a seating area next to the gazebo

This could be just a paved area next to the gazebo, or an additional canopy included in the structure of the gazebo, or just an umbrella over a table on the street.

In cool climates, a separate gazebo can even be a seating area.

Convenient firewood

Make sure there is a convenient place to store firewood near the gazebo. This will save you from going to the other end of the garden for a couple of logs in the dark.

Make an entrance to the cellar from the gazebo

A convenient entrance to the gazebo on one side will save you from the need to install a refrigerator in the gazebo; on the other hand, it will make the entrance to the cellar more harmonious than a lonely mound in a corner of the garden.

Create a special mood with lighting.

The combination of general lighting of the area with the bright illumination of the gazebo will create the right balance between functionality and a harmonious atmosphere. Moreover, the cooking area in the gazebo should be brightly lit, and for the dining and relaxation areas it is better to have adjustable lighting - you must somehow create a special mood!

Gazebo with barbecue. Fire precautions.

All electrical appliances in the gazebo must be grounded. Electrical wiring must be carried out with cable for outdoor work. Wooden structures must be treated with fire-resistant impregnation.

Place the gazebo in a cozy corner of the garden.

While placing a summer kitchen near the house has a number of advantages, there are also advantages to placing a gazebo with a barbecue in the far corner of the summer cottage. Here, along with food cooked over an open fire, you will give yourself a feeling of escape from the everyday hustle and bustle: enjoy the luxurious view and silence of the garden.

Decorate a gazebo with a barbecue

A gazebo with a barbecue in your garden is the ideal place to use your taste in choosing furnishings and decorative elements. And the decor here is not only decorations on the wall, but also curtains, kitchen utensils and flowers on the table. Let the gazebo become your cozy refuge among everyday worries.

Use landscaping elements to highlight the gazebo area in the garden. The architecture of the gazebo itself is an important element of the entire landscape design of the site.
Make interesting additions next to the gazebo to highlight the special significance of this area in the garden. For example, create a kitchen garden with herbs or a large flower garden next to the gazebo.

Simple designs of gazebos with barbecue

Not all of us have access to luxurious gazebos made of Siberian cedar or silver pine. We invite you to get acquainted with simple and functional designs of gazebos with barbecues. Made from ordinary materials, with a clear and simple design, these projects are accessible to any summer resident.

Project 1. Gazebo with barbecue and bathroom

A gazebo is often associated with summer holidays in the country, but there are options that are quite suitable for winter pastime. Winter gazebos can be either free-standing buildings or part of the house. The first ones are designed to resemble a small house with windows. In the second case, the construction combines summer and winter options.

Advantages of winter gazebos

The advantages of a winter gazebo are obvious:

  • even a large company can comfortably accommodate it;
  • the owner will not have to constantly leave to fry meat, since the barbecue is located in the gazebo;
  • this design allows you not to depend on the vagaries of nature;
  • In winter, a barbecue is enough to heat the room.

If you place a comfortable sofa indoors, a winter gazebo can replace a guest house. The design can be of any shape: round, square, polygonal - it all depends on the wishes of the owner and the characteristics of the site. As for construction materials, the most commonly used are brick and wood.

This section of the site presents gazebo designs from which you can choose the option that suits you. We can adapt it to your needs by developing a custom solution. We will also take on the construction of the barbecue, since when laying a stove inside a closed structure, many nuances need to be taken into account.

A gazebo of any type will be an ideal vacation spot for a large family. But on a cloudy day you can’t sit in an open structure. That is why closed gazebos will be more functional in this regard. And if it is equipped not only with a recreation area, but also with a barbecue, then there will be no end to friends who want to relax here.

Features of gazebos with barbecue

If we talk about ordinary summer buildings, then choosing them is much easier. If we mean gazebos with barbecues, then the very presence of a stove or barbecue already leaves an imprint on the development of the project and the stages of construction. For example, in the immediate vicinity of the barbecue there should be stone or metal protective surfaces that will not allow a small coal to destroy the entire structure.

Since a high-quality barbecue or fireplace is quite heavy, the foundation should be selected in accordance with its parameters. Also, for these structures, it is very important to install wind protection, which will help prevent fire and smoke from being driven into the gazebo, as well as onto the residential building.

Important! Among other things, when choosing a material for making a building with a barbecue, it is worth remembering that fire is an additional dangerous factor, so fire protection treatment of all surfaces must be carried out.

A closed gazebo with barbecue is a combination of a cooking area and a relaxation area. This solution helps to save space on the site and does not build these functional areas separately. But for a comfortable location inside, it is necessary that it be of sufficient size. If the site does not allow you to arrange the structure required according to the parameters in accordance with all the rules, then it is better to abandon this idea altogether.

To choose the right size, you should take into account the maximum possible number of guests and build on how comfortable they will be in such conditions. In some cases, the grill can be moved outside the gazebo, which will free up space for those sitting inside. But this option cannot fully be called a gazebo with barbecue. It is optimal if the food preparation area is equal in size to the dining area.

To bring this idea to life, an excellent solution would be to build a rectangular or octagonal gazebo. The use of a rectangular type is more common due to the fact that it can be placed conveniently on any site and with little loss of usable area. To ensure that further construction steps are carried out correctly, drawings must be written that will show all the nuances.

Cheerful gatherings with family and friends in the fresh air, idle conversations and aromatic barbecue far from the smog and incessant noise of the city - any resident of a densely populated metropolis will tell you that there is no better vacation in the world. But the climate in which we live gives us this opportunity only in the summer months, when the temperature outside is above zero around the clock. But there is a solution: winter country holidays are becoming more and more popular, and thousands of cars on Friday evenings are drawn towards holiday villages - where you can gather the whole family in a closed gazebo with a barbecue or stove to enjoy clean air and a barbecue cooked on coals.

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For many people, the word “gazebo” is associated with summer holidays, when a small canopy over the bench serves as protection from the scorching rays of the sun or chilly raindrops; a barbecue and a table for table chess or dominoes are often placed under this canopy. But covered pavilions for country holidays are also made in winter versions. These are practically small houses for family leisure in the fresh air with the ability to use them all year round. Depending on the needs, the owners of country houses place in such a gazebo not only a barbecue grill, but also a Dutch-type stove, and sometimes a smokehouse. A cutting table and sink make preparing food and washing up dirty dishes easier. If the pavilion area allows, then refrigeration chambers are installed for storing food.

The most ascetic option requires a dining table for several people and benches, which can be pushed under the table for economical use of space.

Advantages of a closed gazebo

In addition to the obvious advantage - a great holiday outside the city - several more can be noted:

  • not only in winter, but also in summer, during strong winds or slanting rain, the comfort of a closed pavilion is more pleasant than a ventilated open canopy;
  • the insulated version can serve not only as a leisure area, but also as a guest house, in which case a sofa or sofa is required;
  • The presence of a stove in a closed house will allow you to quickly warm it up and make going out for barbecues enjoyable even in the bitterly cold months.

When choosing the material for an enclosed pavilion and the construction plan, it is important to take into account the landscape design on the site so that the house fits harmoniously into it.

Types of gazebos for country holidays

Based on their design, pavilions with barbecues can be divided into three types:

  • closed - intended for use all year round;
  • open - seasonal use, not suitable for winter holidays;
  • semi-closed - universal type with removable walls.

Closed gazebos are permanent buildings installed on a foundation.

What materials are they built from?

Before building a pavilion for year-round leisure, you must carefully draw up a plan, select and calculate the cost and quantity of materials.

It is advisable to choose the building material based on its thermal insulation properties. The lowest thermal conductivity coefficients are found in aerated concrete, wood concrete (sawdust concrete), wooden beams, log houses, and brick. All these materials vary in cost and have varying complexity and labor costs for construction from them.

The lower the heat loss coefficient, the longer our leisure house can be used without the use of additional heating.

Polycarbonate and removable double-glazed windows are used as materials for the construction of semi-closed gazebos.

The leader among building materials for a country pavilion with a barbecue is rightfully considered to be chopped or rounded logs. Log buildings look the most authentic, sending our associations to ancient Russian architecture. A rounded log looks very neat and less brutal than a chopped log, more reminiscent of Alpine mountain hunting lodges.

Wood is an environmentally friendly material that creates a special aroma indoors and is pleasant to touch. Wood stores the energy of pristine living nature.

Assembling a house from rounded logs is much simpler, and you can do it yourself, calling on two or three strong partners for help, or entrust it to professional builders.

Brick buildings are characterized by greater structural strength and a large number of variations in planning solutions. A building made of brick is much more durable than one made of wood.

There is also a disadvantage of building from this material - it is an increase in the estimate due to additional costs for strengthening the foundation; after all, brick is much heavier than a wooden frame.

In the construction of covered pavilions, metal can serve as a frame into which double-glazed windows are built. Heat loss in such a gazebo will be large and for the winter months the presence of a stove is mandatory.

Projects for building a closed gazebo with barbecue

We suggest considering several stylistic solutions for building a house with a barbecue.

Construction of a gazebo

Building on your own has both advantages and disadvantages.

  • The first and most important thing for many is budget savings. Ordering the construction of a country gazebo from a construction company will cost you the cost of materials. That is, building with your own hands is twice as profitable.
  • The second advantage is quality control; it’s not for nothing that we say: “If you want it done well, do it yourself.”

The disadvantages, without a doubt, include the huge time costs. It is also not recommended to take on brickwork without skill, so this material will not be available to us if we have no experience working with it. In general, the main disadvantage of building on your own, as a rule, is a lack of experience, so if you decide to build yourself, collect as much information as possible on the Internet, talk to your neighbors who have already built their own pavilion with a barbecue.


Pay close attention to the foundation; its choice and depth are determined by the terrain, as well as the size and weight of the future building. Remember that when building a furnace, it requires a separate reinforced concrete foundation. A stove is carbon dioxide and fire, think about the correct design of the chimney and ventilation. Fire safety is also a very important factor that cannot be neglected. Avoid polystyrene foam insulation; it is better to use non-flammable mineral wool.


A closed gazebo will bring you many happy moments of relaxation from the daily bustle of the city, and fresh air is the key to health. Don't skimp on your health! And have a nice holiday weekend at any time of the year!

Every person comes to Vacation home to relieve yourself of the burden of worries that have accumulated during the work process, and take a break from the quickly annoying bustle of the city.

At the dacha, pleasant celebrations and feasts are often held, the main dish of which is mainly barbecue.

Yes, you can go to the forest, to a river or lake, but what to do if you want to relax in the winter season? Right, build a closed gazebo with barbecue on your country plot.

In this article we will tell you what your winter barbecue house can look like, the designs of which you will either draw up yourself or order from specialists.

A closed gazebo with barbecue is an excellent solution for any garden

Winter gazebo- a bright, memorable and colorful element of a personal plot. It can be built in a classic, strict style, but it will be much more interesting to “turn on” your imagination to the maximum and create a truly unique building.

If your imagination is not enough, then on our website, including on this page, closed gazebos with barbecue grills are presented in a huge variety in the form of photos and even ready-made drawings.

Although you will spend a little time and money on building a gazebo, such an element will become an integral part of the garden area and can improve your dacha and make it more luxurious.

The main advantages and disadvantages of a closed winter gazebo with barbecue

Such a structure is a fairly serious and capital structure. Therefore, before you take on the project of a winter gazebo with barbecue and begin its construction, you need to understand in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of the new building.

The advantages of a winter gazebo with barbecue include:

  • safety. A building made of brick will be absolutely protected from fire;
  • reliability and durability. A long service life is ensured through the use of high-quality, but at the same time inexpensive materials;
  • low maintenance. A closed gazebo with barbecue does not require regular repairs to maintain its neat appearance;
  • variety of design. Due to the solidity and reliability of the foundation, any materials can be used to finish the building. A good solution would be to use natural stone for this. Glass is also useful, especially in cases where a gazebo with glazing is being built.

As for the disadvantages, among them it is necessary to highlight:

  • heavy weight. Because of this, the structure requires the construction of a full foundation;
  • high price. Ordering some building materials can significantly impact your budget;
  • complexity. If you are new to the construction industry, then it will be quite difficult for you to cope with the construction of a gazebo;
  • lack of mobility. Due to the solidity of the structure, you will not be able to move it in case of unsuccessful placement or in the process of changing the landscape design of the site.

How to build a winter gazebo with a barbecue oven yourself?

Photo 1. Empty space in the garden plot; Finding and preparing a place suitable for installing a winter gazebo is the first stage of construction.

To get a high-quality and reliable structure, you must follow a clear sequence of actions:

  • deal with stages of construction;
  • choose a place where the building will be located;
  • create a project and drawing;
  • select materials and assemble a set of tools;
  • acquainted with fire safety rules.

Construction stages

Before starting construction, it is necessary to understand the order of the stages of construction. You will need to do:

  • creating a project;
  • marking the territory;
  • foundation construction;
  • construction of roof and walls;
  • construction of a barbecue oven.

Selecting a project and drawing

Design and creating a drawing- a fundamental part of the construction of a winter gazebo with barbecue. After all, this stage entirely determines how the building will look after completion and how reliable it will be.

As for the drawings, there are two main types of winter gazebos: combined and free-standing.

The last type is a separate building, which has everything you need for relaxation. Freestanding gazebos resemble small houses with many windows.

Combined gazebos with barbecue harmoniously combine summer and indoor structures. The building area is divided into a central insulated part and a canopy with benches located around the perimeter.

Take care of foundation construction. It must be at least in the area where the stove will be installed in the future. As for the dimensions of the building, they should be selected depending on the size of the kitchen and guest areas.

IMPORTANT pay attention to water supply and electricity. After all, the comfort of using the building depends on this. In addition, the gazebo can include not only a barbecue, but also a full kitchen, which is equipped with a sink, a cutting table and a small hob.

For arrangement guest area One dining table and chairs will be enough. A good design solution would be to install a comfortable rocking chair or trestle bed where you can take a little nap.

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How to choose the type of brick for construction?

The most optimal material for an all-season gazebo will be brick. But if you are going to build a gazebo from it, then you should be prepared that it will cost more than if you build from wood. What type of brick do you prefer? There are some useful tips in this aspect.

  • Firstly, you can use practically any brick color, starting from the standard and most common - red and ending with a variety of silicate colors. The first option is the strongest and most durable.
  • Secondly, if you are not going to have weekly get-togethers with friends, then you can save on building materials and purchase sand-lime brick.
  • Thirdly, for a brick gazebo, be sure to build strip foundation. Its shape can be any, but the standard ones are rhombus, hexagon or square.

What tools will you need?

In addition to choosing building materials, you need to take care of preparing the necessary tools.

You may need:

  • shovel;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer and router;
  • grinder and chisel.

If you are going to carry out more complex manipulations, then also stock up on:

  • jointer;
  • welding machine;
  • grinder;
  • concrete mixer.

Photo 2. A welder uses a portable welding machine to cut a metal sheet. You, too, may need such a tool to implement a particularly complex gazebo project.

Building the foundation

It is better to choose for a winter gazebo strip foundation. Its features include reliability, durability and ease of manufacture.

IMPORTANT: the foundation should not settle, because in this case the gazebo will warp or completely collapse.

To create formwork, you can use plywood or ordinary boards. As for the choice of cement, it completely depends on weather conditions. So, if you are engaged in construction in the summer, then a good solution would be the brand M200.

When building a foundation, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • do not allow clay to enter in the composition of sand;
  • make sure that the solution contains large amount of gravel(1.5 times more than usual);
  • water should be at least half from the entire mass of the mixture;
  • The solution must be prepared according to the following proportions: three parts sand, five crushed stone and one part cement;
  • remove the formwork only after 3 days have passed from the date of filling.

We carry out the laying step by step

Photo 3. Smooth brickwork ensures the strength of the walls of the future gazebo and its highly aesthetic appearance.

Before starting construction of walls, the foundation should be laid roofing felt layer, which will prevent moisture from flowing from the ground to the walls.

Brick laying starts from the doorway and continues along the entire perimeter of the building.

You need to build walls to the height you need.

Check their levelness regularly using a level.

Once the construction process of the walls is completed, you can mount wooden posts on them, with the help of which you will form hipped roof.

The next steps are the installation of a barbecue and the construction cutting table. For convenience, you can first lay out the bricks on the floor to outline the contours, and only then begin laying.

IMPORTANT: Upon completion of the construction of the stove and barbecue, it is necessary to fill out the seams.

Design work is completing the construction.

All you have to do is cover the roof of the gazebo, lay the floor, decorate the interior and process the structure moisture-repellent impregnation.

Where is the best place to place a barbecue in a gazebo? Optimal location of the gazebo on the site

Make sure that closed gazebo was located as far as possible from flammable trees and buildings, but at the same time close to a water source and a house.

Since the gazebo is a place for preparing and eating food, it must be placed away from garages, toilets, and compost heaps.

When choosing a place for the stove, take into account the fact that in this case the gazebo will be divided into two zones: kitchen and living room. For a barbecue, it is necessary to equip an area where you can place a barbecue, fuel for it and all the necessary equipment. All this should be included in the drawing of the gazebo.

Fire safety rules for operating a barbecue inside and outside the gazebo

In order for the gazebo to be a place of relaxation, and not a constant problem and danger to the health and life of vacationers, when using and constructing it, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • there must be a grill protected by roof;
  • to prevent the accumulation of smoke and soot inside the building, it is necessary to equip chimney;
  • masonry must be processed fireproof mixture or other compounds that will help the material withstand high temperatures.

Winter gazebos with barbecue: projects and photos of finished buildings

Photo 4. Closed gazebo with barbecue and glazing: a drawing that shows the dimensions of the future building and the location of some elements in it, such as a hood.

Photo 5. Project of a winter gazebo with a brick barbecue: a computer model that allows you to see how the future structure will look on a green lawn.

Photo 6. A small barbecue house stands on the edge of a country estate. Projects of such buildings are low-cost.

Photo 7. Elegant gazebo with barbecue and glazing on a country plot. As you can see from the photo, despite its small size, it is quite spacious and cozy.

Photo 8. Country winter gazebo, neatly integrated into the forest landscape. The project takes into account all the features of the environment, which creates harmony between nature and structure.

Useful video

If you have a project for a closed gazebo with a barbecue ready, but it is winter outside, there is no need to wait until spring to bring it to life. Construction work can also be carried out in the winter season. Watch a short video about how this happens.

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