Salads from the first greens. Dandelion salads

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Is it possible to imagine at least one feast without salad? I think not. Even if the guests asked for it when there is almost nothing in the house, then the salad is the easiest to prepare.

Salads are healthy, rich in vitamins, minerals, organic acids and fiber, if they are prepared from raw, boiled, baked vegetables, sauerkraut, all kinds of greens and seasoned with vegetable oil.

You can add boiled fish meat, lean beef, eggs, fish. You can top it with sour cream.

But salads become harmful if they contain fatty and pickled foods, mayonnaise.

Nutritionists advise not to store salads, even in the refrigerator for long hours, but to prepare them shortly before serving.

Salads are prepared in enamel, ceramic and glass dishes.

Salads are good at any time of the year, but in the spring you especially want salads with first garden or wild greens and early vegetables, even greenhouse ones.

Some recipes

Beet tops salad

You will need:

50 g beet tops;
- 20 g parsley;
- 20 g or 2-4 cloves of garlic;
- 2 eggs;
- vegetable oil or sour cream;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil hard-boiled eggs and chop, chop all the greens, crush the garlic and grind with salt. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise. You can add a little lemon juice.

And those who like a thicker salad can add 1-2 potatoes.

Radish salad

You will need:

40 g of young borage leaves or 1 cucumber;
- a bunch of radishes;
- 2 eggs;
- 20-40 g of green onions;
- 20 g dill;
- sour cream;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut radishes into half circles, borage into small noodles, onion into rings, chop dill, hard-boil eggs and chop. If using cucumber, cut it into small pieces. Mix everything, add salt and add sour cream.

Green onion salad

You will need:

50 g green onions;
- 10 g dill;
- 1 egg;
- 1 small jar of canned green peas;
- sour cream or mayonnaise;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into rings, chop the dill, hard-boil the egg, chop, drain the liquid from the canned peas, mix everything, add salt, season with sour cream, garnish with parsley sprigs. You can sprinkle a little grated cheese on top.

Salad with Jerusalem artichoke

You will need:

2 ;
- 1 carrot;
- 10 leaves of borage (borage) or 1 cucumber;
- 15 g dill;
- vegetable oil;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel and grate the Jerusalem artichoke and carrots, finely chop the borage, mix everything, salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Salad with cucumber and basil

You will need:

1 cucumber;
- 5-7 leaves or mint;
- 2 sprigs of parsley;
- thin sour cream or plain yogurt;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater, chop the basil leaves and parsley, mix everything, add salt and season with sour cream.

Salad with wild garlic

You will need:

2 potatoes;
- a bunch of wild garlic;
- 10 g dill;
- sunflower oil;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, cool, cut into small slices or cubes. Chop the wild garlic and dill. Mix everything, add salt and season with sunflower oil.

Radish salad with green salad

You will need:

A bunch of radishes;
- 1-2 cucumbers;
- 100 g of lettuce;
- 10 g dill;
- 30-40 g of green onions;
- 2 eggs;
- sour cream or homemade mayonnaise;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the radish and cucumber into strips, finely tear the lettuce leaves with your hands, chop the green onions and dill, hard-boil and chop the eggs. Mix everything, add salt and season with mayonnaise.

Fresh cucumber salad with plantain leaves

You will need:

3-4 fresh cucumbers;
- 10 young leaves;
- 30-40 g of green onions;
- 15 g dill;
- 2 eggs;
- mayonnaise or sour cream;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the cucumbers into strips, finely chop the plantain, cut the green onions into small rings, chop the dill. Hard boil the eggs and chop them. Mix everything, salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise or sour cream. Or you can use olive oil.

Celery salad with rice and cucumbers

You will need:

1/4 cup rice;
- 20 g celery greens (can be replaced with parsley);
- 2 cucumbers;
- 15 g dill;
- 1 small onion or half;
- 40-50 g ham;
- sour cream;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the rice until tender, but do not overcook it, place in a sieve.

Cut the cucumbers into small pieces, chop the celery, dill, and onion. Cut the ham into cubes. Mix everything, salt, pepper, season with sour cream.
You can use celery stalks, cut them into small pieces.

Spring salad with mint

You will need:

2 small cucumbers;
- 1 green apple;
- 10 mint leaves;
- 20 g parsley;
- 10 g green onions;
- vegetable oil;
- salt, pepper, lemon juice to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the cucumbers into small pieces. Remove the core from the apple, chop it into small strips and sprinkle with lemon juice. Chop the onion and parsley. Mix everything, add salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil and sprinkle chopped mint leaves on top.

Beet leaf salad

You will need:

200 g beet leaves;
- 50 g green onions;
- 20 g dill;
- sour cream;
- salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Separate young beet leaves from the petioles, rinse, cut into strips, lightly mash, add salt and let stand in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Chop the leaf petioles, boil in a small amount of water for 5 minutes, drain on a sieve, and cool. Cut the green onions into rings, chop the dill. Mix everything, season with sour cream, garnish with whole sprigs of parsley.

Salad with rice and herbs

You will need:

1/2 cup rice;
- 200 g chicken fillet;
- 2 cucumbers;
- 50 g green onions;
- 10 g dill;
- 1-2 eggs;
- thin sour cream or mayonnaise;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the rice without boiling, place in a sieve. Boil the fillet until tender and chop finely. Cut the cucumbers into strips, green onions into rings, chop the dill. Boil and chop the eggs. Mix all products, salt, pepper, season with sour cream.

Hello, friends of the "Masters of the House"! Congratulations on the coming of spring! This year it is stormy and early in many regions of our vast country. So, many are already enjoying the spring sun, fine days, the singing of the first birds and high spirits.

May this mood remain with you for as long as possible, and may it not be overshadowed by the lack of vitamins characteristic of this period. To do this, let’s arm ourselves with vitamin recipes and begin to strengthen our body with the help of nature itself, or rather with the help of the first spring greens, which begin to grow in abundance almost everywhere these spring days.

So, our spring theme today is dandelion salads. And together with dandelions, nettle salads, and sow thistle salads, and sow thistle salads, and nettle salads will also go well. A lot has been written about the usefulness of this spring greenery; by the way, in terms of taste and vitamin content, all this greenery is not inferior to garden greens, and there will be separate articles about this on our blog (so don’t forget to subscribe to), well, we will devote this article exclusively to recipes . Ready? Then let's go!

Salad of dandelions, honey and cucumbers.

We will need:
Dandelion leaves - 100 g;
Dream leaves - 100 g;
Cucumbers - 2 pcs;
Vegetable oil - for dressing at your discretion.

Let's prepare it like this:
First, soak the dandelion leaves in lightly salted water for 30 minutes. Next, wash these leaves and cut them. We also wash and cut the cucumbers into slices, and wash and finely chop the cucumbers. Mix all this, add salt and season with vegetable oil.

Dandelion and green onion salad.

Dandelion leaves - 100 g;
Green onions - 1 bunch;
Sour cream - 1 spoon;
Salt - to taste.

Let's prepare it like this:
Soak dandelion leaves in salted water. We wash them and chop them finely, and also chop the green onions. Mix everything, add salt and season with sour cream.

Dandelion salad “Honey”.

We will need:
Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
Chopped walnuts - 4 tbsp. spoons;
Dandelion leaves - 100 g;
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Let's prepare it like this:
Soak the dandelion leaves for about 30 minutes (this is to remove the bitterness from them). Chop, add nuts, honey and butter. Stir, the salad is ready.

Dandelion salad with spinach and sorrel.
We will need:
Dandelion leaves - 100 g;
Spinach - 200 g;
Sorrel - 50 g;
Green onions - a bunch;
Cranberry juice (can be replaced with lemon juice) - 1 tbsp. spoon;
Vegetable oil - to taste.
Let's prepare it like this:
Everything is simple here: soak the dandelion leaves for 30 minutes, wash them and finely chop them together with all the greens. Season with vegetable oil and cranberry juice.
Salad of dandelions and young thistle.
We will need:
Dandelion leaves - 100 g;
Young sow thistle - 500 g;
Eggs - 2 pcs;
Onions - 2 pcs;
Mustard - 1 teaspoon;
Garlic - 1 clove;
Vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
Salt, sugar, vegetable oil, pepper to taste.
Let's prepare it like this:
Soak the dandelion leaves for half an hour, in the meantime we sort out the sow thistle leaves, wash them, dry them and chop them finely. Finely chop the onion and mix it with grated garlic, oil, mustard vinegar, sugar and pepper. Finely chop the dandelion leaves. Boil hard-boiled eggs and chop them. Mix everything. Salt and mix. Our salad is ready.
Salad of dandelions, parsley and green onions.
We will need:
Dandelion leaves - 100 g;
Parsley - 1 bunch;
Green onions - 1 bunch;
Egg - 1 piece;
Vegetable oil, salt and vinegar - to taste.
Let's prepare it like this:
Soak dandelion leaves in salted water for half an hour. After that, chop all the greens, add chopped hard-boiled eggs and season everything with oil and vinegar. Salt and mix. Our salad is ready.
With this I say goodbye. Prepare delicious and healthy dandelion salads. And don't forget to subscribe to our

The most famous herbs for modern lovers of spring greenery are: nettle, dandelion, plantain... But there are many more edible herbs. Let's find out what herbs to collect in the spring.

Nettle - what to cook

As it is: A weed that can bring us great benefits. Nettle makes wonderful spring soups and green cabbage soup; its greens can be added to a salad - its benefits will be obvious. And if you grind nettle in a blender and mix it with kefir, you get an incredibly healthy vitamin drink.
Nettle leaves burn and have an unpleasant texture for a salad plant. Therefore, it is usually boiled for 3-5 minutes in salted boiling water, and then rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder. Most often, pureed nettle soup is prepared. There are also recipes for sauces and fillings made from boiled chopped nettles with the addition of fried onions and eggs. Nettle contains vitamins C (a huge amount!), K, B2, B6, beta-carotene (more than in carrots), chlorophyll, glycosides, tannins, protein and mineral salts (iron, calcium, silicon, magnesium). Nettle leaves also contain organic acids that help strengthen the body as a whole.

Dandelion - what to cook

As it is: Dandelion leaves look good in salads, and the flowers make an amazing jam, similar to honey. To make dandelion jam, young, newly opened dandelion buds are collected. Dandelions are good for the liver and urinary tract and contain antioxidants. But if you want to make the most of the beneficial properties of dandelion, it is better to eat it fresh in a salad or make regular decoctions.
There is no part of this plant that is not saturated with substances beneficial to humans. Dandelion is rich in protein, sugars, flavonoids and vitamins. No vegetable can compare with dandelion in terms of the content of phosphorus, calcium and iron salts. Dandelion roots contain organic acids, mineral salts, tannins, bitterness and essential oils. And they can act as a coffee substitute.

Plantain - what to cook

As it is: Plantain is not only a valuable medicinal plant, but also a food plant. Plantain leaves are added to salads; it goes well with potatoes, onions, horseradish, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, fish and meat. Plantain is added to soups, porridges, cutlets, omelettes and casseroles.
Plantain leaves contain a large amount of mucus, glycosides, flavonoids, bitter and tannins. Vitamins C, K and carotene are found in plantain.
Plantain is also indispensable for problems with the digestive system: stomach and intestinal ulcers, enterocolitis, enteritis and gastritis. Freshly squeezed juice of plantain leaves has pronounced wound-healing and antimicrobial activity. It is used to treat the cornea, it resists the spread of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and pathogenic staphylococcus and destroys hemolytic streptococcus.

Knotweed - knotweed - what to cook

As it is: Dried knotweed is used as a seasoning and in herbal teas. A mixture of knotweed and nettle, taken in equal proportions, is good as a seasoning for soups, as a seasoning for main meat and fish dishes, and looks good in salads.
Knotweed contains a lot of useful substances. These are bioflavonoids (vitamins of group P), vitamins C, K, E, carotene (plant modification of vitamin A), minerals (silver, magnesium, copper, calcium), alkaloids, pectin, essential oils, carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, glucose) and fruit acids.
In folk medicine, the beneficial properties of knotweed are most widely used to treat urolithiasis. Knotweed can also be used to improve the digestive system. It is able to protect the mucous membrane from gastric juice, therefore it is used for ulcers and gastritis.

Woodlice - chickweed - what to cook

As it is: Not everyone knows that woodlice is not a weed, but a real medicinal and food herb. Woodlice can be used in the preparation of soups and borscht, as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, and also as salad greens.
Woodlice contains organic acids, saponins, wax, tannins, vitamins of many groups, essential oils, lipids and minerals (magnesium, iron, copper).
To improve memory, squeeze the juice from woodlice grass, passing it through a meat grinder, and drink 1/2 tbsp. in the morning and in the evening. Before drinking the infusion, swallow a quarter teaspoon of honey. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Fresh juice is an effective remedy for treating various rashes, non-healing wounds and ulcers, as well as frostbite and burns.

Ivan tea - fireweed - what to cook

As it is: In pre-revolutionary times, fireweed tea, also called Koporye tea, was purchased in our country by the thousands of poods from Great Britain, and the British know a lot about tea! Fresh Ivan-chai greens are used in salads.
Ivan tea contains the most valuable substances: vitamin C, beta-carotene, tannins, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, pectin, oleanoic and ursolic acid, flavonoids, minerals (iron, manganese, copper, nickel, titanium, molybdenum, boron). The vitamin C content in fireweed is several times higher than in lemons!
The vascular-strengthening property of angustifolia fireweed is due to the content of bioflavonoids, which strengthen the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, making them less fragile, more elastic, and also protects them from the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Clover - what to cook

As it is: You can eat both inflorescences and young clover greens. Flowers are brewed as tea and used to prepare soups and main courses, and greens can be added to salads. In cooking, clover leaves are added to salads and green cabbage soup.
Clover contains B vitamins, vitamin C, carotene, essential oils, alkaloids, resinous substances, organic acids, and fatty oil.
Decoctions and infusions, juice, and tinctures are prepared from clover, which are taken orally and used externally for rinses, lotions, and medicinal baths.
Preparations from clover have choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, hemostatic, astringent effects and treat many ailments.

Burdock (burdock) - what to cook

As it is: A weed and also one of the most valuable wild edible plants. In China and Japan, burdock is cultivated on an industrial scale. Burdock root, roasted and ground, can replace coffee, and the leaves are used to prepare seasonings for soups, bake, fry and even make jam.
Burdock leaves and stems are very common as an additive in salads. Many people also like to eat burdock roots raw, fried or pickled, and even add it to soup! If the root is thoroughly dried, it can be used to make flour for mixing with wheat and baking very tasty bread.
Burdock leaves contain tannins, mucus, essential oils, burdock roots contain a large amount of inulin polysaccharide, proteins, essential oils, fatty oil, tannins, bitterness and organic acids. You can prepare the medicinal parts of the plant yourself.

Shepherd's purse - what to cook

As it is: The greenery of the shepherd's purse has long been used in the preparation of stews, soups, and cabbage soup; it was prepared for future use: dried, pickled, and salted. Fresh leaves are used in salads, placed in cabbage soup, and make a delicious filling for pies.
Shepherd's purse leaves are eaten raw in salads, boiled in soups and borscht, even salted. Interestingly, as a vegetable, shepherd's purse is widely used in Chinese cuisine; moreover, it was brought by the Chinese to Taiwan, where it is grown as a “magnificent spinach plant.”
Shepherd's purse belongs to the cabbage family. It contains vitamins, organic acids, choline, inositol and fruit acids (malic, citric, tartaric).
The plant should not be harvested during the period of full fruiting, with ripe fruits opening, or when infected with fungi.

Snitch - what to cook

As it is: Unfortunately, a forgotten food plant. One-day-old young shoots are especially tasty. Cabbage soup, borscht, soups and various seasonings are prepared from snyti. Cabbage soup made from cabbage soup is much tastier than nettle cabbage soup. The taste is reminiscent of both carrots and parsley. The mushrooms can be prepared for future use: dried, pickled or fermented. Carrot contains quite a lot of vitamin C, carotene, proteins and mineral salts.
Speaking about the nutritional properties of dream, one cannot help but recall the fasting feat of St. Seraphim of Sarov. Living as a hermit in the depths of the forest on a hill near the Sarovka River, five miles from the monastery, Father Seraphim did not even take bread from the brethren for several years. Everyone wondered what he ate. It turned out that the priest collected the mushrooms, put them in peas, adding a little water, and put them in the oven. And for the winter he dried the grass. This is what he fed on for a thousand days. There is also a historical fact that during the Great Patriotic War, catering workers went to prepare food for Moscow canteens.

Horsetail - what to cook

As it is: An unappetizing plant at first glance. However, young shoots of horsetail can be successfully used instead of asparagus. Spring young shoots can be eaten fresh or lightly boiled, they can be added to soup or even prepared as a pie filling.
Horsetail contains flavonoids, glycosides, bitterness, saponins, quite a lot of silicic acid, other organic acids, resinous and tannins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, essential and fatty oils, mineral salts, vitamin C and carotene.
Horsetail has cleansing, anti-inflammatory, restorative, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic and hemostatic properties. It has a detoxifying effect, including removing lead from the body.

How to cook young wild herbs

Dishes made from wild herbs are tasty and healthy. Prepare any of the above and you will forever become a devotee of dishes made from wild spring herbs.

Dandelion salad
Soak 100 g of fresh young dandelion leaves in salted water, place in a sieve, chop and season with sour cream and lemon juice. Add salt to taste. You can diversify this salad with any vegetables - radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

Dandelion salad 2
100 g dandelion leaves, 4 tbsp. spoons of chopped walnuts, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil. Preparation: finely chop the dandelion leaves, add the nuts and stir. Prepare the dressing by mixing honey and vegetable oil and pour it into the salad.

Dandelion Snack
The only thing that hinders the spread of dandelion in cooking is its bitter taste. But it will weaken if the leaves cut for salad are kept in salt water for half an hour and then dried. You can prepare an original snack from young dandelion rosettes - boil them in salted boiling water for several minutes, then rinse in cold water, roll in breadcrumbs or flour and fry in vegetable oil.

Green salad with nettles and nuts
Grind 200 g of blanched nettle leaves and mix with 3 tbsp. chopped walnuts, add 1 tsp. combine apple cider vinegar with parsley and onion. You can take any other nuts - cashews, pine or pecans

Ivan tea salad
Blanch 100 g of young shoots of Ivan tea for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, drain and chop. Mix with green onions, add 2 tbsp. grated horseradish, salt, pepper and season with sour cream and lemon juice.

Woodlice salad
Take a handful of fresh chickweed and onion, chop, add 1-2 boiled eggs, salt, pepper, season with sour cream. This salad can also be prepared with knotweed.

Green pancakes
100 g each of sorrel, nettle, cabbage, beet tops, 1 cup flour, 2 cups milk, 3 eggs. Scald the nettles and chop them along with all the greens. Knead the dough for pancakes, add herbs and fry the pancakes in vegetable oil.

Green kefir
Grind any greens to taste in a blender and mix with kefir.

Green smoothie
Grind a handful of any greens (just don’t take too aromatic ones like dill, cilantro or celery) in a blender into a puree, add the juice of one orange or tangerine, banana and kiwi. Beat until smooth. Instead of a banana, you can take a mango, replace the kiwi with a pear or any berries. For extra nutrition, add a quarter of an avocado. This is a great breakfast!

Dream omelette
100 grams of honey, 2 chicken eggs or 10 quail eggs, 4 tablespoons of milk, salt, spices, parsley, onions. Chop the greens, grate the onion on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice, beat the eggs with milk. Mix the ingredients and pour into a heated frying pan and cook with the lid on.

Nettle soup puree
100 g nettles, 2 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, ½ bunch of parsley and dill, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice. Boil the potatoes until tender in meat broth or water, grind them, remove them from the broth, with sour cream, put them back into the broth, stir, continue cooking over medium heat. Cut the carrots and onions into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Wash and dry the greens and nettles, chop finely, scald the nettles with boiling water, put them in the soup along with the greens, add lemon juice, pepper and salt to taste and cook for another 2 minutes.

Snitch stewed with potatoes
Dryweed has a persistent, specific aroma. Therefore, it is usually prepared with seasonings, such as grated horseradish or tomato sauces. The most popular dish is stewed potatoes with mashed potatoes. Finely chopped mushrooms are lightly stewed, combined with stewed potatoes and onions, sour cream is added and kept on the fire for another 10 minutes, then seasoned with tomato sauce.

How to preserve young first greens?

Freezing is considered the best option for preserving greens for the winter. If you have a freezer, set aside a couple of drawers for frozen greens, and the problem of vitamin deficiency in winter will be solved!

Advice. Just label the bags of greens, don’t rely on memory.

If you have nowhere to store frozen greens, drying may be the solution. You have a dehydrator - good, but you can also dry greens in a regular oven with minimal loss of nutrients. Simply turn the oven on low, place the baking sheet on the top rack and leave the door ajar.

And, of course, you can make a vitamin dressing for soup from greens: chop the washed greens, mix with salt and compact tightly into jars (juice should appear). Store the jars in the refrigerator or sterilize and seal.

Previously on the topic:

In spring, we especially feel the need for vitamins. And the vitamins are here, under your feet: in the dacha near the house and on the forest lawns. Sorrel, spinach, dandelion - these first gifts of the spring season contain many useful microelements, valuable nutrients and vitamins. Include these herbs in your spring menu and you won't regret it. After a bland winter meal, dishes made from the first greens will be ready to go. But remember that you can collect greens in a field, meadow, near a river, but not in the city.

I hope that the recipes presented in my article will help you prepare an excellent lunch, which will contain enough different healthy greens.

Spring salad of dandelion leaves

Some may think that this salad is something exotic. I tried it and I liked it. Maybe you will take the risk too?

Then you will need:

100 gr. young dandelion leaves, 50 gr. sour cream, 18 gr. water, grated horseradish to taste, salt, 1 boiled egg or a little grated cheese.


1. Wash fresh dandelion leaves thoroughly. To reduce bitterness, soak them for about thirty minutes in salted water (take about 20 grams of salt for 1 liter of water). Then drain in a colander, rinse with clean water and chop.

2. Mix sour cream, water, horseradish, salt. Pour the mixture over the salad. Sprinkle finely chopped boiled egg or grated cheese on top.

Dandelion salad with nettle, nettle and plantain

You will need:

2-3 handfuls of chopped dandelion leaves, 2-3 handfuls of chopped nettle, honey and plantain leaves, salt, garlic and walnuts to taste, sour cream (mayonnaise).


1. Sort and rinse the leaves of dandelion, nettle, honey and plantain.

2. Soak dandelion leaves for 20-40 minutes in cold water, adding salt. Blanch the nettle leaves in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.

3. Chop all the greens equally finely and mix. Crush the walnut kernels and garlic and add to the greens. Season with sour cream (mayonnaise) and salt.

Here's a favorite first course:

Spring cabbage soup made from nettle and sorrel

You will need:

300 gr. nettles, 200 gr. sorrel, 400 gr. potatoes, 100 gr. carrots, 80 gr. parsley (roots), 100 gr. onions, 2-4 eggs, 40 gr. sour cream, 40 gr. margarine, salt, spices (pepper, bay leaf).


1. Nettle greens and rinse well. Place the nettles in boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and place in a sieve. Then chop it and simmer with margarine. Chop the sorrel.

2. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut into large strips. Chop peeled carrots, parsley and onions and fry in margarine.

3. Place potatoes and fried vegetables in boiling meat broth. When about 5 minutes remain before the end of cooking, add sorrel and stewed nettles, salt, and spices.

4. Boil the eggs hard-boiled, cut into halves.

5. Serve the finished cabbage soup with sour cream. Place 1-2 egg halves per serving into plates.

Another delicious first course, which, alas, is rarely seen on our tables now:

Botvinya with fish


1400 ml bread kvass, 150 gr. spinach, 150 gr. nettles, 200 gr. sorrel, 20 gr. sugar, 8 gr. salt, 80 gr. green onions, 40 gr. dill, 60 gr. horseradish, 2-3 fresh cucumbers, 400 gr. boiled fish (sturgeon, pike perch, cod).


1. Simmer spinach, nettles and sorrel separately. Then rub everything together through a sieve. Pour the resulting greens puree with kvass, add salt and sugar.

2. Serve pieces of boiled fish, slices of cucumber, grated horseradish, chopped onions and dill separately. You can serve with botvinya and boiled crayfish (1-2 crayfish per serving).

From spring greens you can prepare not only healthy salads and delicious first courses, but also mouth-watering main courses. For example:

Dagestan dumplings with nettles


260 gr. wheat flour, 1 egg, 100 ml warm boiled water, 300 gr. nettle, 30 gr. butter, 80 gr. onions, salt, ground pepper.


1. Prepare a dough from sifted flour, eggs, salt (3-4 g) and water. Let it lie under a napkin for half an hour, then roll it out thinly.

2. Place the nettles in boiling water (for a couple of minutes). Then transfer to a sieve, squeeze, chop. Finely chop the onion. Mix nettles with onions and sauté in oil. Salt and pepper.

3. Cut out round cakes from the dough, fill them with nettles and cook like regular dumplings.

Spinach cutlets with rice


400 gr. spinach, 40 gr. rice, 20 gr. feta cheese, 20 gr. parsley, 2 eggs, salt, crackers or flour.

For deep frying, use vegetable oil.


1. Coarsely chop the prepared spinach. Sprinkle it with salt and simmer until soft. Then squeeze out excess liquid and finely chop.

2. Cook the pre-washed rice in salted water. Grate the cheese. Finely chop the parsley.

3. Combine spinach, rice, parsley, cheese, add an egg to the mixture and mix. If there is not enough salt, add salt. Form small cutlets from the prepared mixture, soak them in the egg, and bread them in crushed breadcrumbs or flour. Deep fry it hot.

Herbs can also be added to minced meat when preparing meat cutlets. These cutlets taste more piquant than regular meat cutlets, and their nutritional value is undoubtedly higher.

Meat cutlets with nettles


500 gr. meat, 200 gr. nettle, 25 gr. garlic, 30 gr. dill, 1 egg, 25 gr. semolina, salt.


1. Pour boiling water over the nettles and squeeze. Then, together with the meat and garlic, pass through a meat grinder. Add finely chopped dill, egg, semolina, salt. Stir and form into cutlets.

2. Fry them in vegetable oil or steam them.

The next two dishes will please those with a sweet tooth.

Curd pudding with spinach


500 gr. , 250-300 gr. spinach, 45 gr. butter, 3 eggs, 50 gr. semolina, 50 gr. sugar, 200 gr. fat sour cream, 100 gr. cheese, 30 gr. crushed crackers, salt.


1. Put butter (30 g), egg yolks, sugar, salt, semolina into the pureed cottage cheese. Stir and beat the mixture with a wooden spatula.

2. Wash the spinach, dry and finely chop. Mix with curd mass.

3. Lastly, add the whipped egg whites and mix gently.

4. Grease the inside of a deep frying pan with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Add the curd-spinach mixture. Coat the top with sour cream (50 g), sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with melted butter.

5. Place the pudding in the oven for half an hour. Serve with sour cream.

Spinach bran cookies


300 gr. wheat flour, 80 gr. wheat bran, 200 gr. spinach greens, 1 egg, 150 gr. butter, 4 gr. baking soda, 5 gr. salt.


1. Rinse, dry with a napkin, chop.

2. Mix flour with bran, salt, slaked soda, chopped spinach. Add room temperature butter, an egg to the resulting mass and knead the spinach dough. Roll out into a layer no more than 1 cm thick, cut the cookies (with a knife or using cutters).

3. Bake the spinach cookies in the oven, placing them on a sheet greased with butter.

Dandelion roots can be used to make an excellent coffee substitute that is aromatic and pleasant to the taste. This drink is especially useful for children.

Dandelion coffee

For 200 ml of drink you will need 8-15 g. root powder and 200 ml of water.


1. Wash the dandelion roots thoroughly, dry and roast in the oven until they turn brown. Then grind it in a coffee grinder.

2. Brew like regular coffee and drink with milk, sugar or honey.

Salads made from fresh vegetables look appetizing and festive. They are prepared from a variety of products with different dressings. It is important to serve the “Spring” salad in the spring, when the first greens and vegetables appear.

A quick and simple salad to make up for vitamin deficiencies in the body. Vegetables help speed up metabolic processes in the body, which is why salads are popular among lovers of healthy eating. “Spring” salads are suitable as a side dish for meat, fish and poultry; they can be served as a cold appetizer or as an independent dish for dinner.

The range of ingredients for the salad is huge - fresh and boiled vegetables, poultry, crab sticks, canned peas and corn, cheese, any greens. You can combine the ingredients in any way to your taste. Sour cream, light mayonnaise, natural yogurt or vegetable oils are suitable as a dressing. Everything is selected individually, based on taste preferences.

Classic “Spring” salad with cabbage

The basis of the classic salad is green vegetables. This dietary salad with cabbage and cucumbers can be served as a side dish for meat dishes or eaten for dinner.

It will take 20 minutes to prepare 4 servings.


  • half a small white cabbage;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 3-4 small cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. dill or parsley;
  • 50 gr. green onions;
  • 50 ml olive or sunflower oil;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Peel the cucumbers and cut into slices or cubes.
  3. Wash the greens, pat dry with a towel, and chop finely.
  4. Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel and cut into large slices.
  5. Combine all ingredients, add salt and season with vegetable oil.

“Spring” salad with chicken breast

A salad recipe with dietary chicken is suitable for a holiday table. Prepare a light, delicious salad with cucumbers and chicken breast for a feast on March 8, Valentine's Day, Birthday or bachelorette party.

2 servings of salad can be prepared in 40 minutes.


  • 100 gr. chicken breast;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 medium sized tomato;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp. vinegar;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tbsp. l. light mayonnaise or natural yogurt without additives;
  • any greens;
  • salt to taste.


  • 500 gr. chilled crab sticks;
  • 150 gr. hard cheese;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of natural yogurt or low-fat mayonnaise;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • parsley or dill.


  1. Cut the crab sticks into cubes or diamonds.
  2. Cut the tomatoes using the julienne technique into strips. Remove excess juice with a paper towel or let the tomatoes drain in a colander.
  3. Grate the cheese on a large or medium grater.
  4. Peel the garlic and pass through a press.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. Mix the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Dress the salad with low-fat mayonnaise or yogurt. Before serving, decorate the salad bowl with parsley leaves.

“Spring” salad with ham and bell pepper

A more satisfying and high-calorie version of spring salad is served as an appetizer on the holiday table. Make it for lunch or snack.


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