The worst and biggest hole. The largest "holes" on Earth

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Among the amazing natural phenomena we can certainly include holes that periodically open up in different places on the globe.

1.Kimberlite pipe "Mir" (Mir diamond pipe), Yakutia.

The Mir kimberlite pipe is a quarry located in the city of Mirny, Yakutia. The quarry has a depth of 525 m and a diameter of 1.2 km, and is one of the largest quarries in the world. Mining of diamond-bearing kimberlite ore ceased in June 2001. Currently, an underground mine of the same name is being built on board the quarry to develop the remaining sub-quarry reserves, the extraction of which open method unprofitable.

The world's largest diamond quarry is amazing.

2.Kimberlite pipe "Big Hole", South Africa.

The Big Hole is a huge inactive diamond mine in the city of Kimberley (South Africa). It is believed that this is the largest quarry developed by people without the use of technology. Currently it is the main attraction of the city of Kimberley.

From 1866 to 1914, approximately 50,000 miners dug the mine using picks and shovels, producing 2,722 tons of diamonds (14.5 million carats). During the development of the quarry, 22.5 million tons of soil were extracted. It was here that such famous diamonds as "De Beers" (428.5 carats), bluish-white "Porter-Rhodes" (150 carats), orange-yellow " Tiffany" (128.5 carats). Currently, this diamond deposit has been exhausted. The area of ​​the “Big Hole” is 17 hectares. Its diameter is 1.6 km. The hole was dug to a depth of 240 meters, but was then filled with waste rock to a depth of 215 meters, currently the bottom of the hole is filled with water, its depth is 40 meters.

At the site of the mine previously (about 70 - 130 million years ago) there was a volcanic crater. Almost a hundred years ago - in 1914, development in the “Big Hole” was stopped, but the gaping crater of the pipe remains to this day and now serves only as a bait for tourists, serving as a museum. And... it starts to create problems. In particular, there was a serious danger of collapse not only of its edges, but also of the roads built in its immediate vicinity. South African road services have long banned the passage of heavy freight vehicles in these places, and now they strongly recommend that all other drivers avoid driving along Bultfontein Road in the Big Hole area. The authorities are going to completely block the dangerous section of the road. And the world's largest diamond company, De Beers, which owned this mine since 1888, did not find anything better than to get rid of it by putting it up for sale.

3. Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah.

The largest active open-pit mine in the world, copper mining began in 1863 and is still ongoing. About a kilometer deep and three and a half kilometers wide.

It is the world's largest anthropogenic formation (excavated by humans). It is a mine whose development is carried out using an open pit method.

As of 2008, it measures 0.75 miles (1.2 km) deep, 2.5 miles (4 km) wide, and covers an area of ​​1,900 acres (7.7 sq. km).

The ore was first discovered in 1850, and quarrying began in 1863, which continues to this day.

Currently, the quarry employs 1,400 people who extract 450,000 tons (408 thousand tons) of rock daily. The ore is loaded into 64 large dump trucks, which are capable of transporting 231 tons of ore, these trucks cost about $3 million each.

4. Diavik Quarry, Canada. Diamonds are mined.

The Canadian Diavik quarry is perhaps one of the youngest (in terms of development) diamond kimberlite pipes. It was first explored only in 1992, the infrastructure was created by 2001, and diamond mining began in January 2003. The mine is expected to last from 16 to 22 years.
The place where it emerges from the surface of the earth is unique in itself. Firstly, this is not one, but three pipes formed on the island of Las de Gras, approximately 220 km south of the Arctic Circle, off the coast of Canada. Since the hole is huge, and the island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is small, only 20 km²

and in a short time, the Diavik diamond mine became one of the most important components of the Canadian economy. Up to 8 million carats (1,600 kg) of diamonds are mined from this deposit per year. An airfield was built on one of its neighboring islands, capable of receiving even huge Boeings. In June 2007, a consortium of seven mining companies announced their intention to sponsor environmental studies and begin construction of a major port on Canada's North Shore to accommodate cargo ships of up to 25,000 tons, as well as a 211 km access road that would connect the port to the consortium's plants. . This means that the hole in the ocean will grow and deepen.

5. Great Blue Hole, Belize.

The world-famous Great Blue Hole is the main attraction of picturesque, ecologically perfectly clean Belize (formerly British Honduras) - a state in Central America, on the Yucatan Peninsula. No, this time it is not a kimberlite pipe. It is not diamonds that are “mined” from it, but tourists - diving enthusiasts from all over the world, thanks to which it feeds the country no worse than a diamond pipe. Probably, it would be better to call it not “Blue Hole”, but “Blue Dream”, since this can only be seen in dreams or in a dream. This is a true masterpiece, a miracle of nature - a perfectly round, twilight blue spot in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, surrounded by a lace shirtfront of the Lighthouse Reef.

View from space!

Width 400 meters, depth 145 - 160 meters.

It’s like they’re swimming over an abyss...

6. Drainage hole in the reservoir of the Monticello Dam.

A large man-made hole is located in Northern California, USA. But this is not just a hole. The drainage hole in the Monticello Dam reservoir is the largest spillway in the world! It was built about 55 years ago. This funnel-shaped exit is simply irreplaceable here. It allows you to quickly release excess water from the tank when its level exceeds permissible norm. A kind of safety valve.

Visually, the funnel looks like a giant concrete pipe. It is capable of passing through itself as much as 1370 cubic meters per second. m of water! The depth of this hole is about 21 m. From top to bottom it has the shape of a cone, the diameter of which at the top reaches almost 22 m, and at the bottom it narrows to 9 m and comes out on the other side of the dam, removing excess water when the reservoir overflows. The distance from the pipe to the exit point, which is located slightly to the south, is approximately 700 feet (about 200 m).

7. Karst sinkhole in Guatemala.

A giant funnel with a depth of 150 and a diameter of 20 meters. Caused by groundwater and rain. During the formation of the sinkhole, several people died and a dozen houses were destroyed. According to local residents, from about the beginning of February, soil movements were felt in the area of ​​the future tragedy, and a muffled rumble was heard from underground.

The creations of nature always fascinate, especially if they are objects of gigantic proportions. There are huge holes in earth's crust simply incredible sizes. However, their authorship does not always belong to nature; a large man-made hole can also cause a shock to others.

Quarry in Yakutia

Scientists cannot give an exact answer about the nature of the origin of most giant natural holes. The spectacle is as impressive as it is dangerous. The abyss can open up almost anywhere, swallowing up houses, cars, and people. Here are the most famous holes of various origins.

Yakutia has one of the largest quarries on the planet. Its dimensions are more than 0.5 km in depth and almost one and a half kilometers in diameter. The quarry was given a name - the Mir kimberlite pipe. It was opened in the 50s of the twentieth century and worked until 2001. All this time, kimberlite ore, which is rich in diamonds, was mined here using an open-pit method. Today, it is unprofitable to extract the remaining ore reserves using open-pit methods, so underground mines have been built. Large holes in the ground can be created by human hands.

Other man-made holes

The largest man-made quarry on the planet is the Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine. It is located in Utah. In the quarry, mining is carried out using open-pit mining. The width of the mine is almost 8 km, and the depth reaches four kilometers. The quarry was opened in 1863, mining continues today, so its size is constantly increasing.

In Canada, there is a quarry on the islands where diamonds are mined. It's called Diavik. All the necessary infrastructure, and even an airport, grew around it.

The largest quarry, which was created by man without the use of special equipment, is located in South Africa. The big hole was once a diamond mining site. The parameters of this mine along the perimeter are about 1.5 km, and in width - more than 460 meters. Now this mine is a means of attracting tourists to the city. The giant hole, called the Big Hole, amazes with its dimensions.

Local Attractions

There are Dam's in northern California. In the reservoir of the dam there is a funnel through which water is drained. The depth of the funnel is more than 21 meters, its upper part in diameter is 21 meters, and the lower part is 8.5 meters. Through such a giant drain they release from the reservoir excess water supply. A large hole can easily become a local landmark. People love to visit places that are terrifying in their scale.

In Guatemala, a huge explosion was formed caused by heavy rains and increasing the level groundwater. According to eyewitnesses, a few days before the formation of the crater, local residents heard a rumble from underground and felt shifts in the soil. As a result of the tragedy, people died and more than ten houses were destroyed.

The Great Blue Hole is located in Lighthouse Reef Atoll. In fact, this is a karst depression up to 120 meters deep and more than 300 meters across. The discoverer of this funnel was the famous scientist Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The nature of the formation of a blue hole has been scientifically explained. During the Ice Age, this relief looked like a system limestone caves. Over time, when the sea level rose significantly, the caves were flooded, and its vaults, consisting of porous limestone, collapsed. The Blue Hole is one of the top ten places for scuba diving.

Holes of unknown origin

Holes in the ground appear both in desert areas and in areas that are densely populated by people. Unfortunately, the appearance of such faults often leads to tragic casualties. Here are some of these cases of holes appearing in the ground:

  1. In 2010, a huge round sinkhole appeared in Guatemala, destroying a garment factory. The reason for the appearance of such a fault was storm rains. Of course, the Great Blue Hole is larger, but these formations also cause horror among the local population.
  2. In New Zealand, the abyss opened up to a depth of fifteen and a width of fifty meters. The house fell into the hole, along with the family in it. Miraculously, no casualties were avoided. The cause was the collapse

Funnels on the territory of the Celestial Empire

In 2010, a large hole opened up right in the middle of a road in China. Due to soil shifts, the hospital was destroyed some time later.

In 2012, also in China, a hole appeared on the road, into which a large truck fell. The driver managed to avoid falling into the abyss due to the fact that the cabin remained on the surface, and only the trailer was hanging in the hole.

In 2013, a large hole up to 20 meters across appeared in a Chinese rice plantation in Huan Province. In less than six months, about twenty such sinkholes appeared in this area. It turned out that industrial activity in the area had disrupted the groundwater balance, which led to the formation of holes.

Huge holes in the ground can be a beautiful sight if they are in wildlife. Such places often become tourist attractions. But holes caused by human activity can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, when carrying out his industrial activities, a person must always think about the consequences to which it may lead.

The Mir kimberlite pipe is the world's largest quarry with a depth of 525 meters and a diameter of 1.5 kilometers and the largest hole on the planet.

Its shape partially resembles a funnel or glass. The formation of such a tube occurs after a volcanic eruption, when gases from the depths escape through the earth’s crust. Such an explosion brings kimberlite, a rock containing diamonds, to the ground.

History of the Kimberlite Pipe

It was discovered by Yakut geologists in 1955, when during the expedition they saw a tall larch, the roots of which were exposed by a landslide. Judging by the greenish color of the scattered earth, scientists realized that it was kimberlite. Development of the field in subsequent years was carried out in extremely harsh conditions. Only dynamite explosions could overcome the earth frozen in permafrost.

Helicopters are not allowed to fly over the crater because it can simply suck them in.

By 1960, diamond production was 2 kilograms per year. Only a minority of them (about 15%) after cutting went to jewelry factories, and the rest was used for industrial purposes.

The world today

From 1960 to 2001, the quarry produced $17 billion worth of diamonds. In 2001, open-pit mining was discontinued, as this method was obsolete and was considered ineffective and dangerous.

Scientists have found that huge deposits of diamonds lie at a depth of one and a half kilometers; this requires the construction of an underground mine. The field is currently being developed.

Interesting Facts

The sinkhole poses a risk of landslides. There are fears that it could absorb all the adjacent territories, including the village of the same name.

Russian architects are creating amazing projects for building a pit, turning it into an eco-city with parks and houses. The most amazing idea is to cover it with a transparent dome so that the people living there can enjoy sunny days and not freeze due to the harsh climate. According to the architects, up to 10 thousand people will be able to live here (not permanently, mostly tourists).

A short overview of the largest “holes” on Earth, of natural and man-made origin.
(Total 13 photos)

1. Kimberlite pipe “Mir”

"Mir" is the largest diamond quarry in Yakutia. And according to some versions - the whole world. This pipe contains 25% of the world's diamond reserves. The diameter at the surface of the earth is 1200 meters, at the base - 50 meters. The depth of this cone is 50 m.

2. Giant Blue Hole, Belize

Once upon a time there was a system of limestone caves on the surface of the earth. But the ice melted, the ocean level rose, the caves sank into the depths of the sea.

As a result, a pointed underwater funnel was formed, similar to a shell with a diameter of 300 m and a depth of 120 m.

3. Bingham Canyon Copper Mine, USA

This copper mine is located in Utah near Salt Lake City. It is the largest of its kind on Earth. Copper is mined there by open-pit mining and a hole 1.2 km deep and 4 km wide has already been dug in the earth’s crust.

Now the surface area of ​​the mine is 7.7 sq. km, and its size is increasing every year.

4. Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

Located near the city of Yellowknife, the Diavik quarry is one of the largest open-pit diamond mines in the world. Its depth is 525 m and its diameter is about 1,200 km.

Every day, about 20,000 thousand carats of diamonds are mined at this mine, which is about 4 kilograms.

5. Monticello Dam, USA

There was once a town on Lake Berryessa. During the construction of the dam, the city was completely flooded and now it is at the very bottom of the new lake.

Another attraction of the Monticello Dam in California is its unique spillway. It represents a huge concrete pipe, into which water from the reservoir flows if the surface level rises.

6. Big Hole Kimberlite Pipe, South Africa

This mine was developed without the use of machinery, “by hand.” It is located in Kimberley and is no longer operational. During development, the depth of the mine reached 240 m.

Now it is filled with water, gradually turning into a lake, and 100 million years ago the mine was the vent of a volcano.

7. Sinkhole in Guatemala

This sinkhole opened in Guatemala after Agatha, a major tropical storm. A twenty-meter hole “swallowed” the building of a garment factory.

A failure was formed as a result of the washing out of the soil and underlying surface by water.

The most big holes on the ground

This is something you probably didn't know about Earth. Real giant holes or depressions in the earth's crust, created by nature or human hands. The spectacle is grandiose...

1. Kimberlite pipe “Mir”

The Mir kimberlite pipe is a quarry located in the city of Mirny, Yakutia. The quarry has a depth of 525 m and a diameter of 1.2 km. It is one of the largest quarries in the world.

Mining of diamond-bearing kimberlite ore ceased in June 2001. Currently, an underground mine of the same name is being built on board the quarry to develop the remaining sub-quarry reserves, the extraction of which by open pit mining is unprofitable.

The kimberlite pipe was discovered on June 13, 1955 by geologists of the Amakinsk expedition Yu. I. Khabardin, E. N. Elagina and V. P. Avdeenko.

2. Giant Blue Hole, Belize

A large blue hole located in the center of Lighthouse Reef, an atoll in the Belize Barrier Reef.

The hole is a round karst sinkhole with a diameter of 305 m, going to a depth of 120 m.

This geological formation was originally a system of limestone caves formed during the last ice age. The sea level was much lower then, but when the ocean rose and the roof of the flooded cave collapsed, a sinkhole was formed - a fairly common landform along the coast of Belize.

The Blue Hole became famous thanks to the French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who included it in the list of 10 best places in the world for diving.

3. Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine

The quarry is located southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

It is the world's largest anthropogenic formation (excavated by humans). It is a mine whose development is carried out using an open pit method.
As of 2008, it measures 0.75 miles (1.2 km) deep, 2.5 miles (4 km) wide, and covers an area of ​​1,900 acres (7.7 sq. km).

The ore was first discovered in 1850, and quarrying began in 1863, which continues to this day.

4. Diavik Quarry, Canada

Diamonds are mined here. The quarry is located on the islands and has its own infrastructure with an airport capable of receiving passenger Boeings.

5. Monticello Dam's

The drainage hole in the reservoir of the Monticello Dam's dam, in northern California. This pipe is capable of passing through 1370 cubic meters of water per second. Depth 21 meters. It has the shape of a cone, the diameter of which at the top is 21.6 meters, and narrows to 8 at the bottom .4 meters. Serves to discharge excess water in the reservoir.

6. Kimberlite pipe "Big Hole", South Africa

The Big Hole is a huge inactive diamond mine in Kimberley, South Africa. It is believed that this is the largest quarry developed by people without the use of technology. Currently it is the main attraction of the city of Kimberley. The area of ​​the “Big Hole” is 17 hectares. Its perimeter is 1.6 km and its width is 463 meters.

7. Sinkhole in Guatemala


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