Homemade sled from old skis. Homemade sled from plastic pipes: installation instructions

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On Sunday, children came from the street, swallowing tears - they could not share the sled. It was illogical to buy another sled, and extra money, you know, no, so I decided to make them myself. Moreover, not classical ones, but from alpine skiing, redoing the mount. Here's what I got.

Project idea

The idea was to make a mount to fit the dimensions ski boots and combine them into one structure.

Cutting out details

On a piece of durable lining I traced the outline of two boots, then using electric jigsaw cut out 2 inserts.

Forming an edge

So that the ski binding can hold wooden inserts, I had to cut out the front edge.

The process is simple:

  • On a flat surface I join the boot and the wooden insert.
  • I use a marker to mark the contours of the edge.
  • I do the same on the reverse side.

Then I take manual frezer and in 2 passes I remove excess wood. I check how the insert snaps into the ski binding and adjust it a little by sanding.

Installing the seat

While working on the sled, as I expected, children began to demand twice as much- that is, everyone wanted a monoski.

Therefore, I first attached a piece of plywood to each cut out stake and took the children to the slide

The hardest thing was for the smallest 2.5-year-old on a mono-ski. Its maximum run was 2 meters. Therefore, we went home to finish the sled to the design version.

A lot of fishermen are interested in winter fishing, although it is a more troublesome activity, unlike fishing on warm days. Today we will see how to make a simple and practical sled for winter fishing using old skis.

The ease of assembly lies in the fact that available materials are perfect for this, which will allow you to save a lot. The sled is assembled from two skis, four wooden racks and one platform, for which you can use either a plywood sheet or a metal frame - here we choose the option that we prefer. The manufacturing process is actually very simple.

We fix racks on each ski small height. A board with a thickness of 30–40 mm is suitable for their manufacture. Then a platform is secured on top of the posts. The result is a design with a parallel arrangement of skis relative to each other. We drill holes for the rope.

The platform can be replaced with crossbars - to make them, we take a couple of planks. IN in this case Before you start assembling the sled, you should answer the question: what will I transport on these skis? Depending on this, we choose one or another design. To fix the skis to the pieces of wood, we use self-tapping screws. In this case, you need to ensure that the caps of the fastening elements are flush with the skis.

If desired, a sled made from skis can be made more advanced in design. The photo below shows that the sled is collapsible, which makes it convenient to carry and carry. You can assemble and disassemble the sled using bolts; ordinary bolts with wing bolts for furniture are suitable for this.

The sled, assembled from old skis, has an outrageously simple design. At the same time, you can make various changes to it at any time, if the situation requires. Regarding the material, the first thing you need to do is get the skis, and also prepare the board and rope.

Winter has come and at this time there is one sports activity that all children like to do - sledding. If you don’t have them, but have a desire to create a sled yourself, then in this article we will tell you how to make an original sled with your own hands from old and unnecessary things. Your children will certainly like such sleds, as they look very interesting and unusual. It is also convenient to transport small loads in these sleds, since the seat is made in the form of a recess in which you can put the load, and it will not fall out, as can happen with conventional sleds.

All the parts for the sled are quite possibly gathering dust in your closet, garage, balcony, these are old children's skis, a children's or garden cart and a few more parts. This project is very flexible and all parts can be replaced with any others you have.

Materials and tools:

  • A bucket from a garden or children's cart (cart) - you can use an old one or you can buy it at a hardware store or children's store new.
  • Skis - we used short children's skis (about 1.5 m), but you can also use unnecessary adult skis by cutting them to the required length.
  • Braided polyester rope.
  • 8 wooden blocks about 3 cm thick, about 10 cm long and about 5 cm wide, the same as the width of skis.
  • A thick piece of plywood (to fit the size of the bottom of the cart bucket), we took a 2-centimeter piece of 60x60 cm.
  • Galvanized self-tapping screws, about 7 cm.
  • Bolts, fixing washers and nuts.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • Jigsaw or regular manual jigsaw or a hacksaw.
  • Drill.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Protective glasses.

Well, it's time to have fun creating a sled with your own hands, skis that will be used in the project, take those that you do not use for skiing, perhaps worn out, also take the same unused or broken cart. You can find used skis in most online stores. We decided to use children's skis as they were the perfect length for this project (150cm).

First, remove the boot mounts on your skis using a screwdriver or screwdriver; they are usually screwed onto each ski with four screws.

Place the cart bucket on the plywood and trace around the edge of the bottom of the cart bucket with a pencil.

Using a jigsaw or hacksaw, cut out the required base for the ladle from plywood along the contour. Also cut out the necessary bars for the racks, 8 pieces, from the board. Dimensions of these bars: 10x5x3.

By using sandpaper or grinder Sand the edges of the plywood and lumber until they are smooth and free of burrs.

To protect against water, coat the plywood and blocks with varnish and leave them to dry in a warm room overnight to allow the varnish to dry.

Attachment plywood base to the ladle. Plywood serves solid foundation for our sleigh. Inside the bucket there are usually already mounting holes on the sides, but if there are none, drill them using a drill. Then place the ladle on our plywood and use a pencil to mark these holes on the plywood and drill holes in the plywood in the marked places required thickness under our screws. Then tighten the bucket and plywood with bolts, securing from below with locking washers and a nut.

Our bolts turned out to be too long, so we cut them off, leaving an end of about 1 cm.

Attaching the stands. Using self-tapping screws, you can try to screw the racks into the already used holes from the fasteners in the skis, so as not to drill new holes. But we screwed in other places, which created a stronger connection between the racks and the skis. For this we used 5 self-tapping screws for each stand.

Now let's put all the parts together. To do this, place our bucket on wooden racks, align the back and front of the skis so that the distance between them is the same everywhere.

Attach the upper part to the posts using self-tapping screws, but be careful not to get on the heads of the screws that we screwed in earlier.

That's it, our sleds that we collected with our own with my own hands, ready.. so, wait, something else is missing. Well, of course, we still need to attach a rope to our sleds. To do this, drill two holes in the front of the bucket, take a rope of the required length and insert its two ends into these holes and make knots at these ends.

Riding on these sleds is a lot of fun, but they can also be dangerous, as they are quite fast and use a protective helmet for protection. Every time after riding, check all the parts of the sled for integrity; if something breaks, then fix it necessary repairs before using the sled again.

Of course, driving fast in the snow is a sea of ​​unforgettable positive emotions and sensations that are deposited in a person’s memory for a long time. long years. It’s always nice to remember those romantic moments when you go fishing alone or with friends in the winter or just into the deep forest in search of adrenaline. But sometimes, in order to accommodate all the luggage and people, one snowmobile is not enough. For such purposes, there are sleighs in which you can put absolutely any thing. And if you have such a dream - to ride like a breeze through a snow-covered valley, you can easily make it come true, as today we will tell you how to make a sled for a snowmobile.


First, you need to decide what type of vehicle your vehicle will be. Either it will be a drag sled, or a classic device with runners. To figure out which type is best to use, let's look at each one individually.


These sleds received this name because of their primitive shape. The design of such a vehicle includes several poles that are interconnected transversely. However, there are no wheels or runners in their design. Such sled-drags for snowmobiles are mainly used in forest and swampy areas. You can place hay, firewood, and even Construction Materials. The drags are characterized by a fairly simple design, so you can make such a sled for a snowmobile with your own hands in a matter of hours. In this case, the costs of materials will be minimal.

The main advantage of this sled is also its compact size (there is always a place to store it in the summer) and easy transportation. Thus, if necessary, drags can be transported even on a regular passenger car. Another plus is road stability. Despite its ancient design, snowmobile sleds are quite stable when turning and do not tip over when transporting large loads.

In general, everything is designed with practicality and versatility in mind. The only thing that can complicate the design of this vehicle is the presence of shock-absorbing mechanisms, which Lately began to be equipped by manufacturing plants for production models. However, when making a snowmobile sled with your own hands, you can decide for yourself whether to install similar devices on drags or not. This is the whole “trick” homemade parts and devices - only you are the chief engineer, and the design of the future product will depend on your decision. But let's not deviate from the topic and move on to the classic sleigh with runners.

Sleigh with runners

Unlike drags this type often used to transport passengers. It can also be used to transport massive cargo. And if the previous version of the sled is made of special plastic (in industrial conditions), then the vehicle with runners can be produced either from sheet metal, and from frost-resistant plastic. This is their main design difference. Otherwise, they are no different from drag sleds, so which type of sled to choose depends only on you and the operating conditions. However, if you are considering the option of transporting people on them, the option with runners will certainly be the most suitable.

How to make a snowmobile sled with your own hands?

First you need to draw a sketch or diagram future design. Snowmobile sled drawings should include elements such as:

  • body;
  • frame;
  • drawbar.

In addition, you should draw a picture of the skis, indicate their location and the placement of fasteners. This way you will know in advance what exactly you will get in the end. In addition, by calculating the length and width of the structure, you can find out exactly what quantity and length of metal you need for the work. But here you need to be careful, since the data does not always coincide with reality. For this reason, you should buy a little more sheet metal and other steel products(based on approximately 8-10 percent higher than required). For example, if for work you need to purchase a pipe with a square cross-section 200 centimeters long, add 10% to this value and get data of 220 centimeters. In any case, this “tail” can be trimmed. It’s another matter if the pipe turns out to be short - this is where the problems begin.

How to make a body and frame?

The inside of the sleigh body is lined with plywood approximately 1 centimeter thick. It does not need to be laid over a protective sheet, since this material significantly makes the structure heavier. The shape of the frame will be rectangular. It should be made from a square measuring 20x20 millimeters. In order to make the sled more durable, additionally weld a sheet of iron about 2 millimeters thick to the base.

Do-it-yourself sled for a snowmobile - making a drawbar

Since they are constantly exposed to significant loads when moving, it is advisable to use special spring shock absorbers in the drawbar to soften shocks when braking and turning. The base of the hitch is also made of 20x20 millimeters. In this case, the total length should be 160-170 centimeters. The spring, which will serve as a shock-absorbing element, can be taken from the car cylinder head. Such parts usually have a size of no more than 5-7 millimeters and are quite soft, which is what is required to reduce impacts on the sled. The drawbar is fixed in the front part of the body. An additional stand should be welded here to increase the strength of the coupling. An additional sheet of metal is installed between the racks themselves, into which a sleeve with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters will cut.


All homemade snowmobile sleds, like their factory counterparts, have a pair of skis. In our case, they will be made of sheet metal. To make a homemade snowmobile sled rigid, it is advisable to use a sheet bender to form additional bends of 2 cm each. The total length of the runners is about 2-2.5 m. The skis are attached to the frame using 8 U-shaped racks 130 millimeters high.

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Homemade sled for snowmobile from plastic pipes: a 3-volume novel detailing the difficult path they must go through before making their first trip

It is a well-known saying that the sleigh must be prepared in the summer, absolutely true. In winter, when the snow falls, suitable for new weather conditions the vehicle must already be ready for use, and not just in the development stage. That is why I undertook the appropriate assembly work even when the summer sun was warming in the sky, and there were still several months before the first frost.

You can find out how it happened later in the article.

Volume No. 1: First decisions

I would like to note right away that in my case we were talking about transport sleds for a snowmobile, but everything described below can be quite successfully applied even when making small children’s sleds, since the basic principles of assembly are absolutely similar.

You could, of course, just go to a specialty store and buy the most suitable model. In fact, that's what I did at first. As an example of what they offered me there, I can give the PGMP 2500 sled:

But I returned without purchasing for the following reasons:

  • Streaming standard models could not “catch” me visually, I wanted something more original;
  • The price of the finished product, taking into account its execution, turned out to be unexpectedly high.

As a result, the idea came to me to assemble a sled for my snowmobile with my own hands. This option allows save money, fortunately I just had a little free time, and with the help own ideas make the design unique.

But in the process of unsuccessful shopping, I became familiar with the main elements of the sled:

Name of the component Comments
Frame The “skeleton” of the product must have the highest strength, ensuring its reliability and resistance to collisions with various obstacles that the sled may encounter on the road
Skids Here in addition to the fortress great importance also have the following qualities:
  • The presence of a smooth slippery surface in contact with snow, thereby ensuring the desired speed of the vehicle;
  • Ease of use, lightweight products are easier to maneuver
Body Directly where passengers or cargo are placed, it is worth paying attention to the dimensions, which also affect the complexity of control and comfort, especially if the sled is intended for people

This information forced me to take seriously the choice of the most suitable material for the future snowmobile vehicle:

Material selection

  1. Metal. This immediately brings to mind the classic children's version with aluminum, covered with planks. But even aluminum is heavy enough in weight and difficult to work with so that you can independently assemble a comfortable and visually interesting sled from it, not to mention steel or cast iron, which ready product will generally be turned into “real estate”;

  1. Tree. This was the choice of our ancestors, who, however, had no alternative. Of course, you can build incredible things out of wood. beautiful design, which will also be very expensive and, again, heavy;

  1. Plastic. Cheap, light, easy to process and durable - these are just flattering adjectives. The only negative that can be noted is the relatively low strength indicators, but on the other hand, it is better to let the impact force as a result of an accidental collision with an obstacle be absorbed by the sled, and not by the bones of the passengers.

Thus, the third option turned out to be the most suitable for me. But where can you get so much plastic? In this capacity PVC water pipes are ideal, from which, thanks to their plasticity, you can build almost any structure.

If you have old PVC pipes, then you can use them to accomplish your plans. They have everything necessary characteristics for the manufacture of sleds and will allow you to get by with virtually no financial costs at all.

Volume No. 2: Preparation for the main action

At this stage I made sure I had everything the necessary tool and drawing up a drawing.

Preparation of accessories

In addition to the PVC pipes and fittings themselves, you will also need metal bolts and a certain set of tools, most of which a good owner will find in his workshop:

  • Hacksaw or special pipe cutting shears;
  • Pipe soldering iron for PVC products;

It is not rational to buy a soldering iron for a one-time job, so I recommend renting one. This will be much more economical, and you will not become the “lucky” owner of something that you may not need in the next ten years.

  • Construction hair dryer. It will be needed so that the plastic can be heated, thereby making it more pliable for bending;
  • Well sharpened knife;
  • Drill for creating holes for bolts;
  • Sandpaper, file By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to have it on hand either;
  • Pencil with tape measure for marking;
  • Aluminum or at least steel corners, it is better not to leave the sled completely without metal.


If you want the dimensions of all sides and individual structural elements to coincide, then it is better mark them on the drawing. In addition, it is not at all necessary to “invent a wheel.” You can easily find a lot on the Internet detailed diagrams sled, choose the one that suits you best, and make your adjustments if necessary. Personally, that’s what I did.

Volume #3: The Act of Creation

And now I finally started making sleds from plastic pipes with my own hands. Frankly speaking, I preparatory work always somehow tire you, and you want to move directly to the most active actions, the very process of creation, as quickly as possible:

  1. First of all, as happens in any job, I marked the cutting areas on all prepared pipes, carefully checking the drawing;
  2. To create the frame, I cut two long and two short pieces using a hacksaw;
  3. I laid out a rectangle of pipes on a flat surface, once again checked that all dimensions corresponded to ensure that there was no distortion, and I soldered them using fittings and a pipe soldering iron. Here brief instructions soldering, which will be useful in the future:
    • Clean the edges;
    • We insert attachments into the “iron”;
    • Turn on the device;
    • We connect the fitting and pipe section to the nozzles;

    • We wait certain time until the edges begin to melt;
    • We take out and connect the plastic elements together;
  1. Then strengthened the frame metal corners , screwing them with bolts for which I drilled the corresponding holes in advance. It was possible to do without this step, but I still planned to use the finished sled as a trailer for a snowmobile and did not want it to fall apart one day at a decent speed, catching on a snag protruding from the snow, thereby losing passengers;
  2. I cut off the crossbars, cut out and filed semicircular recesses on their edges, and then soldered them;

  1. Now cut off 8 posts. For them I chose a size of 250 mm, which, in fact, determined the height of the vehicle itself. I processed the edges and soldered them to the frame frame, then strengthening them with corners, since these are load-bearing fragments of the structure;
  2. After the steps taken moved on to creating runners, for which I cut the required sections of pipes across, since round form for this part of the sleigh is not entirely successful;

  1. Heated the plastic with an industrial hair dryer, which made it pliable, and aligned it into even stripes;

If construction hair dryer If you don't have it in stock, then don't rush to run to the store or to your neighbors. A piece of cut pipe can be heated even over a stove burner, and then laid on a flat surface and pressed down over the entire area with something heavy. The effect will be similar, although somewhat more labor-intensive.

  1. The finished skis were heated again, only this time in order to bend their leading edges. I compared the bend angle on both parts so that they were absolutely the same;
  2. Further the runners were attached to the lower ends of the racks, and fixed the bent ends on the front part of the frame, after which it was a snowmobile sled made of plastic pipes that began to appear in the structure, and not something unintelligible;

As an alternative, instead of cutting and straightening the pipe, you can connect several products in the form of two narrow rafts. This solution will make the vehicle less fast and more difficult to control, but will increase the strength of the runners. Plus, you won't have to worry about heating.

  1. Now it’s the body’s turn. I bent the pipes to create a nice back and arms, again using a hair dryer, and then attached them to the frame;

  1. Further cut a suitable size piece of plywood for the seat, but before committing it, covered with foam rubber and covered with leather. You can also use an old blanket and leatherette for the same purposes in order to save money;
  2. And finally attached the finished seat to the frame using the same bolts, although here you can get by with self-tapping screws.

It is noteworthy that it is the last three points that allow your creative imagination to run wild. With the help of a backrest, handrails and a seat, you can not only make a snowmobile sled from PVC pipes comfortable, but also beautiful.

You can also use old ones to decorate the body. car seat. Anyway, you are no longer using it for its intended purpose, but on the sled it will make you feel as comfortable as possible.


Made from plastic water pipes you can make an excellent sled, both for a snowmobile and for a child. The main thing is to collect everything you need for this and methodically follow the recommendations described above. And at the same time, do not forget to make your own adjustments to the process so that your vehicle acquires its own individuality. Happy building!

The video in this article will allow you to familiarize yourself with some additional information which is directly related to the material presented.

If you have any questions on the topic, ask them in the comments.

July 30, 2016

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