Homemade mini fountain. How to make a fountain at the dacha with your own hands Decorative indoor fountains with your own hands

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A cozy terrace, the aroma of a blooming garden, a soothing herbal tea... This associative series to the phrase “outside the city” can best be continued by the idea of ​​​​building a fountain at the dacha with your own hands. Flowing water allows you to relax for your own pleasure, push aside sad thoughts and unsolvable problems. The movement of water jets is another element of comfort and special color characteristic of a country landscape. To implement this idea, you can hire specialists, or you can show your imagination and build a small structure yourself.

The fountain principle and its types

Any fountain is a device that raises a stream of water under pressure to a certain height and sprays it in the air or concentrates it into waterfalls. Therefore, as part of the design, two main components can always be distinguished:

  • a source that creates a stream of water;
  • a receiver where this water flows.

According to the principle of operation, all fountains are divided into two large groups:

  1. Circulating. They are characterized by a closed system of water movement from a source reservoir under the action of a pump force upward through a pipe, followed by flowing into a receiving reservoir. An important point is to provide a water purification and disinfection system. All floor and indoor hydraulic structures, as well as small fountains for summer cottages, are made of this type.
  2. Flow-through. A prerequisite is a connection to a sewer system, so a tank as such is not required. This type is most in demand when arranging hydraulic structures as part of landscape gardening.

Another classification of fountains is based on the shape of the water jet provided by the nozzles and other structural elements used.


The best option for areas with height differences or large areas. When arranging a cascade, you can realize any design idea based on the overflow of water flow from one container to another. By adjusting the height of these differences, you can get rapid waterfalls or leisurely riffles.

The principle of a cascade fountain is that water flows from one container to another


One of the most popular options for organizing garden and country fountains. It is a structure that ejects water under pressure perpendicularly upward or at an angle. By changing the height of the jet, you can create a cozy babbling fountain or a multi-meter noisy stream of water.

Illumination will make a classic fountain even more impressive


One of the easy-to-implement solutions that also performs a decorative function. The height of the water column is usually small, but due to a special nozzle, the liquid is evenly distributed around the perimeter, forming a continuous water hemisphere.

The bell fountain will become a very original design element of the site


This type of fountain includes a diverse group of hydraulic structures that differ from each other in the nature of the jet:

  • single - small vertical jets of one given height;
  • tiered - small vertical jets of different heights;
  • spinner - a rotating jet forms a spiral flow;
  • water jet - water comes out of a hole in a decorative wall at a given distance from the surface of the earth;
  • fishtail - vertical jets fan out and fall in the form of a solid wall;
  • tulip - the stream forms a funnel expanding upward and falls into a thin dome.

The number of jets and height of the fountain can be any, depending on your preferences

Which pump to choose

A wide range of pumps allows you to choose the best option for operation in specific conditions. First of all, you should decide on the type of pump - submersible or surface. The advantages of submersible pumps include:

  • invisibility from prying eyes;
  • ease of installation - installation involves lowering the pump to the bottom of the reservoir and connecting the pipes and power supply;
  • low noise level;
  • efficiency;
  • optimal for small fountains.

Surface pumps also have their advantages:

  • water supply to any part of the fountain;
  • free access to equipment;
  • there is no need to clean for the winter;
  • optimal for complex hydraulic structures on a large surface of a reservoir.

Having decided on the type of pump, pay attention to the maximum pressure and performance of the unit, reflected in the comparison table.

Table: equipment parameters for different types of fountains

How to make a fountain with your own hands

To build a simple stone fountain design, you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • water pump from 1100 W in power;
  • a copper pipe with a cross-section of 15 mm for delivering water from the pump to the top of the fountain;
  • a reservoir made of waterproof material for the pump with a volume that allows the pump to be immersed in such a way that at least 150 mm remains between it and the edge of the bowl;
  • a plastic or metal pipe for wiring the electrical cable;
  • coupling for connecting a copper pipe and a pump;
  • float type water supply regulator;
  • metal mesh to protect the tank from debris;
  • drainage gravel;
  • polystyrene pipe for the pump cord outlet;
  • bars for attaching the mesh;
  • stones for the upper decorative part of the fountain (can be replaced with clay pots, concrete bowls, etc.);
  • faucet with adapter and filter.

Having prepared all the necessary materials, we begin to implement the algorithm for step-by-step instructions for building a fountain with our own hands:

The design of any fountain consists of underground and above-ground parts

  1. Choosing a location. This should be on the leeward side of the house to avoid moisture getting on the walls of the building. The distance between the building and the fountain must be at least three times the length of the hydraulic structure.
  2. Digging a hole for a fountain. The dimensions of the pit completely depend on the size of the selected tank: a little wider so that it can be freely installed, and 5 cm above the edge of the sides. They provide for excavation of soil in the groove for the electrical cable.

    The pit should be slightly larger than the prepared tank

  3. Tank installation. The bottom of the prepared pit is leveled with small pebbles in a layer of 40–50 mm, the tank is installed and strengthened. Sand is poured into the grooves between the sides and the ground, which is carefully spilled, compacted and decorated with small stones. Or they simply line the bottom of the pit and its side surfaces with waterproofing material. The power supply from the pump is pulled into a plastic pipe of the required length, placed in a prepared groove, insulated and covered with earth.

    The reservoir can be made of plastic, ceramic or metal

  4. Pump installation. When placing, take into account the need for regular preventive inspection and maintenance of the device.

    It is important to ensure easy access to the pump for further maintenance.

  5. Laying the mesh. A galvanized metal mesh will serve as reliable protection against debris and foreign objects.

    To access the pump, a hinged hole is cut in the mesh

  6. Installation of the base. A metal pipe is connected to the pump to supply water upward (its length should be 100 mm greater than the expected height of the fountain), and wooden beams are laid on top of the metal mesh. The timber is taken with a section of 50x50, and their length should be 80–100 mm greater than the length of the tank. This will ensure the stability of the structure and prevent it from falling into the hole.

    secure the water supply pipe well

  7. Preparing the stones. In each stone (pot, bowl, etc.) intended for the fountain leg, it is necessary to drill a hole, the diameter of which will be 0.5 cm larger than the cross-section of the pipe. To avoid overheating of the drill and cracking of the stones, they must be periodically watered.

    The hole is made using a hammer drill or impact drill

  8. Installation of the structure. Stones, pots or bowls are placed on the pipe like a children's pyramid, fastened together with silicone-based glue. After it has dried, the tank is filled with water 150–200 mm above the pump, the unit is connected to the electrical network and a test run is performed to adjust the pressure.

    The ground part can be made in the form of a pyramid of stones

  9. Decorating the base of the fountain. You can equip a small reservoir, make masonry, plant ground cover plants, etc. It is important that the decor does not interfere with monitoring the water level in the reservoir twice a month and carrying out other preventive work if necessary.

Is it possible to make a fountain without a pump?

There are fountain designs that do not provide for the use of a pump. According to the implementation option, there are two ways to solve this problem:

Decorative design

Decorating a country fountain is the final stage of construction. Depending on the owner’s capabilities, the general concept of the landscape and one’s own preferences, the following options can be used:

Sculptures and plaster figures. One of the simplest and most popular options for finishing the above-ground part of the fountain. The figurine can be purchased ready-made or made independently. It can be alone or form a plot composition.

You can make a composition out of sculptures

In some cases, such a sculpture becomes one of the elements that releases or receives a stream of water. With this decoration option, you should worry about installing it in advance - before the test run of the fountain.

Sometimes sculptures perform not only an aesthetic function, but also the function of receiving water flow

Backlight. The dynamic light type of lamps has become especially popular and relevant lately. They pulsate or change color in accordance with the movement of the jets. This option is often used in the decoration of city, garden and park fountains.

When creating lighting, you can combine different colors

Monochrome lighting options are the best option for a country house on a small area. The color of the lamp can be standard, performing a utilitarian function, or it can shade or harmonize with the color concept of the dacha.

The color of the lamp can be selected in accordance with the design of the site

Stones and rubble. They often disguise the base of the fountain and the water reservoir and pump located underneath it. Options with arranging large stones in a chaotic manner on small pebbles are acceptable. The recommendation from designers in this case is to use no more than two types of stone, which will avoid a clutter of colors and shapes.

Using stones you can create real miniature grottoes on your site

Options for uniform backfilling with blued pebbles have also become widespread, which creates the effect of the presence of a reservoir - a dry lake, stream, etc. This technique allows you to connect the fountain with other decorative elements of the site.

The stone “stream” looks especially original

If the pebbles are painted in different colors, then around the fountain you can lay out ornaments and patterns reminiscent of a flower bed, Indian motifs, etc.

Using colored pebbles you can create any pattern

Pond with plants. If you choose to arrange a small artificial reservoir, then it is decorated with aquatic plants, taking into account the requirements for lighting, water temperature, etc. Preference should be given to unpretentious specimens.

A pond surrounded by all kinds of plants gives you the feeling of being in the wild.

Placement of the fountain among decorative foliage plants, the shape of the crown or leaf blade of which is in harmony with the general style of the hydraulic structure.

Even a small, discreet fountain will sparkle with new colors surrounded by plants.

Stylization of the material used for the main part of the fountain to match the overall concept of the landscape. You can even make a mini fountain with your own hands. Here, as with sculptures that serve as sources or receivers of water, installation should be carried out in advance - before the test run of the structure.

There is room for such a fountain even in a small area

Care and maintenance rules

Operating a home fountain does not require special knowledge, skills or abilities. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • change water filters regularly;
  • monitor and replenish the water level in the tank twice a month;
  • dismantle removable structural elements for the winter;
  • When cold weather sets in, cover the pit with a wooden sheet made of boards or plywood.

Thus, owners of suburban areas can independently build a fountain with their own hands from scrap materials. A hydraulic structure can be decorated in the same style as the surrounding landscape or become an accent of the landscape. Simple rules of care do not require special skills or significant effort, and the variety of models allows you to choose an option for every taste and budget.

Every owner of a suburban area strives to make his home and the space around it as comfortable as possible and at the same time beautiful. After all, a well-designed landscape design is not only a decoration of a summer cottage, but also a harmonious combination of different zones in one area. How nice it is to have dinner in the gazebo with your family after a hard day, or to relax on a bench in the hot summer, enjoying the coolness of the fountain. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article, and more specifically, how to make a fountain with your own hands.


Most will agree with the statement of psychologists that the sound of water has a calming effect on the nervous system. A person watching the flow of water internally relaxes and gains emotional balance. You can sit by the fountain for hours, watch its play and splashes, and think about your own thoughts.

There is nothing complicated in the design, so almost anyone can install a fountain in their dacha with their own hands - you just need to have the desire and the necessary materials. We will also consider the latter in our article.

The incomparable advantage of the fountain is that it can be an excellent addition to the landscape design of any suburban area. In addition, a homemade fountain with properly selected lighting will become your guests’ favorite relaxation spot.

Depending on your preferences and the general style of landscape design, the design of the fountain is selected, just take into account the size: if the area is small, then it is better for you to install a small garden fountain with your own hands.

How it works?

The device uses the principle of circular water supply. In other words, initially a certain amount of water is poured into the reservoir (bowl), which, using a pump, then circulates throughout the entire structure. There is a nozzle above the surface of the bowl, to which water is supplied. To prevent the bowl from overflowing, a special device is installed in it to regulate the amount of water.

This is a generalized diagram that describes the simplicity of the design. Therefore, having installed a fountain in your dacha, you don’t need to think about the fact that water consumption in the area will increase. Just fill in the required volume of water once and from time to time just check the degree of contamination. Even though the pump has a filter, the water should still not be too dirty.

Choosing a place

Of course, before installing a fountain with your own hands, you need to at least visually determine the most suitable place for it. Better yet, draw a plan in order to have a specific idea of ​​the location of the structure and take into account all the nuances in advance. We offer you some practical tips for choosing a location:

  1. The structure should be visible from anywhere on your site and not block the paths.
  2. If there is a gazebo or summer kitchen on site, then a cozy DIY fountain will be an ideal addition to such a recreation area. If you have a playground, you can make a mini fountain nearby with your own hands - children will be happy to splash in it in the summer.
  3. Study the topography of your site and find a low-lying place - it is best suited for installing a fountain on the site with your own hands - in the warm season it will be cool and comfortable here.
  4. The presence of trees nearby will not have the best effect on the operation of your fountain - the roots can damage part of the structure underground, and falling leaves can clog the water. At the same time, too much open space in direct sunlight can cause water to “bloom.”
  5. It is best to install the structure away from the house, since gusts of wind can blow the stream of water to the side, causing the walls to be constantly wet.


Surely many have noticed that the fountains differ in appearance not only in design, but also in design. Some are made in the form of reservoirs with nozzles, others are on a stand in the shape of jugs, statues and other devices from which water flows.

Accordingly, fountains come in two types:

  • submersible;
  • stationary.

The first option has a simple design and is often found in suburban areas and even in houses. To make such a home fountain with your own hands, you will need a bowl, a plastic pipe, a pump and a nozzle.

Stationary ones have a more complex design and pompous appearance. Such devices can often be found in city parks and squares. For this option, you already need to lay the foundation, since the body is made mainly of stone or marble - durable materials that are resistant to aggressive weather conditions.

For a large area of ​​ten to twenty square meters, a large stationary fountain is suitable, but for a small area it is best to install a submersible one. Well, the style of landscape design also dictates its own rules: for a Japanese garden, for example, a submersible type is suitable.

Construction design

As we noted earlier, design style also plays an important role. After all, all elements of landscape design should complement each other and be in harmony with each other. The most common option is the classic submersible jet fountain. Its construction does not require large financial and physical costs, and it will look advantageous in any design. Especially if you want to complement an artificial pond with it. If you want to see options for what do-it-yourself fountains for a garden might look like, we presented a photo of the idea at the end of the article.

The shape of the bowl is most often symmetrical - it is either a circle or a square. You can lay out decorative stones or pebbles along the edges and add greenery. Only the plants must be moisture-loving, otherwise the appearance of the composition will be hopelessly spoiled by rotting plants.

Necessary materials

Before you make a decorative fountain with your own hands, you should take care of the materials and tools for construction in advance. If you want to make a stone fountain, then you will need the following materials:

  • smooth round and flat stones of different sizes;
  • gravel or crushed stone for drainage;
  • water bowl;
  • water pump;
  • copper tube;
  • coupling;
  • small diameter plastic pipe;
  • silicone;
  • boards to strengthen the structure.

In accordance with the above materials, you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • jigsaw or small saw;
  • scissors;
  • fum tape;
  • drill;
  • sliding key.

Depending on the desired decoration method, additional materials and tools may be needed. Here you can get your bearings on the situation or make a list of necessary items for work in advance, so as not to be distracted during the process.

Pump installation

Undoubtedly, the main and important part of the entire structure is the pump. If you are a beginner and don’t yet know how to build a fountain at your dacha with your own hands, listen to our advice: you need to approach the choice of pump thoroughly. First, consider the volume of the bowl - the larger it is, the more powerful the pump will be required. The presence of a filter will protect it from various debris and extend its service life.

There are two types:

  • surface;
  • submersible

The first type is installed on the surface, but in no case above the water level. The principle of communicating vessels works here.

It is advisable to install the submersible pump not at the very bottom of the bowl, but at some elevation - then sediment will not fall into the filter. Keep in mind that the pump will consume electricity, so make the necessary communications in advance and provide a shield for safety.

Even if it is not possible to install an electric pump, do not be upset - then we will tell you how to make a fountain in the country without one.

Design without pump

Without a submersible pump, you can make an open fountain. If you have a well with a pump on your site, you can remove this water through a pipe into a fountain. The only thing you will need to decide is where the water will flow - for example, you can simultaneously turn on the fountain and water nearby plants.

Thus, you can create mini fountains for your garden with your own hands at several points on your site.

Exterior design

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the end result of your work. The appearance of the finished structure should please the eye, and the lighting will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the fountain in the evening. We offer you some decorating tips:

  1. You can use a variety of nozzles: the shape of the jet will depend on their shape. It can be in the form of a dome, an umbrella, or even a geyser.
  2. Properly selected lighting will add zest and mystery to the pond. Light sources can be installed not only around the perimeter of the fountain, but also under water. And it is not at all necessary to use standard options - the multi-colored glow of water will definitely fascinate any viewer.
  3. Use flowers and shrubs to decorate the pond - they will create the impression of a truly “paradise” corner.

We invite you to see how beautifully decorated garden fountains are with your own hands, photos of which are below.

Ideas and important little things

There are many photographs of country fountains on the Internet, and methods for their construction are described. You can also find enough information on how to make a home fountain with your own hands. Yes, yes, such mini-devices look very original and complement the interior. Such designs are especially popular among supporters of Feng Shui. Of course, the process of their construction is much simpler and cheaper - and their dimensions are quite small.

If you still have the desire, but do not know how to make a fountain at home, we will help you make a choice and give some useful tips:

  1. If there is no space on the site, a fountain can be made even at home - in the hallway, for example, or in the greenhouse. Its dimensions can be completely different - depending on your desires and the available space.
  2. A submersible fountain can be made from available materials - the bowl can be an old cast-iron bathtub or a bathtub, a car tire cut lengthwise, a large flower pot, a wide basin.
  3. The stationary option can be made in the form of a jug, bottles, stones, in the middle of which there is a water hose - this is also an excellent option for a homemade design.
  4. The fountain does not have to be placed separately - it can be part of a wall or landscape composition.
  5. The cascade fountain is a stationary type, and has an undeniable advantage - such a structure can become the fruit of even the wildest imagination. The matter may be limited not only to traditional pots from which water flows and overflows, but also to entire structures in the form of garden carts, teapots, samovars, watering cans with buckets, etc.
  6. Fountain elements can be painted in various colors; special treatment compounds are often used to prevent the appearance of moss and mold.

And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about maintenance - with the onset of cold weather, you need to turn off the fountain, drain the water from it and cover the entire structure with film until it warms up. In this case, your little country oasis will delight all household members and guests with its joyful murmur for many years to come.

Photo gallery

We present to your attention a successful selection of 30 photo ideas for do-it-yourself fountain design.

The intense rhythm of our life requires periodic rest, both physical and moral, and there is nothing more pleasant than sitting in silence, enjoying a beautiful view and pleasant sounds.

Decorative fountains for apartments that fully meet all these requirements may be suitable for this purpose.

After all, there is nothing more pleasant than listening to the sound of rushing water and looking at a flowing fountain. And building it in an apartment, even if it is small in size, is a completely solvable task.

In addition to the listed beneficial properties of this structure, the fountain in the apartment is a good air humidifier.

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Types of mini-fountains by location

Small home fountains can be divided into several types. Depending on the place of application, they are divided into country and indoor fountains. It is clear that a country fountain, in most cases, is installed on the street, and an indoor one in a city apartment. The country fountain is made in large sizes and it is important to choose the right place for its installation.

Do-it-yourself decorative fountain in an apartment video:

Place for installing a country fountain

When choosing a location, it is important to observe three important conditions:

  1. It is very undesirable to install near trees. First, growing roots can damage the fountain bowl and its waterproofing. Secondly, falling fruits and leaves can also disrupt the water supply and bowl.
  2. If the fountain is installed in open areas, water blooms may occur due to direct exposure to the sun's rays.
  3. If the fountain is installed in close proximity to the house, then additional dampness may form on the building during windy weather, due to the drift of water drops from the fountain towards the house.

Classification of fountains by type of falling water

Depending on the type of falling water, a decorative fountain can be divided into several types.

  1. Waterfall. This type has a ledge design with falling water. It has a beautiful appearance and is used most often.
  2. Cascade. The installation diagram is the same as the first type, only it consists of several water flows. The liquid flows into them over thresholds or inclined ledges.
  3. An ordinary fountain, made in the form of a jet beating upward and spraying splashes around itself.
  4. Fountains made in the form of streams and lakes. They have an original appearance and are becoming increasingly popular.

DIY indoor fountain

Looking at the decorations of some fountains, it seems that their manufacture and installation are very complicated. Yes, there are designs that are quite bulky, and their installation will require serious professional skills and knowledge from you, but almost anyone with simple skills in construction and installation work can make a small mini-fountain with their own hands. In addition, you will create a design based only on your preferences and taste, which best suits your home interior. In addition, you will save a lot of money.

Materials and tools

So, if you don’t yet know how to make a mini fountain in your apartment, then read our step-by-step instructions. Before you begin this work, you need to purchase the necessary materials and tools.

  • Fountain container. This could be a basin, a flower pot, or something else at your discretion.
  • The hose used to clean the aquarium is about 10 cm long.
  • Polyethylene in dimensions slightly larger than the container.
  • Waterproof glue, expanded clay.
  • Pump used for an aquarium.
  • A medium or large sink, as well as stones or pebbles to strengthen it.
  • Small shells and colored soil used for decoration.

The bowl for the fountain that we choose must be checked for cracks and holes to prevent future leaks.

Materials for the fountain

Pump installation

If you are making a tabletop fountain, then first you need to find a hose to work with, through which a stream of water will come out. To do this, cut 10 cm from a regular aquarium hose and insert it into the pump. Immediately check whether your system is in working condition, so as not to return to this issue later. We install the pump to the bottom of the container and fill it with expanded clay. Do not forget to level the surface after filling.

Final work

After you have filled in the expanded clay, you need to cover it with film, after making a hole for the hose. Then we pour decorative soil onto the film.


For a sea shell, it is advisable to make a base of stones and fix them to the shell using waterproof glue.

The next step is to push the tube through the stones and the sink, having previously made a hole in it. The end of the hose should protrude approximately 1 cm from the sink. The surface of the fountain should be decorated with stones and shells at your discretion. Thus, you have seen that you can make a tabletop fountain with your own hands without spending significant effort and money.

Advantages of a fountain without a pump

If you think that when constructing fountain structures you must use a mini fountain pump, then you are mistaken. You can make a small fountain without using a pump, and it will work solely thanks to the laws of physics.

Yes, in these designs there are some restrictions on the power of the jet, but you do not have to spend money on electricity and deal with the purchase and connections of the pump. You need to know that such a fountain should not be large, otherwise you will not be able to do without a pump.

Decorative fountain

How the fountain works

Such a fountain will work on the principle of communicating vessels, only with some features. They need to be placed at the same level, connected to each other by two tubes. It is better to take plastic containers and preferably of the same volume, and tubes with a minimum thickness for longer uninterrupted operation of the fountain. The tubes are inserted into the bottom of each vessel, into pre-drilled holes, which then need to be sealed.

Illuminated fountain

Final assembly and installation of the fountain

In order for such floor fountains to work without a pump, you need to use a third vessel, equal in volume to or larger than the previous two. To this vessel, in the walls, closer to the bottom, you make two more holes, where you insert the two ends of tubes from smaller containers.

We also tightly seal the entrances of these tubes, and insert a T-shaped adapter into the bottom of a large vessel. After this, your fountain design is considered complete. All you have to do is decorate it according to your taste, preferences and combination with the interior of the apartment.

Garden fountain

Where can apartment fountains be installed? As you probably already understood from the above, apartment fountains come in a wide variety of types. In addition, they can be installed not only on the floor, but also on a table and even on a wall.


Tabletop structures are usually the smallest in size and can even be placed on bedside tables and windowsills.

Floor fountains depend on the size of your apartment and can have a very impressive appearance. Wall fountains look like real works of art and have the appearance of a panel or painting.

Their installation and manufacture, of course, is more complex and requires much more skills and material, but if you successfully execute your own, you will receive indescribable pleasure contemplating them.

Watch a video on how to make a decorative fountain in an apartment with your own hands:

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There is hardly a person who would not like to have their own small pond on the site near their house to make it special.

And if you create such a reservoir yourself, it will truly become a unique and favorite vacation spot, from which you will receive a lot of positive emotions and words of delight from all your acquaintances and friends. All the splendor of the fountain at the dacha is presented in the photo.

However, not everyone decides to build a pond on their own. Probably, many are afraid of the unknown process of constructing hydraulics, believing that it is difficult and expensive, and only specialists can understand such a design. But that's not true.

If desired, anyone can afford to build a fountain in the yard near their house, the main thing is to know some details of the technology for creating a fountain.

Determining the type of fountain

There are two types of fountains depending on their design:

When water enters the nozzle, the so-called open type. A stream of water in this case appears due to level differences in the water. But because of this, the water pressure is weak and constant monitoring of the water level is necessary. As a result, the water quickly becomes cloudy.

When creating such a fountain, it is worth taking care of a medium-sized tank installed above the nozzle 1 m upward.

When pump assembly is required. This option is more suitable and effective to use.

The pump located at the bottom ensures constant circulation of water. As a result, the water pressure is higher and the fountain spray is more spectacular.

Pumps are also divided into two types according to the type of device:

  • Submersible. The pump is located at the bottom of the reservoir. The structure includes: a pipeline, a pump and a nozzle, on which the shape of the outlet stream depends. This fountain looks like a spring flowing strongly from underground.
  • Superficial or stationary. Basically, such a fountain is made of artificial stone in the form of various figures: a girl, an animal, a vase, a flower, etc. As a result, it looks like a sculptural masterpiece. Such facilities are available in city parks of culture and recreation.


When determining a suitable location for organizing a garden fountain, do not lose sight of the slope of the earth's surface.

On a hilly piece of land, it is better to install a picturesque decorative part in the lowland. Thus, you will adjust the amount of groundwater and ensure a more complete saturation of the air with oxygen molecules.

You should not build fountains:

  • almost next to the house, so as not to oversaturate the walls with moisture.
  • in the open sun, otherwise the water will quickly bloom due to direct rays of the sun.
  • near massive vegetation and trees, since roots can disrupt the waterproofing, and falling leaves, fluff, etc., will clog the water.

The fountain should not block access to various places of use and should be visible from all angles. Place it near your resting place.

There should be at least 50 cm from the fountain to the area of ​​vegetation, houses or furniture, so that the plants do not die from waterlogging, and the furniture does not fail for the same reason.

The most advantageous place to place the fountain would be a slightly shaded place, hidden from the wind, next to sources of water and electricity, in order to reduce the consumption of wires and the time for their insulation.

Once a suitable location has been chosen, you can move on to the next step: choosing the shape and depth.


Necessary materials

In order to save money, time and your own efforts, it is better to use the technology of constructing a reservoir with a pump to build your own fountain.

To do this, you will need the following materials: container, pumping system, polyethylene, bayonet-shovel, artificial or natural stones, sand and gravel soil, decorative elements.

Selection of container and its installation

To build a compact mini fountain with your own hands, it is better to use an ordinary plastic basin or a similar container.

For large structures, they often use used bathtubs or dig a pit of the required size on their own.

They also dig a hole of a certain size under the bathtub so that its edges do not rise above ground level.


Check in advance to see if any cracks or holes in the bathtub need to be sealed. If not, feel free to lower it into the prepared pit and secure it with stones, sand and earth.

If you do not have the necessary container, you can dig a pit yourself, taking into account the selected dimensions. Then they are covered with durable polyethylene and reinforced with stones along the edges. The bottom is completely and evenly covered with various smooth stones.

Selecting the required pump

It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive materials to build a fountain with your own hands; you can safely use used ones. But it’s still better to shell out money for a pump and buy a good one.

A submersible pump is the most suitable option. It acts like a centrifuge. The surface type of pump is more often used for large fountains and reservoir cascades, and when installing it in a summer cottage, installation is carried out at the edge of the reservoir.

To select the right pump, it is necessary to take into account the constant water pressure in the pipe and its differences. Otherwise, a higher-power pump will not be able to work at full capacity and will have to be replaced with a less powerful one.


The diameter of the pipe is also important when determining the power, because the stream should flow powerfully from the fountain, and not ooze, depicting some kind of fading spring.

Step-by-step construction of a home fountain

The construction of the fountain consists of the following stages:

  • digging a pit;
  • strengthening the trench ditch;
  • immersing the tank or covering it with polyethylene;
  • pump installation;
  • decorative arrangement.

Fountain using polyethylene film

For this you need the following materials: durable polyethylene, shovel, sandy soil, pumping system, stones.

Execution steps:

  • We prepare the hole, remove the stones and compact the base;
  • The bottom is completely covered with sand, pre-sifted;
  • We cover the entire pit with plastic film, covering the edges around it;
  • The foundation pit, covered with film, is securely fixed around the entire perimeter with stones;
  • We install the pump;
  • We decorate the fountain with decor;
  • Fill with water.

Fountain from an old bathtub

To do this you will need: a shovel, small stones, a pump, a used bathtub, tape insulation, metal cutting shears, a sheet of non-ferrous metal and a drill.

Procedure for constructing a fountain:

  • We dig a pit slightly larger than the size of the bathtub;
  • We lower the bathtub into it and seal the holes and cracks;
  • We line the sides inside the bathtub with strips of non-ferrous metal, covering them with stones;
  • We place small multi-colored stones at the bottom;
  • We place a pump in the center of the structure;
  • To make the fountain brighter, you can add lighting to the structure and tint the water blue.

Fountain from a plastic bottle

You will need: a plastic bottle, stiff wire or nail, tape insulation and a watering hose.

The design of such a fountain is very simple:

  • Take an empty bottle, previously cleaned of excess parts;
  • Use a nail or wire to make holes;
  • Place the bottle on the watering hose and secure it securely with electrical tape;
  • Place in the garden and run water.

Home fountain without pump

To build it, prepare: a large flower pot, a tray, paints, a water pump, outlines, and decor.

  • Paint the pot with paints;
  • Make a hole at the bottom of the pot;
  • Place the pump under the tray;
  • We pass the pump tube through the pot hole;
  • Cover the bottom with pebbles;
  • We decorate with different things and vegetation;
  • Fill with water.


Various decorative items will help make the fountain beautiful: multi-colored stones, potted plants, figurines, ceramics, etc.

For dark times of the day, provide multi-colored lighting and lamps around the fountain.

Fountain care

To ensure the cleanliness of the area and the reservoir (fountain), constant care is required in the form of cleaning. Regularly clean the surface of the water from accumulated debris using special equipment.

At the end of the season, the water must be drained, the removable devices must be stored in the pantry, and the rest must be covered with film for wintering.

DIY fountain photo

Even the smallest body of water can decorate your own summer cottage and give it some zest. And a fountain made with your own hands will not only become a favorite place to relax and provide aesthetic pleasure, but will also become a reason for compliments from invited guests.

But not everyone decides to build this mysterious hydraulic device with their own hands. Some summer residents mistakenly believe that building a fountain is a labor-intensive and expensive process and cannot be done without the help of specialists. But every lover of spending time in nature can give themselves such pleasure; the main thing is to know all the nuances of constructing a fountain with your own hands.

There are two types of fountains based on the type of design.

  1. The open version involves supplying water to the nozzle. The formation of a jet in this version of the device occurs due to changes in water level. In this case, the water pressure is weak, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the water level. In addition, the water in such a fountain becomes polluted quite quickly. To create it, you need to install a small reservoir at a height of about one meter above the nozzle.
  2. A fountain with a pump is the most practical and effective option. By placing the pump at the bottom, continuous circulation of water is ensured. Here the pressure is stronger and the visual effect is more beautiful.

By design, pumps that act as fountains are divided into submersible and surface (stationary).

The optimal place to place a fountain

When choosing a convenient place to build a fountain, it is recommended to take into account the degree of slope of the ground. If the area is uneven, it is better to place such decoration in a low area. This option for the location of the reservoir will not only adjust the volume of groundwater, but will increase the oxygen saturation of the air.

  • too close to the house so that moisture does not fall on the walls in windy weather;
  • in open areas, in order to prevent water from blooming due to sunlight entering the reservoir;
  • near trees so that leaves, seeds, fluff falling from them do not clog it, and roots do not damage the waterproofing.

The fountain must be positioned in such a way that it is not an obstacle to other buildings and is visible from all points. It is recommended to place the structure near the resting place.

The minimum distance that must be maintained between the fountain and plants, buildings, and furniture is 50 cm. This way, the plants will not die from excess moisture, and the furniture will not become unusable. The ideal location for the fountain is partial shade and a place protected from the wind, located close to a source of water and electricity. This arrangement will save you from unnecessary wires and additional work on their insulation.

Having decided on the location, it’s time to think about the shape and depth of the future fountain.

Preparation of materials for construction

To build a fountain in order to save money and effort, you can use the technology of constructing a decorative pond and equipping it with a pump.

Materials required to build a fountain:

  • fountain container;
  • pumping station;
  • durable film;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • natural stones of various sizes;
  • sand, gravel;
  • decorative elements.

Selection and installation of capacity

If you plan to build a miniature fountain, you can use an ordinary plastic basin or any other small container as a reservoir.

For large bodies of water, old bathtubs or a self-dug pit are suitable. If a bathtub is used, it is necessary to dig a hole of such a size that its edges are not higher than the surface of the ground. All holes in the bathtub are securely sealed, after which it is lowered into the pit and strengthened with earth, stones and sand.

For a homemade tank, make a hole of the required depth and cover it with a thick, high-quality film, which is secured along the edges on the surface with stones. Stones of various shapes and sizes are also poured onto the bottom. It is important that the stones do not have sharp edges and cannot cut the film. The stones are evenly distributed along the entire bottom of the future fountain.

Choosing a pump for fountain construction

In order to construct a fountain on your site yourself, it is not necessary to purchase expensive materials; you can adapt any old elements. However, you should not spare money - the pump, the better quality it is, the more beautiful the fountain will be and the longer it will decorate the area without causing problems.

A submersible pump is the best option for building a fountain in a summer cottage. It works on the principle of a centrifuge. You can also install a surface pump; it is mounted at the edge of the reservoir, but is most often used on large fountains and cascading reservoirs.

When choosing a pump, you should take into account the pressure that is constantly present in the pipe and the differences in this pressure. Therefore, purchasing the most powerful pump may not be justified, since not in all cases it will be able to work out its full power.

Regardless of which type of pump is chosen, it is important to remember that its power must be related to the diameter of the pipe. The fountain jet should come out under powerful pressure, and not slowly flow out of the pipe, since there will be no effect from such a design.

How to make a fountain with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

The construction of a fountain includes several main stages:

  • pit preparation;
  • securing the trench;
  • installing a container or covering the bottom and edges with film;
  • installation of pumping equipment;
  • fountain decoration.

To build such a fountain you will need:

  • an old tire from a truck or tractor;
  • cement mixture, water, crushed stone and sand;
  • a container for mixing cement and a shovel;
  • sealant;
  • building level;
  • mastic;
  • stones;
  • pump.

Stages of work:

Video - DIY tire fountain

For such a fountain you will need to prepare:

  • thick film;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • pump;
  • stones of different sizes without sharp corners.

Stages of work:

  • we dig a hole, clear it of stones and compact the bottom;

New life for an old bath

For this version of a country fountain you need to prepare:

  • shovel;
  • pebbles;
  • pump equipment;
  • bath;
  • insulating tape;
  • metal scissors;
  • non-ferrous iron sheet;
  • drill.

Stages of fountain construction:

  • we dig a pit corresponding to the size of the existing container;
  • place the bath inside and plug all the holes;

  • We cut out wide strips of iron and lay them around the bathtub, covering it with stones;

For this sprinkler you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • metal, strong wire or nail;
  • insulating tape;
  • garden hose.

Stages of constructing a fountain:

  • Place the mini-fountain in the right place and turn on the water.

This option is perfect for watering your garden.

Decorative fountain for home

To build such a fountain you will need:

  • large flower pot with tray;
  • paints for glass and ceramics;
  • small water pump;
  • contours;
  • decorative balls, aquarium decorations.

Construction stages:

  • decorate the pot with paints;
  • make a small hole in the bottom of the pot;
  • install a pump under the pan;
  • we drag the pump tube through the hole made in the pot;
  • fill the bottom with pebbles;
  • decorate with artificial plants and figures;
  • fill the pot with water.

Video - DIY decorative fountain

Fountain decoration

You can emphasize the uniqueness of a hand-made fountain by decorating it. It is recommended to lay out beautiful, colorful stones of different sizes around the pond, put flowers in pots, place cute figurines of animals, birds, etc.

To make the fountain amaze with its beauty and unusualness at night, you can backlight it using special equipment. Lamps installed around the perimeter of the fountain and lighting at its bottom will create a fabulous, magical atmosphere.

The bottom of the reservoir can be landscaped with the help of special plants, and bushes can be planted around the fountain.

Any country pond and fountain, including one, needs careful care. To maintain order and clarity of water and a pleasant spring appearance of the structure, it is necessary to regularly clean the tank. Using special devices, it is necessary to remove leaves, seeds, fluff and other objects from the surface of the water that can not only spoil the appearance of the reservoir, but also cause the fountain to malfunction.

At the end of the summer season, it is necessary to drain all the water, move the removable parts of the structure indoors, and cover the remaining parts and the bowl with film so that dirt does not get into them.

Building a fountain with your own hands in a country house or even in an apartment is not difficult and does not require large financial resources. Before building a decorative fountain, you need to decide on the shape, size and installation location. There are many options for the location of such structures - near the gazebo, on the lawn, in the garden. After constructing a fountain, you need to carefully monitor the purity of the water, regularly remove debris and add water, as it will evaporate.

Such designs are widely used in the design of suburban areas. Fountains can decorate any ownerless area or become the highlight of a summer cottage. And by adding imagination and decorative elements, you can make it even more beautiful and unusual.


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