Homemade foam generator. How to make a foam generator for washing with your own hands: materials, instructions, tips

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In heavy times of crisis Everyone is trying to save money on something. Car owners are no exception in this case. After all, today the maintenance of your “iron horse” takes up a considerable part of the budget. And if it is unlikely that you will be able to save on spare parts and fuel without consequences, then constantly spending a lot of money on professional equipment is unwise. Not washing your car or washing it less often is also not an option, because driving a dirty car is uncomfortable and even unpleasant to drive.

Everyone solves the problem of car washing differently. Some people wash their houses with their own hands. However, this takes a long time and is not as effective or high quality as. And the whole point is that they use professional equipment - foam generators, which help wash the car as quickly and efficiently as possible. And contactless washing (using a foaming agent) practically does not harm the car’s paintwork, unlike conventional contact washing at home.

Others are thinking about buying a mini foam generator to use exclusively for personal needs. However, prices for it today are very high. That is why our craftsmen began to think about how to make a foam generator for washing on their own.

What is needed for a homemade foam generator?

The materials for making a homemade foam generator will need the simplest. Almost every home or garage has some of them, although you still have to buy some. The most expensive part of this device is the compressor. You won’t buy a new one on the market for less than a few thousand rubles. However, there is a way to save money here too. you can buy old compressor on sale of parts. For example, with ZIL 130. Its power is quite enough for a home foam concentrate. The main thing is to make sure that it is in good condition and does not leak anywhere, because this may indicate its imminent failure. If you don’t find anything suitable for sale, you can try looking at car dumps, where most of these trucks “rest” today. And then, if you find something worthwhile, just negotiate with the watchman and pick up the compressor for a purely symbolic price.

One more no less important element- This is a reservoir for liquid. It could even be an ordinary plastic canister. The most important thing is that the walls of the tank can withstand a pressure of 5–6 atm.

Also, in order to make a foam generator for washing, you will need nozzles, adapters, a gun, flushing hoses and an inch tube, at least 70–80 cm long. From the tools - spanners, Bulgarian.

Foam generator assembly

Assembling a foam generator for washing with your own hands is quite simple. First we take the already prepared tube. For foaming it is filled with fishing line different sections. If you don’t have a fishing line, you can use an ordinary household washcloth. Next, the required size is cut out and the tube is filled with it. When using a washcloth instead of a fishing line, it is very important to securely fix it so that it does not wrinkle in the tube under high pressure. We close the tube on both sides with threaded plugs. A T-shaped adapter and shut-off valves are screwed onto one side of the pipe. Hoses are connected to them. One hose leads to the compressor, the other is inserted into the tank.

A fitting is attached to the other side of the pipe, from which the foam will come out. Its quality and density directly depend on how long the pipe is and how well it is filled with fishing line or sponge.

If you decide to use as a tank metal container, For example gas cylinder, then welding will also be required. You will need to weld the old holes and make new ones: one at the bottom and another somewhere in the middle. Tubes with adapters are welded to them. The lower adapter is connected to the compressor using hoses, and the upper one leads to the spray tube. Before use, in both cases it is better to check whether the container is leaking. To do this, instead of shampoo, we use water with dye, which will indicate to us the location of the leak, if there is one.

The fastest way to make foam concentrate

A homemade foam generator for washing can also be made from a regular sprayer, which is very similar in design to a factory foam generator.

The most convenient way to make a foaming agent for washing is from a sprayer. The design of such a device is very similar to factory foamers, although it has some differences. When choosing a sprayer, take into account the thickness of its walls, because the foam concentrate will have high pressure (up to 6 atm).

You will also need a compressor for this device. And also a foam tablet, an air fitting or pipe, gaskets, an adapter for a hose, check valve, a pair of half-inch adapters and four nuts.

Take the sprayer and remove the mounting valve and fitting from it. You have a couple of through holes in your sprayer. It should also be disassembled and muffled hand pump.

After this, take the adapters, screw them into the tank and tighten them with nuts. It is better to use gaskets to make the container airtight. A check valve with a fitting is screwed into one of the adapters; a hose from the compressor must be attached here so that air enters from below to form foam. And an adapter with a fixed foam tablet is placed in the other hole. After this, a hose is attached to it. A spray bottle is attached to the other end (you can take a regular garden one).

Modernization methods

When the question of creating a foam concentrate is closed, everything is already there, it works great, you always want it to be as comfortable as possible to use. You can come up with a lot of innovations here. Someone attaches an additional sprayer. Others attach a sink attachment high pressure instead of a tube. You can make the structure more portable by simply installing it on a frame with wheels. And also a lot of other things... The main thing is to understand how the installation works, and then, based on this, decide what can be replaced or modified.

A foamer made (using one of the methods described above), of course, is unlikely to be suitable for industrial use, but it will cope perfectly with the task of washing a car several times a week. Having such a foaming agent at home, you will always have a virtually free, yet effective and very fast car wash.

Hello! Foam generators of various designs are increasingly used in our daily life. On the other hand, almost every vehicle owner strives to keep it in a clean and tidy condition, despite weather. It is no coincidence that a do-it-yourself foam generator has become the topic of the current publication. Yes, yes, there is no need to purchase this equipment for a lot of money, because you can assemble it yourself much cheaper. Next I will tell you how to do this.

Contactless washing causes less damage to the car’s paintwork, and we talked about it earlier. And to increase the efficiency of its use, it is necessary to use a foam-generating device. First, why foam? This composition boasts its soft and loyal effect on the body and paintwork- this is extremely important when it comes to touchless washing. At the same time, it is able to qualitatively protect metal, plastic, and glass from the most persistent and corrosive types of pollution. Thus, the car foam generator has become popular due to its complex effects.

The design of such equipment usually includes several basic elements:

  • directly a container (cylinder) filled with compressed air;
  • a device that provides supply (such as a gun, sprinkler);
  • connecting parts, hoses, etc.

A little about the principle of operation

So that you understand how a foam generator from a sprayer or even a factory type functions. Compressed air enters the working container under pressure, thanks to which the foaming process begins. Next, this mixture must pass through the so-called “foam tablet”.

It is this that starts the active foaming process, resulting in the formation of a stable composition, which is needed for cleaning a car or other object. Thanks to the presence of plates in the regulator, placed at a special angle, the washer can regulate the supply power and the area of ​​​​coverage with the foam composition.

How to make equipment yourself

Now we will talk about the most simple equipment, which is quite sufficient for washing in living conditions. But beforehand, it is necessary to wash it properly.

First, let's prepare the tools - they can be found in almost any garage or home workshop: pliers, a set of keys, a knife, a tape measure, an angle grinder.

Let’s take a 0.5-meter piece as a sprayer metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 1 inch. We will also need a mesh type washcloth, which is used for washing dishes and other cases - we push it as much as possible into the pipe. It is used for foaming. We plug the other side of the tube with a plug, then with a tee and a faucet for opening.

The supply will be provided through the tap compressed air produced by the compressor. The opposite end of the pipe is connected to a foam supply hose. You can equip it with a filter element with large cells. Next, we need to find a container that will contain the foaming liquid. The material is not of paramount importance - as long as it is able to withstand operating pressure (some craftsmen take the tank from a former fire extinguisher as a basis, see video).

Factory version - differences in manufacturing

You can assemble an alternative generator that will be closer in functionality to the factory designs. We take a hose or tube, fill it with a foam sponge, which is tied with thin wire (fishing line) for reliable fixation. We place a mesh stopper at one end to prevent material from penetrating into the nozzle.

Air must be supplied from the bottom of the receiver - for this the tube must have the appropriate length. To regulate the jet power, an adapter is cut into the tank. Foam tablet can be placed at the exit site ready-made composition. Next, the air supply hose is connected to the compressor.

We check the tightness of all connections, in particular threaded ones. To be able to control pressure, it makes sense to embed a pressure gauge into the structure. Thus, a conventional compressor for pumping and monitoring tire pressure will help to build a foam generator close to the factory one. A handle with a nozzle or a gun can be purchased in the gardening departments of supermarkets and department stores. Then everything depends on the user’s imagination and his ability to handle available tools.

In principle, the most inexpensive foaming nozzle from Karcher will cost 1,500 rubles and more. However, you can save even these funds by assembling a simple structure on your own and using available means. Some even manage to make a sink out of a garden sprayer. Today you could see this. Using such a device, you can even wash the engine and the pumped-up space, naturally observing

A foam generator is a device that is actively used in many areas of our lives. Car enthusiasts know about it as a device for contactless car washing.

The main task of the device is the formation of foam by creating high pressure. Foam is released after pressing a special “gun” lever.

Despite the “softness” of action, the foam composition ensures high-quality cleaning of the body and other surfaces from the most “corrosive” contaminants.

Owning such a device is the dream of many car enthusiasts. The only problem is the high price.

An industrial foam generator is too expensive and not everyone can afford it.

It’s another matter if you make the device yourself. This way you can “kill two birds with one stone” - get powerful device for car washing and save money.

But how possible is this? What methods are there?

Industrial foam generators: purpose, principle of operation

As already mentioned, foam generators are very popular products. They are used in service stations (car washes), fire fighting, pharmaceutical and food industries.

The active composition of the foam promotes high-quality cleaning:

  • production equipment;
  • road transport (from the inside or outside);
  • industrial premises (floors, walls, etc.);
  • sidewalk paths and swimming pools.

The action of the foam is aimed at cleaning the surface, removing dirt and dust, disinfecting, and so on.

It is thanks to the complexity of action that foam generators have become so popular.

Structurally, the device consists of three elements:

  • a cylinder containing compressed air;
  • release gun, which provides convenient foam supply;
  • mixer elements.

One of the main parameters affecting the functionality of the device is the capacity of the cylinder, which can be from 25 to 100 liters. There are some models that hold 24 liters.

The material used for manufacturing is stainless steel or ordinary steel.

The principle of foam formation occurs in two stages:

  • a foam composition is formed, which has a low expansion rate and is not yet suitable for use;
  • the mixture is supplied to a special “tablet”, which forms required composition with the required density.

DIY foam generator

To get a foam generator at your disposal, you don’t have to buy an expensive device - you can do everything yourself. Here are the following options:

1. First method.

It is considered the simplest and allows you to make a generator from scrap materials.

Of course, in terms of functionality, the device will lag behind its factory counterparts, but in everyday life its usefulness will be difficult to overestimate.

To perform the work you will need the following equipment:

  • Bulgarian;
  • roulette;
  • set of wrenches;
  • pliers.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • use a pipe (inch) about half a meter long. Hammer the front part of the product with a polyethylene sponge, which is designed to form foam.

  • make a plug for one of the edges of the pipe and screw a special tee into the same place. Then connect the tap under the foam generator to the inlet hole.
  • on the other side of the pipe, install a tap through which compressed air will be supplied from the vehicle compressor;
  • the second outlet of the pipe is connected through a special fitting to the foam hose. To prevent washcloth from getting into the tube, do not forget to install a special filter. In this case, the filter element can have large sections.

The schematic diagram is proposed below.

Please note that the density of the foam produced depends on the length of the tube and the density of its packing with a washcloth.

Any container that can withstand the pressure of the compressor can be used as a liquid tank. In this case, the material does not matter much.

If everything is done correctly, then such a foam generator will do an excellent job of washing a car or other items in a garage.

2. Second option.

Manufacturing a foam generator, which is structurally similar to the factory type of product (with the exception of some differences).

Just take a few points into account:

  • select and buy (it must have sufficient power to create optimal pressure);
  • buy or take an existing sprayer. Its walls must be thick enough to withstand five atmospheres;
  • remove the mounting fitting and valve from the sprayer. As a consequence, there should be two holes at the exit. In this case, disassemble and turn off the hand pump;
  • prepare the necessary tool (equipment) for the job - a check valve, a foam tablet, a pair of squeegees (0.5 inches) and four nuts, a tube adapter, an air fitting and gaskets.
  • screw the rivets into plastic tank and tighten them with nuts. Be sure to install new gaskets that will ensure the necessary tightness;
  • select any of the connections and screw in the check valve together with the fitting;
  • on the other side, fix the tank to combine with the fixed tablet inside the device.

That's all - the homemade steam generator is ready. All that remains is to attach a tube to the outlet through which air is supplied.

It is important here that air enters the device from below (this will ensure complete foaming of the liquid).

You'll have to work with the hose for a while. The easiest option is to attach a regular tree sprayer to its edge.

Now pour water into a special cleaner (10:1 ratio to shampoo). Make sure that the neck is tightly screwed in while the foam generator is operating.

At the same time, open the tap and start the sprayer. On average, about 20-40 grams of shampoo are consumed per wash.

Monitor compressor pressure. Normal operation is ensured when reaching 4-5 atmospheres.

The total cost of collecting the foam generator (in this form) is about 2-3 hours. If all the equipment mentioned is at hand, then the only cost will be the purchase of shampoo.

3. Third method.

Allows you to make a foam generator from a regular plastic canister. The advantage of this technique is ease of execution, minimum costs time and money.

To work, you will need a compressor, a nozzle, a gun, a plastic canister, an angle grinder, a set of wrenches and flushing tubes.

The algorithm should be as follows:

  • take an inch tube 70 centimeters long and fill it with regular fishing line. You can use all the products that are at hand (the cross-section does not matter);
  • Close both edges using special plugs. At the same time, make sure that the latter have a thread;
  • Install a T-shaped adapter on one plug, and a fitting on the second;
  • Attach hoses on both sides of the “T”-shaped adapter and install taps to stop the water supply;
  • one end of the foam generator for washing will go to the reservoir with foam liquid, and the second to the compressor.

Before turning on the foam generator for the first time, pour a small amount of water and a little dye into the container. This allows us to identify weak spots in the design (if any).

The options are presented below.

Other methods.

Alternative tank options, what can be used?

As we have already seen, when self-assembly When using the device, it is important to choose the right water tank. The main requirements are sufficient volume and the ability of the material to withstand high pressure.

Above are the most simple ways, in which ordinary (handy) containers are used.

If we proceed from reliability, then the best option- propane cylinder.

The peculiarity of this container is its ability to withstand enormous pressure. As a result, the efficiency of the foam generator also increases.

The fact of safety is also important. You can calmly build up the pressure without worrying about a possible rupture of the container or failure of the device.

To use for work propane tank, special welding will be required.

First, all excess holes are welded, after which new holes are made. The first is at the bottom of the end part, and the second is in the middle.

Tubes with fittings must be welded to the holes made.

Couplings or collet adapters can be used as fastener material. The main thing is the ability of each of the structural elements to withstand the pressure created.

To simplify the process of using the foam generator, make a special hatch for refilling shampoo.

Pay special attention to the tightness of the cylinder. To do this, do not forget to install a special seal.

The lower part of the fitting should be directly connected to the compressor, and the upper part to the sprayer.

As can be seen from the diagram above, the principle of connecting the cylinder is not much different from the diagrams described above. The main advantage is longer service life and reliability.

Alternative options for creating a spray gun

Lack of fishing line on hand is not a problem. As mentioned in one of the methods, a synthetic washcloth or foam sponge can serve as a sprayer.

All that is necessary is to cut out the desired part and press it into the tube. At the same time, make sure that the product is well fixed inside and will not wrinkle under high pressure.

An equally important task is to properly secure the filter, which plays a direct role in the formation of bubbles.

How to reduce the size of the foam generator?

It is no secret that industrial samples of foam generators are large and not always easy to use.

Another thing - homemade devices, which can be upgraded at your own discretion. How?

Everything is simple here. For work, prepare a small tank (for a gun) and a nozzle for a high-pressure apparatus.

Cover one side of the pipe with a nozzle, and the container itself with a container for an aerosol gun (alternatively, you can use a standard sprayer).

Such modernization is an opportunity to reduce the volume of the structure by 2-3 times. At the same time, the device itself, thanks to the presence of wheels, can be moved to any convenient place.

How to save on materials?

As practice shows, it is not always possible to find everything you need in the garage. There is only one way out - saving. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • always buy new parts so as not to overpay several times later;
  • Have a good rummage in your garage or your friend’s garage (with approval, of course). Most of the spare parts can be found in old “deposits”.

With absence necessary elements the cost of purchasing a compressor will be about two thousand rubles. But you can cheat. For example, an option is to dismantle the necessary equipment from an old truck.

If you can’t find the equipment you need among your friends, you can look at advertisements for the sale of machines for spare parts.

As a last resort, you can go to a car scrapyard, where there are plenty of old ZIL-130s. At the same time, the necessary part can be obtained for “pennies”.

Please check the unit carefully before purchasing. There should be no oil leaks or other defects on it. Otherwise, working with the compressor is dangerous.

Even if you manage to start a foam generator for washing, made by yourself, but equipped with a defective compressor, 1-2 cleanings and the device will fail.


Foam generator - reliable assistant in the garage, which will speed up the washing process and increase its efficiency; you have two options:

  • purchase a ready-made design;
  • make a foam generator with your own hands.

As you have already seen, the second option looks more preferable due to lower costs.

On the other hand, don't expect it to be ready quickly. To make it you will have to go through several steps:

  • study manufacturing recommendations;
  • find the necessary material;
  • spend time making the device;
  • test its operation.

If you are ready for this, then you can safely get to work. We invite you to watch the video. Good luck.

A foam generator is a device that is actively used in many areas of our lives. Car enthusiasts know about it as a device for contactless car washing.

The main task of the device is the formation of foam by creating high pressure. Foam is released after pressing a special “gun” lever.

Despite the “softness” of action, the foam composition ensures high-quality cleaning of the body and other surfaces from the most “corrosive” contaminants.

Owning such a device is the dream of many car enthusiasts. The only problem is the high price.

An industrial foam generator is too expensive and not everyone can afford it.

It’s another matter if you make the device yourself. This way you can “kill two birds with one stone” - get a powerful car washing machine and save money.

But how possible is this? What methods are there?

Industrial foam generators: purpose, principle of operation

As already mentioned, foam generators are very popular products. They are used in service stations (car washes), fire fighting, pharmaceutical and food industries.

The active composition of the foam promotes high-quality cleaning:

  • production equipment;
  • road transport (from the inside or outside);
  • industrial premises (floors, walls, etc.);
  • sidewalk paths and swimming pools.

The action of the foam is aimed at cleaning the surface, removing dirt and dust, disinfecting, and so on.

It is thanks to the complexity of action that foam generators have become so popular.

Structurally, the device consists of three elements:

  • a cylinder containing compressed air;
  • release gun, which provides convenient foam supply;
  • mixer elements.

One of the main parameters affecting the functionality of the device is the capacity of the cylinder, which can be from 25 to 100 liters. There are some models that hold 24 liters.

The material used for manufacturing is stainless steel or ordinary steel.

The principle of foam formation occurs in two stages:

  • a foam composition is formed, which has a low expansion rate and is not yet suitable for use;
  • the mixture is supplied to a special “tablet”, which forms the required composition with the required density.

Do-it-yourself steam generator for car wash

To get a foam generator at your disposal, you don’t have to buy an expensive device - you can do everything yourself. Here are the following options:

1. First method.

It is considered the simplest and allows you to make a generator from scrap materials.

Of course, in terms of functionality, the device will lag behind its factory counterparts, but in everyday life its usefulness will be difficult to overestimate.

To perform the work you will need the following equipment:

  • Bulgarian;
  • roulette;
  • set of wrenches;
  • pliers.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • use a pipe (inch) about half a meter long. Hammer the front part of the product with a polyethylene sponge, which is designed to form foam.
  • make a plug for one of the edges of the pipe and screw a special tee into the same place. Then connect the tap under the foam generator to the inlet hole.
  • on the other side of the pipe, install a tap through which compressed air will be supplied from the vehicle compressor;
  • the second outlet of the pipe is connected through a special fitting to the foam hose. To prevent washcloth from getting into the tube, do not forget to install a special filter. In this case, the filter element can have large sections.

The schematic diagram is proposed below.

Please note that the density of the foam produced depends on the length of the tube and the density of its packing with a washcloth.

Any container that can withstand the pressure of the compressor can be used as a liquid tank. In this case, the material does not matter much.

If everything is done correctly, then such a foam generator will do an excellent job of washing a car or other items in a garage.

2. Second option.

Manufacturing a foam generator, which is structurally similar to the factory type of product (with the exception of some differences).

Just take a few points into account:

  • select and buy a suitable compressor (it must have sufficient power to create optimal pressure);
  • buy or take an existing sprayer. Its walls must be thick enough to withstand five atmospheres;
  • remove the mounting fitting and valve from the sprayer. As a consequence, there should be two holes at the exit. In this case, disassemble and turn off the hand pump;
  • prepare the necessary tool (equipment) for the job - a check valve, a foam tablet, a pair of squeegees (0.5 inches) and four nuts, a tube adapter, an air fitting and gaskets.
  • Screw the squeegees into the plastic tank and tighten them with nuts. Be sure to install new gaskets that will ensure the necessary tightness;
  • select any of the connections and screw in the check valve together with the fitting;
  • on the other side, fix the tank to combine with the fixed tablet inside the device.

That's all - the homemade steam generator is ready. All that remains is to attach a tube to the outlet through which air is supplied.

It is important here that air enters the device from below (this will ensure complete foaming of the liquid).

You'll have to work with the hose for a while. The easiest option is to attach a regular tree sprayer to its edge.

Now pour water into a special cleaner (10:1 ratio to shampoo). Make sure that the neck is tightly screwed in while the foam generator is operating.

At the same time, open the tap and start the sprayer. On average, about 20-40 grams of shampoo are consumed per wash.

Monitor compressor pressure. Normal operation is ensured when 4-5 atmospheres are reached.

The total cost of collecting the foam generator (in this form) is about 2-3 hours. If all the equipment mentioned is at hand, then the only cost will be the purchase of shampoo.

3. Third method.

Allows you to make a foam generator from a regular plastic canister. The advantage of this technique is ease of execution, minimal investment of time and money.

To work, you will need a compressor, a nozzle, a gun, a plastic canister, an angle grinder, a set of wrenches and flushing tubes.

The algorithm should be as follows:

  • take an inch tube 70 centimeters long and fill it with regular fishing line. You can use all the products that are at hand (the cross-section does not matter);
  • Close both edges using special plugs. At the same time, make sure that the latter have a thread;
  • Install a T-shaped adapter on one plug, and a fitting on the second;
  • Attach hoses on both sides of the “T”-shaped adapter and install taps to stop the water supply;
  • one end of the foam generator for washing will go to the reservoir with foam liquid, and the second to the compressor.

Before turning on the foam generator for the first time, pour a small amount of water and a little dye into the container. This allows you to identify weak points in the design (if any).

The options are presented below.

Other ways to install a steam generator for a car wash

Alternative tank options, what can be used?

As we have already seen, when assembling the device yourself, it is important to choose the right water tank. The main requirements are sufficient volume and the ability of the material to withstand high pressure.

Above are the simplest methods that involve ordinary (available) containers.

If we proceed from reliability, then the best option is a propane cylinder.

The peculiarity of this container is its ability to withstand enormous pressure. As a result, the efficiency of the foam generator also increases.

The fact of safety is also important. You can calmly build up the pressure without worrying about a possible rupture of the container or failure of the device.

To use a propane cylinder for work, you will need special welding.

First, all excess holes are welded, after which new holes are made. The first is at the bottom of the end part, and the second is in the middle.

Tubes with fittings must be welded to the holes made.

Couplings or collet adapters can be used as fastener material. The main thing is the ability of each of the structural elements to withstand the pressure created.

To simplify the process of using the foam generator, make a special hatch for refilling shampoo.

Pay special attention to the tightness of the cylinder. To do this, do not forget to install a special seal.

The lower part of the fitting should be directly connected to the compressor, and the upper part to the sprayer.

As can be seen from the diagram above, the principle of connecting the cylinder is not much different from the diagrams described above. The main advantage is longer service life and reliability.

Alternative options for creating a spray gun

Lack of fishing line on hand is not a problem. As mentioned in one of the methods, a synthetic washcloth or foam sponge can serve as a sprayer.

All that is necessary is to cut out the desired part and press it into the tube. At the same time, make sure that the product is well fixed inside and will not wrinkle under high pressure.

An equally important task is to properly secure the filter, which plays a direct role in the formation of bubbles.

How to reduce the size of the foam generator?

It is no secret that industrial samples of foam generators are large and not always easy to use.

Another thing is homemade devices that can be upgraded at your own discretion. How?

Everything is simple here. For work, prepare a small tank (for a gun) and a nozzle for a high-pressure apparatus.

Cover one side of the pipe with a nozzle, and the container itself with a container for an aerosol gun (alternatively, you can use a standard sprayer).

Such modernization is an opportunity to reduce the volume of the structure by 2-3 times. At the same time, the device itself, thanks to the presence of wheels, can be moved to any convenient place.

How to save on materials?

As practice shows, it is not always possible to find everything you need in the garage. There is only one way out - saving. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • always buy new parts so as not to overpay several times later;
  • Have a good rummage in your garage or your friend’s garage (with approval, of course). Most of the spare parts can be found in old “deposits”.

If the necessary elements are not available, the cost of purchasing a compressor will be about two thousand rubles. But you can cheat. For example, an option is to dismantle the necessary equipment from an old truck.

If you can’t find the equipment you need among your friends, you can look at advertisements for the sale of machines for spare parts.

As a last resort, you can go to a car scrapyard, where there are plenty of old ZIL-130s. At the same time, the necessary part can be obtained for “pennies”.


A foam generator is a reliable assistant in the garage that will speed up the washing process and increase its efficiency. You have two options:

  • purchase a ready-made design;
  • make a foam generator with your own hands.

As you have already seen, the second option looks more preferable due to lower costs.

On the other hand, don't expect it to be ready quickly. To make it you will have to go through several steps:

  • study manufacturing recommendations;
  • find the necessary material;
  • spend time making the device;
  • test its operation.

A foam generator is a device that produces and releases foam onto the car body. Such equipment is the desire of many car lovers, and therefore they are interested in making it with their own hands and using it in the future to wash their own car. The fact is that the device is quite expensive, and therefore it is much easier to make it yourself.

Any foaming agent for a car wash, even one made by yourself, consists of the following parts - a cylinder containing compressed air, a mixer, a hose and a special gun for spraying foam. The most important is, of course, the cylinder, on the volume of which the entire operation of the foam generator depends. Its volume can reach 100 liters, but in our case 25 will be enough.

To prevent the cylinder from being subject to corrosion, it is advisable to use stainless steel. Because he will have to deal with a lot chemical elements.

Foam formation can be divided into two stages:

  1. First prepares special composition from the water in which it is diluted detergent. So far, this foam is unsuitable for use and does not have the necessary properties to the right amount get on the car body.
  2. The composition enters a special “tablet”, where the final formation occurs. It creates not only required properties foam, but also the necessary density that allows it to be sprayed.

The foam generator allows you to develop a composition that allows you to clean the car body without touching it with a rag. This is what makes it so popular. But to acquire this device, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, because you can easily assemble it with your own hands.

How to make a foam generator

Let's look at several ways to make a foam generator with your own hands. And let's start with the simplest.

  1. Of course, such a foam generator will not have the same effect as factory ones, but it will definitely not be superfluous in car washing. Prepare the following list of tools in advance: knife, grinder, wrenches, measuring tape and pliers.

Take a pipe with a diameter of 1 inch and a length of no more than 0.5 meters. At the very end of the pipe you need to place a washcloth made of polyethylene. This approach will allow you to carefully create the desired spread and formation of foam. To prevent the washcloth from being squeezed out by pressure, install a special filter at the end.

Now you need to attach a tee to the free end of the pipe. It’s worth saying right away that two taps should be installed on it. Compressed air will be supplied through one hole, and the foam itself will be supplied through the other. Accordingly, one of the pipes will go to the cylinder, and the second to the next tee for compressed air, which will be supplied to both the cylinder and the gun itself.

It is immediately worth noting that the density of the foam will depend on the length of the pipe. But it is not recommended to make it too long, as such a foam generator may not be very convenient. In addition, only circuit diagram. In reality, it is necessary to have a hose between the pipe and the tee for ease of use.

  1. The second method involves using it instead of a regular cylinder plastic canister. At first glance, it may seem that making such a foam generator with your own hands is very simple, but in reality it is more difficult than the first option. Such a device is suitable for washing small cars, for example “Oka”. In this case, the tube is taken longer and the diameter is smaller, although any cross-section can be used. Instead of a washcloth, an ordinary fishing line is placed inside, and in a chaotic manner. You need to put a filter on one end of the pipe, and a special fitting for the hose on the other. You need to purchase several fittings.

The compressor and the gun itself are also connected to the canister. Before using for the first time, pour a small amount of water into the foam generator as a test. This is necessary in order to identify all leaks and eliminate them before further use of the device.

The use of other foam containers is also possible. The main criterion is the ability of its walls to withstand sufficient air pressure. You need to take this seriously, as if the tank explodes you can get quite serious injuries. In addition, there is no need to use an overly powerful compressor if the cylinder capacity is insufficient.

By the way, a good foam sprayer can be considered a foam sponge, which has smaller sections and is best suited for creating a good and whipped foam.

Now you know how to assemble a good foam generator with your own hands. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses on expensive equipment.

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