We make our own greenhouse from PVC pipes. Do-it-yourself greenhouse made of plastic pipes - material calculations and step-by-step assembly instructions Do-it-yourself greenhouse made of PVC pipes drawings

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It is quite difficult to build or purchase a stationary, expensive greenhouse, but building an inexpensive greenhouse with your own hands from PVC pipes is quite possible. Let's see how this can be done so that you can plant early seedlings in your garden.

Greenhouse made of PVC pipes: its advantages and disadvantages

The design of a greenhouse made of PVC pipes is quite simple and consists of a foundation, polyvinyl chloride pipes, fastening and special connecting elements, as well as a certain coating.

Such a greenhouse has many advantages:

  • It does not require special skills and qualifications for its installation, as well as complex equipment and expensive tools;
  • It has a high level of strength and can last even two or three years without dismantling;
  • If necessary, the greenhouse can be removed in one day;
  • It is not subject to decomposition and tolerates high levels of humidity, unlike greenhouses made from old window frames.

Disadvantages of a greenhouse:

  • Short service life of film polyethylene coating;
  • Low level of thermal insulation of polyethylene.

But these problems can be easily solved using cellular polycarbonate, but this is a more expensive coating.

Attention! In regions where there is frequent precipitation, which falls in the form of a thick and dense snow cover, there is a high risk that a greenhouse made of PVC pipes may collapse under the weight of wet snow. Therefore, when carrying out calculations, it is necessary to provide a large margin of safety.

Fully assembled PVC pipe greenhouse

Preparation for construction: drawings, dimensions

Before you start installing a greenhouse, you need to choose the most convenient place for it, level it and make sure that the soil does not sag under the weight of the greenhouse.

If you use polyethylene film to cover the frame, then the dimensions can be taken arbitrary. We will look at an example with a size of 3.82x6.3 meters. Why exactly these sizes, you ask?

The pitch length between the pipes in the frame will be 900 mm, so with 8 sections we will have 7 spans. And if we multiply 7 spans by 900 mm, we get a greenhouse length of 6.3 meters.

drawing of the greenhouse frame indicating the span length

You can choose other sizes depending on how large the greenhouse you want to build, but remember that the larger the structure, the less stable and durable it is.

Pipes and other materials can be purchased at the store. But when choosing PVC pipes, you must choose very carefully, since they can vary greatly in quality. You should not buy cheap low-quality pipes.

Since the frame is built from engineering PVC pipes, it is recommended to use a material that is used to supply hot water and is easily connected to plastic crosses. Wall thickness 4.2 mm, internal diameter 16.6 mm, external 25 mm.

The pipe connection elements must be taken from high-quality thermoset plastic (wall thickness 3 mm).

Since the entire frame of the greenhouse is, as it were, “dressed” on special pins driven into the ground, they must be selected in accordance with the diameter of the pipe itself, so that it “sits” tightly on such a pin and does not “dangle” on it. This will ensure the strength and stability of the entire structure, and there will be no need for additional fastening.

Their length should not be less than 0.5 meters, and we recommend going deeper into the ground at least 15 centimeters.

Material calculation and necessary tools

To build a greenhouse from polyvinyl chloride pipes, you need to have a certain amount of material and some tools.

Greenhouse materials:

  • PVC pipes (Ø25 mm) – 10 pieces;
  • Cross and tees (Ø 25 mm);
  • Special oblique tees;
  • Packaging of screws and nails;
  • Thin iron strip;
  • Iron rod;
  • Board (size 50x100 mm);


  • Hammer and hacksaw for metal;
  • Screwdriver (or Phillips screwdriver);
  • Bulgarian;
  • Welding iron for pipes;
  • Construction level and tape measure.

Step-by-step instructions for building a greenhouse with your own hands

  1. We assemble the frame of our greenhouse from the board. To do this, before installation, the wooden board must be thoroughly impregnated with an antibacterial substance. We install the base on the selected area, observing all geometric shapes. To do this, you need to cut four rods 50 centimeters long from an iron rod and drive them into the four corners of the base from the inside, strictly adhering to the diagonal.

    Construction of a wooden base for the future frame

  2. We install a special mount for installing frame arches. To do this, you need to cut 14 identical pieces of reinforcement 70 cm long. Next, along the entire length of the base, we make markings with a marker at intervals of 900 mm. Then, following the knocked-off marks from the outside, we firmly drive in the reinforcement approximately 40 centimeters. It is necessary to drive it clearly against the wooden base. Next, you need to make markings along the width of the base and to do this, divide the frame into two equal parts. Then, stepping back 40 cm from both sides, make marks. We also hammer in the reinforcement according to the marks.

    Installation of reinforcement for a greenhouse frame made of PVC pipes

  3. We make arcs. To do this, you need to weld two pieces of pipe 3 meters each together with a special welding “iron” so that they have a cross in the very middle. We made the internal arches, but the external ones are made a little differently. In the center, the pipes are welded with straight tees.

    Welding arcs using a cross

  4. Installation of arcs. To do this, they must be inserted into pre-hammered reinforcement on one side and the other. PVC pipes bend without problems. Thus, we get the frame of the future greenhouse over a wooden base.

    Installation of PVC pipe arcs

  5. Next, you need to install a special stiffening rib in the center of the structure. To do this, we precisely cut the pipe into 850 mm pieces and then weld it well between the tees and crosses. With these actions we strengthen the strength of the frame. Then we secure it to a wooden base using a metal strip, a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.
  6. We make a door and a ventilation window. Since the structure is complete, it is necessary to decide where the door and window for ventilation will be located. Where we installed two rods at width, this is where the door will be located. To do this, measure a straight line up with a level and mark it with a marker on the first pipe.

    Door and window design for ventilation

  7. We marked two points on the same vertical with the reinforcement, and then we will cut the necessary oblique tees into this place. To do this, measure the distance from the bottom of the rod to the mark and, according to the data obtained, cut off the required piece of pipe. We weld a special tee to it, so that we get a structural part with a tee at the top. We join the bevel to the pipe.
  8. Now you need to cut the arc at the marked point, but very carefully, since it is under load. Then we weld the tee into the resulting space. But here you will need the help of one more person.
  9. After you have completely checked the frame for strength, you need to stretch plastic film over it. We take ordinary nails and wooden slats. We nail the film well along the entire length, first on one side of the base, and then, after stretching it well, we throw it over to the opposite side and also nail it on the other side.

    We nail the plastic film to the wooden base of the greenhouse using nails and slats

  10. The door and ventilation window can also be easily made from the remains of a pipe. To do this, we make two square pipe structures, according to the dimensions you made before. We weld the pipes with an iron using corners. We also weld special latches to the door, which will hold the removable door. We also make a window.

    Door in greenhouse structure - drawing

If you do not want to attach cheap and low-quality film, then you can use more modern and durable films such as lutrasil, agrospan, agrotex and others. Reinforced and special bubble film can also be an excellent option. Durable 11mm reinforced film can withstand strong winds, sleet and hail.

Reinforced film for greenhouses

The film is cut with a sharp knife. You should always cut a piece for the frame with a margin. This is necessary in order to then tuck it in and nail it using a wooden plank.

It is best to then line the lower end with bricks or stones and cover it with soil to protect the seedlings from being blown by the wind.

The service life of polyvinyl chloride pipes is about 50 years, but since they will stand outdoors under the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun, wind, rain, snow and other precipitation, they will last no more than 20 years, although this period is quite long.

Also today there is an excellent coating for a greenhouse (light-stabilized or aluminum-reinforced polypropylene). These types of coatings are not subject to thermal deformation and are resistant to solar radiation.

Light-stabilized film for greenhouses

In order for the greenhouse to last as long as possible, it is recommended to make a concrete covering (foundation) and thereby also increase the strength of the structure. Then, during the off-season, the greenhouse is simply dismantled, but the foundation remains. This way, your seedling boxes will not sit on bare ground, but on a solid concrete base. There will also be no need to make a walking path in the middle of the greenhouse made of wood, which will also rot over time.

Video: Greenhouse made of PVC pipes

Such a simple, but very beautiful and durable greenhouse or greenhouse will delight its owners for many years with beautiful seedlings or a harvest of early vegetables. And if you are a literate person and think through a good lighting and heating system, then such a design will be indispensable for your entire family.

For the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses in the country, various available materials are used - from metal rods to a wooden block. Plastic pipes are especially popular, allowing you to assemble a strong and durable structure for growing vegetables with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic construction

On the left is a pitched greenhouse, on the right is an arched greenhouse made of plastic pipes

In terms of popularity, greenhouses made of plastic pipes have long surpassed similar structures made of wood and metal. This is largely due to the high performance of the pipes, their availability and durability.

Among the advantages of such greenhouses are the following:

Greenhouses made from PVC pipes are aesthetically pleasing and easily fit into the landscape design of a summer cottage or suburban area. The main disadvantage of plastic structures is their general instability in strong gusty winds.

The greenhouse can swing violently and come off the ground, which can damage the frame. But this problem is easily solved by installing special supports in the corners or perimeter of the base.

Preparing to build a greenhouse with your own hands

Before you start making a greenhouse from PVC pipes, you will need to make a design drawing, select and calculate the amount of material required, and also prepare a place for installing the frame.

Pipe greenhouse project

Schematic design of a greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes

If you are a builder or have some experience in construction, then you can make the project and drawing of the future greenhouse yourself. In other cases, we recommend using ready-made solutions and performing the necessary calculations based on them.

Above is a similar diagram of an arched greenhouse made of PVC pipe. Based on it, we will calculate the materials that will be required to construct the structure, and also consider the process of its assembly.

Calculation of the required material

One of the options for an arched greenhouse made of PVC pipes

The diagram above shows a standard arched greenhouse with a length of 6 m, a width of 3 m and a height of 2 m. This length and width provide sufficient space for plants to grow, and the height makes it possible to move freely around the greenhouse. If necessary, the length can be increased.

To assemble the greenhouse you will need:

The described version shows a project for a greenhouse from which the covering will be removed for the winter. If you do not plan to remove the film, then the step between the arches should be reduced to 0.5–0.7 m. This will allow you not to worry that the structure will deform under the weight of the snow. In this case, the amount of pipe required increases to 90 m.

Polypropylene pipe is well suited for constructing a strong and durable frame for a greenhouse

Plastic pipes come in several varieties. To make greenhouses, it is better to use polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or metal-plastic pipes. All of the above types of pipes are resistant to low and high temperatures, moisture and mechanical damage.

The polypropylene pipe bends poorly and has thick walls, but with sufficient force it is not difficult to bend the arch. Metal-plastic and PVC pipes are made of softer plastic - the wall thickness is no more than 1.5 mm, which guarantees higher ductility. The pipe bends easily with bare hands. When using softer pipes, it is recommended to reduce the pitch between the arches.

It is better to choose larch products as boards. Pine and spruce wood does not withstand constant exposure to moisture so well, and after 2-3 seasons the planks may need to be replaced. The same applies to base boards. If possible, it is recommended to use an antiseptic impregnation.

Necessary tool

When using a PVC pipe, it is recommended to reduce the pitch between the arches

To make an arched greenhouse you will need the following tool:

  • hammer and mallet;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
  • bubble level;
  • construction knife;
  • tape measure 7 m long.

Step-by-step instructions for building a greenhouse

After purchasing and delivering the necessary materials to the work site, the construction of the structure can begin. It is optimal if the frame is assembled by two people - the help of a partner will not hurt when bending and installing a rigid pipe.

Arrangement of a place for a greenhouse

The greenhouse is installed in an unshaded area, well lit by the sun throughout the day. The place to install the greenhouse must be level, without bumps, holes and other flaws - to prepare the base you will need a shovel, wooden pegs and nylon thread.

Preparing the site for installation of the greenhouse box and frame

The process of preparing a site for a greenhouse consists of the following:

  1. At the selected location, use a tape measure to mark a rectangular area. On each side you need to retreat approximately 30–50 cm, taking into account the size of the future greenhouse. For example, a 3x6 m greenhouse will require an area of ​​3.5x7 m. Wooden pegs are driven into the corners of the site and the thread is pulled tight.
  2. Along the perimeter of the marked area, the top layer of turf is removed and a trench 20–30 cm deep is dug. Roofing material is laid at the bottom of the trench with an overlap of 10 cm on each side and a 10 cm layer of crushed stone is poured.
  3. If there is a slope of more than 5 cm on the site, then the area under the greenhouse is leveled before digging a trench. This can be done in two ways: adding soil or removing soil. The first method is more preferable.

If the difference in height is significant, for example, the greenhouse is installed on a slope, then a wall of brick or timber impregnated with an antiseptic is laid under the sagging side. After this, backfilling is carried out until the site is leveled.

Assembling a box for a greenhouse

The box for the greenhouse and the “anchors” are deepened into the ground by 15–20 cm

According to the diagram given above, a support base is not required for installing a greenhouse made of pipes. Instead, “anchors” in the form of tees and a wooden box are used, which are installed in the trench.

To assemble and install the box you will need:

Finally, the trench is backfilled and the level of the “anchors” is checked. To do this, a level is applied to the ends of the protruding pipe and the correct location relative to the horizon is checked.

Frame assembly technology

The technology for assembling a frame for an arched greenhouse consists of the following steps:

  1. A PVC tee is placed at the end of each pipe protruding from the ground. To make longitudinal sections at the bottom of the frame, you will need to measure the distance between the crosspieces and cut the corresponding blank from a polypropylene pipe.

    Lower pipe with a cross, recessed into the ground by 20 cm

  2. The resulting blanks are installed in the crosspieces. If necessary, the crosspiece rotates. To ensure a tighter fit, the pipe can be lightly hammered using a mallet.
  3. Before installing the arc, it is recommended to bend the PVC pipe until the desired bend is formed. Then, with the help of a partner, install the pipe into the tee and bend it until an arc of the desired height is formed.
  4. After installing the arches, it is necessary to strengthen the greenhouse structure using longitudinal and ridge strips. To do this, take a board 20x90x6000 mm and insert it from the inside of the frame. Galvanized self-tapping screws, 2 pcs each, are used for fastening. for each arch.

    Longitudinal wooden guide to strengthen the greenhouse

  5. The ridge strip is attached to the outside of the frame. To do this, the board is laid on top of the frame and fixed with self-tapping screws, one each per arch. The length of the screws is no more than 40 mm.
  6. To strengthen the gables or end wall of the greenhouse, a 20x70x3000 mm board is used. To do this, measure the distance along the center of the arc from the ground to the top point. Then, using a hacksaw, two pieces of wood are sawn off. A hole is cut in the upper part of the supports according to the shape and diameter of the pipe.
  7. The end supports are being installed. For stability, a longitudinal strip is fixed between adjacent supports. Next, similar work is performed to manufacture and install supports along the edges of the end wall.
  8. To make a door, you will need to measure the distance from the ground level to the longitudinal strip that connects the supports in the center of the end wall. The resulting dimensions must be reduced by 2 cm to ensure free opening.

    The end part of the greenhouse after installing the supports

  9. 4 blanks are made from a 20x70x3000 mm board for door assembly. Then, using self-tapping screws and a steel angle, the frame is assembled under the door. You can use plywood or OSB to sheath the bottom of the door.

To hang the door on supports, you will need to divide the hinge into two parts. One part is attached to the top and bottom of the central supports. The other part of the hinges is on the door frame. After this, the door is covered with film and hung in the prepared opening.

How to cover a frame with film

Various types of clamps for tensioning film on a greenhouse made of plastic pipes

To cover the frame with plastic film you will need:

  1. Reinforced film with a thickness of 200 microns is distributed over the frame of the greenhouse so that the same margin remains at the ends and at the bottom of the greenhouse.
  2. To fix the film, pipe blanks 60–70 cm long are used, which are fixed in the lower part of the greenhouse. The workpiece is applied to the longitudinal pipe (between the cross) and attached to 2 self-tapping screws along the edges.
  3. The blank walls along the gables of the greenhouse are covered in a similar pattern. The film is carefully stretched between the supports and fixed using wooden slats and galvanized nails 40 mm long.

To prevent the film from fluttering in strong gusty winds, it is recommended to fix it in several places on the frame. This can be done using special sliding brackets or using a small piece of plastic pipe cut lengthwise.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

P Arnica, or, simply put, a greenhouse, is an integral component of any summer cottage or vegetable garden. This structure protects plants from the adverse effects of the environment. Although the greenhouse is not heated, it is still always warm inside. This factor is provided by the materials from which the greenhouse is made. Thus, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes are now widely used as frames. Let's find out how to make a greenhouse with your own hands from PVC pipes.

Greenhouse made of PVC pipes

  • Strength. Such pipes will not break under enormous weight. Studies have shown that one PVC element of an average size can withstand a weight of up to 500 kilograms;
  • Elasticity. As you know, to build a greenhouse you need to create arches from pipes. It is quite difficult to do this from metal and wooden materials, while PVC pipes can be easily bent into the desired shape. You can easily make arcs for a greenhouse yourself only if you use PVC as the starting material;
  • Durability. All products made from polyvinyl chloride do not break for decades. Therefore, the greenhouse will be a reliable shelter for your plants for many years.

If you decide to make a greenhouse from plastic pipes with your own hands, then polyvinyl chloride is the best material available today.

Video: greenhouse options for summer cottages

What do you need to build a greenhouse yourself?

Construction of a greenhouse is quite a fascinating and not complicated process, the main stages of which are presented in the photo below.

A greenhouse consists of three main elements: foundation, frame, covering. These elements are made from the following materials:

  • PVC pipes. It is desirable that their cross-section is 13 mm, since this size is most optimal for creating a greenhouse;

  • Boards. Give preference to treated, durable wood, the thickness of which varies from 20 to 40 millimeters. It is advisable to cover them with transparent varnish before laying - this maneuver will add strength to the structure;

  • Steel wire. Necessary for connecting pipes to each other. Prepare sections from 80 cm to 1 meter. Their number should be twice as large as pipes;
  • Coating. For this purpose, you can use a special greenhouse film or polycarbonate sheets. They are strong enough to protect plants from negative environmental factors. In addition, they allow air to pass through, so the crops will not wither;
  • You will also need a hammer, pliers, screws, nails and other small items.

To make greenhouses with your own hands from PVC pipes, stock up on all the above materials in the required quantities. The larger the planned size of the greenhouse, the more materials will be needed.

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Step-by-step instructions for constructing a greenhouse

Creating a greenhouse consists of 4 stages:

  • Construction of a timber foundation;
  • Installation of fasteners for PVC pipes;
  • Installation of arches;
  • Covering the greenhouse.

Let's look at each process in more detail.

Construction of a timber foundation

To begin with, it is worth leveling the area that is allocated for the greenhouse. Use a tape measure and steel rods to mark the corners of the greenhouse. Using a level, you can check how level the ground is.

Next, dig trenches in the corners of the greenhouse (there should be 4 of them) with a depth of at least 10-15 centimeters. 4 boards are installed there, which serve as the foundation for the greenhouse. These boards should be reinforced with nails and screws. This way it will be possible to achieve better fixation and durability of the greenhouse.

Installation of fasteners for PVC pipes

Next, we drive the steel rods into the ground. They need to be installed evenly. To ensure that the length between the rods is the same, count their number, divide by two (one batch for each side) and measure the length of each side with a tape measure. Then calculate the optimal distance between the rods. It is important that they are located opposite each other and that the distance between them is the same. Steel rods are driven into the ground with a hammer. They must stand close to the foundation, that is, to the boards that were previously installed.

Also, to fix the arches, you can use special glasses that are attached directly to the wooden base.

Installation of arches

In order to create arches from plastic pipes, you will need a pipe bender or a hair dryer to heat the pipe and give it the shape of an arc. After the arch is ready, it is put on a steel rod on both sides and secured to the base with a clamp.

After installing all the arches at the top point, a pipe is attached with a wire along the entire length of the greenhouse. This additional stiffening rib will give the structure strength and stability.

The PVC industry offers a large selection of shaped parts for pipes, so there are special crosses to give the structure a presentable appearance and ease of installation.

You can find any ready-made greenhouse in gardening stores, but it does not always meet people’s wishes. For this reason, many gardeners build such structures themselves.

Various types of plastic pipes are often used for greenhouse frames. They are strong, do not rust and can take any shape.

Types of greenhouse structures made from pipes

Thanks to the practicality of the material, making a greenhouse is easy. There are different forms of greenhouse structures in garden plots:

  • arched;
  • single-pitched (rectangular);
  • gable (rectangular);
  • wall-mounted (they are attached to the walls of buildings).

Types of PVC pipes, which is better

There are two types of plastic pipes. Gardeners use them all the time. Strict and straight greenhouse structures are built from rigid pipes. Most often they look like small houses with gable roofs. The second type of material is flexible pipes made of polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. They are suitable for creating beautiful arched structures.

Any type of these materials is equipped with fittings. They connect parts of pipes to each other. Fittings are similar to tees, reducers and bend connectors.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Flexible and rigid PVC pipes have the following advantages:

  • resistance to rust and corrosive processes. It is known that metal profiles always rust, and wood is not resistant to moisture. This makes gardeners prefer plastic;
  • ease of processing. Pipes are easy to cut and can be bent in any direction;
  • ease of assembly and disassembly;
  • compactness and low weight during transportation;
  • long service life - up to 50 years;
  • resistance to temperature changes and harsh weather conditions;
  • fire resistance (plastic is not subject to rapid ignition. It stops melting after the source of fire is eliminated).

Disadvantages include the high cost of the material and the inconvenience of store-bought structures.

Choosing a location on the site, type and size of greenhouse

The area on which the greenhouse is being built should be light and the soil should be level. You need to decide in advance what time of year the greenhouse will be used. If you want to grow plants and vegetables in winter, you should take care of the heating system. The type and size of the greenhouse is determined by paying attention to the shape, foundation and plant species. It is better not to build a large greenhouse: this is associated with high costs. Maintaining optimal microclimate conditions is not easy, including from a financial point of view.

On a note!

The standard height of a greenhouse or greenhouse is 2 meters.

The width depends on the number of crops that will grow in the greenhouse. It is also determined taking into account the door and paths laid between the ridges.

Calculation of materials and tools for work

First of all, determine the shape, length, height and width of the product. Inside the greenhouse there are two beds, between which there is a path. If you plan the width of the beds from 0.8 to 1.1 m, you can plant the plants in two rows, observing the required spacing. When calculating the width of the passage, it is necessary to take into account the size of the gardening equipment. A standard path has a width of 0.6 to 0.8 m, with a total greenhouse width of 2.0 - 2.3 m.

The optimal length of greenhouses is from 3 to 6 m. If you install a large structure, it requires high-strength materials and a different installation technology. The length of the polycarbonate sheet for covering is chosen as a multiple of its width. This will help you use material sparingly. The height of the greenhouse should be such that freedom of movement within it is not limited. Between the tops of vegetables, plants and flowers, a space of half a meter should be left for effective air circulation.

Low vegetables (eggplants, peppers, certain types of tomatoes) grow well at a height of 1.80 cm to 2 m. For tall plants, you need to build a high greenhouse - from 2.30 cm to 2.4 m.

The distance between the arches also plays a big role. If the structure is collapsible, standards of 0.8 to 1 meter should be adhered to. If the owner wants to build a collapsible greenhouse, this value should be less: from half a meter to 0.7 m.


A small distance between the arches will protect the non-demountable greenhouse from the weight of snow and deformation.

Also in the greenhouse there are:

  • doors;
  • windows;
  • longitudinal ties;
  • end walls.

They also need to be taken into account when calculating the material. The length of the ties is the length of the greenhouse, which is multiplied by their number. The structure has five ties: two on the sides, two on the bottom and one on the roof ridge. For more durable structures, several additional ties are installed on the sides.

You will need the following set of tools:

  • drill or screwdriver;
  • grinder (for cutting polycarbonate);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fastening elements;
  • construction spirit level (or level);
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • roulette.

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Assembly steps

The greenhouse is assembled in several stages. First, the site is prepared (with or without a foundation), then the foundation is built and the frame is assembled. After assembling the frame, the sheathing is made and the structure is installed on the site.

Preparatory work

First, the construction site is prepared. A layer of soil is removed from it. The area cleared of turf should be 1 m larger than the future greenhouse. This distance is necessary to deviate from any side by 50 cm. Using a construction spirit level, the soil surface is measured and leveled.


For every 2 m of soil, a height difference of up to 5 cm is allowed.

Frame base

After leveling the site, you need to take 4 large boards. Dimensions are calculated in advance. To fasten them together, two or three strong galvanized self-tapping screws will be enough. After assembly, the frame is installed on the site. It is secured with four pieces of reinforcement, hammering them inside the corners. The length of the rods ranges from 70 to 80 cm.

Making a frame from plastic pipes

You will need the following set of materials and accessories:

  • polypropylene pipe;
  • fastening elements;
  • several tees and corner adapters;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal rods for reinforcement (each length is 0.8 m).

You need to place a rectangle on the area and drive rods along each long side of the figure. In this case, the reinforcing bars are located at a distance of 0.5 to 0.9 m. The depth of insertion of the reinforcing bars into the ground is 40 cm. They should be located opposite each other. This will help avoid distortion.

Now the pipes must be placed on the reinforcing bars from the opposite side. Thus, a symmetrical arc is obtained. Once all the arches are installed, the pipe is laid horizontally so that it comes into contact with the top points of the arches. The structure is secured with anchor bolts.

A self-respecting summer resident should have a greenhouse or greenhouse, at a minimum, because every gardener dreams of getting a good harvest, and even before his neighbor. Having decided to build your own greenhouse, all that remains is to decide on the material from which to build it all. Firstly, it must be accessible, and secondly, the greenhouse must be easy to install. After a short search, such material was found - this is a standard PVC pipe used for water supply. A greenhouse made from plastic pipes can be made with your own hands in 2-3 days, and its cost is more than affordable.

Types and advantages of PVC greenhouses

A greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes is far from uncommon, and you can find them everywhere. They grow seedlings for garden plants and use them for growing vegetables and herbs all year round. Sometimes greenhouses can take on bizarre shapes, but three design options are considered the most common:

  • A lean-to greenhouse is an “economical” option, since most often such structures are adjacent to a house or other buildings. A significant disadvantage of this design is the need to constantly clean the roof from snow, and in addition, insufficient light gets inside.
  • A gable greenhouse is a very popular design. The triangular shape at the top creates additional possibilities, increasing the usable area inside the greenhouse.
  • An arched greenhouse made of PVC pipes can be used all year round, it is not deformed by snow in winter, but the main advantage is the greater amount of sunlight entering it, which helps to increase the harvest.

Today, greenhouses made of plastic pipes are the most affordable, and only wooden structures can compare with them. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them ready-made and install them on site.

It will be inexpensive, and among the advantages of greenhouses made of polyethylene pipes are wide possibilities in terms of shapes and sizes, the possibility of year-round use, which is associated with good tightness of the structure. In addition, installing a greenhouse from PVC pipes with your own hands is a task that even beginners can cope with.

Making a drawing and choosing material

The construction of a greenhouse from PVC pipes requires careful preparation, and the first thing we must do is prepare a drawing. You can do this yourself, taking into account your wishes, or you can find a ready-made drawing of a greenhouse made from PVC pipe, fortunately there are no problems with this today. Many, however, prefer to draw up a diagram of the future greenhouse on their own, taking into account the characteristic features of the site and other factors. Given its great popularity, we decided to build an arched greenhouse.

When starting installation, we must select a material, which will determine the strength of the structure and tightness. In our case, for this we will need:

  • pipes for the greenhouse;
  • fittings, including tees and skew tees;
  • board for making the base;
  • reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm or steel rod;
  • screws and clamps for attaching the frame to a wooden base.

The diameter of PVC pipes in greenhouses may vary, but most often, pipes with a diameter of 25 millimeters are used for this - the standard diameter of the pipe used when carrying out work on supplying hot and cold water. The length of the greenhouse PVC pipes is also not a fundamental issue - it depends on its size, some even use waste, but in this case the amount of fittings required to connect the individual fragments increases.

Choosing a location for building a greenhouse

When starting to install a greenhouse or greenhouse, it is important to choose the right place, because we are talking about the harvest, and there are no trifles here. Firstly, the plastic pipe greenhouse must be in the sun, which means that the distance to the nearest buildings must be at least 3 meters.

In addition, try to orient it relative to the cardinal directions - the ends should face north and south, and the sides should face west and east, respectively. Do not forget also about neighboring trees, the distance to which should be significant.

Site preparation and foundation installation

Sand cushion for greenhouse

Before answering the question of how to make a greenhouse out of plastic pipes, you must prepare the site for the future structure. The location of the future greenhouse must be carefully planned by removing excess soil or backfilling.

Marking by pegs

We carry out the markings in accordance with the previously drawn up diagram. To do this, we drive metal rods, fittings or wooden pegs into the corners. It is important here that the dimensions are ideal, and special attention should be paid to right angles, for which you need to “break through” all the diagonals, which will avoid distortion.

Master's advice. Checking diagonals is very simple using the Pythagorean theorem. Everything is done simply: from the corner we measure the same distance in both directions (the twine should already be taut). We connect the resulting marks with each other, obtaining a right triangle. We take measurements using a tape measure. If the square of the diagonal (hypotenuse) is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs (sides), then we are doing everything right!

Next, we proceed to construct the base, and for this we will need a wooden board, a hammer and nails. Everything is simple here, but if you want the greenhouse to last as long as possible, impregnate the wood with a special composition that can prevent rotting processes. After collecting the base, do not be lazy to check the diagonals one more time using the already known method.

Next, we make marks and drive in the reinforcement or steel bars needed to install the frame at the required distance. The distance between them should be 50-60 cm. Now it wouldn’t hurt to make the greenhouse itself from PVC pipes, which means that it’s time to install the frame.

Construction of the greenhouse frame

The next stage of installing a greenhouse made of pipes with your own hands is the construction of the frame - a task that, at first glance, is difficult, but completely solvable and within the power of any owner. The frame of the greenhouse is made from PVC pipe, as we have already decided. The main feature of this pipe is that there is no need to hire a welder, whose services are expensive. It is enough to have a simple device for soldering plastic pipes, and you can even borrow it from a neighbor or rent it at the market for a couple of days.

We will insert the pipes into previously hammered reinforcement or into steel rods, but first we need to weld the pipe in the middle, where the cross will be installed, creating an additional stiffening rib.

Tees are used at pipe connections. We insert the bent pipes and do this several times, depending on the number of arcs. We connect the arcs to each other with crosses, thereby increasing the strength of the structure. We secure the structure from below, screwing it using self-tapping screws and clamps to a wooden base.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties yet, but they may arise when installing doors and windows. To do this, draw vertical lines from the base on both sides and make marks on the arc. For fastening we use oblique tees, although this can be done using wooden slats, but in this case the appearance of the structure suffers.

Greenhouse covering (film or polycarbonate)

A DIY PVC greenhouse will be ready when we cover it, for which there are two common options. It’s easier and cheaper to do this using plastic film, which is not difficult to buy. You need to secure the film to the base on one side with nails and wooden strips, pull it tight and secure it in the same way on the opposite side. But there is one drawback: this design is not very neat, since it is quite difficult to “stretch” the finishing material.

Some difficulties will arise with polycarbonate - in this case, additional timber is placed on the base, which will allow the carbonate sheet to be drowned. It is attached using standard self-tapping screws. Such a greenhouse looks much more beautiful, but it costs a lot more money and the scale of the problem can only be realized after comparing the price of polycarbonate and film.

This is where the work ends and, as you can see, making a greenhouse from a plastic pipe is easier than steamed turnips, isn’t it?

Let us give you some advice on increasing the strength of the greenhouse structure. To ensure it lasts a long time, and if you do not plan to move it from place to place, spare no effort and money to build a concrete foundation that can extend the life of the greenhouse for many years. 40 centimeters deep and 20 cm wide will be enough.

Using transparent polycarbonate as a covering can extend the life of a greenhouse and greenhouse, but when choosing a material, you need to decide on the density. Thick material is proportionally more expensive, so you will have to choose between the reasonable cost of the structure and its strength.

Now let’s watch a short video of making a greenhouse from plastic pipes in order to see this simple process with our own eyes:


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