Self-construction of the basement floor. How to make a basement floor with your own hands: earthworks and foundation, foundation construction, insulation and waterproofing How to fill a basement floor

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Building a house with a basement is a rather troublesome process that requires large financial investments and labor costs. However, this design simultaneously allows for additional benefits. Firstly, the basement will protect the main structure from cold and damp air coming from the ground. Secondly, the usable area of ​​the house increases significantly.

Types of base and construction features

In relation to the main wall, the plinth can be of the following types:

  • Speaker. In this case, the walls of the basement are several times thicker than the main walls of the house. This design is practical, economical and can be erected in a short time.
  • Located in line with load-bearing walls. This design involves the construction of a basement and main walls of approximately the same thickness. In this situation, special attention should be paid to waterproofing the basement floor in order to protect its surface from the negative effects of various natural phenomena and extend its service life.
  • Sunken. The design is distinguished by its non-standard appearance, attractive from an architectural point of view. Such a base is reliable and practical, in addition, less moisture gets on it, which drains off quickly enough. As a result, the base itself and the foundation of the building are protected from the destructive effects of water.

When choosing the type of base, you should adhere to several rules:

  • For thin-walled buildings it is better to build a protruding base. It is recommended to use this same option if the ground floor will be equipped as a residential premises. Despite the partial placement underground, this part of the house will also be warm.
  • If the room is used as a storage room, then the sinking plinth will be beneficial from the economic side.
  • If possible, avoid building the plinth flush with the base. In this case, the outer surface of the base and the main wall will be located in the same plane, which reduces the degree of protection from the destructive effects of moisture. In addition, insulation and waterproofing require additional costs, and the appearance loses its attractiveness.

Features of building a foundation with a basement floor

The basement floor can be considered a basement, since one part of it is underground. At the same time, it can be the first floor of the building, because the other part of the basement rises above the ground. In this regard, the construction of the foundation for the basement has some features.

Preparatory stage

It is necessary to begin construction of the foundation for the basement floor only after a thorough study of the soil on the site. We previously described in detail. Only after this can you begin to construct the pit. The level of groundwater at the construction site is of great importance. If they are located closer than 1.5 meters, then the bottom of the pit cannot be deeper than 1 meter.

It is best to dig a pit for the construction of a strip foundation for the basement floor using an excavator. Although the services of these construction equipment are expensive, the work will be completed in a short period of time.

After this, it is necessary to carefully level the bottom of the pit and compact it.

In places where external and internal load-bearing walls will be located, trenches are dug. Their depth should be at least 0.3 meters, and their width should approximately correspond to the thickness of the walls. Sand and crushed stone are poured into the bottom of the trenches in layers, and each layer is well compacted.


Pouring concrete

Laying blocks

In most cases, a foundation with a basement is built from foundation blocks. This method allows you to quickly build the walls of the base and plinth, despite the expensive services of special equipment. There is additional information on the website.

Laying is carried out with mandatory bandaging of the seams; the blocks are fastened together with cement-sand mortar. While working, do not forget about windows and ventilation holes so that the basement room receives the maximum amount of natural light and fresh air.

The foundation of the basement must necessarily rise above ground level. The recommended height of the above-ground part is about 1 meter. On top of the blocks it is necessary to make a leveling belt of brick or reinforced concrete. The use of the second method involves creating formwork on top of the foundation blocks, laying a reinforcing frame and pouring the entire structure with concrete mortar.

Stages of constructing a monolithic basement floor

It is more difficult to make a monolithic base, so you need to approach this process very responsibly. Direct construction involves the following actions:

  1. Installation of formwork. Before starting work, you must make sure that the foundation has gained full strength and is ready for further use. To make formwork, you can use planed boards from which panels are assembled, or you can use ready-made structures. When assembling the shields yourself, you should pay attention to the inside; it should be completely smooth. For this purpose, it is recommended to trim the boards. The formwork elements must be fixed carefully so that the structure does not deform under the influence of the heavy concrete mass. Read about it.
  2. Base reinforcement. To make the structure stronger, a reinforcement process is necessary. To do this, you must first make reinforcing mesh with a cell size of 15*15 cm, 20*20 cm or 25*25 cm, using steel rods with a diameter of 12 mm. The rods are fastened by welding. The size of the meshes should be slightly smaller than the width of the formwork; the optimal distance from the outer bars of the mesh to the walls of the formwork is 5-10 cm. The number of meshes depends on the parameters of the base; they are located at different levels, 30-50 cm in height.
  3. Pouring concrete mass. You can fill the formwork structure with concrete using the following scheme: first, pour the mortar to a height of up to 15 cm, wait for it to thicken a little, lay the reinforcing mesh, pour the cement mortar again and lay the mesh again. The base, filled according to this scheme, will be durable and reliable.

Waterproofing works

Waterproofing the basement floor is a mandatory stage of construction. Lack of protection from the negative effects of groundwater and melt water, as well as soil moisture, can cause rapid destruction of both the foundation and the main structure. This applies to the ground floor, regardless of the purpose of the interior.

Waterproofing can be of two types: coating and pasting.

In the first case, they are used, which are melted immediately before application.

Protection is applied to all horizontal and vertical surfaces that come into contact with the ground. For complete guaranteed protection, it is recommended to carry out waterproofing with several layers. The area between the foundation and the walls of the basement is subject to mandatory waterproofing.

As additional protection, a blind area of ​​concrete or other materials is made around the perimeter of the house in accordance with the general appearance of the building.

The basement floor provides many advantages to the homeowner, among which the main importance is the protection of the foundation and structure from the negative effects of moisture and rapid destruction. In addition, additional usable space appears without compromising the garden plot. However, in order for the structure to be durable and the operation of the basement floor to be impeccable, it is necessary to know and follow the rules for constructing the foundation of the basement floor.

At the planning stage of a country house, many important issues arise. One of them is whether it is worth it. Therefore, before starting construction of a basement floor, it is necessary to take into account the costs of its construction and its indispensability during operation. The construction of cottages with basement floors is considered the most economical option in the construction of country houses.

A properly constructed basement floor should be at least 2.5 meters high.

The ground floor is a kind of basement. But its fundamental difference is that the basement can be used as a living space and occupy an entire (below ground level) floor.

Types of socles

The plinths can be used both as basements and cellars. If certain conditions are met during construction, the basement can become a full-fledged living room.

Another thing that speaks in favor of houses with plinths is that if they are present, the building acquires special respectability, and the thermal protection factors are significantly increased.

In addition, when building a house within the city, the basement adds significant (never unnecessary) space. An important feature of the basement floors is the absence of loads that can be caused by the floors of the house.

From a construction point of view, the base can be:

  • speakers. This is the best option if the walls of the future house are supposed to be built thin. Due to their quality characteristics, protruding foundations work well when located below ground level, while the heat on this floor does not escape. And if the basement will be used only for storing food, then the walls can be built thin. If the walls are pre-coated with waterproofing mixtures, the moisture resistance indicator increases;
  • flush with the foundation. These types are less common because their ability to protect the walls of a house from moisture is zero;
  • in-depth. One of the most common types because it is the most reliable. When constructing a house with a recessed base, the foundation, ground floor, and floors of the house will be maximally protected from destruction by moisture. Water falling on the walls of the house will not stagnate, but will flow safely along the base of the base.

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Measuring work

Throughout all stages, the construction of the basement must comply with the following parameters:

  1. Height. The height of the basement should not be lower than 2.5 m. However, in order to make the basement a full-fledged living space, some builders are trying to increase this figure. For this purpose, a technique is used to excavate the earth to a certain depth, based on the parameters required by the consumer.
  2. Thickness. If the house is planned to be built in a safe place with solid soil, then the thickness of the basement floors can correspond to the thickness of the remaining walls of the building. If the house is being built on unreliable soil, then the walls should be made much thicker (at least 20 cm). When constructing a wooden house, solid concrete blocks should be used as basement walls.
  3. Depth. If the area where the house is being built suffers from surges in groundwater, then you should first find out the water level. And only after this operation determine the possible depth of the base. To reduce the risk of water entering the house, the construction site is first filled with additional soil. Thus, the area of ​​the future building rises considerably in height. It is possible to drain and remove the flow of water from the site with significant ground flows. If it is determined that the appearance of groundwater is a seasonal effect, then a special protection technology can be constructed. When the soil freezes, a drainage system is laid at a special angle.

In general, the following tools and materials are needed to build a basement:

  • excavator;
  • shovel;
  • concrete;
  • boards;
  • reinforcing rods, mesh;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • foundation blocks;
  • shields.

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Construction of a foundation pit

The first stage of construction of the basement floors is the organization of the foundation pit. But before that, it is best to build a water pumping station. So, work begins with the arrangement of the area. Next, a pit is dug. With a house size of 15x10, the depth of the pit cannot be less than 2 m. After the excavator work, you will have to decorate the edges of the pit yourself.

Next comes the turn of the concrete pad. To do this, markings must be made at the bottom of the pit according to the dimensions of the future house. In the place where the supporting structures will be, it is necessary to dig trenches. Their depth should be at least 30 cm. Next, they are strengthened with boards and covered with crushed stone. Next, the pit is reinforced with metal rods and filled with concrete. You can proceed to the next work only after 20 days (this is the time needed for the concrete to harden).

The next stage is waterproofing work. To do this, a wide concrete blind area is constructed along the outer perimeter of the house. If the base goes deep into the soil, then a special roll of protective material is laid on the outside. This waterproofing material (hydroisol) must first be heated and, in a molten state, attached to the base of the structure.

Waterproofing work is also required under the foundation. First, bitumen mastic is laid, waterproofing is placed on top of it, then mastic again. It wouldn’t hurt to do additional external waterproofing. It consists of digging a deep hole 0.5 - 1 m from the building. Next, the pit is filled with a mixture of clay, crushed stone, concrete mortar based on sand and crushed stone.

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Construction of the foundation

The next step is the construction of the foundation. First, you need to decide on the type of foundation (strip, prefabricated). Preliminary calculations should determine the permissible depth of the foundation. If the figure is 2 m, then the foundation needs to be lowered to a depth of 2.15 m. But you should not lay it flush with the soil. You can start directly only after 1.5 weeks (the time required for the concrete to harden).

The construction of a foundation for a plinth involves the use of large blocks. These blocks must be placed evenly throughout the entire area of ​​the house. It is worth laying them as evenly as possible (in the future it will save time when plastering). The blocks are attached to each other using cement mortar.

Openings must be left between the foundation blocks. Wiring and plumbing will be located there. At this stage you should think about window spans. The width of the window should be sufficient to provide light in the room. For ventilation, it is necessary to make special holes at a distance of 15 cm from the floor, as well as at the base of the ground.

Next, the holes should be covered with mesh. There should be a distance of 1 m from the soil to the outermost row of blocks. A reinforced concrete belt is constructed on top of the blocks. Why is reinforcement placed in board formwork, which is then filled with concrete. After this, the slabs for the base of the first floor are laid.

The basement floor is a semi-basement room, which is partially located underground, with the upper part on the surface. It is often created to save space or to take into account certain unevenness in the landscape, which saves a lot of building material and time. That is why the question of how to make a basement floor is of great interest to modern craftsmen.

First of all, it must be said that all work must be carried out in strict accordance with a pre-developed project (). Professionals are involved in its manufacture, since even the smallest mistake at this stage can lead to a reduction in the life of the building and even to its destruction. At the same time, the project involves the use of certain types of material, the use of which should also not be deviated.

Ground work and foundation

  • To begin with, the installation instructions assume making a pit. It can be dug by hand or using special equipment.
  • The dimensions of such a pit are determined by the parameters of the future structure, but it is necessary to make it wider by 0.5 meters on each side. This is necessary for organization and filling.
  • At the next stage, sand is poured onto the floor of the pit, which is mixed with crushed stone and compacted thoroughly. The thickness of such a layer is usually about 10-15 cm. After this, the surface is spilled with water and further leveled.

  • After this, they create formwork with their own hands to fill the floor of the future room, which will serve as a fifth for the foundation itself. It is worth noting that the base for such a structure must be strip, but can be made from concrete, stone or other durable material.
  • Then waterproofing in the form of polyethylene film or roofing felt is laid on the bottom of the formwork. It will prevent moisture from entering the room from below.
  • Next, metal reinforcement is installed, which is laid in the form of a lattice and concrete is poured. Then you need to wait until it hardens completely.


  • To make the base that will serve as the walls of the floor, it is best to use aerated concrete blocks. Usually the price of this material is quite high, but if you take into account the fact that it has high strength, ease of installation and low thermal conductivity, then such costs can be considered completely justified.
  • Such a foundation is laid in strict accordance with the project. Moreover, if there is a need to deviate from it, then the changes made should be shown to a specialist for approval before their implementation.

  • During installation, it is necessary to carry out reinforcement every two rows, installing steel wire in the solution.
  • It is worth noting that the manual, which tells how to properly waterproof a basement floor, strongly recommends keeping a free space of 0.5 meters between the erected wall and the edge of the pit. It will be needed to drain water from the structure.
  • If during work it is necessary to create window openings, then they are made using concrete beams, which can be made independently, right at the installation site.

  • It should also be said that using a water level and a plumb line will avoid unevenness and distortions. At the same time, it is worth using these tools after the construction of each row, since the slightest inaccuracy at the beginning of the work can cause a large defect at the end.
  • After the base has been erected, the manual, which tells how to properly build a basement, recommends letting it sit for a week, and only after that will it be possible to install the floor slabs.

Advice! It must be remembered that aerated concrete blocks do not tolerate high humidity well, since their porous structure is almost end-to-end. That is why professional craftsmen use plastic film when working to cover the structure in case of rain.

Insulation and waterproofing

  • First of all, the construction documentation, which describes in detail how to waterproof the basement, requires the installation of insulation. At the same time, she advises using expanded polystyrene panels, since they retain heat well and tolerate subsequent processing well.
  • The selected material is mounted using a special fastening element characteristic of its type.
  • Next, a layer of waterproofing is applied to the insulation. It is usually used as a special mastic or bitumen. At the same time, they try to obtain a uniform and homogeneous layer.

  • At the next stage, the space between the edge of the pit and the finished base is filled with crushed stone. This is necessary to create a kind of drainage that will remove moisture from the base, preventing it from lingering.
  • Some customers, having learned how much it costs to make a basement floor, are at first frightened by the high cost, but when compared with the main structure, it becomes clear that it is much more economical.

However, the cost of manufacturing the base itself is too high, although some designers include such structures with insulation in their drawings, even without organizing a living space of this type.

How to make a basement with your own hands, having some construction skills? The basement is easy to build yourself, following construction technology. The purpose of the plinth and the technology of its construction is the topic of this article.

What is a plinth

Before starting to build a basement, it would be useful to understand what it is intended for, in what cases it is necessary to build this structure, and how to build the basement of a house correctly.

The main purpose of the basement floor of the house is to protect the floor structures and walls of the first floor from soil moisture, precipitation, and cold air. Due to the influence of unfavorable factors in an unprotected building, the walls quickly become wet and covered with mold, and the temperature drops significantly. In addition to protecting the structure of the house, the plinth provides additional strength to the building. The basement floor of a house or bathhouse is finished from the outside in a common style with other buildings located on the building site, which enhances the aesthetic beauty.

The basement in a private house or bathhouse is constantly exposed to various factors:

  • Humidity from exposure to atmospheric conditions: dew, fog, snow, rain.
  • Freezing from exposure to low temperatures in winter.
  • Mechanical loads (pressure from the walls of the house itself or backfill).

Therefore, when arranging the basement belt of a building, you should carefully follow the technology for performing the work and use durable, high-quality materials.

Correct base: dimensions

How to build a basement correctly so that the protection of building structures in a private house is sufficient?

Typically, the minimum height is taken to be 0.5 m. If necessary, the height of the plinth can be designed in the range from 1.5 to 2.5 meters. The height provided in this size range will be considered correct.

When installing a recessed plinth, the ceiling height inside the structure will be up to 2.5 meters, which is quite enough to equip full-fledged residential premises. The construction of the basement must be carried out according to all the rules, one of which dictates the need to install special vents that are installed to ventilate the basement.

According to building codes, it is required to equip a base with holes measuring approximately 0.15x0.25 m at a distance of 0.15 m from the ground surface. The standard is one ventilation hole per 3 pm of the base belt.

When equipping the basement of your own home in accordance with the standards, you must comply with them and perform the work correctly. The holes are protected with a mesh from debris, moisture, and animals. In severe frosts, the vents must be carefully closed.


The waterproofing device for the basement belt is installed at a height of 0.15-0.5 m from the ground surface, but below the floor level of the first floor. A waterproofing carpet prevents the absorption of moisture into wall structures, preventing premature destruction.

Typically, roofing felt is used as waterproofing, laying it on mastic in one or several layers. Sometimes, to protect the walls, a cement screed 2-3 cm thick is installed. Additional protection for the base belt can be provided by concrete or asbestos cement sheets installed around the entire perimeter.

Types of base

In total, there are three main types of base:

  1. Recessed - this type of construction is the most widespread. The wall of the basement belt is protected by the main wall, as if under a canopy, so some positive properties of this design are noted: the greatest protection from rain and snow, ensuring rapid water drainage, the need for less building materials due to the smaller thickness of the walls, the best protection from mechanical influences.
  2. A protruding plinth has aesthetic value for finishing some objects, but with such a design it is necessary to provide protection for the protruding part from moisture penetration.
  3. The foundation plinth, installed flush with the main outer wall, is rarely used and is not recommended for use for a number of objective reasons: the waterproofing layer with such a plinth design extends to the outer surface, which weakens the protective functions, and protruding insulation disrupts the decorative appearance of the facade of the house as a whole.

Do-it-yourself construction of a basement floor must be carried out taking into account the finishing of the entire building in a certain style, so the choice of building materials should be made with special care.

Usually the base is made of materials that are used for masonry and wall decoration. It is very important to select strong and durable materials, especially for a protruding base that is constantly exposed to moisture. The best materials in this case are concrete, red clay brick, and natural stone. If desired, the surface of the base of the house can be covered with slabs of natural stone or concrete.

Watch the video on how to sew a brick base with your own hands.

The most durable of all types of plinth is monolithic reinforced concrete; for exterior decoration it can be lined with natural materials in accordance with the general finishing style of the house under construction. Monolithic reinforced concrete is characterized by the highest resistance to severe frosts, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation, and does not collapse under minor mechanical stress.

Pickup: the simplest base

How to make a basement with your own hands if there is a columnar base under the building? This type of plinth is the simplest: a fence (a wall made of brick or other materials) is erected between the pillars, which covers the space under the house. The height of the basement floor will correspond to the height of the pillars protruding above the ground surface.

Backfills for columnar foundations are usually divided into two main types:

  • Buildings suspended from structures - this type of fence can be erected from durable materials that do not have significant weight: slate, siding, plastic panels. These materials are not particularly decorative and do little to help conserve heat, but they can provide protection from wind and animal penetration. They do not have significant weight, so they do not create additional loads on the walls and foundation of the building.

To preserve heat and reduce heat loss, you can use special insulated panels, consisting of several layers, one of which is foam, when creating a suspended base. The low weight of the panels, their elegant appearance, and good thermal performance allow the material to be used when constructing a warm basement floor.

  • Based on a soil foundation - with this type of installation, the fences use heavy materials that can significantly load the building: brick, concrete slabs, natural stone, slabs of natural and artificial stone.

Technology for collecting on columnar foundations

It is very important to follow the technology for performing the work when constructing the basement floor. Finishing the base with hanging panels can only be done after the blind area has been completed. A small gap should be left between the panels and the blind area (size - up to 2 mm), this is necessary to prevent the occurrence of deformations of suspended structures during seasonal soil movements.

To install a base made of massive materials, work begins before the construction of the formwork begins. The brick wall of the basement or concrete structures have significant weight, so before installing them, you should construct a shallow strip of monolithic concrete, which will serve as a supporting base for the basement walls.

The technology of work in this case is as follows:

  • Dig a trench flush with the wall of the house along the entire perimeter of the building. You will have to dig the soil with your own hands, very carefully, trying not to damage the foundations.
  • Place prefabricated reinforced concrete products in the trench or pour a monolithic base.
  • After gaining strength, the walls of the basement are made of red brick or concrete blocks on top of the tape, with the obligatory installation of vents.
  • They begin laying the blind area around the entire perimeter of the building.
  • Exterior finishing of the basement walls is being carried out, with installation of flashings if necessary.

Finishing of the basement in buildings with other types of foundations is carried out using a similar technology. The height of the basement floor when installing a fence is quite small, so the space under the house is used for storing garden tools, work tools and other small household items.

Recessed plinth

The basement floor is often recessed, in which case the ceiling height should be at least 2.5 meters. This solution allows you to place in the basement not only utility rooms for storing equipment, but also to arrange full-fledged rooms: bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, bathroom. Before constructing a recessed plinth, it is necessary to study the indicators of the highest groundwater level at the development site.

If groundwater comes close to the surface, it is impossible to equip a basement with recess - there is a danger of constant exposure to groundwater and flooding of the room during floods.

In areas where the groundwater level is quite low, a recessed basement is almost always equipped, which helps to significantly reduce the cost of heating rooms located below ground level.

Future owners of private houses have a question about whether it is worth making a basement floor. Some simply succumb to fashion trends, while others want to increase the usable area of ​​the building in an area where only low-rise construction is allowed, for example, no more than two levels above the ground. But there are situations when it will be difficult to do without a basement floor. This is facilitated by the large slope of the terrain, when one wall remains below ground level, and the other is completely visible. But, regardless of the reasons, the question arises - how to build the basement of a house. Let's try to figure this out.

What is the ground floor for?

Many people believe that the ground floor is a basement that pretends to become a living space. In fact, it is a full floor, it’s just that its location is partially or completely below ground level.

According to the standards, the height of the basement floor should not be less than 2.5 meters, and it can rise no more than a meter above the ground. The base can be used for various purposes. Here are:

  • storerooms;
  • garages;
  • wine cellars;
  • living rooms;
  • game rooms;
  • home cinemas;
  • GYM's;
  • living rooms;
  • bedrooms;
  • kitchens;
  • utility rooms and much more.

There are practically no restrictions on the use of underground premises. A building with a basement floor looks respectable, but in addition, it contributes to better thermal insulation of the entire house and a more uniform distribution of the load on the foundation, which is important for some types of soil.

What types of bases are there?

The walls of the ground floor are a kind of continuation of the foundation of the main building. There are three types of base:

  • flush with the walls;
  • recessed;
  • bulging.

Experts do not recommend doing the first option, since the very effect of the presence of the basement floor in the structure of the house is lost, and reinforced waterproofing will have to be done on its walls. The second option is the most common. Externally, such a plinth looks quite beautiful; moreover, the water flowing from the facade is diverted and does not fall on the walls of the plinth, but through them onto the foundation, which protects it from excess moisture. A protruding base is used when the walls of the house are too thin, and the room below ground level needs to be made warm.

Ground floor parameters

The standards do not limit the height of the basement, so the developer himself decides what it will be, based on his personal needs. The main thing is that this parameter should not be less than 2.5 meters, otherwise, despite all the efforts to arrange it, it will not be considered a floor.

The depth of the structure is greatly influenced by the groundwater level. It is on him, first of all, that it depends on how to build the basement floor of the house. If groundwater lies at a distance of less than one meter from the surface of the earth, then it is not recommended to dig a foundation pit below the level of the water layer. The above-ground part of the base, in this case, is covered with a bulk layer of soil, resulting in a raised platform around the house. But this option will entail additional material and labor costs.

If there is a high level of groundwater on the site, then it is necessary to first carry out certain work to drain it and lay drainage around the house. When the water level rises seasonally, the walls and foundation are designed to bear additional loads.

The thickness of the walls of the basement depends on:

  • climatic conditions;
  • soil characteristics;
  • material and thickness of the walls above.

For an underground floor, the size of the enclosing structures may be smaller than the walls above the ground. In any case, all parameters are calculated individually in each specific case.

Construction stages

The construction of the basement floor requires the presence of a pit, which will be quicker and more convenient to dig with an excavator. Usually its depth is 1.8-2 meters. The walls, corners and bottom of the pit are trimmed manually, and the resulting water is pumped out with a pump.

Next, a concrete pad is installed. First, mark the location of the internal and external load-bearing walls along the entire perimeter of the house, and dig trenches to a depth of at least 30 cm. The prepared surface is covered with crushed stone, reinforcement is laid and the entire surface is filled with concrete mortar.

When laying a foundation, you should not save materials, since the reliability and durability of the entire building will depend on its strength and proper laying.

In places where there are no load-bearing walls, it is allowed to reinforce the concrete pad with a road mesh, but this must be indicated in the drawings and calculations. From time to time, before it hardens, the concrete needs to be watered to prevent the surface of the structure from cracking. After about three weeks, you can begin the next stage - building the walls.

Foundation blocks are considered the best option for the basement floor. Their installation is quick enough, but monolithic walls will be more reliable. In any case, when constructing load-bearing structures, planned technological openings are left for utilities, windows and doors.

Concrete blocks are connected to each other with cement mortar, and a reinforced belt of brick or concrete is placed on top, which is preferable. Its main tasks are:

  • fastening of foundation blocks;
  • horizontal level alignment.

Floor slabs are mounted on a reinforced belt over the entire area of ​​the building.

An important point when building a basement is to waterproof the concrete base of the floor and the outer surface of the walls. It will prevent the appearance of moisture and protect the structure of the house. Quite a lot of materials for waterproofing are sold. This can be traditional bitumen mastic or built-up roofing felt. A more modern material is liquid rubber. You should also pay attention to the ventilation and heating systems.

After performing protective waterproofing, backfill the pit sinuses. Now you can begin installing the first floor of the house.


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