The most beautiful snowdrops in the world: views, photos. Snowdrop - the first breath of spring What snowdrops look like photos

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Snowdrops are perennial plants that are mainly found in nature, but can also be grown in the country. In total, about 20 varieties of this flower culture are found in natural conditions, and some of them are listed in the Red Book.

From this article you will learn what varieties of rare and ornamental plants exist, and you can also get acquainted with their external features.

Types of snowdrops with photos and names

Scientists still cannot name the exact number of varieties, but they agree that there are more than 20 of them. At the same time, many plants are very similar in appearance and differ only in a few small details.

Since they are successfully used to decorate gardens, consider the most popular types, and their photos will help you decide which variety is best to grow.


This is a bulbous plant that is successfully cultivated in summer cottages, although it is also found in nature. The beginning of flowering falls on the fourth year after planting: at the end of winter or early spring, long green leaves appear from under the ground, and later, small white buds.

Figure 1. Alpine variety plants

At the end of spring, when the flowering period ends, small boxes with seeds appear that can be used for propagation. For cultivation, you can also use baby bulbs, which are formed on the mother bush. In the wild, it is found in the Alps and the Caucasus, but it is also successfully cultivated in other climatic zones.


Homeland is the Asian coast of the Bosphorus. It is also successfully grown in Europe, although it has not yet become widespread in our country.

Note: In fact, the variety is a kind of folded, and is valued for its high decorative effect.

A characteristic feature of the variety is in an unusual flowering period. Unlike other species, Byzantine blooms not in spring, but in autumn. Its appearance is also unusual: a white carved inflorescence is surrounded by several snow-white long petals.


As the name implies, the plant is found in the Caucasus, mainly in the central regions. Like other varieties, it has long and narrow green leaves, and the inflorescence is white (Figure 2).

Figure 2. External features of the Caucasian variety

A characteristic feature is the presence of small green blotches on the inside of the petals. Flowering begins in March and lasts about two weeks. At the same time, it will not be possible to receive seeds annually, since fruiting is irregular. In addition, when grown at home, the culture requires shelter for the winter.

snow white

This variety is considered the most popular in our country, and perhaps everyone has seen it. It has long narrow leaves, and the inflorescences are quite large and can reach 30 mm in diameter.

Note: It grows quite quickly and without human intervention. If you plant it in a free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cottage, in a few years the plants will spread throughout the garden.

A feature is the relatively early onset of flowering and its high duration. You can admire the delicate buds already in early March and until April, for about 25-30 days. The culture can be propagated both by seeds and bulbs, but in some cases self-sowing is also possible.


Outwardly, it differs significantly from others. First of all, it is quite high (up to 25 cm). In addition, it has large inflorescences, the diameter of which can reach 40 mm. But it should be borne in mind that during the flowering period one plant can throw out only one peduncle (Figure 3).

Figure 3. External features of folded flowers

Under natural conditions, it is found in the mountainous regions of Romania, Moldova and Ukraine, but it is also successfully cultivated in summer cottages. As with other species, flowering begins in March and lasts for two to three weeks. The culture has a high decorative effect, as it quickly grows on its own, forming a lush carpet. In such conditions, up to 25 plants can fall on one square meter.


Under natural conditions, it is found in Eastern Europe, where it is also successfully grown in culture. The flower is considered quite high and large: the height can reach 25 cm, and the size of the bud is 5 cm. In addition, they have a bright pleasant aroma (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Features of the Elveza variety

Another distinctive feature is long flowering. The first buds appear already at the end of winter or the beginning of spring and do not fade for 30 days.

Many people associate early spring with these small delicate flowers, because they are the first to appear from under the snow, and delight the eye after the winter cold.

Figure 5. First spring flowers

Many have seen a green carpet of ordinary garden flowers, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their photos in natural conditions (Figure 5).

Photo of a snowdrop from the Red Book

Despite the fact that many species are successfully grown in gardens and greenhouses, forest species have become endangered due to human fault. By picking them, people not only destroy the natural beauty, but also do not allow the flowers to multiply naturally, as the culture bulbs are often damaged during the collection.

Figure 6. Appearance of plants listed in the Red Book

At the moment, the forest species is listed in the Red Book and it is prohibited by law to pluck it (Figure 6). But, unfortunately, this does not stop poachers at all, who pluck flowers in early spring (often along with bulbs) for sale. In fact, this does not make sense at all, since outwardly they practically do not differ from other species that can be grown in a country house or in a greenhouse for sale.

In the video you can see how different varieties of this crop look, including those listed in the Red Book.

Photo of white snowdrops

You can admire the carpet of white inflorescences in the picture, but it is much more pleasant to grow such plants in the garden. For this, seeds collected with your own hands, or bulbs bought in a specialized store, are suitable.

Figure 7. Photo of white spring flowers

The value of plants is preserved only if they are in the flower bed. If you pick these flowers, the bouquet will last no longer than a few days, while in the garden they can delight you for a month.

Snowdrop (Galantus)- a herbaceous plant of the Amaryllis family, a genus of perennial grasses (in nature, there are about 20 species, most of which grow in the Caucasus and Asia).

How many species of snowdrops exist today, biologists cannot say, because they have several opinions on this matter. However, they are all sure that the number of varieties of the plant exceeds 18. Snowdrops of many species are largely similar to each other and have approximately the same size, and they received their names either from the place of growth or in honor of the people who discovered and explored them.

Snowdrops are one of the first flowers that bloom immediately after the snow cover has melted, and many people can easily recognize them even in a photo, but for those who are not yet familiar with snowdrops, we will give a brief description and name of the most common species of this plant.

Admiring these fragile flowers, few people thought about what types of snowdrop are listed in the Red Book, although in fact, almost all of them are noted in it, except for the snow-white snowdrop. All species are threatened with extinction to some extent, as they are found in the wild only in certain areas in limited numbers, and deforestation, destruction of soil in their places of growth, environmental pollution and digging up their bulbs for breeding at home can affect the extinction. a plant like the snowdrop.

We will now tell you what a real snowdrop of each of the main species looks like, and the attached photos will clearly demonstrate the beauty of these marvelous plants.

Did you know? The name "snowdrop" in literal translation means "milk flower".

Alpine snowdrop (Galanthus alpinus) - a herbaceous bulbous plant, the length of the bulb of which is 25-35 mm, and the diameter is 15-20 mm. Broadly lanceolate leaves of a dark green color, up to 7 cm long, although after flowering they can grow up to 20 cm. The peduncle reaches a length of 7-9 cm, the outer perianthous leaves are obovate, slightly concave, up to 20 mm wide, and up to 10 mm long, internal - half as small, wedge-shaped, with a depression surrounded by a greenish spot.

The plant begins to bloom 4 years after planting. It blooms in late winter-early spring with white flowers, in addition, at the end of spring a fruit with small seeds appears. Reproduction is possible both by seed and vegetatively - with the help of baby bulbs that form in an adult plant. The birthplace of the alpine snowdrop is the lower and alpine belt, as well as Western Transcaucasia.

Byzantine snowdrop

Byzantine snowdrop (Galanthus byzantinus) grows on the Asian coast of the Bosphorus. Flower growers in Western Europe love to grow it, although this species has not yet become widespread in our country. Prefers grassy open areas. The Byzantine snowdrop is the closest variety of the folded snowdrop.

Its flowering period falls in autumn: first, a low peduncle appears with a green speck at the base of the inner perianth leaves. The appearance of the snowdrop is unusual: a white carved flower with many long petals. The leaves are green, narrow, about 5-6 cm long, erect.

Caucasian snowdrop (Galanthus caucasicus) - a plant with linear flat shiny leaves of green color, reaching a length of up to 25 cm. The bulb is yellowish, up to 40 mm long, up to 25 mm in diameter. Peduncle 6-10 cm high produces a white fragrant flower 20-25 mm long and about 15 mm in diameter.

The perianth segments on the inside are partially green in color. Flowering occurs from the end of March and lasts 12-15 days. Fruiting is irregular, and shelter is required for wintering. In the Caucasian snowdrop, the habitat is more concentrated in the Central Transcaucasus.

Important! Snowdrop bulbs are poisonous, so protective gloves should be used when transplanting this plant.

Bortkiewicz snowdrop (Galanthus bortkewitschianus) grows in the wild in the North Caucasus, preferring beech plantations. It got its name in honor of the dendrologist Bortkiewicz.

The bulb of the plant is about 30-40 mm long, 20-30 mm in diameter. Snowdrop leaves are rich green in color with a bluish tint, lanceolate, during the flowering period their length is 4-6 cm, but after that they grow up to 25-30 cm in length and up to 2 cm in width. The peduncle grows to a height of about 5-6 cm with a wing and a pedicel of 3-4 cm. and green coloring around the recess.

Snowdrop Krasnov (G. krasnovii) grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Turkey, prefers beech, hornbeam and mixed forests. The flower got its name in honor of the botanist A. Krasnov.

The bulb of the plant is 20-35 mm long, 20-25 mm in diameter, and the bright green leaf during flowering reaches a length of 11-17 cm, and a width of about 2 cm, after flowering the leaves grow up to 25 cm. The peduncle reaches 13- 15 cm, with a wing up to 4 cm long, with barely noticeable green keels. The outer tepals are slightly concave, 2-3 cm long, and about 1 cm wide, the inner ones are elongated with a pointed end, 10-15 cm long, about 5 mm wide. Flowering occurs in early spring.

White snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) most common in our country, growing rapidly, spreading over fairly large areas. The bulb is spherical, with a diameter of 10-20 mm. The leaves are flat rich green in color, about 10 cm long, the peduncles grow up to 12 cm high. The flowers are very large, up to 30 mm in diameter, have a green speck on the edge of the perianth leaf. The outer tepals are elongated, the inner ones are much shorter, wedge-shaped.

The white snowdrop blooms earlier than other species, and the flowering period lasts up to 25-30 days. This species has many varieties and varieties. Reproduction occurs both vegetatively and by seed, self-seeding is possible.

Snowdrop broadleaf (Galanthus plathyphyllus) has a large bulb up to 5 cm long, from which erect leaves grow, rich green in color, up to 16 cm long. A high peduncle (up to 20 cm) gives a large white bell-shaped flower, the outer petals of which are elliptical in shape and cover shorter and round internal. There is no notch on the petals, but there is a noticeable green spot.

Broad-leaved snowdrop blooms in late spring for 18-21 days. Fruits are not formed, the plant propagates by vegetative method. This species is common at the foot of the Alps, ideal for growing in our latitudes in fertile loose soil with sufficient lighting.

Did you know?It has been observed that a longer and frostier winter also prolongs the duration of snowdrop blooms in spring.

Folded snowdrop (G. plicatus) is one of the tallest types of snowdrops with a fairly large flower and characteristic down-turned leaf edges. In the wild, it grows in the mountainous areas of Ukraine, Romania and Moldova.

The bulb of the plant is ovoid, up to 30 mm in diameter, covered with light-colored scales. The leaves are a pale green color with a bluish tint, but after flowering, their color becomes dark green. The peduncle grows up to 20-25 cm, and on it there is a single fragrant drooping flower, 25-30 mm long and up to 40 mm in diameter, which subsequently gives a fruit box with seeds.

Flowering begins in March and lasts approximately 20 days. Reproduction - seed and bulbous. The folded snowdrop grows densely in the adjacent area, there can be up to 25 plants per 1 m², which, when blooming, form a beautiful flower bed.

Cilician snowdrop (G. silicicus) grows in the foothills of the mountains of Asia Minor and Transcaucasia. The bulb is wedge-shaped, 15-23 mm long, and up to 20 mm in diameter. The linear leaves are matte green, growing up to 15 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide. Peduncle 14-16 cm long with a wing of 3 cm. The outer tepals are 19-22 mm long, elongate-oval, slightly tapering at the base, the inner ones are elongated, up to 10 mm long, have a depression at the top with a partial green color. Flowering occurs in mid-spring.

Snowdrop Corfu (G. corcyrensis Stern)- got its name from the places of its growth - the island of Corfu, is also found in Sicily. Flowering occurs in late autumn, and a characteristic feature of this rare endangered snowdrop is the simultaneous appearance of leaves and flowers. This species is medium in size, with a rather large flower up to 25-30 mm long and 30-40 mm in diameter. On the inner petals there is a peculiar green pattern.

Elwez snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii) up to 25 cm high, grows in Eastern Europe, where it is also cultivated. Leaves up to 30 mm wide, bluish tint. Flowers - spherical large, their length reaches 5 cm, very fragrant. The inner tepals are marked with green spots. Flowering begins at the end of winter and lasts up to 30 days.

Got its name in honor of the collector M. Foster. The snowdrop of this species grows in the territory of Western Asia, but the cultivation of flowers takes place in the countries of Western Europe. Flowering begins in early spring and lasts up to 15 days.

The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, up to 14 cm long, while the peduncle reaches a length of 10 cm. The flowers are medium in size. The outer tepals are concave, with characteristic green spots near the indentation at the base, as well as at the top of the inner leaf.

Greek snowdrop

Greek snowdrop (Galanthus graecus) grows in the forest foothills of Greece, Romania and Bulgaria.

The bulb of the plant is oblong, up to 15 mm long and up to 10 mm in diameter. The leaves are bluish-green, up to 8 cm long and up to 8 mm wide, the leaf plate is wavy. The peduncle grows up to 8-9 cm, the wing is about 3 cm. The outer narrow tepals reach 25 mm in length, the inner ones are half as much.

Flowering begins in April and lasts up to 15 days. Reproduction is vegetative.

Important! Snowdrop bulbs require prompt planting within 12-18 hours after digging, because outside the ground they quickly dry and die.

Icarian snowdrop (Galanthus ikariae Baker) grows on the rocky soil of the islands of Greece. In our country, it was not cultivated in open ground.

Bulb - 20-30 mm long and 15-25 mm in diameter, leaves are dull green in color, up to 9 cm long before flowering and grow up to 20 cm after it. The peduncle reaches a height of up to 22 cm, the wing is 2.5-4 cm. The outer tepals are concave, lanceolate, up to 25 mm long. The inner leaves are wedge-shaped, up to 12 mm long, have a green spot that occupies half the area of ​​the leaf. Flowering occurs in April.
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Shortly after Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, winter came. It lasted a long time, severe frosts reigned on the ground, and the cold ruthless snow spared absolutely no one. In the end, Eva could not stand it - and burst into tears. She cried not so much from pain and cold, but from regret about the mistake she had made and about the lost paradise. And then the Lord took pity on her - and turned her tears into the most delicate flowers of this world. This is how snowdrops appeared in the snow, signaling the arrival of spring.

The forest snowdrop has long been a symbol of spring, purity, youth and freshness, and also says that you need to rejoice in both the present and the future, and drive memories of failures from your heart - therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that these gentle, beautiful flowers are extremely popular.

Snowdrops, the first flowers of spring, or as the Greeks called them, galanthus (“milk flowers”) belong to the genus of perennial grasses of the Amaryllis family, are early small-bulbous plants and are listed in the Red Book.

In the wild, snowdrops grow in the forest: in the center and in the south of the European continent, there are many of them on the coast of the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as in Asia Minor. These flowers give preference to sunny areas, although they grow without problems in the shade, but they do not tolerate areas with stagnant water.


Snowdrop flowers are white, have green spots from the very edge of the petals (plants of other colors are not snowdrops). The graceful bell-shaped shape of the galanthus is given by the structure of its petals: the flower has six petals, three of which are outer (longer), three are inner (short).

This flower has few leaves, the shape is narrow, flat, dark green or gray-green in color. Galanthus leaves are usually about 1 cm wide. The round bulb of the plant, from which only one flower grows, is small: about three centimeters in diameter.


In total, there are 18 species and two natural hybrids of Galanthus, most of which are listed in the Red Book. Twelve of them grow in the post-Soviet space (most of all in the Caucasus).

Three types of these plants are especially popular:

  1. White galanthus. White snowdrop (has more than 50 varieties) not only blooms before all its relatives, but also blooms the longest - about 30 days. These plants are of medium length - from 7 to 12 cm, its flowers are elegant, white, with a yellow spot inside, have a pleasant aroma.
  2. Snowdrops are snowy. Snowdrops are one of the most popular species of this plant, blooming in mid-late March, and growing in the forests of Europe. Height - from 10 to 15 cm, leaves are flat, gray-green in color from 0.4 to 1 cm wide, length - 10 cm. drooping bell, white with a green speck.
  3. Galanthus Elwes. Elwes snowdrops can be seen in the forests of Asia Minor, while they begin to bloom earlier than the snowdrop snowdrop and are larger in size. The height of the Elves snowdrop is from 15 to 25 m, the leaves are bluish-green, their width can rarely reach 2 cm, and the flowers of the snowdrop are white, large, spherical.

Plants of the Red Book

The forest snowdrop turned out to be a victim of human love, because after a harsh snowy winter, people who are hungry for greenery are not averse to bringing a bouquet of snowdrops home and decorating their apartment with them. They are plucked in vain - by this time the forest snowdrop had just appeared, it didn’t look special, because it hadn’t bloomed yet, and these flowers didn’t last long - just a few days.

If the forest snowdrop used to grow in many countries, now there are extremely few galanthus left, because people, picking them up to make a bouquet of snowdrops, also often spoil the bulb, completely rendering it unusable.

These plants are especially affected in early spring, during the spring holidays, when on March 8 women are presented with these delicate-looking flowers.

The forest snowdrop is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species, which means that picking and collecting it in the forest in order to form a bouquet of snowdrops is prohibited. At the same time, as long as there is demand, there will always be supply, and therefore, already at the end of spring, snowdrops picked in the forest are sold in large quantities on the streets and markets of both large and small cities.

When buying a forest snowdrop, you must always keep in mind that poachers thus receive a good income and a tangible incentive to find and dig snowdrops in the snow next year and bring them to the city (no fines prescribed by law frighten them, because the benefit is still greater).

greenhouse plants

If you really want to please yourself and your loved ones with galanthus and bring home a bouquet of snowdrops, you can buy plants grown in greenhouses (to make sure that the seller is not a scammer, just ask him for a certificate). Florists - this plant is grown with pleasure, because it is not very difficult to do.

Flowers are not absolutely unpretentious: despite the fact that they tolerate changes in weather and temperature well, they are very demanding on the ground - therefore, flower growers for planting these flowers specially purchase a snowdrop greenhouse, ideal for installation in the ground or in a greenhouse (it prevents the soil from overcooling and creates optimal conditions for growing galanthus).

Before planting the bulbs, the soil is well fertilized with peat or humus. It is highly undesirable to plant these plants in the spring during the flowering period, since they rarely take root and almost always die. A snowdrop is transplanted into a greenhouse after the leaves of the flower die off (mid-summer), when the old roots of the snowdrops have already died out, and the new ones have not yet appeared.

Given that the dried bulbs take root hard (and they are sold mainly in this condition), they should be planted in the ground immediately after purchase to a depth of 6 to 8 cm. Flower growers recommend transplanting snowdrop plants every five to six years. Snowdrops grow well without a transplant and for a longer period.

These plants can also be planted with seeds - but in this case you will have to be patient: the seedlings will bloom at best in the third year. Seeds should be sown immediately after they are harvested, as they quickly become unusable and lose their germination capacity.

Everyone knows the photo of which is even in the children's primer. This small beautiful plant is the first to come to life after winter. At first it releases a couple of leaves, and very soon blooms with white bells with drooping heads. He is not afraid of either winter frosts or snow. And if numerous white bells carpet a sure sign that spring is near. After all, it is the snowdrop flower that warns us about the approach of warm days.


Scientifically, this plant is called galanthus. It belongs to the genus of perennial herbs from the Amaryllis family, which combines eighteen subspecies. The plant is most common in the Crimea, the Caucasus and most of the species - about sixteen - is found in the Caucasus.

No one names the exact number of varieties of this plant. The snowdrop flower so beloved by us, whose photo even children recognize, is a low herbaceous culture with two linear leaves up to twenty centimeters long. They come out immediately, at the same time as the peduncles.

Single, drooping bells have a white perianth, consisting of six leaves. Three of the outer ones are elliptical or obovate, while the inner ones are wedge-shaped and have a green speck at the top. Snowdrop is a flower with a pleasant, but very faint smell. It has rounded fleshy fruits in the form of a box with three compartments. They contain a few black seeds. The latter have a succulent appendage to attract ants, which pull them apart and thus spread the plants.

The snowdrop flower has ovoid or conical bulbs, which are a compact group of modified leaves planted on one common base.


The best time to plant this plant is between July and September. With a long warm autumn, planting can be stretched until early November. Today, on the market, a snowdrop flower is often sold blooming, but this is not entirely correct, because as soon as the planting material is in the ground, its leaves wither and turn yellow, and soon die off altogether. And although the bulb remains alive, it is weakened. True, the next year such a plant blooms weakly or does not bloom at all, although it does not die.


Galanthus bulbs do not tolerate drying. They cannot be kept in the air for more than a month, but if it is not possible to plant them in the ground, they should be sprinkled with sawdust or shavings and put in a plastic bag. Bulbs are planted according to the following rule: they are placed in loose soil at a depth equal to two bulbs, and in heavy soil to a depth equal to one bulb. But in any case, you can not plant a snowdrop deeper than five centimeters.

Snowdrop is a flower that regulates the depth of germination of its root system. If it is planted too deep, it forms a new bulb on the peduncle, but already at the desired depth.


The first spring flower - the snowdrop loves shaded, but warmed by the sun places and soil with good drainage. When transplanting wild species, you need to choose a more illuminated area. This culture is winter-hardy, which is not surprising. After all, the first snowdrop is a flower that breaks right out from under the snow. In autumn, galanthus should be covered with a small layer of loose compost.

You need to be careful with feeding this crop. Snowdrop does not tolerate fresh manure, so complex mineral fertilizers are most suitable for it.

These plants are bred for flower decoration of plots. They look very nice in large groups, both in rock gardens and in the form of carpets - under bushes and trees in light partial shade. Some landscapers use snowdrops to create white lawns in the middle of lawns.


The Amaryllis family includes eighteen species. The most common of these is the white snowdrop. His homeland is the forests of the Carpathians. The flower reaches a height of fifteen centimeters. This species also includes Viridapisis, which blooms in February, Lutescens, which has an identification mark - a yellow spot, as well as terry Flore Pleno, Pusi Green Tip, Ophelia and many others.

Another species is the Elwes snowdrop native to Asia. It, unlike the previous varieties, is taller - up to twenty-five centimeters. It has bluish-green wide leaves, large spherical. This is the very first snowdrop. Its flower appears in early February. To date, many Elwes hybrids have been bred, which are distinguished by decorativeness and great endurance. The most popular is the Arnott variety with large flowers that have a fragrant aroma.

Other species, such as Galanthus plicatus or Folded, which gave rise to many interesting garden forms, Ikarian, which came to us from Greece and today grows beautifully in Krasnaya Polyana in Sochi, as well as Forster's, Voronov's and many others snowdrops are widely distributed in the botanical gardens of our country .

The uncontrolled collection of these beautiful representatives of the plant world led to the fact that many varieties had to be listed in the Red Book. And this means that every year it becomes more and more difficult to meet them in their natural environment.

Home care

These flowers can be grown not only in the yard, but also at home - in a pot or in a bowl. The snowdrop, which blooms the very first of all bulbs, gives buds in the middle of winter. To do this, it must be taken out of the room.

Since we are talking about a very hardy and cold-loving plant that can survive at temperatures up to ten degrees below zero, it is not difficult to guess that it will die in a warm room. Therefore, during flowering, you need to keep the snowdrop in a very cold room.

Conditions for growing at home

Two months after planting, you need to keep in complete darkness. Then he will need It is necessary to completely exclude direct sunlight from falling on him.

The optimum temperature for the bulb in the dark is about zero degrees, and during flowering - a maximum of 10 ° C, otherwise the plant will die.

After planting the bulb, the soil must be thoroughly moistened, and then left alone without watering until the pot has been transferred to the light. After that, it is necessary to maintain soil moisture by watering twice a week.

You can not spray snowdrops. At the same time, during flowering, they need good ventilation, and when it ends, you need to cut off the withered heads, and let the leaves die naturally. If the plants were fed, they need to be transplanted into open ground. Otherwise, they will not bloom again in the same pot.

The best species to grow indoors is Galantus nivalis, a common snowdrop that blooms from mid-winter to April. Today, unfortunately, this flower is rarely found in an apartment or even in a garden. And in vain! After all, even when winter still rules around, you can be sure that its days are numbered, when a snowdrop flower appears on the site from under the snow, crawling out through deadwood, and when it grows at home in a pot, then good "weather" and mood in the family secured.

If you ask someone to name the first spring flower, then the answer will undoubtedly be - a snowdrop. These cute miniature flowers on thawed snow cause delight and tenderness in everyone. Indeed, snowdrops are the first to open their inflorescences after a long cold winter on the lawns near the house or in the forest.

First, two green leaves are shown, and then drooping heads of white inflorescences appear. They are not afraid of snowy weather, frosts and night frosts of spring. Therefore, soon snowdrops become a true decoration of any site. In addition, this is a sure sign that soon the end of winter and spring is already on the threshold.

general description

The snowdrop honorably represents the Amaryllidaceae family, a genus of perennial herbaceous plants with almost 18 species. Most of all, flowers spread in the European region, the Crimean peninsula, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. In the photo you can see different types of snowdrops. However, almost 16 varieties of the flower can be found in the Caucasus. Snowdrop or galanthus comes from the Latin Galanthus.

Scientists still cannot agree on how many plant species exist. Sometimes they cannot even unanimously identify the found flower to any species that exists or has appeared.

But in nature, sometimes there are varieties of plants with a pair of elongated leaves about 10-20 cm and the simultaneous appearance of a peduncle. The shape of the flower is bell-shaped, the inflorescence drooping down, the flowers grow one by one. The white perianth has six leaves. Three of them are external, elliptical in shape, the remaining ones are internal, in the form of a wedge, at the peak of which there is a green spot, there may be a small notch.

The smell of a snowdrop is pleasant, but not strong and even rather very weak. The shape of the fruit resembles a rounded full box, which has three compartments for storing a small amount of black seeds.

A juicy appendage located on the seeds attracts ants, and they, in turn, pull them apart in all directions, expanding the halo of growth.

Flowers have a root system in the form of an ovoid or conical bulb. Outwardly, it resembles a compact collection of thick scales or deformed leaves, fixed on a thick bottom. Daughter bulbs grow from buds located in the axils of the scales.

To protect against damage, the upper scales serve, they are thinner, dry and dark in color. Due to the bulb, which is an accumulator of nutrients, the plant perfectly tolerates adverse climatic conditions, being at rest for about 9 months.

Absolutely all types of snowdrops are protected objects, moreover, their most rare species are in the stage of extinction, and it is possible to return life to these species only if they are grown in culture.

The name of the flower is of Greek origin, therefore it is translated as a milky flower, which most likely reflects the color of the inflorescence. People say that this name was given to him for his ability to grow in the snow and bloom with the first breath of spring, regardless of weather conditions.

There are many legends about these amazing delicate flowers. Take Adam and Eve, for example. When they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, the winter cold reigned around, and snow blew. Eve cried from the cold, remembering the lost warmth of paradise. In her consolation, God created some snowdrops from swarming snowflakes. This means that they are not only the first spring flowers, but also the first flowers on our planet.

Growing features

It is better to purchase and plant bulbs from July to September, at which time they are at rest. If the autumn is warm, then the planting can be moved until November.

You should not buy plants with blooming inflorescences, otherwise they will not survive after planting. In this case, the bulb will not die. Blooming in the near future will be sluggish or not bloom at all, but will be alive.

When buying dormant bulbs, pay attention to their condition. Choose bulbs of dense structure, weighty, with a whole shell, without processes of stems and rhizomes, with an intact bottom, without mold, dents and deformations. If the bulbs are soft, then they are already rotting.

It is not worth storing the bulbs of the plant for a long time, they can dry out, as they cannot stand being in the air for more than a month. In the absence of the possibility of timely planting, you need to place them in a perforated bag with sawdust or shavings. Their shelf life in this form will be 2-3 months.

When planting snowdrops, loosen the soil and lower the bulbs into the ground by about 5 cm (at least). The flowers themselves will cope with the depth adjustment, since when the bulb is deep, they will release another one on the stem of the flower, thereby adjusting the size of the depth.

But it is not at all necessary to observe a certain depth value. The only nuance of the shallow deepening of the bulb is that in this case the bulbs themselves will be smaller, but “babies” will quickly appear.

Snowdrops love shady, but warm places lit by the sun and with excellent soil drainage. Hardy to low temperatures. The soil must be moist, loosened, nutritious and drained. A special watering regime is not required, with the exception of periods of drought.

snowdrop photo


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