The best games to break the phone. Competition-entertainment “Broken phone”

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A game "Broken phone" used as one of the psychotraining tools. The essence of the game is to organize the transmission of an oral message along a chain consisting of as many people as possible, and to identify distortions in its original content.



Game "Broken Phone"

A game "Broken phone"used as one of the toolspsychotraining. The essence of the game is to organize the transmission of an oral message along a chain consisting of as many people as possible, and to identify distortions in its original content.

Conveying a short coherent story.The presenter prepares in advance a story on some fairly neutral and generally understandable topic, small in size, so that its content can be mostly remembered from one reading without much difficulty (usually no more than half a page of printed text). Participants (7 people) leave the room. The presenter invites one of the participants and reads the text to him. The listener’s task is to pass on what he remembers to the next participant. Participants come in one by one, listen and pass on the information received. After completing the retellings, the original text is read to the participants.


The teacher, having met Dima Dyadyushkin’s mother, gave her the following information, which was given to the teacher by a defectologist, who was late for the holiday of her son Andrei Konstantinovich.

“Tamara Ilyinichna was waiting for you and didn’t come. She was very upset and asked me to tell you that she was now in the main building deciding on the issue of equipment, which, by the way, may be Japanese. She should be back by lunch, but if she is not there by 3 pm, then the consultation should begin without her. And most importantly, announce that all parents from group 7 need to get tested in room 20 in the main building, at any time convenient, but before February 20th.”

Game analysis.

“The listener passes information through a personal filter.” This means that any person, having heard information, compares it with his ideas, with his life experience, with the facts known to him. And passing it on, he can change something, tell it differently, because it is clearer to him, because it corresponds to his life experience.
Releases minor moments from the point of view of the recipient.”
This means that people divide information into important and unimportant, and important and unimportant not for them, but in the given text. And they forget to say an unimportant formation, believing that another is more important. Because of this, the text begins to shorten from player to player. Usually by the fourth or fifth participant they notice that they start inviting the next one faster and faster.
The listener processes information according to his logic

The listener remembers unusual, “fried” facts

Now it is necessary to comment on the recommendations for transmitting information.

“Speak unambiguously”, “Use simple words». Absolutely clear recommendations - the simpler and more unambiguous the information, the better it is understood and remembered.

“It’s important to say it several times.”It’s a completely understandable recommendation, since it’s really better to say it several times and risk looking like a parrot than to later regret that it wasn’t done.

“Structure the message, break it down into points.”Very useful recommendation: any message must have an internal structure, it must be clear how the sentences are connected to each other. The simplest example of structure is numbered sentences: first, second, third, and so on. The sentence that goes under the number is very difficult. For example, if there is a second, fourth, then it is immediately clear that there was something third.
“Monitor the state of the listener and track when he does not understand the information.”This means that during a conversation, reactions can be noticed when a person does not hear or does not understand. This is a signal that you need to stop and repeat again, ask a question or comment on what was said.
“Is everything clear to you?” do not ask, since everyone usually answers: You need to ask a question for clarification, for example: “After our conversation, what will you do next?”, “What will you do first.
This is an understandable recommendation, since since school everyone has developed a reflex to the questions: “Are you clear?”, “Do you understand?” - automatically answering “I understand,” without always understanding what they were asked.
“If there is an interruption (you are interrupted), then you need to stop and go back and say the previous sentence again.” Usually, when a person is interrupted, the last thought is usually lost due to a shift in attention. the last sentence. Everyone can remember similar situations when, after an interruption, one of the interlocutors says: “What was I talking about?” Therefore, to maintain the connection in the message, it is better to repeat the last sentence and then continue your story.

“The tempo characteristics of the listener must be taken into account.”This is easily explained: all people speak at different speeds and, what is important for us, are also able to listen at the same speed at which they speak. If a person speaks quickly, then you need to speak to him at approximately the same speed, and with a slow speaker, accordingly, slowly. Why is that? If we speak too slowly for a person, then it irritates him, and if we speak too quickly, then the person simply may not hear some words.

“You can create positive or negative motivation:“if you do everything according to the instructions, then...”, “if you don’t, then this will happen...”.” Usually they start with positive motivation. For example, if you do such and such, you will get such and such a result. If positive
motivation does not help, negative motivation is used. For example: “If you violate clause three of the agreement, you will lose warranty service, money, etc.”

You can use fence-type techniques- special phrases: “I specifically draw your attention,” “I want you to remember this.”

The main point is that we can fence off important information phrases, like a fence within which information must be preserved.

Competitions at holidays can be both mobile and table-based. Games that can be played without leaving the table are ideal for relaxed groups. Not all guests like noisy competitions. In this case, the table game “Broken Phone” will help out. The most interesting thing is that this will not be the usual word competition from childhood, but a combination of a spoiled phone game with an association game. Let's see what comes of this.

We prepare additional props in advance. To do this, print out cards with images and signatures. various items, animals. It can be:

  • chicken;
  • elephant;
  • beach;
  • table;
  • stroller;
  • jump rope

No more props are required. The participants themselves and, preferably, good hearing from the players are enough. The competition is held directly at the table.

The first participant chooses a card without looking. And he whispers to the neighbor sitting next to him what is shown in the picture. A person must convey along the chain, but not the word he heard itself, but a synonym for it or an association.

For example, you get a chain: chicken - bird, egg laying– the mother of the chicken – the relative of the omelette – etc.

In a circle, players pass association phrases to each other. When the turn comes to the beginning of the circle, that is, to the first player, he voices what he heard out loud and shows a picture of the object with which the chain of associations began. And the more players participate in the entertainment, the more unpredictable and funnier the final word will be.

And if, as a result, the “Chicken” turns into an “Egg” or the “Table” turns out to be a “Sofa”, consider that the entertainment was a success. In such a competition there are no losers or winners, but a good mood is guaranteed for everyone.

Include “Broken Phone” in an adult birthday script, for example. Suitable entertainment for

(warm-up psychotechnics)

Participants stand in a column one at a time. The leader stands at the end of the column. Thus, all participants have their backs turned to him. With a tap on the shoulder, he invites the participant in front to turn to face him. Then he gestures to show an object ( Matchbox, pistol, volleyball, etc.). The first participant turns to face the second and also with a tap on the shoulder asks him to turn around and shows the object, the second passes it to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on. The last participant names the object. Conditions: everything is done silently, only with gestures, you can only ask to repeat, participants should not turn around until the previous participant taps him on the shoulder.

A word or phrase is transmitted to a chain of persons in the ear (so that others do not hear). After it passes along the entire “wire”, it is interesting to listen to the result and evaluate the difference!

The players sit on a bench, the driver whispers a word to the first player, who deliberately quickly passes it on along the chain. The whole point is that it will reach the last player. Then the queue moves and the last player becomes the first - in Oda.

Everyone sits in a row, the first player thinks of a word or phrase and quickly whispers it to the next one, and so on. After a word has passed through the entire chain, the beginner announces the intended word or phrase, and the last one announces what came to him. As they say in Odessa, what was hidden and what was revealed are “two big differences.”

Purpose of the game: to fix in the minds of students the problems associated with the inability to listen. Aim at mastering active listening techniques. Equipment: tape recorder.

Instructions: “Now we will play the game “damaged phone.” The task of the participants is to remember the information as best as possible and accurately convey it to the next person. We will share information one-on-one. First, those interested (5-6 participants) will go out the door and enter one at a time. I will give the information to the first person to enter. Then he passes it on to the next participant, but without my help, one on one. The second participant - to the third, etc. You can remember information as you wish, allowing for any methods other than written recording.” Invite those who want to take part in the game to walk through the door. Draw the attention of those remaining that they should carefully monitor what is happening, recording:

A) attention of participants; b) distortion of information.

They must also maintain as much silence as possible and not give hints or disturb the players. Place two chairs in the center, invite the first participant, sit down and turn on the tape recorder. Information: I will give you information. Your task is to listen to it and pass it on in detail to the next participant.

Are you ready to pass on the information? If the answer is positive, invite the next one. If the first one has questions, clarify them. The text cannot be repeated again. After sharing information, remember to ask students if they are willing to pass it on to the next participant.

After completing the game, discuss the following questions:

  • What memory methods did the participants use?
  • What information was remembered best?
  • What misrepresentations were made? What are they related to?

First, the players take turns speaking, then the observers.

  1. Do not hesitate to ask questions, clarify anything unclear.
  2. If necessary, repeat the information in the presence of the interlocutor or in your own words.
  3. Try to highlight the essence of the message, ignoring secondary details if necessary.
  4. Keep in mind that the perception of information plays a big role past experience each interlocutor.
  5. It is advisable to summarize the conversation that took place.

The event ends with a summing up: what new we learned, what conclusions we were able to draw for ourselves.

"Broken phone"

No more than 10-12 people play it. If there are more participants in the group, then you can involve all of them or leave some as observers. Everyone involved heads out the door.

Instructions. Instructions for those outside the door: “Now you will transmit information to each other. You will take turns entering the room, listening to the text and passing it on to the next person. I will tell the first, he will tell the second, the second to the third, etc. Your task is to give the information to the next one as close to the text as possible, to say word for word, without confusing, distorting or adding anything. You can do whatever you want, but you can’t write it down. It's clear?

Instructions for those who remained in the room: “Now the game participants will be here one at a time, I will tell the first one the text, which will be passed on to the second one, the second one to the third one, and so on. Your task is to record who will convey the text and how accurately (you can divide the participants between observers, who should watch whom).”

The game can be filmed. The first participant enters and the coach tells him the text. It is better not to remove the first one so that he does not lose all the text out of confusion. You can film on the floor and record only the sound. Then the first invites the second, then the second invites the third, and so on.

Game analysis.

The first question the trainer asks is “When you conveyed information, did you speak to say something or to be heard?” Of course, most will say that they only said what they said and did not try to help their partner understand and remember the text. From here we can draw the first conclusion: when you speak, you must always pay attention to your interlocutor: hears - does not hear, understands - does not understand. It is always clear from the facial expression and surprised eyes that a person does not understand, and then stop and clarify something, explain, ask questions.

The coach’s second question: “Who remembers the instructions that the participants in the game received outside the door?” With common efforts, the instructions can be reproduced. And then you can ask the following question: “What does it mean you can do whatever you want, you can’t write it down. It's clear?" Everyone heard this phrase, but most did not pay attention to it and mechanically answered: “I see,” and the rest somehow understood it in their own way. But in reality, you could ask again, ask questions, ask to repeat it again, etc. Conclusion: ask the question: “Is that clear?” should not, everyone has a standard answer to this: “I see,” but there may be no understanding at all.

Next, we analyze who lost what information and why. During the analysis, we can say that, for example, the text about Marfusha was specially written for this game and there are many inconsistencies in it that further confuse the participants. For example, “Marfusha was an exemplary girl, she worked at a factory.” These sentences contradict each other in perception, since an exemplary girl is usually presented as a schoolgirl junior classes etc., and here she works at a factory. Thus, you can consider the patterns in receiving and transmitting information and make detailed analysis one piece of paper, commenting on each item.

The trainer distributes sheets of text to the participants (Appendix 5), reads out the points one by one, asks the group what they think about this point, and then gives his comments and recommendations on how to speak so that people can hear and remember better.

Mini lecture....

“The listener passes information through a personal filter.” This means that any person, having heard information, compares it with his ideas, with his life experience, with the facts known to him. And passing it on, he can change something, tell it differently, because it is clearer to him, because it corresponds to his life experience. Releases minor moments from the point of view of the recipient.”

This means that people divide information into important and unimportant, and important and unimportant not for them, but in the given text. And they forget to say an unimportant formation, believing that another is more important. Because of this, the text begins to shorten from player to player. Usually by the fourth or fifth participant they notice that they start inviting the next one faster and faster.

“Unusual words are replaced by familiar ones.” In this text, for example, the word “approximate” is used. This word is rarely used now, and usually in the end Marfusha becomes good, respectable, and so on.

“The listener processes information in accordance with his own logic.” This text largely lacks logic, and some sentences contradict each other. This usually leads to the fact that people begin to somehow connect sentences. For example, “Marfusha”, in the village, then went to city”, “got married and started working in a factory”, or “and went into the forest to pick mushrooms” and so on.

“The listener remembers unusual, “fried” facts. But the “sick” word can creep to the end, or it can be replaced with a less dangerous and emotionally stable one.” In the text, two points that attract attention are sex and UFOs. These words, due to their emotional richness, crowd out other information and usually in the text to the last participant only sex and UFOs are preserved, but at the same time, the word “sex” is often replaced with something else, for example, “made love”, “lived well and everything was fine with them.” UFOs are sometimes replaced by aliens, and sometimes lost.

“What can be interpreted, the listener will interpret.”

Against the backdrop of the game that has just been played, this point usually doesn’t even need to be commented on, since it can be confirmed by the example of all the participants.

“Speak clearly”, “Use simple words.” Absolutely clear recommendations - the simpler and more unambiguous the information, the better it is understood and remembered.

“It’s important to say it several times.” It’s a completely understandable recommendation, since it’s really better to say it several times and risk looking like a parrot than to later regret that it wasn’t done.

“Structure the message, break it down into points.” A very useful recommendation: any message should have an internal structure, it should be clear how the sentences are connected to each other. The simplest example of structure is numbered sentences: first, second, third, and so on. The sentence that goes under the number is very difficult. For example, if there is a second, fourth, then it is immediately clear that there was something third.

“Monitor the state of the listener and track when he does not understand the information.” This means that during a conversation, reactions can be noticed when a person does not hear or does not understand. This is a signal that you need to stop and repeat again, ask a question or comment on what was said.

“Is everything clear to you?” do not ask, since everyone usually answers: You need to ask a question for clarification, for example: “After our conversation, what will you do next?”, “What will you do first. This is an understandable recommendation, since since school everyone has developed a reflex to the questions: “Are you clear?”, “Do you understand?” - automatically answering “I understand,” without always understanding what they were asked.

“If there is an interruption (you are interrupted), then you need to stop and go back and say the previous sentence again.” Usually, when a person is interrupted, the last thought, the last sentence is usually lost due to a shift in attention. Everyone can remember similar situations when, after an interruption, one of the interlocutors says: “What was I talking about?” Therefore, to maintain the connection in the message, it is better to repeat the last sentence and then continue your story.

“The tempo characteristics of the listener must be taken into account.” This is easily explained: all people speak at different speeds and, what is important for us, are also able to listen at the same speed at which they speak. If a person speaks quickly, then you need to speak to him at approximately the same speed, and with a slow speaker, accordingly, slowly. Why is that? If we speak too slowly for a person, then it irritates him, and if we speak too quickly, then the person simply may not hear some words.

“You can create positive or negative motivation: “if you do everything according to the instructions, then...”, “if you don’t do it, then something will happen...”.” Usually they start with positive motivation. For example, if you do such and such, you will get such and such a result. If positive motivation does not help, use negative motivation. For example: “If you violate clause three of the contract, you will lose warranty service, money, etc.”

You can use techniques like “fence” - special phrases: “I specifically draw your attention”, “I want you to remember this”

The main idea is that we can fence off important information with phrases, like a fence within which the information must be preserved

Play this game better company from 5 people. How more people in a chain, the more fun and unpredictable the result is. All players sit in a row on a bench or log so that it is convenient to whisper in each other’s ears. If you play at home, any sofa will do. This is a game that develops attentiveness, hearing and a sense of humor. :-)

Rules of the game Damaged phone

Leading makes a wish word And whispers to the first player so that the others do not hear. The first player whispers into the ear of the second player what he managed to hear. The second whispers the word to the third, and so on down the chain. Last player out loud calls what I heard. This is usually very different from words, hidden leading and causes general merriment.

The last player becomes the leader, and everyone else “moves” along the bench. The former presenter takes the place of the first player.

  • To make the result funnier, players try to speak very quickly and very quietly.
  • To complicate the game, you can say not a word, but a whole phrase.

If the company is very large, you can split into two teams and arrange competition. In this case, the leader whispers the same word to each team. The team whose result is most similar to the given word runs.

Video game "Broken Phone":

How a sombrero turned into a bank robbery

First you need to draw a word. For example, "Sombrero". You are drawing a man wearing a hat. Then the second player tries to guess what you drew - and writes, for example, “Cowboy.” Passes the word on - and the third player must draw this word. He draws a man with two pistols and passes on the drawing. The fourth player sees the robbery and considers it the original word. Voila!

Draw -> guess the word -> draw it again!

The principle of the game is very simple: you take a card with words, draw one of them, pass the drawing to the next player. He tries to guess the word from the picture and writes it. And so the whole circle: word - drawing - word - drawing. At the end you can look at a completely crazy chain of guesses.

Cool! What to draw on?

The most important thing in the game is the notepads. There are 8 of them inside the box. They are unusual: there are only a few pages (by the number of rounds), but they are made of plastic. You need to draw on them with special erasable markers, and at the end of the game, wash what you have drawn with a suede cloth (there are also 8 of them). So drawing is quick, easy and very convenient.

How are words chosen?

One of the very important features of the game is words that cannot be immediately and unambiguously drawn. For example, imagine how many associations a drawing can evoke with the words “Sailor”, “Escape”, “Smile”, “Salary”, “Cinnamon”, “Fisherman” and so on. You need to understand other players very well in order for the word to be guessed correctly at the end of the chain.

What are the dashes on the cards?

Sometimes you come across not exact tasks, but categories, for example, “Book Character” - then you need to choose someone yourself and draw. And there are also just dashes: in this case, you can think of your own word.

Who is this game for?

Broken Phone is a great game for any company. By the way, she has a bunch of different international awards, that is, this is already a more than well-known family hit in Europe. They play it there:

  • With friends, when they come to visit: it turns out very calm and at the same time positive.
  • In a family with each other and children: this contributes to better understanding and simply pleasant communication.
  • At parties: it’s wildly enjoyable to draw strange things, especially when no one really knows how to draw!
  • On the road: you can transfer notebooks even on a bus or plane.
  • And they simply give this game as a gift.

Is it worth taking?

Yes, definitely. Despite the simplicity of the mechanics, the game is very exciting and brings a lot of fun Have a good mood. When it first came to us, we played for several days - which rarely happens, because 2-3 new games pass through our hands a day.

What is in the box?

  • 142 cards with words, each with 12 words on “that side” and “this side”, for a total of more than 1700 words.
  • 8 special erasable notepads for writing and drawings. On each page there is a hint on what to do now.
  • 8 erasable markers for drawing and 8 rags.
  • Hourglass at 60 seconds, measuring the time of the round.
  • A six-sided die that determines the number of the word on the card.
  • Card holder box.
  • in Russian with illustrations and examples.


“An excellent game suitable for almost any age =) played in a group of people from 9 to 77 years old! =) everyone really liked it! We laughed until we cried =)"

  • Scandinavia – Användbart Litet Företag
  • Australia - Crown & Andrews Ltd.
  • Netherlands - Goliath B.V.
  • USA - USAopoly
  • Japan - テンデイズゲームズ

Psychologist's report

“The game “Broken Phone” helps to develop logical and associative thinking, the ability to act quickly and make decisions in a time-limited situation. Play promotes the development of fantasy, imagination, spontaneity and creativity. “Broken Phone” helps you overcome doubt in your abilities and fear of mistakes. Thanks to its algorithmic nature and clear sequence of actions, the game promotes development and self-control. In addition, as the game progresses, players can expand lexicon. The game teaches children careful attitude to things, neatness. “Broken Phone” promotes the development of the ability to understand each other, respect for other people, their characteristics and skills. All this contributes to the development of cohesion, so the game can be recommended for joint leisure time of a group of children or spending time together as a family.

The rules of the game are clear, but require attention and cannot always be learned the first time. “Broken Phone” leaves room for changes and variations in the game, so it’s even more suitable for children younger age than stated by the manufacturer. If necessary, an adult can help young players and be included in the game as a leader. In addition, at first, players can use brief rules so as not to get confused during the game.

The game is made of very high quality, which makes the gameplay very enjoyable.”

Irina Permyakova, educational psychologist, Secondary School No. 863, Moscow

Extract from the results of using the board games “Broken Phone” and “Jackal” in the work on developing the communicative skills of children of middle and high school age

Interim study period: September - December 2014 ( I and II quarters of the 2014-2015 academic year).

Age group and number of students who took part in the work: 7 classes (13 years old) - 20 people; 9th grade (15 years old) - 20 people; parents of students - 21 people. Total: students in grades 7-9 (13, 15 years old) - 40 people, parents 21 people.

The work involved teenagers who were on preventive registration, students with behavioral disorders, manifested in the form of negativism and very high anxiety. The children were invited (in subgroups of 8 people) once a week for 8 weeks to play classes. Classes with ninth graders were conducted using both games “Damaged Telephone” and “Jackal”. In classes with seventh graders, only the game “Broken Phone” was used. At the beginning and end of classes with teenagers, a diagnosis was made of the development of empathy, self-motivation, interaction skills, level of self-esteem, and level of anxiety.

Based on the results of the work carried out with students, it can be stated that 90% of the class participants have increased self-esteem. The level of empathy increased in 85% of students. Self-motivation, an important component for productive work, increased in 75% of students who attended classes. The vast majority (100%) experienced decreased anxiety levels and improved interaction skills.

The game “Broken Phone” was used in classes with parents. A total of 5 sessions using the game were conducted. Parents noted that after periodic game sessions they experienced positive changes in their relationships with their children (some with their spouses or colleagues), they began to listen more to their interlocutor. There was an understanding of the need to increase free time devoted to children, including playing with them. Some of the parents noted an increase in self-esteem, self-confidence, and a desire to communicate with others in a relaxed atmosphere while playing a board game.

Many children and parents have discovered the new kind leisure - Board games.

After New Year's holidays children shared that they received board games as a gift (“Tick-tock - boom”, “Activity”, “Alias”, “Guess who?”, etc.)

Conclusion:By playing the board games “Jackal” and “Broken Phone”, teenagers became more sociable, more tolerant of each other, learned to negotiate and avoid acute situations, and resolve conflicts constructively. They have increased: the ability to feel the emotions of another, to put themselves in the place of another person, the ability to empathize and sympathize. Schoolchildren learned long time do without external incentives and control, including in difficult and responsible situations. We began to better navigate situations of time shortage. I gained self-confidence and strength. In addition to personal changes, games also stimulated changes in thought processes. The concentration of attention increased, the speed of thinking increased, and the skills of logical and strategic thinking developed.

The use of the game “Broken Phone” in classes with parents stimulated parents to improve child-parent relationships, to develop a sense of closeness between parents and children, the ability to empathize, understand the feelings of another, and trust each other.

After regular games in “Teletranslations”, as others note, children’s fantasies and associations become more vivid and varied, their ability to act quickly improves, and relationships in the team become warmer.

Irina Permyakova, educational psychologist, School No. 17 (structural unit No. 2), Moscow


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