The fastest passenger plane in the world now. The world's fastest fighter

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Over time, aviation has advanced far ahead by leaps and bounds. More and more new models of aircraft are being designed that have such a high speed that it can exceed the speed of sound at unimaginable heights many times over. Today we will share with you our Top 10 ranking. the fastest planes in the world. We will tell you about some of the features of these aircraft, about who worked on their creation, when the first flights took place, and much more. This will be interesting, so let's get started. Let's fly!


  • The country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: Sukhoi Design Bureau
  • Type: Multirole fighter
  • Production start year: 1981
  • Max speed: 2876.4 km/h

Opens the top ten fastest aircraft in the world Su-27 - a fighter with two engines, built in former USSR, in an attempt to outdo similarly advanced American aircraft. The aircraft made its first flight in May 1977 and officially entered service with the Soviet Air Force in 1985. Can achieve a maximum supersonic speed of Mach 2.35 (1550 mph or 2876.4 km/h).

The Su-27 gained a reputation as one of the most capable fighters of its time. These aircraft are still in service with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

  • The country: USA
  • Developer: General Dynamics
  • Type: Fighter-bomber, strategic bomber
  • Production start year: 1967
  • Max speed: 3060 km/h

The large aerospace company General Dynamics completed the development of the F-111 Aardvark tactical strike aircraft about half a century ago. According to calculations, the F-111 Aardvark should accommodate two crew members. 1967 and the aircraft was the first to go to the US Air Force for service. It was used in strategic bombing campaigns, in reconnaissance operations, and also with its help, electronic warfare was carried out. This aircraft can reach Mach 2.5 with particular ease. And this exceeds the speed of sound by about 2.5 times.

  • The country: USA
  • Developer: McDonnell Douglas, Boeing Defense, Space & Security
  • Type: Fighter-interceptor
  • Production start year: 1976
  • Max speed: 3065 km/h

In the late 60s, McDonnell Douglas completed its work on the development of a tactical twin-engine fighter. Its immediate purpose is to capture and maintain its superiority during periods of air combat. July 1972 successfully passed the first flight. A few years later, in 1976, the US Air Force adopted the F-15 Eagle into service.

This aircraft is one of those who are not successful. His speed is impressive, exceeding Mach 2.5. The US Air Force plans to keep this aircraft in service for a long time, at least until 2025. It has been exported abroad, namely Israel, Japan and Saudi Arabia, Turkey.

  • The country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: OKB MiG
  • Type: Fighter-interceptor
  • Production start year: 1975-1994
  • Max speed: 3463.92 km/h

The Mikoyan Design Bureau completed the production of a large, twin-engine supersonic aircraft, and already in 1975, in September, the first flight of the aircraft took place. In 1982, he was accepted into service with the USSR Air Force.

The speed of the MiG-31 can reach Mach 2.83. His unique ability is that he is able to develop supersonic speed and fly it even low above the ground. Years go by, and the MiG-31 continues to faithfully serve the Russian Aerospace Forces. This car is one of the best representatives of its class and is rightfully ranked with the best and fastest aircraft in the world.

  • The country: USA
  • Developer: North American Aviation
  • Type: strategic bomber, aircraft research
  • Production start year: 1964-1969
  • Max speed: 3794.4 km/h

In the late 50s, North American Aviation developed the XB-70, which has six engines. The goal of the creators was to design an aircraft that would serve as a prototype for a strategic bomber with a margin nuclear bombs.

In 1965, the XB-70 reached its peak speed while flying in California over Edwards Air Force Base. The height above the ground reached 21,300 meters, while the speed was Mach 3.1.

Between 1964 and 1969, two XB-70 models were built and used for test flights. In 1966, one of the models crashed in a mid-air collision. And the second model is in Dayton, it is on display at the National Museum of the US Air Force.

  • The country: USA
  • Developer: Bell Aircraft
  • Type: experimental aircraft
  • Production start year: 1955-1956
  • Max speed: 3911.904 km/h

A whole group worked on the creation of this aircraft. This group included the US Air Force, the National Advisory Committee, and the Bell Aircraft Corporation. In 1945, work on the development of an aircraft with a rocket engine was completed. The purpose of the creation of the aircraft was: to study the properties of aerodynamics when flying at supersonic speeds, while the range is Mach 2 and 3.

1955, November, X-2 made its first flight. A year later, Captain Milburn managed to reach a speed of Mach 3.196, while the altitude was 19,800 meters. Alas, after reaching the peak speed, the plane got out of control and crashed to the ground. Of course, this tragedy did not go unnoticed, and the X-2 program stopped its work.

  • The country: USSR/Russia
  • Developer: OKB MiG
  • Type: Interceptor, reconnaissance aircraft, breakthrough aircraft
  • Production start year: 1969-1985
  • Max speed: 3916.8 km/h

Legendary designers - Seletsky, Gurevich and Matyuk worked on the production of this technical miracle. Its main purpose is to collect intelligence data and intercept enemy aircraft at speeds exceeding supersonic speed. 1964, the first flight took place, and in the 70s the Soviet Air Force actively used it.

The speed of the MiG-25 is incredible - Mach 3.2. Therefore, it is one of the fastest aircraft in the world and is still used for service in the Russian Aerospace Forces and beyond. Other countries such as Syria and Algeria use the MiG-25 in their air forces.

  • The country: USA
  • Developer: Lockheed Corporation, Scunk Works
  • Type: Strategic scout
  • Production start year: 1966-1999
  • Max speed: 4039.2 km/h

Reconnaissance missions, or rather their implementation - this is the main task of this aircraft. In addition, it easily reflects the threats of the enemy. The maximum speed is Mach 3.3, while the height is 29 thousand meters. It is worth noting that according to some sources, the speed of the Blackbird is indicated at Mach 3.5, but this is not confirmed data. Nevertheless, the third line in the ranking of the fastest aircraft in the world is an honor.

  • The country: USA
  • Developer: Lockheed Corporation
  • Type: Interceptor
  • Production start year: 1963-1965
  • Max speed: 4100.4 km/h

About half a century ago, Lockheed Corporation completed the development of a prototype aircraft. The purpose of creating such an aircraft is to intercept enemy aircraft. "Area 51" became the site of testing YF-12. This place is a top-secret US Air Force training ground. 1963, 27,600 meters, YF-12 makes its first flight. Its speed is Mach 3.35. But over time, the US Air Force stopped the YF-12 flight program. However, the YF-12 managed to conduct several flights in the area scientific research for NASA and the Air Force. In the late 70s, aircraft flights were finally completed.


  • The country: USA
  • Developer: North American Aviation
  • Type: Experimental high-speed research rocket plane
  • Production start year: 1959-1968
  • Max speed: 8225.28 km/h

This device has no equal in speed - world's fastest plane. It is capable of reaching Mach 6.72, the highest speed for a manned aircraft. In the 70s, the flights of this rocket plane ended, but during its service, many famous people, such as Neil Armstrong, were able to take part in the program. The height to which the pilots climbed was over 100 kilometers. Such pilots can already be safely called astronauts.

When it comes to speed, it's breathtaking. If we are talking about aircraft flying at supersonic speeds, then this is something fantastic. All these aircraft are a masterpiece of engineering, equipped with the most advanced technologies of his time.

Top 10

He has a truly fantastic speed in 11,230 km/h. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Developed using a technology alternative to turbojet engines in our time.

Although its maximum speed is listed as 12 144 km/h He's not in first place. This is explained by the fact that at the time of testing, the X-43 record was not broken. Both the first and second aircraft were developed by NASA using the latest technology.

It is rightfully considered one of the fastest aircraft with a pilot on board. The maximum speed it can reach is 8200 km/h. This is almost seven times the speed of sound. The aircraft was designed for research into hypersonic flight. X-15 equipped rocket engine. However, he can only take to the air on board a bomber. strategic purpose from where it starts. The maximum altitude reached by the aircraft is 107 kilometers.

  1. "Blackbird" or SR-71

The aircraft is reconnaissance in the US Air Force. The machine was produced in limited quantities - 32 aircraft. The first air vehicle equipped with stealth technology. Max speed approx. 4102 km/h. The plane was actively used for espionage.

  1. YF-12

Outwardly, it does not differ from the Blackbird, except that it carries air-to-air weapons. It was the predecessor and prototype of the SR-71. Max speed: 3,661 km/h.

  1. Legendary MiG-25

It was designed to intercept the American Blackbird and had a speed of 3916 km/h. Characteristics of this combat aircraft impressive - at a speed of more than 3 times the speed of sound, it was capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 25 kilometers. It proved itself very well in a number of military conflicts.

What makes it unique is that in 1954 it reached an unimaginable speed for that time. But after an unsuccessful flight, the release program was closed. Max speed: 3,370 km/h.

  1. "Valkyrie" XB-70

Truly a heavy duty aircraft of the times cold war. Designed to deliver nuclear weapons a short time. High speed ( 3672 km/h) allowed to escape from the consequences of a nuclear explosion, as well as from enemy interceptors.

  1. MiG-31

With a speed of 3464 km/h. This aircraft, thanks to its most powerful engines, was able to develop such a speed at any altitude. The technical radar filling made it possible to control several aircraft over a fairly large area.

It's incredible, but this aircraft has been in service for 40 years and will serve the US Air Force for at least another 8 years. His speed is 3065 km/h, as well as technical characteristics and scope make it indispensable for the Air Force.

Top 4 passenger aircraft

  1. Tu-144

The legendary Soviet supersonic liner, had a speed of 2430 km/h. A truly fantastic result for that time among passenger aircraft. By the will of fate gave way to Concorde, which long time(until 2003) carried out passenger transatlantic flights.

If we talk about the projected passenger aircraft, this model deserves a place in the top. Even from the name it becomes clear that the future aircraft will overcome the speed of sound ( 2335 km/h). The aircraft will be designed for any category of passengers.

Reaches speed in 1153 km/h. The fastest civilian vessel with the status of a business aircraft. Used mainly as a private for wealthy businessmen and business people.

And, finally, the fastest scheduled passenger aircraft is an engineering masterpiece by Airbus. The latest aircraft, which, in addition to its speed, is also the world's largest double-deck airliner. Max speed: 1,020 km/h.

Military aircraft

The fastest military aircraft in the world can be called the Russian MiG-25 and the American SR-71. An interesting fact is that the Soviet fighter was created in fact to neutralize the American intelligence officer. The MiG set a lot of speed records of its time. The pilots who piloted this machine claimed that the aircraft was able to overcome the mark of Mach 3.5 (speed of sound). This value is greater than that of the American Blackbird. However, this is not documented anywhere. In turn, the SR-71 did not have sufficient reliability. In the entire history of its flights, a third of the vehicles produced have been lost.

Combat aircraft

Much has already been said about the champions of military aircraft in various years. The fastest combat aircraft currently in use is the MiG-31. The fighter is designed to destroy targets in the air at any altitude and in any weather conditions. It is not a problem for the machine to use thermal and radio interference by the enemy.

Designed to intercept cruise missiles. Nowadays, they are used in military conflicts to solve a wide range of tasks. For some time they were used as "special forces" in the Russian air defense forces.

The video shows the takeoff of this high-speed car

turboprop aircraft

A truly unique aircraft that has been in service since the distant 1952 (!) Years. The speed for that time was amazing - 924 km/h. Engines, with a capacity of 15,000 forces, set a Guinness record for screw engines. The aircraft is still in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces and performs a wide range of combat missions.

An interesting fact is that the speed of the Tu-95 is slightly less than the speed of the jet American B-52. The armament and technical characteristics of the aircraft make it possible to safely hit targets beyond the range of enemy radar equipment.

The relevance of the machine is also confirmed by its use in the military conflict in Syria, where the bomber regiment successfully completed a number of tasks assigned to it.

In conclusion, it should be noted that aircraft production technologies do not stand still. However, those aircraft that were discussed above will firmly take their place in the history of aircraft construction as advanced aircraft at that time. Who knows what records await humanity in the future, and what goals new hypersonic aircraft will fulfill. All this will show time.

Nowadays, speed is becoming more and more important for people. In the regions modern technologies and business wins the one who manages to do everything quickly.

In sports, too, it is not uncommon for the fastest to win. Today, it is not enough for a person to do everything quickly, he strives for even greater pace. Explore faster, invent faster, learn faster, drive faster, fly faster, after all. In this article we will talk about the 10 fastest aircraft.


This plane is definitely the speed leader. However, this hypersonic model is still considered experimental. This aircraft operates on a ramjet jet engine. X-43A - a drone (a person simply could not stand such a speed).

For the first time, an aircraft of this model took off in 2001, but unsuccessfully - the fuselage collapsed 11 seconds after takeoff. The second attempt was slightly more successful, but also ended in disaster. And finally, on the third attempt on November 16, 2004, the modernized X-43A reached an absolute record - 9.6 speeds of sound (11,200 km / h).


For the first time, engines from a rocket were installed on an aircraft of this particular model. The X-15 is currently the only manned supersonic aircraft capable of reaching upper layers stratosphere, as well as the world's fastest manned aircraft.

It first took off in 1959. Operated until 1970. The maximum record for this car is 7,272.63 km/h (6.70 times the speed of sound).


Lockheed SR-71 (also known as BlackBird) is one of the configurations of the American reconnaissance aircraft with unique properties and supersonic speed. He is able to fly at low speeds.

Was in service from 1964 to 1998. 32 copies of the SR-71 left the assembly line. What the Americans can boast about is that not a single such aircraft was shot down. BlackBird was mainly used during the Cold War for espionage in the USSR.

Soviet air defense installations, equipped with an auto-targeting function, simply were not able to focus on the target, because it flew at a speed of 3,530 km / h, which is 3.3 times the speed of sound. Lockheed also has a fairly high acceleration, the ability to quickly climb and excellent maneuverability: it easily dodges missiles, although, of course, a lot depends on the skill of the pilot.

Yet 12 aircraft crashed in accidents. Among the operated aircraft, he rightfully belongs to the first place.

Bell X-2

The purpose of the development of this aircraft is to study aerodynamics and expansion rates when heated. Only 2 copies were released. Housing material ( stainless steel in combination with copper-nickel alloys) made it possible to significantly reduce friction against air.

The first Starbuster took off in 1953. Current speed record of this type aircraft - 3,380 km / h (3 speeds of sound). Limit echelon - 38400 m.

XB-70 "Valkiria"

A bomber designed specifically for the needs of the US Air Force. Among the bombers is the fastest. Can carry a nuclear charge at a speed of 3,187 km/h.

It is the national pride of the United States. Like the previous participant in the rating, the XB-70 cannot boast of a large number - only 2 copies.


Yes, Soviet cars also fall into this list. This fighter-interceptor can safely be called a masterpiece of the aviation industry.

The MiG-25 was included in the Air Force of the Soviet Union, today it is actively used the Russian Federation. The release period is from 1969 to 1985. The speed record is 3,050 km/h (2.83 speeds of sound).


Soviet hypersonic interceptor fighter with a high flight range. Produced for the purpose of intercepting and destroying air targets at different echelons at various weather conditions. The MiG-31 is adapted for night flights. The release period is from 1975 to 1994. Speed ​​record - 3,005 km/h (2.82 speeds of sound)

Aardvark F111

Strategic bomber and reconnaissance aircraft. Entered the military register in 1967. The speed record is 2,655 km/h (2.5 speeds of sound). To date, it is not in operation.

F-15 Eagle

A strategic fighter specially designed for successful air combat. Participated in hostilities in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Palestine. Never been hit. The speed record is 2,650 km/h (2.5 speeds of sound).


The first hypersonic civil aircraft. First took off on December 31, 1968, 5 months ahead of its rival Arospatiale-BAC Concorde. On June 5, 1969, for the first time in history, a passenger airliner reached supersonic speed. Speed ​​record - 2,500 km / h.

Separately, mention should be made of Concorde. Although, unfortunately, this aircraft did not enter the Top 10, taking 11th place (with its maximum speed of 2,172 km / h), it can also be considered a unique achievement in the field of aircraft construction. Apart from the Tu-144 (which, by the way, is a plagiarism of the Concorde), this model is the only commercial supersonic aircraft.

A total of 20 copies were produced, of which 15 were sold to British Airways and Air France. Six of them were sold for the symbolic price of 1 pound or 1 franc.

Thus, military aircraft are the fastest aircraft in the world, while civil aviation falls only into the second ten of the rating.

Looking up at soaring or headlong diving birds, people dreamed of flying. The dream has long come true, and now the countries of the world are competing in the speed of their iron birds. Your attention is invited to the top of the fastest aircraft that existed in the history of aviation.

Military aircraft

The undoubted leaders in this category are unmanned aircraft, the absence of people on board which allows them to reach speeds that exceed the speed of sound by 20 times. So, in any case, it was stated in relation to the hypersonic developed by the American DARPA Falcon HTV, which is capable of accelerating to 220917 km / h. It would have been the fastest aircraft in the world, but it disappeared from the radar at 26 minutes into the flight, due to which the record cannot be counted, so another aircraft became the leader.

1st place receives the development of NASA - an experimental model. Its maximum speed reaches 11,200 km/h, which is about 10 times faster speed sound. This result was achieved by a ramjet engine. Thanks to the use of the outboard atmosphere to create fuel, the length of the apparatus is only 3.66 m, and the weight is 1270 kg. Only 3 units were produced.

2nd place takes X-15, which seriously lagged behind the previous device, if we talk about speed. Not exceeding 7272.63 km / h, this experimental rocket-plane for 40 years held the title of "the world's only manned hypersonic vehicle." The United States recognized all the flights he made, and there were 199 of them, suborbital, and, accordingly, the pilots, without noticing it, became astronauts. Such transformations would have continued further if in December 1970 its operation had not been terminated.

3rd place in the ranking given to another already discontinued aircraft, known as the "Blackbird", Lockheed SR-71. The strategic American reconnaissance aircraft with a maximum speed of only 3,700 km/h is surrounded by mysteries and curiosities. How, for example, what was the reason that none of the 32 issued copies was lost in combat? Or why the aircraft, the prototype of which was the R-12, having received the name RS, was renamed from light hand president in SR? It is known that for the production of the aircraft, 90% of the parts of which are made of titanium, purchases were made in the USSR, against which the device was used. One of the most aerodynamic stealth aircraft ever caught the attention of filmmakers and creators computer games who gladly made it part of the scenery.

4th place receives the Soviet MiG-25, which became the answer to the "black bird". The speed of this fighter-interceptor can reach 3395 km/h, but in actual operation it does not exceed 3000 km/h. Produced from 1969 to 1985. the aircraft is still in service in some countries. It owes such a long flight life to design features and high technical specifications. Advantages were given to him by several innovative ideas used in its production:

  • a special alloy of steel, aluminum and titanium;
  • a drone engine converted for a fighter jet;
  • 2 inclined keels, which reduced radar vulnerability.

On this model, 29 records were set, some of which have not been broken so far (height record).

5th place can be assigned, the speed of which is 3380 km / h. The United States became the birthplace of this experimental aircraft, where it was assigned the role of studying the aero- and thermodynamics of aircraft. The fate of the aircraft was unfortunate: both released models crashed, and the reasons were never established.

6th place rightfully occupies a high-altitude bomber, the development of which, together with the Black Drozd, led to the appearance of the Soviet MiG. The only aircraft that could drop bombs at a speed of 3219 km / h. Due to the shortsightedness of politicians and insufficient funding ( official version- toxic and expensive fuel) the project was closed, although some developments are still of interest, in particular:

  • movable forward fuselage for better visibility;
  • adjustable wingtips for greater aerodynamic performance.

7th place given to the Soviet T-4, which was produced from 1966 to 1974. The bomber-bomber, designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance and destroy strategic targets, was called "weaving" because of its weight of just over 100 tons. An aircraft in which many innovative technologies: from the "duck" aerodynamic design with a deviating nose of the fuselage and the latest electronic equipment to a remote engine monitoring system, they prophesied to become a "Russian miracle". This amazing aircraft even had a periscope to view the space around during the flight, because the nose cone was not glazed. However, the strike and reconnaissance complex was closed; the TU-160 aircraft was preferred to it.

This top 7 fastest aircraft, as you can see, mainly consists of experimental models or those that are no longer in service. If it were only about modern manned aircraft, in service or in operation, then the list of the 5 fastest aircraft would look like this:

  1. MiG-31;
  2. McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle;
  3. SU-24M;
  4. SU-27M.

Civil aircraft

Civil aviation often cannot compete with military aviation due to its relatively low speed, so below is the top of the fastest passenger aircraft.

1st place occupies, which developed speeds up to 2500 km / h. This aircraft at one time (late 1968) became the first supersonic passenger airliner in history. Of the 102 flights he made, 55 were passenger flights. However, its success was short-lived: 7 months after the start of commercial flights, it was taken out of service. The official reason for this was the accident of a prototype, but in fact the flights did not pay for themselves. In the USSR, on whose territory it was used, it was not the most accessible way trips.

2nd place given - to the second passenger liner that overcame sound barrier. The development of the giant aircraft, whose speed was 2330 km / h, was carried out simultaneously by 2 countries: England and France. A happier fate awaited him: 14 aircraft of this model were operated from 1976 to 2003. It is interesting that each country received 7 copies: 2 of which were bought by England for 2 pounds sterling, and France bought 3 of its own for 3 francs. But the volume of air travel began to decline rapidly, and the series of disasters that pursued the liner did not stop, and Concorde was decommissioned.

3rd place occupied being the largest jet passenger airliner. Compared to the 2 previous aircraft, it flies relatively slowly - at a speed of only 1020 km / h. But it was appreciated by such countries as the UK, France, Germany, China, the United Arab Emirates, Korea, Malaysia, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, even Russia ordered aircraft of this model.

In the near future, the global civil aviation is waiting for cardinal changes. Several aircraft are being prepared for release, which will undoubtedly force us to reconsider this top:

  • Tu-444, which will be capable of speeds up to 2125 km/h;
  • QSST, the speed of which will be 2200 km / h;
  • ZEHST, according to calculations, its speed will exceed 5000 km / h.

From the point of view of world history, man has just learned to fly, but significant progress has been made in this direction: the most safe view transport has become aviation, the cost of flights is becoming more affordable for the population, and the fastest plane in the world can fly around the planet in 5 hours around the equator! Latest achievements science and technology are embodied in civil and military aviation, the development of aircraft construction does not stop for a second. Speed ​​has always excited a person, excited the blood. In the sky, nothing prevents you from accelerating properly, and the human genius has managed to create a lot of high-speed aircraft.

The fastest passenger plane in the world

The fastest aircraft in civil aviation is the Soviet TU-144, whose maximum speed is 2430 km / h. Its development took place in the 60s, and the first flight was carried out on the eve of the New Year - December 31, 1968. Wikipedia reports that in this way the Soviet designers from the Tupolev bureau were 2 months ahead of the world premiere of the famous French Concorde. Five months later, at the beginning of June 1969, the Tu-144 conquered a new peak - at an altitude of 11 kilometers it developed a speed that exceeded the speed of sound. In total, 16 supersonic "carcasses" were built, in total more than two and a half thousand sorties were completed.

There were tragic moments in the biography of the supersonic TU-144. In June 1973, an aviation exhibition was held in France, which was attended by the brainchild of Tupolev Design Bureau. Performing a demonstration flight, the Russian aircraft performed an overly sharp maneuver, which caused its fall and the subsequent death of 6 crew members, as well as 8 people on the ground. The exact cause of the tragedy was not established, according to one version, the pilots from the USSR were confused by the appearance of the French Mirage, the purpose of which was to take a few photos. According to another version, while recording a documentary video in the cockpit, the commander of the ship, Major General V.N. Benderov dropped the camera and it jammed the steering column, which led to a fall.

The transportation of passengers using the TU-144 was unprofitable due to high costs for maintenance and refueling of the aircraft. The country's leadership had to draw conclusions about the need to suspend the transportation of citizens by supersonic. The fastest passenger aircraft in the world long years became the French Concorde, which transported more than 2 million people.

Hypersonic aircraft now predominate in military aviation, Russia, as the successor to the USSR, is also represented in the ranking of high-speed aircraft.

Top 10 fastest planes in the world

10th place: Su-27.

Soviet, and later Russian universal fighter, developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Wikipedia gives its adapted name used in NATO countries - Russian Flanker-B, which can be roughly translated as "Russian strike from the flank." A supersonic aircraft can exceed Mach speed by 2.5 times, reaching an incredible 2876 km/h.

For the first time in the history of the aircraft industry in Russia, remote system control, and jet thrust is created by two engines. Up to ten air-to-air missiles can be suspended at special points on the fuselage, they are provided with combat support by a stationary 30-mm cannon. At the moment, several modern modifications of the Sukhoi aircraft have been created; it has been in the service of the Russian Air Force for more than 35 years.

9th place: F-111 General Dynamics.

Tactical bomber in the service of the US Air Force until 1998. Able to accelerate in the sky up to 3060 km / h. When the first photos and videos of this aircraft were seen by the military, someone aptly joked, calling this aircraft an "anteater" for the elongated shape of the cockpit and its characteristic slope. This playful nickname stuck. Despite the cute name, the F-111 was a formidable carrier of deadly weapons:

  • up to 14.3 tons of portable bombs;
  • up to 9 air-to-air missiles, quickly mounted on special points;
  • multi-barreled cannon with a high rate of fire.

The main advantage of the Anteater was for the first time realized opportunity change the sweep of the wing.

8th place: F-15 Eagle McDonnell Douglas.

A real American hit air force, still faithfully serves the US military. It can reach speeds of up to 3065 kilometers per hour and currently has more than a hundred officially confirmed victories in air battles. He began his biography in 1976, when the first flight was made. According to the plan of the military leadership of the United States, it will be in active service with the country until 2025. Initially conceived to intercept enemy aircraft and create an advantage in the airspace. But the Strike modification turned the F-15 Eagle into a bomber as well. Armed with 11 missiles for air combat, a high-speed cannon of 20 mm caliber.

7th place: MiG-31.

Another representative of Soviet supersonic aircraft. It is capable of developing up to 3463 km/h, and its two powerful engines allow it to fly at hypersonic speeds both at low and high altitudes above the ground. In total, about 500 of these machines were produced, production was discontinued in 1994. Rocket equipment was quite serious:

  • four R-33 (heavy) class missiles to engage targets in the air;
  • or 6 lighter rockets of the R-37 class.

Combat support was provided by an automatic cannon with a caliber of 23 mm and a high rate of fire.

6th place: Valkyrie XB-70.

According to mythology, the Valkyrie delivered the souls of the soldiers who died in battle to Valhalla, and sometimes God alone allowed her to decide the outcome of the battle. This aircraft is also endowed with such functions - it could decide the outcome of the Cold War, if it went into a hot phase. Its wild hypersonic speed of 3672 km / h would allow it to break away from Soviet fighters, and its fuel supply allowed it to fly into the territory of the Soviet Union at a distance of up to 7 thousand km. and return without refueling. The strategic task of this death machine was the delivery of nuclear bombs and the destruction of ground targets. As conceived by the designers, the speed of the XB-70 was supposed to be greater than the speed of propagation of the shock and light waves from a nuclear explosion. This Cold War monster was released in the amount of 2 copies.

5th place: Starbuster Bell X-2.

The maximum acceleration of this car was 3912 km / h. It was built as part of an experimental American program after World War II. At the time of its first flight in 1954, it was the fastest aircraft in the world. The test failed. High speed was achieved, but the pilot performed an excessively sharp maneuver, and the car lost control. After this unsuccessful test, the program was frozen.

4th place: MiG-25.

The second representative of the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau in the ranking of the fastest jet aircraft. The main task that the military set before the designers was the ability to intercept the American sr-71 blackbird and any other manned and unmanned vehicles that flew relatively slowly. In real conditions, not a single "Blackbird" was shot down by the "twenty-fifth", but the car proved to be excellent in several local conflicts - such as the eight-year Iran-Iraq war, etc.

The MiG-25 is armed with four air-to-air missiles and is capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 25 km! In total, about 1000 aircraft of this type were built, many of the samples are still in service. different armies peace.

The three fastest planes on the planet

3rd place: YF-12 Lockheed.

The highest speed of the aircraft was 4100.4 km / h, so he successfully coped with the task conceived for him - to reach Mach 3.35. It was the YF-12 that became the prototype of the famous Blackbird. Clarence Johnson was commissioned to develop both the YF-12 and the SR-71. Outwardly, these machines are very similar, the only difference is that Lockheed is armed with three air-to-air missiles. To date, the Lockheed YF-12 remains the largest manned aircraft designed to intercept targets in the air.

2nd place: SR-71 Blackbird.

This aircraft was used for research purposes by NASA scientists and for reconnaissance by the US military. The aerial reconnaissance aircraft first flew in 1964. The innovative highlight of the machine was the use of Stels technology, which made it inaccessible to numerous interceptors. It is the fastest military aircraft in the world, reaching an incredible 4102.8 km/h. "Blackbird" collected intelligence over Cuba, Soviet Union and other countries using its superior speed. Throughout history, 32 "thrushes" have been designed and produced.

1st place: X-15 North American.

Leading the "top 10" is the fastest supersonic aircraft that can gain fantastic speed - 8201 km / h! This machine does not take off from airfields - its launch is carried out from a bomber in the air. The X-15 is practically a manned spacecraft, as it has already reached an altitude of 107 km and made a suborbital flight. It was designed as part of the program for the study of supersonic flight. This aircraft can land on its own, the landing strip is the flat bottom of a dried-up salt lake.

Having answered the question of what is the fastest aircraft in the world, we must mention another experimental model developed by specialists from the US National Space Agency. In fact, the fastest aircraft is the Kh-43A, which can fly at speeds up to 11,850 km/h! The test of this aircraft was first carried out in 2001 and ended in failure - the plane fell apart in the air. The second time this aircraft was tested 3 years later, in 2004 - this time the flight was successful. The speed of this fastest aircraft in the world would rightfully guarantee it the first place in the ranking, but the catch is that the X-43A is a high-speed drone, and our top 10 included only manned vehicles.


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