Separate bathroom in Khrushchev. Bathroom design in Khrushchev (real photos)

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A small toilet and bathroom is the lot of most apartments on the secondary housing market, so repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev seems to be a complex undertaking that requires a competent engineering and design approach.

Next, we will tell you how to repair a small bathroom, the photos in the gallery will tell you interesting ideas for creating a stylish interior. And of course, we will analyze the design features, color palette, layout and decoration of a small space so that it becomes not only beautiful and practical, but also as functional as possible.

Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev - what to pay special attention to

The more than modest size of the bathroom in Khrushchev spurs you to carefully think over ideas for repairs, sometimes use a non-standard approach and optimize every centimeter of the room area to the fullest. And first of all, you should decide whether the toilet with the bathroom will be separate or combined.

Separate bathroom in Khrushchev, the idea of ​​choosing plumbing

The redevelopment of a bathroom in Khrushchev mainly consists in the demolition of the wall between the rooms, which requires coordination according to a simplified system, but even such a redesign must be officially reflected in the property documents and plans of the BTI. If it is planned to install additional plumbing (washing machine, sink), which will increase water consumption, then project documentation will be required from an organization that has access to the SRO for this type of work.

It is advisable to make a bathroom combination in Khrushchev only if the family consists of 2-3 people. If there are children and the elderly in the house, then it is better to leave the bathroom and toilet separate.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, zoning with a low partition

Engineering Communication

Pipes for water supply, sewerage and ventilation in old houses are long in need of reconstruction. Therefore, the repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev, photo examples will suggest several practical options for how to plan the space, you should start with the revision and replacement of utilities.

To draw up a pipe diagram, draw a plan of the room, and arrange the plumbing - this will clearly help you figure out where you need to lead the taps for the bath, sink, toilet, typewriter, shower.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, examples of arranging plumbing

Important: When drawing up a diagram of engineering systems, do not forget to provide shut-off valves for each item of plumbing, so you will protect yourself from trouble in emergency situations.

A bathroom is a very specific room with a difficult microclimate, the main problem in which is temperature fluctuations and dampness, which contributes to the formation of fungi and mold. And here it is important to pay special attention to the ventilation of the room.

Firstly, it is good to clean the old passage, it is better if not an ordinary grill is installed in it, but an exhaust hood, which will provide forced ventilation. Secondly, the standard layout of the bathroom in Khrushchev provides for a window that opens onto the kitchen. In modern interiors, this opening is usually laid tightly. But if you approach the issue more competently and creatively, then it is recommended to leave the window, and even expand and install a window system with hinged or flap doors, which will provide additional ventilation.

The idea of ​​​​how to style a bathroom window in Khrushchev

How to close the sewer

The huge problem of the bathroom in Khrushchev is the sewer riser, which occupies an area of ​​​​approximately 350 * 350 + - 30 mm in the corner. In this case, there are two ways:

  • close the pipes with a drywall box with subsequent finishing, leaving hatches for inspecting valves and meters;
  • to make a built-in wardrobe around the pipes, with proper design, you can arrange shelves for household needs in it, which is more practical and economical, the doors will serve as a decor, with this approach, finishing is not required.

Bathroom in Khrushchev, a way to hide sewers and pipes

Pipe routing - installation nuances

We have already mentioned that the bathroom in Khrushchev has a common wall with the kitchen, so on one side, from below, a bundle of pipes for water and drain will stretch. These communications are usually sewn up with a box, with proper pipe routing, the height of the box is 200-220 mm, the depth is 180-200 mm, it is not advisable to make the box higher, since the protrusion will interfere and prevent the bathtub from being set to an ergonomic height.

Sometimes the height of the box is specially made 800-900 mm from the floor, then the protrusion serves as a shelf, but the size of the bathroom will not be 1600 mm - the maximum possible in Khrushchev, but you will have to limit yourself to a bath length of 1400 mm, or install a shower cabin.

Built-in cabinets for plumbing help hide pipes


Due to the difficult microclimate of the bathroom, it is recommended to pay special attention to the electrical wiring. Here it is important to calculate the thickness of the wire section depending on the load, and it is better to use a cable with copper conductors.

First of all, you need to draw up a diagram and note where it will be located:

  • main light source, auxiliary spotlights;
  • heaters (if any);
  • mirror lighting;
  • sockets for washing machine, hair dryer and other household appliances.

In accordance with the scheme, before laying tiles or cladding with other coating materials, it is necessary to make strobes in the walls, treat them with a primer, lay a cable and plaster. If the walls will be sheathed with panels or drywall, then chasing is not necessary. Before installing the crate, you can lay the wire in the corrugated pipe to protect it from moisture.

Advice: Fixtures for the bathroom should be special, with protective shades or gaskets that will prevent moisture from entering.


Waterproofing a bathroom in Khrushchev is perhaps the most crucial moment, the quality of the rest of the repair depends on this. Main steps:

  1. Lubricate all joints with a 100-200 mm approach to adjacent surfaces (especially the floor / wall junction) with bituminous mastic, glue with fiberglass.
  2. Cover the floor with roofing felt and glue it with a lamp, you can also use bituminous mastic or a cement-based waterproofing mixture of a coating type.
  3. When covering surfaces with moisture-resistant drywall, all joints and ends must be glued with tape and smeared with mastic.

Arrangement of plumbing - about principles and sizes

A compact bathroom in Khrushchev makes you look for ergonomic ways to arrange plumbing. Of course, in order to fit everything you need, you need to choose small items, and sometimes even an unusual shape.

Bathroom, photo, design in Khrushchev, how to choose the right plumbing

So, in a separate bathroom, you can install a large bathroom with additional functions, made in the form of a drop, angular or narrowed to one edge, a photo of the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev is presented below. A sink and a cabinet will fit nearby, and the smooth edge will not cause discomfort.

Repair of a separate bathroom in Khrushchev, an example of how to install a luxury bath

In a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, plumbing is placed according to a linear (one wall) or radial (all walls are involved) principle. Usually, one wall is short - 1650 mm, adjacent to it - 2070 mm, the door is set narrow, the total width of the opening is 700 mm. From the side of the door, where the bath will stand, leave 750-800 mm, on the other 500 mm, a narrow washing machine stands well against this wall, next to the toilet. A cabinet with a sink is installed close to the bathroom.

The interior of the combined bathroom in Khrushchev, linear arrangement of plumbing

So that the bath does not look bulky, it is better to make it built-in and tile it, so one surface will pass into another, breaking the boundaries of the room. For a bathroom in Khrushchev, a compact hanging toilet bowl and a sink on brackets no more than 400 mm wide are ideal, bedside tables, of course, are more functional, but they look massive.

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev, photo of competent placement of compact plumbing

Wall, ceiling, floor decoration

The choice of materials for cladding surfaces directly depends on the interior design of the bathroom in Khrushchev and the budget for repairs.

PVC panels - all the pros and cons

The most economical option is to finish with PVC panels, they do not rot, are easy to maintain, and reliable. A huge selection of colors, textures and patterns opens up possibilities for a wide variety of design solutions. Easy installation of strips allows you to make repairs with your own hands. But in order to sew up the walls with panels, it is necessary to make a crate that will “eat” 50 or even 100 mm on each side, which will make the already small bathroom even smaller. Usually, the ceiling is sheathed with plastic panels, and the rest of the bathroom surfaces are tiled.

The idea of ​​​​how to share a bathroom in Khrushchev without cluttering up the space

Tiles on the floor and walls

Finishing a bathroom in Khrushchev with tiles is a costly and troublesome event, but more practical and durable than PVC panels. Before finishing the walls should be leveled, primed with antiseptics. The floor is usually done at the end of the renovation.

For walls, you can use tiles with any texture, usually, to solve 2 problems at once, a smooth glossy surface is used, it is easy to clean, and the reflective properties visually increase the space. On the floor, it is better to lay tiles with a pebbled texture that does not slip, even if the surface is wet.

Radial arrangement of plumbing when installing a bath along the end wall

Other options or design features of a small bathroom

Of course, in addition to tiles and panels, wood, natural and artificial stone, textured plaster, painting and even wallpaper can be used in the design of the Khrushchev bathroom, but it is better to finish the wet area with moisture-resistant materials.

Loft-style bathroom design in Khrushchev

To make the room look more spacious, it is recommended to use light, pastel colors: sand, cream, beige, light green, blue, muted pink shades. Beige, white, sand are taken as the base color and the space is zoned with colored inserts, borders, art panels.

Repair of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, minimalism, small mosaic sizes make the interior graphic, but at the same time elegant

The classic option for repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev is the Art Nouveau interior. This design never goes out of fashion and is always relevant. Sand walls, finished with tiles or panels with a stone texture are very practical, they do not show drops of water and stains. And the curved, smooth lines of plumbing and furniture add comfort and elegance to the interior.

The interior of the bathroom in Khrushchev in the Art Nouveau style


Mirrors and glossy surfaces can change the geometry of a small bathroom in Khrushchev beyond recognition. Narrow vertical mirror inserts, alternating with tiles or other finishes, visually make the wall wider. Horizontal butt mirrors on adjacent walls add perspective to the interior and blur the boundaries of the room, see the photo below for an example.

Design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, mirrors in the interior

To make the bathroom in Khrushchev not only aesthetic, but also comfortable and functional, give up bulky plumbing, use glossy surfaces and a light palette in decoration. Built-in furniture will help close unsightly areas, allow you to use every centimeter of space and tie the interior together.

Choose objects with smooth angles, don't be afraid of creative solutions: mirrors, bright, accent spots, combinations of different textures. When designing a bathroom in Khrushchev, strictly adhere to the calculations when choosing and arranging plumbing. The bathroom should be comfortable and functional, but at the same time there should be free space for movement.

The most common buildings in our country are called Khrushchevs. Khrushchevka is a multi-storey apartment building, the apartments in which have a very poor layout compared to modern apartments. As a rule, after buying an apartment, new owners carry out a complete redevelopment to make the apartment as convenient and comfortable as possible. Bathrooms in such apartments are extremely small, and often there is no way to move the walls and make the space larger. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the arrangement of the bathroom with all responsibility, so that you do not have to remove some elements of plumbing, and the design turns out to be as functional as possible and, at the same time, be modern and interesting.

Since the space of the bathroom is only enough for the basic elements, it can be difficult to show all the imagination. Therefore, it is recommended that before starting the repair, create a project of the room so that all aspects of the repair are visible in advance.

The main problem is that you have to choose such elements so that they perform several functions at once. At the same time, unnecessary details are strictly prohibited.

To get more space, the majority of Khrushchev owners practice combining a bathroom and a toilet, if possible, a part of the corridor is often added.

The original layout is very inconvenient.

Way out of the situation and nuances:

  1. In the past, there was enough space in such a bathroom, however, in the modern world with the development of technology, this area is not enough. If there are 2 separate rooms for the bathroom and toilet, then they will be even smaller and more inconvenient.
  2. It seems that the combined idyll of these rooms is absolutely useless, but it is not. After redevelopment, the shape of the room changes, and it also appears possible to transfer communications.
  3. Many do not dare to redevelop and combine the bath, since the demolition of a capital brick wall requires large material expenditures, and few people can do this work with their own hands.
  4. The room becomes overloaded with communications, since all plumbing is located at a great distance from all risers, it is necessary to additionally install pipes and carry out several wiring.
  5. Some pipes are hidden in the walls. But this method can take a lot from an already insufficient area.

With the correct implementation of the method of hiding pipes, the space will be organized as ergonomically as possible and, at the same time, the walls will be aligned.

Comfortable bathroom in Khrushchev: layout

Bathrooms in old houses are not designed for extra details, as a rule, only plumbing can be located there, but now time dictates new rules and now a washing machine is becoming an indispensable element of the bathroom.

At the same time, they try to leave some free space for movement.

Basic Rules:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to replace the old bulky plumbing in the bathroom with new, more compact models. For example, an ordinary bathtub can be replaced by a corner type or, in general, a compact shower cabin.
  2. If you remove the wall between the bathroom and the toilet, a lot of free space will free up and it will be possible to place the plumbing in a different way.
  3. If there is a sink, it can be removed and a washing machine put in this place, having previously replaced the communications.
  4. The modern version of mounting the toilet to a certain height above the floor is very interesting, this technique will significantly expand the space and allow you to wash the floor under the toilet. So you can bring it as close to the wall as possible, the room will be a little empty.
  5. It is recommended to hide water pipes and other wiring in plasterboard structures that can be extended, and build small boxes for necessary things.
  6. Manufacturers have come up with modern models of flop washing machines.

Flop equipment can be installed on a high stand at about eye level for convenient use.

Self-repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev

The bathroom in Khrushchev has a special window.

It is also important to properly finish all surfaces in the room, because the bathroom is special, it has high humidity. Ordinary wallpaper is categorically unacceptable, because in high humidity they will quickly move away from the walls. There are several of the most popular and diverse materials that will make a durable finish.

Standard repair options:

  1. Before finishing the surface, it must be leveled; during the construction of Khrushchev, the walls were not leveled, so this is necessary.
  2. In a small bathroom, light tiles are placed on the walls, preferably with a reflective effect, which will significantly expand the space.
  3. All plumbing connections are sealed.
  4. Luminaires are recommended to be installed on a plasterboard surface previously fixed to the ceiling.
  5. The junction of the walls and ceiling is closed with a plastic corner, this will make the finish visually attractive and protect the corners of the ceiling.
  6. A cement screed is necessarily made on the floor and is also tiled either to match the walls or using light shades.
  7. All seams must be treated with an anti-mold and fungus agent, and everything is covered with silicone sealant.

It is also necessary to install various shelves and cabinets that are necessary in the bathroom so that all accessories are not in sight and do not litter the area.

We make a combined bathroom in Khrushchev: design and photo

In typical houses of the Khrushchev era, the bathroom and toilet were not combined.

It was preferable for the architect to create 2 very small rooms, in one there is only a toilet, and in the other a sink and a lying bath.

If you remove the wall, you can win some space. As a rule, after the demolition of the wall, it becomes possible to install a washing machine and other useful elements.

Nuances that must be remembered:

  1. Before the dismantling of the wall, the work is coordinated with the architectural service, and an official permission for demolition is obtained if the wall is load-bearing.
  2. If you replace an ordinary recumbent bath with a corner shower, you can save the maximum amount of usable space. The corner compact shower cabin is excellent in functionality.
  3. The flush tank from the toilet is also recommended to be mounted on the wall.

It is quite possible to create a modern bathroom design that is small in size, it is enough to follow the basic recommendations.

Is the sink above the bath convenient: photos and examples

Even for the smallest rooms, you can choose plumbing of any size and configuration.

Compact plumbing is very popular, because with it you can put into practice very interesting ideas, while the functionality does not suffer at all.

All small plumbing, made in different styles.

Useful nuances:

  1. If it is preferable to leave the bathroom, and not replace it with a shower, then the option of installing a compact sink above the bathroom is perfect. Thus, a lot of usable space is saved, and the sink does not fit in any way to take a bath and wash in the shower. Particularly interesting is the use of transformer plumbing, which can be folded according to various necessary characteristics.
  2. When placing some elements one above the other, the functionality will not change at all.
  3. Bulky sinks are absolutely not acceptable in a small room.

The washbasin can be chosen in a very original form.

Modern bathroom interior in Khrushchev

It is assumed that the interior of the bathroom will be made in a single stylistic direction.

There are a lot of styles, so it is easy to choose the right one for an individual case.

Bathroom remodeling is not difficult.

Styling description:

  1. The bathroom, made in a classic style, is dominated by granite, marble or artificial stone. Moreover, furniture and other decorative elements can also be made of this material or have the same color palette.
  2. The use of shelves and drawers is recommended only when the room is not heavily overloaded. The classic is most common in large bathrooms, but is also often found in Khrushchev.
  3. Country style is suitable for an economy class bath. Since in this direction natural inexpensive materials are mainly used.
  4. Retro style can be realized. If you add mahogany or oak to the finish. Furniture can also be wooden. Retro involves arranging small antique items, vases and jugs, and decorating the space with additional elements.

Ceramic tiles are considered the best option for the bathroom, gluing such tiles is not so difficult and you can do it yourself.

We are planning to repair a combined bathroom in Khrushchev: photo

The most common (School of Repair and Housing Problem) is the decoration of a joint room with ordinary tiles and panels, but you can also repair a combined bathroom using wood, natural or artificial stone, textured plaster, paint or wallpaper.

But, it is advisable to still use moisture-resistant materials, since the bathroom is a room with high humidity.

The use of mirrors and various glossy surfaces to repair the bathroom will significantly expand the space, while this technique can completely change the geometry of the room. Mirror mosaic is an unusual and bright design in the bathroom. Mirror inserts in the vertical direction, located between the tiles, will significantly increase the space. In this case, horizontally located mirror strips will erase the border.

A standard bathroom can become original if you place multi-level lamps.

Modern bathroom in Khrushchev (video)

A small apartment (as in a small family) can be finished no worse than rooms with a large space. You can equip it with taste, and combine functionality and beauty. Redevelopment is a great option for repairs in an apartment, due to which the footage of rooms can change for the better.

More recently, some fifty years ago, an apartment in the Khrushchev five-story building was the subject of dreams of many people in the USSR. Today, these houses are contemptuously called Khrushchevs. And, meanwhile, it is still quite possible to live in them. They are, of course, cramped and the bathrooms in them are combined, but still, these are well-appointed apartments.

The bathroom is a relaxation room for the proletariat

The most problematic place in Khrushchev's apartments is the bathroom. If all other premises allow you to easily accommodate them, then 5-6 square meters are in no way capable of accommodating everything that people are trying to shove there.

A bathtub, a sink, a washing machine, a bedside table for storing hygiene items and detergents should not fit in such a small area, but you need to place a toilet bowl somewhere, where without it. It would also be nice to have a basket for dirty laundry somewhere to insert.

In common sense, for most of our people, the bathroom is a place of relaxation, where a person can relax, lying in a warm bath, and maybe even sleep.

How can all this be in such a cramped room - the big question? However, if you approach this issue creatively, it turns out that not everything is as bad as it seems.

A combined bathroom is more of a plus than a minus

If you show a little imagination, then the solution to the problem will come by itself, and what seemed like a huge disadvantage yesterday, tomorrow will turn into a big plus. So, for example, everyone thinks that a combined bathroom is very inconvenient. Indeed, a bathroom and a toilet in the same room do not add enthusiasm to the inhabitants of the Khrushchev.

But if you think about it, the inconvenience here is not too big. The advantages of such a layout outweigh all possible disadvantages. Combining a bathroom and a toilet in one room, the designers got even one, but still not a very small and promising living space.

Rational organization of the bathroom

Looking at the photos of the bathroom in Khrushchev found on the Internet, you wonder how people managed to rationally organize this tiny space. Moreover, there are a lot of options for its organization. The main idea behind all these options is to place everything that is in the bathroom along the walls and, if possible, in two or even three levels.

That is, walls exist not only to divide one large room into several small ones and put something next to them (walls), but, if possible, to fix something on them that does not fit below . This opportunity appears as needed.

Initially, more or less rationally, a bathtub is installed in the bathroom, because it always stands against the wall, therefore, it, most often, does not take up a single extra centimeter of space in the bathroom. Many believe that since there is a small bathroom in Khrushchev, the sink can be donated by installing a washing machine in its place.

Washing machine in Khrushchev

In principle, this option is not so bad, though it will not be very convenient to wash, but a washing machine in the bathroom, in Khrushchev is always more important. Indeed, of all the premises of the apartment, only the bathroom and the kitchen are suitable for this, because they have the ability to connect to electricity, and to a source of cold water, and to sewerage.

Considering the scanty area of ​​​​the kitchen, and, generally speaking, the kitchenette (kitchen is somehow too strong a word), there is simply no other alternative than a bathroom to accommodate a washing machine. So for the sake of this super useful unit, minor inconveniences can be endured.

However, a creative approach to the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev is creative because it does not require sacrificing one convenience for the sake of another. That is, if desired, both the sink and the car can be combined without sacrificing a single centimeter of usable area.

This is done simply, the sink moves a little higher, and the washing machine is placed under it. Thus, thanks to a simple solution, like everything ingenious, it becomes possible to place two large objects at once on an area of ​​​​less than one square meter.

Another advantage of this placement will be the masking of the elbow of the pipe going from the sink to the sewer. By using walls in the organization of the bathroom interior, we get additional space. Following this principle and further, we replace the bedside table for storing hygiene items with a hanging cabinet, again, attaching it to the wall.

Dryer placement

Having coped with the task of installing a washing machine, you inevitably face another task, which is a consequence of solving the first one. Since the washing machine is installed for washing clothes, after the clothes are washed in the washing machine, they must be dried somewhere.

Usually, heated towel rails are used for this purpose. They are very convenient and are designed specifically for drying washed laundry, but it is not possible to dry something larger than a towel on them.

Therefore, compact clothes dryers mounted on the wall are widely used in our country. The placement of the toilet bowl in the bathroom should be such that, as a result of its installation, large gaps of space do not appear that are not used in any way and cannot be rationally used.

Toilet installation

To do this, you often have to change the old toilet and install a specialized corner or wall-mounted one. Both options allow you to save the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom. In one case, due to its installation in a corner, and in the other, due to the lack of a drain tank.

In both cases, the count goes to centimeters, maybe several tens of centimeters, but there are no trifles in organizing the bathroom space.

Corner, sit-down baths and showers

If all these measures did not lead to the expected result: significant savings in bathroom space, you can experiment with the bathroom. For example, remove the old large bath and put a corner or sitting. Of course, you will have to buy a new bath, which, quite possibly, will be less convenient than the old one, but everything that should be in it will fit in the bathroom.

If relaxation in the bath is of no value to you, then it would be best to remove it altogether and install a shower instead, which takes up very little space. Having spent quite a bit of time, you can choose the right option for a shower that will look beautiful and fit without any problems even in the smallest bathroom in Khrushchev.

In addition to a toilet, a washing machine, a sink and a bathtub, the person himself should also comfortably accommodate in the bathroom. Probably, looking far ahead, our designers once developed a bathroom in which a bathroom and a toilet are combined, in Khrushchev it turned out to be very useful.

Cosmetic renovation of the bathroom

The bathroom is one of those rooms in the house that forms the mood of a person in the morning, therefore, in order to not charge a person with negative energy, its interior should not cause negative emotions in a person.

Before you start redecorating the bathroom in Khrushchev, you need to draw up a general plan for the transformation of your bathroom. In addition to all of the above, you need to consider options for finishing the bathroom. So, for example, its walls and ceiling should be painted in light colors, the floor must be tiled.

Of course, each owner of his apartment is free to decide for himself what to do with it, and is full of his own ideas for a bathroom in his Khrushchev.

Photo of a bathroom in Khrushchev

This article will consider a combined bathroom in Khrushchev - design, repair, redevelopment and the main nuances of the work.

Repairing a combined bathroom in Khrushchev seems to be a rather difficult task, since the room is rather small, but it must accommodate both a bath (shower) and a toilet. If the walls of the bathroom were not previously soundproofed, this should be done during the renovation, and you will have to choose between high-quality soundproofing and additional centimeters of available space.

Bathroom in Khrushchev

Combined bathroom - design in Khrushchev

First of all, consider the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev:

  • The walls of the room are recommended to be finished with materials of pastel light shades., dark or bright colors will be appropriate only in individual elements.
    Saturated shades can enliven a space or bring a sense of mystery and comfort to it;
  • In order to visually expand the space, it is recommended to lay out tiles not along the entire height of the walls, and approximately at the level of 1.6-1.7 m from the floor. The edge of the laid tiles can be highlighted with a patterned border of glass or ceramic mosaics, and the area not occupied by the tiles is decorated with plaster;
  • The color of the floor is desirable to choose light gray, light blue or light brown..
    In general, when repairing a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, you should choose light colors as the main colors of the interior;
  • Items such as valves, faucets, hooks, faucets, towel warmers, etc. it is advisable to choose classic, able to harmoniously fit into the interior that a shared bathroom in Khrushchev will have after repair.

The main nuances of repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev

Design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev

In the case of a bathroom in Khrushchev, the repair will require the use of the most modern design and construction technologies, both in the case of finishing, and for the functional and engineering content of the bathroom. Bathrooms in Khrushchev have always been distinguished by a very small area, therefore, during execution, this room has to be rebuilt to the needs of a modern person.

Redevelopment of a bathroom in Khrushchev can be done in two ways:

  1. Replacing a massive bathtub with a small shower cabin;
  2. Acquisition of small-sized furniture and household appliances.

Both options are good in their own way, each of them can be usefully emphasized in the interior of the bathroom.

In addition, when repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev, you should pay special attention to utilities, which usually need to be completely replaced at the time of repair, and this applies not only to plumbing and pipes, but also to ventilation systems, since it is a poor-quality hood that leads to in the apartment mold and dampness.

The process of repairing a bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom example

It is almost impossible to expand a bathroom combined in Khrushchev without, so the repair itself usually consists in replacing plumbing, tiling the walls and floor, and replacing the door. Repairing a toilet in Khrushchev is associated with a number of difficulties due to the limited space of the room.

Therefore, it is desirable to select tiles of small sizes, visually expanding the space. The best option is a mosaic of different light shades.

Important: since the toilet is the only piece of furniture in the bathroom in Khrushchev, the finishing material is selected in accordance with its color - either to match the toilet or contrasting with it.

Bathroom interior

Consider the main stages of the repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev:

  1. The first step is to replace the door. During the construction of such houses, for some reason, the doors were made to open inward, which can be convenient only for very thin people, so it is better to install a new door so that it does not open inward, but outward.
    At the same time, it is important to monitor its compliance with various environmental standards and requirements, as well as resistance to abrasion and resistance to synthetic-based detergents and household disinfectants.
  2. The next stage of the repair is to replace the toilet bowl, more precisely, to dismantle it and close the sewer pipe hole with a plug. The toilet will be installed at the end of the renovation. It should be borne in mind that on the back wall of the bathroom in Khrushchev there is a whole system, including pipelines, a sewer riser, an inlet water tap, a water meter, etc. This not only interferes with cleaning in this part of the room, but also significantly spoils the appearance of the bathroom.

Repair example

Since this accumulation of pipes and various devices cannot be removed, it is necessary to close them, while providing the opportunity, if necessary, to get full access to them. For this, it is best to build a special cabinet. To do this, a wooden beam is attached to the side walls, to which finishing material, such as fiberboard, chipboard, drywall, plastic boards, etc., is attached at a distance of one meter from the ceiling and floor, after which the remaining distance is closed with a door.

On the side walls of the resulting cabinet, small shelves can be equipped on which personal hygiene items or household chemicals can be stored.

Useful: instead of a door, the cabinet can be closed with frosted glass, which will additionally decorate the bathroom.

  1. It is best to choose a tile as a finishing material, which is not only a traditional material, but also facilitates further cleaning and disinfection in the bathroom.
    The color and pattern of the tiles is chosen according to personal preferences, for example, the use of two colors of tiles looks quite attractive, when the darker lower part is emphasized by a bright border with a pattern in the form of small elements, which also further expands the room visually.

Tiles in the bathroom in Khrushchev

Important: tiling of walls, floors and ceilings must be carried out by a specialist with the necessary practical skills.

  1. After laying the tiles and drying the solution, you can proceed to the final stage of the repair - installing the toilet. The toilet bowl is fixed to the floor using the supplied special fasteners.

Important: it is undesirable to embed the base of the toilet bowl into the floor, because if it becomes necessary to replace it, the floor covering will be damaged as a result of dismantling.

That's all I wanted to talk about and its repair. With the right approach, this rather small room can be turned into a fairly convenient and comfortable one, allowing you to get a boost of energy in the morning and relax after a hard day.

To make such a restroom comfortable and beautiful, it is important to choose the right finish for the walls, floor and ceiling, as well as rationally arrange the plumbing.

Actually, the repair itself in the houses of the old Soviet construction is also carried out according to certain rules. Read below how to decorate a small Khrushchev bathroom, as well as how its design should be.

Bathroom finishing

You can decorate a compact Khrushchev bathroom with absolutely any moisture-resistant materials. Usually the walls are tiled or sheathed with PVC panels. Sometimes green drywall or mosaics are also used.


Important: To make the surfaces even, plastering is carried out according to beacons.

Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev. Photo of the wall alignment procedure

The tile is glued with preliminary marking. First, the walls are finished, then the ceiling and at the final stage the floor. The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel.

Advice: It is better to lay tiles on the floor diagonally or at an angle of 30 degrees. This will visually expand the room.

It is better to lay tiles on the floor of a small bathroom diagonally

Grouting is done with a matching color paste.

Finishing with plastic panels

The advantage of this material is that the alignment procedure before its installation is not necessary. This reduces repair time and reduces its cost.

Plastic panels are a great option for covering uneven surfaces in a Khrushchev bathroom

Repair of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev using PVC panels is done as follows:

  • A frame made of wooden slats 40x20 mm is attached to the walls.

Attach PVC panels to usually wooden frame

  • The ceiling plinth and corner elements are installed.
  • The floor plinth is installed.
  • To fix the panels, clamps or clips are used.

How to install plastic panels on clips

The same technology is used to repair a shared bathroom in Khrushchev.

Advice: The frame can be assembled not from rails, but from a special PVC profile. The risk of deformation of the crate as a result of exposure to moisture during its use will be reduced to zero.

Other materials

Mosaic is mounted in much the same way as tiles. Sticking is made on the leveled surface. GCR is sewn onto the frame. Plastering is done with a spatula in several layers.

The plaster is applied to drywall with a spatula in thin layers.

Arrangement of plumbing

The size of the bathroom in Khrushchev does not allow a particular turn around in terms of the placement of plumbing fixtures. Arrange them compactly, taking into account the standards of SNiP.

The minimum free space in front of the sink and bath is 70 cm, in front of the toilet bowl - 60 cm. The functional area next to the washing machine is 90 cm. The distance between the plumbing fixtures themselves is at least 25 cm.

Ways to install plumbing in a Khrushchev bathroom

If the door to the Khrushchev bathroom is located on a short wall, it is customary to install a bathtub or shower stall opposite it. If the entrance is arranged on a long one - a toilet bowl / sink group. The washing machine is usually placed in this case against the wall adjacent to the door.

Bathroom (design photo in Khrushchev). Opposite the door to the toilet, a sink and toilet are installed

Important: Moving the toilet from the riser is highly discouraged. Even a slight lengthening of the drain pipe will lead to frequent blockages.

The most suitable toilet option for a small Khrushchev bathroom is hanging. Bathtubs and showers are often installed in corners. The towel holder can be hung next to the sink.

Towel holder can be nailed next to the sink

The layout of the bathroom in Khrushchev, separate from the bathroom, is such that usually nothing can be put inside except for the toilet. However, if the width of the toilet is more than a meter, you can try to hang the sink on the wall.

In the Khrushchev toilet, you can try to place a small sink

What should be the design

The design of a combined bathroom in Khrushchev, as well as a separate one, is selected taking into account some recommendations. The main thing when choosing a design is to try to make the room as harmonious as possible.

The color scheme for finishing small bathrooms is usually light.

Idea: To keep the restroom from looking faded, you can use brighter colors. For example, orange, pink or blue. Often the bathrooms of Khrushchevs are also decorated with tiles of several different colors.

Photo design of a bathroom in Khrushchev. If desired, a small restroom can be decorated and brighter

It would be a good idea to decorate the interior of the combined bathroom in Khrushchev with a large number of mirrors. This will also increase the volume of the room. The lighting is bright.

The use of mirrors allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe small Khrushchev bathroom visually.

Idea: To diversify the interior of a small restroom, you can use plumbing of an unusual shape or color. Bathrooms with mosaic or tiled panels on the walls also look very interesting.

You can decorate the Khrushchev bathroom in an original way by installing unusual plumbing or decorating the walls with panels

The most suitable design options for Khrushchev bathrooms are minimalism and hi-tech. If desired, you can arrange a compact toilet in Provence or retro style.

Decoration in the style of minimalism

The characteristic features of this direction are discreet colors (beige, brown, gray) and a minimum of decorative elements. For wall decoration, plain tiles of no more than two different shades are suitable. Light fixtures of a modest design will look very good.

Divided restroom Khrushchev in the style of minimalism

Hi-tech style

When decorating such a restroom, a lot of mirrors, glass and chrome elements are used. The color scheme is usually not too catchy. Mostly grayscale. A great example of high-tech style restroom design:

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev. High-tech bathroom photo

Destination Provence

Shades in the "French" dressing room are used light, pastel. Walls are best finished with plain tiles, complemented by a border with a delicate pattern. Often mirrors and elegant lamps are hung in such bathrooms.

Idea: Put on a shelf under the sink or decorate plumbing "for porcelain". Hang curtains in a box or flower on the window.

Light colors, textiles and elegant decor are the characteristic features of the Provence style.

Retro style

The colors of such a restroom are usually dominated by brown, dark gray and white. In this case, the method of contrasts is widely used. For example, you can combine a brown wood-look hanging set with white walls, floors and ceilings. An example of a neat retro-style restroom:

Effective little bathroom. Photo of a combined restroom in Khrushchev in retro style

This method, by the way, is a good answer to the question of how to divide a combined restroom into zones.

Idea: If the set does not fit in the bathroom, you can simply harmoniously combine brown and white in the decoration.

Original retro bathroom decor in brown tones

When arranging a bathroom in Khrushchev, you should pay maximum attention to the selection of finishes, arrange the plumbing correctly and try to make the design in the same style. The result is a very beautiful and functional restroom.


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